HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 44 THE TIMES
MOM an 13,187
The Molsons Bank
rgOom'ollA'ran 8 s blind. r,_ 1$55.
(i pita, $2,0,000. . Rest, $400,000,
/oaf Mor,soN, Esti:, - - - President,
Hos, T1TODIAS Wolzsaw , Vice•Pres„
T J Cr,Axrot+, Vieo-Pres San Mutu 11 Ins Co
Ron I) L Macpherson. Senator
W Shepherd,Pres Ottavta River Newts Co
Horst o Nelson, M P P, Afiles
P- Woi,riszserAN Termites; EsQ., L. Cashier:
Ir. H3sA•ION, E344,„ . - - - - In peotor,
Exeter Bran';b.,
Money advanced to farmers =easy terms, on their
Own promissory nbtes withone or more good en-
ttor.ers. No mortgage required as security,
per cent, Interest allowed on deposits.
Gold and currency drtpltabought and sold. Ster
mgExchange bought and sold,
Collections Made in all parts of the Dominion
and rotarus promptly remitted at lowest rates 0
Exeter, August 15th 1878. 6•m
a freteit dentis.
Considerable ado has lately been
made by the. Reform press over the
appointment of Mr. T. C. Patteson to
the postmarltersbip of Toronto, a poli-
tiou•reuilered vacant by the'superannu'
ation, at his own request, of the late
since these . eooaomioal gentlemen ;are
so hard on poor Sir John: for reducing
salary they ought. 7o be prepared to
left Mr, Mackenzie's hair for increasing
it. We await q>t. explan'Ltion.
Itlis untrue that Mr. Lesslie was
superannuated against his %ill. To.
prove that be had been ono of the most
original and amusing argumel'1ts ever
uttered was advanced in all seriourrness
by Mr. Huntington when the appoint-
ment of Mr, Patteson was under discus -
lusts, £078,844.8s. 114. for receipts au
account of tate loan of £8,000,000, as
per particulars gntiexed,statement"B.
The commission oil the transaction, tee
shown by the preceding.a000unt, is ane
per cent, on £1,500,000. The ifitl.anoe
Department has no knowledge of the
amounts subscribed by the Bauk of
Montreal or the financial agents of the
Dominion, either on the 61h or ou the
9th of December. Then comes a re-
oapitnlation :- •List No. 1, stetetnntit
slot) in the House. Said he of copper "A,".£144,200, £189,277 2s, 6ci. ; No.
pyrites notoriety, " Mr. Lesslie never 2, £428,800, £110.007 10s. Od. ; No. 8.
a' asked for superaunuation when I was £468.200, £447,6881111. ; No, 4, £558, -
"Postmaster -General," obviously tile- 800, £539,484, 18e.; No. 5, 281,000,
siring the Houde to infer that he could £29,915 ; totals, £1,621,000, £1,560,•
not therefore bays applied to Mr. Lan. 917 163. 6d.; average price, £66 18•.
Bevin after- Mr. Huutington's " unpre• 3d.; balance, £1,879,000, at 961 per
meditated" retirement. This argument cent., £1,880,785 totals, £3.0011.000.
Daps the climax of absurdity, while it £2,879,652 16s. 611. ; average pyla=:
makes one conscious that the poor soil £J6 11s. 9d. Strttelnent "B." 18t1r 1);'
who gave birth to the malformation is (ember, 1878, £71,400 ; pnytneut i•
only sorry that be missed a fine oppor. full at pi•ioes tendered, £69,075 5:4..22.
tunity of "Providing •a snug berth fur .a 928,600; first iuet.ulinent being. the dif
friend-llrwhably•the desk rifler .Norris, enoe between 75 1'1•r cent, ; the olive
or that equally upright and conscieu- tendered, £682,127 2+. 6d.; .total £701.
dolly Reformer, George Washington 202 7d. 6d„ less discount allowed at 4
McMullen. But the Ministry declare per cent. nn 271.400 ; .laid in fell.
that 14Ir. Esselte did ask for noelanne- £857 18e. 7,1. ; less brnkerege I i•e't
adore., '`:7'iiey sought .to .know,. and as trout. on £8.000,000, £7,500: less nib'
Mr. Lesslie has not disputed them oomwissiou, 1 per pont, on £1,500.000,
£15,000; £22,857183. 7i1. to the orchil
of the Deatinion of Cem:tie ; noconet .t)
4 percolitis:tele 1878, £578,344 811. 11,1-
Loudou. 19th Dee. 1878, (Sig110(1) BAR
& 00;
Then follows the prospected iseund
by Baring Bros. & Co., and Glynrt,
official, Mr. Lesslie: To make a point they are entitled to have their solemtr
against the Government, these papers, statement believed before the unsnp-
with that disregard .for • truth which ported assertions of the Opposition,
who have thus soon taken advantage
of this circumstance to fitly back in tri
the old course of deception and ial:.e
accusation . which they followed when
.has ever been their distinguishing char.
aoteristic, have not hesitated to snake
the grossest mis!itatemen'ts and distort.
facts—or even manufacture thein when in Opposition before.
necessary. Before commencing the
discussion of the questiou, we may
-state that, although the principle of
saperannuativa old and enfeebled pub-
lic officers is a sound and humane one,.
still, under the existing regulations it
s possible for a wicked Govern^mert
to use the privilege for corrupt purpo-
se -3. Positive inability to perform the
work required to be done would he a
better pause for superannuating au ofi'r-
'cer than his having arriv)d at a pre-
vent the services of some iml'ecuuivas
and importunate supporter.
But the Opposition press have stated
(1) that the salary attached to the office
of the Toronto postm:Lster has been
increased $500 per year ; (2) that the
country will lose $20,000 by Mr. Less•
he's superannuation ; and (8) that he
was superannuated against his will to
make room for Mr. Pstteson. With
regard to the salary, instead of inoreae.
iux it .$500 per anima, the Govern-
inent .have Iowered it by that amount,
en that the new official receives only
$3,000, while lir. Lesslie received
.,$3,500. The country then is really
the gainer to the extent of $500 per
annum by the change of postmasters.
Yes, bat, say sorsa of our opponents,
the country has to pay Mr. L 'sslie's
sat erannuetion, which, added to Mr.
P,Ltteson'.s salary, brings the yen'ly
payment lip to $5,450. With regarr.l
to this tL very erroneous idea hag get
abroad, Which the Reform taoerr Of the
country, true to:itlieir•record of tlrif.tir-
itteatr, will not 0.1tp t.ip :to their readd;r s.
It i i an error to env that the 'co1ttr
pays theL
8i 1 1'a11t1t1at1Un the Chlttltrt'
1 y'l� ,.
'4r `
s; -,does net pa,y'o[;>se' eent, melees the,fiind
provided fir that,:teurpose falls short--
hort—.a' very unlikely ' eemtingeucy, and 011e
en -blared -weld. ld. tent ycractl= th•rough Where
sitelenpd'ranuuotinn. This fund nd is not
srnpplied icy the c'ltiritry, but is taieed,;
ley taxing the civil' servants aecorilirtg
noribed .age. At all events we should
hs pleased to see some scheme devised
which would lessen the teln')tations
no:v presented to Govern,nents, who
are very sel,l'lul so infallible es to re-
fuse to take advantage of them to re -
to their salaries.' 'Ie it not qu te-etertl'
then that the courtly bite not suffered
rt 1o.+s by the superannuation of Mr.
Lesslie and the appointment of lir.
^1,Ltteeon, but 0 i the c)ntrnry that it
.L.ts• bee11 saved'.$500a year by the prti-
resetting wbrttlt the Reform press terms
(° s • lisgrriceful job ?” We thiik we
batt', r<titliuieutly r'nswered charges one.
end)two, but before pr-reeedingtot e
c:)heielerati'rn of 'nannber three• we ask
any of aurd-C !form 'contemporaries wlfo
c°rnsi let thetn.selveu equal to the her.
t. otllertrr task't to ex 1)'it;iu w h )' Dir. Iltt tl-
L,tiiigtrttt,, ;wheq' P,lstma er • General,.
,S.ife ld t'hi's same" Illy.' Iieaslie'e salary
'from $2,400 to $3,500, It would be
>'Jt•ereeti'et to ke t,v, ycatt k'i re. since
During theY1ist few days a coupe of
men have been' carrying around the
vale: e a petition praying the &overnor-
in Council to direct the County Couvcil
to submit the Scott to a vote of the
people'of Huron. We should bo snrry
to say a ditig1e 'word against any step
that inns,. be ,.taken towards lessening
the terrible evils of intemperance, but
these balf.way, farcical attempts to
snppross the traffic have terminated so
ingloriously in 'other ceenties that we
would be rerniei in our duty as public
journalists did we not raise oar voice
in protest against the propose.! to in-
flict an expense upon the county which
we are conyinced can only result in the
rejection of the Act by an overwhelln•
ing vote and the olnsegnent utter pros-
tration of the tempera -me eieeneut in
the county for rears to come. The
temperance league at whose direction
these petitions aro being mothered,
while no doubt Actuated by the purest
motives,'hav'e decided on taking ren 1111-
wise course. Evidently they have not
seriously considered the lrropriety of
puttiug the county to a fruitless cost.
Tile chances of carrying the. Act never
looked less rosy than now. The Perth
League will have nothing to do with it,
because it is injurious instead of be0e-
fieir.l. It has been carrier ana repealed
in so many counties that Perth .lriie,
seen its weakuesses. Even were it
submitted to the people of Iluron to
morrow, marry of the most ardent and
orinsistent temperance people, while no
doubt wahine that the 'vice of intem-
perance slj,onjI ,hie blotted oat, will op-
pose -it; or-it� 'etb11d b itio ttnteti`the can -
test, unwilling to de anything'Which
Cll'Ly b•wfinpiit'1:inle rat lee theta;aup1 o) t-
ois of a;'memo vh ak,w'rhich they.115 ,e
uo sympathy. ;Flow many confides
have puede d tris ] u rilgn,„ lctv,n id ee
pealed it 3eit:thilk, teetettoMnetie lee an
!tllnost.nnenitllnne vote ? Then facts -
ought to have some w,ei_'lrt here,'
• Ml'. '.1.1ill0y"ti lltid otr the' table at O.
taw,a! on F,i'tdoly•test,tlle return respt'cte
ing the 1 4LIr recently effected in leon-
ine'. The follin;thie; i:r e: a 111rdet/Satinll
of the loan Df -.18.78 t—C}u Friday, 6th
December, wlrenythe sum of £1,621,0.00.
was snb:niibed fur in all at and above
the minimum nriee, staternent "A," It
was then determined to keep the lists
open until the foiluwireg ?don;lay, the
9th, ,when . the b feeice was. taken fit
931. 0t) the 19th of Dihcernber the fi-
nancial agentsaddresses(. a letter to the
.Minister of tivaiice, staling :).-We have
the honor to inform yon aline we have
Waded to the•erotlit of the Dominion of
()emote the four per omit. loan of 1878
i0 our respective books on the 1.81-h
NEW Anyl'11tTIS Ai1'1NT
1 MR. G. E. SAcx sox, the Conervatire ._-_ 4
candidate fur tlhe Iteeal Legislature in
South Huron,:has issued a pamphlet,
addressed to the electors of the riding,
which contains a lucid etatereat of the
expenditure of each Department under
the Administration of Mr. Mowat, and
glen the expenditure of the last year of
John Sandfield Macdonald's. Govern-
ment., The pamphlet is well arranged,
and ariy person capable of reading can.
not •fail to understand every figure.
The tables may be relied on as abso-
lutely correct., as all the items were
taken from the pnblic accounts of the
Province, wbielt are iseeed under the
aethority of 11Ir, Mowat. The electors
would do well to read the pamphlet
with the greatest care. It is to their
interest- to know how the ail: ties of the
Province are Cnndeeted-Wheltlrei' eco-
nomically or extrltvngar:tly—•no tnrt.ter
whish plu•ty is in power.
'Che ('bealttiful" is Attain fast y uL
cnritrg,. Nleighing 11114 01.n)nv
it ly tone, still n11 14 a -nal 111 81181'
-:.4, the f rniir;.1 11'1+rll,lt1111ty ere eel
G•r ntiuthpt• tvet'k. null 440011 n'„tlid b'
1.lte pl•y :in itl' day with y ime Illcllvi'1•
'iris, if it staid even ui'til thin.
Jeckallapei id iwiorn ullt, bleu 111[,•
he h•u t' to hie high-h1lr1tin Ir
see- Ice your bumble servant's liuwblt
erisitlial,litlle er,li"r l)' out of existirece.
There iA one tl,rtltt cur'Illie however if I
all. (lot Iles+ed "Alit It canal tering know.
lodge of the elil4.ie ; nor 1L Ilitin (11c-
il•'riary tohtitlt, el[) tillotittiAtts, I fall
folly a. n1ILIciefnr hien et Main comm.'!
;,lose 'r-ci'rrl itf las shm'tenlnillgs. If 1
proved myself one half the ems he Iin1
Mills, Currie & C••., f'r £l,500,0(;0 in hi. last effort conveyanythinn in
telligible, I would hide my dirnioished
heard forever after. Why, my dear sir,
if Jackanapes only pro;,'reseee at th'
same ratio as he lath started in that
preeio(e epistle, be will be ou the wool
4440e inside of twelve menthe.
(lute it' freely)*occurred here nn Sat -
Canada 4 per seat bonds, guaretrtee'u
by the imperial Government of the
United xi! 1.Jdonl, end to be pawl nn Clie
1st of October, £1,918; Ili d £1,500,000
Dorniuion of Caraaia4 per cent, bonds,
to be repaid on the first of November,
£1,908. The four percent. guaranteed
bonds will bear interest from the thee in (lay, through some b:,ya llnde)•teking
of October, 1878, and the tom- per omit. o Imo -what] a young boy who carne ire
llolntuion bonds from the first of No. ftoiu elle a tttntry, Rumor says that
veniber, 1878, liayeble htblf•yearly on ane of the boy's.parents horse -whipped
the 1=t of April and October, and tip `the e(iut)hy been in retirli/Lii'nl, and Hee
14cf May and Nuveluber, teapretively flee result, will be a l-ttv scotpe. How-
Tentler4 urs asked for the whole or pan ever nincli,fnrl jt inay be to the perpet-
of the £3,000,000 in the pix portion 01 ratere, it ie n (hectics that should bt
Ino -half of encu ret of bonds, mutt no net s tat p to.
teller is admitted w'iich clue:+not (lit. Ire one of yntlr former issues I made
sue ;Hoe f it the two stocks united. N"
tender Is to be accepted at less aim,, application t 1 tlicittinn to the cmrnei) , prrtyletr to
964- p c The gueranteed p e.tio,l of be appointed to the office of pence pill.
the 1 inn is to be in bonds to bearer,hut ter, when the present Benne matt gets
the Dominion bands may be at upturn, his violist, but I find on second con-
ei! her ie hood.' to .)refer or stook regi +.-ideraat io+), that' my st•auderd of gnali-
t.er•eil in the subscriber's flame, at which Station is entirely below the mark : 7
the leetter, by arrangetne!i1 wish the lin eumnt st lied ap in 0• bar room and eel'
on of the c')nueiilors r1, d—u 8-n of a
h-tch, and repeat the earns a doze'1
times, coupled with the most blespli .
.nous natty to be found in the English
vnc' bularly ; I annld not edifythe more
reepeotable portion of the customers in
the, 11011'), by lna!eiiig use of Ancil leen
ensue. until it reverberated from cella,.
shi ngle,rleither wt ul'1 l consent, to play
fienrc-head for the purpose of epong.ieg
liot drinks. Arran I could o t play
't)t the little episode which. I saw en-
toted nn the street. on Saturday last :
I couldsit coolly by end witness the
snow bail fraoas;nntil it ale ived to duo
Ditch when teen) was n chance to make
L dolittr Out of the transaction.. I would t,
be inclined not to step the rite by my
inthnrity, until +tach time as I Fawn
blackmailing. 'w nl
• )L t nr I n d
..1) aeeolleif
perial Government, fA transferable free
of sump deity. The bonds only at, 011y
t'me be converted into reel tent d stocks
on peel's'? 2-6 per cent. stamp .int.y, for
the £1,500,000 4 per cent accumulative
-finking fund of not lose than -.1. per cant.
will he erupl')yed in the purethetee of
Dolnin,inu 4 per cent. bonds at or belolt
par, the Goverotuerlt reserving the
rigtht to invest the sinking fund if the
prices should be above par. Hollers
of the £1,647,000 C•uia(la Aix per cent.
boucle nlattu'irig lot of Jltarnery, 137'0,
may relilvest . In Canadian secur'etios 111
each manning resale it1Ate-ad of cash.
re was
Pa meet cried lie follows : Fire
y g
per cent.inn application, the retnai.r.ing
difference between 75 per cent. and the
price ou allotment •subsegment instal-
lnents of 25 per cent. 01101'1 on the 13111 11nOlr1)CF • 1»y sell ;(3 an 'lwenhnrr'1',
January, 13!h •Fet;rnat'y, ant;..13111 Lwhose standing post for 11 a'was tilt'11l,Lrch, 1890•. ,The fat)tire ,to }ray air,Andy of the ailwjir e I ha(1 been pre,
instalrnelrt. t� forfeit all ,hrt!vieillq prey-
eveuts. Tile ho'Ids a'ee in 1eloiuiutitinu„ vvin',ly ioenrcerated. for.tnaking clinch
of 21,1100, £500 Wild 2100. '-'i'heti'frl}-. whiskey, T wrinl(l s,trnt up end (Yost'
laws the fat R rt)- of hourly` rJiii'i aF tel;d,lr.
WINT• itlIdat iE.ALTHY.- -
Pr,Sriehrti fta' lntrrn)ftit00114114 as It
fallacy, the idea 'het 'winter id the' elog•Ili11t,I 18.01i all these gnal.fiea
inns anti t.hat.,.thet'e are. a. eolilite or
hext!haest seaA)li 0f the yew. Uu lift ri.
co t �tfi tttr is really more to be Guatfeltring men. itn,the.Conticil, she
the sideo'alli atilt betel net the, mast'
blaslal)emona nrttlrt+, tlitlt I wo.til'1 maks
_; •nnl.i 13 grey'' and "ebite 13.1i' pa,'
n200 far t•he tin irothieg line of,pnhoy'
,trey edoetcd. is1, the ,ene'w hall tike.
• �,,e hereby wall1 all parties against negotiating
a nota of $.'.00 e,.itlwn en th .7th starch to favor of
Wrn.:farrowand Biped be Isaac Whitlock and
1 John P. lttarslutil as no value haslieou given for
1 the mune. I. W lii'rl,nrz:;, J.P. 111. RFOER, L.
I 0 V t+,1?CC►A T LOS
r 1
ii a l
T. ---ON 11'101`1 DAY
either 0t) Laud"ala ugly non telco+' Tic you or 04 .itis'
tOwnln)e line. 141011, f Cave's l,h!ct[smithsho»2 '1'llo
(hide' will please leave it sit James Picker a.
HCN1tt kl)1J!•.L.l,.
undersigned Offers for solo two luta contai. -
lni;1-0 of an acre eacila, situated en male street,
roar tllo Me rket, The 18 tt good frame cotta;r0.
con ttiniut; seven rooms, root. fr,,.mo 14111)0.', good.
woll, with pump. '%hero is a quantity of young
bear' ng trees on the Ttil'elutses, Y04 terms apply
to JOHN 'W[iIl'In, 'Nines Ofllce.,Eseter.
�i1ARM N'Olt SALE. -- 1'i0T 22nd,
tIorati on of .;enter;.100 Stephen, adjoining clearet,and all in
1.r sa Inn 20 acres• 47 acres seeded in grass last
Spi i ng. ^ acres of orchard, frr,'ne hen'to, a. good
well, bricked, with pump, aro a never failing
sprint of excellent water, 2 frame barna, frame
shed «dill stable, hoop spoil &c, It woad nlako
good t1,i.iry farad, Worms to eta perebeser, Ay y
ply to \VJI, II.1tirLx.1, Exeter.
T ISTE OE SMELL ?It so, itmnv beflvnr
the 3mintos1 or the 10th century, 11AIunnw. Tax
e _ons nits vtoNAI. C`AZ'Anitn 10 70•1DY . will restore
ton to enjoyable health, It not 01111' cures (h-
lst•rll, bcit, all other diseases Itt 111e x111140 time.
por Iurd
e 1iri11 (4111114'14 find stamprfdu' ll 48 age paire-
nhlet coutt1iuiog treatise on Catarrh, and sortfn-
)Ltas of the cured to T. 7, t$. 1?AtIDINtl, 1) ,mn,-
'oi Anent, Br'ockvi]1o,0 •t.
t'ONsTI rr]TIONAL CATP 111171 ItEMMEllY,
Tho o.tly rortain, safe, and effectual euro .for
tt rth, builds up the ayateut and "ures all other
Ilae(80a at the salve time, Asthma, Rcsot old,
lay 1,evor,Nervous liability, all leavet.,gether
eh )i the Coustitutution„1 Catarrh lieuleda is
• lie., as directed. PriceSi per bottle. Fur into
by all ,il110.1101s anti Madieto n donee: a.
Front r to 1111r.rae Power, for Farr.'-
ers Dairymen, Butt, r ant! Cheese
Factories, Printers and all parties
using hand or horse power.
ilesst and eh- epest In the market.
Send for circular and price list.
oho 1) ty.
Esplanode Street.
'2 MOOT%
1<.' A.R \I IN l3AY .i' 011 SALE.
Will be sola by
ON FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1879.
at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises,
all that parcel or tract of land and promisee situ-
ate and being Lot No.5.i,t tae second concession
of the Township of May. containing 100 o'n'es,
wore 0rless, of which over 70 acres re cleared.
Toone is a good. frame 1)400 thereon, x110 a QwnI-
)in� house a11d orchard. There tt.e ten acres
of fall wheat, and about twelve acres 1-) mphod.
Possession ran be had in a short time after the
sale. For further particulars apply to
111tIr. 13, V. I' LLZrrl', Solicitor,
or dr. D. WANLESS, Exeter, or to litre. MUR-
RAY, ou the form.
Dated l$7areh 12.1879:
haying added to' my primp machinery, and pro-
ett)•o.t n large quantity of first. -class pomp logs, 1
:tin prepared to Offer an article
Superior -to any. factory In the County
null at prices that defy competition. Wells and
,';sterns ting on the shortest notice.
Before purchisiltg call a:the nay.nmp Works -
i Shop --One-quarter 0111.0 ,north of Exeter
London Road. Hay P. 0 ,
the will insert n• coven -nine advertisement ohe
week u1 a list of 200 weekly newspapers, or lour.
Liana i t 11. dliffnreiit 11)11 of x387' papers, or ten lines
twp wovlts'trr achoibe;of either .01 four' separate
dant dist lists eglitaining ('ram 7O co 10npap pima
.tach or four lines one' week in TO
four of `t e
,yia111ists, of alae 1Jlle:-ogee ,vtoek in all sixxlists
dreg th1''ftrltn tt tt1 tkitiiu of )estilenee. x01111 ,turn nP-t.he tctlite nF thl•ir ,;yeti
The ' "shying,. "'fleet: i5 }ifs—salt} i:.
dentlr," has a s.trllting illustration I4.I)14
corifietention fn alts reitei't1 mew, teen -
leery sirbnliteed by'T)r, nessell'to "ale
(iilttgnty t4S.tnilary Con) mittcc. TIo'
eieath.'rale rifles hod falls ei;lh the re ;u
rarity of the .thermotueter. So teeny
degrees less heat, 80 nlylny more deaths
-end-Nitta sen -se. •\V'llatever weak p1a01'
we have, whatever coustitntinunf diebr-
.der`wo are subject tn, c'elti will surely
'ditcnt'er. We take c:ild, because our
vitnility is tans. Iii IV, toward off the effects
of the redncod temperature around 111;,
A+ a matte.' of first importiLnce, then,
to resist sold and'4110 rai'lkO,s derange.
ments of ,the system ennsequent, 'it i4
neeeaaary by proper 1ltitl'ition to •tilItitl•
lain oar nyttnrel splen:.tl brat; second
to retain this heat with a Ilitfficient
amount ofclothing; tided, to regulate
with care the temperature of the air we
breathe. Contrary to the opinion cur•
rent arnoog lovers of cnitl weather, a
fire itr a bed room in the winter 'ia
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