HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 81. FTiree...' 7 2.7, 1P79 HOLIDAY NOTICE X. GRIGG takes pleasure in announcing, that, eueouragod by the steady inerease of trade during the present year, he has inade Arrangements to open for inspeos *ion, be. the 12th inst..a larger anti better variety of hall - day gouda, flout in previous seasons. The Stock will comprise the usual supply of ENGLISH ANNUALS, Ind a choice selection in • ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, WR1 LING D SKS,STATUARY,VASE S TOILET SETTS, mamma BOUND POETS, CET CUPS, CARD CASES, CARD BBC:El-VERB, EVENING FANS, INK STANDS, Etc, Together with a large selection of Toys, Toy Books, Etc. The trade supplied at the nsnal close rates. Chrietmae and New Years Cards in choice de- signs, and a large variety aireadgraceivecl. Supplies for S. School Gifts and Christmas Trees at n liberal discount. r. Gattelle. Male street, Exeter. Ilioloomeass. LOCAL NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1870. WEITIIER Changeable; hardly two clays alike. Ciseeten os' BUSINESS.—Tho fires formerly known as Dyer, Oke se Howard, is now known as Dyer et Howard Bros. Bennie Snow.—The Exeter Spring Show f or the exhibition of stock will be held in Exe- ter ou the 18th of April next. Liberal prizes will be awarded, complete running ordorinforty daye from born- Mencilig the work, for 41,700. The burning of the factory la no doubt a loss to the town, mit was the means of biinging coneidera,ble money to the village, and afforded employ- ment for a number of teen. • teTtn.—One wonders whore the most ceen- pleteidiotoy is to be found—in the Gummy who wrote a certain letter last week about printing, or in the five who sanctioned but now repudiate it, We rather think it's in the writer, for the five won't acknowledge the paternity of the come by ehance' offspring. The gentleman in whose interest It is twirl to have beetrhowled out, bele even less proud, of his gallant five defenders than did Falstaff of kis valiant and ragged. regiment. We think of giving this very amusing and original produo tion in full next week. If laughing at it don't kill outright those who road it. it will ensure them a lease of life for an hundred years. Writing is not in the line of the 'valiant five, very badly. They would shine in the scaven- ger's ()art and would adorn the handle end of a fanner de la suit shovel. LECTURE AND Tee.—On Monday evening 'a tea and lecture were held in the Presbyterian church. After ample justice had been done the excellent spread th the basement the lees tare Guiltiest "The Contented. Man—Who is He 1"' wag delivered By Rev. Mr. Milligan, M A., of Toronto. The lecture was listened to be, all with marked attention, and was indeed a rich treat Several of the resident ministers occupied seats on the platform and delivered short addresses. Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Rip - pen, and Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of the Themes Road. were also present, each of whom deliv- ered short speeches The ohuich, choir furn- econtrio &tractors. as *Anne:41,1.14a%. Boswell, Sheridan end • Goldemithi held thee audience Spellbound fox imarlY two lime; buts I must admit that it ie a shame for the good people of Ltican to exhibit sh littleinterest whenever au opportunity omens Of enjoyiug the benefit of such talent as Mr, Fahey is possessed of. In seconding a vote of thanks at the close, Rev. Mr. Russell well said Bea if it was a ten cent feed or a negro minstrel exhibition, they rould be patronized; and his reverence is right, Tho Be'-, M. Robinson, of your town, preached a very eloquent and impressive fune- ral sermonin the Anglian Church on Sabbath last, consequent upon the end demise of the Rev, Mr. Magalty, a young clergyman who died whilst on a visit to is brother, the present incumbent of the Church of the Holy Triuity here. The sacred edifite- was crowded to suffo- cation, and eulogies passed from one to another on Ur. Robinson's disoeurse,"without stint. Tho death rate in our midst for the last three or fotu• weeks has been far above the average of any former period in the memory 'of the writer, and the village and surrounding coun- try will miss several of the pioneers of Biddulph and McGillivray, whose early struggles with the This stook must be primeval forests are yet green in the memory of most of us. " Jaokanepee still endeavors to emit a sickly . j sound from his weak horn through the oolumus • of your local contemporary, -Wonder who pays his postage. Wonder if the object of the P. 0, Inspectar's visit has leaked out yet—that was snoh n secret to him I Wonder if that "some parties" WM surprised when the result was known, " Not muohly." Wonder still more if "Jackanapes" was not moro disappointed than surprised. Pity your correspondent had not "a limp of a thousand strings" so that only once iu a thousand Hines the vibrations of that Everett string would grate upon his tender nerves. Don't be alarmed, Mr. Jackanapes; take things coolly, so that you, may not collapse from sheer grief when the shook comes and your protegee is obliged to forego forty -rod at the expense of the muni-cipality, and, take up the bucksaw or some other elitesie implement h order Lo earn an honest livelihood. 1 notice by repots in the big Loudon dailies that efforts are about being made at Parkhill andAilsa Craig to drive the the thin end of the wedge, iu any vulnerable aperture that can be found in the Orange Constitution. The pre- sumed effect being to• establish a non-political wing of the order. Do you kr:dev what this means, Mr. Editor ? It mewls to draw away the unsuspecting from their allegiance to their time honored obligations, of beingtrue to the upholders of Beieish connection ; and so long es this is their einiif motto, they cannot be non- political, they must keep a sharp oye ou the Huntingdon'e ,ehe Jovie,s, and several others of the .annextetionist type, which would gloat on the staes„and stripes floating over the °Waal et Quebec to -morrow. I warn them therefoie to beware of this move—it it sinister in its de- sign—the ulterior object being to create discord In the Liberal Conservative ranks. Bonex. BAITERVPT SALE B,4114.61Tert. IN SOUTHCOTT'S 13LOOK, EXETER, A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES JUST RECEIVED. 'VERY CHEAP, A REALLY' GOOD AfiTIOLE EVERY DA r, SPLENDID VA L U E Som. Dry Goods, groceries, Clothing, Hats and Caps. C SHNT DR.—Amen named. Ives who has been ieb.ed excellent music. The proceeds amount - around town drunk for anne time,and having no ed to over $120. A social in aid of the Sikh - visible meaus of support, was taken to Godee- bath -school was held on Twelve, evening. kit jail un Monday by Consteble Gill. J Axouraa TIP-UP.—We can not grumble on SPECUL LIINT Sneviens.--Divine service 1 aoeuunt of the scarcity of upsets, renawaye and Lent Leettire in the English church every Weduesday during Lent at 7 o'cloek p. tn. All are invited to attend. There will be no col- lectiouS. CROWDED OUT. —Owing to the large amount of space occupied in this issue by the evidence given at the inquest in reference to the bem- ire; of the bending factory, we are compelled to leave out a lot of editorial, local and general news. YOUNG LADIES. SOCIAL.—A social and liter- ary entertainment under the auspices of the young ladies of the 0. M. church was held on Friday evening last. Tea was served in the basement and the literary programme execut- ed in the body of the church. The proceeds amounted to over OM ID:WEEDS' INSTITUTD.—The next meeting of the Exeter Teachers' Institute will be held in the schoolhouse, Exeter, on Saturday, 8th of March, at ten o'clock a. m. The following is the programme: President's address ; Alge- bra (recent 2nd class paper) Thos. Gregory; Arithmetic, H. E. Huston; Essay, Miss Hicks. HST STOLEN.—A load of hay was taken ont of a man's barn in this neighborhood one night last week. Constable Gill knows where the hay is, and who took it. He says that nn - lase the hay is returned or the price handed ever to him or the owner of the hay before next Thursday, the thief will be exposed. Fer,sn Itzione.—Mr. Page, of Stephen, called tut this office last week, and requested us to contradict the rumor which was ourrent last week that Mr. Stanlake had murdered his son. Mr. Page went to \1r. Staulake's house to see walla of the lock-up. He was found outside if the report was true, and found. that there the town and again arrested and taken to Goderich yesterday by the jailor of that town. His real name is Fullington, and he is said to belong to a gang of burglars who have been committing depredationin Western Ontario eto., which it ie our privilege to chronicle, but we think it would not be amiss if something more exciting would happen in connexion therewith, snob as the breaking of an arm or leg, or the cliteneation of the neck. On Sab. bath evening last, as two gentleman of this town were returning home iu a cutter the veh- Rile upset a short distance north of the village. The gentleman who had manipulated the lines until they oarne to this particular spot in the road, gave them up to his cautious companion, who orhaps thought hs -would beeablo to drive through in safety, but he had scarcely got hold of the lines when the cutter tipped over. As ristial with upsets in this burg, no one was killed, but the driver had his left shoulder blade severely injured. RE-Arrested.—An Ingersoll correspondent writing to the London Free Press on the 25th inst. says : A very hard character, known best by the mane of Beatty, but who has several other names, used at times for convenience sake, was one of a crowd that attended a ball at the Carroll House some time ago, and be- sides engaging in a general "muss," carried off several articles belonging to others in attend- ance. Since that time he was arrested in this placefor theft and for carrying fire arms, and. confined in Goderich Jail, from which place, however, he escaped a few days ago, and hied himself to the pine grove country, a few miles south-east of Ingersoll, where on Saturday he was arrested and lodged in the look -up, but becoming weary of waiting f or his trial till Tuesday he crawled. through the thick brick was no foundation for it whatever. To Pluseen.—On Sueday, March 9th, His isiordship Right Rev. Dr. Walsh, R. C. Bishop of London, will preach at 11 o'clock a. m. at the Catholic church, McGillivray,— see. are ( for some months past. He probably belongs to cordially invited, and. His Lordship has ae_ the gang who attempted the burglary at the Tilled the ropMation of being a forcible and statiou and other places in Exeter in January impressive speaker, &rich treat awaits them. A 14st• eollection will be saken up at the door for the purpose of liquidating the debt incurred. by thes late improvements on the church. THE Purnur,—Rev. W. Walsh, of Centralia, preached two excellent burnous in the Metho- dist church ou Sunday last. —Rev. T. W. Magaby, rector of Lucian, oc- cupied the pulpit 111 Christ Church (English) ou Sunday last, morniug and evening. —Rev. Mr, Milligan, M. A. preached in the Presbyterian church. at 10.30 and at 2.30 on Smutty leek. Revs Mr. Fletcher preached in the evening. A Gnereaous Woseetc—A Lady in this neighborhood fell heir to 200 acres of land ou the death of her mother, which occurred a short time ego. The laud was willed to her by her father, she to come into possession ab the time of !ter mother's death. She has Winchelsea. BADLY SOLD.—Ona evening reoently a few young men in the vicinity of W— thinking to enjoy themselves with the pleasures of this world, gathered themselves together, and after purchasing their oysters, raisins biscuits, gum drops, and other necessinies at the W— store, started for their destination, which, by the way, was at the house of a farmer, who at one time lived An Osborne, but now resides, as a loth ed gentlernau, on the London Road be - twee C--1 and E --r. On erriving at the place they found that the family had retired for tno night. They rang the door bell. In doe time the retired farneer made his appear - aloe at the door,but had forgotten to dress be- fore doing so. 011 arriving at ilied.00r, he in- quired, "Hoo be filar than t" to whieh one of manifested a spirit of uoble generesitv rarely the young men replied, "it's me." "Wat do we with, in making a deed of 50 acres to each e wit -at yur thee?" &eked the man inside, of her two brothers who were not left anything One of the boys said, "We want to come in by the will of their father, and have a party," (whish I sppose means a AT r.11 Er VD D B; awn. it V. —011 8 nilasy nigh t last, au Attempt was male to burglarize Mr. Howey's, sr., houee. Mr. Howey was absent from home, and after Mrs. Howey had retired to rest fertile night, two men for'ced au en- trance into the hoe, lint Mrs. Howey was awakened by the noise and got up, when the burglars beat a hasty retreat. On the same night an attempt was made to enter the house of Mr. Wm. Howey, ou the same street. Tag BANDIXO N'AOTOttY.—W0 understand that the Insurance Companies in which the lefr. Seines l'ahoy, the young Irish orator who Exeter bending faoory was insured, intend, if a at present engaged upon the etaff df the committed to do anything in the way of making Stratford Herald, delivered a loetifre on Friday good the boss snetained by it e burnieg, to ereet, last he the town hall, under the ofthe as good building and furnish it with moldy.. Me.olianies' Institute, to a 'small but appreciat- ery.equally na good 65 that which was burned. Ivo audience. • Subject, " The Liteenty Chib." A well-known contraetor has offered to The masterly matinee in which Mr, Fahey Dat up ai . buildiug mid have the /eatery hi handled hi subjot whilst dealing with such deuce) when 5 V0100 frozu au adjoining room of the house :said, "Let cin eau, father," to which the pater replied , "Won't ave no hall yur bo-nito." The voice front the interior of hsase admonished her fether to go bo bed, he did after having locked the door, and the bop; retnrued horucefeelieg that.they had been badly sold. Coen Lucan. ' • Aneerson. U. T. U. DISTRICT ATERTING.—The district meeting of the United Tem- ' erance Association was held in Mitple Wreath Hall, third line, Blansherd, no Wedeesday, the 19th inet., C. D. P.W. On accounteof the weather being stormy we missed from our meeting represen- tatives from Clinton, and various other places, although I believe Mr J. Wand - less, of Varna, that old vetern of the cause, brayed the storm throughout, the distanee he lied to travel being abont thirty miles, We want more aitch men as Mr. "Watulless fll onr ranks. Our president, Mr. T. C. Stevenson, of Clinton, not being present, Mr. J. Witedless was appointed to the chair. After routine, reports from the follow- ing lodges were reeeivei :—Star of the West thinke the Gospel Temperanee movement had diminished their mein - hers when first introduced, but are in- creasing rapidly again; Varna lodge is getting alone splendidly in furnishing their hall with pictures and other decor. ations,together with a hstulsome organ. efemberehip about the seine as last re. t. Live and Let Live lodge going on in its mixed quit way, like a certain doctor's needicitie (I was once acquainted with) not doing either much good or harm. Maple Wreath Lodge would do better if it had some.more of the fair sex to join the Indge—that their influ- ence is much felt there can be no doubt, We had a very interesting die - mission as to the advisability of a sep eretion from the Provincial or Grand Lodge of our order, brought up by Mr. McLeod of Rodgerville, stating variou.N benefits bo bo derived therefrom, not only tinermielly,bet for the Temperance erose generally. The diecussion will be taken. up at our next meeting, to he held at Kirkton, in June next, further notice of whieli will bo given in this paper. COX. uoantv, A curling match played on Friday last between the Seafortai and Wing. ham chiles resulted iu fevor of Seaforth by ft majority of 41, A. few days ego a 'very painful Rod dent belel a three year old child of elr. Stripp, painter, of Wingham. The little girl, it appears, was about to shut the door, when she wee thrown aide. ways into a red hot stoves and held there some time by the door. When lifted of a large portion of Ler SIGN OF THE LED FLAG. Sear.W.00navaranwsturca.awcapaurosra.nnk-n.-c...pat sold right out, to make YOOM for more soon to arrive, The Moisons Bank. rN00111.01t.S.TIM BY MIT OV V,11114,011E1(2, 18.56, eeteinti, $2,000,000. Rest, $4.00,000. HEAD OFFICE 11.1ONTRFA-1.. JOIN MOLSON, XR(4,, .P*esi,tent. EON. 111031.l8 WOR0MA1(, - Via1.1'm., T CLAXT0N, Yieo-nres Sun Mute. line co lIn D It Macpherson. Senator, 11 W !illepherd, Pres Ottawa River Navie co }Lent o Nelson, M 1 lites F. Wt)tirrial5TAZI TUOX.15ne.• - e ;shier. 1.1D M. ATON, ESQ., ---------18 peetor. K3N1tY C. 1311ENVER - - MAN.\GE1i. LOANS TO FARMVIRS. Honey advanced to farmers, on easy terms. on their 0170 promissory 110/05 With 01W Or more good en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS BANK D"PARTMENT 5 par coat, Interest allowed 071. deposits. Gold mud curreney tiro ts bought and sold. S ter raz Exchange I.ought, aid sold, Collections made in all parts of the Dominion, and re turns promptly remitted at lowest rates of exchange, Faeter, Armlet 15th 1878. 0-ru nattered to the stove, and one of her arras was ale° bedly burned. A short time ago a man in Morris Was taken ill, and sent to a neighbor's for some omits. By mistake the neiell- bur heeded a paper containing pow- dered saltpetre, and the Rick mail got a dose that nearly !tilled him. Packages of ernes or cheinicels should be care- fully labelled before being put by after nseT.he prisoner named Tom Neville, who Was arrested at Brussels; last week by a B-ussels Ouneteble, on a charge of attemptiug to Murder Sergeant Sim - moos, of Clevelentl, last summer, by shooting him, arrived in Cleveland ou Fridity hest, and was placed in the County jail. While there his father called on J.sim, but seemed perfectly in- different at leis son's fate. SING OF THE RED FLAG. al.maavcm.tmve.stanas.....nummerturiaalem ingten, iu relation to the hog cholera. The disease ie not only infectious but cunt agione. :(1ill eetimated that swine to the Vaille of twenty or thirty perish every year. It i8 rumored that the Right Rev. Casperu. Borgese, Catholic Bishop of Detroit, hes foewaeded his resignation tu the Popo. No reaeou n.861,-110(1. The work a hiltieg cows sick with pleuro.peenmoide at Blieville New York 8'08 1.00471D 00 Ft iday Melt, lied ()unfit,- • ued on Sato, (1;1,v. L. police reserve is on hand to prevent imerfei once. A. Feaer from the Court of Phveicians to the Czar states that the plague is nearleeextinet. On the ilib inst, there remained only 0 0 ea e at Selitrenax. Although the opedeinic wee pnrely cal, and did not go boyend tee villages of Weak/Ike, Selitrenax and elielutel. oaks, yet the mortality was over 80 per emit. The Government feels there- fore called upon to enforce the etrictest quarantine end other sanitery meeetires. There wore over 8,000 dock hands employed on 170 veesete ou liatnrday. The ateanier Zanziber, which left New Ycrk for Glasgow 84 days ago, and has been given up as lost, crAed a full cargo of general merchendiee, valuel ab $150,000. The ship.. was valued at about the same. She hail a full crew, but no passengers. wee —r -- TIME TABLE, L. H.& B. 11 Mixed GOING NORTH. Mail Express 8.05 a. ne. .. 3.35 p. in. 7.35 p. 10. DOING SOLITE. Mail 8.40 a. in. Mixed 2.50 p. in.. Express 8.25 p. Dominion News. BIRTHS. Hay, on the 23rd inst. the wife of , Horse disease is spreading rapidly at 51(110(1 DOMOf a dangisser. Belleville Lernes.-en Stephen, on the 21st inst., the wife . of Mr. John. Leslie, of a danghter. ALUM.— xe ei on t e 24th inst., the Counterfeit ten dollar bills on the T E t • 1 Dominion Bank are in circulation. The fullowing defects are noticeable : Print - lug blacker than it should be ; the shad- ing is imperfect; the number on the bill printed in red is smaller than iti the genuine bill. Dr. McEitcheran in an address at Montreal on Friday last stated that if the United States thonght to stamp out the cattle disease by half measures they were mistaken, as nothing but the most stringent regulations would so- ceeiplish the desired end. General News. The Afghan Embassy has been re. eciived at Tsmillcend with .great ceremony. Gen. Kaufmann has been instructed by Government bo decline ell propositions. Hog cholera is prevalent to an alarm. ing exbetit nevem' places in theUnit- ed States. Latest reports from tlee revolution in Veuezintle say that the Government is master of the eituntion. Res -elan troop began to evacuate Adrianople en Ohei8th inst., and Turk- ish troore took np position immediately. The Pope has had an interview with 1,202 repreeenfretives of Catholic pnb. licatioue beetled in Europe and Amelia*. The Court Physician has reeoried to the Czar Wild although the plague was purely local fully 80 per cent. of those ethicist(' died. Latest inivicee from Cape Town allow that the loss of the leritish forces was not so great rts at first reported. Be. inforcements have arrived, and the King of Zilln is said to be discouraged on Recount of the terrible loss of the beet troops in the late battle. The for- eible disarming of the native troops is announced. Col. Pearson entrench- ed thirty miles within the enemy's eoun- try and teirromided by Zalus. He has two,niouthe' provisions. information continues to be received at the Depart Taut of Agriculture Wash - wife of Mr. D. ittylor, of a darighter. Tem-tem.—In Ereter, ou the 2ith inst., the wife of Mr. Samuel Treble, of a danghter. Ross.—In Exeter, ou the 23rd Met., the wife Mr. P. Ross of a son. MARRIAGES. LONG—Paixenenin—Iu Clinton. on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. Fowler, Mr. W. Loug, of Exeter, to Mrs. M. J. Pritchard, of Clinton. Gonwee—Wictse.—At the residence of the bride's rather on the 41h inst.. by Rev. J. Wakefield, of Chatham, Bev. W. Godwin, of Essex Centre, to Martha, fourth elausehe ter of Mr. Jacob Wigle, of Gosfield. DIED. Ross.—In Exeter, on the 25th inst., infant son of Mr. J. P. Boss. WOOD.—In the 2nd concession of Usborne, on. the 25thiust., Mary Auu Wood, aged. 4e. years. SALE IIEGISTE.R. Thnrsday, Feb. 27.—One-fourth acre land: house, blacksmith shon, thuiber, &c, thee property of Thus Friendship, Limerick. Hodgson & Olce, county onetimors. Friday, March 7.--Fartn, farm kook and nn- plemente, the property of William Mor- row, lot 5, 001100551011 18, Steeliene Oreh, anctionecr, A Gentle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sudden) changes of toteperature—eam, wind and mut- shine often intermingled in a single day,—it is no wonder that 'ui children, friends and relatives are so frequently tahen from us by neglected. colds, half the deaths resulting di - redly from this cause. A bottle of 'Boschee'e German Syrup kept about about your honte for immediate 1180 will prevent salons sicknees, o Loge doctor' e hill, and perhaps death, by the tthe of three or four doses. For curing Celts sampticm, Homorrhegert, .Pmanuonia, Severe Clougba, Croup, Or any disease of the Throat et' Lungs, its 3000083 15 simply wonderftel„ 58 your drugged will tell you. Gortimu Syrup is ILO 61 sold in every towa and Tilln.ge on this conti- nent. Sample bottles for trial, 10 watt; regu- lar size, 75 tents, u." r