HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-6, Page 31 ;1fal.01 G, 1879 HAD BEEN 'ROUND. T.E.J TIMES 2 At Fennell Hall Market, Boston, re- cently while a lady \Vile; ptuwhtt lug it wllileti..11, tt iIIttu about fifty years old, and a stringer to her, approached fates remarked : "lissns, I have traveled over Eli, rope, Alriea, Asia, and the Holy Leed. I have viewed the pyramids, sailed oe the. Nile, and fished in the 1r ber, Per- lnit wo to offer you a word of advice ; don't cook that fish with the scales on." "[ didn't 'peau to, sir," she indig- nantly replied. "'Vary well, tnissus,. I have crossed the At.Iautic f,atrteoo titres ; ascended the Andes ; Hailed up the Missouri and down that Mississippi, and train ed ficross tilt? oreat Saitarah I)e.eert.. Let toe say cue word more : out the head teff before Von Conk it 1" "Do you think I'm a heathen ?" she retorted' 1 guest.; 1 knoll' how 10 cook a fish t" "You ntay, madam—you may. I have soldiered for Queen Victoria, foufrht for Uncle )atn,lirawn a pension, kept a poste office, learned to fiddle,and vas rtevor Snell iv my life. 1 beg yonr pardnu, tu0detn, but let toe advise you not to eat the hullos of that fish. Some lulls eat bones and all, but they sinn- er 01 later cows to tunic disreputable end 1" "I'!t thank you to mind your own business 1" site tepliud, as she picked up the fish. "I lay.' traveled over the smooth preirir's," he retailed with the greatest Politeness',"climbed the Rocky 11Ictun- tsins, killed Indians, fonght grizzlies, enfl•ert td. and starved and perished and I leave you with the kindest and ghost earoo+t wishes for future welfare. Also cut elf the tnil before cooking !" Aud he went away. AN ARISIOf1RATIC LITTLE WAIF. Last evening lib ut half past vine o'clocit A. S. Lei, who lived at 47, Hopkins street, coned a girl baby, tip• parent1v aboot five months old, lyi'tg in a basket, which was sitting in his ard. D1r. Lee's attention was called to the basket and its contents by a bey, who immediately disappeared and mill not be f„arid afterward. It ie believed be left the baby n here it was As found. The basket end its human contents Fere taken charge of by Mr. Lee, and cerilcd iuto the house. The basket contained, beside the baby, a bottle . f paregoric, asilver spoon, and a good supply of clr.thing, tnade up in gond style. Tine child bad a gold ring on one of its fingers, and a belt chain around its artist. The following is a cipy of a 'tote found in the basket,' written in a lady's hand; without a signature "I am Baby Mabel Dore. Please' take ate and case for me, and I may be -a bleg,irig to you. Please keep a copy of the morning papers, for when I grow no to be a Miss in my teens, something may turn up that may make thein of value to poor little me.” "Mr. Lee dill keep "Mabel Dore," and onmply with the request. Tits baby is a little bea'aty.— [Cincinnati Enq irer. HOW TO FIND A THIEF. A. remarkable case, as showing the tunount of superstition still prevalent among, the loner orders in England, ctme before the bnroueli magistrate of Ludlow, Shropshire: on 'Tuesday. A. woman named Collier was summoned under the local by-laws for tieing abus- ing Iangunoe towards another named ()liver. The parties, it appeared,were ne.ighbnrs, and a sheet having beet] lost off a garden lino the practice of ..turning the key and the Bible" was resorted to wit h a view to the discov• ory of the thief. The complainant. eeid Oliver met her in the street and told her the bible, bad been "timed down" to several houses where suspect- ed persons lived, and that when Mrs. t:nllier'a naive• was mentioned "the Bible fled out of their hands." The Bible was then turned to see if the -sheet was stolen tinting the day or fright, and, as the latter was indicated, \frs. Wilier called her "a. --daylight thief," The Bench dismissed the case, remarking that she superstition was "more like a relic of the pest" thou a belief of this "advanced age." It is eurione to remark bow this meth- od of divination, commonly practiced a i the Middle ages, has -survived nitnost' without modification, The Bible is opened at the Boole of Ruth, and, bal. ancing 'the key on the forefinger of each band, whrich are formed in the shape of a cross, the verse in repeated, ,commencing,, ."Whither tllon •goest I will go." Where it turns tike guilty party is to be .found, .a...� A piow; bnt uuodneated judge closed a sentence with the following touching 1'elirnnnh : "Prisoner at the bar, nature lens endowed you with a gnod educe - firm, and respectable family amineo. tint's, instead of which you go retina the Country stealing ducks," SCOTLAND, Loeb Lomond is frozen and skaters are upon it. The 10011 was frpzeu foot veers. ago, and also in 1800, Alt the shareholders in the Glasgow Bank 'v ho have not paid the first gall of ;fr500 will be at once proceeded against. The South of Scotland Chamber of Commerce have adnptelt a r0s01tltion in favor of the ameudment of the hauk- r tptcy laws. The Greenock Town Council have re solved to proceed immediately with the erection of the new Corporation build- ings, the cost of which will be 80,000, exclusive of the site, The manaeers of the Scotch Banks, replying to a deputation which had waited open them, have rein el to hay' anything to do with the lottery se'leine proposed to relieve the City of Glasgow Bank shareholders. A letter has been received by the Town clerk of Edinburgh from the Secretary of the Ti•easetry, staling that no provision can this year be mule in the annual estimates for the completion of the Museum of Science and Art. A. mea mimed Alexander Kilgour, '•e - siding in Burrell Street, Pethhen.d, Kirkcaldy,hanged himself ou the post:of Itis bed on the 4th inst. Several of his friends hod only left him about five initiates previous to his coin witting ani - cid e. The Committee of Trnstecs and Ex- eentors of the City of Glasgow Bank shareholders agreed at a meeting held on the 8th inst., to request the petition- ers it 9 the trustees' test case to appeal to the House of Lords from the judg- ment of the Cr.nrt of Session. CALL at the first Drug Store and procure a bottle of Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Crim for coughs, colds, Ste. We recommend its pur- chase at Drug Stores of respectability, as there is an attempt to place in tbn hands of the pub- lic an article under a similar name, put up in a similar style, but of a white milky appearance —the genuine being of a dark brownish -red calonr. Itis a wretched imitation, and should be at once rejected. ]e' You are suffering with a cold, do not fail to try HAOYARD's PECTOBAL BALSAM' ; it iS daily relieving its hundreds throughout our Dominion. It is pleasant and palatable. For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter. AMILLDRIDGI; P. 0., TUDOR, ONT. CUSTO.11Q nCP.'S/tT.rr/CA' T. NDISCOUNT WILL BE AL - lowed on American Invoices until further notice. J. JOHNSON, Dec. 4,'78-tf Commissioner of Constoms. Ship Grocery. TEA r TEA ! TEA.! TRY MY 75 et. TEA ! TRY MY 50 et. TEA. 11 Every satisf,.ction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goode delivered to all parts of the Village. Agent for Great Western Sts'hp Co. Now York to Bristol. CAPT IM'E'P, CATABIl,1T 1 CATARRH l ( USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound, The only po sitivo erre for:Catarrh ye t discovered, VOR BADE nY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DRI,11 STORE. W, L, SDIITIi, General Agent, Arkona, ant. 1y.29 H CI) tr 0 C. & S. GIDI4EY COCle Concerns You Q cc 1 Lai CC O}.. I 141, Cida7 1- a+� k%, Emblems of all the Different O'BYRNE & Cu.. In retuning our customers our sincere thanks for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three yearswe have been in Business, iu Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE REMOVED To our New Store, next door to Barnwell cC Pickard's, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our Customers. We have added largely to our stock, and our prices will be found lower than any House iu the Trade. and the quality of the goods equal to the best. we would call your particular attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, which is designed specially for Farmers' use. The castings aro extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the heat,and the prices and terms of payment will be found very reasonable. 0'33YaNE cQc Co., Next Door to Samwell & Pickard's, Main street. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, LEARING SALE BEFORE TAKING STOCK SA1ot/IWRLT_I & PICKARD Will offer for cash or 10 Days the balance of their Fall and winter Goods at Cost so as to make row fur their Spring Stock. All goods wo shall offer are new goods bought for this Season's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES% at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost. MEN'S and BOYS' OVE1tOOA.TS, at cot, MINI{ SETS and MUFFS, at cost. FUR CAPS, at cost. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at cost. Also a full assortment of general DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAPS, CHINA TEA SETS and CROCKERY which will be offered at bottom prices wo are glad. to say our stock is not Targe but fully assorted in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we are happy to say our mode of doing business has boon ap- preciated by the publio as our sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. SAMWELL c ; PICI A.RD. Exeter, Ont, Furniture and Undertaken 6 S. 1'AIRBAIIIN has on hand at Heneall as large to and as handsome a stock of FURNITURE as can be s found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! UNDERTAKING iN ALL iTS BRANCHES ! Having procured a hen dso re hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDEIRTAIIING, On the Most Reasonable Terms. In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti -Septic Flnid, which preserves the bony and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A oa11 respectfully solicited. S. FA.IREAZRN. 1878) PALL (1878 THE OLD RELIABL Iii I�OUSL At all times, and particularly at a period when Trad0 is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the lutenist of every buyer to purchase where he can get the at tiele he wants at the lowest rate. Iu calling your attention to my present stock, 1 do so with eve"y confid; once; it being more carefully assorted and selected than that of any previous season. In the Dry Goods Ever y departm en t is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, narked' a prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE 0RDERaIJ CLOTHIN'r still has MR. W. IVES at itoltead In Millinery Underthe mo..agement of Miss McGloghlon. we can snit the most fastidious. Onr stook of Groceiles, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American . • Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of too largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their bostinterests by examining mystock before going elsewnere. JAMES PICJCA.RD GODERICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUTING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING MkCHINERY; Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. uric ul ura Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, Scheel seats, &o. Iron and Brass Castin's to order, For sale cheap—Second baud Boilers and Engires Stave and Shingle, and Heading Macuiuet'y. Repairs on Boilers, Engines, Mills, &o., promptlyattended to; GODERICH FOUNDRY and MAITU'FACT.T.RIMT co. GODERICH. Ont. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at tb.o polls, ISAAC CARLING Is prepared to give all his customers trio bsrnl'ttq that will accrue from its adoption, and has on hand a largo stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will 1)e sold at, which -will bo sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade.) The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their 4.4e vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the :Exeter I.narket,which is second to done in the west, and then call at the store of the siibscriber and Secure Immense 0. �41.ar airs BITTER S SUM; 1l.lsi]) PICKLF,S, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS. RYE,MALT, , SCO•rcIH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACOS AND CIc1ARS, there to' be had in OvorcO."tirirlt, V iill0olotlis, Broad -cloth Doe slcins, Silks, Winecys, I)elaines, and every-.tp.iu needed in the Dry Clnnds line. The Grocery Department very Coln] l0 ie. ,An inspection invit rd No trouble to show goods Wholesale and Retail, CI. A, MA CliTie Main Street,Exeter. ISAAC OAB.LTNap.