HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-6, Page 4THE TIMES MA ex G, 181
Mr. MoNebbeeSold the bending factory out of the shop, •
to 1)r. HoIL under power of sale o til• To blr, Moserip--Keen told mo diel
tailed in a mortgage held by Mrs. Mo- Seance wast night-wetehtuatt.
DougaII; the ruortgnge woe fur $2,000; Dr, IIrt re•oailed, sW0111.—TU 1►,Ir.
whet, sold the interest moult have beet' McN+±bb—!lave• brought do books with
$200 or $800 ; think there was also an lie to.dny; may dove been asked to
instalment of the mortgage due; the bring woiue ; there are uo bootie or
sale touk plt►t,e at Exeter by anotion ; writings of soy loud ahuwleg entries
don't remember whether' any ince came rut:diu4 to that i1,40J; 1 keep no Ortel
from my office to the sale oe not, butt book ; (produced here lease to McAlpine
think not ; don't ktlow whether there & Kew ) ; have had lease it, my possess
was an upset price on the property or .ion ever ilius It was wattle ; (pro:Weed
not ; gave Mr. Adams, auctiot•eer, uo receipt from Mot. AiuDo.lge►ii si ilea for
inetruotieus about the salt( ; ho loose her by ilit'.O. S. Jones) ; wt,) t ,lt.v what'
- - the amount of the mortgage ; think I Antal boug,ut the ; r e :r'y ; ,doll t, get
THE BENDING FACTORY naE. wntY llp lance to a sale which wits post- agretamwnt tYhen I pal.i i14); g it
potted; Hall luta paid for the place; who 1paid tne hoe ; -.:t etc ,Lit
wren t paid the $14J. int' gay.. is np
a }leo 1 g••t the rt'cetl)t b d ttw ee:lieut.
bol' deap,i ; have rel'e1V(el ne dei .•f erop-
•rky yei.
T'.) Mr. 11•Iit)I—Uaiio at tiro ur,).t.O O
of no one to the c,rblr aa. wow., 1. h,.,,.:hG
t)r0t,eely; Inde) its ah1'rt•l:toot Si•tare
tht toile with airy tell.' )SA L•) the r. ,,:J I
,vs►s to give ; dltlnt L•,).,.% v,!). 'n:,ide
alshuns u )ud1d,►:)lct,'d the halo ; cb+)) t he
-ii a 4'Ittl •nh; 1)t, ,i:Ir )I •.•r•t?ti^ �i"lth
me; I neve s9nt a.laud ut) a►,4 .)
tY tt„iliii , o; lao,ilts svie,tt.i 1i•" -:e, told
min ; Il+)v ,1' wile holt! t) :ye+i : t►t) ,tit
the J,wtnary fire bef„retie.lee eve; ;hell
know that auyon. ever off ,.? t,. Oa,
the faer,ry before L pt1
money has been paid Mrs. MkDonp.th 1:a, inquiries as to op/ :•.t :.?:,: ; t, aa
diNale.l when I pttrci):ey.
To Mr. Mckotbb—I:set ..l ;:ul•) Of
• ho pa+ Oculars upon wins. , r 1.,,a••.,.-,1 ,try
The Molsons Bank.
7]70oaroILATGD Br ACT a8 1A.PLIA fl NT, 106,
Capital, $2,000,000. _ nett, $10() 000
Anal ASonsoN, Esq., - - - - - - President,
llox.'TIrummAs WamoteN, Yua.Prea,,
T J GLAxxex, Viae -Pres Sun Mutlyl Ins Co
flon D L Ataouberson, Senator
It W Shepherd, Pres Ottawa River Navtlat Co
13arat o Nelson, M P P, Milos Williams,
tN. WoL r)ensxAx Txoncus, Esq., - Cashier.
St HEATON, ESQ., . - . - - - In pastor.
-1. xeter Bran' h.
t,IItN11Y 0. H11EWF11i MANAG B.
Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their
awn promissory notes with one or more good en-
dorsors. No mortgage required as security.
5 per cent, Interest allowed an deposits,
Gold anti ourrenoy drafts bought and sold, Ster
nx Exchangebought and sold,
Collections made in nil parts AP the Dominion
and returns promptly remitted at.luweeb rates 0
mutter, August 16th 1878.
a fife refer
THURSDAY, MAR( 11 6, 1870.
Before many weeks shall have rolled
around the people of the Province of
Ontario will once more be thrown into
the excitement of a great. political con-
test. It will will be a conteet of sur.
raising interest, inasmuch as on its
result rests the question whether the
Province is to be ruled extravagantly
and feebly or economically and wisely.
There are no great and breed questions
of statesmanship to be settled. The
main question at issue between the two
parties is of a finanei.31 nature. The
Oppot,ition iu the Local Legislature
claim that they can rule the Province
more economically than the present
Gcveriment do. Tne question is cue
!purely of dollars and cents, and one
upon which doctors should not differ in
the slightest degree. There can be uo
doubt as to the nature of the malady.
There can be no doubt as to the rem-
edy necessary. It is economy. Every
than ought to be interested in the Gov-
erumeut of his country. Every man
otgiit to know what Administration is
the most expensive, and when it is re-
membered that the expenditure of pub-
lic money is about the only business
attended to by the Tenial Legislature,
it becomes evident that. the Ade nrtist.rn-
tion which governs the most economi.
Gaily ought to be aapnorted—and it
would be, t.o, if that small word
” party” had not such a potent infln-
euce in the country. Let us place the
'neater fairly before the eler;tort, and in
a way that will bring it home to thein -
selves. Suppose a mau has a farm 011
which it is necessary to employ a large
number of mon it, order that the mul-
tifarious duties incident to its manage-
ment may be properly performed. The
owner of the farm engages a general
Manager or overseer. Another person,
one of the interior employees, covets
the position, and i- coutiucally baying
the owner of the farm that he is able
to manage the worst in such a manner
Clot- a great staving will be effected in
the expenses each year. He listens to
the tempte•, and leaving faith it, his
oft -repeated promises, emplrey.s him,
but feels after four or five years' ser-
vice, that the cost, instead of deoreat .
ins, has increased sixty per cent., or
that where he hod only: to spend oue
dollar before, under the second man -
than oast a 'vote against the interests of
-whom ? let us ask. Themselves ?
No. The' eotiutry ? No. Agaiust
whom then ? Why, iltree or four men
in Toronto, and alike number in eaoh
ooustituenoy, who gall themselves Re.
formers, and under the guise of that
good name bleed the people and intake
dupes of them for their owu advantage.
These are the men who " gather in" all
the benefits which flow from that steads
allegiance to party under all cironln-
staucee which characterizes the Cana-
dian people. ' It is high tune this feel•
ing was broken in npan. It has beet'
productive of tuo much inj my to the
country in the past. It licenses a Go•
verument to commit offences which
they would shrink from if there %las a
More independent feelint. it, the coun-
try. Let each elector in South Huron
calmly ask himself these questions ;
" What benefit have I ever received
front any party ? • What benefit will I
ever receive ? Have I grown richer by
it ? Why should I tallow any party
throngh all their auto, and sustain them
right or wrong 2 We know what a
candid man's answer is, if we except
those men who have partaken of the
Cameron bribe,y fund.
The allegory we have feebly attempt-
ed to present above, shows exactly the
position the people occupy toward the
Government of the Province. The
Government of John Sandfield Mac-
donald was very economical, but the
Opposition of that day promised to
(feat a great reduction if they were
allowed the opportunity. The people
believed them, and • placed them in
Mower, but how do their practices com-
pare, with their promises ? Like the
envious man above mentioned. their
'nannr.r of conducting business has
cost the Province sixty per cent. more
than that of their predecessors. Their
term of eugagetnent is about expiting,
end they intend asking the people to
renew their term, but we are much
mistaken if they be not rejected, and
the now disct.rded managers given sole
charge again.
In South Huron, Mr. Bishop, the
present member, supporta the Govern-
ment of Air. Mowat, which has been
•.;nilty of the most profligate extrava-
ysnce with the funds of the Province.
1:iiinst Mr. Bi•thop personally we have
:lot a word to say. He is agenial,
yell disposi`ioucd gentlemen. But
tattiest bis career as a pnblic man we
have a great deal to say, and shalt
')pees our objections wi'h all the forts
oar command. He supports the
Cxovernmeut in everything they under-
t.ake. Every item in their very extra
vagant expenditure meets with his
warmest approvai. He thinks it just
for instance, that our education should
Inst as $9••.1.000 a year more than it
,lid ander John Sandfield Macdonald,
and that the east of managing the
Crown Lands office should have risen
$47,986 per year under Mr. Mowat.
Acrd yet he expects his Parliamentary
course to be approved by the people t
A.••d yet he contends that he snnports
an economical Gnvernment t On the
nthPr hand, Mr. G. 1l. Jackson, the
•:pponent of Mr. Bishop, advocates a
-r•turn to the old style eennnmv which
',Wined ander John Sanclfield Mac-
ti'lnnitl. He does not believe in mere
ages it costs him one dollar and sixty hers going to Parliament to enrich
cents. The time for which) he engaged
this expensive manager has expired,
and the man who h.td rnauaged it Ho
elietbply before is at baud,-/villing to be
taken %gain into the employment of his
old wester, and to manage the farm in
the good old way. What would tbo
owner of that farm do 2 Be -engage
the bald manager ---the man who hod
deceived him and almost doubled hie
expanses ? Not vary likely. If he did
his neighbors wonld be justified ir, cat-
ling hila a fool. There ie not man of
sense in Skutt! Aaron who would not
eliecha rge the deceitful and iuseapebia
manager, and rz•engage the one whom
be had leen . ilidocetd to part with by
fitir promises thiels were unfulfilled.
This is the way:peepde set when they
tie leolrirtg after their privatecot+eernA.
Is thele any good and sufficient reason
Ashy they should not pursue the wane
Course when de :ling with the affairs of
the coitotry? There is a reason—but
a, wary weal; one ;--party lass °suela n
Arm, clack upon the people that they
woald ratl)t» ,011b6)11, top 'e tt naci•idtt;ee
themselves. He thinks they hove a
higher and less selfi h Ante, to perform.
Fie does not sanction the at•trminc
inerease which has taken place in the
exusnsee of the Province aider Mr.
1lowat, bat is pledged to the strictest
economy in every branch of the Pro.
vinciaf service. He doe•{ not believe in
Wee premises, bet asks the support of
the people, 1 remising only that which
IIe will honestly endeavor to perform,
without considering the necessities: of
Ley party. Mr. Iii shop its a blind ma-
I !invent 'of a reokles-ly extrev,.gant Ga
,rnmeut, and votes with thein on ev-
ery (petition, Mr. Jeck:?on apposes
not Government, but wilt only stip-
: i•r. nem who will substitute the most
,n„itl economy f•,r the extravagance
now prevailing. Which is the more
deserving of 811onnrt 2 t,,
. HAS Mr. () tsey, M. Y. for East El-
gin, turned Tory that be shonld be
thus grossly maligned by the Ottawa
enrrespontlat.t of the London Aicfver-
tiser : —'s Me, Casey has brontlht for-
ward his measure for the greater efid-
eieney of the Civil Service, Whether
it will meet with more encomia this year
than formerly reuinins to be seen. Ho
is one who might be appropriately
called a+4-,Iaok in..the box." He has
something to say every session ou iu-
solvents, mercantile agencies, lumber
and mait. Ile itnagwes that what be
don't know about those four things
isn't worth kuowiug at ail. One thing
is certain he ie not poeted in anything
else." And the voice of httnentatiou
was heard iu all the catnpit of Israel.
However, George's" old-time frieuda
ought to know !rim about as well as
CONCLUSION OP TEM INVESTIGATION— [cash book pr'od:mei]; he seems to
't WFL,) OWNS THE OLD FOUNDRY ? '— have made one payment of $140 oe
THAT QU1;STIUN SETTLED—ARREST 01' Septembt'r 17th, and the balance 0,
PB. HALL, SHAND AND KEEN. the 28tl) Septttllber; he paid toe in my
I office in cash o.s,n't say where h
The investigation into the burping I the in.+uey ; he didn't get it through
of the McNabb bending factory, which the ; think I gave hint tt receipt for the
was adjourned until last Thtirsd%y honey ; drew up a traulsfer when h•
morning it, order to oeonre the vetoed- paid Lila. money ; [witness hers, pr„r
ands of Mr. 0, S. Jones, of St, Malys, dneed Dash book, iu which 'pey1Y,eate
was re -opened at 11 o'clock on that worecredited to Dr. !lall to the allenet-
morning. The same gentlemen who et,tted] ; the entries in lay books wet.,
attended ou the previous days were made within a day or two of the tini
present, viz., 1'h'. G. McNabb, of ?ic- of the payment of the money ; make u•
Mallen, Gibbons&, McNabb, Loudon, balances it, my owu bushnes• ; nevi
tor the two iusurauee companies inter balance my cash book ; the deed Ita-
ested, Mr. B. V. Elliot, Exeter, fir the not been executed to Dr. HJall; the
municipalily, and Mr. M 'scrip, of Jolter
& Mosorip, St. Marys, for Dr. Hall.
Mt. A. Sones, of the Citizens It.lsur-
ance Company, was also present. The
first witness called and sworn was
Wm. Howey,, who, being examined
`1y Mr. MoN abb, said-11teDermott went
home to St. Marys, and when he came
back he said to me in my house, whe.e
he was Wording, " Well, Will, I'm
sure of my wages uow.„ I said I wish-
ed I way safe, and asked how he kuew
he was. He replied that he had a letter
in his pocket for Keen, and he could
:tee money in it. He. said the letter
was from -Dr. Halt, but he didu't tell me
ue had opeued it ; be said he was going
to watch Keen open it and then dun
him for his wages. I saw O'Byrne the
eight before the factory was burnt, but
it was my father who told him the
place would be'Eiurued before a certain
time ; McDermott told me a short time
before the factory was burnt that it
wouldn't he standing in three weeks ;
this was after the January fire ; he gavel authorize the place to be sold for auk
co reason f)r saying so ; never beard particular amount ; cant say whether
lieeu say auythiug about its going to I ever sent anyone to Exeter tNith iu-
Oa burnt ; the general opinion in the ,trnatio:is not to let the place go fob
towil was that: the place was to be •0,4 Chau POO; don't remember it it
blurt. is did.
To Mr. Elliot—Never had anything 1't, Mr. Elliot—Don't recollect has.
to do with Shand. her any oowtnnicatiou with Ken or
• Mosorip—Worked in factory hall about the place before it was sold ;
from 27 December till some time it, 'lave talked With so malty respecting it
T.utuary ; at Jane try. fire McDermott
.vas working there; don't know whe'her
)e tools the tools home` every night or
'tot; at the first inquiry told the same
story as I tell now.
To Mr.. Mace—McDermott gave me
uo reaaou why ho took his tools away ;
be told me that if they had been horned
January fire, D:. Tell would have
pair! Linn for then.
To Mr. Muscrip—1ieDerm itt didn't
read the letter to tne ; all he told tne
ebotit it was that he saw money in it,
end that he intended to den Keeu fol
his wages ; this was the night he cunt
back from St Marys; tuld me that the
boy, himself and Dr. Hall were going
to ran the shop after that : that there
was going to be a charge.
E dwin Davis sworn—A+ i a stage-
iriver, rennin between Exeter and
St. Marys.
Tu Mr. t1.foN:Ibb.—U•tve taken staff
from factory about two weeks before
he fire; also took some the day before
he fire -70 whifllstr,es end & neck-
yokes ; took them to the old foundry. in
St. Marys; don't know who otvns that
minding ; Keen told me to take them
there ; Dr. Hail ottin,i np jn,t as I was
finished unloading and asked me if I
had the stuff uuloaded; Mr. Been paid
mu for taking this stuff; took Wine
loads in three weeks ; only took a few
nubs the second lead ; took them to
Mr. Harstone, at Mr. Keen's order;
Keen pail me for title •also ; the firer
luad 1 took to Mr. Miller's at Keen's
order and nuloaded it there; Miller told
me some of the atetf wits of no use to
•lien, cud 1 understood that be would
+low accept it, but 1 didn't take it away,
.End don't know whether he afterwards,
,ent it at;nvor•:iot; myhired Man took
elle last load' before the fire ; this was
is be stored behind Dr. Hall's store,
bat the men in the st bre wouldn't per-
mit thiel to be done ;De. Hall then soot
it to the old fonndry ; this load was
sent by K+en ; I 103.4'1 the sleigh et
the factory and received it etruotious
from Lien ; then, tirt.,ve t)le ttnff in in)
house, %here +ny man took the load ;
gave Lira the same irlatrection+ til 1
Keen gave me about leaving it behind
,Ur. Hall's store.
To Mr. Moserip—[J.ld no suspicion
when taking the mLUff that there wails
anything, wrong about it ; all I know
about Dr. Hell sending rho stuff to
the old fotindry Adieu hie men refused
to allow it bohind his store, is what my
man told. me ; Mr. Hartitone a.cetted
all the stuff 1 took to hila. •
S. Juries, barrister, sword—To
[dere produced private ledger showiahs:
payment of the money! in vari•,u
sums, just as she wanted it ; gave n:.
Agreement for deed, which includedv,thtatiol from K et, ; if Moot ; ,...ars
receipt, when De. Hall paid me ; I was I he told me about the J u,ua! v t1 e he
not it, my office when the anattuueer swear; f&sely ; s,e d., alt otha:; ,rho
Dame to attend the factory sale, and ;wear to the same.
thought it would be poetponed ; don't N. E. Bidet), iusuralsue and general
know ot any one having any interest in
the property but 1)r, Halt ; the sale to
him was au abs 'lute ono ; b m is t , pity
uo more than $1,400 fur the place;'11all effeeted no iu•ut•aic' on the h.././d-
keep ucaonnt in the Bulk of Montreal ; t iug fawtory in these c.Inpanies un the
nave no regular accouut it, any other 4th of Februaw,y, 1879, f)r U1,7&til in
bank ; must have ntade offers for the :etch c)nxpany, or eaeo0 it, bete ; die
property to the assignee, but neve: bare building was veined at $900; the
made offers in any other name tha, total valtta'iun was $5.81)0; Kee': op -
my own ; dont know of Keen making plied to nae for iusnrincs, of $$00' era
any offers, either by himself or aiyout• . stot-k, valuing it at $1,000; tots was
in his name; wee° the place was sold, theta the end ot 3ebt,uaw v ; ho dad not
1 was very much annoyed at the small- tell me a fire had oeelnrre.l it, the t'uild-
tees of the price ; have heard that Dr. ing ; Hall asked for air iusitratiee for
Hall was offered $2,800 for the places 1hiee mouths, and it was t*r,nteti fur
the same day be bon;ht it ; I didu't that term ; refused to insure for Keen ;
he told mo they hadn't $6,(J0 worth of'
stock in the premises, bur, they expect-
ed to have Om wasn't prepared to ef-
feat the iu»urance tben ; Hall paid the
premium the day the item. twee was
r granted ; he did oat m•-, tiG i the J win-
ery fire to Inc ; can't hay wile filled the
applicrttions; there Was. tuort-s th.-tai one
:set of forams got from me ; Hill told
.ne the vohna of tlt•+ pr••pe tv was .
h. t I cannot remember any particular $(1,0r0, and 1 gave hitt, f ale of appli-
oonvereation ; never lteard'of the Jew'. (cation ; he tame book and asked tor a..
try fire before the lest fire ; Dr. .h all sewed set, saying he had spoded the
first set ; have received ootific:oiou
row Dr. Hall of the leas ; it was ver-
b.cl eon Stviday evening, a: 6 ,,'clock,
when at tea, Dr. 11:111 canna to my
1'0nae and told me the. factory hal} been
burnt Saturday morula' ; he t ,ld me
Mat. O'Brien had fir t• told !situ ; ailed
luta why he hadn't 14.1 brie sooner, a1nc1
hi said he WW1 Dot prepared to go to
Exeter bsfere Monday ; eves never its
the factory before hien:lug it, but had
+een it ; wouldn't know the Value of the
machinery if I did ase it.
To Mr. Elliot—Don't remember whe-
ther I saw De. Holt on Sat-Drday; Kaye
an clues it, Bt. Marys ; wit -1 in to.ru all
lay Slttnedrty ; knew within.; of the
fire u,)til told ufit by Dr I1:1i]L
To Mr. Mose-ip---I ssspeeled Keen
wanted an applieatiou, but not at that
time ; the piece is aisura ti as high as it
e 'old be, tatting the valva:lou pet upon
it as correct ; the pr.)porty ie insures} iii
classes,. each olives for t1 eertai 2 amount.
and the value of wost of the articles is,
stated separately. Some of them are e
annexod in value,
This concluded the evidence.
Mr. Mo.,crip was asked if ha wished
to bring forward any witmea-es, but
said be had no 1.acus tsiaatiri it, the
(Iourt, and declined.
The Coroner Men announced that
the legal gentlemen who had attended
the investigation were present by cs n r-
tesy, and he wonld itnt have the time
of the jury taken up by speeches, as
they were tired and wanted to get
through as quickly as possible. The
court room was then cleared and the
evidence reed over to the jfary. After
deliberating upon it forover four hours,
by a vote of 14 -to 3, they reterusd the
following verdict, agreeing to keep it
secret• until the constables -had time to
take Dr. Ball, Shand and Keen into
unstrely : At
” We the jury etupanneled to inves-
tigate the burning of McNabb's Bend-
ing Factory, find that it is the work of
an incendiary, and according to the evi-
dence, cuipeot Keen and: Shand as. the
'parties, a id implicating Dr. Ball as an
sec about my boy's wages ; Keen told aeceseory bef )re the tact.
arae there had been a fire, and he had 1 .chief of police Hsrriugtoti was boa-
munioated witlr,and as it result the three
above-named were arresed nn Thursday.
night, Dr: H 111 was allowed to re•
main in Mr. Tone's ofiice,nutil the arri-
new ; he promised to pay my boy frotn 1 val of the Exeter Constables—Gill and
the timei he went into bushiest; ; all Mo. Bissett, by the 2:18 train on Friday
Alpine told me was that he was turned afternoon, but Keen - was lodged in the
agent, St. 'Marys, sworn —'2e tile, 11u-
;4 ibb-Asn agent for the %V.•stt:ru and
'Citizens Insurance Cowl/awe., ; DI'.
lever asked for discharge of the wort
.;age; he asked me if the deed was got.
II and I instructed lir. Harstone, m�
clerk, to complete it ; gave Dr. Hall to
understand it would be completed and
registered ; this was shortly after tin
paymet't oPthe last money ; da not of
-ny own knowledge know of anyone
:making au offers to the assignee for tit
property before the sale ; don't know
.slather anyone consulted rue abon:
naking an offer or not.
To Mr. McNabb—Don't remember
laving any comma:Ileab:i'n) with Bits
Bros. & Taylor about the factory ; can't
oeluember that I,[r. darling told me hi.
)ad been offered $it) more than the
t)noniit of the mortgage ; a Heusali
rn in was nezotiatiug for the property,
o it seemed to have 73.0 money ; thiutt
1Vilaou, of Hensel!, made an offer, but
when we calms dawn to basinass he
couldn't raise the stamps ; think h"
.,ff: red more than the rnu)rtgage; don't
thick the deed to Dr. ILO has been
:xetseted yet.
'1'o Mr. Mosorip.-1 oluim to be'own-
er of the olcl• foundry in St, Marys, anti
.11r. Harstone oeoupiett part of it for
,tore -room for itnpletnents, oer►l nue
)arringes; Dr. Hall has no interest in
the property.
To 11r. Wanless -1 draw the rent
for it whenever 1 cell get any.
To Mr. MoNabb—Don't know that
Slotted is in the employ of Dr. Hall ;
Shand paints sometimes, also does oar•
pouter work ; wnrks anywhere he gets'
► j •b, I (!link ; didn't see him often ;
don't thiuk be ever did work of any
kind for Inc.
Jelin. Leslie sworu—I live in the
township of .Steplieu ; air, a laboring
To Mr. MON.tbb—fleve had cenvor
cation with Knell ; he never said any-
thing to me about rho Janu.iry fire ; he
never told ane he haul told Dr, Hall
'bout it. ; might have had conversation
,v•th some one about it ; K,eeu tolcl we
[Iss}1 bad reit Up a tyatakiest). •
To Mr. Elliot—When 1; -'et, put Mo-
Alpine out of the shop I came down to
;ono to St. M u'ys, and Dr. Hall sent
yip a watchman because neither 'the
promisee nor Stock was insured ; Keen
did not tell ono how he wail in the bne`t-