The Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 88 GRIGCG, BOOKSELLER AND STATION - es"• Llt. bens to advise of the annexed list of de- Ptartments w Miens will be found welt assorted and prices hn^dcr+ate; SQ11OOI. 13001► DBPA11:f'lb:i. T t The full Publie School list and prinoip,il books re.lttirod for }Lula Schools and Teee tors' 1941tru- ia.ttions, . STA Y DEPAlt'1.2,,f.I X ( i 1litvelopes, Note Papers, l• oolsoaps, Seals, Inks, Blank Buolta,1o. Printed Stationery supplied iu ont•autitius at low prices • NISCELL.! Ni';0OWBOOK. DF.PA1iT11112%1'T: Embraoing S.S. I:Abrarie-4, and S. School ,1tip- t'lios fin abated at Toronto rates. .F'.4,.‘70 t GOODS DEPARTMENT t",1oiee variety, suitable for vredding gifts and prese.atatt.ms, Wall t seers and Winddew Sleds bo OWL1ete,t by the 'list inst. (inose prices to dealers. Auy books sent post- paid, on receipt of Main Street, - - 'Exeter••. LOCAL NEWS,. THURSDAY, '1A11‘111 20, 1879. Exreasere: eeer. — Last night Harmony Lodge 1. '0. G. T„ held an entertainment in Femeou's Hall. Further particulars next week. (JeoWIlEn Our,—We . have received a letter from Mr. George .ioLeod.of Rotigerville, which has been unavoidably left ovee till next week. New BAII,Iree—Ou aecouut of ill .health, lir, Whertun Hodgson has reeigued the baitiffshio of the Fifth Division Court, which has been trausferredl to Mr. J. D. Ellis, of 1ieasall, Fon MANIToiA.—Mr. Greenway's party will leave for 'Manitoba by G. W. B. from Oeutralia on the 25th inst., freight, live stock and, pas- seugersgoing through to Emerson in 70 hours. OUT ON BAIL.—Mr. fatties Howey, who was last week o,tntnittedtc' Goaerich jail there to await bis trial at the Spring As*izes on it charge of bi;;atny, has been atlinittedt oa bail. He is 'at present living in E.teter. has always been noted for her piety; and she has taow gone where,p ae wielied copse from troubliug total the weary are at rest. 1)ecoesed was mother of Mrs. Jatutts Pickard, of Exeter, Mrs, Wan. 1'asswore of Usborne, avid Mr. R. Welsh, of Exeter, all of whom are highly re, spooled. Tho remains were interred in Aclaine' TITZ TIMES foie were speedily allayed, for we found on reading a line or two further down that, instead of being a Professor of Solenocs, or anybody in partionlar, he is merely --a dentist, and a very ordinary one at dist, except in his ownesthna tion, Now, Henry Rooney, inion cher gamin, yon charge Tun TIMES with insinuating that burying ground, one mile unit a quarter east of you were ashamed of the production of the five, Exeter, yesterday. The funeral wee largely and then you deny saying anything that could attended. cause such an impression. Even supposing SHOT WITHOUT A MOMENT'S WARNING, —It your denial to be founded on truth you ought was on Midday last the fatal shot was fired, to pardon us, for we really did think you were and without provocation the fout deed was ashamed of that dt!torinity, and generously done. He like other's in the neighborhood hastened to set you right before the public. where the uttlI'd Or was committed, was out en- But do you "not remember telling one of the joying the fresh air, which the humblest peass members of Tan Tonne staff that you advised ant whotoils every day for the bread which the numerate fathers of the child not to expose sustains his life, has as wudli right to breathe It to public, scrutiny, or in other words, not iu OUR SEWII\ G 1111C1=1INE St its the kingor queen. But murder was iu the publish it, and at the same time acting in soon.THREE SETS OF SC;1_T1ES--•-O;\T +' Iu'L..TI'OIl1i, heart of the one who cummittod this deed, a way that any intelligent observer wonlclhave FOUR SHOW CASES, TWO WRITING DESKS, SIX CHAIRS, FIVE S'T'OVES, TWO STOVES S: PIPES, ONE ALA1II1 DRAWER, ONE MIRRO &>,, THREE SIIANDELlEltS LAMPS, SPRINKLING CANS, PEG.FLOAT. BaldEEUPT 5.9, `K(V TT SALE. x SOUTIJCOTT'S BLOCK, EXETER, Special Auction Sale of shop fixtures on. 3ATURD.A,Y, MARCH 15, at 3 O'CLOCIE P. M. which he no doubt afterwards repented, and his accoessory, or the person who urged him on to oomniit the cold-blooded murder is not entirely free from the guilt,andqehould share in the puuisluuent He was standing in a pied, ition that prevented him from seeing his etio- u es who wore then plotting to deprive hitn of lifo. Taking advantage of this poste e, the murderer presented the death weapon, taking true aim, and a second or two hater the trigger was tripped, and with terrible bowie he fell to the ground a dead canine. The perpe• trator of this act was cited before the J. P., but settled the affair by paying over 414. The shot which killed the dog came very nearly,do- ing serious damage, the ball eutering the door of iter. Creaoll's house. "THE 'Inxsn rtr n CANAna."—This is tine title of an exceedingly" neatly printed and wells. hound book which has been Laid on our table. The author is Mr. Niulholas Flood Davin, the Cotecxrnnn.—The special services in the B. justly celebrated lawyer, lecturer,, and. jaur.aal- C. Unveil were brought to a clasp on Finlay ist—a gentleman wheee great scholastic attain-. evening after nearly two months' duration. meats and genius aro an droaluent to Canada, A goodly number haw's made a profession of the land of his adoption. Of the work before' Christianity during the moetiugs. its the leading newspapers in Canada, the REJiovElt.—Mr. Win. Jermyn and family Mali, Globe, Montreal Gazette, Free Press left Exeter on the nortlteren bound train yes- and others, have spoken in the most entllusi- terday morning for Kiutail, where he intends astir terms, and commend it to ell who desire lceepiug a store, We can confidently recon- to gain a thorough knowledge of the most iu mem] "13i:1" to the people he has gond to.tive teresting and important events in Canadian among, history, written in than easy and'flowntg etyle OUR SUPPLEMENT.—This week, in 'order to furnish our readers with all the particulars coucorning the new tariff, and to give the. .Budget Speech, we have, at considerable _ex- most valuable that has 3 -et appeared. •It . de- peuse, issued. a large stipplemeut,wvhicbwe have :serves the support not of the Irish alone, bit no doubt will be carefully peruse... Fun MANITOBA.—ii partyof about one Ilona of every cldassw+Mich In.•es an interest in the his- Fun .you were as muott ashamed of it as you ought to be, anti as yon would bo if you were not an insense par Raluret? Yen know, Henry Ruouey,.that we dill not hold you re- sponsible for the production—tbiuking there was only one idiot in town capable of writing; it; but,, deet' sir, since you feel offended at us for oar generous opinion of you, we are quite ;ready to admit that there ate two, and to apol- ogize to you for overrating your meatal capa- city, allowing you to share equally with the other one, the honor attaching to its paternity, ifb b more your wua 1 c care ram can ear .any honor than you think you already possess in your numerous professional (1) titles. We desired to cast the veil of charity over you, and shield you from the consequences of being con- sidered the author of that, insane letter ; but our good goes for naught; you won't permit us to do a geue'•ous not for you, and requite our kindness with language which is lucousisteut with your position among the Saboatlt School children and in the church. Oh ! base ingrati- tude—toy name is Henry Rooney, To refresh klwlry Iwutiuy's memory, we shall melltiuu another little statement lie matte when we, prompted by the very kindliest feelings to - weed him, pitying him in the helplessness begotten. of cllildisu simplicity, suggested to hila that he should publicly deny the au••hor- sllip of that letter, which many imputed to hien. Yuri know that you said, in a toile of Which has placed. Mr, Davin iu the 'freer lofty disdain that would have been terrib o ranks of the writers of the present day.. Ah >ti had it not bsen farcical, and which reminded contribution to Canadian literature, it, is the one so ulnae of a half-dead j:tekass jumping into a Rep's skiu aucl attempting to roar, that You wvure poorly indifferent to the opiudou the pulite of 1;;xeterlha:l about ybu--tdlatyou dlidu't consider them worthy of your notica—for- getting, for ilie moment, that these people tvllomu you cuudesesndl to honor by living;' among than, and on whom yea wunld fain look with such pruua ouutempt, are seute.•imcs Compelled to siismit to having td,cir teeth cleaned. by Yeo. As to who is the proprietor, or publisher, or editor of Tun TIMEe, if Henry Rooney will condescend to call around at this office surae day when he has a little spare titre red persons passed through Exeter. ou Tue Jay tory of the couutryaud iu the lives of this briili- fait men, some resting iu, their silent tombs. others happily in onr midst, who have con• tributed so mach towards waking the country what it is to day—who have fought its hutileet for the liberty of the people, and have gathered mound them a wietth is imperishable fame. 13ut the book is invaluable for the amount of information it imparts concerning the great struggles for the blestiii of of responsible goy - reach the parties for whom they are intended, ern cent—strogoles whichmarked the must call only be returned to the sender when the regneet to return is "printed on the corner of the euvelope." A. written request will not do. OrrICEns ELECTED.—On Friday night haat Mr. Westlake, of Loudon, visited. Exeter sod orgnized a lodge of Ontario Masons, to be (leery and the next time you undertake, in lege ,rlliun we cannot prize too dearlq, or cher two weeks labor, to hatch a letter, we advise night from Winghum, and several other stations on the Loudon, Huron & Bruce Rail- way,' to Manitoba. lir. Geo ge Tapson, of Ste • ben, and several others from this neigh- borhood iutend stating for Emerson on Tues- day nest. BEAR IN MIND. --Business men should make a note of the fact that the Postmaster -General has decided that letters mailed, which fail to eventful and iluilortaut era .0 Canadian his- tory. Mr. Davin writes of this period witil a fulness which can not bo futmcl ,n any (Abet puulietttiou, and this infol'matiofi alone manes the volume a ut cessity to every one who wishes iu have a thorough and accurate knowledge of styled the Mystic Lodge. The following en the; gtvat struggles which gtaiuecl for us a lhrivi- t..e oiicere elect: J. W. Browning, W. M. isle too jealously. It uaunat fail to lead to a you to submit the result of your incubation to A, J. Rollins, S. W. desire fur tue *tatty: of Canadian history among Rime person who understands grammar, be - J. P. Ross, J.W. H. Eilber, Treas. D. A. Roes, See. A. A. Hobkirk, S. D. Fansou, J. D. Jim, Baker., L G, Geo, McKay Tyler. CIRCULAR Post•AGE. --It is not .generally known among merchants and others Who have -told we presume he has a tittle occasionally —we shall be Most happy toimpartto bin any information he may desire. In conclusion, we have a lingering re•;ard for you, Bum •y, my oecasion to seed circulars through the P. 0., that where these are intended for local deliv- ery, that is, where they are to be delivered at tl e same Post Office at which they are mailed, the postage for each circular is only one-half Cent. FIRM COMPANY EIEarnic.—Defiance Fire Company No. 2 suet at the engine room on Friday night last. Several resignations of members who intend going to Manitoba were read and accepted. If the weather is favorable on the 4th pros, the engine will be takeu out fur practice, both old rind young. \Ve cannot too highly cause a poor latter, like a brad gun, is very ap- eulogize till; portion of the work. About the time of the publication of the volume a corre- to " kick," and hurt the man. at the butt end spoudent of a leading Toronto daily suggested that somebody should write a political history without political bias, and intimated that Hon. 1Vm, McDuuga.11 would be a good person to undertake it. Commenting on this suggestion. the Kingston News says :—"The con espoudeut iu question will find iu Mr. Davit's li itthwau iu Canada from chapter 0 to 13 ioelusive, a complete history o1 the 00nlltly from the eat li- est period up to confederation. In those chap - ere Mr. Davin siults the thle of his worts and gives au able and impartial resume of the coun- try's history." THE Docrolt OP SCIENCES, 'GAIN.—Agentle• man 1n towi,, who evideutly has very little regard for our " tenths faelinks," as Betsy Bobbets would say, has drawn our attention to a "gem" in the line of li.erature, which ap- peared i11 last week's issue of the I;lnorantus. The aforesaid effu..ioi, is signed" H. 1t. Abbott, L. D. S." The terminals "L. D S.—which we I z Tower.—Mrs James A,. Patterson, chief beg to inform onr readers are his professional engineer of the Credit Valley Railway, aud initials, though whetlldr he is a prufessiuual jig Mr. Alfred Wilson of the Canada Company, dancer or bate ballist deponent suyeth not-- palcl us a visit bast Saturday. Tht y were in shine forth in all the splendid magnificence of the village on business in connexion with the large capital letters, while his patronymic is betiding of the proposed zhew railway from clad in the more modest garb of smaller etapi- Woodstt ck to sfame point west of Exeter on taias—a distinction, by the w ty, which euggests Lake Huron by way of St. Marys and Exeter. to its the idea that thisperson, wheeverlte may Taal or Geonoi Mes'.—Mr. George 14fay, be, lite bite showman's ring-tailed. ntoukey, who, it will be remembered by our leaders, a considers his caudal appendage Lis most im- short time lig° was sept np to e'oderieh to await his trial on tt charge of aggravated as- stult preferred against ltiin by Mr. Jelin Try. Lir, was tried before Judge Squiers an I'tiday, Several witneseee from. Exeter gave evidence portant and "taking" part. 'rho public, we believe, are' nd t dispc sed to differ ham him in this, knowing that he, being on terms of the closest intimacy with himself, is well prepared to place a primer estimate upou his OW11 Vallis. in the ease. The de+eision was deferred till to- We hail determined nevor to reply seriously to il.ty, (Thursday) May swill being kept in psis- guy person whose grammar is bad, but Wo sup - on, pose ee trust depart from the obeervauee of TEMPERANCE Lacruna.—On Tuesday even- thus- rule in Henry, Iloonoy'r- cape, impelled so bee last Bev. J. N. Elliott, lecttu'er'. for the to do by that Moulage whjelh is over demanded Grand Divisio,t of. the Sims of 'Ieruperanee, by, greatiteset—whether foul cl itr a king's Deface, clslivered a leetnre ou the Scott feet in Janson' Hall. He wits favored with a good audience, and his 1• ettb'e was listened to with deep iu- txe-1, .frevue). lyree.iviug load appl tttso. The up:altter• detained his and mow till ft cumpare- tivuly lite hour. Bev. (r, A. itIitciell, B. A., tiserueut thus beaatifitlly decked out t " H. R. p,,it-isiod over the tuts babel du the capacity of ,Abbott, L. D. S., ltd: A„ .C, D. 13." Matthias chairman,' one'of a buzzard in titt1,:plantago of a Birth of tJoof Aohn.oe'i1rs Misty Welsh died at the Paradise. Duu't it? But that ie an awful titie resicience al her sou-i,i-haw, Err. Joules Pick- for a young man with rittdh .d 'plebeian. Mime as art, on 1tonday last,, the 17th of ifarelh Ilenl;y Rooney, and on looking oyer its mush of ;4L,1, Welsh was one or the oldest in. the startling am ray us our .eye eouhl take ht at ebitaots of this vieioity, It t g1%0 tears end 1 oiler, wy were appalled at the orcrept `' of lneet- 3 jha t,irlaa dila et the !hili ire the :.did 01 (Lott*. Ld,". .,.t our or in e scullei5, or in tt conceited teath-jsrker's plugging shop, As we have sail, the sig• nature it I -I. Dr Abbott, L.D.S. Wo thoog`tt we had seen that natfte somewhere botor,:•, and on opening Tux Mills :wve find it in his adtvcr- more than the one at the muzzle ; also have the printers correct their mistake, so that your signature may rend correctly—Harry Rooney Abbott, A. S. S.—yes, evou though every four - footed " ourfooted" thistle eater" in the couutry should hang itself for vury shame. Tata, sonny, till we meet again. Crediton. SP1ING Snows—The Crediton independent Spring slicer for the exhibition of stook will be held on the 14th of A.ptil. Liberal prizes are olfe, cd fur competition. N Iieneall. PURCHASED.—Mr. G. Petty line purchased the brick stot o and dwelling erected lust year by G. 1!ioerhardt, for the sutra of 41,203, TIwss are beginning to lot k better, and Mr. llatu,ie has got Ins• bar -room completed, and he expects to d., a good trade, that is if the Scott Act does not become law. WE have lied au additi,.tl to our population lately—Mrs. McMillan having presented her Mistimed ,vith a dintgbter on the first of .sfarolt- We must cuugratuale Cr.EEnc-tiii,au, this being the urst. A. StnuwwLS.—Elessrs. Charters, Fairbairn, I1iclfidttu and G. 0. Petty, are soaping prepare talons to build a sidewalk ate far as the 13. C. Chut•cit, on the south sidle of Main street. BuzLnnin.---T110 improvements in the way of hitildng will be equal to Iast year, and of a mo, e substantial turd durable material. Mr. It rtuitie with bis u -nal eutut poi e, is going to build a brick dwclliug, to cost about 41,51y0— also two s' ores witted will oust about 12,000. 1 lfr, s. 1• ah•bairu has cohttructed for a brick diwelliug fur Piaster Sadtet, to oust 68.00. Mr. Fairbaiu is going to build a brick dwelling for hi,udutf, avhich wfll co t about p,t3U0. 11ir: Sttphlir wan du,eude, ouildUaag it ti ,nue de el,tlig at a oust of }t450. Mr. Purdy is going to build a frame dwclliug, which will cost .t 0U0. ,B iTRIN tits. -With ilio remarkably good isleigb- t ing we have had this season, bniinest has beeii 1 pretty good., The two priecig•al industries of our vintage are the Pork Face ory and the S+aw- 1 twill, bout of which have done a good business I to the wadyof getting in supplies. Ilr. Wilsoltre !:yard is well fildocl w'.itlt logs, nud there••is iio cru bt bat the mill will run on bolt ,tune due. I g slia'flitiimtsr. T11e TtIit**, S. Petty .have pin" (teased one hundred. and sixtyfour thousand ive:Glut of I....is .tits steteo t, ttnttio,it two huhu. JOBBING OUT EVERY DAY AT 'TREMENDOUS SACRIFICES. red. thousand ! st sea•:on. A ha'ge quantity of t the pork has already been dbesso.l laud elhippod 1 to Laudon and ostler place•t along the Great Western. lir, Thomas Wilson is at present shipping a large gmuitity of cedar posts to Strathruy, which are to be used in paving the est etas of that town, -..o, s. - Blooming Hill. Fon iiLt rona.-Mr. John Hcury antifamily are now preparing to go' kr tilt distant west to Lew tut lur themselves, houses. on the prairie, • bvuudilsas icusiueautiful. He bus considerable capital, toil will cloubtlecs do well.. Besides these, Aluurt and A. himuietune purpose going the serotic or third week in April, who ern un- duubteatty din tltotutuives justice, es they are able -birdied and able -minded young men. They all have the sincere well whines .,f the people of tills vicinity. CAuonr.—Ou Thursday of last week Mr. P. Bola, of titin place. tracad ,t large wolverine, and shot it itt the swamp a.djaiulug. It was a very • large animal of tin., species, measuring 7 feet fh'aiu tip to tip, and weighing over 40 lbs. He had been mataug sad. salvoe among Lite sheep, causing many iuliucent dogs to saul'er death Ana transportation, but its the real perpetrator. of these trails Inas been ututgitt, all blame ou the canine is withdrawn by the injured parties. ERECTION,—The school board met some tune since and let by tender, the job of erecting n woodshed en 113e premises. The lowest unci itueept.' l tender was eutcredl by M. T. 13rituell, who isnow engaged 111 healing ttte material to the sitet, so ae to be ready for building when the frost is out. APPEARANCES of a good yield in full wheat now show themselves, as the wheat looks bet- ter than he many years previous to this time, 'tit; top being almost as long an0 green as w� sou sccu in the fall, when the. dreary wind bowled and whistlud,blewing the snow in eddy - nig gusts and covet lug the earth in a mantle of white. But now the covering is almost all waisted from beneath the melting rays of the lf,xch sun. and spriug is at onr doors readyto. stop iu 11.1 the plaice of winter, thus time flies ; the years uncounted ahuost in the bight, leav- ing the pest for pool contemplation and the future fall of aepiring hopes. or perhaps cast down by the turmoils sail cares of life. Granton.. THE HIGHWAY.—The roads in this section are alm••.t impassable. • What .has become of the hundred d,•dlars sub• scribed to gravel them ? Removgn.— e1 r. Shaw, our lumber merchant, has removed to Lncan. How dare he conte here without asking my lib. rty ; did he not know that 1 sold shingles ? GROCERY.- Mrs. Murray has opened out in the Grocery 'businetts here. May ,he prosper, despite the wishes of those who would delight to soe it otherwise. .t PILING SHOW.—WYe notice Dy. post- ers that the l3uidnit h Agricultural So cietty'tt Spring; Show wail! be held in Lit - can on the 17111 of April. 0tautuir, why is it thus? LLoTueE.—Mr. SEIe"ce lectnreti here a short time ago in favor of the Scutt Act, which is about to be submitted in this county. Nearly all site usual eroe d on such occasions here were preset. t. • ANNIVERsAItY.—"Phe bixtlt.anniversary "f :,'rt.wn D vi -ion S. of T. tt as cele- brated on Friday eevening last with an entertainment itt the Temperance Hall. Thula Web -ter, Grand Scribe, and Rev. Ar, t Dona: i, of Paris, Grand Chap- lain, idelivered atldies-et on the occe• -ion. 1l1te usual crowd and one or two ladies were present. ADViatrl ING.—The majority of our nlerchaut8 complain of business being extreutely dull iu,t now, The ranee, 1 judge, itt thaat they Move not yet Reim - ed the groat 8e01et of ttdvc.rtisirtg, They think it injudicious to invest money ter tlttat ptl, pose. I would 1ngtedt tit theta a cheap way of ad eeriising,vehiclt costs nothing stave brass. I+'irst of all, you ends. sign the temperance pledge fandswt'a,.t bitter enmity ttgniustall who are not, ever were, or ever will be vendors of the awcnrsed thing, 111111 confiscate till m -Lies Haat utny have sect tied to yon it) any e a.v by its Ino. fits, then unbuckle yonr 1 ewer jaw and I let it di)wn to the last hole and try to matte. your ltL t' uproar las lora; as pos- sible, then get some hind friend, if you don't know hon yourself, to head a eub- steri Riot] lied, and cauvtaas your section well for some object in c•iunexiou with the church to which you profess to be- long ; but be oureful not to go near the genuine members, whose office you usurp. Iu thin way you will probably raise hinds sufficient to get np a pres- entation to the minister, ttucl, of course, you a ill deal iu yo.u'own shop for the article which is not regarded for "ins itllliliSie %%alle SO moult, hilt ati a token o! esteem."Then seotl a lull report to all tl.e leading papers in the country, and you will get thoroughly advertised iu this way. 6. nay. Acemes r—Mr. Andrew Dougall, of Flay, had the misfortune to cut his foot on Ttte.il y, ,ltih inst.., while chopping wood, and her. Peter Munn cut his foot cn Tbtarsd .y, malting a gosh about five inches lung and very deep. I)t. IIc Dt•rtnit attended both the injured men who are rtcoverinn. SEXSMITII TEAMEB7ING AND a0'CIAL —A Tea meeting was held itt Sex,mittz C. M. Chutes Oil 'Tuesday 11th inst.. Conbiderhng the bad condition of the roads attendance wild good out as larger as was expected. The tniri,tels.aflti the.. Choir of Exeter did not arrive towing to 0,e state of the roads, After nn ex- ct•llett t Tao " a as served I11r. Robe, t Ltalnlnie took the choir, anti a pro- fitttruine of readings and recitations wits then given uy the j•fveniles, Misr t ] i ,,at,. Marioniou �Vhittft,rd presiding the 0,- gau. As a large amount of provisions was left over a S, cital was held on Fri- day evening and a collection taken up. After Tea lir. Duncan Taylor was elec- ted chairman. sunt tho following pro- gramtue was given which consisted of speeches, recitations, and readings, and, music by the saute choir. The pro- ceeds of the Tea meeting and the sub- scription amounted to $74 to be ap. plied to the liquidation of the Parson - lige debt. Com. Luean.►.�-. Fres.--The dtvelliog-house of Mr. IL. Hodgins, one tulle front here, with all its c••nt.ents, wat• burned to thegronnti 011 Tuesday ni•_ltt dufiug the absence• of the family. (3 -Lass BALL SHOOTING.—A shooting match came off at Mo•ireville a few days, ago between eight of that village for i prize of $8, at which the following scores wore made at glass hall+:—P. Curtains, 10; A. McNatnet, 8; R_Grlin- dy, 9;`0'D a yer, 8; J. Carey, 9; R. McNamee, 5; J. McNamee, 7; R. C. Thompson, 5. In shouting off the ties L. three shots each:—R. Grundy, 2; J. Carey, 1; A. McNamee, 8; A. O'Dwyer. of P. Curtain and A. 0 Dwyer then 8101 at four hails each, when the follow. iii se..r^tt were mnadet—P. Ctl'tatu, 4; A• O Dwwyer, 8. t Darius; af►tttrdav a number of lues- sages were received here by our grain dealers from parties who 1lad hitherto, procured their supplies from aor ors,. lilies, inquiring for grain olid pt'lsEs„ m.11 10 sotne distances offering an tide vrtuee on the ruling figure. Another instance of the offsets of the N, e.. t:itriff, wltieh shows plainly to healthy; tetaefi• n has already set in in ear own, tutu kets. Why all this ado about lighting, 081x' streettt ? Why empl.,y another 5111(1 to, do the work, which tl;e'bOuus mail flat- ly refuses to do :td ltarart of ditty ? 11 will yet be fresh in the memory of those interested' that Mr. Porte some titns, ago oreitteii la full' insert for the special Ilse of the villag;e,, the egnlgent rays of whish outshine any of Mr, Ediison's recent inventions. It lit nOW 011 the wane, btinp ore the last half, but as it is not expr<etetf to set uat:il the tncnth of July, it its yet lutniuons enotign to • ligi,t ap the streets for source tii.ue to, Cmfle.