HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 6` .. THE RIVALS. I incl him partly t0 believe-- thOtal;}•1per., 4')tt(luet, and lilt'f ineliooa, lli)twille- 1 I.11Taution for axe to aspire to the Lely i hapb without her intending it --that 11(?; st1tuthu, tristt.ttenuous, to doubt ; tt'Itt -. f stlbel'li hand l 33y the ants 1' if yuul It was a lovely afternoon in early was dear t 1 hor atter all, and with this ! ther 11a roltllyluvecl her. 111etaiztau t+ muddy Wood ()e'er mice . with, beth, j, r summer, nearly two centuries ago, tawe,et hope he lingered on at lictclley ,elle could not.. trcllaaistoaafly with ulni<lett as tl Dudley, will ilih'swaa the name," when foul: porsorls were seen coming i; P. nn.willing to tear himself away., propriety, tender him her hand, Sllt, ` (Condoled ut \t week ) b1) t iii, 'raid as yet to trust .veryt[li:ng t'to i 1LINn jestdd litall�' \:'1111 outer lovt'rs, bill �' inner\ ut hdr c.a( ut,tr5 .�-.. �°�'�`��"�54 the Hazard of a des by declaring eti j 1 , it ehoulcl bd 1)r.I\'LAl,. illicitly his p:iasion. But on this stated itt juetied let her,, ,Noe pi odueed _ by vexlttiou et his bell)ayiur• Li I1, A131301.714,.D.S.,11I,14,0.D,S. No sot,uer had the clout. behind .1...1... him. at ,the cud of 111:1 u0'r'ritlor, n0 rasaleete oLttt)yttiCollege of s •inlet was she alone, than a change JJ.liIN TA..Ll. 3 U110..FFONS.. 0 title Ovdr her feelings. bile regretted nava ot'ot oseern went, iota (repeats Saulrvcll p 'igiaautly her lIII1 mess ; she feared. i'tekardtt. from 111e boweltd e of Dudley's hifrf,RIeesemN, 1:)1+;1' TI51',._-__ epfrit, thio would 1 eV t+r illore' see �1• tr'luuntiatc of y4• him, and \t]tll t,ll; th'>l1f,11t, 130 full tl t1u, 1)entnl anguish, l'11e became e0nsci')t1d r' w.hFsa for the .:,,nogoeA(sn� 1 tarto, m t,y t)1) .. ' aousult'tlany i r � --'�'� 1111' "'. ti� ,, 1 l,Otr,lii. Lo t\' ��1 Jna CI s 114 11 i, steel to hor t" y ! tatl•- 1 1 noX' t3ocr Co , t, ..-- tllcr feat Oiilco, LXtltor, Cur.• LEGAL rR•. II, 7 CCAD,U Y, t n n , ? �r �T BA.1tBIh1E1.1, c1 Ailr,L1)1.'4�V1113. At Law, Solicitor, ao, Oi11co, b'anana's :131ock Sauter, duwn the terrtLce of Dt(lley pestk. Tilt.' fore1nost was a lady, about twenty, and one of the loveliest of her sex. Tier person was tall and arie'noratic, het aey jl)alunsy 1'roul;ht matters to a cri- conlpleaion brilliant, acrd the contour vie so long wished for, yet so much of her meek, shoulders and bust such dreaded. After having, with her two as would have dazzled a baulpt0r- other gnests, patted from the Lndy 1s- Iler three ct\napaziions were ltll elvi• libel rtt the foot of the greet et:dr-mo, dently suitors ; but never were three Dnd'ey unexpectedly ciente upon iter lovers more dissimilar. The one on snarl('• uiiuutes leber ill au out•of-tile. her right was a large, magnificently itt. wey oorridor, He tree moody anc1 ill tired. geutietrlarl, sv1ioee stout earls \vas, LumorFd, and would have passed with 0 riot merely carried t'tlr show, bilt also solar bow, h>ht'lie o',nsin, who ulrendy ,• to assist his unwieldy limbs, An air of iuexpressible self-impnrtanoe marked his every look and znt>verent. HN was, in fact, the, wealthiest las well as the highest in ren l• of the three snit, - ora ; and he was resolved that, though others might forget it, he at least would nut. On her left walked the two gentle- men, first ole aid thin the other in advance, as 'accident 0r• the whim of their mistress placed them. The elder of t flee, a etet•I1•laoking rntat:l of about thirty years of age, was Sir Georgi' Mowbray ; the other, alai younger,w:ee at once the poorest and Plainest of the three, being but the sire le lord of a neighboring mauor. What _Howard Dudley wanted in wealth, however, he made up in the sr• aces of person and mind. Yet neither of the other tw' suitors regarded him as a very serioree rival, ilOt1tlthstaniliUg inh beanty, f0' as 1>e was a distant rtictive of the fzti' Isabel, they persisted in c /0011101 in: her intimacy with Minas ouly that 4 f a cotmie. It must be nckuotviedised that there was a little of the coquette in the lath Isabel. It sparIzled iu her ro uinl. eyes, played round the corners of he, , , mischievous nzt'uth, and laughed mer- rily in her musical voice its she chatted now with one suitor, may with anothet. It world have awakened yonr admire: to have seen how `adroitly she divided her favors; and indeed, in no other way 01)11143 she have kept the peace be tweeu her jealous lovers. "Pray, my Ind eerie" said she, turn ii.ig to the suitor on Ler right, "can your park of Lincoln be as fine as this ? I have heard so much abunt it that I would fain to have a true report thereof from your own augot lips," As she spoke she darted a missiiiev nus glance at her cousin, who replied to it by a glance as significant. The gouty old earl did not, however, see the irony of the remark, but answered poinp011sly, bowing law on his cane : "1t would scarce be pot-ib'.e to find a pari: so lovely as that of your honor- ed father, Lndy Isabel. Such trim walks, such sheets of water, such noble terraces, such urns and statuary could only be arranged by one who cnmbiued the taste and wealth of Lorca Dudley ; but nevertheless, my own park and garden are not uuworthy to be present- ed to the notice of beauty. Yet I trust that at 1)e distant day, the Lady Ieabel will allow me to give her a right to al• ter and improve it wherever she thinks necessary." Sir George 11lowl;ray, who walked behind, at these words carried his hand to his sword and frowned siguiilcautly. Dudley bit his lips. Lady Isabel col orad, and in her enlb.rrassmeut lost her tau. At outs• the whole three suitors sprang for waro to pick it up. With her hued, however, she put back the two ou hor left. , Sir George, finding himself hopelessly behind, looked furi- ous, but submitted. Dudley, wi•tb his Laud on his heart, looked au expostu• Janna, but received' a merry. shake �of the head in reply. The old earl, thus left in sole possession of the field. placed his cane firmly iu frout, threw ( b000m between two opposing senti his bulky limbs wide apart. and, Dare• cneuts. A single kind look from Dud fully bending forward,, slowly inclined ley would have turned the scale in hi>• his head at ta:attfficient angle. to'. recover favor. Itt fact elle („lanced up, iu hope the lodt fan. The Lady Isabel, it must to see some signs df relenting, but re• be confessed, had great difficulty in ceiviug only a haughty gaze, she color. keeping her cnuuteuance during tbi- ed with offended dignity. proceeding. Ivor could she entirely "As he; t.loases, sir," she answered. suppress a mischievous twinkle of We "Tun taus hypothetically, as if some - eye when the gouty nobleman, in one else ; but let le be as you please °lining his head low before her, retnru• also," and she hewed cuidly. '1 ed her the flan iu a speech as grandilo- 'Tia disdaiu completed the madneslt quent as it was ful:401110. a) d despair of Dndley. Giving hit.. FVes it white or pique, or a combine- cousin as withering look and tuutterieg tion of both that itlduced the Lidv Ina, the word "heartless 1" he turned rapid - bel, on` seeing that 'she lead uffandod ly away and rushed duwu the eurridor. her twu other lovers, to cuutiuue her Tue Lady Isabel sato him depart affability to the earl ? At any rate, thus with tui ogled emotions. Iu her during the rest of the walk she smiled secret 'heart she loved her gallant, ae- on him so sweetly that he considered onmplished and handsome cousin n his suit settled, end on their return to t•lousand titres better than she had 9v - the hall,sat imediately down and wrote or yet been willing to confess. even oto to his lawyers in Loudon to begin to herself. 'Hie otnnparative poverty had draw up settlemeutti. never preEeated' iteelf to her as any lin- 11}118 marked ,preference of the noble. pediment to her marriage, for she knew men threw°both the other Guitars iut6 that she was heireeid in .her own tight a rage, but Dudley+ was perhaps even of enough for both. 'Bart, unf ftu l)t;te- there angry than the knight. In truth, ly her coIutln hall never oonfesslyrt his the Lady Isabel was niore sincerely' interest in her, and the latitdy tsrtb(:I, loved by heroot1Niu' then by either of aware that looks were not always seri• the others, aid he felt her neglect con- 0118, hesitated what to think. Had sequently, most`` keetify, t esl2,eclallf as ;Dudley but frankly offered himself, she h0 knew that in fortune he Watt far be- would as frankly, have accepted hiw, llifl1 either of hitt rivaltr batt not knowing the Causes of Ise Ihosi' Certaiu rolentiug moods of hers had Cation, she was ofton ruzzled at his halt -ref anted her et.nClnot; stoppAil him. ' first tune, how passisolately she adored aitil'liither itway 1" said tJio Lady* 1s- >tbsl, gaily, "Are you do nneottrtenlls fly; lifter him in order to rectal him to vs not to huger when a fair lady wills iter site, 'and sho ztotually mlaiie a fel* it ?' she auntinned, see11>g that he still steps in the direction he lead gone;. tdvanoed. "Sir Knight, I lay my but the pride of her sex intez•poseel,aue� commands on you to step, for I have a with iL binsll at her own wotal�n:8118t' ss, sh4 fanny to tall( with yon withal.' turn"( ubont and haughtily s0'u, Lt het "I em 31(1 kuigllt,but a silllple gentle chamber, Bur, aloe 1 it Wes not to lied uhan, as you 1Ct10w right well," radely 331110e. The conflict which the cnrri- replied tudley ; 'tri alntple geutlelnnu, 'lar l,rtd vitle,sed wild rhos renetyed, who can trace bis blood, unpolluted, thud betwec:u tears suer ieizrets a,JWHITEAIiDING HARDIN(1, tSWHITEOtaele to the conquest, however, wilier, words of miscue ou Dudley, elle passed 1 4 is more than opeiart nobleixten can 1110llfueiuuou: .10, who have wr,n their titles, not by LI elosing tihedoor, which abut hint feats of arcus, but by cringing at court. matt from Indy Isitbel's sight, 1)udlea The lady Isabel started in affected gave full vent to the feelings of rout surprise. She knew well enough What a\ 11101) pride had in her presence pard he meant, but she hnd a spirit as hi b )illy concealed cooler the uzaak f eaorn as his own, and she begau to reseut his "Haughty 1- heartless 1 ---- petulance. pet.ulance. 3cry 1 here tomo of his expressions; ">> "Ahaciz, t'ousin mine," she sei(1, "line week worshipper of raid: 1 Olt, Lardy wine turned you head that you�"l:iustel Isabel, Lady Isabel, that ever 1 shot 111 this way ? I did riot think gentle. thhik so 1183111Iy of you; and then, a+• 1001),'' and she emphasized: the term, ,tint r fssli.ugs er 1s,edhis ogitated soul, "drank at this early hour." Ile muttered : "Fool tl,rat, 1 have been - biting by her sarc>Lsut,Dudley stamp •ie leaver loved 1110-I ;ani o ll,y anctl d his foot on the floor, and mllttert•d er of her victims-u>y tortures are n between his teeth, wheat, but for her oar of her pleasure. "1301, las I rant penance, would have ben eu audible a Dudley" crud ht glaashed his .teeth, 'nth. "she 811;111 not amuse herself lone- with The L:uly Isabel had scarcely sock- tlietn, for es soon as the moon rises, en, however, when she repented of her and 1 nail depart without ht jug seen, 1 R. 33U`PC13INSUiT, Member of words, and new, to lessee' their sever• well leave this Bated place forever, nor 1 tiro College of INSPhysiaeN,ans andSurgeonsof f i.y, cart - shall auyol.e know whither .I go." ,nturio, 1u., &c., Main Street, Exeter. "Brit, seriously, Dudley, what is t.h, Iu this mood;Undley left the hall and R. FIiNU11I.iN:-') t matter with you? Believe we you sou slit the wooled recesses of the pearls. .-CORONER FOB the (euuty or Hu rot. Ufllee,dleXt door to have no 1•etas0u to be augIy with any of for he eare(i ueltber tb see 1100 to con AreaUarlilzg'8store. Exeter. 08-" V rse with bummer beings. \Vanderrinr W. Bat OWNING M. 1)., C. M. Ii r lover dill not stiffer le r to pro- gloomily aloe , he was suddenly arum,- 1),9 • P. 0, Graduate Victoria rniversity Office ceLd, bet impatiently luLcrru1 Led her, ed froiii his reveliee by fiudiitg Id itself and r,Msiiienuo. Dor aim, bal.,nrtatozy, Exeter- exeLlunlilg haughtily :- In a narrow path, face to face with his I. r 0. i•IUUlt[t;, M. D. 0.M, "I said not, liter lady, that I had a rival, the Earl of Liuooln• . L. Graduataof ,1cCxillUuiveusibvy lflontroul riiecaudresidouce,t+lxetor,Ou1. 0 ii o 1 oure- t'k;I3iti;Al1-.) k 9 rieat>�i�o{p)cN+luw.�+Neuxw•wrl,�pFr� �rAt�! hhPricopf rI,nr( aces not elIe'et 11111 ovr prices et wiria. are offering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES, Ete., at Exeter & Hensall. which consists of all tfte latest and ihnp) ova of styles u f Ki When, Court and :Parlor Stunt., , ill 0.111,4, pans, and pails of the iliust approved paten), and everything in the lino ; Also, a cud selection of handsome Barbitors e.titorneys,..eilloitors, Ctfut•-11[l, �VO 'h1'Q1:11�'1'L1r1 a donors, Li, It., (1•e. t , 44,1 Loki. -11 irrrori'8 0000)1, Wa1e1 trout, St • .111 y's - 1111 10,0311, recervsc caveryattentima, and done 111811,ll.u1oxrc, PI. W. Hnunt:o. I1.A:N,-WX1n01 at the lo,test figures. r 11IsDIA1iAIID> , B.A. Hovis.;; opened o>(Iraa branch artabliskm, t At Honnill, our fridne '-i that :sleigh buil. al ' pen be stionli. .>u ti. shortest notice, - tl,titi!ti'1''it,°4U'C:1It1', Ct)1}'Bg*,9;;vL'1;y; •el t'. , I.tJ(`;1N J1T. xica-m m-,rs�es r'^r.*_ bti Tz.,armaricai oral V, ES$I1M3. JUNE'S & 11IUS .11,IP , -Wonderful Discover . •1. i Barristers, - solicitors Y .).ttouteys rtt Iuw, -...._--- x mnccry, Conveyancers. commissioners 1111312. L s, 't,+ttries Public, St, luarv's 0.8.)) (0S. \",(I.11s)501111'. ) "0411.--Hlrtton's Bloelt,wn.ter; L.,St bialy's MEDICAL I'It. COW'EN.OIfi'ICE.l MAIN Street, Exe r, Cp•stairs, t11",l>osite Central Lotel. bide eutrtucu, on the south -street lead- (1 to li t , Church. a�'Ortle,s PPG> t l , ILline's she o sturo tie' 111 xui>uivo prow ut attou(iou, 40-1y. right to be Ctffeuded. The heiress -ell The coauteu:Luce of the latter was in 810 10 111511d7tolno,nl Dudley Hallowes ace explanation to one striking contrast to that of Dudley, reran fur any while she may haze, fair SA1! satiefecti;>u glee ed on every linea D J. A. ROLLINS. M. G. 1'. S. U., v retorts S`. e:redeton,, oat mace hours the wend. tL!lsolves one so rich, heauti• meta of that ruuud,sdusuul face. A,. ,rata Otn1Cla.tn.;ltnGp.m. fol and courted, from the comnwu duty he bowed to Dudley, there was v'eibt, of catiug for others' feelings." .Ile' i his smile, 1,1 addition to the super - spoke sarcastically, and eontiuue.l:- oiliuusuess of 'hid lordship, au evident •'Site may eueourage to -day, and re ,dr of pity, which chafed the young buff t. -Morrow, yet the sufferer has to emu inexpressibly. Accordingly Dud right to complain. 011 no 1 She ail' ley returned the bow with a haughe tell him Inure is no reason in his auger. look of defiance, barely nodding. The and the world will sustain her in what nobleman frowned, but 8541 nutb• she asserts." ing and dashed ou. . Scarcely, Law Howard Dudley waited a moment ever, had be made a step before he for her to reply, but finding she nhadt stumbled, in the gathering twilight.ove. no answer, he continued, nith iuereas• L root, and true ble, to recover himself, edirlitaiiou: , tell with all his bulky length, sprawling "There's one 11,1 Toast, proud lady, ro the earth. Dudley, turning at the who will no longer be made the pl'ty sound, was just in the mood to laugh thing of a coquette's white. There's at this\ mishap of his rival, and gave one who it already 118111nte(1 of the bey': 'adenoma to his mirth in a shori,rnuek- pJart he has pl(Lyed, and who has re• big laugh, as the unwieldy nobleman, :solved no longer to dance attendance duffing and very red in the face, strag• where he is only a laughing -stock,' ;led to his feet. and he drew himself proudly up as hl The earl had heard the Mang]] of Ducl• spoke, adding, "he once fondly ballets- ley. Nothing could hay augered bun ed that hearts,were more valuable that: 'old or mirknay, he soinetitnes hope that the Lady Isobel the n.ht like him but the dream is dissipated, atnd as In has neither an earldom to offer her, no, will to stoup to win one by becorniug monarch's lacquey,he will take his fare well forever." There was much in his haughty speech .ip offend the Lady Isabel, hu.. much also to appeal to her heart. Fut a moment there rose a struggle in het MPRES THE REND ND OFYIM? 1N . A17 Internal d External REMEDY, A EAL31 FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Ith uI 1n.tislal and Nciu'11$in and 1777 1l pf�iit " st,i.tili many rt �vlia, eau' It is the may -ku o3 o lemtrly furbrise 3:31118131 alt the Ainerleau Continent, proved clby others." As uuu as appijUl it i,1t t s leetaut ewe, to the• tl11101101^Etta suSorer, et 1331,3111x1 r ail teurbt".1, penetrates to tliii very hone, enters the rireuta 'toll, I1lultllailxi,1g ,tel '•Rhematie ',Poison" a 1' culating in the blood, 130(1 expo Is It from than systum 111"oagh the eatural outlets. IT CURES Tootltrelle, Earache lleada.eil,t, Nouvelle, Rheumatism, Sprains Swellings, i1flanuttiun, Burns, Cuts, Bruise,, Pain 111 Side, Pati izi '13 itek, Pain in Chesty Pain in,shoi 'tier, Coughs: Colds,Prnst elites, C h11•'luins, Diarrhoea, 0)ys, LUr `ento'y, Summer complaint, 5.,, Sc. TZ, M. D. it uni 1,41131 the leest agonizing pain, iaiter �! t, ZIT kJ • uf6co at his residence, Exeter. ;;nae or extosl13a1, icons intoe r of time, I' iate,t your 19x3ludice 4,41 give it it tri I; the infest went is small 311-(1relief 00ltaeu. The gzeat, ssecret of its suntans withitII classes is owenc; to the fact it is safe and harmless, 171ectstu>t i to take, gives i13staut (3181, 33133111331 be apa>'uetl g to a wider range of disease in every day lite, • with grcator su,)ees4 than any preperatL n whish reseayeh, skill au 1 Medical Scolio. 3 "haylcetpinduccrtl, As as proof of its great rower ever disease `> any person, no matter ".11.10 it may be, lose, Ly .. E. J N. J S 'or roar, Old or Young, who is sawmill i is >i�� E. 0 � any of the above nanr(tl pain ul enmpl:ueztn, E > will call at the Office in1erento,cow dee 1313 Has a fine assortment of • the week, titil'S gear prae.hcallpproof "Free ofof.. 4: charge," of its inagical)13ower over pain in one GOLD ANDsLn>1�Ic31ion. Testilnoniu is from all parts of tb a Daray1111tt SILVER WATCHES, �, ase c lrsta,tley 0uul1n5 to hand, giving expres- sion to the most grateful gratitude? for 313 FINE GOLD JEWELRY, wez'wou Ciba 1)1st 310(1 ioz re eivieet a'rtineuis.rulr from all others who 13-0 it successfully. Iu all the latest styles, and at Physicians of the highest respectability re• .camnzeud it as a luost ofi'.eetual "domestic ze%ne(y" rot the relief of Pain ill oases of sod- { dem sale rggolioy Prices Uo Suit the Times 6...r it toyo:lrhomer and itwill pri)vu a more. No sooner had he regiaiued hit , Lle$sirlgtoyon fazuil an<iaitliotry�edfieoncls t01111g111 position than lie ,a1Vx0ced 00 -:o:- 'yDitiRgfstsarosellln onormou8tjaantitiesof • lis offender, foaming With rage, bis CAhL AND EXAMINE ! land oil his sword. "Sir," said he, "what do yon mean ? Before you buy elsewhere. Did you dare -dare, I bray." l,e con- tinued, stuttering with auger, "to laugh Special attention paid to Rcpair- ,31 me ?" i)2ao'. Dudley, ever since his interview with Sold •he Lady Isabel, bad been wishing fur, E JONES,' some nue ou whom to vent hid rage ; and he secretly rejoiced at the fortune Opposite Central Hotel. which had now presented to hire the -` very person of ail others he would have elhoseu, and with provokiug coldness the replied: EXETER GROCERY' "I laugh when I like, my lord ; and I laugh at whom .I please. Iu fact, 1 dare laugh even at your excellency.' The contemptuous tone in which his was epokeu Ieft the earl no room for retraelou, eveu if he had desired it. But though not over -fond of sword GREEN, JAPAN, • play, indeed even accused iu' whispers YOUNG HYSON of being a coward, be was too enraged to \hulk of anything but punishing hie and BLACK TAS',. auveL'sary. He dropped his cane and drew his shier at case. it&ISINS, CURRANT'S,. "Upstart 1" said the earl, "you have PRUNES,. DRIED APPLE, dared to presstitne oil paying certain at- teutious to my future bride, tin) Lady CANED FRUIT, for which I would have punish• ed you long ago if I had not despised SARDINES, Your youth and your mean condition' LUBSTCT�S 13121 Ieast away my serupl'es. ` Draw, , sir.„ SlSLlt ON, . ,,r1 The earl said this angrily and im peratively, for' Dudlcy, instead of ur,- sheathing when the marl did, had stood with folded arras, smiliug scornfully ' throughout tire Intrant,une. BITTi9l1 SAUCE ANI) MOMS, S, P,VA.N.DIF;S, GINS. WINES AND SYRUPS, J ,YE1,l11iLL1 . "start, say you 2" oxellaiizted D'utlC- SCOrcil, HUSHAND CO,III •`ON WHISE ISI,'1':'O13ACCOS AND CIGARS„ ley. "ray St. George 1 sir earl, I won- der who is • up•tart_.: I, ,who trace my Who%#ale end Retail, litteaments beyond the coliqueror, or gout Whose aucestora, .a, century ago, �, . A 4, were butchers in 1liucu1nshire, lyre. DiaiuStreet,Iete r \It. IRVING, d3 -RAD UAT1t,' (,'NI• VJ"1P.SITI Trinity College .tlul•,1,orCollege L'uvsioi,1.01:. arld surgeon( 0131., �Ii.co11irktou. J :WELI%Y 1 JEWEL EY ! ! JE\VELRY ! ! -;o:- it wicerever introduced. clallange the world t0 pi00.0681ts ortn3l. The Trade supplies' through the wholesale Drug end Patent Medicine Hoo ton of Montre- al, . Toronto, Hamilton and London. Price 25 Cents. per utile ! by Sept. 19., ly. all Enterprising Druggists. JUST RECEIVED AT T}IE AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF