HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-27, Page 3IATtczl ` 7, Wig A IIINT VOR BO1tteS, Some time ego there lived a gentle- men of iudolenthabitn'in. l±assex, who made it tp business ul waiter season to visit his friends extensively. After wearing otrt his \veloonu in his imme- clitato vioinity, he thought he would visit an old Quaker fri=nd, some twenty raises away who ilad been on old school• fellow of his. On his arrive' he was ttnrclielly received by the Quaker, he thinking his visitor bad taken pinch pains to come ito far to seta shim, he treated his friend with great attention and politeness fat several days, and as he clid not see arty sign, of his leaving, be became utte)et+y, but he snbrnitted to it with great patience till the mernirhf; of the next day, when he staid to hien : "My friend,I`m afraid thee will never vi••it are again," "Oh, yes, . shall,', said the visitor. • 4'1 lllave enjoyed my visit very ratan. . 1 shall oertah ly conte again," "Nay," sold the Quaker. 'eI think thee will never visit the again." "What mattes you think I will never 'come again?" asked the visitor. "If thee dost never leave," said the • Gtinaker, how canet then dome again 1" CIVILITY IS A FORTUNE. . Civility is a fortune itself, for a cour- teous man always succeeds well in life, and that even when persous of ability sometimes fail. The famous Dnlie of Marlboromeh is a casein ptriot. It was said of him by a contemporary, that his agreeable manners after converted tan euemy into a friend; and by another that it was more pleasing to be denied a favor by his grace than to receive one frotn another man. The gracious manner of Charles James Fox. preser- ved hits hone personal dislikes', even at a time when he was, politically the lama unpopular man in the kingdom. The history of the world is full such of examples of enooees obtained by civil- ity. The experience of every man fur- nishes, if we bat recall the past, fre- quentiustancee where coneiliatory;inan- ners havo rniade the fortunes of plly- sieiane, lawyers, divine's, politicians, merahauts, and indeed individuals) ofall pursuits. To men, civility is what beauty is to women ; it is a general passport to favor, a letter of introdue- tion, written in the language that every one nnderstante. Of two men, equal in other respects,. the courteous ono ha's twice the chance for fortune. A TURKEY LOSES 1-t[S CLOTHES WHILE DRUNK. A gentleman farmer visited his mar- '` Trot tawn recently, and anion; other things pnrcht9ed some rine and a pint of whi,icey. Fearing that the bottle might get broken on the way home, be placed it in the box containing the rice. When he reached hone and took the box from the punt; he Found that the stopple had got out of tho bottle, and rice and whiskey were thorou'rlyinixed. He dumped the centents of the b behiu,l thin been, and ie a short time, a huge turkey endue along, and, as he ,t'as lint ON particular as the farmer, lie gob- bled n'1 the inedicated rico. Shortly after this the farmer was greatly ser prised to find the turkey lying out he hind the been "lead as a door nail," aaTU1vowing ventra)1CR on the m'►n who. s:eld liitn whiskey rank enons;h to kill a turkey, he carried the bird into the house. The farther was soon after seise eerrying the naked bird --las every fea- ther was crone with the exception of wings and tails -out behind the stabie. where be left it on the. snow. The next morph"s; wh n be entered the 'stable. 'ie being tierdly light he detsptell what he th'lnalht was the ghost of that in- temperate turkey, and ennui almost :feel hie 11 air ri.4e ; but he Ina•le up hie wind to iavestigtate the 'matter a•)d boldly advanced. IPnevne hie twee lee 'on getting nearer, to discover the bird shivering or' the roost, anti iooki•1'g at. him wit' h reproachable eyes for having. stolen his clothes tvIdle helplessly drank. At last accounts the turkey was bottle a}R well as could be expected during that zero weather. SELLING C[I[ S +' WOAEN. The Chinese are, Se is well knotvn,irl the habit of selling their women in their awn country, and they continue the pleasant enittom, though not opent.v.rtf. :ter immigration) to our shares. Wo- rnleu are so pteet•ifal in the Olesti;iI Empire as to be constantly in excess of \the demand ; the market is, therefore, segnlarly glutted, and the nrttinary ar- ticle brings nothing ; indeed, cermet in many instances be given away. Toe contrary is the Case here, because Jnl:lrl on gnitting his native land, leaves his saffron sister behind FIR a nee(lless in- plimbrtnee; but he often regret's itef- tnr arrivttl,ovvi)g to the femitline scare. unless some of her relatives promptly ".Oh, woman in thine hours of same' furnish that amount. A Chiuese wo- your loafiy as limburger cheese." Unit man will not command such a figure when yon get on der ice nits skates, or for an honest purpose. and the uufore lemonade up and cintvn der south side tunato creature, fearing the fate she ie. of King Street, mit der striped stockings threatened with, has appealed to an Ion, I eau oly say Yuln, Yum. ' American family to bay her, promising' to render domestic servile for the ea-, vaned, It is sail the Chinese sell their wives in every town and city on the Pa- .oifio elope (their owu race being •the purchasers) where they line p � have a �' foothold, ae soon es they get tired of A+4 Y,1V uY:.r.a., g4LL IlL V.f:I .Fr,u W thorn or want to rlaisemsney, In some , ott,ses it is reported that they hypothe- cate their women, paying a certain rate a day for the accommodation, and the lender keeping the peticoated collateral until redeemed. Only the young and comparatively good-looking can be limned, as the oapitelists know that no ether kind will be ransomed. Many of the Cttlifnrnia newspapers are justly olainorini for the abolition of the Chin- o') slave trade. REMC)VA• L, �! RAU would remind his numerous 1 Castomers that he has removed to tbo shop formerly occupied bytir. Rona, whore be will bo found over renin to attend bo all business -w 1 4 YAWCOB SwACI LEFIAI\I:tn R'a SPEACH ON WOMEN. Neper Zitizons and Wiminens I have been oxpresly inwitod to un- dress you on dis si sploions Occasion. Cad on aokoundt of der unwelnoss of my healdtb, I havo inollygize to you, from der reason I was caught mid a coldt ccdt; nod my vroom say it was from aokoundt dot I schnore me so loud dot I schleep wide oben mit my clout. Und 1 fell like der wars test man as never vas, tlnd mine vrow she feel too so like. But neverdeiess, notwithstanding, too likewise, also, I hobs de remarks 1 shall remark will be sassagernotory to you all. As clic coldt has destroyed der silvery sweatiness of der tones of my voice,. shall h ave to spoke to you in a German silvery voice, ou the most in- dcrestiogest snbjoot know to man- dot'is Wemans 1 Why I have received do extinguished honor of spoken to you, I don't know, onleSs it was because I was a teethe more homely as dem oder fellers. I loaf my subject. I loaf de wire - mous. I loaf all der winitnens. It makes me notldings tifferonce apou t der age or Dolor. Mine moiler was a womane. Where would you and I be, of it was not for dor wolnrtns ? Peebles would bo migb by Retiree. I tole yon. Womans is pot in sickness, „ :'ot in wellness, goof all der vil,as. Who is dot ties up our head' when it aeries, and gives ns skyan beb- ber dee, and soaks our fent in bilen hot water but wotnitns? \Vh 1 invented riot mysterious dish heal' mit degl•n)g hair:, in ? Was it not wontans ? Yes! mann, it was, sir. I find me puna by insniten der history of the Unite 1 Sate det Eve was del First tvnnllan. Dot she was a rib malt of der slam' of Adorn -1 forgot his oder 'tome. she Beed to wore a pull back shirt made molt of fig leaves, tend one tae ii•ldtll w,'+11t tilt° tier garden ond to glilt be a bear tree to get some tlbt)lee to snake hit{ vr.e.v a biu1u bedding reit. Well veil tie went to roach for dem ab- bles, ht fell down lied struck mit Olte leg On b sine • of dot fence,und like to tnve his nail I i. Dan i!;ve she h9,d to get her own ttottkeu abbles, and ever since dirt tittle Womitll has been dei beet Irian of il'ar t eo, 'Co nee a L slain gtlndattion, I will sae r'f her : ti1O stunner Kewisnna Tiustn Pneegnrir, !t'li.csr, Aindt it?" Well, 1 bead situ. 0, RAU, Crediton, ATARRr3 ! CATARRH 11 USE The groat Sierra Nevada. Smoking Compound. The onlypositivo cure foriCatarrh yet discovered, PON SALE AT C. LUTZ'S CENTRAI, DRUG STORE. W, L, S11MITH, General Agent, Arkona, out. ly28 THE t' 1+ALL AND WIN TER TRADE 0. B®, hoott cg' Sou TA.aLOIis and CLOTF11Elta, Take pleasure to inform tb oinntbitantoof Exeter add surrounding country, that they havo lint ope,tod out an °xcclientassortment of 2'reeeds, Coatings, ratings etc., In thelatea t styles andpntberns,auclfool assured that in bntam atter ofolotbietg, they can salt the mostf nabidiou stastes. pAINTI.N U ! PAINTING J. HITCHING Is prepared to do all ?duds of„ HousePaiuting, Paver -hanging Whitening, i&c.' at:reasonable prices and pnnctnnlly. J. IiITCJIING, Main St Anter. l REMOVAL! RE1i0VAL1 RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! ?MOVALl'- REiOVAL! REMOVAL! P. FRAYNE has remove to bis new shop, lately occupied bg Perkins tC Co -two doors north of J. Grigg's book store, where you will And everything usually kept it a first-class harness establishment, which fey queIlby of material and slylo of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED Cn1t and examine nay stock before purchasing elsewhere. PETER FRAY NE. arble Works.1 e W, D. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PTEOES. FURNITURE TOPS. &o. Cemetery Werk of all kinds neatly execetrd. 5 Doers North of Drew's Dail, Mtlin, street, i EXNeTraille GRAY'S SPECII'C 11IED1CINE. TRADE MARK, heGroatinglisltTRADE MARK.Rentetiv,nn nutria ilia cure for Semi- nal Wen kuos Sperm ato r r b e n, ''At' I•npotnncy, andttll Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self Abuse, its less of Memory, = Leolr at the noble names of dor hie. Universal1,&snl- 3eforo Takingtade, Pain in the after Taking, tory of w nm:t n t 1 Look at Qu' ell Vin- Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, and tare'---ti'r noblest of deal .111 1! Leek at many other lliseases that lead to insr nity or Cnneulnption an,l :> Pretnaturo rave• ' 'uli m-uler Eve itt der garden ! Vell yen particulars in our p.Imphlet, which we desire to ne'+dint: 1 mit el,; her if limit teen to, live tlida't !re'.ui so much time to change her ,ireee as same of yen wim til ens (1'l. W tett inn went to der mere sond free by mail t.' every ono. fi The Specific Medicine is soldby ell druggists at -sl per package or six packages for y5. in. will be sent by mail on receipt of the stoney by addressing TRE &BAY 31ba1IC/NE CO„ INnsetn. ONT., CANADA, hs So1d in ]txeterby all ttrngeiat•s, and everv- she iltted to t'1,1r Alam to ynst Walt aiwhore in'Sanada.tnlthe United. State;l')ywhore entihltt of nii'tre:es-1 411110 she turned salt' and retail druggists. clan)* n tieN hien. Untl I bead you 4,45 I Christmas ,,, 1Comes but ,end a half it only heti; her 11 or S min. I1tes to diaster )n full (lrsss. Woman l once a year -but some iv 4 .' first in lav', der drat in ever, and der firttt in a dr,- goods store after' ; body's Birthday every ,ler 1) the 1:4oVe1'. She comforts n, f mit. good advice' null bls.andv of it; ex 1 day, and a present is al - cent when Nit's vn ),t wives ne a bialete of her mine, Reo' tu,'mher it was imp ways acceptable. year's burdv goon, mini yen fellers vbet don't got some 0011 • 'georlslless to neurt it woman ehe Cott 'll,t,ie love to you. Tent) veil old h,tenelrtr•s`cari seddle down ft), it, was an old aelvnrb dot a rolling amara wee (ler isnot of all evil. Bet dnu't merry any mutter -in-law. 0f any vett felletr,e got one; already you was endtitled t'i my oympath, of you mould use set. 1 belir'v;t in 'woman sufferers and woman's rights. She has a right to sine beset if she wallas to. The To- .•mita wimmittta ilse their rights to a we'd Illlrl.)nsn, in Til!akitlg a big push oil CIY :n 0: Remainder OF 0 �'R FANO GOODS TO B hi SOLD cliir Intemperance Qtliebion. Und I g a ley il, tr tv't �,•. 1 htt t• ill std to) ted have :t,.t lv .,t l tvnrt on dot es day deamit odeee dings. ity, and the otlnstn,nt demand . at very For it was gust as arofor aneedle to Itritr prierist. Ali Chew, ti cnmme;c,:'1 ere mita em,,lt niele nudtta to ,got der b:;- t NOW IS TIME 1't)BUY 'i.1''1'TI1: tngolian hi gen Pt'a:Idea's. ie ii.;'ti !e t , hial start hilt a wn)nttus'. You lcnryty Ay r]r1 o'' ;,..,,f wife.•• --the menet it, r, him riot was nttrse!f+ Wil') is der-, n A. ypp r 7. rl y� ii !•o! tl 14 ! 11..r i d l {gra^t, 1!t hie 1tr etl1ee. t 1 Ict)yt'1 'i :'+ +, '- ' r):;•rttar, tt'r dtlt has tletai a.l to •hake sae rGa'1-0410 1lt:Liil;y" C)n lI °.t:•..'t>a'+t 1> .• t .'u b'r1raG'thqhod.xbe his moiler after ell - lits twill fled lier foe' $81.51.1't. ee r:it.• ay.:. de cellar' do sr down ? -�4 L bo at'.of y..- '.9..)--; Itt 1 14clil. W 13LACKSIII ITII; ;11101? AT WIN- ci11 z.az,A. W.111110E::LNG > XIAtt,lstnof Exeter, )t a 4 k. oontnaextetttl bustrlossintlao * :`,j ° a�'vebranct 7 .... At Wino/wisest atnd is gine-• t Pared to dealt ,,,,4.1- 2. kindofbleok smithing work Irnrlc khtie- lugspe'11a1ly attended to, PrOrepmote, elrwapue'as and good work,lasrlwtier, Atiell solfotted, lc -ism W ,13 UCKINOICAM. FOR TO DOLLARS CAII we will • insert a seven -lino ath ert.soxnent ono week in a list of 282 weekly uowspt porn, or tour lines in & different list of 837.papers, 00 ton lines two weeks in a choice of eltin.I of four separate and distinot.liets containing from 70 to 1(.9 paps n.: each, or four linos one weelt in all font of the 00)a1111de, 01 ono line one toast in all six li:,tr combined, being mere than 10,0 pat( o tike have lists of papers by States throughout rho United States and ()anode, Semi 11) tants for our 100 page pamphlet. Address t P.11nWl:l.i, ai 00„ Newspaper Advertising ..larain, 10 r� aprue St, New York, • P. 8. -If you will send us tin ttt '<rs al a ll ilf dozed high -pricers. papers in n h c h stir v only aa- vertise JUST' NOW if a s>i,tisfar t,,,tv i t; riueem„r:t is made, wo will submit a prorrcr-ii inn, by return mail, which 'o th+nk will 1,1 ,0 y n elinins saved is money aarnotl• Send t l , c.f 01vi:rti8ii• went yon wili use and state in r .est 1=aper yen: you saw this, • + • A DAY to A lata oant .r; ttttr,fo • tin FIRESIDE "VISITOR, fe r tt', atal Out,. at Free. Address P. 0.1.0 i".Lit e, '{i. }t h t, 9t atuo. tryy All Elegant Chroinos, Mott-v,.,t . , or ' as- (,) sorted, Snowflake, Doyo,eke., ,t Birds Cards 100, NASSAU OAND Co., Nassau N."17. • f) f)rare and Beautiful chrome t ar Os, with name 10c•, postpaid. Goo, I, ItEED ds ca, xa5san Nrk, 1Ede�c lovely cards, nogalike,10eta., o lSchronic% i.illects, post-paid. J.13,gHHvsr. r'. Na.::son, $1%7amouth, nuderpensesgtt r ce otity t„+,nt (l1 outfit free. Sr1AW co, An tl_•tv.M t,t•. HEN SALL PORK PACKING HOUSE X0,00..0 At auction. 'l'ct uotnrnencti o;c' Monday,Dc'c,, :i.(zS , .1. r1 8 Ws0. McGioughiin of 1313 Dundas street, London, will on tilt above slate, offer his whole stuck, amounting to ovtlr kitty "'housantl Dollars, iat emotioti. ;Ind ttontinnt> thr. elate every clay, at two o'clock in the after.. noott s:td at 5,,vftt to foo evenixtgtturu:(t the til, Ince of the ,rehash -.-from the 1Iit1t to th,t :fiat f 1)aet0 t t lit; in rt 1 n plc 1 owl best steel: that hoz +(VC,' sutra olf.Tod. ttr' it e:'tblio at that own i'i•tc ;::, rant, :l;ri+,ryb'l 11.c•va, theg''O 1 lir in() best rim mitacture uteri oracle toil bc' Warr- c,d tt o. ,runri a.', if besot:tan bit oidia '1 r 'Ibis 1t, t rum chartco to i;ct, Ann gold and ttilt4.r can he,+ gold j,L^,wolx•y, Aeries,, plated ten -.3 anti tel e y goodsnt yoni.:,ten stir ori, l'ortt,ii t pent•. g tits Will art ,ate opportunity ((Ifni?. h e•tr+' , entrtltlr i t,nti f rim/ lt'.:w 3;t ar v 11901? at this �,tl<•. t,tt siert stoney fur this tanctir,tt---ant W, 1).: itlt t1i t TOI IILIN, 1 Mutimi sttr:u , imndou• ter 'v f:1'l:it. LOUR. and ortisT MILL, ticri•tintgrind-cotkingo'-t chis e.,.n;r riccnn't lrta,ii. , , .,1.•.• in gii.ti' c, pros il.:l nit.,. ,etou u,fl xrfll f e•tt 1t:1 t r'.'t t'. 1,1111.1E.11 it.t . f n,i the ortror,>'rtt reeno 'ainr•k 5 J 13'I;la `, l•utkery, ,D'''1,'11Y.' IS 1: (,.r , or at rail seem flax' I`'i CASH. t£ .i -Ps 3":ltt si' O. D T Tlil Sl„4ga. r6arb Sul". Door Blind 'FACT0RX, to cot inntit kart r ' Lard all kinds ' i 1 1lintt • barn and r.:t• t aril i ♦., ', 5 11• 1 :(i•• i i!akir.a. Jiy,.,ir:.: 1, ,,1 .1 r.:oho> J,rt'1ul t y eetti riUt;d t.,. 13IiILIII.Nt.Tti CON. TRACT.ED FOR, see c't' .,+.;. e-nixnni'nree/. As t -;u bees of. 10.:I r:..' r, drytn'':t!'.tr, wIt-t.'"8.41.6011 3['ety T.1:1:.1)s -L y1 la1>.i:3.L i85311. 21 .: Sas w Hating commence.. bltsine ' for the '^ Fall andWinterTrode 1 We aro prepared to purehatte Pori., subject to the following r.;:t:lnt "xt icy' 1 �l We will take off two pounds per hiul Ire d dry, and three pound 4f soft. S1 .lues •r +utrk, twenty-five cents. If any of bhp liar ;ttt it left in; 25 cents extra will bt.'ht'ilcic ,. { ALL - t h AND OOH L a, ALV D No pork will ,8e bought at any price -x.. -e- fr' it-�- . oma rr7, .1..1l IN 1 SA CT S AOEDuo to order. i. •..s=rubartheplace Pork Cuttings ' , i; 1 r ward, mals. ou handl at reatonablo rate,-;. We want all Hogs Cutting sr i t t1irsugh breast to head, and hams open , o ti: t,, tail, G. & J. Pi>'?Lt`IY. i .F' `Y Mowers and Reaper:, • WE OFFER L1. A °Foul celebrated Single Singe M OVvre 3'S -A - teape rs a all kintt1ott1 Grass and Grsin, ttt,1On all ouzi itioas ofsoilaudsurface, AND GUARANTEE SLTISF'AOrrION OR NO TALE We also oiler a Trial of our Wrought Iles, Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED RE4V,Ell As O MJWEJ ttaohiueseupvlied with free Pitmans, Two .)rag -bars, Two Finger -bare. Four Xniveft, Forked *oil Keyed. Nuts. Self•"oiler., etc.. can be oliaap;ted from Mmer co R4 t., Dcr AND 3i.l i'tP:'t R' TO 11; 0 iEII flyreino,raloifoit ur1 q'ill'intostealianttitiectt tuiRutt Limo. t'lease sell at oar" wttrki> at d in:l`ec Oils• slut 11;1!11s before at11'ttbn)3ra ,t. ,..,1 lxr; t.,e„l\vl.t.) ye.„ Send for :'Ila ante', }`tGi.3a'rfligti ,w W.II,LIAVS all, ii, 11 (l fit lr'11b1't)'' j f! *. 'ill' otfised. >r t;- q sus ii' tt?in a :r + sct7t9ttit 1 N � the hn.a ti t .l: . uthv cola. tatnecl in the ,F;;sttcdie tl bock ctr u . enttkrl F tis e, SNI, it t hitt TL1A t ` t 9e t tticc= 1 , 1. t nt ut iasis Riftita It t on roc i t of p r .. treats of?;xlaustrExhausted r irtttn. acethic, Nervot ttciI'htcttnlvel.tlt t •titi the ciellesa concomitant lila and untold petite:0 that i suit therefrom, :lad ccntn...s;Tern than8 (-ni inatpre- saripticres, any en, of which is worth the price ee the trek. Tea butkwaswritten byll most ex.. ivrtice and probably the most sl>ihuipractitioner In Arn-rira,towhom whsaw rc;ed r Nnldandjow.. 01101 medal Ly the batistes lredieni,ts.nciation.. A X'amphlet, illustrated with the very fines: Bn 1 hart and ( t mar. 5 vrl of art and beauty-• scut rItEN to alt Send for It at miro. Address TEA BODY 1t1IIDICALrt*• 11 INSTITUTE, No 4 Bul- us F y+ Ouch St., Boston. Mass. H ON 8 %ADA i'till GREATEST vvi, der of Modern ritrimes !folkways AOirrlyme t The VilIF Purify the B1 til 7 r t o ,.l,.li,iernera of the titer. Stomach hint (• I t t et.,and a t' invaluable in all c.uxi ' t u tt• incidental to 1 t.,n cz The Ointment is the only r-.itt -':Lt �eripfor Dna _ F,gip,01c1'• ouncla, Sores irr ' i::ctr ,of ?torr :'arliratn.nclini FM* strip l .tl.. t i ,:t1•nrin., !19b19, t; r:ut. Ehenntatisn , ntO tit tried ?..sinless, ,t hoe tic egoist. nr,-o'AR, ' 0] APAERICARI COUNTERFEITS. a t ui c rrtit>llytake 1ett c eocell ant nttot>• t1 r t,11,11,, t i b rage t o rnliv 1 t +'ant, that ec'o- c•,i in New Yo rc. 1 .01r•manc )inn-te tr r r. o o CtltrYli'S ine:1','Vr ICONS of my Pills t'he+.tofittnrlsle,irontheir label.; • ,(0,115,no in • ew York. s to 'lr,-r ms lieilic,'rea tr he sold in ant - r, it ,.4 'II... T7x,:)otl States. I hate un agents 1rNod ittnes ern only ntad° by me at Stiev t, London. iu bet,t u ,P dtt:!ettons affixed to the spur- 1 It 3- ic:nttien,wal•ningthe Public agtsinst. r i e: •oe:(•••(1 v•r1 by cr•Oniorfeits. ]1n slob be misled 1 0,0,1 a a (Ic 1`.1.,,TIA trick, as they etre the wan .torfoits t. •tin 1 to (Ianntetrat:. , •u t'iiits aro purcltn.sed byunlrinci- ,, ) t °ni• rlo at cue -half the price. ratty Pills and. tt :4'.1,1 51• inn astray s>'nuit o \tn,licin 0, 1 71101,t a+nest's, appeal to that st°t,Le 'f > •ntten n3 t ,•, t ft,4 sure T may vontl.rt ui>nn t :in,, frortt 11...1•0111".4. pfltS011t1.. to as81 f • ta, fad thy: 1'31(1 af';r as y lie in ti•cii p,rl;.tr,in'1ene:lneiui this n au( Frn ni. t i '', t an,. Bolt: of 51,, r t ''re is tae?. irr , 1i, F)ttti*h (Rete t inti t titre. v l FTcrToWt1"9 PILL!, t > tt cc tnrt• ,{ r e rt •ed thtrocft 0' tB T> tree - • .r., 0n01 011t•011 4t. net. I (.,ni 1,>,•r; n tha4.1:0 01t1,e ltit.'turvil . Dow 't'. 1 -1a MO', (1177 1t"lt, hettr'itij; it.iy efhv,' 'st r r., t 171'ttlr. ar: tiit'i, , I'1, z ' r 0,1-41. Pltit e ai 11 'lr•3}1'it• , a 5910 1 r: ;.••1,11 t.,,iraitt..•t, to or '11, 1. °(1. -Ail 't`i 1 ftli.tdt VA rd„ 1r .C. L,),}dett 1.:1 •04(5.4 irt);!i 1'