HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 7PF,B11,t'AI:T 27, 1879 34.1111,4 e•e" THE TIMES A SWELL MOHAMMEDAN WED. DiNG. 'VIE MARRIAGE (W TEE FIFTH SON OF TILE KilEIKVE OF EGYPT. Alexandria, Jan. 14.—To-day it is a great Mallemmedan wedding. Mahe monnd Hatpin 33ey, the fifth son of the Khedive, was married lust week to to a daughter of Edhami Pasha, a eon of A WAS Pttribf eon of Meheinet Ali, end Arceroy of Egypt from 1848 to 1854, Prince Teat k, the heir apparent to the throne, is marriea to a sister of the bride, Mid Mime. Ibrahim, now at woolwich, is betrothed to another siH- ter. Certainly tlie vice -regal family are obedient to the behests of their re. which (loolare marriage n posi- tive duty, "Art thou married ?' asked the prophet of one of his followers. e ''No," replied the man. "And art then sonnet and healthy ?" "Yes," said the other. "Then,'" declared the prophet, "tho' are one of the brothers of the devil," Bat the devil has not many brothers in a meliamenedan country, as every man of any position has his herein. Four wives are the limiteend the facilities fordivoree are so .great, that rich men do not at all shrink from tho dangers of this quadruple al- liance. tJtee, the companion Of the prophet, is said to have married and di. *vomit 200 wives ; and a tereitiu old dyer of Bagdad has come down in his- tory as a man who had been .married WO times. Prince Helmond, who had 'been be- trothed for some time, was married on 'Thursday—the lucky day cif the week. )'UI the old ceremonies were gone throetch, and Cairo took adeep interest in all the proceedings. There is no re ligious rite, and the principal parties ell not meet until all preliminaries are over. The Zetieb, or pvocession of the 'bride, was performed by her in due •form throogh the streetsof Ceiro,which elm promenaded in georgeoua attire. carefully vieled, and shot up in a brougham. Infantry and cavalry, with martial bank preceded her, and she was filowed by crnwde of female friends and hnrem slaves, by whom she was Seally nominated to her hus- band's palace in the Iemailielt quarter. The Iridegreom, meanwhile. after dining with his fetcher et Abdin Palace, was escorted by his male 'Mends to the . relitining mostine, where ft solemn prayer wee perfeemed. From the , mosque. its the sun went •drswn, he and his party marched on !actin prnoess• sinn throneh the whole city. All fin. Pr n es Nehar, Pasha, Wel Radar • Pestle, Stiehl') Pasha, and crows:gni other plaints and boys were nf the, • party, and many of these stout (Egli fere s were exhausted by the fatigue of eneh a formidable pedestrian trip.— Srldiers eecorted the procession, at- tendants crtrried numbers of hinter:1e and the streets were• densely crowdeci! by natives eager to see the sight. The crowd of friends parted with the bridegroom at the foot of the stair eetse of the palace, when his brnther liaasan gime him the customary blow .on the back which signifies farewell to bachelor life, and he was then left alone in rescue his wife from her female at- teedinite nnd see her face for the first 'One in his ltt'e. so-rerr.1 ENGLAND. A Tichbonrne Claimant is now at work in the biickfields itt, Portsmouth Doeltynri extension works. 'rite Beho sap it seems absnrd t, talk of distress in Lancashire, when $75,000 have been raised nt mice for the fund of tite Bishopric nf fciverpool. Mr. Snultey, the Amorionn Evange 1;st, was entertained at a pnblic break. fast in Nee eestle on,the third inst. He g shrint to bold a sones of Sei'VieGS !t mernoriel is being signed in Lnn. anti asking the Lnrd Align'. to convene et meeting at tho Guild Hallio etrge th tOnvernment to inquire into sour so - 'called Free Trade system:" As twn buys were crossing a field at .11iseendew. neer ITelifax, England, n '4iw tlnys ego, they discovered the body /Sof a tniiltlie.asfed writnan. 'The woman, 'WO poorly clad, and appeared to have been frozen. LndyLnblmeli is a reel iielpmete tc ion hin.lhand, the distil's-1,411Pd natural let. She is an accomplished :amateur artist, end taking .1 he keenest interest in his pursnits, sho olen assists him, in illustrating his works. MesRrs. Millburn, Bentley ct Penrnen.--fcrs. 1 feel it my duty to inform yon.that last spring 1 lost my hearing with ono onr, and this fall I lost thellearing of the other also, so that Iwas afraid 1 would never be able to 'hear again. I, tried everything to bring hack my hearing that 1 mold think of, but found i ell in vain. At lest I made up my Mind to -trysome of the Yraitow Om, in I rubbed- a little mi the oritaide of my &vs two nr throe times a clay, and every night and morning. 1 wot some wool with the oil and kent it in my ears, and in ,one %reelect time 1 scold bear as well as I ever mild; but till rnb on the oil when the weather- is cold. limn keep wool also in my MM, 1 write this te von thetyou might know the worth of your Yellow Oil, Yours, truly. Jout4•Claroc. ire)! sale 10 :Dr.. C. :Lut, txotor. THE NATIONAL BOOIJRGE. It is estimated that the annual (biro - ages caused by the ravages of insects and worms exceed $150,000,00J in the United States %lone. Truly an enor- mous leas! Yet it share into insignia, canoe when compared with the ravitgee. of that more terrible seourge, Cons= p - tion, which annuelly sweeps hundreds of thousands of human smile into eter- nity, The Onuses of consumption are various, depending in every instatece for the development of the di. ease upon the scrofribms diathesis, or tempera- ment, of the vietiln. Thus the same cause which will prance in one Person an attack of acute disease or a slight nervous prostration, will engender con- eumptinn in a person of scrofnlous hab- it. That oonsnmptinn can be cured by proper treatment will 103 readily peroeiv• ed when the exact nature of the disease is understood, viz : the necurnulation end deposition of scrofulous matter (tubercles) in the litngs. Obviously, the principal remedies regnired are (1) it powerful alterative, or blood -purifier, to arrest the accumulations and also, eleanse the blood of the scrofulone mat- ter, and (2) a mild cathartic to expel the diseased matter from the system. This course of treatment, in cnnjnnction with a strict, hvgienio regime, has proved the most successful method of louring this diseese, Dr. Pierce's Gobi. en Aledical Discovery and Pleasant Pur- ge tire Pellets are the best alterative -and. cathartic remedies before the poblio, and have been used in thousands of' cases of o'nsumption with the inns' marked efiionev. Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo. N. Y., affords special, and. imegnaled advantages to contenmp-! fives, not only pnesoest-ng the beet med• ; ice] and hygienic means of 1 reatment.. hut having VI essential advantage of being situated in it clitnate where the inhabitants are notably free from this disease. Cam, nt the. first Dreg Store and procure a. bott'e of Grav's Syrup of Bed Spruce Gum for coughs, colds, dm. We recommend its pur- chase at Drug Stores of respectability, as there is An attempt to place in the hands of the pub- lic an article under a similar name, put up in a similar style, but of a white milky appearance —the genuine being of a dark brownish -red colonr. Isis a wretched imitation, and should be at 03100 rejected. A .y its rent:m.1 thorough blocul-pinifying proper. t. Plon's Cuiden 81, -.liar Discover...urea ,411 ilutnort., iron alt, worm Serofida to t C414111000 Cloteh, wr "Eruption. 4111401134 1/111VP444 PoIS011' t mind their erectn, ,nro eradicated, yilot.ou.lenilth and somit constant Ion estab- lished: Erysipelas, !Solt -rheum, Fever Sores, Sealy ..or :Roach Skin, ht short. nil diseases caused by bad .1 boo lotre conquered by this powerati, purifying,and Ineig,mno Jimmied Mita. Especially'llanit manifested Its 'potency In curing Teller. Steno hash, Iloilo, tlarbaneleo, Bora Eyes, Scrorulons Soren wad Swellings, White Swellings, Gottro•or'Thielt Neek, and Erdarged Glands. if you Teel dull, drowsy, debilitated. have sallow Color .a.s1:11), or yollowisli-brown spots on face or body. frequent headache or .dizginess, bad taste in mouth. antenna heat or alternated with hot Mahe...tow smelts, and gloomy forebodIngairregular appetite. and tongue (mated, you arc snithring Tem Torpid .1.1ver, or tililllownicsa." In many cases tof ,Ltv, r complaint,' only part of these symptoms are experimiccd. As :t remedy for all suell cases, Dr. Pler,..N. Golden .Medleal Discovery has gm nand, as it c irons perfect nt radical cures. In [Iv: cure of Bronehlt la, Severe Coodbo, and The early atages of Consumption, It 'hes astonished the ineoleal taealty, and eminent physiclaus pronounce it the greatest medival discovery of the age. While it rutt t I t., severest Coughs. it strengthens thesystem and purines the blood. SeltI by druggists. R. V. 'PIERCE, M. D.. Prop'r, World's Dispensary fuel InvaLids' Itotal, Buffalo, N. Y. SIZE OF PELLETS. O 0 0 O 0 0 leje'S: t 2t1S0 att e IN et (6! THe " 3 1 1 1 -CA TV a C No taw of taking the la,ge, repulsive., nauseous pIlls, composed of cheep, crude, and Milky Ingredients, The, Pellets aresearoely larger thanntustard male Being entirely ref:dahlia, no particular care Is re, (mired while using them. They operate without dile tarbanee to the constitution. Clict, nr occupation For Jaundice, Ileadaehe, GonstInetion, lamas Dined, Pain In the Shoo Mors, Ttehttters of the Cbab Dlzzlnago, Sour Eructations from the Stomach, Btu Taste In the Mouth. Bilious attLbel.n. Pain in mulct or Kidney& Internal Fever, Bloated feeling Oben' Stomach, Mash of Blood to head, telae Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Policia. In explanation of tht remedial power of these Purgative Pellets over et Creat u ValietY of diseases. It may be said that theft notion upon the animal economy Is universal, not s gland or tissue escaping their mutative Impress. jt( mitts not impair the properties of these IkIlets They are sugar-coated and inclosed In glass bottle., their virtues being thereby preserved uniumah.ed ti Sty length of time, In any climate, so that they arc always fresh and reliable. Tile Is not the ease witi: pills 'put up git cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes Foe all diseases where a Laxative. Alterative, ot Purgative, is Indicated, these Itt little Pellets will glvt the West Perfect satisfaction. Sold by thottEELgto. R. V. PIERCE, M. IV Pitorm,__Worws Dispensar3 and InvalhISI Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. SYMPTOMS.-Frerynentitnati. /mho, dischargo.falling Into throat sometimes profuse, watery, thick parttlent, olfanslre, etc In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or Inflamer eyes, ampplim up, or obstruction, of the ttasal ens sops, ringing in ears, cleafbess, hawking and cough. Ing to clear the throat, ulcerations, iambs from ulcers. Vile altered, nasal tnitng, offensive breath, impalren mw total deprivation ot' seine of smell a141 tarte, alncss, mental depression, 1050 of uppetite, indigos - con, emerged tonsils, nettling cough, 41P. 0.111P t lbw of Mee symptoms are likely to tic pin:A.0f in aur case at one tIme. 0 DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REFIL,DY predn-utt radical euroo of the worst case; or Catarrh no matter of 116W long standing. The I harld rented) luny le, ,tIllttl 5 e tier a pnlicel 1) the use of Dr l'tfitern's I /cumin.. 'rills 1 t luoonly II•rin of !twirl'. meat yet Incentelivitl, medic con lo earritai mon 1:1' and mtttmcrLy Alt ::fl 1,, IA „parts or lie omelet 'mot pose,e,e, Os 1:111:1.1 1.1.es cayltit:A eommuniettling therewhI. hal sons. awl alder:: 'iI1) exist; en1 1 11, I ,the itt., rebel v Ily proce,..",, na, 1s piens:lot Imo easily Maler..locat from airectletu ,itt itt nv', 4.4 ' 0, 1.1,11 0 Illr•elvtti, 1 , nt'old In (11611, 41,1), ) olealue itt, 11 . 1 111' 1. 1 lrt nt rtren.c ttt •••, itt ,tt ttttttt, tr,•,ly ••11 . 1 \ 11'! 1:.1» .. • • • •. • tO g P41 C. & S. GIDLEY ea -21t Etle Alanit fl-Le-nr e r 1111 trnitinie CLEARING. S. LE BE FORE TAKING STOCK SAMWELL & PICKARD Will offer for cosh or 10 Days the balance of their Fall and Winter Goode at Cost so as to make room for their Spring Stook. Ali goods we shall oiler are new goods bought for this Seascin's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost, HEAVY 3/A.NTLE CLOTHES, at cost, MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, at cost, MINK SETS and MUFFS, at cost. FUR 0.A.PS, at cost. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at cost. Also a full assortment of general • DRY GOODS, 1300TS and SHOES, HATS CAPS, OHINA TEL SETS and CROCKERY whieli will be offered at bottom prices we are glad to say .oiii stock is not large but fully assortetl in all lines, Although titles has been a very hard happy to say our mode of doing business has been ap- preciated by the public as our sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage, season we are SAMWELL & PICKARD. PhiMploomaz.......7010001.11tymonarywen Exeter, Ont, Furniture and Un.dexatakinge S. FAIRBAIRN bas on band at licusall as large and as handsome a stock of FUII,NITUEE ne can be found in any establishment iu Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP .INDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES! Having procur,d a handsome hearae, he is preparel to attend to UNDERTAKING, Oil the blast Reasonable Terms, In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti Septio Flnid, which preserves ,he body and'dostroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A cull respectfully solicited. Emblems of all the Different TBYRNE & Co.. Itt returning our customers our sinee-..e thanks for the very liberal support which hers been extended to us for the three years we have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to alti e you that we HAVE REMOVED To our New Store, next door to Samwell at Pickard's, where we will be hotter prepare(' than ever to sapply the wants of our Customers. We have added largely to our stock, and on' prices will be found lower than any House it the Trade, and the quality of the goods equa to the best. We would call your 1,articula: attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, whicl is designed specially for Farmers' use. Th, ' :asthma are extra heavy, which prevent, ;racking or twisting by the heat,and the price ted terms of payment will be found very reasonable. O'71U\TE ct „Wit Door to Samwell & Pickard's. Main street. Kw0w 'By reading • t pArticIng • the inestim.V.e. cou. tabard in the I's medical bens ever 1-4st. .4. entitled SELF-PIZESNInt T1 ON Price only $1. m oy mail on receipt of price. It twists af Exhausted vitality, Premature neelinc, Nervous and Physteal Debility, mut the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that n suit therefrom, and centains more than 60 original pre- scriptions, tmy one of which IR worth Illprice of the book. This book was written by the most ex- tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner 111.Americat to whom Witt awarded a !told un0w- eTed medal by the National Medicol As.cehoinn. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very attest THYSELF Steel Engraving4-a MT. fil kr. la vel of art and CeautY--, 1E in sent FREE to OR. Sena fmr it at mute. Address 11 eiesTreurn, iNo 4 Bit. FE A BODY MEDTOALT le, 7NSELF anvil St.. Boston...Alas& Ship Grocery. TEA, I TEA.' TRY IIY 75 et. TEA. l TAY MY GO et. TEA!! Ivory aatisfa etion. SUGAIIS, COFFEES, RAISIN S, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. • nsTERs. GRANGES. LEMONS. TOBACCOES, MIME °MARS. Cioode delivered to all Inds of the Village, Agent fur Genet Western 81s' hp Co. New 'York to Bristol. 1878) FALL (1878 n „THE OLD RELIABLE I—I0I.T.SE kt all times, %)td narticalarbf at A period when Trade is universally depressed and money astrce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants 1,t the towvc rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with evevy eonfid,: once; it bsiag more carefully assorted and selected than thar of any previous season. 112 the Dry Groods Ilvese department is replete wig.% the most seasonable and fashionable fabri ea, Marked' a trims which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORDE CLOTHTICir still bas MR. W. IVES at it.head. In Millinery uncierthe,na-agement of Miss McGlogh ion , we can snit the most fastidious. Our stock of aroce.ies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware me of the largest and best aisorted in the County. Inset:Kling purchasers will consult their best interests by examining mrstook before going elsewhere. JAMES PICJtARD 3-0DERICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and. Machinists. MANUFACTUREAS OP • .iINGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS bTAVE AND HEADING ARCHINERY; Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agriculura Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Ketttles, Sehoel seats, &e. iron and. Bras: CateitinsrEs to order? For sale cheap—Second hated Boilers. and Engires Stave and Shingle, and Heading Macninery. Repates on Boilers, Eugiues, Milis, &a., promptly attended to. GODERICif FOUNDRY and. 'ILANUFACTURINI; co. GODERICH. Ont. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING [s prepared to give all his customers toe lin.: oft kc Cott will acorns from its adoption and has itt hall a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ane Liquors, Crockery,Etc., At his Store, Alain Street, Exeter., which will be sold a which wan:, sold at prices naues,r,1 of under Proo Trado.1 The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to ,sell their produce without paying market Lrees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then • call at the store of the s'ibscriher and (iSecure Immense .0...,argaLas there tel be rhad Os'ercoaL:nthill-cloths, Broad -cloth .Dcie skins'Silks,. C•nd everytning 71)eletlim the Dr; Goo4s The 0-reeery Dltytrttivint rely nitplotip.:An ingpotion inviLed. No trouble to show goods •. • ISAAC, CAP:LING