HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 22 THE TIMES A SINFUL POSTURE 2C0 YEARS AGO. The following law and law•ease, tak• en from the reaorde.of the New Haven Colony i4( 1,060, are strange r'eadiugs in these tidies. The statute says et•t>irhosoever shall inveigle or drr\\y the afee7ioes of any imide or maide•sorv- ant. (tither to httnt+elf or others, with oat first gaining the consent of her brother or her parents, shall pay to the phwt.ttion for the off'uce 40s ; the second, w4 ; f''r the third, slept be iln- pri.t wed Air oorpore')n;lg pnnislll'ta." Wittier this law. at a court held in May, 1009, Jacnbeth Marline and Sarah Tuttle were . tlrnseelltetl "ver shilug down on it ehestle together, his arra atrou 4(1 her waiste, and her arm upon Lis Mheuhler, or lthnnt his neck, and oontinnieg i.t t.h'tt sinful posts, e about half ae hour. in which tynle he kissed her and she kissed him, or they kissed one another, as ye witnesses testified." ...Om- A M1i AN ADVANTAGE, There were a score or more of wo- olen gathered togtather atMr. J'lltnston'e house. 11r. J•'bnson iss a good hearted than an(1 a rt•soectable citizen, though he is rather t•ket tical it some thiotty. The woturn had ,jtiat organized anized "The ? reign Benevolent Society," when 1\lr, Johnslou entered the room. He was apot'aled to denote a few dollare as a fonndatioe to work on, and then, Mrs. Gretlt,ttn sttalled "It would be so pleasant, in after yearn. for yon to remember that yon gave the suet.'tV US first dollar and its first kind worn." Ht' sl WiV opened his wallet, drew out a $1(1 hill, and as the ladies smack- ed their 1+11.4 and cleaved their hand - he, asked : " 1a 11)i -t society organized to tall the poor of forci, tt countries ?" -•Ytls—ye.—yes !" they chorused. t'A•Id w'atlts motley ?" "lYell, time," 1'111(1.Toneton,a. he fo'l- ed the bill intemptinga \ shape, t tie 't are seventy matritd woolen here. If there are fifteen of yon whet can make oath that you have oornbed the child ren'e heir this mottling, washed the diehes, b'lteketed the cock stove and i71ade the bells. I'll denote 510." "I have, answered two of the crowd. and the rest '+aid : "W y, clow, 111.. Johnston I" .. <t • natlt 't. I' t all melte S Ir fir 139 of you c that your husbands are 11 t weafi'1_* socks with hole -tin the Heels, the money is yours," eontinned tl'e wretch. ''Jest, hear hien I" they exclaimed, each t.ue lookiut, at the other. "If ten of yon 11'va boys without holes in the knees of their pants, this: X goes to the society," s.•id Johnston. "If there are five pairs of tit, elcings in this ronnl that do not need darning, I'll hand over the money," he went nu. "lir. J'tinteton," said 111re. Graham with great dignity, the rales of this so- ciety d'ciare that no money shall be contributed except by members, as you are not a member I beg that yon will withdraw ant let u proceed with the routine business." FA.CT'S AND ]'IGL'BES. Prussia. accr'riliiig to the last census, had 800 asnteuarians. Sato Frauuisce, with 35 breweries, turns oa 300,000 balrele of beer, a year. England imports 120,000,00n pounds of tett annually. A moot incredible atno tit. The French government realizes $11,• 000.000 per week from its tobacco mon- opoly. .A. lane census accords to Celcutta nearly half a million inttbitnnts. (if this; number we sett 500 are Chinese. The island of U,irbadoes cnmprrses an area of 106,470 sores, and hit's a xr)ixr•d I) I)01(tLieti of 102,042 inhabi- tants. t.s. The Stove trade of the U"iced States keep. 250 fourdtiee in operation, and uses up over x,00,000 tons of iron a. year. The popl1b ftou of Vienna, according to the most recent ceusn$, is 1,020,77C, iue!It 11•Ig the, tr e.p11 In garrison. t5 ati•tioia 1S eetlrn•tte the working 1104)010A .n of Great .Britain at 24,000.- 000 out of &total population of 84,000, - COO. It is c ticilatsd that 264,000,000,000 entare11t(4 are smoked mutually in I'.aalgo, 805,00(1,000 per dIly, and 0, 823 every second. The v'tlne of the new building not up In Ne York wit hill the last tern years is $297,000 a yeas'. There are now 180 America') vessels employed in the whale fishery, withan seetogee0 teenage of 40.605. New I3cdf1. rd,i\i(L s., owns 182 ot• them. ,A.u,rnt'tw.) milliotl shank -bones of oxen are Wr'tki:d np erer'y year in Shef- fieid, 1''0glnnd, for ktlife bapullee,tullth and 10(11 brutlles, (totlibs, farts, button mol I., etc. Itr the oun-se of 1878, the lifeboat of tho Lifeboat Itlatitlttiou wore s inetrtlwental in rescuing 474 lives, and saving 17 vessels fl'onl d;l::truction on the Bitlutt on rt. .Law, physio .and divinity are well snpplied with feminine members in the United States. The lady doctors num- ber 580, and feminine dentists 420, e bile 08 women etre preachers, and five practise as lawyers. In Et•ghtnd, the present camber of ordained lilethocli55t urettehere is 104,- 175 ,• tho number of ohnrttll members in f ill fellowship, 4,489.877, told the total numbet' of persons new under Methodist teaching, 2.000.000. Now, good brother Willitun, pray X.CU'e me. Don't get Xcitocl and Xts- jwrn..ted. and Xo ttnmutt ica,te ns .Crum your Xcellent Xchange. It would be Xeru iating to n't, alta as von are an X'•m'tlaly member of society, you should set a br'tter Xaulp1 , told we Xpr'ct• that on will Xouer•1•te ns hence- forth when we offer the Melee that we w'rtt born to'nak0 our X in the world, halo'` our Xlelteive nee "r thio «X,.'' If y'•n Walk over to Tot he'll lend von a X --Y to ride baok,t when you rnnke ynnv Xit. *A. saw lion. -e, not XX (lnllflt•q. ' S11RSA.PARILLA The Groat Blood Purifier. A g.nnino flnilt cxtrae' of Rett or Jainaica Sarsaparilla, CQntbi:l0•t with Iodine rf Potas- sium, fo'' the. cure of all diseases arising from imp•u'ity of the blood: Nearly all the diseases that t•onhle. the hu- man rare are influenced by tat, state of the bloat. It it iudespensahle that this fountain of life br itt a pure and healthy condition. As a Purifier of the blood, a Renovator of the system, aid Preserver of tile pow rs of life, Ute ter's S:arsat'a' jlht i as no equal. For sal.' at the tern:; stores. KERRY WATSON & CO., Wholesale DI uggists, Montreal. AVE T ,r t , SENSE 1 r1 E. YOU TI1l 01+ OL T \STI; OR 5\[ELi.?It so, itmny he from toe 1,rrP.osr of the lett eentut'y, 1 'ATAnn8, Tsps (.ONSTPr'UTIONAI. CATAun1e RE:IFTY will restore you (o e, j•tyabl,) healtit. 1t not Dol)' tutus Oa - Mirth, blit all other (Remises at the some thee Price 1 per pottl0. Pot sale by all cl.uggist• and Medicine dealers Send sttuup fur dS ',ego pam- phlet containi•ig treatise on Cotard,, and rertift- cates of the cured to 1. J. 13. HA1U INtt, U .win- io . Agent, Brockville,) )1•t. CONSTITUTIONAL C.\T?RitfiREMEDY. Th' ()Ay certain, t•afc, and effeuttri.1cure far Cat reit, builds up the eystenta nd ures +rll other a told diseases atilt: h;ttue tlnlu. A theta I its o Debility, leave It ail Hay rover, Nervous 1 e , all lc nvt g h when the Cukatitututi(a •1 catarrh lhoinody is a'e dir.'rted Pries fir per bottle. Por sale In '" 1'.",. •1:*4 ural'+c11•)1.t1' dealers. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From r to n HD rse Power. for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Butt. r and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or hor,e power. Lest and ch apest m the market. Send for circular and price list. John flu .y. Esplanade Street.. loxos•to. A.CHINE SHOP. " .ri�liam Eitcliing Wishes toinffirm the public that ho tsebette ',revered to rooab. all kinds of Sewing illacllillf's, Watches (clocks, Glens, &,c., than any tiller persou in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he gnaauntees to give Satisfac- tion. NL\V BLACKSMITH AND OENER4L93331 taS11OP,11EBALL. Having toy now shop now in full blast, I would in- form tau public that I nm prepared to do all kinds of 13La : c ( 11'01411, i.) titichng repairing of all kinds of A (I t tit 'rat 57?tehinery, d wh as Reapers, 11011• 4(r;, 1' 1 '•(lint; Machines, and (•torso Shoeing will recei.r my m1r'ful tate/.that. Burgos that inter- fere, and. haying tender feet treated in the most approvotl manner, and settisfaetiutt given, Charges Moderate. I have on hand all ki^cls of Agricultural Implo manta from the lhtssey Manufacturing Co., Now castle. 1_x.Remember the place -first shop west of the Post O.hoe, 1Lousull. VT Ale S.L° .NDO' tvT. aI k.E.Y'S Li:1Ii+:WOltliS. ourtlrawn kilns l.oinanow i n full operation and turuiitgoutdaily n largo quantity of t�Stt i that for ell ptlrnosc5 cannot be surpassed in the Domin. ton. Partioafrntu a 3istaneo can tlwayebee-'plied either at tine kilns ,1r delfverrl by teams atlew est vet au iterative re tee, Orders irein it distance Promptly attended. to. wl'JITSON & SCLAT 1. Groceries e Con feotionai'y Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb OH0ICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS .tiways iust0ek. r- SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, Magazines Willi ALL THE LATEST news N,)3.-Sew10g Al new.. Neediee of every Med, L. BOYD. NEW FALL GOODS. A, has jUStreoeivetlalarge stock of BI^ttr(c/a.rv, Clocks, jewels( ry, 'No- rm .Cfa'Ra/ll;b't Apr etaa.Ie.r, Ladies) and t( (uta' Pott, hoot.'. A large stock of Fancy Goods con- stantly Ull Melitis NEW BUTCHER SHOP rjllle undersigned woul- d i'tform the inhabi- 1 tants of Exeter and vicinity that lie bus OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SUIOP One Loox 00ut1 of 1118 Blacttatnitl•shopanclhopes theaalneliberal patronage that has bean ate corded to him in the nr.tOKSMITII AND LwAt30N tIANINO line wil)ho txteudor to )lila in his now braneb of nusilleas, Ilia iciest wagon willoal) at the real - dents of the village throe timet. e�ael weekend FT- .1't . S P 1\1 Jai A T .111 k,nns ke)'t oonatantl. o0 liana at bin butcher shop. !Meehan)ithiitg and wagon makiu(00111011 01. as liana in al) its 11 el to t R. DAVIS. ms mEt& Wonderful Discovery.Y FP4ESS THE FrilENDa6F lANKIND. An internal & External REMEDY, A BALK FOR EVERY WOUND, It cures Rhoumt tism and Neuralgia and 1 Ills all p tic i st Int(\ "Only it yvu i mot 1. hilt is (ho 011e know it remedy for Itttaut ail u1:• I on tho A.n0ltcrtu Continent, pIovcdby others," 1 s ('04(11 its at)(,Lied it gives instant 51110 to the uufurtuuitto rnitorel It is.tttpidleabssorbed, li x2l etl iks to the v very bone, D ote 1s the 0iu l , Jim),ueutluhzx4(a till lt1ttrc. Puiho1il culrtingiutheblood, n ttiuleipelait iruul the. system tu••ough the eaturttl othtlets. F IT CURES '),,,Tooth cite, Earache, Headache, Nour:tlia ; adtulutnatistn, Spritiis, swellings,Itlflat1ntiou,• N Buena, (tuts, Bruises, Pain in aide, Pain fu 44llack,l'aiu in Ohost,•Painin shoulder, (loughs,'; Colds, 01•est Bites, CDR Wile, 'Manliness Dys- entery, Summer Coni1,laint &c., etc, It will cure tno most ,tgnitiain(( pain, inter nu* l'or external, in one iusr,u.t oftime Pocket'` your prejudice and give it a trial; the iltyeat- mout is small and relluf cmtuiu. The grout� sem et of its success with all classes is owing, to the fact it is safe and h.trinloss, pleasant to take, gives ytstaut ease, and eau be applied to 1'. wider range of disease in over? day life. with greater success than any preparation, wuich rasenrch skill and "Medical science"-', husyet kproducepl. As a proof 11 its great power .over disease; arty pt.t'son, "to limiter who it may he, Mich,'; or Poor, Old or Young, who is suffering fr. 18 any of toe abovename1 pein nl colnphtiuts,' will call at the OtOoe i T roue, any (ley of the week, hill ge(practical proof "Free of charge," of its magical power over pain in .lie? ' appltcui on. _ _ N•. - Testimonials frt 111 all parts of tl' a Dmnuu0u are o fists, •tiy coming to hand, giving expres- sion to the most grateful gratitude for 114 tonishiug cures which it has performed, and we would be uleased to reeeLve testimoeials from all 011118s who u.e it successfully. Pu4sieiinnsof.the highest respectability commend it as a most effectual "domestic. remedy" fur the relief of Pain in eases of sec(- , den emergencyy • Carry it to your homes, and it will prove a� blessio g to you .• family and afhlictecl ft recrs. l°t" Druggist4etreo selliuo antirinous gtiitutitios of J. it n' .ereverintt'oduced. I el- amigo tiroworI•l to produce ts equal s.l,iptte.t through the wucilusnio Drug and Patent tttuclipiuo Houses of Uoutra-I 'L,lr•aute, ii.milton and London. Price 25 Cants er Bottle !' Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. viSopt. Is., ly. $50,000.00 At:IUOtion. To 00111nlence en Molzcllty, DOC. 16,1..878 W. D. McGioughlin of 138 Dundee ell'oet, Loudon, will on the above date, offer his whole stock, amounting to over Fifty "110 utafd Dollars, at an('tiou, and eontiude the Hale every clay at two O'cloelt in the after- noon and at 81411311 in the 011'nil(1) (hiring the bal. onto of the menthe -from the 10th to the ;Het of 1:m:embet', Tia in the largest and host stock that has (11cr b„eu offered to the pnbiiu at their own prtcos; and, no ovt'rylanly koows, no goods tiro of the bastU'tntlfactnre and eyt'r.• 111•tiets will be war- ranted the 1011110 118 if bought intim 01 11 1.11 way. Title is a rare ehewee to get fine gold autl silver watches, ,(mitt jewelry, cloths, plated ware nud inuov goons at your own whale. 1'mrnaps never again will melt 1111 pttltortnnity (110nr, Siunre ,v"ttrthristataa and Naw Yoal"8 presents at this sale. Have your money for this armtion.--and Inttl'eInOxtay. W. D. )iOGLOITGIILIN, Dundas street, London. t(: r ol'Lit FLOUR and GRIST MILL Being In gond working. order gives every actual dation possible in griatitg and flouring. floc and still food delivered to parties lewtotne' the orders belote. ne o'clock at J.331';LI; S bakery, ,,,,0'11Y1iN l to CO'S, or atMil seine dtty ;, TIE B1' fS m:'Xt.TI':st x• �s. AT Tlili +� Blind/ Standard, d, Sash Door Bliii . 1,nn rem ort' h ; is br t'tAIicll 20,18" (.' $I nl t'•O,.VI' , $b P.1d It 9'.'Y1 Ir To DISCOUNTWLT,I) B1; AL- .4.11'wott on American Inv[ ti es to In further notice, .1,.T0 f.'4•il)N, Deo, 4,'7S.tf Datnnti,r latter r of t'r•uste:VW Jti Ittt i�'i �l V 1. 11t`1' 1111,J eollhl remind r ; t :t eerone 0 Cuntut_u^rs that h, has , .\.•d to tht44 Shop urn(erlg (•0511,,It a b. t; r.Itr .1 c it. ten lie. 8,11 be totted ever r.: al. It coo , .:':tri :,uainuatr in the lluvi: and SI 1011 title, t t; EA t'+, .iitntl. �'�r�L1VT1:�41 P A { .N J. R. I 1 UM _t: t G 1' Is prepercd tr lit •'tll':ttl; ei Fiou,;e ['Hinting. 1' ;po -;1i•' Igiug tVltiti.iih:t;,• =r at roatonm41 1 privet, Awl pit LW!1<al:�, .i, 111 "t"-11\•, ..... it sl REM, NA RE M OVAL' BEMOV'AI. 11A0'r0EY, is one atant)y Belt oit lint)..*Ill kind e of builainfl material. bleor.ng herd end soft, Shaine Mord(' cgs kkc„ sold oho 111. Planing Jiggiug and T11rnin1 promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CON'I'IIAC'IED FOR. and atltisfaction guaranteed. As we have of hands largo s oak of dry lumber, we fool sure on satisfying those who 108y Aire Itsrt cal). 13, 'SS EROS. & TAYLOR THE EXETER Planin.' Mill Sash, DOOR. AND �Lx4i� �gCiO��! ALL KINDS OF t.fURNING Done to order. dew erubertheplace ID7et Mee A I-©Wv' rel ' !a E • a V w K® By Yearling a. , p.acttcing the uu:mima_e.. --liths con. tainrd in the .ri. medical boot[ ewer lest, .t. entitled ��11 SELF-PRESEk' TION THYSELF Price only $1. t'n�oyman IIIt222t.... mm on receipt of price. 11 treats of Exhausted 'Titality , Premature Iselin°, Nervous and l'hy-teal Debility, and the eudlees concomitant ills and untold mtsrrie4 that rrsuit tl:rrefi nm, moi contains more than 50 original pre- scriptions, taw en of which 1s worth -the price of the honk. Title be ,k was written by the most ex. trn'ive and probahie 111e most sltil fol 1 n'nct it inner in America, i o whom was awn('. trd n anri soft jrw., OW medal by the National \1 calculi As0oia1 inn. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest sent rims to all. Steel 1, art ((ltd s -a maHEALr- vel of art and t. - (fiend for it at onto. Address PEABODY I1ED1^c� t ���)pa ISTII., %T 41AL finch St.. Boston. plass. 'LI -IE oro&TEST Wonder of Modern Times Perkfu d t u --L (bouts sttiTe. where 3 o„ will I • h' kept 1•- A. ftrt•(:1" +int t e, ,•s ';ehfer einality of lmai":(. 1. I,ahip +; ,it1f. (11111 and uxatuiro 3.•3, st,o, !:.•` •r.. hosing elsewhere. • -• E. 4t'i.1 fs t I'wt+ . t7''sL� • w MON Crit i I'1 • I' . , , i w). Fti 1 U?': ` tietlla•t, 1 y 11' ,r .o `..:,131 lleatllr i Do (1.1, • 087 t ?. lI. Greet, hiEh Priril 11101r! ° Iollowaya ills aOintment 1 The Pills Purify theBlood ,co erect alllisordors of the Liver, Stntnach, Kidneys act( Bnwols,ltn'l aro inr�aluablo in all complaints incidental to Females. The nntmeut is the nuly reltableveIFI oily for Bad noes,01d \Vni111d5, baresllilti Moor. howeverlongetn•nding. I''or Bronchitis. Diphtheria., Colds, Gnu t.I(•hennintiten, eV' nil kind oftli,eaas it has no equal. �al+t,isa, r--•- ,t kr�" -, ,ikk �•nt'tr�I Y 41 docs not etteot the OW prices at which R. & T. B it'wd t5 s4'Id Ila ti. areoffering their stock of TINIVdtlt E, STOVES, Etc., int Exeter & Hensall 41111011 a nt1iats of all the latest and Improved .ly105 of kitchen, Conk and Parlor stoves,Mfilk (rtes, pans, and pails of tai most approver paltry' 11, and everything in the lino ; Also, n ootlsoluetier of handsome riltsve tr'o'op'il:irig as usnnl, reeeivea everyattention, and done at the lowest figures. Having Opened out a. htaneh 3ateblilhtnottt at Hensen, 0m Metter '-' cher .lbighbulh:+txl can be sup»lies: on iiia shortest notice, ('EWARE OF AMERICA COUNTERFEITS. I most respectfully tnke leave to call the atten- tion of the Publie g•'nt'suhy to the fust, that Oar, ti in 0 ouses in Now York aro /tootling to inn n v parts (ho SPU1t(Ot1S IIIIT e'rIONS of my ?ills and Ointment. These fr,unrla boar on their labels some ad cl resees in Nov Yerit. 1' in nor Aires 0tyhIelle. nos to he sold inane tart of the United 5tetee. I have no agents here, Ary \fedicinns aro only ::,do b) me at 633, )xfolvl Street. London. In the books of ('lit. mti"118 affixed t1 the slpur- tsirs 1(111113 is a cluti"n,werling the Pnblic against being deco' wed by O"ni"nrtolt'+, Do lint be misled by this nambielee4 trick, ns they are the counterfeits they'pretenl7 to (tannic se, 1'nem emu riterfelts are purchased by tint Thiel - pled Vendors atane-half the price of my Pills .nd ares •1d to yen as my g.'nuino:11edicines. I meat (11 heal ly appeal to that sense of j etieo wlltch I fool sure 1 mat, venture 11:mn as ting from 11 heeentbh perelna, to 11511.14 mo, and the im�- 00 115 tar as Innite in their power,in denouncing (iris ghee efnl F4'tintl L'a•shPOt rt.ud BM: of tho Itenuiue tledielnee, nearstho Piri01alt t;)t' l'ttnsoti3 810 nip, with tit e wowed. "FioaLnw.tv's Prr,tda ASP 01i4 r 0it'1N'r, 1.,011• don,"enm•ttved th(o•etpu eon the label le the ail. .truss, 5311 r4(,/urdSt! eet, t3nitoon, where 61011, they aro \1•U",Fte(ui''d. ISutlnlcny's Pitts a,,,t r)i'ttnta,t bearing a)11/ other a•tit%t't!an aro sonnet*. ,faits. J'h"'['rade 3larks of theso reerltei')en aro regia• tared act Otttwa, linncb, auv"ne in the Brit. ish Plldri'i,a1011s,.wl10 may 11.105 3110 American tv,.Unterfeite for sale,wi.il bo prosecuted. Signed, THOMAS 1:10ri .,CDWAY 883 Oxford St., 'W.C., London, England (Successors to R. It: PIERCE, M. D.) Du. it. 1'. 1'1E11Clr. having acquired a world-wide reputation ht the treatment or Chronic Ureases, resulting ht n prnfesslontt( business far exceeding bas individual ability to (minuet some }ears ago induced several nmdfi'nlgentiemen tnassociate them- selves wile hien, as the h'emelty of the \Vnrbrs Dls- penser)•, the Consulting 3)•'p:u•Imom nr whh41 by shire boon al'•rged twit' the 1SVALIIt1' HOTEL., iiti d 110.1 r1 sill.' 1thns Um l 'tyli,'o f 1Veild'5 Dispels - Nary Medical AMnelntton, with the follow mg' 0.,.rers: 111).1*. 1'.1'tleuun, Pres. P. D. Panner, 1-. Pres. Jx0. 11. Puttee, Sec. i.1 ,Tse 11. S..nru, Treat. NINE PHYSICIANS AND NI;1LGEOVB et anti- nomy awl :I ,. •• lawn a o,aru us ilio l3'aruny. 011E0100 DI,E,A,Es nth II Milani curve W1111111 the provl0ro,-rear s,.c, gal sprt•hlltirs. LUSO DISEASES.-7•his ray Irian et prattko 121 very (1hi)• nuor.Eod by a glrenalrulmt 01' 111(131(•5 jadg- n,1l,t ami akttl. 73rou.•hial, Throat. tnrl Lung 1)1.1' - ea... 1r•• "' n wllb in•• ln'.t snecra,fnt r.'smtd. DISEASES OF WOMEN. -Eh tu0lally aro our Meth - ties 4(t' a 501). ('tor er...r lily ilia 1.1110 or all those chronic. ic• ,'Lens, s p,•cuil^r b, f ttitles. NES VOCSi11SbAi•ES.—l'a'•alwsl•, ;cereal's "'abil- ity, Lpbt hay l l 1183, 1. I c ova. tat. V l has a Donee). Neu- ralgia, mid othtl nor \°ns (tui'lliOns, receive the attention ,dial (1) ret hl till- so el& tr. NOT NECE&SA,.T TO SEE 1',t.'FI NTS. -ley out Original 5ra,eet of di.. 4(u.: cru r:r,( (rr,,1 maty chronle dlse(15as its sucam.5fu11y lel Moot to with a personal cun,Ultation. Fr,r particular, arc •= Peel/10 a Vnllnwu 8,4140 13u.Uen1 A.tvl.. r" 0,000 pare•, sant D0,t-(i:Ud for (1.W) or •• l nc alba: :Uhl '1'um•(ats toad* nn10'3(00)•a_ .. 30('1.4181"' (-pu113. SUi14IUAI. UAShS.-.\rano) iia, npi1:atlona which we uv. ta11t+ . 110-11 1.115,1 a•..,4(,•utl) to perform, are [host, for Nadal Poly pus, 11:.r. d 1 i arurr, Vistula in Ann, Piles, Nerals I•.up(un •,{ty.h•nerlr 31(ropay of we 5ot'onun). \ art, is rte. Or:n 11(11 ora Uterine Tlttltnrs, (;.th•nh (510110 i4( the lllnddar), $a''''ttire, etc., ate. We 1,15.. (r.:.,t 5neee5sIlhw, 11y 11 new meth- od without snrgir(rl tawrnttnu, t':aw"r-, C'(oh-t'cet. Spinal Uurvaluro, and villa. Iwr'en',i ter, iSoo attic - pillet cooled, .• Mot 3.11 1.6 11 (.lu•.,ILVU Ag, 111," 1,001 oa leccipt of In ('rut•:.) Address, World's 1Dittontary 1Gadital Attoeta•loa, Ry an imnuu4e ractire to the Word's Pl•lprua, sa'y (1n'1 hlwa 1,111• tint 3, 381111;1 1 rr U,''3 m1w1 1.,01,- sau•1 rases 11r those 111.a. ow, p^rula,r t" 8.11:24(11. )tatVe horn ('iia drd top •rli,r t (t t,to,1 pot'. 111 m..1 load- . tivo remedy n r these 1 is •Hard. To deslgnnti this niturul speciflo,1 have named It Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptirni The term, however, is hat :1 Keble 1)x11"n.sion 0t my Wgh atparOrhttion of 114 \gain', b(1s,11 111 nn per - wand „h4orralion. 1 Imo,. 4(1(i1 ' wiluesatng it, pass - live rt'suits Ln ma sp„t1•11 ,a •eatss'nem, 0 • the or,r:udsnl or8"Inrnt, s11111 •t it • Id its the climax or g eow ISlIte gem 11" nti' na'dk'n) saner on i; • L:r+(tt„ t o a peat' IYI: 'lT :I (, .. , ;dm (•: In it (I t".1, • r [tris .01'(t tas1.8, an I olio ,.1:1( 411,1. ;a U4( 11 .1 0 1,11 11811cr 0(33 cu'eunlst(mras, m, I i 1' 1 I a 811'1 1 Ir 511118 sly rcpgbdioll nd n 1,11 1. 1 n 1.1 I so ;13 1, 2 t tint I That 1t w31 a .1 •'nal t lel the 4(l 41 I. .ex- p+'etatio5d01 set,...1.. i4(, 1. (1..3: 8.1 I m: iI i i sty 41' the tdhn•9nls, lr1Yh, 1 1 r '''t. .•' i'. •`• t , n11r rind sell It an ler A )'Ude I1\ I 0[ At L t (;31, ':ger '`. it lire''+, Ker I, t IPI 1:11 13th a in t mp i +n,r t colt mt I nvorlte 43M r anti i t (( 8 1 1 1 11 , 1 ti 03' stet ti ,tl (:.11(11b•11(n a tt:ir Iby '1'1 ui.� l l; •❑ r 1 t t t . it,. . I , ttl3', 1' ,1•3110 i..' I 1 Soppri ( is 1 r• 11 11'• 111 •1 II -Ino 11 "111, ,1 3 P 1111 i1, • 1.1-1,t ' \n c\ 1Y and ' ,I trove .el 11 1 i 1,3' 1 11 ' ..'(8 (8( ,.Bial i3..,), 1.,'l,,t an; 11, (1 ..1.:8,,I1 11 lnt181(11 ') I 1)11,; . 11a ILnwn t a m u i I a c t ' 11 1• neyf 1i,It't'(i(ilt:`,, or St Ilii { 1' ,c, t l do (4(1 eater .1 ,It eenth d. ' ala t n abrin •neat[ 01' 4(+),m., i 11,111 tt 111443 nerfrrt ,ls,r1r, di all nestot1s)stonal1,o'n11u 11116111,1 ••tse),4111 ta•r w1.111.totili 1 w -Ti .. ',.11..11141. lime 11'34' (' 1, il'11 1 1.1,(ll.:,t ten e 31,.. Mill- 1.1.TaCan 1l.It.lh11' In 'till:1 1.4(1'7 11:'8 ('1)24111 lt\ 2'I:NN0 4trnlell .11P,1$1)!i. al. 'c or oval 4(l•e ".i.; -•a 4(211,• iwat-0131'', on ro.rit,t ,r :58 ,814 Il tl Ila t:!la+t5•I""f lln4r rllseas 4 pr loan 1 i.1 1 I+,,.Il.,, an,, 1•(v, . Ince((l, tellable 1u1 r1 t br r.r 4(d to 15' alaa..eueee.1 4(i' "1014 tt tori(iii ,r at art' • l'ra rt;ntmt eeG1 by rrt.,131 to V. ['Mit( i' t.. 'r1 r r i I, Vert., 131 1)h•,,....».a' iaa 111181lL\4' Hetet, 13,011.., N. •i',