HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 8T1174 =MRS
IV -I .Est. bop to advise el tbo annexed list of de*
>letrct eeuts w ob will:ke found well aaeorted' andpriests moderate: '
The full Public School list "ltd principal books
requiredforkiigb Schools and �'eaohere' Exact-
• inatioue.
Envelopes, Note Papers, Foolscap', Seals, Inks,
Blank Hooks, t¢o. Printed Stationery supplied in
guetutitles at low paioee
Ptnbraeing'S.S. Libraries, and S. School aup-
pl ea furnishe4 at Toronto ratoe.
cho,ce variety, suitable for wedding gifts and
Presentations. Well t'aoers and Wiuduw li'iuds
sill be completed by the 21st lust.
Close prices to detders. Any books sent post-
paid, on ieceipt of,pri,e.
Main Street, - Exeter
THURSD&Y, . a1AROEl 13, 1879.
PEOPLE should pleat,. off the sidewalks iu
the front of their Dreniies.
• HANG up your skates and put away your
SKIRT -HOLDERS for ladies and knee boots
for gentlemen are iu great deinaua at present.
Goof) Seed Peas for. sale. „ Apply to William
Bissett, Exeter.
NEW SroR'.-On the Gth page of this week's
. issue of The Tuxes we commence au interest-
ing story entitled "Michael Gargrave's Harv-
est." Read it,
SAnearn-ScxooL CONYENTION.—The annual
meetiug of the Huron County Sabbath -school
Convection took place at Seaforth yesterday,
and ie in session to -day.
TEINxe.—On thauks are due Mr. T. Cough-
lin, M. P. for North Middlesex, for Parliament-
ary papers which we have received from him
since be went to the capital. •
CATTLE F.un.--A Cattle fair for the sale of
stock will be held in connexion with the Exe-
. ter spring fair to be held on the 18th of April.
Buyers are expected from all parts.
CONTINUED. -The revival services aro still
being held in the Bible Christian church. A
number, mostly young persons, have during
the past two weeks presented themselves for
Posrpo:tsD.-The trial of the prisoners Dr.
Hall, Shand anddieen which was to have tak-
en place before Judge Sealers at Goderich on
Tuesday has been indefinitely postponed.
Foe IiIANIToBA.—Mr. Greenway's party will
leave for Manitoba by G. W. Ii. feom Centralia
on the 2tith lust:, freight, live stock and pas-
sengers going through to Emerson in 70 hours.
BEFORE TUE J. P. Several boys were sum-
moned to appear before Squire Gridley on Mon-
day, on a charge of having abused a son of a
widow woman. They settled the case by each
paying a small amount.
• Susoxc x. -During the past few days, Mr.
Thomas Prier has had his left arm adorned
with a sling, a large slice of the skin from
his shoulder having been talc= by Dr. Brew). -
to place iu the wound caused recently by
the removal of acaucer from Mrs. Prier's breast.
SPRING.— Spring, which usually brings
muddy roads, wet feet, etc., has apparently set
in. Crows and robins have put in an appear-
ance and the snow has almost all disappeared.
The rumbling of wheels is again heard in the
laud, and if the present warm weather can-
tinues a day or two longer the "beautiful" will
have all left.
BPSINEss•LIRE. - That express company
should do a good business which allows its
agents to retain for weeks and mouths money
collected on a 0. 0. D. parcel, as wo know has
been done several times iu a pertain office of
the American Express Company. People
ought to feel safe in allowing their money to
pass through that office.
G. T. ENrERTAtNMEET.—The members of
Harmony Lodge, L 0. G. T. iuteud holding
au entertainment in Pansou's Hall ou the ea:-
ening of the 19th inst. A good programme,
consisting of readings, recitations, tnusie; "etc.,
is beiug prepared. Admission, 10 and 5 cents.
. Doors open at 7:30 ; to cammence al S.
Avtiosr Fse.sesr.-Sa far the inhabitants of
Exeter have not felt tate effects of the Manito-
bt fever to any great extent. We have heard
6f a few c.tses. Three or four persons are to
leave during the present mouth to seek their
fortunes in the Nor: h -west, atad 'we feel assur
ed they will ult.have to seek iu vaiu.
Foxxnia SEnaroN.-The funeral sermon of
the late Mrs. Long was preached in the Bible
Christian church on Sunday evening last by
Rev. J. W. Butcher, bet Swing to the very bad
state of the roads the bereaved family were
notable to be present. • They made the at-
tempt, but being upset on the roast, they were
obliged to turn beck.
LEAP Yeast. -Already single ladies are begin.
ning to look happy in anticipation of that
much prized prialege they will enjoy in
the year lass.), that of asking he gentlemen's
hand in marriage. Ilsehful yo tug tutu oust
I aehelors aro not Sony either, because they
Ire aware that the fair sex will improve thisopportunity, and perhaps they. will nut be
passed by.
SEEDS 1 SEEDS I I SEEDS!!! Tltorue ik
Fa, mer's repmttttion i,1a'the seed line is such
that, to iusure ataarge sale, they have only to
tuentton that they have just received a large
stooksof Field and Garduu Seeds of this seas-
on's importation, which they warrant. The
farmer Sir gardener.. who gate hie seats ,at the
Star Grolcery cannot faito ltave a good crop.
T. St V. keen none but fresh seeds. '
Mune CLAss1oo -•'Professor $stfthFy. eiClint.
on, was in town ou '.l'uesday last; and inform.
err: us that in about two weeks he will Ire.
•tluouglt teaching music it 'Eeusall, sn
Y*i11 cane to Lxeser, where he svi.I give both
Yoke And lustritutettt lessons. A number
testimonials as to abtlity�ottn be`produo®d'fr
former pupils in Clinton and other plaee
Any one wefiuni,to take lelsous way cleave
Word at this office.
of to Stay thatlte i*'e gentleman in every
out• sense of the worts, and tw man of great
e anility, and I ate only sorry that Ira
1104 alljea 1►iu.self with the Onnse,vu„
live patty, t4 party: that 1, ratta. uo Con-
fidence i11, •
routs truly,
A. (hiAl'Lzswo TIi,
Illgwondville, Meech 11, 1079.
To tlu' 7•�,ltlor rte flte Tisues,
ais.ilz Sell.-T''eetoit the through the
columns of yottr raper t'o ;aonlradiut a
}ilinin°tts pttrrigrattlt in', your otn Lein.
taarttry' of' last week'n•'lily, tlaet'tin it
i Stated (het the yenot .intai Witt...went
(stun 'Exeter and iil•neall .to, Zurich
with a ah•ow b tit a tight bellied the!
scenes, Aliso fott-tkt over the division of
the Proceeds., The a.se't'tioe i:+ nttelly
without a shadow of fuutndtttiot., trtei
i t,utd only have bet'u matde to injure
,isbecause we did tb't, give. the piper
as►1y, of *tu.r priiitieg, Hoping He, Etli-
tor;t hat you will hive be above au int-�
errtino, tutu clear the youug men c to
oerned from the imputation of rowdy• •
ism., I rouutin, yours truly,
ONE oP Tuiet,
CHEAP, WoaiK.. -Tile low rates at which we
gave been doing printing for the last three
Mouths have attracted uunerous orders to this
office, Parties requiring printing of any 'de-
scription should leave thein ortlera at The
Troths" unite, whore printing of all' kiude iai exe
toted cheaper than at any other office iu the
bounty. of Huron, •
THUNDnn STottat.-OUSuntiay evening, last
just about the time the people wete on their
way home from olaurel' a heavy shower of rain
foil, making it very pulileasant for pedestri-
aus, The,thueder was also gaffe heavy and
the lightning very sharp. However,' the storm
was of short duration, On Monday evening
a heavy shower of rain nod hail, accompanie4
by thunder and lightning,. fell.
-..�, Bremer Is ExETER.-Yesterday morn -
jug Mr. Wm. Howey, sr., of Exeter, was ar
rested on a charge of bigamy preferred agaiust
him by a.womau calling herself, Sarah liowey
Mr. Howey has been living fertile last four et
Ave years with,auother..woman. who claitne to
have been mer ied to him by 'a magistrate int
the United States. Ur. Howey was brought,
beioro Squires Gilley and McPhillips. Butte
eltiimants to his affeetion and .estate appeared
in court: The prisouoi Was ootnmitted to jai.
to await his trigs • •
A VALDAnLE Cow HANG'D—On Thuralaly
night last a cow veined at 880. t'te property of
Mr. Wm. Wetry, of the township of 'Osborne,
stuck its head through the swing door in f.out
of its stall iu the stable where the feed was
pot in,,autl finally worked itself over on the
other side altogether, she halter becoming se
Light around the auitnal's throat that it was
almost strangled wheu JIr. Worry found it.
The butcher knife was immediately drawn
across the animal's throat, and the blood flow-
ed freely, so that tits beef was good, but Me.
Werry's loss will bo . ooneiaorable, as he will
not realise nearly as much. for tate beef as it.
would Naive brought on the Easter market,
which the cow was being fed for.
FAST .Roasts IN ExETEn.-Tito folluwing,
whichwe have clipped from the Sporting Times,
was written by a .notrespondeut in Exeter :-
"Sir,-Haviug noticed a list of horses Mug
wintaied in the different towns, I thought I
woul.l send you a list of what we hive in this
town. First on the list is the old veteran,
Galt Reporter,owned by Dr. Hutohiusou, wlr-
is looking well. Next is Mr. E. Christie,of the
Mausiou House, whose string oousists of Norah
B., a first-class halfoniler; and a two-year, old
colt, out of Norah B., by Judge Curtis, a prom.
isiug youngster ; also a big brown gelding
that he has unearthed, that he chorus eau
trot in 2.30, and being handled by Tom Carl-
ing. Next Toinlinsou's hay tuare, by Royal
Revenge ; he thinks she can beat anything in
Canada. Bissett's grey mare snakes a good
show ou toe street. A. flue bay mare owned
by John Gillesuie rooves like lightning. John
Snell has a three-year old that moves very
well. Billy Hill (the lather), Mr. Mace's fore-
man, drives a brown mare he calls Lady
!'boyo, which he thinks quite a goer. Mr.
Armstrong has a Clear Grit that he thinks
will make a trotter some day. I noticed Mr.
Hill, to -day, driving a good pair of road mares
belonging to Mr. Naze. `!'here aro seyorel
others not worthy oY note but may improve in.
to something."
'Phe writer of the above has forgotten to
meui:iou in his list two fine horses," viz., Dr.
MJortes ohestnut horse, and Juin]. Hawkshaw's
cream horse. Dr. tlfoore's horse is a ave -mile
goer, and tools first 1jloney at the races held ou
the Exeter Driving /Park last January. He
also trots well in a mile heat. Hawkshaw's
:horse is a good goer, awl took seeoud place iu
a hall mile race on the 1st of January last.
'riot we are very iuenh astunishod iu looking
over the list to not-fiud the name of "Electric-
ity," the fatuous racer formerly owned: by
Tom Carling, but is now otvned iu Lgcau. It e
said he is at present being trained to go
through a isnot hole without rubbing., his Instr.
Pease Lo4T.-A yonng lady frusta Exeter, ea.
a visit to A. S. Abbott, Esti., ;CV Odle of
Loudon, lost a valuable portmonaio at the G.
W. 11. station last Thursday evening, while
waiting for a train. The article in gaeartipy
was ornamented with mother of pearl, and
contained from 85 to 810 in looney.
The above is clipped from Lite London'Her-
aid of Saturday last. Whoever the young 'lady
tufty be, we'siucerely trust that her purse wilt.
a.,un be recovered. The Londou police shoulu •
be ou the alert for people titillated witleklepto.
Co the t ditur of (ke It'xeter lines.
tSls,-In your issue of !!Mardi 6th,
you have the reported to say at the pu-
litieal• meeting al I)a4hwood slayings
and sentiments that 1 never uttered as
reg0I de the Local Govern:Peet. !What
.1 Heid as to the Mowat Goveruaneut
way that they were ar mod,'! Govern -
4,1,401, and a Guvenutueut that had legis -
wins .
SPRING SIIow.--TIte Spring show un-
der tate au -plebs of the Biattshtlyd Att-
iioult•tIul Soo"ety ttia be held tit Kirk•
ton, on I+'t inlay, April 18111.
PItESENTATI°N,-On the evening of the
28th ult., about sixty members niid
fi semis of the Methodist elluauli, io this
vitheee, visited the verso:owe, and tank
the pastor, Rev. 0. 13 knah' op, and . i..
wife by surprise. Bringing with thele,
however, 1)U tlerout+• baskets heavily
latlon eith the choicest edibles, tut'
tables were soon epr ud, and the teen -
puny eat dews to the euj•)Vlneut of a
-01)5) initial and elegant ietnast, pro-
vided by the ladies of the Party. Wlten
all were fitly Hotisfied, the ,younger
.people amused themselves with halo-
eeut games, whilst the eider looked en
in approval, and passed their thne iu•
rational toad edifying cot:veratian, in-
terrupted oeeasi..nalle by s sea singing
and 0)ussic. In the course of the evel,-
ing Messrs. J. P. McIntyre ,tad James
13rcwn, on behalf of the reet. presented
1Ir. Bau'.hrep with a splendid buffalo
nobe', and Miss Emma Mcsiuti'rol and
Mies Macey Brown, aleo in the name
or the others, presented lira. Barth rop
with two sets of handsome lace curtains
and 0 beautifully worked motto sal au,
elegantly carved fratneetcenrnpauie•1 by
at feeling address. Rev. 1Ir. Bantam)
made tt happy reply. After hinging
the company separated, highly pleased
eith the evrer tsr'bf the evening, autd
feeling more t.[clgely attached to their
pastor.. '
Couxcxn.-The Connell met on the
first of Mat on, pursuant to adjourn
went. All the luembera present. Min-
utes of previous meeting rend and con-
tinued. Moved by J. Halls, seconaied
by T. M. Kay, that John Hunter, Jelin
Dempsy, sett., Matthew 'Bentley, 3.
Hazelwood, G. Lowe, Thos. Pollard.
Allred Cole and W. Gitlfillan be pound
keepers for the current sleet.-C,altied.
Moved by J. Halls, seconded by H
Horsey, drat the account of White &
Sons f0I'.'Rritatiug,amouuti'ug to $10 30,
be paakl:-Uarried. Moved by T. M.
Kay, seconded by 3. Shier, haat 1).
ilio Ir,
;Tulin Betook and Andrew Moir
be fence -viewers fur the current year. -
Carried: !!loved by J. Shier, seconded
by' T. M. Iiay,"that Wtn. Sal ilie `rt -oche
$10. for refief.-Carried. proved by J.
Shier, eeef,t)ded by '1'. M. Katy, that the
tendei,foi-townshit print ing, for 1679.
be•.gttvatrded tit White & Sous, their tent -
dei. beiilh 1) 1e 1owost.-Carried. .illove d
by J. Hods, secnudrd by H. Burney
that the aecbnnt of W. Folland, 1'o03
week's lenti•a of" Willianl Book, antral.'t"
ing to $2G, be paid. -Carried. Moved
by T. M. Kay, seconded by J. Halls,
that the Tredtvnrer be uuthurized by hy-
lo t, to purchase tw of onr'R. 11. De-
bentures from John Iliddrl, Stock Brok-
er, Hamilton, with the Studs belonging
trktlie.il. R.' rinking Rind account. -
Carried. !loved by J. Moll, i'Peouded
by T. M. Kay, that Jaseph Hewitt re-
ceive $10 Pur relief,•= i iriied. ?J sverl
by J. th111e,,sedoutded by T. M. Katy,
that the petition of C. Stvizter and.
alters, at,king this coua,yil to @rl:ct a
bridge oyer Fish Creek, 011 the side line
between hots 15 and 16. concession 13.
be taken int° coesiderat.ion at anearly
period. -Carried. Moved by J..iaile,
econded by J. Shier, that the Clear
trncnte the services of a competent
urveyer to luesste the side•iltse hnstweeu
''t 8, oouces-•ien 7, sad lots 11 & 12. 8
W. 13., also the side line betweee lots
5 & 6, cO)eessiOn 8 & 9, and notify all
interested pas lies to attend. --Carried.•
Moved by T. M. Kay, seconded by 11:`
fitted 111 acuurda itte wit the eultgliseu-
ed spirit and prngrt•seive tetttleuuiee of ,
the age, and halt left a political recortl I
behind theta than the pe°ple of Outari.,
might well feel proud of. I did not
say, as reported in year paper, that 1
would be sorry if the Return* ptirty
would .tllow tlrbtuyatIvea to be prejudice.
ea by at partizan zeal, etc., but I aitrol►}t-
ly advised ray politiceil friends 4o rally
around the lefosiat Goverrlrne t and
carry theins to victory'at the next elec•
tiou for the Liget 'House. As regards !'Clay. drat Jelin Staldnn be refunded !l ,,be
Homey, than tile.taxei; charged against
Wiliirtin Cornish, and William Cook,
for statute labor, be remitted as the il'.l
work has been performed. ---Carried. h
Moved by J. Boric, Heenu•letf by T. 1C, tl
is, 13 9
Special Auction Sale of shop Mauves on
. .del •s wrale4.o�!�o. rvmsmo n • ,s�I
Cuttttcil adjourned till lst Saturday in that, Jnyeph Higgitte bo cell+etor ftr
Aptil at 11 o'clock, a. na.
N. J. CLARK, Clerk.
Ailsa Craig.
_ u
JAcKANtPLS.-O<.laltte litigee, fiphtee
Woe teepee- '!'hewer ntou•dhnul. Noe
bock lr•ish. 13utherebin. Fareeh•abel
tttgli, t9illi.x-u Ruth,. 1l.tivt rl, Iit'dtvnd,
Rive, N:atighnna, gtwdit•, eloily en nar•-
auti 1ln Jew•, and from all tither detil
eine, good.Lord. deliver ns. What do
sees think alter that Mister Edit:hur,
of nae kulliign edeeeehttn ? 13e the
hole in the cote, but i find after all, my
lereie is sadly tlefishwit. Whin i was
a bit of a gorsoon in the 1 neralil ire,.
tl►e meld Intl, inc f.adrr, steal it a root
the present year 111 a salary of $70. ---
Carried- !!Tout ti by Mr, D'•uglue, b00•
dt d by i1lr. ' McKinley, that, ill alt•
Hwer to the prayer of the potiti'atn of ti,
nntuber of rtita'payeri of school eeut.i•au
No. 4, the °outwit take into Considera-
tion the propriety of • passing a by-law
at next tweeting for the purpose of di-
vidittg maid section into two, a al.° runt
the Clerk notify all parties affected of
the proposed cl►aaige.- Carl had, MIN, -
ell by Mr. 'Douglas, arcpatded by itIr..
Aikeohe tl, that the township printing
bo awarded to the New Isro, C'lititoaa, it
being the invest teu.ler.- Carried-
kinvad by lir. Castle, seconded by Ifr.
1Jcliitle}, that all parties not sutra=ileal:
with their assessiltent for dogs 011181
wank. a mouth fo sill(' a Kish of turf make application t., the Ca)nrt of Re -
11111 14 Stone prattle t:),Ibe Bnitavnnr• vision, its no alteration will ba matiet
hey mat kit, the net prncalles of witch after that date.-Carrird. • !loved by
atanonntetl to five and tinpince, null 111r. Cae►1H, seconded by lir. Dom;las,
l Itis nate sou) he sit to ingage Fader that the Reeve give an order to Joseph
O'i hatuahnersy, the pr.aste of the par. Colwell fear 50 gents, for poker autl
rich, to give me 8 lissons'1 week 1)1 1118
tied laugwidges, bopin' that sum duty
the yttthfnl Janius which i at times ex-
hibitad wad race mo 11buv,i the livil of
a contrite?) peeler,, which vete the Horn
and totil of toe. metl,ar's an,biehun-
r.'gnieseat-itr-pace, or Hors rayther. It's
well i reininJbur,:ravaronce wud eat me
on the bed patrunizinly, and say i wag. of Varus, $50 ; east, $100.-Cau•t•ied.
a grate supiet for luny nuth, but the Moved Ly Mr. Douglas, seconded by
saints betting uv mud interum, in don, Mr. AikNnheed, that 111eLean Bros'. co-
in nowhere, ever senee reudkit'en esti- feount of $7.501, for printing, be paiti.-
i,te in the last i hue of your Jneil coo- Carried. Moved by Mr. Castle, second-
titnery from .the:.pin .of that dncknu ed by lir. Ailcenhead, tint the Clerk
rotas, I'm bavviu fiettin' my guts to Notify the Be eve of Bayfield that the
ft•ldal sttit'ings, tn.•think that so niftily interest due the tnwrtship of Stanley
Riches of turf and saxe of prat.eos was lhas not been paid•• -Carried. Moved
by Mr. McKinley, seconded by 11r.
Castle, that the Reeve, Messrs. Aiken -
head, Douglas and the mover be as
oonnnittee to examine the propriety of
ehovel for the hall. -Carried, Moved
by lir. Castle, Het:ended by Mr. Ailcon-
hend, that the following appropriations
for the
different couressiots be m,uh
for the pt•eseent year, viz.: 2 & 8, $100 ;
4 &5, $100 6&7, $80; 8&9, 80;
.10 .& 11, $100 ; Bronson Line, $100
Sabra Line, $120 ; Baavfield .Eo'itl.weet
hist on me, au' after all i noes nothing,
I du be thiukin' that this Jatoltunapes
an Orangemen, a basturtd f)rvntasun,
or one of those nocked neer chaps we
reed about in the ,papors, his writin' rs 1 exuendin; money 0u the marsh on the
so apocrypha ; if tet he tnnst be a de- sideline between lots 5 & 6, concession
riot desoindant of Mr. Ncx or Beneccik
Amnia, en' br'ot up on otemalo or corn
mush, his brines are so aleer, take for
eon/ripe', "pseudonym," "otos append -
mgrs,", '-b sulcus minus." Howls mo'es
bat ive lost my breth annost. Who let as the bridge is unsafe for pnblic tray -
him loos on the ansofiiticated citizens el. -Carried. i1: vel by Mr. Castle,
of Lakin ? The Lord save us, where seconded by Mr. Aikenheud, that this
is the iiistitnshion in which he gradin- Council do now adjonrn to meet ou the
ilea 9 Was it in the Upper Kinnnnda first Saturday its April at tett o'cloOk a.
Kolled�ge, :lt' in the Univarssitee ? Was m. -Carried.
it all pale fur ? %Vhsrt n Rape it onat Wtr. PLUNKETT,
the onld chap, and all this from the Caerk.
r'nipthty of the ri erin spring belrase that
;fellow Borax acenses him of makin' a
hie .fell mot well inet with that tub -a-
gate of a peeler. I1'ybe they sit to -
/zither in sonotiiniile air.lnvin' bind
di3r':#wrcic•rtees and th.,t's where the ens'.
ey',A'f lies ? At am rate, Mr. Editur, i
ti�tto tip the. •spnne'e, and entices ynu ,Vednesday, March 19: -Farm stent, ir,tplti-
nrna,nuitine `m, eff•iyt4 nt'.rnitin' The .lett n)ents, finitlture, etc., the property of
n d 1 Thos. Bell, lot 8, con. 14, Tucle rsmith..
lit g,:idees fully nquii to his bog InSin,
Jas. Oke, auctioneer.
vale aball•1►ave on more of my valuid
Thursday, Mttach 20. -Household furniture;,
etc., the property of Win. I1.raft, Dash.
wood. Orth &c Bossenberry. auctioneer.
9. -Carried. !loved by Mr. Douglas,
s'oondeti by Mr. Castle, that Messrs.
Aikenhead, IticIiitiley and Douglas bo
a committee to inspect the bridge on
the. Bronson Line au 00011 as possible.
Tuesday, March 1S. -Farm stook and imple-
ments, the property of Aligns Campbell,.
lot 7, con. 13, Stephen: Orth &Sc 'T3ossen-
berry, aLCt'eneers.
Bart. sspctnilense, for Jatcirunapes has in-
,trelv'�1:uadnne m.e, an' before i ane
cnni.pltitely enihilated i Ann retire and Saturday, March 15. -Farm stook,iarsplements,
lave'. him and hie peeler a cleer furniture, ere., the prolierty of George
field. D.sn't take this fur a bnrlisk. Tapson, lot 11, con. 13, Stephen. James
Too*xAVAli.. Otte, auctioneer.
-----�� Monday, March 17. -Farm stook; implements, 'l
Sta21'ey, furniture, ete., the property of Alex. t
Johnson, lot 7, Lake Road East, Hay,
GOOD COLLECTING. - The collector Orth Bosseuberry, auctioneers.
for the township of Stanley for 1878
appears to have faithfully discharged
his duties, there being only 00 cents
on the roll nroullected.
Thursday, ltiaueh, 20. -Farm stock, the prop-
erty of Henry Sgalers, lot 4, eon. 8, Us -
bot nit. J, Dinsmore, auctioneer.
DonisIN CouNcrr. -Tea Stanley Town- STOCK T'1STIliY.
ship Council rnet pursuant to aaljuurn- s l'ItAY.eD from bet 32, Lake Road,
meat at Vartsa nil tea 1st lost. Mem ICast, Tp Hoy, about tot October, 3 .
Sere all present. Y.eeve in the ehait',t oueenred., bree, otheere bell, an.l0 As:Wes'
cue all roll, and another red awes.' ' ytFaAvq�t;tti
M1linutee 0f pl'eviota..1 meeting read and o' cow. A Itbe.s'• reward - sutra Aftiffyai
approved. The c"llectnr's statement overs. :,1./../ 61.1g J. T'• dill bio, g.:;vo13 sere
I.tid on the table. 'A petition fr•)n i11r.
Shen and twenty-nine others prat.ttp
tttatt N.pttotil section No. 4 be divined in.
to tWo parts. '!"enders for ;,ne town-
ship orbiting were rt',,i. lvta)ved b,
r, Castle, 'Seontl.rlaif.; byMr.r .
ai erg} ,
ef�til, that t11e�,i.;,eave iv ��l` d , ��1,L.1tA�i'I:iD-�a30 I?.E�VA --From,
give. an q•1;d to K
Ql. Lot st, ecu H, a u(tilllvrny, onus wet whiles
io collector for his. aaihfctiy. for 1,878 nwuiey atoor,one rod tants white, ip1 -cling steer,•
ing $80,-.0arlied, teke • l t ' he'd two rod yoarll3. tigr(crs: e' ete%tbove'eet.iierea
4 loll tt .1 r. viii ire paid tc, say poison gtgit1 •; lnfort>;aat�lton,,
Aeuhead,„sebott3t�il1 b' . ,U_ , jou fleet win load to.theteo�d� rveryy•of tys ar', ere,.
,•,:.:,, qY,,., -, ail) item ieW,ellISIiilt.g,, ieuirif'ea 9
.. Ylat'a,Yyt,..13y'teK;stor, 9.'.U1;
e1 TEA , tie, ;Ca ,on the premis-
' ;tet td new CC,rier, Lot; 7, Cup, 4, Uebyrrte,
e,a pr tk1,�pty r 6,4 44 1 l 4tbi a Faro tw,l.orthree oars.'
olds 2s p A,tetioi' le rt2q�itestod to provq.,ibioxier1y, •,
,; tt lbs and takstn awnv.
' Ittu
1a3A1t S�iU1tTTt;If•
thy friend Mr. it
Jackson, I Uy 4u,etiun A