HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 14. • Vol. VI. • • ••• " . , •., ,1 .4 0 +C.v.? 1. • It Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, March 13,1879. glorm avarem No. 31 , PROPERTY Lin. Dominion News. 1:1OR SAIsFee-- 1 ILE suilsgarBRit t.bffes far sate six COWS, With 0 lit, Will t111,11/0 MI or ablut the Ant ,)tMOBV,ItT AE01411/8011, tot 83, 00.11410$111.0l1 4. tisb9rint, flOUSE TO ILEN r. ,,,„ the itmlgervilla hotni, liUmediate douseon, A Holly to JP AI titSfi Ex.ot 1411/3N I House aud Lot. Good stand for a sionnua. C;r, .A. unruer Lot, 1?,w pari,louleas, apply by letter IJ y pusou.3,11k, to HARRY 11110 sVN,Witschela o P.0 1.1100.Us,,Siollin, 61:00 ite Con. goo 1 cellar, g'400 ivitelanti.:31111toalIXitilsers°,6kfvnisthanutl witkout garden. For term . aoply to WEL L IA'Al BAH:Elio 2m1 Con , Stephan, Ceotetstia , , VILEAGF; god 'CO 11).i)1 014 24.411./12- 1,I141'Y FOR Skid '1.—T mu lot; in iixtuAiton,ot, one of which le a uow ininc store, good \veil and new stable, Wall Emend, Also 25 acres bosh laud, put of lot, 21, eon. O. St Ipt1uI, ou Exeter side. road, 3/ Tule, west of Exeter. rm. torids apply to .Tabou HAtsT croditott. P 0 VA..1.-BI FOR SAL..-L'd6ehle Ae. Lem, Stephen, 58 acres, 38 ;ler& "Clpared,12, chopped, good back house, good. 8111114v, well touco.l. Laud excellent, On lake store;s i• of tt, Jolla ftom Port Blake. where boats. run throe tin4'n 44 NVOCAC,11,m11 of a mile from, Grand Della, Convenient toso• o nail eltarelles, on good road, Priv., $2,503, t eras easy; SEDB,.40 IMSJA DIN 8, Brewster p o ss' 171A.RM. FOB .SA.ZJE - Lot .3euiteces. si 2. Bidoulph, containing MO acres, about 75 acres cleared, balance w411 timbered ; frame house, frame bark anti goad large ozoliaril on prolnise..; well vatered and fenced. Also 511 aores to lease for four years. The :took will els,. bo sonl. To ma; easy, &WIN L BLACKWELL, Centralia p o pLLOPleli,TY iiOU SAL[. — THE sabseriber offers for sale two nou,es mut tWo tots. ono s hut tad. on Huron street, east, in the vil • lege of Exeter, and the other ou Shaw() etiieet, Bout houses are nearly new, and. eat, rents for x and, tho other for seveit dollars el mouth, They will bo told togorhar, or separate, mad modor- ;ate terms, For pu, fecal irs, apply to T, LIA01', Rails:ill, or to the TrAur.s ogle% EXUELLIOT CLO81.2 tat, vlLku.e of EX MAKE for sale, v11Lot No, three and South hnlf of Lot No four M tltr, Ari,0011418.3111.0U o" the towilship or Hay, There nre two frame Barn 3, Houst., etc'with a good •orcif.t,r,1 of chfr oice att trees ou Lot 13, roe south 1,04 4 will be 14o1.1 so parate front [AA e. ostereue SALE ndwelling house uiti, one Hut of an acre of L11111,111 EXet01, No. 131, FI oeletowx ;survey, For furthei particulars ap to M. L,S, V, EL 01, *March 3;79 Solicitor,Exoter, :A.1-1,1PrOR nay acres, bebrt south half of late, eonces- viol; 20. Stephen, On. etiselgtotoullsos 'there ere good hewn. log house, good-Prreinevti",ble, 28-80, end ft. young bettriog orchard ; also good well,. brt•ko,l, 20feet dePp, with punip ; fenced; Sohool prist-otheo within a, fe w rod: st miles from Parkhill, and on main road from Park- hill ,to Graud.Bond. 1'0r further particulars ap- ply.on the promisee or by latter to DANIEL, ItANSOM, Hatiale+p, 0, Fe +,20, 1:1-1ABH FOR SALE. --i SUB - scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 - Coma, 'Pownsuip o/ Osborne County of Huron 1;0 wirua Men ed, remrimle good bush, well r and In hood skew u t culavation; under, drannvl, good. orchard, solonflid well of water. /raw o bare 3133:00, log stabte 21x36,1o;.; 110 1)140, and ennvenioot to sellool and three cue •thes. For urtherparbioulars 44p ply to Vg• BRYAN'S, lEirki on, P.O., or MR. B. 'V. E LLIOT. Attorney, Exeter P .0, N IMPOP,TANT NOTICES. NveHAOuDetiGo!Oet.N. OICIE,tt to, D44714 of solos stringed 4114 ttITAV, VVTANTED. -e-P0 RENT ABOUT Macros of land by the first of April, for one or four years, Apply at this aloe or to GEO, EoterP, �, J. CLA.ItK, Agent for the Us. • borne and liibbevt 3luttial Fire Insurance Comieuty, Residence -,, Pargeuar. Orklops by mail promptly attendedlo: .• , • 1). • LatCASUPBEILL, PROVINCIAL Laud Surveyor,&Q.:. will to- at the 11 y,0 Motel. Exeter, cm the first Tuesday 144011014 mouth- Otders far-Work:lea v•ith 1)aok4Can will roc iiive prompt a, ttbution • A 'LAKE. aucereale and Latta Agent: Office— next leer anal; Itoyal Hetet, xetct. Wilsons Hotti, Anneal t.I very !donde:Vs PRIVATE FUNDS to loan. at 8.per Cent. • •• • ORTGA.GtS BOUGIrr. • L,mohey Joauca oli grand CONVEYANCING se it gN4es, dzr otraW, ' L,4•01.1.• "Ir1V81.1,801111.111P13,41111S ik °Tic T. BY! FO B 1 D Aim Pomworti• .+0 tiro credit to any she has ;oft • ..ef, without my written 0 der, 448 r08 .all*btel and board without juit catlike, •ArunTat r,o, • gd ut BY AUTHOLUZIII AND ,ortpoweuXarces Hill, of t•levlii k,go of Croat tor, 40 Collect accouuts due me, 171 connection vita tho business of Tinstui•hing,curried on by nio 1 111 he aid. 3i114400, 141141 to giro rocoipts for the siuno. 3'. FL SHELTON. Feb. St Till I VA'rE E 0 CC M R. (1. HE HP wishes to infor n the inhabitants of 'Exeter, and vicinity, that his silftor,fISS FtI.EN )0038.pur))oses to open ti.Seho,,1 itt EXE11111R, f NO or YOUL A DIES, in Al AY next, giring.' the 1) a L14oroug1 bdo cation ill English, Freneh,Musie, szes AI vs Ern4t, has 11.40 over .2 yo4reexperieuee 311 totschirigial;liools.private Terme '&o, by circular. 81161147 • • coRPW,QP1). P9.4 SA"' Threetkunde,ed perde mW; wPOcl. for Bale, in neve or 'eMett, geentiteifej et rat cents per /teed, on Lote.'5, pre 5, 8144)34141)2, Terms eagle Apply' oe thtl-fffeinismi 140 JJOHNfit1WHELV, Pe111.01, AL T PENTION --. ;TAKE, NO'L`CE time Geo 'appointment of Mosstk Masons audenn;Hensol, wag :of,tho lfafatia Frio In 'Sorlunoo Cotnttanv of 14118 Colloty of Wollingto.4., 'thio clay oattoollott,and Mr. 41.11(113 wee noes will act es agent for tf,s.efor unit via109x. oikiet, , • h Desoombor •itla 1810 18.11. ktoo,-T.tat (1114,11 11191.M.V/1)90X, 1,12 , # sa• „,. Thine are over three hundred vacant. temmient !lapse t Bre weed . . 11 . 13111,11110111. Vital statistiee for the toorith of Ft bruary show 22 births,7 tuarriutgee and 14'. &Attie, Cen(eerfeit five diullat$ bills or the Bank of Oointiteree itrq 1)1 e11.011111,6011 at Brantford. The Piice Edward leland Govtirtt- tneut wire defeated tur 'rhuredity last UV a vote of iiittettmil to eleveu. A. factory for the manufacture of tine liteeee front sorghum is to be eetablielti in the vieiiiity lIf Bliecille, ayerege numbet or app.lioatits rot the telief at St.thalutrines this will- ow lets been about twenty each week,. The aseizes opened at Willuiveg on rui.edav, :bull a light caleodar, Mr. Ohio Justice Wood delivered att elab orate charge. Black leg is reported on contract 15, Canada Pacific Railway. Olio born brenght to the Itottpital tti Witniipeer eulieritig from it. A. Victoria, 13. (1„ despatch says the veto of the Chit ase bili is regretted there, as it was hoped the enforcenteut Of the noasere by the United S,a,i es world eliortly lead Canada, to ilo likee elute. The ,young woman McDonald, charg- ed with infanticide at little Glue, Btty, Cape Bi °ten, hes been committed for trial, and is now ttr Sidney jail. .The Elzt;iir reeyeship election case was decided on &ducky morning. Mr. Wm. Wiggins, the respondeut, ens tivt Real ed on account of lusulliciete qualification, told a new elective eielered. The returniug eficers in St. Charles mid St. AgatIte, Alan., fur the local election, elm were tried on Satmalits for ulawfully mjectitig the netnituatimi wipers et the lroe general electi m, were tined $15 and cnstet which are Peeve.. The etintraut for rebuildireg Carting's brewery at L mclon hes been uwardtel• to 11.10esee. obristie & Green. It will be in full operation again by ;limy let. Art investigatioe int" the rectum. got. ..ing in the mayoralty election at, Mon- treal shows thtt in the commercit wards e Inept timber of votes were telegraph- ed for Beaudry. Grain shippers at Winnipeg are notifi- ed that they ceenot nee the St. Paul anti Pacific railway o ars to ship their graie tit Duluth without a special permit. This practically excludes all but the American firm of Barnes & Co. from slit tilting. • The new eras company et London letving. by a resolution of the 01)41 011, received pertniesiou to bier down their pipes throughout the city, will coin. melee operations immediately. Ga. wilt !men be retitle. d from $2.50 to $1.50 per thousand cubic feet. Meesre, A. W. Ouilyie & Co. on Sat- urday exhibited 'Citunge Moiltreal .4 very title sample of erriug 'wheat, growl' et Prnice Albert settlement, on the Saskatchewan river, Norili-West Territory, utbuut 500 utiles north-eest of. Winniyeg. On Friday eveeeing Genrge McCabe., of:Wett Oxr,ord, nod ..Dr. Bowers, of Ingereoiti it; custody in relation to the '10le!'e'tt tuf the late 'Aire MeCebe; Were tlit user authority from the office of the At. ttiteley•Getteritl Ladmiteed-te bail in $4,- 000 'each, with two sureties each in the hum of $2.000. A. workingenners deputation waited III the Minister of Agricelture, on Sat urdey tnronitig. relatiye to ebtaiu some esnietance towards enabling them to settle in .Miteitoba. The illitlister re. ceived the deputation very eourteonely, and promised that their reprebentaione should he tekeu into careful cousidera. tion. Ilt the ceee of the Queen vs, Dr. Fool, of St. Mitry's, for the alleged pi i - soiling of Guest, the Gentili Jnry, after deliberating all day on Timidity last. foetid "No bill." The laberers on Clarke & C,,'s WV - lions, Nos. 88 lord 84, of the 410 V Wel. lend Cane), numberitee alma 300.el ruck en Ttiesitny lest tor *411 increase of W,igco Tho men hove been receetteg $1 per day. Every thieg is quiet et present, A• serioda accidetit ()conned to a farmer 144 Kerwenci named Charles Pratt, en Saturday morning in the wbotld,N A. tree tell on injuring lei ea eeregusly, end instantly killing two horses he eves holding. flue horsee belonged to a neightiaring farther, Thotnee Ellie, who mirtundoesly ogee, t. d Ayoung tom of William King, of Rockport, while leSelieg hie rether's n boe, was betily bit1,eu. The horse 11124110 it bite at itis face, titkittg'awtty,* pert of hie wider lip. Giteertior-General has written, er letter to the Gevoroore of 'Col. lege, Montreal, expressing hie 4)()3.5(H44'with the Anneal report. of the Univere- ity, clonatitig $500 to the faculty Of Applied Stsienee. Oo Thuestlay lest whitst Mr. Alex. Graham, of the 11411111(1 Revenue DO. pltrUllel3t4Otta47314, Will (male; Ilia even- ing meal, he was taken 1411(4enatiett. weaktiese, 41114 expired in 30010 four hours after. Joseph Buclity, of New Hamburg, Hos been ti ied .it Berke for obtaining :Nude under false pretences from J. 0. Kerr & GI., of Hetrilton, and commit- ted fer tried at the seeing 11448(108, 51,- 500 beiog 11001)l)141443.11001)l)141443.The fish Itetching et Petit Cote, be - law, Sitodwich lieu hail succeeeful season, and will semi min 12,000,000 You,tilfol w;hite tint into the rivers and lakes of 0 itas it. The rhea ermine we! t; 15,000,000 eg'18, but 3,000,000 failed to °onto to time in paintnryi• millet. The greater portit.n ,f the' 12,- 000,000 fry will be deposited iu the De- troit'. river. Mrs, Ward, Who recently began n teru of iunprisotonent in the peaiteuti- . m ery for complicity in murder, end whose pardon 11248 already been report- ed, was released ou Tiatesday last, ill. 614 uctions to thee effect havingd arrive from Ottawa. • 1:110 Montreal papers state flint the (-Molds 441'f the i1 1131014111310141 Occidental and Ottawa, Reilwity made a detnautt for 60 (mins freight for couyeying to that eity the botly uf Arnaldo Gauthier, a work. 1111411 W110 was kii led by the train, on the track, some wiled tut. , The deposits hi the Post Office Sato legs Bank at Ottawa, during the mouth of February atnoteuteileto 261,atal the withdrawals,' to $7,483'.87‘. The deposits mid the withdrawals ol the correepondieg month of last year were. $9,514 and 57,687.94 reapective- Ten thousand dollar's worth of dam- ege was dotes to plenn ts owed by gar. denere on the Lachine 0,144(41,bv the eeeloston of dynamite the other day, The Greek Ministei of War has given etriegent orders for' the arrest of any butuds aneemptirtg to enter Toney, John Ltarpes i policeman, was shot dedd for insulting a lady on the atreet in !Sew Orleans, on Friday werlit. Vie hrlytw employed by the Lehigh & Witkettbarte CoutLeo., WIlltesbarre, Pa., 14414 ou strike for 10 per cent. increase lif wages. A. report lute been introduced into the French Chamber recommending the impeachment of beth the Del3roglie and, the Rochebouet Ministry, • Gordon Burke's cigar futotory,'in Sae Francisco, wee beized 042 Satorday be cease unstanwed cigars to the value of $2,000 heft been removed end sold. The nape Argus pnblishee the follow leg dispatch from its correepondent •in the field :—The Zulus now desire penes eil terms cou•istent with tribal inde- petinenee. • Miss Augneta Gilbert, of West Brook- field Mess,, was arrested on Someday for a probably fatal assault on Mrs. Prose Gilbert with au iron mani. The Khedive infermed England and France that he will appoint Neber Pasha Foreign Meister if - they but he meet decline all resnoneibility for the consequeoces. The ascending and descending cages in tbe Victoria, coal oit, near Wakefield, onllided on ' Saturday morning last. The aseetidtng rope broke, fled the cage' was precipitated 120 yards. Eight pereons were killed. Archie Fisherstates the whele amount of wheat sold on the bogus eras! signed bv Keene has been repurobased without any hots either to his firm or to Kathie. No tidinge have yet been received of the fourteen fishing vessels which went from Gleacester, Mess., to George's Bank. It i3 believed 14141414 (4110 entire umber went deem with ell their Crewe in the severe gale laut month. There is civil war in Afghanistan and enlace revolution in St. Petersburg. The Czar hes prsettirally put his son and heir under arreet. The Czatiowitz has a big following. The revolt of etnclente some time ago was oecesiened chiefly Ulnae) his known tiberel views its favor of mote freedom them the Czar. • Ser- ious troubles are expected. A. correspondeat at Timone, says telegrams have been received from the which broke the windowof the green vicinity of Adrianople giving the names bouess, and admitted the frost. :lo- tions will be taken against the contact- or owning the premiees where the dy- uarnite W&45 'stored. The fiehermen of Prinue Edward Leland are diesatiefied with the mantler 144 whielt the Arnelicens conduo44 the liehieg on their coast, arid have adopt- ed resolutious urging upon the Govern- meut the iieceseity of taking iminedi- ate action to prevent seine fibbing around the Coast. A boy, ten years old, named An- drew Morden, residing with his nrand- father on 7ol1ng street. Richmond met with serious inirtries the oth- er day by felling from a hay loft and alighting up 10 piece) of le own -handle. prejecting out of the griiiid, receivitig. • thereby a tevere weaned 144 hie tI4lgh tensely depopulated, by the' eud of the about four inches in' depth.' • ee Yeu• A sad aneident occurred • the otlUir News received relative to the dietur- (ley el village .eieetecee beck heoles 111 IVIecetionia says ::the popula. Lemberre abd known t Coteau Rengeiun of Djunia are emunigratitig en nutsse A. young girl :Mined tatharre, who hati before' the adyati oelofehe Turkish troops. beeu froth her 'infancy, but who PIPre i great exeitement in Tirtinva W.44 able t .firi111.4t ill doilies dorne'letic • Telegrams ou the subject will be read m,re, auciaentaily ,,tot 11.00441 oil atttlieenext meeting of the Assembly. from the teble. Nu Y olothingiunteedi. Tim latest news. from Zulu is to the melt, caught.fire., end iu a few rnit;utee effect that Col. Pt:argon was attacked -he wee enveloped in flames- A, yeeng by a large number of Zulus, and after girl, the only other Otempant of tele /1 sheep engagemeht wag vietorions, house, rum for vemistanee ; lett berme, Ool. Wood hadvapturecl a large ti ember of tubs. Tile 0111.49 of tee Transvaal help arrived Lhe p mr girl was ierien,l. ly burnell. Grave fears are entertain • tribes, 16 1. feitred, have forted s league .sgainst the British. Tho men•of- war ed fur bee recovery of the people who were out in pieces by the Tnrks iu the district °vat:tutted by the Ruesie us. An official report is publiehed in Ruesiat which states that the plague lias entirely divapbeared fromAstraehau, but other diseases are prevalent te a great extent. Keeite, the great grain operator of New York, has offered $1.6,000 reward for the apprebeution of the party who sent the forged telegrams to Chicago, whereby the receut fall iu wheee Waii ear sed. The ran Stall Gaze te Rays a private lettsr froraXhigh Indian official states that the people of Outshmere are dying of 'Whine fike fl.es, and at the presetA, rale of mortality the province will be B ietlicea and Flora live arrived nt Si - General Ntews. won't+ Bey and have a umber of eases of set -.1 •, ox b mint. The late rail' r.tortas 111 OttlirOrtna have dime great. damage. Notes from the Far West. Qitean Viotolia loaves Portemouth Manitoba line 17 ,vessels, with a ton. on the 25t14 st. fur the 0,mtipetit. Inge of 1,161. Metniel will;socceed Ite Mar - gals of Al 1111114 ne Spaniels ambeesadcr. From the tuinsn 11 depth of snow in A majority of the seilore. on strike at eatne pit e of lino Sasketcliewan valley eml aloog the banks of its tribnistriee, there is the prospect of a good stage or water in ;led river in the epring. Nicholas Flood Davin, of Toronto, delivered• his lecture on the "British 'fees° of Comments," before a, huge antlience in Winnipeg on the' evening of the 27th tilt. The receipts amount. ett to $105,15. A dealer named George Higley,' who eudeavoted to .ekip setae( from Glad. stoue without .payittc lasnu.nerous creditors, was eleverlv overhauled, et St. Bonifete and, made to disgorge, a'iont$ 3,0110 in cash. .ote vital statistics or the coonty of Selkirk for 1878, as shown iu a returei made by the olergymen of the differefVe denominations to the County Cou0 Clerk, give the 'Allowing, ufigurees-- There' were 848 baptisms., 167 of which were males, and 170 -.fetnales ; there were 98 milliaguitgi and 211 burials, 100 being males and 101 females. Of, those figures the Winnipeg claims 156 baptist -ILIA, 40 marritwes,and 43 barials, the remainder beige, die- tributeci amongst the periehes, St. B 1111(1103coming next to Winnipeg. with 89 boptiaapt, 21 marriagee, and 98 burials. The death of one person 41(4 6140 advaneed age of 98 seers 19 re- corded at St. John's, and eight over 89 years aud five over 70 in other pari - Lie t pool still le ad out egehset the teethe 11M:red, A. cargo of 301 cattle hy the Sterner Brazilian has arrived ate Liverpool, in a healthy cobtiltion. ,Newtu has been reeeived 4434 Trinova of the hatchery of iv number of people by Turkish troops near A(1 r1144181110. Recital Sloan on Seturdity obtained 414 verdict for $10,000 againet the Brine: lyn Oily Railway, La persetealiojuries, 0.04 -4 The Local LegislateZe• ,ABystauder, in the Canadian Monijd1 for March, hall the following on the Al- goma puestion " In the case of the Algoma writ and its effeettein the life of the ()Mario Par- hament lawyers differ. and !lumen must riot pretend to decide. But theeteis oue thing which even a layman may safelyeay--the legislative power ought uot to be exercised without an unim- peachable title both legal and moist!. The legal titl4of tbe Parliament of On- tario to tit after Febtuary 2 can baldly be said to have' been union, eachabfe ; there is an objection -width evidontty makes soute impressiote 044 14441(41 mit-Mae and it is at least conceivebla !hate, court atTt anxious to postpone the On- tario eleetione might refuse ,to pet epe any•statut; or jumble of statute; the conetroction for w high the Govern- ment COTIt2'nd, atia which ?Would learnt the Province possibly fel 'slot oe.eighte menthe without any legislative power, whatever the emergency might be; eince, pending the return ef the Algoma, writ, there would be a Parliament still in amuse of election'and .oapaole nei- ther of sitting nor of being dissolved. But be the legal title what it may, it is certain that' the moral title is utterly wanting. The period for which the members of the Parliament of Ontario were entrusted by the people with the legislative -power has unquestionably expired.;' and their present exercise of the power is redeemed from the char- ter of bareiaced esurpation only by 00 technical quirk. A dissolution and.art immediate eleation would have set elf right end cleared legislation from thet cloud which now 1 eats upon it." A deputation, consisting of Hon. Jai. Skead, Memel's, Plow, Currier, Wright and Tease, ; W. H. Walter, Dr. Sweetland, ald. Heney and J. Bullinan, waited on the Minister of d.gricultura en the .8th Marc!: -for the purpotta, of asking that the Goverutnetit shouldlas- sist the,uuempinyed laborers of Ottawa( in settling ou lands in Manitoba. Mr. Bullman expleitted the object of the Settlers' League, stating what oyas. wanted was aid to restchlItinitobee ;an& some eseistanue until they would be able to raise something for themselves. The project 491413 discussed by meat of the meinbees of tha dope tation. Mr. Outlier desired that the amount saved by the ebelishment of emigration Reti- cules to be applied to aiding the people in our midst. Hon. Mr..P)pe informed the deputa- tion that the GoVernmett t, n as in a • financial position to 'do what was asked. Mr. Trow asked the Millister what euceuragement would be given in the 098116 01 4), number of men of means un - (1.1141613g to. foiled ctilimies, they hold - log the lands se security for money ad - Pa !teed . Hun. Mr. Pope replied Hutt the nO- PosiLiol) was worthy of eon sitienktiati. [tellable Life Insuram Polley. We take pleasure in comtnencting to our readers a thernughly safe atia re- liable life insurance agency, whose fends oe Remote are •inexhanetible. It i444 8t00k company operating tinder the, joint Litle —Health. Life policies ere issued in. the form of Dr. Pie) CB'S (*old-. 1111 Medical Disoovery Anti , Pletteetat Porgative uf (4elten ftOu directed, insure, the tysteni against di. ) settee) opal paymeat of it .etery sentell fee, All the principal. at.t2gidoi4, , • 'con stit uted gents'.