HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 32i0E. 20, 1879 .i..TH. i ":,t; .I..LYO S WIT AND IiW iiO1i. THE TREATY O1:? i3.RBLI . 'What i; to be ?—A verb. Ott the tramp --tile flea. Sturm signals --Umbrellas. 4.1I 7rtgage " is Latin for "Death 'Drill,,, Side whi,l(ers--'lines' tails in fly time. How to rear a mule ---tickle his hind legs. The child who (,I'ie.l for an hour didll't ;to' it. NV it, i' at veil g wife like a binge ? been to a..0r3e. Lt It•'s silt '1'•v"r ,.this 6e•1 II 4 F'ell1Tn:'(t (1011(ltt+t 1'31 it' 11 •i'I- ,ta•t• nkttay, Heli :.. 11L L' 1,9E , I: th.it !t "; bilin'+• ter 1 " •' •'t :b til tilt' "II U•"tly "1 thH pet, '1,•t. .. e t. I ilio,• (1.'t ,o , 1,•tl'tj',• tit. it. 14 lass t0 li iv .• th,or h t.r 1 tied like ItIll 14 <lf it #3a1V, %V hist''' t' '' ,'iso rr,tutrl(e,l b'a'st it War. y t • lurk a Ile.lt ail i1- "u : ;tit frltutl(j sPx" la iitel flew l' ti silt + , of bigamy. `I It t' 1. ()''thing like a shorthand te. porter 1,, ink, it titan 11:111U, I1'11 J.y til' 11 ,t int raj .e to •',limy Cl Isaes Quill i t1ai1' 1 11•ie,tf 1,1 it eitll. ;['110 stili• i'• 0" il,ta he4•11 tii-a atoll enon_•i, ,. 1'r.<.<• )hitt a bill 6,10k j» not :1 i j firt.•k«y. "lf ir. 11 'isn't for hnt,i+, tits heart. hvoul,t b•Cnlc.' as the 01,1 lady tftti'l when She 1111 10.1 her .croat.0 huilj.wul, Toe bit eat -•r who ex•iails for soup and utiv,'s' head, for ditmerri 1111. daub (idly makes both e1,d,4 meat, A we*teruj"UU•tt.l arty* the "editor of a Contertri"'r1t,y i+1 tun wuligy t'1 wear Boc1(s." This i; what we call terrible sack-asre. A correspondent exolai: v w by he h+ld 47ot. w eu before, by saying toe cen1.1 not "gel. !wally eat"ug11 together" to buy a postal 0111'd. "Otte etl0 locus a Itr,aii.ptinn of lira ber', is tt thews which all young tile() 14110 Che 0. toothpicks on lintel verauthi are r<:gnetlted to caribi'(•'. If .'ulnen are realty ,tttgels,.vhv don't they fly nv,.r the fence in te,<d of mak. ing ),nett a. fearfully awkward j',b of cijlllbiug. trill ter hard of hearing at a,).<1 - g flim, ()match, as.(( (1 the csntaio to "write the darned word down su a fellow oau tell what it t.l" Cttrauh saes he once prevented n eelvere attack of hydrophobia by getting on a high fence, turd waiting there un- til the dig had gone away. Michigan moon haht. is dangerous, we should jw(lge, from the statement that "two Wren were robbed in llwu- .cherter, 1lioll., by moonlight." "Take away women" asks a writer, wand what Won;(1 fall' v ?" We wnntil. Clive 11s something harder next time. Oa) ifnrrl;`t 8.'g1jell' tuns hi Itrft g'oli y largely into ginger. They haven't gut tuuch beyond the Grit syllable yet, brit hope to do so when their plants uer initial 0. Western women are grumbling ter- ribly because the man.a:ter's of the ag- rienitui',41 fairs don't give at least u, year's notice when they offer prizes for i he fine.it babies. "Silence fu the court room ?" shout- ed a Taxan police magistrate. "Tate court has already committed four pris- oners without being able to hear a word of the testimony. A Freuchrnau studyil•g English ie- alar'e3 that, inasmuch as a nnrnb('r ar cows are cattle, arty a number of cats are not called cowtle is a tiling which he can't understand. Guests in the hotels in New York are not allnwed to mash bedbugs on the walls, het roust get 'en) ort the flDor and Chel(e 'em to death anti ring (or the (porter Io draw nif the 001.01188. A. police officer in New haven has bean fitted two days' pay for taking off one of his boots and going to sleep. Wild a paltcalnlw ever learn to never pop off his boots until ati.er he had gone asleep. IIIS UARD. A gentleman was going out in his carriage to snake some tails with his vtife,'then he discovered that Ile had left fins visiting cilias, he ordered the footman, recently come into his service, to go to the mantle, piece in his sittjeg•ronnl and hying th Fl cards he should See there. The .servant did as be WAR ordered, retaining the articles to br, need as directed, a'1(1 off started the gentleman, sending in the footman with Cil' ds,w'IIOt'(avel' the "lint at home" occurred. As these were very lIl rner- ous, he turned to the (servant, with the question, "How many enrds have yon left ?" "Well, sir," says the footman, very innocently, "there's the king of spades, Lilo six of hearts', and the tap of clubs.." "The cineee 1" exchtitned this raster. • "That's gone, said John. Lnrdon, 11Iarel.i 18 —The diplomatic correspondence between • ()iiia and Englarud iu 1'•'gartl to the execution of tate Treaty of I3et•lin ie published. it sho We titbit, Lord S'IIisl)ury, ill his reply of Jtttltittry 20 to the Jibs»inn repre,ell- Galinn of January 8, its 10 the (lenge, likely to arise if the work of the Inter n .ttotlal • Cnint)1is,i'nt be retarded bl disagreements, points (int that the ll','ls 81(11) delegates 013 the D 'brnd3Chlt 13etltl nary Commission have hest' e„po8„(1 1, all Owl' colleagues relttlive to the SI h'Stria gnestimt. Tu: 11(1+siatl mem herb of tho commission f ,r settling tit h)t11011,6PS Itn.l e,uslitntjnal of l<�,tsttr' 1t•,t1111elia elan oecupi, d the 33111111' punt bili(). 11 3 31 S t11•bnty sit'. h,• It e, Ir' cite tlje';e liter, f"r th.' pul•pnso throwing the bl tall' on the 14'1,:-311 delegates, who (limitless had selliei..l' 33(33.,„n for ILK/LI' O'utlut't, lino. ()lily '0 fend the British Iblegate-, 11„331 charge of r•h,trncli •11. The I3+jtr., Government is aueu'e tutu !he t•x'•;Cll tini. r f tho treaty 3s d. delicate task, 1, (inking aloud 1;111 31.3311 hnrnloe), Itt„ alt e'oitiriiii'to 1103l1•ess nlulll,it, r•' t'eset,tltiVe,t tile iI('e''+,sily (If 1'''3llit, n onncilillt,u•v policy to which I) 1111• l313tschakttff allu,t•”. At the sem time the Government would he (vett lug tit si cerity if 1' did net pe'tet 141 e••rnlln eases it) which il'(s LIFI .4': slit d1"1''t.lydi'1 ' the t:'y'al and tetli::typo policy the Czar ha, Ili d:u•' d it ht. ' jab to t'ars'i'', are ('IIdal,Lerit:g the ex, t't. Hon of the treaty. Tite cn„(l(tet of 3 i Ettlaq30 1'R'to'I'141rls" i7I 1!;'Nt,'l'11 JI ''U 311 1i,1 distinctly tends to how-, s-.; 1lenple that they ‘‘ill b' tushed wit 13nlgitt•ht, and even shows i1 tit-pn'.ilj, ti, furnish then' with 11reaes f '1• re,i-: iu,,r the e.talbliallule?U of a sepll1"lt regime. Lord S,11isbury ci es jn pro of these ass"rbo'la. the fact that 11 (3-ova/moot of ' n'ttern ytolltllrliIt 1 Knbrdit:ate to toe G .vorment of 1,311 ,atria, nod i,'1P1111t•eull,y^ intended to r, omit( so until the close of the norm's tion, thtl, making a iransilino to tl new regime 14`4 sinlil'Fi Ftl3t1 ltbrept 11 t1•I'1'lihle, and decidedly tootling to e1 courage resista„ce to the ttlulsitictl- Alse. that recruits for the n,iliti t n ill,listwitnilittlely (halon frotn 13nlgari and R u+n'1j11., while at:cornillg to til treaty the force ''f the tlte t(v'.Provi 1' a1:on1(1 be distinct. The British Gov eminent cannot. helieve,e'ltysitleriug 11, sentiments the Emperor has expressed ' hriL tt.tage d1s1) '81)113118 tU'e til scoot,. itilOb with t,is will. and o •us'(lr.l'; )list they shoni 1 cease its soon a•, u's.ibt< ttnnmeliatn 1•e-ista,llje to the treaty e not be succe,sfnl,lts it will have to d•' fair superior forces, intit might lead t a renewal of the untold sufferings el (lured 111 the late war. The respite.., bility of fostering an illusion whir (night lead t0 such consequences 1s ver grave. Messrs. Millburn, Bentley/ rt< Pearson.—Srs 1 feel it my ditty to inform you that last sprin I lost my hearing with o to ear, and this fall lost the hearing of the other also, ..plat 1 was s afraid I would never be able to hear again. . tried everything to bring back my blearing tba' I could think of, but found i.; all in vain. A last I made up any mind to try some of th YsLLow Ohr,, sit I rnbbecl tt little on the ont4i.1, of any oars two or three times a day. and e('m ni;ht and nmrning. I )vet some wool with th oil and kept it in my ears, and in one week' time I could hear as well as I ever could, b still rub oa the oil when the weather is cold and. 1 keep wool also in my ears. I write thi to you that you might know the worth of you - Yellow 011. Yours, truly, ,Toffs °Lana: For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter. i3oschee's •i ilium Syrup can now be pus. chased right at home, it is the Most sacce,sfe preparation ever introduced to our people. I work. like a charm in all cases of Consuls; - tion, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, se- vere Co:ighs, Croup and all ether Throat anti Lang Diseases, No person has over n'.ed this medicine without getting initnedtate relief, ye' there area great many poor, suffering, skepti- cal persons going about our streets with a se- t spieinus cough, and the voice of colsnrnption earning from their lungs, that will not try it. If you die.it is your own built. as:yoa can go to your druggist and get a Sample Bottle for 1" cents and try it; three doses will relieve any case. Regular size only ?,i cents. CALL at tht first Drug Store and procure n bott'e of Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gun for coughs, colds, dee. We recommend its pur chase at Drug Stores of respectability, as there i, ,tu attempt to place in the hands of the pub- lic an article under a similar name, put up in n similar style, but of a white milky appearane —the genuine being of a Clark brownish-ro,l colony. It iv it wretched itnitation, and sl3ouln be at moo rejected. a JOHN SOLDAN, • LEAF1NG SALE BEFORE TAKING STOCK SAMWELL & PICKARD Will of/or for cash or 10 Days the 'balance of their Fall and Winter Goods at Cost so as to make roonn for their Spring. Stook. 0111 goods we shall offer are new goods bought for this Season's Trude at lower prices, • LADt1i S' MANTLES, at cost, HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost, MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, at Co 4. MINK BETS' and MUTES. at cost, FUR CAT'S, at oust. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at oust. Also a full assortment of general 3)BY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAPS, 1ININA TEA. SETS and CROCKERY which will be Aired at bottom prices We are glad to say our stock is tot large but fully a,sortod in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we are ,appy to say our 1nu,lo of doing business has boon ap- 'reoiated by the piddle as nur sales fur past year has far :weeded our expectations. Thank 3311 customers and (ittons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. SAMWELL Si, PICKARD. Exeter, Out, Furniture and. Undertaking. Ali ( S. FAIR13AIRN has on hand at 13ensa11 as large anti as handsome a stock of FURNITURE AA can be Rano in any ebtablirhla'nit 111 Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! NOERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ! Having p1 (mired a h,u,dso • e hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most Reasonable Terms. connection with the Undertaking, Business, he uses the Anti •Septie Fluid, which preserves 'it) holy anal dastroys all u,ienstve odors, and prevents contagion arising from decal bodies. A call espectfully solicited. 1878) FAL OLD RELIABLE 1-7IOU:aii DENTAL SURGEONS. Office over O'Neil bank, and oppo1ite mwell Picltar<ls TJ W BL AOIfiSM1 'II SHOP .1..lt Are WIN- CHELSEA, Y.IIi CXl1.iu RAM.bttcof Exeter, has . con,i'nonced ,usljreesi(tthe al.'vohranc'I• ttWincholsott and is pre - ea ell to dotal -kind of black =tunes work ... =^� "° horse .$)loe- ng<pe •ially attended to, Promptness, cheapness. t11dr(no(1 work ,guaranteed, A will solicited. le.exit W. )3Ut'J(INCHAII. • YBYRYE Co., In retuluing our 0103t(jlners 0113 sincere hanks fur the you. lila rel support which has ,cou'exteiided to us for the threeyearstvu 3i0ve osnl in Business, in Exeter, webeg to advise.. .ft Hitt w0 HAVE REMOVED " 7 onr New Store, next door to Stairwell a 1' stei'n's, where lice will be better pr. paled than aver try :oleos the wants of our 011'locums, 1Ve have added 1ari;.•ly to our Mock. and our p, ices will be found low. r than any house in the 'Prado. and the: quality of the goods typal 'o the best. 'We 1' mild ca 1 your ' articular attention to our stock of could g Stovcp, which •s designed specially for I'arnrl-rst use. The castings are extra heavy, which prevents /tracking or twisting by the litat.and tho prices w'1 oceans of payment will be found very reasonable. 0'137-Z1\723 & Co,, Next Door to Barnwell &. Pfekar(1 s. Main street, EiL &Cate. Tx - I2 'Q i d (i • NEW F'1R11, IN( RA31'S 01,1) STAND. llorseShieinr,ll'ogunaud Carriage Mknit R,Pia- nlondt -arrows, and Pl.nrp. General 14n1ekeluith- ing is all its brunches, at the for est rntr•r , and sat- gtun•,titeed. iN re. a, call aid ex ammo our work before t: ad' n _ elsi wbel e McITILT MeHEID1'.,King St.,iltintll. Bens,.11, June 20.1878. 31131 D1.NTAL. (1 8 78 H.R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.It.O. D. S. { C7 Graduate of Royal College of 1t all times, rad )articularly ata period when Track, is universally depressed and money euros. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can bet the at title he want,. .t the lowest rate. In oaL'tug your attention to my present stock, I du so with eve'•y eoufi(1 q once; it Wing more caret ull;y essence and selected than that of any previous season. u I.n• the Dry Goods ivety department is replete et'i'b the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked a .rices which should onrnnland the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORDERED CL' OTHIN , still has MR. Iv. IVES at it,.head In Millinery 'Aiderthe ins -agement of Miss lioGloghlon, we can suit the most fastidious. Our stock of uroceties, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware ale of the largest and best assorted in the Comity. Intending purchasers will consult their best interests by examining mystock before going elsewnere. JAMES PICNA.RD GODLRICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OF '1NGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING Y; tiid l ling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agriculura Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash mettles, Sch:bol deals, &c. Iron and. Brass Castino's to ol•cder: For este cheap—Second hard Boilers and Engires Stave ciliusgle, and Heading Macuinery, Repairs on Boilers, .Eugiues, 'Bills, &c., promptlyattended to, (==RICH FOUNDRY and MAI'WFACTUTRINLT GODERICH. Ont. and co. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CABLING 18 prepared to give all his customers too bat oats that will accrue from its adoption, and has on han•1 a large tool( of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ana Liquors, Crockery, Etc., his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. Has just commernie(1 business one half milt. At West of Dashwood, and is prepa'•sd to clean Clneks,Watohes and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and Me11;diaap at. tetl,lod to. Ttlese in want of his servicer- shoulrl giva 'hint a 01111before goit.g away front home. Clhalges moderato and untiresati+tae. tion gnarnte0rt, THE FA W1NTE TIRAilE Eout sett te4 SOXI, TAILORS andoL0't'i11i'n{ti, 't'al'c pleasure to it foltirl the innabituntrof Exeter a(ld surrouauting century, that they have just ope.ledclub an emiellOtltas.nrttnentof t'N'eeds, Coatings, i estivgs etc., la the latest styles and patterns,anrl fool enured that intueln atter ofclotang, they can suit the moatfastidionstesteS, KINSMAN, DENTIST, Licentiate of the Dental College of ()n tario, ln'ybe consnit'd any day. nitice- 11eXt t10or t0 the Post Office. Exeter, Out. LEGAL H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, dm. Office, Tanson's Bleak Exeter, 1 ARDING HARDING. & WHITE, 73ari-Lora, httorneys, Solicitors, Com - stoners, 13. S., (Sc. Ir a u't,—IiUTTO1('s 13 Loos, Watel tenet, St lI try's. ion N 31, UAnDIN O. Fi . W. 13.ARDIA'e. H.A.L.W,rre \\1' McDIAP1MID, B.A., It 1.1 IiISTI11 NOTARY, CONVEYANCER. &e.. LUCAN,ONT: 1” +'SSRS. JONES & 1110SORIp'' R,trristers, Attorneys -at -law, Sollaitozd 01ul1 03 ry, Convoynncers. nominissiuuers IuBB'. a'. Notaries Public, 8t, Mart's (1. S.•JONES. W.C. JICRC11IP. O''1cra--Button's B1ock,Wntest. Se Mary's MEDIC U. 1 IR. COWL+'N. OFFICE -- MAIN Street, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Central Rotel. Side entrance, on the south -street lead- ign to B. 0. Church. s...—Orders left at Slice's shoe store will receive prolut.t attention, 49-1y. DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &o., etc., stain Street, Exeter. DR. HYNDMAN.—CORONER FOR 1J the County of Huron. Office, next door to Mr.I, Carling'sstore, Exeter. T W. B13UINN1N(x 111.1).. C. M. eJ • P. 8, Graduate ViotorinU1r''vers'ty• Office and residence. Dor. :lint, t,a•horn tot y, Exe ter. C. M0U411±;. 1l. 1). C. M. � • Graduate o4 aeon] University, oltreal °theeanuresidence,Exeter, Out. Waco ` ours - 8 to 1011, m and Ito 1011.13 nit. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. 0., Victoria S•, Crediton, Ont. Office homy iron, 0 to 10 a. tn.; 2 to 8 p. m. CLUTZ, itis D.. • Uffice at his residence, Exeter. IRVING, 411A1)UA.TI'; UNI- 1.F V118SI'yif Trinity College ue<. 1.eroollege Puvsician,, and surgoonl Ont., C11.ccnirktou. HOTEL1. The 'r 7 IENTBAL HOTEL, CF,EDTTON farmers of the surroundingcountry will find it to their ad, J —Wm. raker proprietor. This Motel hes vaaitl:ge to sell their produce without p:tying market fees, on the Exeter mstrket,whicll is second to none in the west, and then can at the store of the subscriber nnd Secure Immense Bargaint there to be had in Overcoat,i 'r17 T{'1111 cloths Brom B oft 1 loth Doe skins, Silks, "iViuceys, chines, and everything n'eded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Departirlont very Complete. An i'nPpecthon invito(1 No trouble to show goods 1S AC CARLINCG . D been newly tarnished 10131 fitted up ii first-class style. Targe and conte ilont hnvr not Ins for Commercial 7 ravi'ne's ; ).,est aligner and cigal;s at the Bar. Attentive IIestlerp 4(15111'0 ON band. 111 21-11r11. 7SrILI:(A'M 131.1(Elt, l`IIL ANC}ED HANDS. ---Thi' under- Vsigni'nhavine,•entel the 1)ufielir,Ilonee,Cen- tra)la,for e. term, it twill beOmit dat t1-pt-cbrps 3133- t0t, with every accommodation for the trnvellirg on bile, 0nnvrnielltEl/ die Statim). send l,ieurs .and cigars ntthe bar. Attentive ihostlers. 1921s. -13 BINGE OF WALES HOTEL. Ci,TN VON. (r. SWVAl' TS heating ilnrchaselt (ho above betel, and fitted it throughout, now of - I for;( fir •t -cuss accommodation to travelers, Goode liquor and cigars at the her. (loud stabling and attentive hostler on hand. Every attention patif to guest.. •