HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 7hi,ar,;.I1 20, 1879
11A1;Looni Ti"At of AN o1110 GiRL: WIIN A Story comes from St. Petersburg
CLAIMS 'MAT slit. TAKES UUUASXONAL wlliph is pretty enough to bear repeat.
THUS TO ilk:A\'ISN. Not Intlg shwa a Government
functionary died in utter (1L44 lntila,
having without friends or relatives two
small oltildten, Otte of them was a
buy about seven years old, Alone,
lith ll� sir hs is that ut the young lairl 1e Hie-
tlorur fug fo rrbread,he wh1118,liLtpiece
ixilly Weber, will was repo!ttol to It ire t'f pttpet as R last resort the petition;
fallen in a 1''41tiosnee at a trews] in a Cxcr- ,.Please, pod stand mo tlu'(o copecks to
Luau Elpic„11,11 church of buy illy little sinter tL roll,” This he
the city lilt 441'4 )<. Th„ („,,,,,„1„0,4 not
matted to the nearest church to drop it
:diff' r BNse tstinily from t' flat :sem:. veers into an 14!!118 box. 14U11 start 1L 1)11 its
tsga i d o u (utsrinril f, tiro ill 111(.1\1,,,,b.,,(clay to heaven. A passing priest nee•
otlist.csharc:h, n•hin ttstt' oitvt rt, wronger tug h101 !tying to put the paper in the
1 „
t ,�Lll tett,
soling 1 new 111.111`) l
114 l i.
1 11 11 ,
) o 'L �<1 tern] u "'wren"' • In t
xt h .0 1 le t he
1 l Il
, I
•t• ' 1 is mailed 1)?
E(xpul l! onto 111 1 lF, l 1, 44 4rt•ted the l)Iuldreu to his li'tase, fed
A Drayton 04rre$llntid.tst of tho Ctn.
'canHari (','tnnter1' d t=n o: One of t 11
anomalies presented occasionally in ro.
/not tttl and net v 'u< excitement bnrond
:isle strength. or Itis Iohy-lc'tl ryst,•nt.
T. (Tr lido years theses int—educes seem to
lillLve In '1to,, Ili;$ (((4,ttt044, Solt f1•orll
time to tial" they ale 4 Lnti"11Cf11 11,4 410
Cttrrint[, furl t1,t.+ 0111144'11 whet' this last,
0114' trcc'nrre'I hats heti too 811U til• in.
stIl114t', e441h414 tlh' I),U4t fox yon'':. It
sir generally tertl,rli n '1 l:ittg, The c,,n •
'vert feel; the i•'tlne ice.; !,'r)t in fly steal
int; over hits). mud i. not affected i.e.
uuali +tt•Iv. It clings to hint end fill,
rig 41,111,1 "n toe nn" lian(l o it 11 premise..
earls"ttiette if Of! nee "'t: (111'alternative,
ante] i tete 441.11.' ' it11 !lire and eleorl4
forele ,lieq. of the lotus" if he re j•'cl5 it.
EICe! be, 111 his tutl'I'n)iev( of a fair p,'ni
tent, has dodo.%od vividly the (lifter.
fill• stages 1114011"11 tr11i4L the pri'•t'lrtI
passes, 1.144? &trot1 lett it most 11• jocose
vne1:i11(!ll('lt, tL"('1 tier awake 44' 11 t(4 the
ali4'll'.t t'tl)•'400 of '•C''(?erte rlt'tllre.
Tio' e' a of' the ?.'tuts lady in 1110
pre"rnt 1,I+tan!. 1,; ?Ply 4 1 1 111 1 14". 1111••
i8 a 1111_)411, ittt'•Ili 4, 114 ,.i 1 .4.18, With a
•str„n,;, 1.0(4 018 toltiper;tot0`t. 110 has
Tiph,•ni'I'•(l ite's•lf for a 1 111, 'itn,• f'I
'being i'.^"1,••ih4e tet filo prn)ni,o e.f toll
gtu'l, and cam- finally to re'ned herself
as 4a v,•ry %ick• !1 4•('4;1'11. Dor chief sin
seems to have horn that. she lov''r1 to
•tall< 1,t Chitral with 1114: v"111tte man,
and that the _,,,.I;, ,a t4' d llydvr•ri of
them and 0luthed then], The next
Sunday he preeoh((1 a sermon on char-
ity, tel which healluat'•dtothe incidents).
The 001100tion that followed amounted
to neatly $1,000.
AN r1SIA'L'1O 1.LUOl�.
'atom's `. to the 51,,'n
and Sewing Machine
Silverware, China and Delf ever seen in
the West, at
.IJP,IO'VrE sTonE.
Alr.11row has just received an excellent stock' f
Silver Tea Setts,.R u tter Goolers, Doublo and Single
Pickle Cruets, Cake Baslcots, Card iteceivers, Coin.
mullion Sot ts, otc.,of the Bost Quadruple send'rr hat.
Bate, and is offering the same at prices thatwnuld
11-iaving reocived a lot of now machinery, I
L 1 would inform the farmers of the sur.
rounding coualtl'). that I tin prepared to miane-
faotllre all kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and living
securer] the services of a first•elass Turner, I
am prepared to da
on the shortest notice, and for style and price
I defy oompetition. Always on hand a Sost-
etass stool: of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill
half a anile south of Exeter.
A. CO'rTL(.LL.
1, BUY.
Ho has just opened out a new and complete as- . Just Published, in a sealed Envelops.
aort,naut of China, Glass 014(1 od Stouo,res.
rice six touts.
tllooture oun thu Nature ,P:ontwent nndRadi-
s 1 f L ,s arrived. fall old ,
large stook o stn use C
g i j Y
yourself as to quality and thea )1088, Como ante 0ai000 1 of yau)lf A:(iS('. IH s, Involuntary
missi (U8,
1 p induced by Self -Abuse. Involuntary I'missieus,
'Ty our instruments, Musts Teacher still oo Impotency, Nervous Debility, and iutl,ediments
hand. Services atlowest figures. to marriage generally; Consumption Epiitt,eiy,
attention cal3odtr> tho Raymond menta Sowiu • u(. l its; Atonal mat Phystaal lucapacity,
y t• 131 ROBS= 1t 1 J. CULVEJI WALL, ? L. ., author Special attention of
LLohiue, Organs and Pianos unsurpassed f.•i• the "Crean Book,"&o.
ueauty of design, and duality of tone. The wo; ld renowned author in this admirable
Lecture, dearly proves from kis own experience
that the myna tonsocluenoes of Se,lf-Abuse may be
-effoctuslly removed without medicine, ante wish
mit clangorous surgical operations, bouglos,iustru•
iuouts„•iug,,'n oordi•,ls; poiutin; out a mode of
ours at moo oertain and effectual, Iry which every
sufferer, no matter what his erudition may be
may cure hit uself cheaplt , privet tely and radically.
1t ,Tabs Lecture will prove a boon to thousands
and trtousands.
Hoot, under soul, in a plain envelope, to any act,
dross, on receipt of six 001118, or two postage
TUB cVLwr;r.I,311,PI(•AL CO.
41 Ann st. New York,
P. O. B x 4.,86
The ,Afghan c'o'respondent to the
London News WI'ltkis :—Dire of the
sticks a village
114 to ere all the Tri AND
;.,ruin of a viilat:e shoo shore 18 danger
,L111' rel! Pu did froni the approach of an
enemy, and then to oonstruot a tomb
0o the surface, s0 as to give it (11e ap-
vont once ('f a h sly phase ; and tV[ohlttl-
40('daus have such reverence, fur these
zi,t'at4 or shrines that they would
ecaroely touch thele even if they k,.ew
11!aat rhes e vele stores o 'l:oe>Lled, &4
times of danger, lull oft ell the pro.
10 D tors are killed, or leave the spot
slit,] inever return, '4o that the treasure
is 1.)st forever. It i4 liu'>evu th'tt im-
mense wealth was; thus concealed ill
Delhi du dust tits nlnliny, and but 11
111a11 portion of it has es yet been
hound, but it, Would not nay to dti all
over the ground io 8eafell of such lust
valuables. The usual phut ')f scot ing
grail] stere is 1n largo jars, 14';rle(1 illi•
d•(,uround in the hooses. In the ba-
znttr its the fort here left. vecaut :once
rho=e tvllo h7d rcpo,inncrd reli;i•'n 1Ve crane to it, are many of these Tarts.
t tried the other slay to feel the but,
kite of one of them with it :,tick, and
it must have been al out five feet deep
at least, suggesting ,a strong resetn-
bl,t,ce to the buried :jars found by Dr
laehliesnarin at Ili;n:,rlik.
801u401 her. '11110 811141110 lel,rll) hnfolr
her om,v*'rsi•,n, in the midst of her
met I y-mnicin 1, While attic ro soli ',et one of
thew ret iv tl<. Y itr " eieking" 0.1)11" ovl'r
her. Ilp,' l;1luhtnr C (I(lI(4 Ind, tot wa+
.ttcc"nln hien trills 4448414, 14(411 a4 elle
elf 11 1418 1 111s nil:l,I her feelings rife,.
V'Pll'ell her ft rim sleeping. 'Phe next
ehty,e:lla could do no work, elves fur
1101 him! ('xC0(,t to think of her own
inisernb'e n •u(T'inn. She attended 114
The study, of the English langnage
rlleetilt'1 nertin that 111 c11f, 4417'1 the next
1111,? become a [104slnll among She in-
u1,1y Wnti 1t rrt>Pti(in" of the exp"rtrnee ts•lligent natives of locust. Their tuns
aF the ,1111' nrecidtty 1]1'11)4 levy of it is womb -Ifni. Here is a spe-
e1 elle pre!pol'ied her'+„If 111 clni'•eh Heft.'` O1We11--it is a litter mitten by a na-
eshangtp,l, having taken little or no
live military DIV; ;al to Li command
i(1o11t'isllnlent sI^ce the sillkil>q came 'ill,,,f 'officer : "Hnnorrtl sir — Halving
Durr her, Its this!rrvedition t hr lens been alnpula!ed free my family for
led t•' th+altar, resting on Ihr a,'ms of .`ogle years, and a• I have complaints
1 Wo Fir,•d4( and thPrr, rt 1111)T tl P cum- of the abdomen, coupled lith great
bitted inilnel'cr of the hi seine and the
conflaai.ioions of the internale, and
11rnv1'1g, 1111 int411 8. 4'XlllIe!11P,it clime prostration for all desire for Work, with
over )ter, ,81,P prnyP,l Roti 14 g all I also the disgorging or my (limier, 1;
can :her,v that silenced all nthrra in 11i"pe your hi4hne,is will excti me at-
tendingthPi+ ntr�n!ion to her. In the midst on
at elderly roosts for ten or nine
4411 this Ale ,+n(lelenly 84rnna u", and ttt,'re days, and, in duty bound, shall
an exclnm1L 1I)1l of
ever pray fur the salubrity of your
pering nn, ai!h
411, re. temper stud the enlargement of your
raptors,. fell over in 1. feint.
sinsin«1 in the twee), ecions en clition
t11nt f'.il„turd rot. nine boort. At first A prairie-7—ed—its—)—r gut, hi—Tante mixed
efforts were made to erenoe then], het with the avoirdupois' by the compositor
these prnviog nn.nePP:14gl they were-
aul the item read ; "Mrs, Jones pre-
aband'(nerl. TIP” li•14)44 rrm',inrd rlas- seoted her hnsbILld, O t. 9 • with a 31
VMC (111'111« t1144 entire 114;+1'1,(1, 'a cmll4 of pnuucl boy,"
Itnnleil, sa 111,ite'1 011 Lor lips, 'and a When the lights are low and a fellow
bright color tints rl her cheeks.
When elle 11ty"1</' SITS told her midi-
Occupies the same big rocking -chair
with his girl, how he doss 01511 he was
tura that she had been in Proven. and at the North Tole, 44 here it would be
deserihn'l in glowing tering ir,1 at,penr•sex months till morning.
oder, 11)0 !meet..tool ilu' �`ItajM, who The saddest time, we think, 111 y011l}g
hail "114krn to )ler, and neveled „lel ac ,
quoin'si'era ash(, 11„(1 dirt] ven.rs tL1In. rna11 s life is when his girl 13(1 Ib that
and who, on her rot .1.n. intimated her alto wants her ohs tette:�, and that he
with n1eahltt'4'M to her li Vi,lt; '1e111'tv(+s. can have his fifty -cent diamond eat rings
upon application.
ncraonnt. lull frost i,lfdnrnp t on the
y011'' er Porti 'n of lit, Cnlltyray51.ti(111
eQI)Prielly. and 8140 Iota 3„ntiuned to
'take nit eetivn nest in the revival meet-
ings !tering held ,It the church.
A Woman's Logic.
. "It, l4 nse'1a4s t.rl 1,1)1- medicine, I
nhall fool hotter to-morrow,13"sides, I
eed tate money to o, t 1 hnt lovely nest
hat. lily o,d one is such a fright, and
'people will look more at ley bonnet
than they will et 11)y face. I will wail
till I feel t1 nrcr 111 f'wo 1 spend my
'Jemmy for nr'd.cino," 'I'he new bon-
net is pnr'rhal:e(1 11,11(1 fl ft • (ether feini
nine Boras crtru44 in the f re) "f ribbons,
lave`, holm -lies. etc. 1\[4ILn4Vhlle the
lady's face becn(1'oft 1'v1'r' do.y polio
and I hinne(•, 1111.1 hoe b 'dy weaker, Ins-
til di -ease 11)Ly glinted so firm a foot
110111 in 11'') eyed esti. dolt thn most, thor-
ough, end oftentimes i4 l nig tan(1 14th
one, 00(11•-. of 411 )4 meld le i eees8411'y to
restore 1u'/ to heelth. Lrd!ett, attend
to you, health bolill•P y''11 ovee iilinl< of ,
iippno el. A fre11li, 1)1 'owing furl: iiia Cray s Syrup cures the worst •orms of Coughs
toad Lohls,
plain b 'n',wt 18 /MI ulSniper a"(1 fat' Gray's Syrup emus Sore Throat and hoarse
mole 811111.6 lilt; to your gontletnP)) 11W(s.
friends, then a ;min -worst, diseased Gray's Syrup gives immediate relief in Bison•
face in the nn,st rllbrirete aud elegant ehitis
hot your milliner could devise, DI'.
Piel'ce's f•tv,)1'its 111'04d1'tt)lio44 1s every.
whine acknowledged to be the stolid•
aril remedy for rAmmo onnlj(laints and
weaknesses, It is sold by druggists.
Its Sou are suffering with a cold, da not fail
to try }IAc1Anv'$ PN:c1'onAL BALSAM; it 18
doily. relieving its hundreds throughout our
Dominion. It is ulea>'aut and palatable. For
sale by 1)r. C. Lutz, Exeter,
MILLnlun,o.s P. 0., TUDOR, ONr,
'A 1lnuisn.—Coustaut ariechug at the hill
of life, perpetual less of vital force, will drag
the strongest Mali to the dust ; it is manifest,
therefore, that tho system must be kept sup-
plied with a due amount of oxy,lizable phos-
phorus, The pleasantest and most palatablo
way iu which it can be iutrodecod into the
system. is by the use of Vicronl,4 Eirrornes-
2)11r118, which is the greatest brain, blood and
terve food in the world. For sale by Dr. C.
Lutz, Exeter.
MAlttiltoii 18 a eolteuu thing—a choice for
life; be careful in t'oe choosing. And be care -
tut in choosing a remedy for female eons -
plaints. Ile sure to ask ,your dun er for
'1 111XA Beene null Uvi U11141. It is now extolls-
ively pre se ibod by all re.s111etable physicians.
Bright's disease of the ltiduuV, diabetes, etc.,
!nay be overcome by the 13ueliu if taken in
tune. For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter.
Gras's Syrup is the best medicine for Asthma.
Gray's Syrup relieves Croup and Whooping
Gray's Syrup is htvabtablc in the last stages; o
Sold everywhere, Pric'+, 25 cents.
THE Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter ani the rrouuding 001n -
try, that be has oprnod a TIN and S t'0Yr1 DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. (1.
A. 'Maces Grocery and ilignor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p. opal eel to fill all erde, t=
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
At, Manufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practic'11
workmen ou the premises.
Eave-Troughingdone to order, ('arriae•e Plating a 4ueehLlty. Goal oil Chimneys, tile
very best and none Cheaper.
Intending purchasers will always find me at my pos , ready to attend to my own business,
and prepared at all tints to treat eastoiners courteously and supply them with a good and
cheap arida o, Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your money.
The very highest price iu Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins,.
Exeter P 0, 0etoljer 151877.
Mc C 11. EL LAN D
1--2-..TFE R.
New White Shirts,
New Collars & Shirts,
New Collars,
New Scarfs & Ties,
New Mk Hdkfs,
&c., &c., SCC., SCC.
Headquarters for
All bought at right prioes—will be sold cheap.
Fsa(►rsti't Bleok, opposite Sanawell Jr, Piekard's 4l2xoter
Haying commenced business fur the
Fail andWintertrade
\Ve are prer'ared t(' pnlehase any quantity of
Poi k, snuject to the following regulations:
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and three pound if tuft. Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five cents. If any rf the hong gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted.
No pork will be bought at any price if
SALT A .(�r:. S
—AND- - -
Pork Cuttings
on hand at res*enable rates.
We want all Hogs Cutting sriglit through
breast to head, aucl .Hams opened out to tail.
Cr. dt J. PETTY.
Mowers and Reapers.
of ourselebrated
Single Mowers
Singe Reapers
a all kind4ot Grass and Grein,audon all con
'Mous of soil and a arface,
011 NO S.4LL
Wo also oder a Triol of our Wrought Ixos
Two Har
l[eLebit<essupplied with
.1.!w0 PltT1)1itls,
1'wo .Drag -bars,
Two Finger•bartt.
Four Knives,
Forked and Keyed,
N nts.
Self -oilers,
ate.. to.
can be changed. frcin Mower
co Reaaer
ilyrotnovuluffour bolts, an tear 8ltanllttCon
]:'lease call at, our WOl l(8 aril 4141 00
our Machines before purchasing .
Send for Oatalognos.
THOMPSON St maxillas
Manufacturing Co., Str'itfa,t.d4