HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-6, Page 7Mom �i 1379
Farmer Evans a alked around his
wl)) less and surveyed its diminished
1,1okorlions with a. comederable lower:
ing of him shaggy eyebl'owe. ('1t'',iome•
body's helping tlleilleelvee,"11etttbughl;
"I meet set illy wits to week to tliseov
(r the offender. He 'nett dowel on a
lug, rested his elbows on his !cue s,
and a•Nr scratching leis head attltilo,
by way of hriuhtenieg hie ideas., be set-
tled his temples in the reline of bis
1tan da soul meditated. "flue rLieu 1t of
bis cegitnti0ns must have been SalifitC-
1oly, for he roe by and by with a
queer smile overepreedieg his weather.
Lent'eu face, and a all(( din to the house.
eltttelllirtn, "I'll (lo it; that'll let the
cat out of the bag.,'
He ;(marc Ilcei•ry Bailey, a ynnee,'
3illel;p'•loolrinit f areter, iu the tcitchee
u itb 11e 4 (iIIt(hte.
"Thal 3•t.nnp yellow is courting Jen.
sic', sera emote!' 1" thought the oho
geutletcttrt,as Iledist reete1V passed into
the hlt't111ra+,•I•ohni. "Well, he is As like
1y to make her as good busbtul(1 as any
vole. 11' she likes Mill I shan't object."
And he toll into a 'fit of musing over
the memory of the gentle wife who Lace
been lying under the fioeers since;
Jell lie's birth,
illel:owlnle, in the kitchen, Jennie
was tripping about, engaged in sent,
household work, while I1arry wit(
watching her with love -lit eyes, and
timid not• slake up his mind to tell her
be loved her.
r'r. k ,:
The Bev. Mr Walker, of the ortbo
dox church in eBeitou, had pre-
pul•ed:a di:•ceurse for his ,Hula! comers
•plttioll, on the subject of eodlees pun-
ishment. The parable of the rich
elan olid Llls1(1'(18 was his basis, fend
11111'l((1 the allatile'luun of anta a1
the black sheep 01' hie float as though
he tv' re an ateligetg a'ugel, pn'1 piney
members of his enngretitien telt guilty
terror's. Little Tim Bates shivered in
his sot .es, and thought of the tem he
!tad t:sken the eight be;ore, and them
told hie nl„iher a lie, and debated
whether be should cl,ufess, or run the
risk of the punishment fulteiu)tted by
t he pnrs,!n. But be teed 0(t settle 1114
platter that tine, for the minister u
en Met ly brought to a full htol in the
midst ' i hie set mon, and the 001,grega-
ti)n electro£' d. by a tremendous crash
tlt•d report in their midst, as if Leaven
a Id ea th hltd conte together.
Farther Evans rose to his feet simul-
taneously with his frightened daughter
lutd the rest of the congregation, and
filth, Tito was not sure for the uwiueet
Oat his fro me had not begun. The
eau -e of the noise was fund to be ar,
explosion in the stove, through the in.
fernal ngel•cy known ni Gunpowder.
Ilarry Bailey, who made the lives and
found the weed for a stated sum, canoe
forward with a white face ;tud explain -
,p'1 that the Cause was unknown to him.
'The farmer walked homeward, think-
ing. "Bad, bad : I'm very sorry he's
that sort : I never suspected him of all
others; andJennie likes him."
The fortsacr's firstimpulse was to nip
in the bod the acquaintance betweeu
Jennie and you g Bailey ; But his ma-
tu al kindly feeling ultimntely revisit-
ed over his a(!ger, and 0n his next meet-
it(g with the delinquent he abruptly ad-
dressed hint:
" tioy are courting my daughter !"
Harry Bailey admitted the fact bash-
" And you make the fires of rhe Or-
thodox Church?" coutinued the ofd
Harry assented.
" And furnish the wood?"
" Yes," said the young roan, growing
red and white by turns.
"Perhaps you would like to have a
masterions explosion in chnirch explain -
.ed ? I knew my wood -pile was going
eomell•h ere, and put a small charge ( f
powder in one of the sticks. I need
not Say that I was surprised to find you
the thief, and you dared to corse court-
ig my daughter!"
Barry quailed before the stern, clear
.glanoe'of the old man.
"I !(dols:I'm too menn to live, much
`•. fess te) love her," he broke out. " 1
don't expect you to over it. I -I
had a hard year on the farm ; you
Know what lessee I met. I meant to
pity it back to yon again, but 1 don't
expect yon to believe me. One thing I
bfg-don't tell her anything about it ;
1 couldn't bear to have her thiva so
badly of tele."
The old man regarded the ashamed,
repentant face with 1 ity.
"Look here, Barry, he said ;"I'11
forgive you and will not tneutlm it to
a soul if you'll look me in the face and
promise solemnly to be strictly honest
from this time forth."
Bailey caught his hand gratefully,
end he felt his reward begin as 1(e saw
the shadow of n new hope dawning on
the trea led face. " 1801111,11y promise,"
he said "glover ag tin to touch a penny's
worth that i,'i not lawfully my own."
With. en overflowic,g Heart Ilarly
stammered his thanks, and the farmer
!lever regretted that he had given him
(► channe to redeem his Belt' respect.
RELIEF FOR EAI, IS. -Persons will
find relief for eareebe by patting in a
(peen two or three drops of sweet oil,
or, better still. almond oil, the same of
molasses and laudanum wartning it to-
gether, Absorb some of the mixture
in cotton wool.; 0(11 it in the ear, with
a piece of woollen outside to keep out
the cold air, repeating if necessary, A
roast union heart dipped in, this and
surrounded with the cotton is alio very
CATAliltll.-A. medioal atlliior'ity as-
sorts that the severest Catarrh cold can
be removed in about ten hours by a
mixture 11f carbelie acid, ten drops
tinotere of iodine and chloroform, each
7.5 dines. A few drops of the mixture
S1loeld be heisted over a spirit 1unp in
m teat tube, the month of lvhi It should
be applied to the nostrils as volatizlttion
is effected. The opertitlull should be
repeated in about twenty minutes,
when, after the patient SLCCSOs a lim-
ber of times, troublesome symptoms
rapidly disappear.
Iliinttrter is a solemn thing -a choice for
life; be careful irk toe choosing. Aud be Dart.
fell in choosing a remedy for female com-
plaints. Be sure to ask your dealer for Vre-
TunIA Bucmi and Uva Ctiisi. It is now extens-
ively pw140'ibecl by all respectable pbysieaus.
Bright's disease of the kidney, diabetes, oto.,
may be overcome by the Buchu if taken in
time. For sale by Dr. (1.Lutz, Exeter.
Gray's Syrup cures the worst forms of Coughs
and L olds,
Gray's Syrup cures Sore Threat : nd hoarse-
C'(-ny's Syrup gives immediate relief in Bron-
Gra3's Syrup is the best medicine for Asthma
Gray's Syrup relieves Croup and Whoopinl
Gray's Syrup is invaluable iu the last stages of
Sell everywhere. Pric", 25 cents.
A Gentle Hint,
In our style of climate,. with its Sndticl,
changes of teir'teratnr a-raio, wind and sol.
41iine often intermingled in a Sin10e d•'v,-
is 00 wou(lor that enc children, friet ds and
relatives are so frequently When from us b,
neglected cods, half the deaths re•ultii g d
redly from this cause, A bottle of Bescbee-
Ger'ma1 S• rup kept about about yunr holt
for inanledutta' usn will prevent serious sickncs$
n large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by CI
use of tllreo or fully doses. For During Cot
s: irn tier, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia. Sever
Coughs, Croup. or any disease of the Throat
Lungs, 104 SneeeS) 18 simply wonderful, as yet
drug.oist will tell you, (+te n=ul Syn.)) is no
sold is every tow and village on this con 1
neut. Sample bottles for trial, 10 emits; regi;
ler size, 75 cents.
" At vele end of the year you can
have Jennie if yogi want her, and we'll
puite the farted,"
1g t'\f"t ,'Data on oo clays investineut 0f$1 0(
(d'el4J to forth -!co st, J anuary 30. 4 J
l'reeortionalroturnn every week on Stock Optical
of -'?0, - $0, - $1(40, :5110,
Official )te'pm•t; and eireulars free, Address,
T. Pu'ETlsxt \Vzonr & co. Iiaukels, 35 \Vali st. N,'
ADAY to Anent. eauva8s:ing for ti
1'IRI;SIDR v10I'COI� tarn- and 01
tit )'roe. Address P. 0.11'
Augusta, Maine.
2Vv.. unto beautiful chrolnn carts. with 11'10
leer., postpaid. (Teo. L 111•(1012 & c0, Nassau. N.
laLively eorda, not alike, 10 et,., or 18 thrum•
Sdlnets, post-paid. J. 10, .,Has'rxn. Nassau, N -
,9 Pry1 Fancy (lards, Chrome, Snowflalm, &Cc, no
aJIJ alike with 1151x10, 10 0114, J, MINI(LEn & (.
Nassau, N Y
$79a mon1h,5nd e. penstns glenrantecdto agen(
(p 1 nutflt free. SIrAW & 00, Angasta, 3'Iinn.
1Jii,' ,TTSEME Tofrlfuesin
J s, rterl auc
week in 300 newspapers for $10. Send 10e
for 100 page vamphlet, G.P. ROW 1, l,>, & co
10 Spruce St., N. Y.
K n/
fit' ,Feadingr 3.' 1((10111(.
the iu,etim.s .. •u,ha Cot,.
,mined in the r, medical
A �h1:1 t�. y$,,r, it r l•r
11 )N
(i''l 114(•1• m11y'$1. i n,.rr mail
@. artx' nn 300.Is of lrjrv. It
tront� 0f Ex1lau-ted'.' t:lefty i±rerun ur'
Nervn1181.ud 2'113 .1.0! I)05ilny', auto the rrdl r:r
ennentnit(rnt ii(:1 etre,! utl:uld 111)14''10-111(11 n cult
then frnm,and etmains in, ar.annsoer11iila I1nr
srript'ons,nut'ee 1) wlieh1awrrththeprice of
the honk. This br t5 was written be ((01 4 0 ex•
tomiveend probable thenue tskilrill met it inner
in Aunties, 0 whom wes awa 1...ea 1erval ud jaw-
eliedmeda l by the Nat lined I'diralAs nrhttinn.
A Pamphlet, ignsaaawith t5v nest
6trr] )degru,•in��--a ma mar- p[�" }
vel of art 11u1 beauty- t5
sent Itttr to 3111_ Need
for it at nava Address
PEABODY l:l?1)I,':lT,rr`p! 40
INS111 . 1'1., P a 4 BM- � y�j1f 4f1S t
finch b,.. Donlon. Mass
Having commenced business for the
Fail andWinterTrade
Y3urra :, :Or the sign
Sewing). 1V ac , sae
J, Silverware, Chinn and Dell ever sewn is
the West, at
E. ralmixrs E IT' O.I E .
Mr. Drew has just receiver. an excellent stock
Silver Tea aetts,Butter Coolors,Dnuble and Single
Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card iteoolvers, Coni -
131211100 Setts, ete, of the Best QuadrupleanaTzipl0
Plato, and is offering the saute et prices that waned
De has just opened oat a now and complete as-
sortment of China, Glass and Stonewares. A
large stock of Lean psjust at'rtved. Call and satisfy
yourself ea to quality and (leafless. Como and
try our instruments. Music Teacher still all
hand, Services at lowest figures.
Special rotteution called to the ]taymonl Sewing
itIaolaiuo. Organs anti Pianos unsurtaseed ler
beauty of design, and quality of tone,
Piano and
11HE Sebeeribnr begs to announce to the 11:habitants of Exeter and the s"rroul,ding coun-
t try, that he has owned a TIN and 5 POW', DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mi. (1
t. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exotel, where he is p. epal ed to fill all orde,
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
At; Manufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made. up by practic9
workmen on the premises.
lave -Troughing done to order, Cnrriae'e Platting a Sneeialty. Coal oll Chimneys, lb
very best and none Cheaper.
Intending purchasers will always Hud one all my pOs 1, ready to attend to niy own bashes,
tad prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good an,
)heap artio e, Depend upon it that nowhere eau yon get better value for your looney.
L'he very highest price is Cash pe id for Hides and Sheep skin
:xeter P 0, 0ctoe•er 15 1877.
We are prepared to purchase any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulotiolls 1
We avi11 take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stuck.
twenty -live cents. If any of the bung gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be de(luoted.
No pork will be bought at any price 1f
-AND --
Pork Cuttings
on hand at reasonable rates.
We want ell Hogs Cutting aright through
resat to head, and Karns opened out to tail. `
G. & J, PETTY.
cCiTa,LL l\T)
--ASj . --
New White Shirts,
New Collars & Shirts,
New Collars,
New Scarfs & Ties,
New Silk Idkfs,
&o., SCC., &c., &c.
has remove to his now shop, lately oocnpied hy
Perkins & Og-tw0.)Onra north of J. Grigg's book :
store, where you will dud everything usually key t'
it a first-class harness eetablishloent, 141111011 for
quality of material and slyle of workmanship
Call and examine my stock before pnroballeg
A. ■
has jail ree.uv.:.1 m large stock of
iii^tata:ltes, VtrsuI, , Jaive11(Ey, 1'40 -
to as ,Stir ttl.;,v, 'p et a+'tes, £.c((tICS'
tt►l; r 4:a of ti9' ut»O 1' t f8O(I&v.
A large 0tr,0i( of 1''!:115'' (-roods eoll-
iPtt1!tiV 1.10 t)rttN), '
1:1 HE to ALL. AND W1N' l.. l,t PIIAS)E
SoV't:M"'vyi: So=
TAI „Dern and CLt)T1111.1tM,
2.11te pleasure to (r fern: tie inhabitant, of 1 xet:r
old snrrouu I:115 count) y, t.utt they !serve Ina •
0tie am. •.);t1 an 1,. )1- L '•Lt •tssor=oft of
l'u'c'f•oa, (.',',*1..4,:0 I',:if(rgoetc.,
e the IA COG •,tyles (3) , . tt _rte ,ant( fees assure-.!
:eat in .e!n ,t:•tur,:( •„•t, 11.y:, t•hny eau suit the
lIU1r•t f..it i• 3(t,ue0,.Ste9. '
J <i o'i' a l Isi..L) THIS
ovine rceeeri-11 1t , u; tet".f Ina0h:very,- 1
.fl. woilkl inform au. 1,101' its 01 the sur-
all!triltlj; eo11„tr',0 ti4:.1 . .tl ( j')W'lrtl to mann-
...tot: WO eU kill& }
• :1 , .+n takes, flares}
rics<'zrahl i 1I' .' le-,+.:audke, ,. 0e, and. having
cnn:,l the ser noes of .a 1i, 141-ela15 Turner, i
ri the,'ared to ate
lib K1N.) ; 1)" TitltN [Net
•u ttto shortest notice..:,11 1 for style and price
le-fy competition. +i .t:1!.•ac 0,1 han;t a first-
: as stns' of Fork wt.', Siluvel 151.110. Mill
,llf a ante south of ins ,er,
, COT I':r,L.
Ueadpuarters for
All bought at right prices -will be sold cheap.
RA1 TO= los,
Eaoretl'i Block, opposite Satnwsll df Pickard's,Exeter
' !
ALLAN'S ANTI -FAT is the great remedy for Corpu
lency. It lo purely vegetable and perfectly harmless.
It acts on the food in itte stomach preventing tts 0011-
version into fat. Taken 'according to directions, It
ws n week.
pricing thistr 3120133' beforem ato th spublic is a pest.
Live cure for obesity, we do so knowing its ability to
cure. as attested by hundreds of testimonials. of
which the following from a lady in Columbus, OWU,
Is a sample: "Gentlemen: -Tour Anti -Fat was duty
received. 1 took It according to directions and it
reduced the five pounds. I was so elated over the re-
sult that 1 Immediately sent to ACSEnffiAN'e drug.
store for the second bottle." Another, a_physielan,
writing for a patient from Providence. B. 1., :;rte.,
Four bottles hive reduced her weight from Ise
pounds to 192 rounds, and there ha general improve-
ment 1n health." A gentleman writing from Bos-
ton, says: "Without special change 0r 'attention to
diet, two bottles of Allan's Antl-Fat reduced nor foyer
and one-quarter pounds." The well-known 'Whole-
sale Druggists810711, DOOLITTLI0 & SMITH, of nes-
ton, Idess., write as follows: " All(m's Anti -Fat lies
reduced a lady in our city seven pounds In three
wealcc." A gentleman '•, 5t. Louis writes: "Attain•.
Anti -Fat reduced me twelve pounds in three week;,
and Itltegetllcr 1 have lost twenty-five pounds sine
emmnencin Its use." Messrs. POWELLat PLtan'x4Ny
Wholesale Druggists, of Buffalo, N.Y,3.wr)te: "Lo
9 OF ALAN'S ANTI -FAT: Oeotno•
men, -Tho following report is from the lady who used
Allan's Anti -Fat. It (the Anti -Fat) had the desired
elhet, reducing the fat from two to ave pounds a
week until I had lost twenty -fire hounds. I rte
never to regain what I have lost" Antl-Fat Is en
unexcelled blood -purifier. It promotes digestion,
curing dyspepsia, and Is also a potent remedy for
rheumatism. Sold hy druggists. Pamphlet on Obes-
ity aunt On receipt of stamp.
BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., Pnorh'ts, Buffalo, N.Y.
By an immense practice at the World's Dispen-
sary and Invalids' 'Hotel, having treated many thou•
sand erases of those diseases peculiar to woman, I
been fried sepdisseases.most potent nue posi-
To designate this natural specific, I have named It
Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
The term, however, 1s but a feeble expression, of
oily high appreciation of its value, based open pen -
annul nhservntl0n. 1 have, veldt,' witnessing its peal.
tire results 111 lite special. 511500es I, ctdout to the
organism of,10n11tn. 8(3)0a0 It out es the ,11naax oe
erowning atm oe my me5len) career. On its 00x101,
as a positive, safe, ant ell'ucnnal remedy for this class
of diseases, awl one that will. at all times and under
all circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to s10100
my reputation as a physician: and so confidentam
1 that It will not disappoint the most sanlwutinecx-
pectationl9 era single Invalid Indy who uses 1 t for airy
of the all nientsfor which 1 rerolnmeorl 31. ihut I oabr
and sell It under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. O'er
conditions, see pnu1pt11etsvra)1p)n bottle.) ,j'
T111 following are among prose dtsoalsos In . sect,
m3' Favorite 1'reeertptlehl bas worked cures, as If by
magic. and with at certainty never before attained by
inUihlleiosSui1iflMonyPrdSuppressions Excessive hen Nom
unnatural causes, IrrcgUlrlril)08, Is fink Barak. Pre -
:apses, or Felling of the Uterus. Antovorslon ant
Itatlm-crsion, Burring -down Sensations, Internal
Ilea, Nervous Depression Debility DcOp0ndency,
Tltrcatened Miscarriumg,. Chronic Congestion, In.
flantmatIonand tllcerot.trlllnt the Utrrny1�Itnpnteney
Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female Weeknees. f
do not extol this 91,4111.11,' Cora -all,' but lb.
n(I1111IYb1' fulfills o maak0CM or purpose, beingh
most perfect specific in as chronic diseases or the
somal system of womnan it will not rlisappotut,.l nr
wi`lltdo harm In any Mate nr cendtttof.
'Ihose who des' re further tnfnrmatlnn en these sub-
,toett ten <>h131111 (0In'rite 1 eeette8(10M61015)t o;'
J50(CAI. ADt'3S1 e, a hook of ever 900 NOM. hent
post -gold, an receitrt of 81.1111. 11 trusts minutely r,
diose dtsea1r1 1),,en arto trmardus, and ivies 4101(3
(1Utu31)114 advice in regard to the manugelnent 0Y'
11,00, ath,ctln's
V.verlf • Prr rlptlfh Mold by Druggists.
t t . ('151tr P. '•i. t1., Prep r, wor1,01 IYj sp �ttr�
'to\ lurt3l) l5' )10rul, BufLd-. X. Y.