HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 67:i1VS MICHAEL CARGRAVE'S HARVEST. cHAPTER I.—continued. 001(11XN"rall (MOUND. No; he would not do evil that gond inight 01181.10 ; he would purchase tide. ty at Emelt a price. The scree he plented he should nut aread to stql eprout, Other sirens besides those who dwell on the silver sands and sing their songs by the margins of rivers there are who lore men to deetruction. Temptetimi elm eseumee. then and forme, and appear iu as many dis guieee ; hut 118 l'Agartled this seduetien Itlielotel Gargrave, now clearly nutter etandiete its. nature, wee not to be drawn into yielaing tit it, "No ;" he said, finally drafting a long breetb, like tem who after ell. comae' iiig etttne great danger realizes. time he !tee nt Ia't escaped it. "How. ever, it 'nay g ) \vitli me, 1 wi 1 not ea ve myself by nutting her all in jettis' deo" mid with et any further heeitatimi, be re4limeil his eeat at the table, opened e drawer, took ont Due sheet of note- paper :Intl tine envelope, told was n1300 tu lay hoth on his hIoltiitg-F»L e het he noticed the stet.) in it, e hich litre evidence to the length and intensity of the late flay. With an inn ali?Ilt ilesturo —t he g - tut e of one who, in the habit of keep jug him elf well in 11111/d, 1.4 (litlallqt(01 to find be has nueonscieuely lirttee bonielst—he cut 1 ff t Itt sheete so men treated, and, teering them into small pietee, threw them into he watits-pa per basket. Thee, taking a pen, he directed the envelope to Mrs. Breckley, The Myrtles, Enetlea Sentlishire ; but paused for a miente ere begittnieg to write. Aea rnle, hesitancy concerning whet he should eay eat; not ti ceiling of Mr. Gargrave ; but he had beet' hesitating all the evening ever the net towards Lee Briatzeotita Honierton, vete?' queetion involvsd iti his letterotn, anti Liner 01610,011, Mill Deytiti, there it seemed Petered that the words o its a perfect etilinees, and almost 1 i- veving a refusill, which to him menet ;till t(nkeese. se lunch, should scarcely flow glibly front hie pen. To his right lay a yellow envelope, to his left a pink, aud. perhaps t. stimulate his facultiee, he opened the former and read once again the fee lines traced ott the paper it coutitined. If brevity ie.the soul of wit,that tole. gram ceuld only be regarded ne a high. ly homorons oomposition. This eas h 1W it ran : From Penkey, Liverpool, to ells Gargrace, 8, Queen -equate, London. Brent bolted—Stenlope in gaol. The note which next he drew out of the 'Auk envelope WAS longer, Inn quite ite much to the point. It was me ten iti a crabbed hand, that of a person evidently unaccustom• ed to correspondence ; 1)01 the meaning intended to be eouvt'yed appeared clearly etionell. The lady addressed her cerrempittidetit as honored Sir, aed took the liberty "of ioftwining lam flint s mortgage en cerkain hutch; (which she meittioned) having been that day paid off in a cheque drawn npon8 L0101011 ball 1C. sho trusted he wont(' excuse her freedom iu aeking him to get it cashed for her. "Ktviwing, els 1, how very clever he was in all bushiess matters, she would feel more obliged than she could , x. pies!. if he wooed 'pet the money (int' ft' tier Rt good interest. It is a smell sem cortaiiily," added lia good lady. 'len perhaps even in your own lima nee:: you could turn it over, so as to melte mine of it for me. -Whatever yen ti o with it, it will saidy me, for in yonr leinde I know it must be safer the gas, and, making his way dawn stairs, opened the hall -door and passed into the night. CHAPTER IL LUCY. Following the crow's flight as nearly ai be eauld, Mr, Gargrase, after over an hour's wtIk found hirneelf orossing the wide stretch of marsh land wind' kept, fillet1 with flowers, among wide!' WAS the nearest way to his hione, bees, who have their stranethetclied It bad been a tolerably dry Beason, and the watere of that eeli.waterea re Lon were consequently quite clue tent to keep to their nature' obannele, nod leave the Ma rhhen or rna1te, es the adjacelit peoulation preferred to Call them, available for f piteeeng. era. T111001 Mar,4iet4 are onotwit I.ttie and another giving tm a held rim - now after (let k, but they were fox elute vip the elighl aeotiet alta tietelier then ; Wick Hall wits still to the Wt00, to hat the last rays of the evening Hie mute it. Belli d th., house, and not far from it, 15 a great be. 11, C01.vorted into n winery by the Into [miler,tt Mr• Hold - TJ ttt the trade °aril, a 00 there Iwo men in sneceseion built their hopes. competelice. NIP. tIoldieg, nee of those mete tottl beat more than floe, for hi " expected to make his fortune n..der t high pitched roof. So for as he was ',once! lied Jere ever. death hiul stepped in Sala ft nstrated time desiee; atel no the ()collapse f Messrs. Bann & . teellope seemed like. Ntill.latte, the silence and louelittese of le tit disopt 91 1 trie'suceesser. e Once wrack lam with a sense of It was of these thii gs Mr. Gitrgrave 109(1110 1011 he had never before ',vied thought drearily as he weighed the enced. Whence he had come where wooden flot.britlee epnneing the Lea. the lig ht f, London, the tpeiniiip, laid passed the White Hine, noel t.10 streets, the crowded hetesee, the cease- itetde 11i8 way to the little by -road lesslioi, the never-ending stretou of whiell led to his littnee. Inunan life, and if "V where he to."titt Ilo had grew') very fond of the hoti.e. here wits tint it tree° of any living be• Si cus it became hie owe he hie' tlevoi. ea evt ty minute of hie leienre time to Away iht 'Ito distance, the trees 1111 1'. ti Forest toomed Meek it rainst Intinbie eotnige, he it o cleinged ire t lie sky, tie (melt the Lea 'Pettey1- i e.pset diet Dot a person who imesed it train fleeted If northward ; down te. faileet to eele,,,,ei it, he %Any. Tee le. witrait otratford the eiemits on the rail- tie palings were his own hendie (wk. .eay eitettod Itti t and ever.clutovieg 11 Ilea pot the trellkes tio stadost 111 Is ; while in the t.t her ilirection-.- the ,eape, ee whim reeee end- jee.a, 011110, anti cternalie, and hon ysuckle clattered. His bawl scatter, a the grass -seeds over the tiny lawn clot' be-itle the river. There ens scarcely a tree, or hush, or shrub about the piece with which lie had not some associn- tion of leiter and piteisnre. All seite• ons had been cheertill to him there. N .t en inch of e..utiery, rotted ahem but was familier to ltint ; the field oaths, so th,01 Alla tree from 'het ; tile fel itetriteks beneath the fornst-t tee; the alat188 where Ille huPy 11110 Ilt mai:keit, and the blackberries and the arse grew tngether in wind eater vie. .11001 ; the green ban ke of the Lea ; the eld tnansimis Ittumling secluded, end not be foiled by ordinary pelt: stri• an., -these tbmge, eimple and r though eitch 'night be if token mate op a wirele of familiarity, aeso. elation, and memory which twined ....end the malt's heart and boom! it to His home with cords of love. And it wits qnite ripen the verde that lie should lege the lilacs he hail lab w- etl to eecnre. All his humble prospel i y seemed to him. as he walked home that night, a thing of the pest. He eel.; weary, told when ft Mall '- tired lie is generally prune to be de. spoildieg. Bei was feint for \viva. ot hied, for he hal etteati nothing since bre.akfast, Ho was exhausted, for the • scitement which had hitherto ettetein- ea him tis all but passed away. ..8 wad; lotely, For he had no one witl whom to share his trouble. He hal. owned nothing bot that pretty o tel I age and Oita melee business, it -id now bet, ere in jeopaidy. He coned have saved them, but 11? W011 !Wt. -WA alt that pliCel. Stratford ;Mitre') cloult was etriltiog eleven as he lifted the !Atoll or the out- er gate end walked up the short path leading to the hall ((nor.. Ile wile Omit to put hie key in the 1 ol, tvhett the door opened, mid a girl holtliog it light iii her hand oxtail:plied. "Oh 1 1 atil ito glad you have come I heard the clink of the gate. A e you not very cold ? I have kept • p euoti fire." "Theelt vem, tetey I" he replied, a - he epoke tatting itis het and coat, nod ',het) pa.ming ett night into the pet- -en evrione thet he 0 lid not, with all 10, "what a glovions fire 1 ' ande(1; hi 0 't"mg°, Intel P16" (.3Y, I'm 11°1 .11:i he weft. up the heart h mei etti all around, I see the elder trees a mass of lea and flower.arid the turkeys roosting its them. I look at the la. bornums drooping over the water ; there is perftune of Mao in the air, and where the long grass grows beside the bank a 11,411 rises at intervals. There is a modest oattttge, with its ga- ..y08," he answered, mechanically ; 1 1 11;t: ,1,1‘)lt.44:140,0 ra 4 VI 140; bks -end towards the Lea, and a fair ends dropping into the arm.eltair, ho unitto.1 ctiosun:. "solY,fN'elints or our WO pogo eanneeet eaeresa (i. e. it.,wenen garden i» the front, smelt and well- relapsed lute reverie. te Go , Newsp2por Ativertktag litrresu m eertees 'Are yon ready ler supper now ?• st.vew -eerie asked thti girl, ‘` hal (1 rawy(01 Aczed ;IP•ptievil Do lent in whi‘.li +Numb.' ad. verti:up ,i(Pra t'y if t SILtiAlt1111,411" ilutneeniont seals tile ?" ro a.le, we will 51111l it a Ilu..ositit,s, by etorn 1 -Ie roused himself at her question. mail, vino) • o ..as vitt pin,u y,.u. FiJ�itSy 04/ 'SR Magni (111/1101. FiV1111 (11111 At \ Crtirti0 • 111111 Meal I t.t1 ati.dering t h ought S. sifiTui oil use Aud state b vo.ver "1 (1,, not require any supper, tlnuik YI)" 5" lids' yen," lie load, -Bat n by are you tel A oky 10 Agent.. eanvau..1»g for late tending to thew, thiogs ? NAThero Mre. Dodge)) ? Hag she goee to bed with a headaelte also ?" The gtr; tangtiea, „.„ plerisa "r . _ 111 P (1-All'ili;:tuist:t'.1i'lYt.'tine, . - IV. "Ju 10c. 2., Ausan Caul, 0., Nassxu, V- '• 1. enee future possibilities than to pres- ent ailments. "She so often has had Iteithehes," remarked the girl, with souls trace of wonder in her tone, for expressions Of sympathy were not much iu Mr. Gar. grave's line. Ar4.4:411 20, 1 1QR 'UNBOLT ARS CA we win in., a seven -line advertisement ene week at a list of tes weekty nowt:waver...4 or four Hails i a different list of 817 Impees, or ton lines two weeks .11 a oitoioti of altitor of ionr separate atidaitaikiet lists' NIA taialmg 401100 to 1,114) yarn% ogon, or four 111103 0013 sack lit all four of the small lists, or one line 000 welds In air qx lists. hottees I 11 11 hell sheltered cormsr, go Immtnitig all the long 14 nnunpr day, No leek of lite about the tiny lititii.e; see how the pigeon.; shot to and fro itIong the red•tillea bvns mud take long nights over the nide inar-dies yuna ; 100 hens are prating in the yard widen lute one gate. opening into the standing, 01,41 not ono of the strevts that bay') ce been built over its site were thought of. After leaving Betlinal.ereeti lie scarcely met a. cl .zeit persmis, mid all of th• se 11.. 01.0 iithterea before renal' iek. Otese Wick Hall wits behind him lie iteettied to platige boo a region a ut• ter s• lit Into. It WAS 11. clear, (PIN itig 1, viith star, shining above, awl a sharp hvevzo blowing ovor the m traltem, ntd as 'Mr. Gaxgr eve stood di 1 for tit t. e. ob.-tut half. way along t he Temple Here and there, far off, a lamo glim- me% ed Btfull v, but other evidence of stabitetteti there was none. The wind \whistled al) ett the marsh es, briogine with it fresh, keen eir from Ole flot, 1610 &I:0,x 14.01s, 1111(1 is blow neontel s enothiee ils eerie 8 ,01111, or in the wide expanse a iiesii:itte country m the tonkt of which he stood, tir the sea look of eky tout earth, or in e:et mortrufill inctrinur of the water, flowing sullenly in divided cantntiele on its 0 'arse, :struck Mr. lleresrave Slilltit01 eetise et per. 143181 levelitiese, el tieing reicered tor, alloyed, which as bitter exceedingly. It was strange tie had itever, throegh all the struggling yettrit of Iii8 L0101 career, known the same feeling before; but it one upon !din low whit rnsli leg f )ree—with overptieerieg cotivic- Ii .0. What lie 01(1111 do, white be 0001.1 vive, what he could bring, whet hi contd. withhold, might and did signify initch to many pereinie ; bet for des 1 iee's sake no one cared itteo.t him - net a single creature in all the wield. Unless, indeed, it might be Nets Dodson But nu ; he c .tot even except MteeDedeou. her heitrt she is lenity told tinily revel of nothing exeept that greedy little beitet. Tommy," he de3ided, irri. tably ; end, 118 auger is al,vays cer• 1 tie correc iste of sentiment, iNfe. Ger. 110I, 11,8 Chi memory of all Tommy's sins of omission ante wino to trred to him, walked rar. s,r11, entn.iiioring that, lifter all, 11 SiV nified very little whether anyone wed thee in any batik. for hen or not. "Begging your pardon for taking up toetters look new," he, mueed, your time readiog about my affairs, "it i.1 far better no one shoold he wait• "I nm, Sir, jog for 01e at hem° whose heart won1/1 V0311' 1/br`die111 RerVallit, aehe for this troeble that bee come no ANN Jeent.Betocxere." en me. If I. had a wife How, arid bid'. Mr. Ourgrave, with a Rmile flitting dren, mv 0888 W0111(1 be very hard i„. over his Nee, read thie epistle to (lit def ; but, situated as I nli—" end, and own neeweted it thus ; Then he paneed ite his mental emit "Deer I\ f 8. Brockley,-. veep, for, sit totted 0) 511 ite wite,with 'Your note inclosieg Mr. N.lerrilow'm neither chick tier child, nor wife not allege', hes naivete safely. will pass brother, tile position wee very eoviotte it through my atcrient to.nurow ; and its Consols 8.10 11107 illV011 the 11M, *11 111, for yeti in Govereme»1 etock. enenot adviee pm to run any risk mitt; your moi ey. High jute:tow ite vele. bad eeenrity, and It is 1r tter for yoo to roz.t content with a sio:1!, p1.11.01•111vgr, titin to peril wear m el o: lett Should I hent nsty good mortgages or tlesit able in• veqtraet,t,1 ol fail to let sou kto w, nod, neitirititc yon that my aerv. ter s, .trn always 1 V01.11. command, I re. main, years the henke of which wet e auverki by INlicneve, GADOP AVE." grits -es and inoshos. atilt 14)001 P, yon will R1.11(1 TIR tho 1111111,f1 of 0, half `•01i, tin 1" Nile raid ; "hut 141-1' I himulit Tommy wow I 18 fcveri.h, and that lie would not rest till tit meet lip is airs." "—Tetumy I" Raid Nfr.fiergrave, vi cionely. It fens te 1 hie beta 0) Ilse meiglity words, tied his belnivionr enrpt 'sod Miss settling that she said, ''Olt Gilt 111401 1" with a soli of a glom no the oh 1 as if' 010 had beeti jahlilOti ;DIV 10 00111 Witter. '1 log y011/' 1,11 N1011, 1A1CV," Ap010 viseil Mr. Gorgrave ; "lint I 1»tv,4 Itt Christie!! feeling to, that 1,0y." "1 do not think anybody has," no .henglit lightly asitle. rubbled warming, his (11411(18 before The 1101A0 where he lived htta 101W 11111 blitziog logs, while the girl changed beet, pulled down ; hot. 01100 11"n It the pesitieu of the covers laid for Iii., titre ll was 0 t retry Spot a301 victor-alele 1 and drew n chair nearer to the esgtie, shunt 11 on the Es,ex side or )„.„t. o&NED FRUIT, Cite Loa, thyre (by r0A,"^31 "I 916 watt"- "Do not erneltle yourself," he emit, 5* 5,011 fren, lietikeey tern) gime ti oio- at 1,031, turning rutin i and notirine SA.I1DINES, 41o85 9411,11m, 8.1 1111' bosteeit of a (tertiary 1' ''10 she was (1pig. ..1 11111 mit reilliy LO lane. wild and rural, with greet thor110)1,,. e„id_iiot 0„)11 thseugh, (1, „„u!!1 he BST.iillS, trees, that. in the pleasant NIey.litne .tratige a I were, ter 1 It tve swelled were white with blossom.; and swotted trIn the city. SALMION, 1110 oir 1..". 'Ina tin.; with (10011 ditchew, -w,iihea 1" She repeated. "HAW tired you tnnst be 1" nod she tonchod an'eesy chair, as ir inviting him to test. Ho aid not•re-read it copy this let ft'"vevit• in it. tar, but placed it in the envelope he A. pretty place, in very truth. As 1 "No; I do not, thiek lam," he art• hied previottely directed. eented, rtna write of if London and its houses, ami swat./ cl. "Where' ie my sister 9" stamped, and put it in the pocket of ita strvets and its noise, and its nod- "She Iota a bad headaelie, and went Ws top-q.mt. 1t',,, e1011898 1 rainy of 110111011 feet., end to hid quite early.", Then, ore waiting to look up big roll of caritageee anti rumble of cnxte, "Poor Nlit tilde 1" ho ojnenlitted, with drawers, he took kis hat, turoed.out., fades away and the country 11401(010s ft sigh, which had possibly mote refer. A, ...were(' the girl, h r eyes dancing with run, "111.s. Dobson left everythitig ways acceptable read:, for yon, though," elle trent orr, eager to do in 44 104 to the over.foita !nether. "'deli won would eat a little of this fowl, and let 111? get you some Ile. Yon do lA,,k so tired. In be eontimcea• h.Oitare and rte.:, ntiful c111(1111. 4!111 s, name' 1110.1 5O8I11/11,1,1, (lot . N.e:Aun.17,Y. ..• ..•- n. , ^ n nil;g:r4tee. tsiTiren tg A ^F. ----4•- -------- Christmas Comes but once a year—bUt some -- body's Birthday every !day, and a present is al- • --Y.- -T.- GRAY'S SPECIFC MEDICINE. The Groatnaglital TRADE 144 T RAIJE M'NRK. Remedy Jai mini' Mg cure for Semi- nal Wes Roes Spermato ph 01, I.,Ipotency, olden Diseases nal fol- low as a seotivnce of Self A1)1190. 119 loss of Memory, • Before Taleongtuae, Pain el tee Beek, Dimness nf vision, Pronutture old age, and many other Diseases that lead to insanity rn- Consumption awl Premature grave. atePoll panic •dartt in our nunphlot, which we eepireta seat) fve bv plant every one. kee•The Speeific Medicine 54 soldby all arogaists at A. per package 0, six po ekages tor *8, or will be sent by mail on • ea :Ipt of the money by addressing TITS (5 01)' MU/ICI:RE CO., Wrz.mson, ONT., mum. Exoterby all druggists, and every- where in ,lanada awl the United. States 1)y whole• sale and retail druggists. :0 0: - Rennaindex OF 0:11, :CAN .;Y GOODZy • TO B 1:11 SOLD C [FE A P NOW IS TIME TO BUY AT Tint ' Dominion Laboratory, EX -TITER. rr.1-IIS NO 30 Y113.AST ZailM14 Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, --1, Thurefore, read, puroliage, and enjoy its burying. When I say 1 manufacture inv 0W11 furniture 11111 prepared with my prom-410ot that the people can Suspect at any time by c tIlIng at my wars. rooms where they wilt see n. superb die play of Furniture inAll its Branches is ulannt.tet-tra'l by myself and my eornUine4 Lrti,tie went, witu 5no4 wIrlranauship. I der um not tusatisfying the people -mitt'. A 01944 of Pu nature that e ulna bur equalled. for quality or -price In Itixoter,all blowing to the eontrary, notwithstanding. WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNI/IJR GIVE J. BRAWN A GAIL • Corner of Maio and Gidloy's Street, 3etstee. C. cr6 S. GIDLEY tinfifIrtairer-, and 'Fri trniture TyVOULD SAY TO 'V those who intend •ourchas.,.kg to 4o so from the inenufact urer. Tho .Malor who buys to sell tgan tnust nocessaril -lave a prat. We to give tun purchasers tho tknofit, which cannot fail to meet the views nf the •+rangers. Our expenses kre less titan those of city ,uanu'aeturerb consegnent- ly we can selleheaper. Nia-nufitiztirers AATE AV 0 U LD i, call specialattention co our undertaking dephrt meut,whieb ill niore corn elev. Ian e 01, tt13 we have tided 1111eT111 110W 1/0111g118 0 of ate The best cofnn.:. caskets shrouds,and every caskets requisite at the I:1)1014 prices. Oar 110W lieur$ e is proneunCed by competent jries to he second to not e the provinces Emblems of all the Different Socxties. 11.1tNITMW11•211.. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE:, A LARGE STOCK 0]! GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, BITTER 8.UTC P.: AND PICKLES, BEANDIT,S, GINS, WINES AND SYMMS, RVE,',VALP4. SCIOrau, IRMO AND GOIDION WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. 0-- , OF, Street,,E%ettr.