HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-6, Page 81111tE T.A.
aT. GRIGG takes plenums) in announcing that,
encouraged by the steady iuerease of trade.
during the present year, he has mada
arrangements to open for inspect -
tion, by the 12th Mateo larger
and better variety of hell -
day goods, thau in
previous seasons.
2 ke Stock will comprise, the usual etippty o
.And a choice selection in.
t11O000 13OUNU POETS,
Together with a large selection of Toys, Toy
Books, Etc.
The trade supplied at lite thenal close ,aces,
ehristnaa and New Year Garde in choice de-
signs, and a large variety already received.
Supplies for S. School (rifts autl Christmas
Trees at a liberal disconut,
,T. t;rlallltl, Stain street, Exeter.
• TLiURSDAY,..MAltr'il 6, 11376.
RemyAtir;,—A daily mail between Exeter
and St, Marys is talked of.
Acr`I1,I L',—YesterlIty afte'•noon, while a
little daughter of Mr. George May aag Attempt-
ing to g:'t tin a sllci•:Ii she fell beneath one tkf
the runners and had au arm badly in jtme.i.
CIIlAP Gool,,.—:ltthe s tie of betllsrnpt
stock fu Fauson's block yon eau get diy-goods
very low. Cal aid examine the stock ,,ml so
cure sone of the bargaius. Look for tli • sign
of the red ling.
Tris 13xr.L,—ls t110re ally uu, far it tows' bi11
in Exeter ? If so, it o11r•hr to be 'ut:l, a 1 lr
more regubu•1y than is being done et resent.
It vari ,o,me days toil Interne', The fu0,,
Ar.?, believe, is not so niece in "Uncle Saul" as t
in the apology for a time piece which gnidee
"Wen" If epe.n.—Oae night last weak
Mr P. P..MeP nllips lost a numbe, of tin
liens. They were found lying dean in ih
morning. and it is thought sumo one killed
them by some rueene during the ni ht,
Eaueeeet.—The compositor, in "setting up"
the evidence taken before the fire ioquest fur
The Times lest week, made 1)r. Hall say 11e
Lad insured the fac,ory for 5.'35,(11:0. Thar
this was an error is apparent fr stn the remain -
dor of the eiideuce, in which the correct
amouut, $3,500, is stated several times. We
observe the telegrams from St, Illai ye. to the
dailies have i.tlso placed the ineurauce +.t the
sameincorrect ti ure,
CHAPTER.— On Monday evening last, Dr.
Sutton, P.D. D. (3-. M., of Clandeboye, iu con -
pany with Mr. Matheson, of Lucan, visited
Lebanon Forest Lodge A. F. 6: A, lI. for the
purpose of seeing .about the organization of ,t
Chapter iu connexion with the ledge I.ere. The
neer, lodge room received their highest praises,
After the closing of the lodge, the visitors
were entertained to au oyster supper at Hawk.
shtw's Commercial Hotel. to which a number
of ge t:en,n of tha craft did am,Ile justice.
DO BE TILLED ov Tu;;snex.—Th•, prisoners
' Hal', Keen and Shand who were taken to (i.e.-
ericll jail last Friday by Constables Gill an t
Bissett, to await their trial for burning the
Exeter beading factory came before .Judge
Sgmiors on Tuesday. they pleaded not guilty,
and eleeted to be tried by the Judge. The
case is set down for the 11th inst.. fpr trial,
Dr. Hall's own reeognizauce for $2,000 was
taken to attend. The other prisoners were re-
manded till the day of trial
ThRee Months.—The man Fullington, who
was arrested in Exeter some three or four
weeks ago for stealing a pair of boots from Mr.
John Treble, and who was sentenced to three
months for carrying a revolver, but who, a
couple of weeks ago made his escape from jail,.
and wag recaptured last week, was tried before
the judge on Saturday last, and pleading
guilty to the charge of stealing the boots, was
sentenced to three months, making in all six
months for his exploits in Exeter. Then he
will its all likelihood receive an additional term
for breaking Jail
Pose-Orrt'xwt Entexces. — The following
statement of the business clone at the Exeter
Post -Office is taken from the Report of the
Postmaster General for the year ending 80th
dime, 1878: Gross Revenue from the sale of
postage stampte Leo., 01,765.50. 'fixe post.
master receives a satary of $388. He aleogets.
C40 for forwarding allowances and $60 for
lent, fuel and fire, and $40.0$ for Money or-
dere grunted, making a total become to the
post master of $538.08.
Hist IT.—A eitiwee residing on Huron S..eet
the other clay' hired two boys to saw a pile of
wood. The boys commenced the work at.d
the eordwood disappeared in anincred-
ibly shoit time, but the pile of stove wood dirt
not iuerease in size as fast in proportion, and
upon au investigation it was found that itt or.
der to get through with their contract in a
short time so that they would make money
by the job, they Lain hidden a lot of the cord-
wood in tip adjacent snow bank, and some
they had Intellect over into a neighbor's prom-
ises. The:).3oys, however, were glad to finish
•the job in order toeseape punishment.
Trtee ANTE -Roan. — On Monday evening
last we had the pleasure of visiting the hand -
tinniest atite-room belonging to any Masouict
lodge t'oom.svest of Toronto. It is ,that:of the
Exeter lodge, aud.00tnpares favorably with the
• lodge room proper. The floor is well carpe:.
ed, and'ciie walls aro beautifully frescoed. It
excitei the admiration of all who visit it, and
unit only be itpprecittted by viewing it. The
work was executed by Hr. A. Lewis, of Exeter, ;
and reiieetsthe grsetest credit on • him bout
for designs mini titeit exeeutibn. If any other
lodge wants any such haudeomo work done
Mr. Lewis lives right bore, end no doubt clout
be prevailed upon to lend his servicee,
PEItsoNAT,;—We were last week favored wit
a mall front Mr. Moecrip, of Jolles it Moscrip, e
St. Marys. Wm, hed been attending the in
vesdgation into the betiding factory lire, an
the general opinion is that he is going to be
Very suoceseful lawyer,
---Mr, C, S. Jonas, of St. Marys, was hi town
on 7.thureday last ou hastiness relating to the
new railway which the people of the Stone
Town are agitating, and in which he ie. taking
a deep interest. Mr, J'onoe deeired to know
what the feelings of the people of Exeter wore
toward he contemplated new line. He ie eon-
ftdent that a large bonus will be granted by
Si,. Marys etnl the municipalities between
there and Woodstock, where it is proposed to.
unite with the ()wait Valley Road.
Fuer Hume—One day last week a little girl,
daughter of Mr. ,T. Fishburn, had her foot
bl•afseil while getting off a sleigh ou which she
12 t 1 been riding. Tito conveyance was moving
rapidly when going past the street leading to
the school house, whore thelittle girl in get
ting off, by same maims had her font hurt.
Children of both sexes should take waruiug
au.l not attemptto board or get off sleighs
svelte inmotiotr.
VILLAGE Couxserz. — The Exeter Gunnell
flet puteuan- to adjournment at the Market
ts.ttisu ell F iday ie ening,' 38 Ix ult• All the
1 nietu:,ers were present except Mr. Sanders.
i site Minutes of the previous meeting were
j t1 and approved, Moved by It. Bissett,
se: tied by J. Pickard, that J. Soutltcott be
`pi t i;3.5u for use of roma fur holding eleotien,
I—llrt,rien. Stored by 1%.. issett, seconded by.
el. Drew, that .\Ira. \Voolway be refunded the
a'uuuitt of her taxed fur 1878.—Carried. I1lov-
o . ,+y J, Piel,at d, seconded by E. Drew, that to
1.k, -111W he piepared and submitted at the next
meeting of the council to a,lpoint polling sub -
i ei.•toile for election purposes in this village.
—.;naiad. ;luycd by E. Drew, seconded by B.
B.s pet, that the Couuttil adjourn to moot at
o. ll of toe .reeve.—Carried.
WANTED ro TASTE IT.—One day last week au
old lady went into a grocery iu town fur the
mii osa of ictspecting and testing the wines
41 41 are there kept for sale, at least that is
the idea the grocer has of her visitation. Al -
tee she had dement a. eot.siderahle quantity of
nearly every kind of wine in the store, a sec-
ond customer arrived, and the proprietor left
the obi lady to make the selection of the wine
she wished to purchase, while he, with it eheer-
fill eouutenauce, made so by the pleasant att-
icipatimis or the big sale of wines he im-
a;irred he would soon nieke to the old woman,
attended to his wants and then returned to
conclude the sale of the liquor, whoa lo, to his
great astonishment, his customer had disap-
peared. She had got all the sine she wanted
for that day at least.
EwwLANATtoN,—The following, which has
reference to an item which appeared in The
Tines, has been handed us by Bir. James
Sullivan, with a request for its publication.
We do not heel our=elves responsible tor or
cnlilitenaticr+ in any way the allusions to the
Dashwood merchant, but Mr. Sullivan has an
undoubted right to set himself right in the
itt atter before the public, and as we published
the charge a;{ttinst hila, we deem it justice to
him to publish his explanation:
, youug men who are cleelrone of entering the
d ministry, Bey. W, Waldh, of Centralia, was
the next. speaker. He mid the always took a
h ' d .ep interest itt educational meetings, and be
1 sousidered it was the duty of every person to
• give of their means to defray the expense of
a educating young Men for tate ministry. Rev.
d G. N. !. F. T. Dixon then adtire'sod the nidi -
A charge of obtaining goods ander false pre -
tames to the amount of tibout $8, was made
by a Swiss merchant doing a one-horse busi-
ness in nashwoud village, in the Township o1
Stephen, against James Sullivan, itt present
of the Township of Dunnage, County of Elgin.
On the charge coming on to be tried before the
county judge of the Comity of Huron at the
Interilu Sessions lie dismissed it on hearing
the evidence, with the remark that it looked
like au attempt to convert the Court into one
for the collection of small debts, and intimat-
ed that it should not have been sent up by the
Magistrates. bitr. Sullivan intends to seek re-
dress for bis unjastitiable arrest. At the time
tie bought the goods he owned 50 acres of land
in the Comity of Elgin, auct still owns it. Ho
alio had a Large quantity of personal property
on his late farm in Stephen Township, which
is there still its care of hit cousin, not over
four miles from the small merchant, who
could have got his paltry claim any tune fur
asking it, or by resorting to the pioperty in
Eo'ecA'rxowAL SEnvcrxs.—On Sunday morn-
ing and evening last. Bev. G. N. A. F. T. Dix-
on of Loudon, preached the educational ser-
mons iu counexiott with the Methodist church
in this place. The churelt was `well-oiled at
both services, and the hearers were highly
pleaeed with the rev. gentleman's able discoure-
es. ' A collection was taken up at the clothe of
each service in aid of the educational food.
On Monday evening a public sheeting iu be-
half of the educational fund was;heldiu the
oluu•ch. The tatt:mdauco,although larger titan
41 previous meetings of this kind, was not what
it should have been. ;After the meeting was
opened, 131', Thomas Gregory, principal' of the
hxtrter public soliool, was elected chairman,
who, after speaking on the subject of education
for a short tune and showing the necessity for
parents impressing on the minds of their obit
tlren the expediency of acgnirisig a good edit -
cation, called on Rev, G. A, Mitchell, B. A., to
readthe report, but the amouut raised in this
di4triot lett year being;se meagre Mr. Mitchell
thought it would be judicioue not to rstetttioit
it. He explained. why so email an. arnout t was
C intibiitod last year, such spoke for some thrice
on the advantages of having itthcreugli:echoed-
ion. He also tinged the chains the church had
upon the liberality of We people in eontrib❑t-
ng of their means to aid tit the .€duoatiou of
euoe. IIu showed that the church had a por-
ted right to expect support from the people
to aid in the educatiop of those who are willing
to labor its the vineyard of the Lord, but have
not the necessary meansto educate them for
the work. The collections ou Sunday and
Monday evening amounted to 812.52.
STimortt ? os Pmms.—The following is the
standing obtained by the pupils of school sec-
tion No. 9, Usborno. The report is based upon
goed conduct, regular attendance and general
proficiency 1—Sixth Form --1st, J, Johns; 2ud,
\V. Young ; .3rd, S. Veal, Fifth Form—est,
M. Hunter; 2nd, W. Powell; 3rd, E. Cook;
4th, C. Crocker; 5th T. Hall. Fourth Farm
—1st, S. Andrew; 2nd, E. Clarke; 8rd, B.
Coates ; 4th, 11. White ; 51h, T. Taylor ; Gtli,
W. Muter, Senior Third -1st, T. Johns,
2nd, E. Taylor; 3rd, J. Powell; 4th, G. Mill-
er; 5tb, J. Delbridge; eat, F. Newcombe.
Junior Third—ist, H. Andrew ; 2itc1,11 Pow-
ell; 8rd, A Cann; W, Andrew ; 5111, 131, Hogg;
Gth, M. Brack,
MONTHLY ExAar111ATION,—The written
monthly examination, of school section
No. 5, Usb rne, for February resulted
its follows : Fifth Class. -1st, Gregory
Tota ; 211d, Ida L. Alliu ; 3rd, Fanny
Bissett, Fourth Class.—lst, Eliza
beth Ketnik ; 2nd, Wesley Welsh ;
8rd, Agnes Mussell. 'third Class,-
1itt, Ela ma Johns: 2nd, Annie Elston;
3rd, J „shun Heywood. i. pound Class,
•—hitt; William Fisher ; 2trci, Franklin
\Ve.steott ; 8rd, Selena Harvey ; 4th,
Jessie '\Vestcott. At the spelling titatoli
Gregory Tom stood up the lot gest ;
next., Penny Bissett, Stone of the pu-
n ile who were not present at the exemi-
uation might come off well had they
taken part in it. It is to be hoped they
will attend trove regnlarly in the future
and peas creditable exanlin ttions along
with the others.
BURGLARY -- Un nit's n ilst last
ah.mt,elcsveu o'clock three hail entered
the dwelling of lira Wm. Donnelly, a
respectable farmer of the Townehip of
TJsborne, udjoiniug Bidtlnlph, and bp -
lore lie was well aware of the fact, liro-
ct'eded.to hie bedroom, and seonrely
bnunctill t hands with; vhat was epi lent-
ly a piece . of train bell -cord. U purl
being attired their intention the rebbere
replied they knew there was $400 le
the bemuse, that they wanted it, and in
ease of.rofusal, would burn the house
down. Mr. Uonuelly tried to impress
neon them there tvas no money in the
house, upon which they fired two shirts
from a revolver over his head, the balls
of which lodged in the wall in rather
close proximity to Dnnelly's head.
Evidently this ryas only done to intimi-
date hien, because they could not have
missed hits if otherwise disposed.
They then upset the contents of two
trunks in the bedroom, but found noth.
ittg therin to satisfy them. Froth thence
thev proceeded to another bedroom, oc-
eapied by Mrs. Donelly and a servant
girl, who by this time were screaming
loudly, having been alarmed by the
shots. nosy threa'ened to shoot the woe
men unless they covered their beetle.
In this rutin) wag another trunk, which
they apprnaehed, and after a dili•;ent
seere,h, found in it a leather pocket -back,
which one of them immediately took
pnsseseior of, remarking that this was
what they were after. The packet-bonk
cautioned $132. the proceeds of some
sale nates which Donelly had recently
collected, and which gave rise to the
report that there was money in the
hotee, Mrs. Donelly was in a delicate
state 'of health, leaving been veru:re•
(wetly confined, and the shade received
has resulted in very serious prostrati m.
The robbery took olive about nine mile
frone where it similai 0Cnttrenee was Fn.
acted about it year ago, it man by the
name of Jonnr being the victin) to the
amount of $200 ao(l a watch. D•tnelly.
ern give no description of tite burglars
(they being heavily muffled up), further
than that one of them was about six
feet high;the ether about five feet
seven, vary stantly -built, and the third
dwttrfish in appearance. There was a
farther sntn, of $38, helonging to the
'icrvant girl, lying on the stand at the
Tread of the bed, tint it remained uitonoh
'd. A Mrs. Fn;;arty was elan robbed
of $240, a short time since, by men of
a similar desc,inttnn. •
—A wt etina of th Directors of the
South Heron Aerie Mural Soei .ty was
iieltl 'at' Turner's l3,Stel, J3rucofield, yea-
terday for. the purpose of malting at.
raugements I'er,the spring show and
the trtttisttetirt,n of other , business, It
torts decided to have show ou April 17.
..t:[u.itole Live Svelte Assoct.t'rLON.—
A it eetiug of the Direoters of the Hur•.
,on, Live Stook Association was Bald at
tewtoofin1tI yin 1)Iondray last. • '1'laere
w'aia a • good ,'atttenilancn of Directo's.
After winding up the affairs connected
AfAit,CTI 8, 1579_____L
Dry Goods, groceries, Clothing, Hats and Caps,
This stock Must be sold right orit, to make room for i:tlore
soon to arrive,
with the late sale, the advisability of
coutiuniug the sales stns carefully con-
siderea], It was determined to make
tauother eff trt to get up a sale iu the
fall, when, if the project does not re
ceivo the required enctutragetl;ent,
the Association will be dissolved, We
May say that ,-after p•tyiug all exterses
connected with the last sale, there is a
deficit of over thirty dollars. This is
not as it shoula be. The public+, and
especially that portent interested in
improved stock, should afford the en-
terprise greater tgtouuregetnens than
they have done in the pa -t. They
will have nne tItore opportunity of do-
itig so. I1 they are wise they will em-
brace it. Every person says the
tcherne is a good one aid deserving of
encouragement, and yet only a few ev-
en attempt to lend it their aid. The
next uleetit.g will be held at Clinton on
the first Monday in June.
Well, Bir. Jtacktanapee is swinging
round the circle again, Supposing we
seed hien down the middle, and force
him io facet] e manic for sixty seconds,
I notice in last week's issue of your
town no tem. he had a ding at twa of our
citizens who bad the ttuclecity to step
nit on the ]tlatl'urm and occupy a couple
of empty chairs upon the occasion of
the Irctnre delivered by Mr. Fahey in
the Town Ilell.
"Trifles light as air are to the jealous minded
Confirmation strong mkt proofs of Holy Writ."
Upon the Ligol its question your
correspondent oconnied a seat in the
rear of Jeckauttpes, but even from this
position, got an occasional glimpse 01
his profile fully iurcharged•with mal-
ice prepense, because forsooth he had
net all invitation to the platform. What
a lose to the audience that his sweet-
ness was wasted "on the desert air" in
the body of the hall; what an over.
sight by the officers of the Institute
that they neglected phteing him on the
ptogramtne ; What a pity be did -not
have the manipulating of the docu-
ment after it was prepared, but eeeiit
the programme was not aired Look, his
services were dispensed with.
"Birds of a feather go togethee," Do
they ? Well! Weill! Let me. tell
Jackanapes the kind of feathered bipeds
that the objects of his spleen don't
"'look" with, or "go" with, we he has
it, in blissful ignorance of are correct
quotation. They dnu't flock with jail
birds. with black mailers, with perjur-
ers', with birds, who, when fall to the
chin with hot whiskey, offer to decide
by a game of chance with their com-
panions who shall be the tacky, or un-
lucky one to touch the ineeudirtry
torch to his neighbor's dwelling at the
hour of midnight. Those are the kind
of feathers that thio gentlemen who etc-
cu1)ied the platform does not "flock"
with. Dou't plume yourself, Mr.
Jackanapes, with the idea than your
antecedents are hidden uudsr a bushel,
any emote than your present pedigree
subsequent to your advent in Lucan,
because if you do, the frailty of your
present tenement wi:1 prove no protec-
tion. A word to the wise, etc,
Mr. William Donnelly,. of Tlsborne,
was robbed of $132 on Friday night
last about 11 o'clouk by three men wfiu
entered his dwelling, tied him with a
bed cord, then proceeded• to the wife`s
tte(rroom adjoining,and took the money
at of a trunk beside the bell, where
Mrs. Donnelly and her servant girl
were.lying, Donnelly, it is reported,
says be has no clue by which lie could
identify the parties.
A large brick house on the Sable
Hill, a short distance from this village,
belonttingta Mr, Meads, caught lire on
Friday night from burning soot falling
down on some boards. Before the fire
was turbaned—it made considerable heed.!
way, and damaged two est three rooms
andttheir.eou,tel)ts to the„ ettioiint of
.our or five hundreddollars. I under-'
!stand there is an insurance on the
premises which will cover elle lns:l,
'I'EA•BIEETINR. — A very sneee,;yf0
soiree, preeidt d over by Bev. M,. Dan-
by, took place in the church ntr Wed -
ne-day evtltung, Felertr.try 14. Pi ofes-
tior Joliet-trot,,Soafo -tit ith 116 ohair from
13tucefield fou it taraatgr. of the last-ical
entertainment ttiu performed his part
It very seti,fnetory neintri•l. The
proceed:,entountiig to about $63, are
to be expended in purchasing it •new
library for the Seleb tt li-ach„ol. Ad'e
dresses were delivered by Thvs. M •asrs.
Danby, Thoarpytn, Patterson, Brow -
ley and Campbell.
SWEPT AWAY.--tt-`ione of our meet
prnrnittent fishermen itt this town harve
coffered heavy home, lately en account
of ice brealcit.cg np and -carrying away
their riots.
Goo» CaTTni;.-;ilr. lhZ!tiel leon ,
of the S'aublo 'Line, hats ata ox which
weighs about 3.001) lbs. This is one
of the largest auimels ever rented le
this part of the country. Thu saute
'gentleman has this whiter fattened :4-
er forty stead of good cattle for the J n-
s ropeau market.
PWitceeeszn. --- ,lir. John Bess Il,1s
purchased a farm from Dr: Unwn'of
'Philadelphia for tite stern of $G,000.
I'The farm contains 100 acres rants Sit-
, hated on the third soneesaion of Ste-
CntVNalL .— Stephen Totvaltin
Conucil met at the Town hall, Credi-
ton, on Monday, the 3rd itist., All
the membars were present, the Reeve
in the chair. The minntee of previoue
meeting were read and signed, after
1 which the appointment of pathrunkters
for the rr.uniefpielityfor the year 1871;"
resulted RS follows ;—!t. Dicks, Mr.
llnThstt, J. tlllvers, W. Bolling,_ G.
Floyd, W. Rake, J. Ross, W. Walker,
3. Ford, J. Snell, T. Slraptnn, W.
iearir.g, J. White, M. Winer, S. Heel -
den, N. Beaver, J. 13iesett, C Keine,
A. Olarlre, M. Hertzel, C. Sweitz"r, G.
Wrin, U. Murleck, I, Wine, R. Hndg-
int, W. Li—tweet', O. Eilbor, I. Antey,
I. Iieatle, J. Hanna. 11. Glanville G.
Ivlawhiney, A Scott, J. Bit turd, I3.
Doyle, J. Gabon, A. :McCormick, L.
Deitrich, C. Stony, II. EcEttehcn, T.
Ceyes, T. Li -Import, C. Willett, C.
Stephens. 3. Sharp, M. Keough, A.
Fidkbiner, A. Campbell, F.:BIough, J.
0. Corbett, A. Elliott, J. Taylor, J.
' Dlliott, W. Eagleson, J. For 1, C.
Cronyn, A. Cherron, T. Ib'iollard, W.
Oliver, A. Ar'mstroiig, Mr. Banker, Bir.
Ferguson, F. Allis, J. Bea'ttli, F, Green,
J. Wood, J. Ford, F. Becher, P. Shred -
sr, A, Roeder, W. Button, W. Balser..
3. King. J. Doleheny, D. O'Brien, .1.
Boland, J. Hayes, Mr. Ik1eGenie,
Sullivan, II. Shank, W. Stimson, J.
Snell, J. Bissett, G. N-[awhin%y, W.
Holt, L. Deitreieh, 0. Stone, J Ioll-
erd, R. Robinson. .Tie f.,llov iug per-
sons were appointed »otxnd•lceepers for
1870:—Jaint:s Cocl;will, D, Stabile, W.
Baker, 0. Mitchell, W. Hickey, H.
Souldan, F. Shapton, T, Marshall, W.
Holt. 0. Oherren, M. Ireland. Orders
were grated for the paywent of .the
following aarn,atanta : Trustees Limerick
r ohool section, 93 cents ; relief, $5 ;
F. Allen, repairing scraper, $1.50 ; A.
J.• McPherson, repairing scraper,i4.40;
J. Corbett, Lumber, ,$ry4.30; T. Bas-
tard, error in dog tax, $1 ; deficiency
in school grant, S,' 5. lvloved by W.
Baker, seconded by 0. Either, that the,
Auditors' report be tt,ecepted.-.--Ctarried
The Council thou adjourned.
C. Pitourv,
The assassination of the Governor of
•Oharkoff, Russia, is eoid to have been
caused by his int/Wimp' treatment of
political prisonera,