HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 1r
Vol. VI.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, March 20,1879.
nit or MIT'S.' LIST.
I/7011, SALE.—TI1E SUBSORII31?,11,
offers for sale six (tows, with e uI, Will
etilve cui or abrist the first of April, 11()11EliT
MOIlltI80N, lot 33, eoueession 4, -Osborne,
11.51 the RdgeviLL hotel, Immediate
I() ;session, A poly to 4, P 11 USUAL b. El:cot-Ts
House and Lot. Gond stsind for a gloom.
ker, A corner lot. IP or pu,r.irtitlitis, imply by let ter
er :»rsonallv oHAItliY131t0 \VN, Wilicheiscar.0
FIOUSE TO LET on the ad
eossion, Stephen, containing 4 TO011-1 (1.11(1
WO 1 cellar, ;mod well oil the premises, with or
L out garden, For terms wilily to
•iluil On , Stephen, Ceutraliti,
v ENVY FOR SNL 4.-T wo lots in Orteliton,on
tone of widish Ise. 118W hriek store, good well and
liow 'stable. Weil feueod. Also 2.1 atil'OS bush
land, part of lot 21, 0011.0. ,itephep, on Exeter side -
road, 32 miles west of Exeter, Foe terms apply
to JAeon ItkisT..cratitou. 3.)
1J, SnibL
41.A.RNI FOB SA.LE.--Let
Line, Stephen, 50 aeres, 30 acres cleared, 12
sdloppoil, good brielt house, good stable,
:Mimed. Land excellent, On lake shore, of a
nilc f tom Port Blake. where boats run three
times a week, and / of a mile from firmed Bend,
4!cowertioutbutioilo,)1. and churches, on good road
Pi leo, $2,500, terms easy; SED1tAU DESJAW
1)1N 8, Brewster p o
FARM FOB SAIJE -Lot 3, ponces-
si in 2, Bidaulph, containing 100 acres, about
75 acres eleared, balance will Humored; frame
house, frellle 11,111 011,1 34003.1. Lug,. orchard on
premises; well watered and well fenced. Aiso
3C48 l3) lease for four years. The stock will also
he sold. 'Pe in easy, SA UtYM BLACK W LL,
sleotralia p o
• ilAR:\ I VOR SALE. — LOT 2e1 cl,
conoNNiontlod, Stephen, adjoining the cer-
poratiou of 15xe tor ;1(10 aeres,90 eleared,and all i1.
gr ism but 211 acres. 47 acres seeded in t.reiss last
acres of orchard, frame house, a gond
well, brieked, with pump, eno a never failing
spring of excellent water, 2 frame INtriirif frame
shed wiih stable, sheep shed &a. It wouhl make
good dairy farm. Terms to suit purchaser, AlP
ply to Wil. ILLMLIN. , Exeter.
IL. undersigned offers for side two lots contaL
1.5 of an acre emh, situated on main strt
-rear the Market. The is a good frame cottage,
,containing seven rooms, Cood f3.,, me stable, good
well, with pump. 0. here is 0.011S utity of y ming
hearing trees on the premises, For terms apply
to JOHN WHITE, Times (Moe, Exeter.
subscriber offers for sale two houses and two
I sts, nue situated, on Fluron street, east, in the vil-
[age of Exeter, and the other on Statues street,
Both houses aro nearly 114'NY, and ono rents for
six and the other for seven dollars a mouth, They
w,il lioF0111 together, or separate, and ou moder-
ate terms, For pa ticulsrs, applyteT,T, WILSON
«1808,413, or to the TI*. office.
I the village of EXETER for sale, viz: Lot
Nu. three and South half of Let No, four in the
firs, 001104,00.011 0?tho township of liar, There
ere two frame Baro , House, etc, with a good
iorchard of (Melee fruit trees on Lot 3, The south
lel( .1 Lot 4 will be soil separate from Lot 3,
AI,SU FOU SALE & dwelling house with ouo fifth
iof au acre of land, in Ex utei , No. 131, Fi nnclstowr.
burvey. For further partionlars apply to
Mr. 12, V, ELLIOT,
March 0;79 Solicitor, Exeter
fifty aeres, babg south half of lute, comes-
eion 20 Stephen, On the premises there ere
a good hewn lug house, good frame stable, 2E-10,
and it young beaming weber(' ; also good well,
ladelced, 20 feet deep, with pump ; well fenced ;
School ono post -Mime within a few rods: 81 miles
trom ParkIn11, and on miihi road from Park-
hill to Grand Band. .itur further particulars ap-
piy on the premises or by letter to DANIEL
atAbISOM, Harplo P, 0, FOJ , 20,
No. 32
Dominion Notes.
Otte hundred yid country immigrants
arrived at Montreal on Friday, ninety
ef t, hum went west.
The Ilion treat Police Committee
have r ceunnended eub-Chief Perealis
to the Grand' fur the poeitiou of Chief
of Police.
It is stated that the Government In.
specters detected twenty oases of Owl-
ro-pneurnottio 133 the cattle cargoes of
the steamers Brazilieu and Cnitario.
One hundred and applications
have been made for tho pesitiott of
clerk of one of the markets midsr the
'Messrs, Mulvey and Wilde, ;lie Ma-
gietrates whit) ismued the wen:wits in
St. Agathee ItItien, affair, have been
struols oft' 1110 list uf justicee of the
A. gentlemen of Lewer Teem, Qie-
bee, interested i41 the shipping trade,
has reoeived letters threateuime his Ile.
..rhe ci'y police have the matter in
Men are et, work at 13elleville, rota, r
the supervieiou of the street stirveyot,
cutting away the ice from the piers of
the bridges iti anticipation of the usual
Sono t welve or fourteen of the
cituntetfeit fives of the Beek of Con.-
erce have been discovered in Lon
don. The piloting is excellett t, tied a
close copy of the genuine, but, the pa-
per hi flimsy and iuferior.
About twelve o'clools on Friday night
last, a fire broke tint in the barn of
Flynn, of Weetotnand it was impoileible
to save the bitilding. Mr. Flynn hest
m qmtntity 04 hey, wood and coal. The
1.111114.1111g was iusured.
Small pox is abasiug at Alberton, P.
E. I. The physician in charge tele.
grephs to the ,Local Government as
folloms: .4 Tatients out of danger • no
new catiee. Fears tire subsieliug and
confideece is rettiroing."
In the Gobbing Cabe at Montreal on
Saturday morning the answers to the
petit to glutei' the copias and reduce
the boil were filled. The 1831108 being
therefute completed his Honour ordered
the ease to go to proof toolay.
Daniel Van Wagner, who was ann.
victed of an atternet of murder at Kala-
mazoo, Mich., in June, 1877, and sent-
eneed to 45 years' imprisonment, end
who escaped from rrisou at Iona,Mich.,
was ((treated at Oliftou. Out et: Sunday
The water' in the St. Lawrence at
Mortisburg 130.5 almost essutned its or-
iginel depth, that is 11 feL't on the
mitre of the lock. The mills at Morris -
berg and at Waddington, N. Y., ere all
rintning again. There has been no
1.3wear FOR SALE.—ISHE SUB- serious alta'1ntge nn, otherwise (halt
scriber offers for side his farm Lot 11" -
Von. 14, Township df Osborne County of Huron
*0 acres clew ed, the renmiude good bush, well
+folioed, attain u good state ot cultivation; under,
.drainea, good orchard, splendid well of water.
fr.ujie barn 36x00,,log stable 24836, log house, 11.11d
veeuvenieet to school rand throe churches. For
.urblierparticulars apply to
WA*, BEYANS, Eirki on, PM., or
NB. B. T. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O.
ammisess. emeareeeets..
lir HO1)GSON, & OKE, CO.
v • Auetioneers. Saes promptly a handed
to, Days 0( 513105 aerangod at this office,
J. ,CLA.RJ.i, Agent for tU
he s -
\T • bone and Hibbert 3futual Fire Insurance
Company, itesidence Farq,max, Orders by
umil promptly attended to.
• Lelia Surveyev, dm.'will 1_ at the
11 y Hotel, Igicater,ou the first Tuesday in each
month. 01 tiers for work left with lir, John
8packinitn will ceceivelirompt 4,Lb0ntion
A.LA.KE, Commiesioper, Insirr-
• name. Laud stml Loan Agent. orrice -
next • loor Ai Royal Flotel, E rutrt. Wilsons
Hotel, iiensalt,ev.ery MortilaV.
the stoppage of the niEls.
- St. Patrick's ,Day was ushered in at
Halifax slimily after midnight by a
grand torchlight procession of three
juvenile clubs, h ailed by three bands
ofenusic and mounted marshals got up
in 'gorgeous costntne. There were 300 or
400 torch -bearers in the proceesion.
Large crowde of people were itt the
St. Pettick's Day was celebrated
,througliont the Dentinion in 0, quiet
manner. 10 the United States proess-
skins torch place at different places,
but 00 a very much smeller settle then
UAW° of the precious years. In Bel-
fast there was a distinbatice between
the police atid the proce eionists, hut
it did not amount to much.
Sir. A. T. Galt has hietituted lit] nc-
tion against the Mew treat Passenger
Reilwtty Company for $25,000, tile
emoont Of It bonus of $10,000 and 15,-
000 demaues, in consequeitice of a de -
411 It, on the part of the company in
ailing to NW its earli,a4 per agreement,
DRIVATE FUNDS to loan at 8 per
-L Cont.
moRTGA.GES BouanT.
Honey loaned on good NOTES,
Dee., Mort -
kJ gages, Wills. &r , drawn in reasonahle terms
1.• em teener ,nunes Ifni, of the vIllrage of Crecti
ton, to collect all examen b due me, in connection
vith the busitiess of Tinsinii,hing, carried on by
Inc In the • aid village, and to give receipts for the
same. , Fl SHELTON, Feb. 27.
last, the Pavillion firm.
There is no abittetuent in the feeling
1 pasties in regard to the diffieulty in
Ile Methodiet Outirch tr. W.rodstoolt.
A eetition to the trustees, o0. which a
harge is to be fortunlated, has 131,0(1411t iti circulation by Mr. Parker's op -
1011011W, ynttlig and old are solieit-
el .0 append their nmaesthereto..
2130 Ie are those ('f the detiondeation
'vim deplore this extreme proceeding as
alculated to intensify the bitterness
preveletit with too many.
Daniel Vali W11401300, the ()novice,
who escaped in Outfitterru
last ft n the
lotto (Mich.) Stele Hottest of Correotien
Whether he had been merit 1111 a. forty.
V43 years' term for awg
nined Into d ir
vat, Captured at late on Sutr-
a)/ night by Warden Gealtuu, of Iona,
HEMP wishes wishes to infer n tho inhabitants of 0
Exeter, cud SLOW that his sliter,f,IISS 1.1.101
XialP purposes to mum a School EXETER; for
YOUNG 1. 'DIES, in MAY next, giving the. n a
thorough adeoation in English, Froncli,Music,
Ace. Miss Kemp has b over i2 ;Mars OxPorlohoo
to teaching in El theists, pri vete fain illesoke, Terms
by eiteular, shortly
thee she appointment of Mossrft. Mason itr
Builsim,FLensell. as agents of the lauttlid Erie Tm
gentiles l'otnumos, of tho ()may of Wellingtely Is
10)18 clay elismelled.ond Mr, ,TO/IN HYND klAx will n
in future 3.03. 3.8 agent for Exeter and Vicinity,
/Iv mile)
tuolph, pooelabor 1870., 154L 5ec.-V00.8 4-4
and Officer Calhoun, of Detroit Metro
politer) Poli�e,acid quickly run aerobe
the line to Buffet°. He was then
brought to Detroit, by the Lake Shore
& Michigan Southern Railroad, and ar
rived there yesterdoy afternoon.
ft, is ruideretood that the ltev. Mr.
McDonald, of Elora, has accepted the
pastorship el the Presbyterian congre-
gation of this Town aud will sbortely
be inducted.
Stages have been put between Win -
tripes; alld St. Vincent. The mail cou-
tract, hes been let and the mails will be
carried by teams tri -weekly.
Nees of ft Most disastrous fire in
Miuden. The entire business portion,
toeether with dwellings, was consumed
yesterday afternoon. A clean sweep
V43.5 made from 1,Vistner's H del to the
Stone Hotel on the eide of the Main
street, and from Buck's Hotel to the
foot of the hill ou 4.30 other side, the
Hotels alone eioaping. The fire or-
iginated in Pearce'd storehouse about
four o'clock.
A b t ter feeling is takeing place in
&tweled circles at Montreat slime the
new tariff Was promulgated, and the
stook market is feeling as beneficial
effn t. Bank and telegraph gooks are
steadily advancing, stud altogether
tet.e is runch healthier tam peeVall-
The jury which has been investiget-
iug the origiu of the late fire at Barrie,
lets brought in it verthet that they fled
the evidence egitiust the party upon
whom suepicion rests as inconclusive ;
that they are unable to determine the
real .eause. of the fire ; and further,
that they are of opinion that the present
eystem of over-ineurtteco reolized by
compttnies Omelet the medium of
their local tweets lots as tendency t.') in-
duce incendies lean and is deserving of
severe public, condeinuatton.
The landslide at Fort Dufferin, neer
St. Joint, N. 13., cautitines to aretact
!lumbers of the ontious8,. who, when
visting the scene, are greatly. surpri-e(1.
t lie ex tent (if tiers elide. Two wan s
containing harm' retintius were ex-
humed on Weduesday of last week ;
the guns were dismounte (land two
magazines emptied of their powder,
&a.. it b ing feared that a crack in the
earth extending within the fort, this
guns and ammunition' would be carried
away and launched amoog the (kiwis
On Saturday forenoon, J. S. Pequet,
the defaulting cashier of the Hochelage,
Bank, was brought before Mr. Deshoy•
era in his ptivate office to give evtdence
on au accusation of alleged ecanepirecy
itgainst Goldring,in which the president
and the directors of the batik are the
defeudants. Paquet, however, reftlied
to aumwer most of the questions put to
hies iu the absence of his lewyers, and
when they 041110 would not tell how
much mouey Guldring had got from
A. panic took piece in the Roman
Cathutio Church St. John. N. B., today
while High Maim was being celebrated
in honor of St. Petrick's Day. A
drunken mall raised a distil., beuce at
the d ior, and the men humetliately a•
bout tile door reslied lint. Cried of
"Murder!" and “fire!" were raised, and
the 5,000 people in the Churoh Jumped
to their feet. 'Women aed children
screened and rushed to the doora, but
the men retaiued ;their presence of
mind. The sertree went os, the choir
*mitten to eing, and order was restored.
Notwithetandiug the great orushiug a -
bora the domes nobody was hurt.
An exciting scene was noticed ou Ger-
m/tit) stieet, St. Joliet, one slay litit
week. A. man wits seen to rueli up to
0. wornati with at child in her arms,
seize the child and rue ;patty, leaving
the woman in tears. Eugutries elicit
ed the fact that the parties were gyp.
sips and were man and wife. They
lied lived hat fienttain, itle., whence the
woman, Mr-. Banks, Tau owner with
her brether-in law, but refused to re.
turn with loin, and also decline 1to
give up the child. :Her husband, Rob.
est, then west to St. John, and the
miler way he amid lied to recover the
child wits to take it from her forcibly.
Ota Saturdny 111411)4. 13354., tie Air. T.
W. Cooper, of ()nein!), was proceeding
borne he attempted to pass under a G.
T,11. freight trein that wax standing
across the mtreet. geing under,
the train stet•ted, the wheelerc dotting
him. One of the braltostnen hearing
1(15 merearne, and .thinking him compan-
ion had fallen betwaeu the. oars, imme.
(limey put 00 brakes, but. befilre the
train tumid be et)pped two ea e had
passed over him, crushing hie leas and
the lower portion of his body iu a
frightfal manner, He was picked up
by thretrain•men and taken to the pas-
eenger anthill, when medics] aid was ttt
once procured, He was removed to
the General Hospital, where he died on
Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. The
deceased W RA a resident of Guelph for
many years, and was the engineer ill
charge of the Guelph waterworks,
• GetteraLNews.
Fresh disturbances are expected in
Pinto, Portuguese explorer,was ()Wig.
ed to fight all the native tribes.
Broadhead, the trades uoiou leader,
of Sheffield, Eno., is dead.
Cardinal Carlo Mortichini, Bishop of
Albano, is dead, aged 75.
The damage by the Lzegedin flood
is estimated at about one milliou and a
half pounds,
An important conference has taken
place between Gen Kaufmann and
there Ali's eldest brother, who was
driven from the throne.
Lady Thornton pres ented the victo
riolld Ell ei$11 Irian in the walking
tnetch at New Yolk with a gold medal.
Half a million of (1)110.3.8 are said to
have clotuged hands iu New York last
week in osnuection witu the walltiug
The latest instructions sent to Mukh-
tar Pasha autnorize him to offer Greece
half of the territory he claim&
Yakoob Khan's ambassadors to ele-
jor Cavagnari itemised a very defiant
tnatmer. Terms have peen seut to him.
A. Cair despatch etees that the
Khedive has idol -teed the British 0033.
that he apprehends fresh ctisturb-
tutees unless the Cebittet is remodelled.
A Berlin despatch states that Bis.
313(3.3.013., at a Parliamentary soiree on
Seturdey,denied that,heinteuded to dis-
solve the Reichstag shortly.
The arrangement between Turkey
and Austria iu reference to Novi Bezer
has been eencluded. The Greek front-
ier dispute has also been settled.
The Portuguese explorer, Pinto , has
arrived at Pritouia, South Africa, with
eight followers, all that, remeined of
the 400 with whom he tet out ou his
The Briti3h G orernment hasinvited
tenders for a telegraph Hue to South
Africa and the Meuritius, either vie,
Aden or India.
MioIrtel Kenny, of St. Innis, aged
35, died iu areet agouy the other day
from suability to swallow, the result of
the unskillful extraction of one of his
A. oorrespoudent at Berlin says that
Austria instructed he represeutatives
abroad to support the arguments and
complain te conteiuediu Lord Salisbury's
recent note. •
A. cumtnittee of twenty members of
the Bulgarian Assembly will prepare a
memorial to the Powers. A deputation
will present the memorial t the signa-
tories of the Treaty of Berlin.
It is stated that the Governor-Gen-
eral of Canada, and the Princess Louise
are to visit New York sliortly,
from which point it is the intentiou nf
the latter to sail for England ou a visit
to her mother.
Two thousand bonaes in Szegedin,
Hungary, and surrotinding country
have been destroyed by flood. It is
believed the water will not entirely sub-
side before July.
The Sultan hos issued the lone ex-
pected irede authorizing the conclusen1.
of ail arrangemeut with Anstria the
Novi.Bazer goestion and with Greece
ou the delimitation of the froet in .
The Sakai) has iesned the loug ex-
pected atellorizing tho concl 0-
si(e) o! an arrangement with A Istria
on the Novi-Bezer geestionne.nd with
Greece ou the delimitation of the Nunn.
The German Socialist Hirsch, . who
was expelled Irene Fronce Joni came to
nsuseelsottid has been editing aGerrnan
imitation of the Lainlernt., has been ex.
pelled froin Belgium by a royal
reported issued at the request of Ger-
The Gobs etatter that if is m rethee
probeble Hutt Iteneria lets notated 'Per.
key of her ititentioe leitVe tro() lie
8013113 Or 1110 Balloins until she is gem.
enteed agoinst payment of the wee tn.
ilemnity being prejudiced by the tenor
of the protected Turkish loan.
i)gin ii
fishing fleet went down ha the February
galee, carrying with them 143 men, and
leaving 58 widows tend 137 fatherless
children, The vessels supposed to te
lost were valued at $50,000.
031 Saturday afternoon, ten unknown
intoxicated man, staggered through
the streets of Red Rook, Pa, oarryiug
a bag coutaiiiing eight quartsof tam-
glyuerine. 511 v the town yvas she.
lieu, and the inliebitants started by a
terrific) exploeion, which senttered 1.418
body iu everyclireceion.
The cerresponleut of the Edinburg
Scotsman saysMieGldastune was not ht.
Netted to the Dike of Connaught'e wed-
ding. This omission excites lunch com-
ment in political ciroles, a Granville
and Hartiugtou both received invita-
For the past two years numerous
burglaries have boon committed jo the
northern port of Orange and adjoining
sections of Ulster and Sullivan coun-
ties, U. S. Thursday last the detect-
ives Arrested Wm. Wyatt, who (routes -
e031 and implicated four others, Moses
MecKennedy, George, William and
Charles chaeford, who were all arrest-
ed. MacKennedy also confeised.
The represeutative of Prince Don-
a/inked Iiursaltoff, ii) the Bulgarian As.
trembly, declarers firmly against the pro-
posal to send a deputatisn to the En -
3 °vette capitals to present a memorial
to the Puwers. The deputies, however,
have unanimously resolved te persist
iti that design.
Mr. Robt. Stevens, of Duruville, met
with a 6 rinus accident a few days ago.
He was miming up the Forks Road ou
an empty wagon with only a single
hoard ou the wagon, which, breaking,
threw Intn on the ground with his head
under the Mud wheel. In this position
the was dragged some distance before
the horses were stopped, He sustaived
injuries which at first were thought
to prove fatal, but he is imbroving,
and is considered out of danger.
A co reeueudent at Lahore reports
Wet the Viceroy has arrived. High
authorities say tne natives of India wilt
not believe iu British success unless
the troops advance on Cabal. Brown's,
division is coneeutratine at Jellaiabad,
to Le in readiness to advauce if necess-
ary. It is asserted that the manner of
Yakoob Khan's Envoy, wheu cummun-
icatiug with Major Cavagnare, was at -
most defiant. Terms have been sent
to Yakoob,, who hat. net had time tu
john Hibbard, of Port Huron,
bee been appointed United Stated
Consul at Goderich.
The spring show under the auspices
of the Hullett Branch. Asricultural So-
ciety will be held at Clinton, me Fri-
day, April 18.
During the storm on Situday evening.
Minh 9, the barn uf John J. FinItiusee
farmer of Gederich t twitship,was sti uok
by lightiting,and burned to the ground.
Ttiekittlk of his bort year's crop, farming
itnpletneats, three sheep and .i thtedt-
lug machine were also destroyed. No
The sacrament of the Lord's supprr
was admiuistered iu Duff Church,
McKilion, ou Sabbath last, to a large
eumber 01 counnuuicants. • The .Rev.
Mr. McCoy, of Egmonclville, preacheit
ou the previous Friday (beteg fest day)
with much aneeptauce.
Thomas Neville, the Cleveland man
arrested in Brussels, Out., sone titi
ago ou the charge of attempted unirdee
of Lieut. bum me, of the Cleveleml
Police Force, was convicted before
Judge MeMath, at thee city, 0.1 5:14.413.-
(113)' last, arid seutenced to a term of
3)1110 years lo Cslinnbue State Priem'.
Neville took his seuteuoe with compos -
tire, rather evils:sing n hatred for the
law and its offieers than sorrow for tire
commissiou of his .critne, which is riot
his first by any meet's.
A. prang d eughter of 1Ir. J ,81 ph
Lewery, 3,f neafortn, met with an 110-
113.110(1 4, e Welt Monist 411'001331 fatni,
the 12th Net. It, seems thet while the
little gel wee pleying a 011(1(4 some
logs, tvliich reeled or, the Initik of
dine' 1)140(3 5ee4. lea), that 0l10 ottie
10;t3 olipped and riled into the di. ch 03*
the toe ef the girl. Whet, reocited
('roil her poteletts povitiou there kv,,rti
110 td,Tur.: ol Me In her. Medical aid,
wee (sailed he and we are glad to 'emelt
tnet site is reo verieg. A. tiltild
Allen Mi'elt:el'e met with en. neentent
all i.hs 15 13ntsc., 33.') (*01) C31104(.11 a duet)
Uasli cheek hetie,
fi,„ tire the 'it Oki. fellom