HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 71 M,at101 1 ,' 1$79 CURIOUS FACTS. .Afghan grapes are the Rive of wee, Huts, Tomato plants grow like trees in C;aliforuia. Fraume has maggot ftrctoriee which turn out food for fish ponds. In the year 1800 there was sot a eingie railroad in the world. )Pule Chinese printed with wooden tyles a country before Gutteuburg'e time. .Fifty years ago tomstoes were called love applee, and were coueidered puie- 0110118. A. Florida orange tree has been known to bear five ttiouseud oranges iu one effluent. The birth place of cholera, according to a writer iu the "London Times," was Iiindostan, Rob Roy's mnsket and pistols are f hanging up at Abbotsford, Sir Walter 800tt's noaie, In olden times people drank honey and water ut woddittgs ; hence the ,phrase honey-mnou. A little more than a hundred pears sego, Newport, R. 1„ had a greeter for- eign trade than New York. Chill -hardening is a Mode of temper. ing steel-cuttiu. instruments by expos. ing the red-hot metal to a blast of cold air. The i\Iissonri River is 1,000 feet Itigber n Council Bluff than the level of the Golf of Mendota into which it fi- a tally flows, There have been no less than 2,000 elistinct varieties of the dahlia recorded, and this number ie being annually in• creased. HISTORICAL ITEMS. Charlotte Corday killed Murat in 179;}. N:tpolenn's last victory was at Dres. dun iu 1818. The uoieu between England and $o'+tlaud took place on the 1st of May, 1707. Boston was named in honor of Rev. J. Cotton, of Bostou, England, is 1630. George Washington was nutde a was- ter ruwou at Fredericksburg, Va., in 117.58. 1t 'is only about thirty-three years since the first sewiug maehiao was in• vented. It wits pa.teuted by Elias Howe liu 1840. Nt,w Haven, Conn., claims that the 'first hard money coined in the country, a copper cent, was made there iu the year 1087. O'te of the whirligigs of time—The 'cordird reception of tin English baud to Rr8tora on the anniversary of the battle .of.Butik•er Hill. This actually occurred, dt wi4,1 fee remernhei-ed, on the occasion .of tike great jtll)tiee. `T',lte New England colonists were not alone in severe lap's against the Qrialcers. tun Virginia the thee for hringintt e. Qua - ler in the •e +lony was £100. Quakers were cenitt,iitted to jell till they gave se- er.nit,y to depart,and if they presisted in returning a third time they were trent- ed as felons. There are some ancient relies from elle tomb of Mausolens in the British 2.[usextal. This famous monument, one not the seven wonders of the world, was 'erected iby Queen 'Artentesia, wife of lfausols.a,35 years before the Christian .Era. It was called bfansoleuei, and all other nnaguificent tombs and sepul ,cares have ever since received the ensue emote. ADNENTURE WITH A TIGER. Mr Thompson recounts a tale of a grlanter who returning home after a ca- rouse, a little too much under the in- iiluence of Scotch whiskey, was sorely tl:estead by a tiger. " It was rather -stark, and verging on the small hours' .of the morning when M'Nab mounted tion hie trusty steed, set his feoe towardsr Thome. Feeling at ,peace with all enen, :cd even with the wild beast of prey, 'die cantered along a road bordered with mangroves admiring the fitful gleaote of the fire -flies that wore lighting their midnight lamps among the trees. But I soon the reed 3)ec,tme darker, and Don- ald, the pony, pricked rats his ears mi- ca ily as he Maned into ales jungle path, which led towards the stream, Don- ald snuffed the air, and soon redoubled Iris pace, wield 'ears set ,close back, row - tills dilated, an& bristling mane. On- ward he seed, and ,at lwett• the r.ngry :growl of a tiger in full et'catse behind rriuded i1•Nab to full peril of his pool. ti n, and chilled his blood with the; thonglrtthat his pursuer was fast gain.1 ing gro,iir d, •air& that at any moment ' ('U,f•TO.,ils lie might feel ,the.olutch of his dinngr'y and a te>at'lese ,clawe. Here vas a d.i• l.'mrna—tlhe cold ereek'Were'him, weld the hot breath of the tiger en the rear,. A moment or two were gained by loss. FACTS AND FIGURES. "Pule wheat prop of California exceeds the gold products by $20,000,000 iku- uually.. The tea season closed at Hong Kong on January 4 ; The total exports for the year were 157,000,000 lbs, The last °ensue of Nov,York State *thawed that 12,659 of the population (Attie Empire State live in log cabins. Iroquie County, Ill., there are 290 artesian wells, all bore, that yield a to- tal daily supply of 5,850,000 gallous, The consumption of beer iu the whole German otupire last year was 841,058,. 768 gallons, or nearly 20 gallons per mouth of population. The Society of Friends in England is remarkable for the longevity of its members. There were but 281 deaths last year among the 17,000 Quakers in Great Britain and Ireland. The total length of rattway operated in Maiue is 1,006,83 miles, being about 1 mile to 83 utiles of territory, to each 144 of population, and to $231,000 of property. The Chinese of tbe present day are said to have lost a curious secret. They knew formerly bow to paint their porcelain with fishes and other crea- tures, in such a Manner that these fig. tiros never appeared to the eye until the vases were filled with liquor. The report of the Moires Presidency in India, publ:sbed in the ''Loudon Times" shows a frightful insecurity of life in British India. Among other items we find 268 murders during the the year, 1,607 sui,;ides, two-,birde of which were women. The following statistics of the num- ber of lodges of Free Masons which ex- isted at the end of last year will no doubt be read with interest by many : In Germany there were 84 lodges ; in Switzerland, 33 ; Hungary, 44 ; Rou- mania, 11 ; Servia, 1 England and Wales, 1,187 ; Scotland, 384; Irelend, 269 ; Gibraltar, 5 ; Malta, 4 ; Holland and Luxemberg. 46; Belgium, 15; Denmark, 7 ; Sweden and Norway, 18 ; France 28 ; Spain, about 350 ; Portugal, 22 ; Italy, 110 ; Greece, 11 : Turkey, 20 ; Egypt 28 ; Tunis, 2 ; Al geria, 11 ; Morocco, 2 ; the West Cons. of Africa, 12 ; African Islands 25 ; the Cape, 61 ; Arabia (Edea), 1 ; India, 118 ; Indi,%n Islands, 16 ; China. 13 ; Japan, 5 ; Australian Islands, 4; An- ustralia, 229 ; New Zeland, 84 ; Unit. ed States, 9,894 ; Canada, 034 ; Cube, 30; Hayti, 32 ; West Indian Islands. 65 ; Mexico, 13 ; Brazil, 256 ; tithes states in South America, 179—a total of about 15,000 lodges. The nntnbet of Free Masons is about 5,000,000. Carr, at the first Drug Store and procure a bottle of Gray's Syrup of ked Spruce Gem fur coughs, colds, Re. We recommend its 1u chase at Drug Stores of respectability, as there is au attempt to place in the Mantis of the pub lie an article under a similar name, put up 111 t: similar style, but tat a white milky appearance —the genuine being of a clerk brownish -red colour. It is a wretched imitation, and should be at once rejected. Ir you are suffering with a cold, clo not fail to try I-IAaYAriD's P)GC'ronAr, BALSAar ; it is drily relieving its hundreds throughout our Dominion. It is pleasant end palatable. For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter. MILLDRIDon P. 0., TUDOR, ONT. A Tnursss.—Constant grinding at the mill of life, perpetual loss of vital force, will drag the strongest man to the dust ; it is manifest, therefore, that the system roust be kept sup- plied with a due amount of oxydizable phos- phorus, The pleasantest and most palatable way in which it can be introduced into the system is by the use of Vrcronr. HIPOYAos- aarrks, which is the greatest brain, blood and nerve food in the world. For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter. MAatiraox is a solemn thing—a choice for life; be careful in the choosing. And be care- ful in choosiug a remedy for female com- plaints. Be sure to ask your dealer for Vrc- TonrA BUCHU and 'Live Unsr. It is now extens. ivety prescribed by all respectable physicians, Bright's disease of the kidney; diabetes, etc., may be overcome by the Buchu if taken in time. .For sale by Dr. 0. Lutz, Exeter. Gray's Syrup cures the wtret lorrnatof Coughs' and Gray's Syrup mires Sore Throat and hoarse- areas. Gray's Syrup gives immediate relief in Bron. chins Graf's Syrup is the best medicine for Asthma. Gray's Syrup relieves Croup and Whooping Cnugl . Gray's Syrup is invaluable in the last stage* Consutmption Sold everywhere. Prise, 25 cent. ' t"' 4 z 41. DEnP✓1fTat L✓1"1. L'�+X'�O DISCOUNT W1T,L I3E AL - lowed on Ineoriaan Invdiecti until further notice. a..701,111Deo. 4..'1841 Commissioner ofnctctus ing his het 'behind him, and then 'Don• old cleared the etreain at abound. The tiger lost hie ssetlt, 'and Mr. M'Nab reached home iu safety, by what` he de• lighted to describe as a Wiracul sus es- CATARRill 'CATARRH 1 ! tJSE lvJ The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only poaitive cure forttjatarrhyetdleoovered, POS eaLY. DZ C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DRAG STORE. t,, SMITH,, GeuoralAgens, Arl on's, elft. 1y-811 Piano TDs, IParrah tor a ksigm, and Sewin.g Disable ! IIIIt JAI fq,,.vU,Lpy4uli'fynW.4nUJwl mnlllulu � N� ;1 /� I lmumm L a 9V •\ ( r+'i u II : ' L U{II I' + •t �P�Ngm�m,���;�ullilVlq h I �I !ill61.44 II ul .%iUthpllllulN�iplmllu�liull Ipl mHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF et Silverware, China and Dell over seep in the West, al saEE'WSrrB taTORZ, Mr. Drew has j eat received en motions stock r f Silver Tea dettp,i3utter Coolers,Doubleand 8iugle Plakte Grunts, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Cota- munion Setts, etc.,of the Best Quadruple and Triple Plate, and is offering the same atprices that would ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! Re halt just opened out a new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stonowares. A large stocks)/ Lempsjust arrived. Call endsatisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness. Come and try our instruments. Music Teacher still on land. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing Sachine, Organs and Pianos unsurpassed f.,r usauty of design, and quality of tone, , E. DREW. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT i o H E Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s'-rronnding conn - try,, that he has oprnect a TIN and S I'OVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epar ed to fill all orde.s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves .,9,.t Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical workmen on the premises. Eave-Troughing done to order. Carriarre elating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, tbe very best and none Cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always find me et my post, ready to attend to my own business' and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and. supply them with a good and cheap artie e. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get better value for your moues. Phe very highest price iu Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins, E H. SPACE rMAN. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. McCLF;LL SND REMOVAL! REMOVAL! BE MOVA.LI R'EMQ Agri REMOVAL! REMOVAL!! P. F+'RAYN;$i has rosnove to his new shop, lately occupied by Perkins .t Co—two doors uorth of J, Grigg's book. store,where you wiUAnd everything usually kept iu e. first -elites harness establishment, which for quality of material and style of workaanehtp IS NOT EASILY SUiUPASSED Gall and examine my stock before purelraatug elsewhere. PETER FRAYNE. L W F.A.LL GOODS. A. 1<.' J± Lt.Y has just received a large stock of !Patches, Clocks, Jewellery, rio., less Stringer, !p.c%ucle8, Lattres� and (worsts' Pewit hooks. A large stook of Fancy Goods eon- stautly on hand. DO NOT READ THIS Beer aving received a lot of new machinery, I Li would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I. am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and prise I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. HAY PUMP WORKS Q. BOLTON, - PROPRIETOR. Raying now greater facilities for manufacturing pumps than any other factory in the section I am prepared to furnish pumps and dig wells on the shortest notice, and warrant all work.. My pumps have taken the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PALL SHOWS ecommend the , and many s cheap as arty second rat art elo N. B,—RAIR'WORK OF ALL. RINDS DONE MRS. BOLTON_ r . Shop --One-quarter mile north of Exeter London Road. Ray P. 0 Exeter. Aug. Ath, 1878. in. '71EE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- E ERY. • Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. 1'rtce six cents. 1 1 T Aloctuxe on the Nature, Treatment,nnd Radi- I T ..A I.. k calucedoe$elt-&bosses luEmissions, induced byones Buse, Involuntary e8,r SpEmissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Consumption Epio psy, •,nnFits ; Mental and Physical Incttl'acity, fts.— B1 ROBgR'r J. CULVER WELL, M. D., author of the `Green Book," Sc. Tho a'o.Id r•eeo vned anther in this admirable f,ecture,etearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self -Abuse may be .'fiectually reproved without medicine, ano with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies,instru- toents, tinge, or cordigls; pointing out a mode of eure at once certain andoffoctuul, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, priva tely and radically. t This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under ses1, iu a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. •lddres Tna c nwer.n I EDICAL CO. 41 Ann st. New York. DHISW'S t3LCiCIi, EXEX1471-7,11 NE W GENTS' FURNISHINGS ---A.T-- RANTON BROS. New White Shirts, New Collars 8e Shirts, New Collars, New Scarfs & Ties, New Silk Hdkfs, &o., &c., BSC., &c. Headquarters for THE LATEST NOVELTIES sig. bought .s,t rigtht privets ---will be sold cheap. RA TTON altos, Hestott's Sleek,,oppoal%e .Samwell,t Piekard's,Seetet4 P. 0.113x 4586 NEW BUTCHER - SHOP the undersigned wouldinform the inhabi. tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP elle door south of his Blacksmith ehop andhopes the aameliberal patronage that has bean ao corded to him in the fLA08831ITE AND WAGON. trARING ,tnewillbeoxtendedtohim in his new brancb et uusinesa, Bis meat wagon willoall at the resi- dents of the village three timeseacl weekand FRESH MEAT all kinds kept eonstautll on hand at his butcher shop. Blecksmithing and wagon reakingoarried on as usual in all its braLtLea R. DAVIS. HMN SALL PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for the Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to pm•chase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft, Shoulder stuck, : twenty-five cents. If sny of the bung gut is loft in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No pork will to bought at any price if warm. S A. Er SAGES ,.--AND-- — .Pork Cuttings eft hand at reasonable rates, We want all Hoge ,Cutting aright through broant;te head, and :$amts opened out to tail, G. 4.6 J. PETTY.