HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-3-6, Page 22 ani Trim 'Ps THE NATULAL HISTORY 011' A HORSE, "(How Many species of horses are found in .A'uerlca ?" "Welt, there's the olothes-llorse,sr►w- hnrse, the wrong horse, horse oheetreut, hobby -horse, and several other kinds of horses. This is a groat country for horses, especially fast oues. Does every owner of a horse th4nk that his auimat can.trot in 2.40 ?" Ile does. He knows it just las well as you (.now it's daylight. You uever saw a horse yet which wasn't supposed to he very fast, avec when hitched to a post." "But I have seen lots of horses who couldn't trot a mile in five minutes," "Yes, so have I;. but there was some exc'ise for it. He didn't feel good, or the bit was too largo, or his harness didn't set gold, nl' be bas been this (ting of his childhood (lays and was sad - hearted. There is alwi ys the very plainest reason iu the world why every Aotnaal ocotlrrenoe in to Chicago street ea, t•„- Stylish lady holding a lap doh; is about ready to leave the ear. Dog is. impatient. Lady says in her sweetest traces : "Wait, darling, tilt mamma puts c'n her glove." Passengers roar with laughter. FACTS AND FIGURES, There ere in the British Kingdom, 268 miles "of tramway8., built at the coot of $21.,036,750. • Oa la peace footing the Japanese army consists of 81,680, and in time of war is increased to 46,850. Vancouver Island seut 110,186 tons of coal to Stu) Francisco between Jan - nary 1st and December 1st of last year. The value of the ninney and securi- ties iu the English Court of Cbaneery is reported by the Auditor -General as ,27.240, 692. The total consumption of sugar in the United States iu 1878 was 778,. 472 tons, and in Europe for the same horse don't let himself out like 1► streak Period 1,723,401 tone. of lightniug." "They are a very useful animal, are they not ?" "Very. If your neighbor has one andlends lliul,yclu'll find his horse just the thing you want." "Do they rensou ?" They do, You seldom see a horse throw away time iu Liming at a man be- hiud biro or trying to kick the hostler after he gets oat of the barn." "At what age do they die ?" "At ten. You can find thousand of horses which tire ten years old, and have beeu ever since any one could re- member, but they i ever got up to twelve. Even after their teeth are worn down to their gums and their eight gone, they are sups owed to be about ten." „What is a square horse race 2" "It is an affair where several men get together and privately agree that it certain horse shall wiu, and he always does." "What is a pool ?" "It is a spot of hind and water some- thing similar to a mud -puddle." "What is polling a horse ?" "Hitching a teats to a rope around his nt ck." "Whet is the house stretch 2" "It is when a luau Allo has a bet on the wrong horse stretches his legs for home, knowing that his wife will give him fits." "What is meant by a bad break ?" "It is when a horse breaks three of his legs." "Aad what is a skip 9" "It is when the ggate•keeper lights out with a pocket full of inuney." "'.Vhat is 'scoring?' " "It is trying to get twenty feet ahead of the other horse in the start," "Why do they speak of race -tracks as the turf ?" w• "Because all the turf has been care- fully removed." "When is a horse off 2" "When he shoots rut of the gate and starts fc•r Lome, drying himself. That's It is estimated that in the Mount Canals tunnel temperatiu'e increases at the rate of one degree Fahr. tor; every eightv.'ine feet in depth. The anoint' value cf bilk ribbons ex- pert eft by SwitZ0rl,tiud to. the Uuited States has fallen in the last five years. e oto uvea $4,000,000 to about $1,000,• 000. The export of seed leaf tohaccn 1378 were 70,036 easee, agaivat 33,- 950 in 1877, 51,426 in 18711, and, 56,- 015 in 1875. Over two-thirds of this amount went to Germany, St. Louis has twenty-six flouring milts, with a capacity of 12,000 barrels a day. For the past six mouths the receipts of wheat have been 4,882,698 bushels, against 2,610,811 in the sam, time last year. Female artists are invading the do main of art in IFrance iu formid ..bl. numbers. In 1874 there were 280 fe male exhibitors at the Sabo) then were 812 in 1875, 446 in 1876, 648 in 1877, and 762 in 1878. There were last year, 7,629 merriag es in New York,against 7, 129 in 1877 Thus there was a gain of ju,,t 500mrtr riltges. This indicates a hopeful i n proveulent in the conditiou of the peo- ple. Berlin has 1,305 first•clhss and 2.- 962 second-class cabs, 182 omuib ses,' tied 284 street railway cars. In all 5,. 020 puLlic carriages. A "course" iu a oecoud•class orosky costs about 1: cents per two miles. The total wool clip in the Uni'rd tates for 1878 is ei timated at 211, 000,000 pounds, which is the largest i' t he history of the country. Cloloradr, New Mexico, and Texas are rapidly in- ereasieg their prodnetion of wot.l. Di the course or the past year, 244 newspapers and other perindicc,is were founded in France. 01 these 12 were daily pavers, 180 were to appear week. ly, 23 fortnightly, and 30 monthly. For the remainder the iuterval of pub !leaden is not stated. Texas racks third among the wool- enough for to -day, and about enough producing States, having 3,674,000 for the horse." sheep, and so treading closely on the Heels of Ohio. California leads, of CURIOUS CALCULATION, course. Nimes county, Tex., ha 11018 sheep in its limiter titan any oth• er county iu the Union. -656,000. A Frenchmen --none blit a French- man wonld have done il--has taken the troble to calculate the proportions o a long life really employed in norlt of any kind. and this is the result: -- He supposes his subject to be a hale, vigorou-t man, of 72 years of age. Allowing eight hours on au average for slept , that deducts at once 24 years. or caressing and undressing, on tis irigFand going to lied, washing, shaving etc., half an hour daily, makes 1i -years. Theu two hours daily for nie,,1 ,(that is an exeF'ss of one half for Americans who belt food), count up six yeurs. Love-mul.iug, acooiding t this cal• entail tr , will average one hoar daily r or 3 years. For society, idling, theatres, nossip ing, balls, play --three hours more --up to 9 years. Finally, the ckt•dinary maladies of childhood. the accidents and diatoms of matinee age—and like causes, will deduct two hours on an average, wak- ing 6 years. So that, in ennclasion, one hale and hearty man of r2 years, has in fact not been able to employ in tate positive 00- cupatiou of iudestry any more than 221• years. 17.10..71 WIT AND HUMOR. A baby imagines that he can sleep all day and cry a:l )light, and still be tee " darling of the household." On this rook we split., " Oils and pomades ate no longer used on the hair," This is a sensible edict of fashion.. Hereafter a young mem can help a young lady to say nothing in particular without having his vest soiled. When a snow ball aahard as a door knob hits you in the back of the head as you are crossing the street, no Chat- ter how quickly you tarn, the otily thing you can see is one boy ttiuh the »t,, moat iiltltuc.ut Fe and emptiest hand, that aver confronted:a false accusation. LESION SYRUP FOR A GOUGE.—To a pint and a half of water, add two largt "tippy -heads, and two large lemons. Boil them till they a e so", press thi lemons into the water,strain the liquor, and add 1 elf a drachm; f saffron, and half a, poul.d of brown sugar -candy, pounded. Boit all together until th sugar-oandy is dissolved ; stir thewhola until ,you perceive it will jelly strain it a second time and take the seeds from the poppies. Clime CROUP. soonthe t L FOR C UU A9 s . as 1 first symptoms ere di cov4r edi apply cold water suddenly and freely to the neck and chest with a sponge, then lay a cloth net with cold water on the chest and closely cover with cotton hitting (nothing else will do as well) and the nreathing will be gnickly re- lieved. Give the patient plenty of water to drink, and cover it warm in bed, and will sleep sweetly. There is rto danger of taking cold by the opera. tion. STAMMERING. —Iml'eriiMen ta in the speech may be cnrecl where nitre is no lntrl.fat matitn of the otons Of articu lation, by perseverance:in three or fon, months, by the simple remedy of read- ing aloud, with the teeth closed, for at It'taet, two hours in the course of each day. Comm SyRnr.—One clu 1Ce of though wort, one ounce of flaxseed ; simmer to- getherin one gltart of water until the strength is entirely 'extracted: strait. oerefully add one pint of best moles- t»es and half a pound of Roger ; simmer thein carefully together, and when coli, bottle tight, A few doses of one tea- spoonful at a tiine will alleviate the most distreasing cough of the lungs, subdue any tendency to consumption, break .up entirely the whooping -cc -nigh, arttlrna, bronchitis, and all nfliiclione of the lunge and throat. • It is aitnple, 0 tfe and effective. lir or SARRSA1 ABILLA The Great Blood Purifier.. A genuine fluid extract of Bed or Jamaica Sarsaparilla, eornbiued with Iodine of Potas- sium, for the cure of all diseasesarising from impurity of the blood; Naariy all the-, diseases', tbat treuhlo Om list- man rase aro inflltinioed by the state' of the blood, 11 is inctespehsable that this fountain of life be iu a pure and healthy condition. As a Purifier of the blood, a Renovatorof the system, and Preserver of the powers of life, Darter's Sarsaparilla bas no equal, For sale at the drug stores. KERRY WATSON & 00., Wholesale Druggists, Montreal, JEWELRY ! J iii(\'ELRY 1 1 JL\\ 1:11l3I :o: S. E. J'1 N 7i S Has a fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, In all the latest styles, and at Prices to suit the Times --:o:-- CAhL AND EXAMINE ! Before you boy elsewhere. Seclat attention paid to Repair- ing. S. E. JONES, Opposite Central Hotel. DENTAL. R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,i\'LILC.D.S. raduate of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. Jlfrce oyez O'Neil bank, and opposite Barnwell eiokards. 1-I. KINSMAN, DKNTIST, :' icentiato of r be Dental ;!.,?V 'olloge of (In nl•1)' be l 'onsult'd any iaV. 0111c0 -- text door to :he Post Office.'Exotor, On Fa 111 suable Dressmaking .Dresses cert and made to order -- BY . — 1 RS. Gr. fOSSb main (peat, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFI+I'J14. Shingles tor Sale 1'1.O Y1 $t TO al.00 1'1:11 SQUAILE, At Cr. & 3'. Brooks' cawrn511 TWO MILES WEST 0G THE LONDON( ROAD, T'I' 0 t' HAY, A good supply of Ilcia1ookLr.Iubbraut1Otdor Posts constantly 011 band JOHN SOOLOAN Westjust commenced business one half 11)11t 1'l rest of Dashwood, and is prepa'•arl to clean Olocks,Watehes and Sewing Maunlines. Din- !milesrepaired and Organs and 1talt,diltnsat- teuded to. `Noose in slant or Iris servicer, should givahim a call before going away from home. Charges moderato and entlresatisfaC- tiou guarnteod. Christina,s Comes but once a year -but some- body's Birthday every day, and a present is al- ways acceptable. :R 0 eager 0r 07R FANCY GQBD: TO BE SOLD CJJEAJ? NON IS TIME TO BUY AT TIIE Dominion Laboratory, EXETER;. ,nye LEGAL R. H. CADDY, BA.RRISTER & ATTORNEY' At Law, Solicitor, Sic. Office, Pauson's Block [lxoter. A LIDING 11AIi,DI\ G, tr WHITE, Banisters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Cern. donors, B. 1.1., kc. Its sw1i—Ii l)rro2 a BLooz, Water tweet, Si 'L try's. 1 t 1121 5 . TIARnr2 G,. E. W ii ARAING. $.A.L.1V1?TTl 4 T 1ZcDIARMID, B.A., ttflt 'TER,NOT'ARY, COSVEYANCEI. T,UC AN,ONT, ESSRS. JONES & MOS';IIII-' Barristers, Attorueys-at-law, Solicitors To; ncr--ry, Conveyancers, Commissioners inBR a , '\ntaricsPublic, St, &fury's C.S.JONES. W.C. HOSCRIP . 0' 'i Olt--Hutton's Blook,Waterst. So Mary' MEDICAL I IR.- COWEN. OFFICE — MAIN Street, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Central tote( Side entrance, on the south—street lead. ,go to B. U. Church. 1. -"Orders dors left at Kline's shoe store will receive prom tit attention. 42.1y. DPa. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons o! tuttario, &c., the., Wail Street, Exeter. l it { : ]:IFNLIVIAN.—CORONER FOE the County of Huron. Office, to all.LOernsstore,Lxeter. T W. BaOWNING M. D., 0. M. �J • P. 5, Graduate VictorinUniversity OAicc and residence. Dom cion haioretoty, Exeter. J C. MOO1iE. M. D. C. M. Us Graduate of .100111 University, 11Wontrea' Office audresidence ,Puaster, Ont. OOice; ours,- itto10 a.ln and 7to10n.re DB. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. 0., Victoria Sb. Crediton, Ont Office hoot from 5to10a..m.; 2to5p.m. (. LU'.i'Z, M. D., 'kJ • Office at his residence, Exeter, FIR. IRVING, GRADUATI t7NI VETi,SITY Trinity College ilnt•'bcr(01low Pnvsicians and surgeonr Ont., (Alec Iiirkton. • HOTELS. t VENTRAL HOTEL, CREDITON ' ,) —',Vin, Baker proprietor. This Hotel has been newly tarnished unci fitted up in arettclas, style, Ttar a and couvenfout Show Booms for loirmercial7'ravellsrs; best of liquor• and cigars at the Bar. Attentive l3ostlers always on hand. \t 21-3m, WILL CAM BAKER, OL'LING.CD LLANDS.— 'Tie uuder- V signed h avirll' recited the Duff orin Ilouse,den- trulia fora term, it will befound m ti-at-etass 1to- te I, With every,t0oomrnodatlon fdr the travelling rublic, Convenientto the Station. Good Chinos end cigar's at the bar. Attentive hostlors, 19S Iv. IiINcE 01? WALES HOTI'+L, L Cr,IN t'PN. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted 11 throughout, now of- fers fir:t•c.ass accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling and attentive mistier on Land. Every attention paid to guests, TTIE rF' s: L WA REti USE izogmagoraimisonasiampoommommins Wonderful111? Discovery.`' r t /luxe THE FRI",r'0'F'd9!tt (Peen. yin Internal & Externcl REMEDY, BAL>LI FOR EVERY 'WO1.ND, It cures Rheumatism and Nhtn•nl is sue 1It11ea11hitt 1"stLntlt,^•lttut it whoen.t1 10 is Win 0171)' k,u,o n lulnPQ) 1„t• lef,e,tluatl• alt 00 the American Continennt, plot ashy others.' •.' 1s soon 148a{rplltdlbgives Instant, ofkrototh( utifortiuitt,to:macro',IL is i•ailtlly absorbed tl1e2tetratos to the very r t bone, enters tin: elrenla .ttou, neutralising 1111`Ibi'tuttic Poitou' o it ttcul'atiug intim blood, awl expo)a 1t idols aha System tip•ough the natural outlet,, 1.7 CUES NTootbtch7, Ilaroahm, Headache, Neurone 'tT,iiheumutigln, Sprains. Swellings, Ittilmnlit fion,. vfl.urns. (Outs, Bruises, man in Side, fain in 113a cit, Paiu in Ghost, Pahl in shoulder, l cughs,, 'Welds, lerost Bites, Chit •laius,Diar111aoa,1)yr- enter , Summer Cowin -int, etc, &o. It will mire the most agonizing pain inter Itul o1 , nt( dal,"1:l one his ti101 hftillle Pocket your prttjtattoo undine Ita tial; bit'tulest-? lineal1.•i 11uut11 and recta yLlt tilt The grout' smelt of its 01100018 with fill (17800 1, owing to the fact it is safe and 13armless, pleasant to tale, gives instant 011$e, atlrl can bo applied' 10 t1 wider rouge of disclose iu every day lifr. with groat.); 8111/70118 tharl tint, 18e011latf4u which research skill and "Medical i't,iencn llfyet p)nducediii, •is a pruuf f l~moat power „or tlis0asn' ally person, 110 matter who it may be, Blob, of Poor, Old. or Young, who is suffering fru:n any of the above named p,, it ul complaints, will cull at the °thee in Tronto, ant. day of ;11.men;vzoilelto,:111 grt practical proof ''Fre or hare' os inagioo1 plower over pant ill 1.210 • '.Testimonials tr%.in allparts of td'e Dominion aro a lista tly ch111i11g to 111111,1, giving oxpres- "•.ion to the most crateful grutit le for I1s•' •. tont:lhiing cures whin!, it has performed, and We wonidhe pleased to r'ttlnto te,,t;ltlonla;+ti Jfro'rt all others who 11 •e' It soecostanlly Pnvsimiaus of tlir 717Air 1 i et r. ap,ectahility ro• ;, .!trlinemi it ash must nffectuot 'O )) testie eulledt 111• the relief of Pain 131 cases of mid-' tell eluergutic Carry ! it to year hiunoa, ani(” rt will i,reve 11 aasinto you: family mid aflllt.ted 171,1158. Druggists tiro soilingr nrnioa> quantities of t w arevt l introduced. 1: 01 011i, . theworldLte 111 i(lu it equal. Tho Ti'iu bo s i,+jrl oil tlirotle h the wiwi ,, e 1.trug and Patent 311 dietue Holz,es of lrontre-•. ,1 !1, Toronto, li niiltna 11.1,3 Tr,n'tr10. ?rice 25 Cents per Bottle ! • ;Solcl by all Enterprising Druggists. s 1Sept. 19., ly. I,0i' Dt)N;, Yoii will find the Largest as- iorrtlnent of Silks, Ali1Iiner3 1lantles, Dress Goods, Kic1 4•1ovPs, Laces, and all kinds of blancv Dry Goods. Mantles and. Dresslnakinr to lei the irlanaoeutent of s Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting tht latest and most Fashionable 'tyles of the Season, at Mod- fllLte Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out - its got up on the Shortest No- u1ce. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. EAU E & CO. 140 Dundas St, London ThohighPricoofrlotai! dons not effect the ow prices at which R. & T. BISSETT areoffering their stook of TINWARE, STOVES. Etc., at Exeter & Hensall which oansiste of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stovos,Afillt cans, pans, and pails of tue most approved patio) n, and everything in the line; Also, 'a ood soleotiol' of handsome JtA ive troupthing as uHunl, rooeivee overyattetition, mulatto( at the lowest frgttres. fiavirg opened ants branch establishment at llensiill,out friends ' 1.1 that yoighborht-otl can be suppiio4 on cue Ilhortest notice, r L, :t •:tie , )I gl:atamt thorough Ross-purifylor • •tri-. + D+ 1'iert t. ,kit a ).r= h•�d D cct•. et .rid .11 t ,,mor , 11 nt ala- w,,r't beroful2 to a • .e+,(1 L,lotet I mpl ai 3:ru111,o . :11,1.1.1:1.1n1 r t ar •, uthignimil- it :I:1,1 11111 ernes, aro Irialicatrd, e8T 11 '01111411c1 11111 , 11 ebrt.r- Il01-1. Erralp la., Saitrhtuun, Fever berm,8erly or (tough 011., in short it tils,l',' s camel! meld try bad 1Inn I, ort' remotely d 1)' 1,18 jiowertol, lLlriSlor, an! 111h .Ig mein11h1lygnmit Iualn Vested Its 1 rt uco hr citrin'; Tetter, Bose Itas)1, Bulla, Cavbul c2 s, Soso Lyc'ly t.erernioos Beres 1001 Streilinge, tvu:to Swelnngs, Goitre or Thick i'icc•tr, nod Enlarged Glenda 1f yin' foci dull drowsy,debilitated, have snllow color of stem ut ), 110 1111 -brown spots at (sec ur hoot frequent headache or dizziness, bad trite in ruuuh. internal 1 c•1t it 01,111$ 111tc1nattd With 1101 ti n. M0,1 w t, sits, and gloomy forebodings.iru'glittr rtpperitr, nn tongue mated. gnu test 011.510114 from Torpid Livor, or "iiillousncssP I0 tunny c11808 • Liver t•omprahit" may part of lbws symptoms are experiential. .1v a resod) for all •,ueh oases, Ur. 'Nerves 0010,1:Medical Discovery has uu equal, as it streets pertttet cud rat 1Ie 110110e% In the tune of Iiroueultle. Severe 80116710, and the •arty stages of Consumption, 11 huts astonished the. •tt le tl faculty, .old ennuent physicians pr0uottnee thy gre Itch medical discovery of 111t' age. 'synth: tcuu 111 sctlnn.tCoughs. itstrengthens thesystcm rid purllles the blood. Sold by druggists. 11. , . 2'i l,pll C, M. n.. Frolic, Wmxd's Dispensary :mud Itv:llid9' llotd, Butrl+le, N. Y. SIZE OF PELLETS. ®0 0 s teamssIl fate 71.7 Lt•r;.rLiPA THE CATH No use of taking the Io ,ge, repulsive, nauseous pilin. composed of cheap, erode, and ituilty ingredients, These Pelletsate scareeI largerc r than mustard seeds Being entirely fctostetparticularno rd is ref nlred while xing hem. They operate rate without dr:, tt turbanoe the constitution, diet, nr occupation. For Jaundice, 7l hrr Constipation, Inapt= Blood, 'sin in the Shoulders, Thrill nc*8 of the Metre Dlrzb,ou•, Sour Eruetations from the Stomach, Bad Taste to the Mouth, Bilious attacks. Pain In rector. or Kidneys. Intern:.l Fever, Bloated feeling abed 8toeauolq Mush of Blood to Wad, take Dr. Pierce% Pleasant Purgative Pelletal. Inexplanation of tht remedial power of these Purgative Pellets ov, r er great a variety of diseases. It maybe Fuld that theta action upon the cosmos economy is uulveread, not a eland or tissue escaping their sanative honorees. Ai:: doss not impair the properties of these Peseta They :aro sugar-coated an Inclosed insass bottles their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired 5't any length of time, in any tlitnate so, that they art always chtsttand reliable. This is not the ,'trot Witt ills put up 10 cheap wooden or pasteboard ,coxes pills alt discuses where a Laxative. Alterative% 01 Purgative, is indicated, these little Pellets will givt the most perfect satisfaction. Sold by druggists. R. V. PIEISOE, M.D.. PItOO'tt, World's Dispensary and Invalids' Ilotcl, Buffalo, N. Y. �. CATAI° N SYMPTOIIIS.—Fregtteut bear. a chs, d i c011nrge Riling into throat sometimes profuse, watery, til t1 mucous, purulent, offensive, li.r In others, s dryness, dry, watery, weak, or In5amtt t eyes stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pos. sago, ringing In mare, deafness, hawking and roes). Ingg to clear the throat, ulcerations, scabs from ,,0111 s• voice altered nasal twang, otlenslve breath, hmpalrr'd or total deprivation of sense of smell anal taste '.Ib zlness, mental depression loss of appetite, Mona • tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, rte. Only a 11115 tew0of at Wnuc hole.ere sy!nptotne are likely to be present In utty, DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REl1iLDY \. produces radical cures of the worst cases of Catarrh no matter of l,oW long standing. The llteHda•cnted* may be snuffed or batter applied by tho use of Dr Pn SICE'8 Douche. This Is the Ohl y form of 1115irtt• anent yet Invented with which fluid nu:Melonmin Ito Carried 111011 tit' and rescailteTLY A,'L'LLL`D to ti arts of the affected nasal passages, and the ehatlr ll l$ or cat'Itle% oenlmlmleating itterewli.h, in stilet Sores and elders equentiy exist, and front Neld the catarrhal discharge gonerally proceeds. Its use 1t pleasant and easily understood hot) dtrcet(ont accompanying rash lnstrltmoltt. I) `+k.•t:' 1 es. writl{nmudy Corm recent.nttanks Id' "Cold In the Wad" by It Mr applloSnehs. It Is t tl1 1 end 1 i int In use r•tmtatnli* he Strong h0 W11131 •'1•11-,,,7,1 poison,. _Catarrh honied)' and Daur ke soul by oboist ti{Iditr Mid ,In.tltltde 1lelel, I11 ,:C j 'rl�., 7)1a4; 4 fte