HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 5NEW TURNIP SEEP, --- - - o:o.0 o.o.o ..- NTEW MANGOLD SEED, NEW OA,RTOT SEED NEW TIMOTHY SEED, NEW CLOVER SEED, NEW MILLET AND HENGA.RRN SEED, TARES, TOP ONIONS. DUTCH SETTS, SWEET CORN BBEA.NS, BUCK WHEAT, ANDA GENERAL ASSOTMENT OF GARDEN AND FLOUR SED,DS. IN TACT ALL SEEDS TFIA.T ARE TO BE FOUND IN A FIRS1'•CLASS SEED STORE, Dv NOT FORGET TO PURCH .SE YOUR SEEDS WITERE THEY ARE WARRANTED NEW, AND FIRST-CLASS IN EVERYPABTICULAR. IN FACT EVERYBODY SHOULD BY THEIR SEEDS AT THORIvE & FARMER'S STAR GROCERY, ✓tI.1T liYCETS FALL win)/ T. White Wheat . Scott " arntN0 w AT 'rife " Red Ohalf " Marley ... Oats .o •.• (;,lovas Seed,....-... ...., .,... rI'eits , )iuLter ... .. Flour per bbl. ,. • Petatoos, par bag .. ,.. .Apples, por bag Dried Apples pr b... ... Bogs; dressed per 100 Beef Hides ... ,.. Sheepskino, each ' ,., ... Hay por ton ... Onions per bush ... ... ... Lard. Wool, perlb ... Turkeys per 11) Geese. .-,,., " ... .... .. 0 05 to 0 Oa Ducks, uer'uair '" ....... ..... .... 0 20 to n 25 80 to 0 "3 ... 8.5 to 11 00 080 to 087 075 to 082 040to1 55 028 t0 311 8 40 to 3.75 0 48 to '1 55 0 13 to 012 to 012 400 too ill 0 00 to 0 75 ... 50 to 1 70 0061o007 6 09 to 5 50 1 00 to 5 00 450to600 50 to 1 00 700to80'' 0 50 to 0 75 04(710007 0 20 to f1 21 0 07 to 0 07 ST, MARY'S • (it ;ported regal trly by A. Galbrnith,Olerk D"elhi wheat, per bushel 0 07 to 1 00 Sprf n3 wheat 0 35 to 0 00 Barley .-.. 40 to 0 50 Peas ,. ..... 55 to 05.1 llat•( ,..,., ......... 0 80 t0 033 Potatoes pot bag 0 80 to 1 00 .Apples " 0 50 to O 71) Beef per lb.................... . 004 to 0 00 Mutton '............ . Pots: par cwt..,........o. 4 511 to t 70 Eggs, per dozen .. • 0 12 to 0 14 Mutter0........ ... ... ... ........ 11 to 0 14 'Turkeys 0 50 to 1 2. Geese 0,35 to 0 51' Pucks pair,... . 0 40 to '0 50 (thickens" 0 20 to 0 3: Rides 100 lino .. , ... 5 00 to 5 50 Wood cora.........,........ ......... ... 2 40 to 5 00 Kay ........ .....0 c0 to 8 OG S't'ool ................. 0 23 to 0211 sheepskins-. 0 50 to 0 7:: w UP WITH THE TIMES. 0 - PARTIES INT e.NDING TO PURCHASE ORGA N'S S i1 OULD CALL AT T. IPITT aril Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. r' j50, w. THE GREATEST. wonder of llodern T ribs ollowa z Pills &4;inbrnent Therille Purify the Blood .corl:.eptalifiiao eters ofthtLiver, Stomach, Kidneys an(' Bowels, and are [Iiwtluable iti all c0n'l,plgihts incidental.toy, Yggrtlalee: • .,^" .; x r,: '.:The d; n'tntcutie the elhly'e Rill Ser +lad f,( a i a of O1dAiVotlude,•fl'ilro d IF1' e , of o ever longstanding. For Bronchitis, Uip'ltberin,, (3315x, t4nut.IL11enruatiam;ani? rill. kind ofdispaeo it has uo equal. , , BEV'ARE OF AMERICAN COUNTERFEITS, I most respectfuily bite leave to call the n.tton- tion of the Public generally to the fact, thatcor- t in Houses in New York n re sen (1) ng to many parts thoglo1'o SPURIOUS IMT.TA'i'IONS of my Pills and Ointment, These frauds bear on theirlabels 801110 title;eSeles in Nnw Ycrlr 1 in not ,11o':v naybladic'nes to,be serif iiianl port of the United States. , x; ate ixo .gems 1 them, lift' Medicines' are only rondo :bv 10Ye at. 1183, Jxforel Street, 'Loudon, :. ., In the nooks of directions afAielt to the emir. 1 arts molso is a cautlnn,waruing tllnPnbllc against e ' r n , t (1 rn'aislet 1, in o .n.ve l h a) into f i t, Do 1 be misled ii t h endaoioua trick, as they are the not they p:'e'end to (le,m pre°. The':ocone betfei1s are purchased byunnrinci- .pIwl Vialn'a at one-half the pries of.noy Pills and nr0 sold to yeti as my genuine Medicines. I most ellIliostlyappeal to that cense of j'•atice which 1(04)180101 natty venture; upon astdiugfrom .01 honorable vellums, to assist ;no, and 'the Pub - lie, as far as Y05�yilie in theirpower,in denouncing t1119 sham tut Freud, .. Fooli.P,11 and Box of the (lonuiueMedicines, boars the 'British Government stamp, with elle verde "EIOt,Low1Y's Pioi,s a:v1 OTN'rwrnN,T, Ti00. d00,"00 raved thereon: (0 thelabei is the 4111- elrehw',,;fiO3 Oil Orcl Street,' 1mnarinwhere alone' they 41:4) 10:111)1(4)01110.()1, Ifoltnaaal/s fills ant (intoten.t baartny any other ((d1(lre'') are Ceil)1E41' felts, Ch' Trnelo Starks of these mail iei+ins c,0)'eC,ls• terodnl Ottawa, Horace, anyone.. in the, Brit-. f.11 Posses..ions, Who man hasp tiro itme,:ienn U, unte1•feas for sale, Will he ln•bsoontod,, ) • ..s • Aligned, r 7: fIOMAS IIi)L1.;O'1� 15 583 O.^.ford St., W.O„ London, 1 ngland' Exchane,e Bank of Canada - HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capital paid alp, - - - $1,000,00(. DILIECTUFi$; • M. 11, AAUI T President. I'tIOM,1'R CAVI'1RHIIiL, Vice -President A. VV, Oc II,Vil,, .LP.P , I) K. Olt PEI• TKOS. TIFF IN, ALEX, 13TINTIN, 1111115 CIIATH :RN, C R. MURRAY, - • - Caeht"r. .01011,GE 111.1I3NS _ - - Inspector E eter 13rstnc�ll'. Cili[N1r1RAL BANKING BUSIED -SS THAN. SACT 34'11. Money loaned to farmers on their own notes wit'• g /od endorsers. .Drafts issued on, New York. SA.VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 5 per cont. Interest allowed on deposits of or e oilier and u111v,1rds OP0034 HOURS -From 10 to 3 ; from 10 to 1 e1: 4aturdays.. A-, [VMS, Man51•agely. r, 'ixeter, Angus t 2111d, 1878. JG\VELRYI JEWELRY I! JEWELRY! S. E. s O -4; S assortment of Has afind a -s sar GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, In all the latest styles, and at Prices to suit the Times -:0: OAhL AND, ,EXAMINE 1 Before you buy elsewhere. Special attention paid to Repair- ing. S. E. JONES, Opposite Central Hotel. HO'I'EL FOR. SALE. Tnatiarge frame Rotel known net' TIi11 33RIT- I:ifi HOT MO in (l1.INTON with. large #tame stables attached, x1111 (led ou 1nt3 860, 861, 307 and .108, in the town of Oitatnn, containing one acre :non or leas. The hotel has a license mutt is nolo lain; a first-classbnsine.s, This affords a splon. iid'opportu,nity for axle one desiring to go ,nail the hotel bnsiueee, as rho terms are very liberal. 1 Fun .11 payment down, and t"n or twelve years torbalanee. For further particulars apply • O G. )'i3YRNE, Exeter. valuator for uomiuion Lean Society. 'LIXET t R KN 1 :TIN G 1 The nnllerrignod would inform the 11111)1[0 rif Exeter and summedr•11, 000 011' y that h.+hao re- moved his Knitting Factory to the buildiug one door north of Mr, Mallard Davis' Blacksmith shop ah(1 that he will keep constantly onbaud Gents, Ladies' and Childreu's Stael(iugs of every descrip- tion. Parties may have their Stockings, Mitts. dm. knit to order der on the shortest notice, A large sup- ply of 1301110 wool of ever; color on hald.1'inger- ing yarn lt.'pt in stock,' Also 41 large stock of the best Ce,nadi.0 stocking yarn kept constantly on baud, Price for knitting 11101'0 sod's, 12)• cents, ladies' stockings, 14 eehts, children's PS cents per Pair. W. A. C4vFI111,D ,1Leiustreet, 11xoter. THE ON'TA1IIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM- PANY, OF -LONDON. 3'15PPTI y I P1 1Y 'President ALEX JOHNSTON.j''itt,Pfesldent. SAV N1r'i BANK D'RAti'CN: - j T0TICE TO DEPOS1 roCtS.-TITE L \ Ontario'Goan nn I Savings Omupanv axe prepared. to red i, o 3e1pstts,tw e.s N.f (5 arid 1pwtii3s"Nt t11e�1te•afSl%'ro7�T. 1ei•an- num'4'OIt ti tedrperioci8l mileitv per: cant :,en 'de 'nand. AIIinvestluents nrthis Company 410(1 BO - 01110(3 b,mortgages on' Real Estate. which affor,I4 to depositors t.,e hest .,+ possible seourity for tin safety (1f'their`rlepnsiter, • .u'or further 1'nrtiottlarn 1pp1,V by letter, or at the office of the Company. Ian. 30.80'. WSM.- F. SUI, LEN! Mangos. MEW BL .IITI S't,0 P .LN AT WIN- 1V.IBUOKINC4 ExOter, 14, posinessiut> s ut•Winclrolsett CHF. # SEA, ''+ IIAM.latoof cornlnencod a..'yebrallC'l n;tro- pe, . and is 1 1a- pe,'eel to do 11,11 _, •s.�," kindlofldo.olc sxni7biagwork. y Horse, shoe - Ings pedaily attended to, Promptness, chenpneas thraldom" work guaranteed, ',A call solioitod. 1e411n W. BUd11.INti.fl'.A\T. GRAY'S SPECIL C MEDICINE. The ('>rr'citllugliah TRADE 3' MRtc. TRADE 7+14OK,Remedv,nn ntffltil trig cure for Semi- nal -Wert enes •, Sporn -tato 0rhna, Impotency, lm(11)13 Diseases that fol- low as a sognontlo of Self Abuse, its �.� loss o1' Memory, ' ' "�• Universal bassi- Tailing, •' Befgra Takin= FINOV, rain la lwb "ter .Canting, Bacli;Dimness ofvid[011, Ptnniature Hirt age, and mt1'11y otb•'1r Diseases th(it 1('4l47 to Insanity (00 COnsutllptinn m1'(1 'd Pren,aturo grave. f.:r'Tnll particularn in oa0 pamphlet, whichwe desire to Bead free by mail t + Ivory one. l.. -Tho Soeci fie 1led(oinofa soldlby rill druggists n1. x1 per package or six ackapes tot R.e,. or will ho 00)11 by mail 011 recoil) t (tithe (0 0007 by alkrrcn"ing 'A! al,: OR, AS SII.;inter E d'.'0., WINnaon. (1,r1'„ OAY.1PA. 33"0401din Exeter by alt dr'uggclots, and every- where in (-tannin and the United States '17 W1 olrr. sale and retail druggists. Shingles for Sale 1:110.0 Sl To $1.00 PER SQUARE, At G• '8. J. Brooks' ,awmili TWO MII.rS WEST OF T1115 LOND')N nom.), '1"P OH' HAY, A good alpl'ly of Hemlock : unibtrandeedar Posts constantly on hand ,JONN SOLYAN,. Blas just commenced business one half milt West of Dashwood, an(l is plena' ed to Meat) Olooks,Watebes and Sewing Machines. 'Uol- brellasrepaired aud Organs and lfelodliatlra1 tended O. Those in want of his servicel should givs hive a 01111 before goii.st away from 'lame. Ol,ar geti. )1'10tie)'atc: and en tire eatinf;tt'• ion guar1toed F ashiLnabie Dressniakinp. Dresses curt and made. to . order Ili I T O. S '- gain treat, Exeter, OVlilTHE POST OFFICE. ATARR Fi ! CATARRH 1 ! USE 'Li The great 'Sierra Nevada Smoking ' Cohpound. The onlypositivo curator Catarrh yet dieooyeroii ran RAL.) 13Y 0. LUTZ'S O'TRt.L DPU (1 STORE. W, L, S:1ILTII, General Agent, Arkona, oat. 17-2• N1,W BLACKSMITH AND GENERAL J33$1N3S 11IP,HENA1.L, Having my now shop now in full blast, I want' it.. forxn the piddle that I ant prepared to do allkind of i3l. k3'nit'nn , i ooliuhug repairing of all kind of igri ;ulb,rni MI tannery, such as Reapers, .for ars, T11rc-ilai 1„ 1i:whines, and I(arse t4h"eini 1vi3 receive my earful atte.etion• 13 orsos that lute, fere, and having tender feet treated. in the mos approved manner, and satisfaction given, Charges Moderate, I have on hand ell ki^ds of Agricniteral Imply ttmente from the Massey Manufacturing Co., \off. castle. 1 Remembor the place -first shop west of the Post C,hce, Hensall. 'W:7 SANDO. Teas! Teas!! Teas ! ! ! --AT-- R. cat .'',r. 3PiCER'Ss Try our 50c. Tea. NE'W FRUIT , JUST ARRIVE ]' 0:n.6 cheap) 11 lbs. splendid coffee suurfor $1.00. Choice syrups, >let forget oar 20c. Vinegar, and cheap soap. No trouble to show goods. lt. & E. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICr, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDLRRY, GLASGOW • ALLAN LI N L OF Rival 'n?aii c$tearaltii s. y p. The favorite route betwecn.•danada and Great r ,... 1;litaini. Ir .4 7' r rr; q r i ll, Tifn ' rI.ORAVIAN will sail on TtOarcb 22, 51.1 u•tostssa,pryasage. Fm• speed, comfort; economy and, safety ;aro equal on anyotner lolantiu Line, and being 0 On, adittn ,L.n1e ah0t11( be 1);ytrotlized by all C14nadiirns,';F'Ol' paltiprllars us. to, passage or parties sending (01 theirf'in ds, apply to • CAPT. >'G. ''KEMP, Etetet: x;50,000.00 ntauction. To commence on 1.VI Dee. 16 1878' W. D. McQlou'hlin of 110 nunclaa street, London, mill on' the agave dote, offer his whole stools, nmolniting to over 'bitty ".'holsand Dollars, at 'motion, and continuo the sale every day at two o'clock in the after. noon and at seveniu tho•oveniug during the hal. ' 01'100 of - the 111011th,• -trout the 11th to the SIM..,. 03 )00etnbe1', Tia is tits largest and loot stock that has over been offered to they public at their ow11 priees; al1(7, as ovai'ybo:,y knows, tho 301)0144 aro of the best iraunfu,ctlireoral over;•artiel3 v111be war- ranted the some as if bought")) the 0,41in ry way,. Chis i8 a rare• °Insilco to get liue geld and .silver watches', gold jewelry, 1)0001(s, plate(' wore lind tansy goods at your own prtees, 1''ornal,s never again wi11 snob lin .nportunity 00011•. Seen1'r yonrl3hristmas and ,New B'ear's presents at thin sale, S 101 your: Malley 0041 (11)18 allatiOn---aacl ul:0e0touCy. • 'i\, D. 11dor4LOUGTII,IN, • D amble street, LLondon• THE FALL AND WIN UR TRADE (;, T. M ` RY'S LIMEWORKS. C. S0'L' t Cott ti Son TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to tr form theinh shite n tsof Exeter add surrounding country, that they have just opo.ced otic an eacellentassortmotrtof 7'u'eerls, Coatings, T'estfi)ps ate., in thelatest styles and patterns,an(1 feei'•assured that In them atter of clot:iug, they own suitthe mostfllstiatollstastes, JC M, 0 V i �? ]t&.0 world remind his numerous V • Customers that he has removed' to the ,imp formerly Occupied. by Mr. ,Band, where be ,vill be found ever may to ;the Alto all business n the BOUT dud 88OD Line. C. RAV, Crediton. Marble ' Works. a): W, D. WEEKES Dealer in 'IONUMENTS, HEADSTONES,' MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS. Rm. Uemetury \'Vatic of all kinds neatly executed.' Doors North 01y..Drew's h all, Main street, E2CET )'BYRNE& Co., In retntning our 03st0mers our sincere honks for the very liberal support which has assn extended to us for the three yearswe have seen in Business, in Exeter, we bog to advise sou that Ave HAVE, REMOVED. Co 0000 New Store, next door •to Barwell & 'ickard's, where Ave will; be better prepared hen ever to supply the wants of our Customers. Velutve added. largely to.our stook, and our Jades will be found lower than any House in :he 'trade. and the gr(ality of the goods equal o the best. 'We would eall your particular sttentlon to our stools of Conking Stoves, which .s designed specially for 1 sinners' use. The )actings are extra heavy, which prevents tracking 07' twisting by the heai.,and the prices aud :terms of payment will bo found very reasonable. C'3'ITELBTE CC,, Next Door to Barnwell & Pickard's, Main street. Ship Grocery. TEA I TEAT TEA Tit): MY 75 et. TEA! TRY MY 50 et. TEA ! ! ' Every satisfnctien. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS. TOI3AOCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all puts of the Village. 0 Agent for Great Western .Sts'hp Co. New York to ..Bciisstol:•1�•'� .• Christmas, Comes but .son1 - once' a year 1�ut ' god s ,Birthday every day, and, a present -'is al- ways 'acceptable. -Ttr 0: Remainder - OF 0'7R, F AN1Y GOODS 4 L. A genuine fluid e'ktraet of Bea or eTolifaiea • Sltrsapal�illn, aerobium' with Iodine rf TO Tit )..�0 I�Ptlas- T.LD ^ alum, for' the mire of till cllaonses,al'isiug from � impurity of'the blood:. our drawn kilns beinenow infsill operation and turning out daily a. Large quant)tj of LIE that for all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• Partie Orem 0.distaucecan.always bey. r1i11ed either at the kilns or deliyerd by teams atlew est remunerative rates. Orders from n dietanee promptly attended to. WHITSON & SCLATEB. Gfrocer!es tion/ectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always iirstoek. !a' SPORTSMEN'S , DEPO.T.. School Books, Stationary, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST newt; N.B.--Saving Maohu, Needles ofevery kind." A. BOYD.' 14 �0 tt"�f 0 fi�rp+ VY 4J 0 r-1 a 0 0 �qo •�w.,' oxiHFy�::: G ix Cil ; mL7'•.��ov w.�a�o c.m S ° 3 : c.�aF. 4_a pug Pic�O�'n'no�� :;;:,-::::z.:::!,..„ aa) X'6,15 R� q He yr°l dim° "; md a 0073 ;:t. n m tir w Hr iv �" :?." Cc Y . qSui'O � : Li1.0) •' - 1 , co NEW MACHINE SHOP. �1�'illanl Eitching Wishes to inform the public that he 143 bents prepared turepoli all kinds of Sewing Machines, Wntchos' Clocks, Guns, &c., than. any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, ' and he g.iarantees to give Satisfac- tion. N E'W J3IITC:HF'R SHOP The undersigned would inform the illhati- .tlvuts;ofEteter'and tvilinitythat heltaa OPE NED.A .N:1 W.BUT CHER- SHOP • oiteriobr sonth-ofl fa nlahksinithshnp'utrdhopes pbosani,ga beral plttrgxage,;that has,1pan Jae corded do •htnl in the 1YlA0R9DiI'lll;2.16 W.100N 1IIA7all Ltilcwf11boo:tt3ndOlttohim iri;his',resly bra nob of business, His me5tt,ivagem,,ry.F11ova) (ttxtlio-,fesi- douts of the vilrttgethree tl1iie1eacl weekkan'd 011, larts, kept •coust'ant15,gn' hand at his hatcher shop S3lehleamit111b31` an xva"gen.reakin genrrlgs, rqn Ise nano.' in al) its 1f•c.r. sl rr SAID,5.x PA1�IL,LA The Great Blood Purifier, - .•, t. N'OW.IS.TIri]IJ TOI3UYA1 TIi L QOlr7ltl ioli Laboratory, • Nearly all the diseases' that trouble the Ian, state man race' are influencedinfluencedby the .ra e of the 1 It is indnspensahle, that this fourltAiit of .life be in a pure and healthy condition, A's it Partner r of OwMontt. , a lt4n(lvator , f the system. hand Preserver of, tlte, pOWtrs of,, life, Cartel's Sarsalllil ilia h as: no equal. Tcir sale at the drtig atorct,: + rt: KEitity virojSQY . CO,.. , ( ; , , ' 'Wholesale rtu& ggistO,' ontreal.