HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 31P,BcE 13, 1879 ENGLAND. The Queen has c4u,forred the vacant ltibuu1 of the Order of St, Patrick up- on the Earl of Portarliugton. Tito Liverpool Town Council have • unanimously resolved to promote a bill enabling the Corporation to light the tow it csith tlectrioity. A'o gold s sldu,l, who Wel re the received Crinr'it awl Turkish modals and four good o'elute badge's, has died in DMan- ehl°stet of •tarveti n. ler. S cureet .11 has unblished the first of it ity•liftla \ethan) of sermons, bavi sr~ is tuel a eermon week by week for tewetl1yto r years -1,4.10 in all, A is iu'etil g of the ExHen'iee Com. witto tm- Witto of the City of Glasgow Relief Fa ,tl i' t' .as reported that the amount sub ct.b.'ti now 811.1.70111.8 to 0358.000. Sir 3enner fete retired from r the peeitiun of Professor of bforbid ,Anut„tu • , _. hiola he hits filled at Uui- ver:its College, London, for nearly thirty years. 11 ()Mee to encourage carbine pram. tice, e tvolry ':)ldiers are to be awarded prizes, as t'oll iw.s :—:g? f1r the best eli,•t in 0\701 rexitneut, a:i RI fur the best ';hut iu troop or depot. Mr. Dm 1u1, A.. R. A.., who 11ee a caulnh:ssie n from the Qoen to execute a memorial tor the late Prissiness Alice, is at, ',resew engaged no a marble tomb for a mausoleum at Windsor. Ehelreu Indus presented themselves at the "viut, r matriculation exatnina• tion :it the London University under th;t new charter. One lady underwent an exensinatilnl for the degree of Bach- elor of Laws. 1'ue fr.r.t has been en keen at Liver- pool that the waters of the Upper Dor- sey el'op'e frozen, Verge cakes of ico,et me carred iu recent years well one of this" chief entities 9f the present commercial depreeeiou. Consequent on the continual fres and low water. the salmon and trout were unable to go np the tributaries of the Barrowto depeit their ova. When the thaw came, however, groat nuin- bers of splendid salmon °eixie up the steamy. Such a run of salmon and trout has not been witnessed there for twenty years. There are 8,052 persons on the relief roll in Glasgow, end there have 14,848 dependents, making in all a grads to' till of 22,000 men, women and children itt receipt of relief. By far the greater number of the unemployed are unskil- led workmen, weavers (settling next in number, but alulo:t every trade is rep- resented ou the list. A large propor- tion of the women ou the list are mill - workers. "there is a great deuiaud for clothing. 10-4-04-4 AMENDMENTS TO THE MUNEUI- PAL ACT, The Municipal Acts' Amendment Committee of the Outario Legislature Lave held several meeting of late, and amongst the business transacted were the following ameudmeuts:— 'Cele amendments suggested by lir. Chisholm at the former meeting, pre- venting traders from selling goods by auction out of the municipality in whioh they pay their taxes, was passed. Ou notion of Dir. Willis, an amend- ment was carried placing the expeudi• ture upon police, so far as clothing and wages are concerned, under the control of the Cou'ecil in cities of not more than 10,000 inhabitants. The A'toruey Geueriat introduced a bill providing' for a number of amend - of them 200 foot long, obstructed the tnents,es follows;—'The County Judge, t oleic, and st•oppel the ferries eted th J Sheriff, and such person as the Council '-a lues and Ituucoth shall app1eint at their first meeting, Wishall constit.ite a Board for the reviaio Her Majesty the Queen, iu response I of asseasnaeut, to whom "peal, elall to application front the naanagemeut the Queen's II')spital, Birmingham, h tient a eh: clue for 008'ltaud:ell gaiuea1 toward the Equitation of debt of that iustitu ion. • Mr. Cbatlee 0 amrnell, chairman of the great iron and steel company of Charles C:amsnell & Co., Sheffield, died 00 Sunday in London, lir. C,atnrell ',commenced life iti humble eireumstan• 'cee. He haves enormous wealth. The Marrieds of S tlisbury, who is is ik Large property owner in Liverpool acid be made nutter certain forme; the Couu• ell of any inuuicipality may off •r• a re- ward for the apprehension of criminals; pet sons interested in ane coinoany shall not vote when a by -caw is eabrnitted to grant Jaid to that C•ompauy ; in eaee of the location or boundary of a lot being u icertaiu, the township Council ou be- ing requested by the. Impeder may cause a new map of the place to be drawn up, the cost to be levied against the lot in question. The bill is liich caused the moet die. the suburbs, hits sant the Mayor of cussion was the one introduced by Mr. Liverpool ta,cheoque for IMO for the i\McCrausy, providing that, with a view lief of the distressed. ` The enormous trice now charged for t,legrarns from Isidiai of course, crip- to break the monopoles now existing,it alight be competeut for the County Cou cil to advertise their by-laws in pling the efforts of Loudon eorrespon- any paper having a circulation iu the dents in Afghanistan. As much ae, municipality, leaving them free to de -n700 pounds n'av paid for a press mes- tide. The Bill was amended to cover sage narrating the capture of Ali DMus- duly the papers iu the adjoining innnl- j eipality. The committee resolved to recom- mend that uo person should be allowed to be nominated for a municipal olec- tiontuniess with his express consent, and that candidates should be permit- ted to retire at any time between nom- ination and election by giving notice in writing to the Clerk. Mr. Hardy introduced a section to be added to the Municipal Act, by which the Municipal Conncile of cities of not more than $15,000 population may fix the uninb.ir end settle the remunera- tion of the men constituting the police force, all sue!' arrangements to be bind- ing upon Boards of Police Commission - IRELAND. , An old pens:ioner has died at Cloth enol, aged 108 years. General Grant made a present of his rortrait to the Dublin Town Omitted. All cross Channel steamers arriving art Belfast report having experienced -very boisterous weather. The funeral obsequies of the late Bishop of Baphoe took place at Latter- leenuy on the 10th January. The fun- eral was one of the largest ever seen in the County Donegal. Mr. McCarthy Downing, M. P., died' ers. Adopted. art Skibereen suddenly on the 9th ult. Mr, Munk's Bill,euacting that corm - :He was extremely popular, and though ore' fees choices bo paid by the treasur- er of .he county when an iugneet is held in the county,and by the treasurer of a city when a death occurs and the inquest held there, was carried. A PAT REPLY BY AN IRISH PIT - BLOT. TIM TIMES BEFOE,E TAKING STOCK S A,MWEIj L & P ICKARSI Will offer for cash or 10 Days the balance of their Fall and Winter Goods at Cost so as to make room for their Spring Stook. All goods we shall offer' are new goods bought for this Season's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost. MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, at cost. MINK SETS and MUFFS, at cost. EMI, OAPS, at cost. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at cost. ,Also a full assortment of general n. strong politician, eujoyed the esteem ,of all parties. Notwithstanding the depression in the staple trade of the North of Ireland it is gratifying to record unmistakable evidence of the progress.of the building trade in Belfast. A. new educational institution now hint; completed in Stephen's Green, Dublin. will be balled Wesley College. The old Wesleyan tiobool will be merged •into the new establishment. Richard Stephens, a Dublin ship- owner, hes been committed for trial at Liverpool on a charge of eendtng to sea iu an unseaworthy state a brigantine, 'which, with all her crew, wife lost. At s meeting of the guardians of the Roserea Union a letter was read from the inspector of Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, reporting the existence of sheep scab al, Busherstown, near . tclsteygall. ••--r .e. 1111•-•-•-•••• SCOTLAND. Or. Low, late head master of the ,elestlictel department of the Dundee ,School died from Bronchitis, at his xesidonee, Home Lodge, Broughty Fer- ry, iu the 88rd year of his age. The United Reesbytelian Presbytery DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAPS,. CHINA TEA SETS and CROCKERY which will he offered at bottoms prices we aro ' glad to say ourstock is not large but fully assorted in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we happy to say our mode of doing business has boon are ap- preciated by the public as our sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. A son of the "ould sod" was walking down Yonge Street the other day, en- gaged in a earnest diecussiou with s citizen, and Pat was bewailing his hard lot, and belabering this "doomed coun- try onybow 1" "lfivil a sthroke of worruk can I get at all, at all, and not enough in me trousers to buy a drap o' the orather to soak the roots of tae tongue that's eleven to the ruff of me mouth, for I'm as dry as a red herriu' sure. Ooh, lnurther on the day whin I left ould Oirland bedad." "Will, Pat, why don't you get your friends at home to send you something to help you," asked his companion. "Panda is it ? Don't be talkin' of frinds to the loikes o' one, do ye mind. Ax ethran- gere to get help, frinds to get the could ehoulther ony toime. If 1 was back to the ould sod its myself as would sthop there entoirly." "Why don't you go bank to the old sot them, Pat ?" put - sued lite cornpanion. "Go back do ye ,cf Edinburgh hae.agreed to recommend ' ani ? The divil fly assay wid ye for the to the Settled that marriage with a de- inikes o' that ye'd bo aftlher axin' me, ,geceased wife'e;Aielter wlill:be no longer a Whin it took all I could rake and ,bar to lnetriberkliitip .in the Church, The annual meeting the trio West of Scotland Artul'lery.&ieociatiun was held in Grlasgow recently. air.' W. 1-I des, M. P.. who occupied the elixir. said the '+tetfaila 0i• scbrapo to fetch me over to this tram haythen oounthry, hew in the mischafe could I get enough here to go belt avid I dunno ?"And Pate dilemtna is but one of a thousand among the viotim3 t r open tura SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, ()At, 3 '" 11riam - Meting Wishes to inform the public that lie is Bette prenare(1torepair sat Weds -of Sewiue; aohir es., Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any other person in the .country, as: his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. GRAY'S SPECIFC MEDICINE. TheGroatEnglisltTRADE MARK, TRADEMARK, Romedv,ean unfuil in cure for Semi• nal Weaknos,, Spermatorrhoa, Impotency, and all Diseases that f- low as a sequence of Soli abuse, as loss of tliemory, �. 'Universal Lassi- Before Takingtude, Pain in the Mose Taking, Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature grave. t: ""b'ull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. I s The Specific Medicine is•soldby all drew:fatsat' lper package or six packages for 4.5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing 'Pahl GRAY ull':l)ICINP. CO., WINDsem OHI'., CANADA. to Soldin Exeter by all dru oasts, and every- where in llamado, and the United States by whole. sale and retail druggists. Furniture and Undertakin. S. FAIRBAIRN has on band at Hensall as large and as handsome a stock of FURNITURE as can be found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he /8 PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! ,NDERTAKING IN. ALL ITS BRANCHES! Having procured a handsome hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most Reasonable Terms, In connection with the Undertaking Business, lie uses the Anti -Septic Fluid, which preserves the body and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A call respectfully solicited. oast }lead oo• of immigratiou. S. T II.B4.IB.N. 1878) FALL (1878 THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSIE• At all tines, and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the at title he wants at the ioweit rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with eve'•y confid epee; it being more carefully assortea and selected than that of any previous season. O . In the Dry Goods • Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked" a prices which should o'imrpand the attention of the very closest buyers. „THE ORDERED CLOTHIN:ir still has MR. W, IVES at itshead In Milliner y Underthe ms.,agement of Bias McGloghlou, we Can snit the most fastidious. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will bestiuterests by examining mystock before going elsewhere. JAivIES PICJA.RD Our stock of American consult their GODERICH POU NDRe i Pounders, Engineers and Machinists. 1rANUFACTUnxRs OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, .FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW- MILLS STAVE AND HEADING M&CHINERY; Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. NEW }'ID.11, I:1C RA.M'S OLD STAND. Horse Shoeing, Wagon and 0 arris go Mkain g,Din.. mond '-arrows, and Plows. General Balcksmith- ing in all its branches, at the lowest rates, and sat - guaranteed. Ghe us a call and examine our work before t.adiug elsewhere Itic•ITILT Ali drMaBRTDE, Icing St.,Hinsall. Hensall. June 20.1878. fi ri Agriculura Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX S'T'OVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &o: Iran and Brass Caslin+7s to order) For sale cheap—Second hand Boilers and Engires Stave alnd Shingle, and Heading Macninery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiiiee, Mille, &o., promptlyattendod to; GODERICH FOUNDRY and MANUFACTURINtt co. GODERICH, Ont. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING Is prepared bo sena his onstomers tasb 1 atlathge hock of oras from its adoption, and lean en 11. R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,1'I..R.C.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of 1bENTAL SURGEONS. Office ovetO'Neilbanlc• and opposite Ssmwell Piokards. Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at Whlob TO be sold at prides unheard of under Fres Trads.l The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad. vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to, none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure •immense Bargains there to`' be had. Overcoat,ing, Vail -cloths, Broad -cloth Doe 'skins, . Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department veryComplete.: lete.' An inspection invited Department P ISAAC CARLING, t No trouble to show goods TT KINSMAN, DENTIST, Licentiate of the Dental `' College of On l'i ; � • GLr, ayb� - � consuliomt'dianye 1 � . day. � � nest donoror tt o the Post Office, Exeter, Ont. LEGAL R 11. CADDY', BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &c. Office, Panama's Block Exeter. I 1 ARDING HARDING, & WHITE, Baristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com- sioners,B. it., .Ce. ,)sltc'E—Hvrrori's BLocs, Water trent,' ar try's. Ioutt 8.HA/MING, E. W. HARDING. H.A.L.WXI'r">v W MoDIARMID, B.A., it t itItISTER,NOTARY, CONVEYANCER &C., LUCAN.ONT. ESSRS. JONES & MOSCRIP t Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors Ctuu,eery, Conveyancers, Commissioners inBE. a".i Notaries Public, at. Irrarv's C. S.JOVES. W.O. SfOSCRIP. O„ etch—Hutton's Block,Wateret. St Mary's MEDIC4L 1IR. COWEN. OFFICE MAIN Street, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Central Hotel. Side entrance, on the south—street lead - Igo to B. C. Church. t. 'Orders left at Eline's shoe store will receive prompt attention. 40-1y. DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Ontario, &o., hc., Vain Street. Exeter. DR. HYN11MAN.—CORONER FOR the County of Huron. Uface,next door to Dir. I. /Darling's store, Exeter. JW. BROWNING M. D.; 0. M. • P. 8, Graduate Victoria University- OfiSoo andrasidenee. Don: pion laboratory, Exeter. -llt• MOO11E, M. D. C. M. 1.1te Graduate of McOillUniversityy, Montreal Otllee and residence, Exeter, Ont. 091ee 1. aure— ate 10 a. no and 7101O n. m DB. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. Y. S. 0., Victoria St Oredtton, Ont. Onto boon from 0to10a.m.; 2tobp.m, CLU1'Z, M. D., e Office at his residenee, Exeter. YAR. IRVING, GRADUATI' UNE. VERSITY Trinity College Member College Puvsiofaus and surgeons Out., ()f11ee1iirkton. HOTELS. `CENTRAL HOTEL, CREDITON J —Wm. baker proprietor, TIAs Hotel hart been newly furnished and fitted up In first -alms style. Largo and convenient Show Rooms fir Commercial Travellers ; boot of liquor, and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Hostiers always on hand. DS 21-3m. WIIi'LtAM BAI{HR, (1HANGED HANDS. --The under. 'Jalgnedhavinp rented the Dufferin ltlouse,0e11- traila, for a term, it will befounda fl -et class ho• tel, with every a000nimodatlon for the 'travellDig publle, Convenient to the Station. GoodLlouos and cigars at thebay'. Attentive helittera . DRINCE OG WALES HOTEL, .L °LIN cox. et. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, new of- fers fir it -class accommodation to travelers, (loped liquor and eiears at the bar. Good stabling an'l attentive hostler on lienal. Every attention pats to Vette.