HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 5liitt;A) 27, i 0 STAR GROCERY EXETER, Jr:..I ,I• TIMES .4 A J. 5 fFJQ R N N; cC; FA STSGROCERY,EXETER. 13eg to give notice that they have been appointed SOLE AGENTS FOR FENWICK'S CEL,E]3RATED FLOUR. Everyone that has tried it, pronounces it the best in use, They will also have a large Stock of Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, 33ariey, Corn, Oatmeal, 8ec., 8co. Try 'enwck's Celebrated. Flour. Goods promptly delivered, thought he wottltl went it. To Me. McNetltb—McDtvntwtt told neo he thought Afeliahb set lire to the fdtetory in Jan- uttly ; will swear to it ; weal sort ar Leslie told ate so too, but.tlitnk he did; won't swear that I told Dr, Hall McNabb WAS sn roe:oil; woo swear that' didn't tell Leslie the ei'er that wenn to St. Mttvys the day atter the Jaan cry fire and told Hail ebout the tire, and that he ward afraid the buildiug would be. 'burned ; swear �. eliel.t't tit aur' time tell the Stunt'. Loalte that 1)r.`.tlall scut up -laud to wateb the fire ; sup- liunettlie men took home their tools at night butanes they wort they sruulil be bnrut ; will swear 1 it vier toll 1)r. Ball about the meet taking li.otil their tools; was awakened about 11 at the Janee y lire, ata started down to it about nun ; ;+Zrs. Mt:Alpine: shunted to young Leslie that the shop was ou lire; 1 woke .besiie nod told him what Mrs. McAlpine said, but did nut get up myeeif ; the fire company was not at the last fire when 1got there, To Mr. L11i.tt-T'ri°'l heal to save stuff M the last fire, au i as e i . th E; o assist mo, To ,11r. Mealabe—iert,=u told tae before the last fore that the building was hisnred; I asked loin if it wet; ; I wasn't trying to memo the building ; this was about a weak or two age; if tete wage driver says I told him to take the sniff to the old t.tuudry I sepposo it is true. To Mr. Elliot—Hail insurance on building; lost by the tiro; made a claim on the eompauy; the a.iguee or the Compel*oifertoL . o in'hult en the eli1hti', as they were in lig-elation.; this fire was about a yam ago ; wasn't t,: id by &ri cli that tilts w.t,: tlho reason he wouldeet adopt Toy api 1 cation. A. AteAlt,ine re-called.—Il:tve been it) Exeter two Yearn ; have been working at bending ; Started a factory back at eve's; the first time i saw }lull Wan the day of the sale; never ran the bus.uess for Dr. Hall; ran it fifer myself nn til Pee.i wt:ut in wish me; itad eoleese for that time; Flail 4ette t1 have Half the profits ; Hall i cave me $100 and I gave him my note; I was r' to supply everything, rah the factory sad give deal# the profits a uever paid any o..e any money for business; admitted hen eu letter from Dr. Hall stating that Keen wanted to go into part- ner.ltip; sate Hall the last day of December; he .did not. arrange the basiuess between us ; re- mained: to parte raltip only a short time, , sod haven't diesolve 1 yet ; got steak to value of 4':300 before Kien eain9 in; Keen wa; to pat in $100 a mewl; for three mouths; pat in to the zttuonut of $10:) ; he put iu some spokes, and paid part on them ; 1)r. Hall wag up before Been e.uno,. and gees me $40 which Keen gave Lim ; don't know how they pat me out of the 0:0:0 --0:0.0 the letter McDermott got two fresh envelopes and put the letter in ono of thein : did not see line address it. dames Itesiie sworn have been employed Omit four months in the beucliug factory; the work has buten unsteady; was away 5 weeks •while ,1ttAlpiao had no material to work on; was no; Itiug the day of the January fire, but .iou't reineether who locked the shop that night; thiuk it was Keen; was boarding at Mu- Alpine's, and Keen was oleo ; lead sapper the same time as Len ; shortly atter supper Keen wont out of the house, but don't know how long he remained ; slept with Bonn that night ; .heard au alarm of fire in the night; heard Mrs. MoAlpiuu calling that the shop was ou fire; didn't hear Keen say he -heard this; didn't fuel Keen` get out of bed from the titue we got in together until the next morning ; never heard McDermott express any suspicion as to who set the fire ; never told Keen McDermott suspected McNabb, mud never heard McDermott stty he did; duu't know wltrtlier Keen was up in the middle Of the night the time of the Jatuutry tire ur not, as.I atu a Bard sleeper ; Keen said noth- ing to mo• aluntt that fire ; was boardiug with Keen whin the place was burnt;• believe Shaul locked the door the last night, but have never asked who locked it; know Dr, Hall by sight, • but never had any conversation with him ; was itt St. Marys the other day, and while there saw Mat. O'Brien. Dr. Hall and Mo])or')nott ; had some conversation with Mat. O'Brien iu St. Marys about the fire; told Bob Harstone about ; the lire; told hitu Mat and McDermott wore iu for it ; there were two leads of stuff sent away from the factory before the fire; there was a • gond deal of stock left; had partly made ar- NTS FLORALGUIDE.—Abeau- rangeme'nts to purchase 20 cords of wood; the MB Was Lrtu.;in; a load on Saturday, and on seesug the building was burned, he took it THL:IIEBY AUTH01t1ZE AND empower James Hill, of the village o1Credl- ton, to aollectall a000uuta due me, in connection with the business of 'Pitlsinithtng, carried on by me iu the tau village and to give receipts for the saute. J 11 SHELTON, Feb.27. OTTOE.—I •III+]ii+113Y FOR 131ll say person to give credit to my wife,Sar51h Ann Pomwo'tby, without my written otter, as she has left my bed and board without just cense,. WM, 1'OM.WOlITHY, Feb, 20, •AR11 F013 SALE —Lot 13, uonoea- Sion 2,1)idoulph,containing 100 acres, about 71 sores cleared, balance well timbered; frame house, frame barn and good large orchard ou premises; well watered and well fenced. Also 50 acres to mase for four scars, The stook wi l5180 be sold, 9'e •ins of ey, SA1ut1rL 1lTnI War L, Try our TEA, three lbs, for $1,00. Exchange Bank of Canada. ELEAD OFEICE MONTREAL. Capital paid up, - - $1,000,000 DIRECTORS: M. H. GAULT President, Ii0 LAS (Matta/BILL, Vice•Prosideut A. W.OGILVIE, M.P,P,, - E. K, oat PING THOS. 7'13yIN, ALIS. I3UNTIN, J5MES OIHATTIEI1N. 0. R. MURRAY, - Cashier, GEOItONt BU13 S - - - Inspector Exeter Branch. Centralia p o ;GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS THAN- SACTIcD, 'ARM FOR SALE—CONTAINING Money loaned to farmers ou heir own notes with FARM good endorsers. Drafts issued on New York. fifty acres, bei:tg south lueif of lot 6, conoes- sion ,20, Stephen, ou the premises there are a good hewn log house, good frame stable, 28-00, and a. young bertriug orchard ; also gond wall, bricked, 20 feet deep, with pump ; well feuce:1; School and post -office within a few rods : 81 miles from Parkhill, tend on main road from Park- hill to Graud Bend. Ivor furtlur particulars ap- ply on the premises or by letter to DANIEL ItANSON!, Harplev p, o, Fee .20, 1)Tt1VATE EDUCATION.—MR. (I, ▪ I1101t:p wishes to Merin the inhabitants of erecter, and vicinity, that 1108 sister,'1IISS iat,LEN Nt;1iP purposes to open a School in] XTTER, for YOUNG Lr\DIES, in MAY next, giving them a thorough education in English, French,Musto, &c., eze. Hiss Kemn has had over 12 yearsetperience in teaching in Sehools.privatofamiiies,Rtr, Terme &o, by circular, shortly, b,tsitJ, ts; they ptticl me nothing, and dud no 1 J'rtiaiute me anything; have taken no legal proceediegs to recover my rights ; n as itt the J$ttttes the time of the fire ; Koeu, McDermott anti Leslie were iu my hoose at the time of the P notary fire ; wad working in the shoat doy of t15 Jouuary+ fire ; Keen t ,ok the key away with him ; •ertatu of that; there was only 000 key to the shop ; a small boy could get in through n cineol hole about two feet square, they could ceder get into the boiler house ; there was m- other hole through which a boy could pass by tight squeezing ; have seen Dr. Hall three times in St.. I:try's since the January fire ; saw him iu his office one r; this was shortly after the first fire; think l told him the building was tried to be sot o;1 are; lie ne. told me he tett Lore to tel! Dr. Hall about the Jauuaryflro ; ,31ou't know what he told Hall ; I knew Keen event the morning after the fire to tell about 't and of course I didn't thiuk it necessary to .toll hPm myself: ztw Dr. Hell in St. Marys the second time since the fire; thy; was about three weeks ago; didn't tell him I suspected any one; [ thought keen must have set it on ilre, owing to his 40.1000 ;. tee night of the Tammy fire Keoa went out after supper, stayed out about nett ho tr and a half, then carne in and want to Lo.l, taking the boy with him ; Keen couldu't I ear any noise made by us when the fi e 'was being pttt out ; Ken went to brad about half -past nine ; he get up about au hour after the fire, and l meet lulu on the road; Keen was very anxious to go to St. Mary's the next morn- , ing ; I believe he told erne when ho came bank that he had told Hall ; . •hard McDermott say lie thought Keen set fire to the beilding ; heard ltim say 80 fn ilowey's house ; Mr. Keen locked up the shop that night ; the boy Leslie told me that Keen g.tve him the key after corning in from his hoar. aud.a-half airing outside; Koen 1 did not before this appear to be a very heavy e eeper; saw a letter that was sent up to Keen with McDerutott, iu his house ; saw the piece l of paper in his hand; there was money iu it ; lie read the letter to me ; it said "Enclose $30 in ietter; be sure rued have stook ?insured, and elon't let McNatbb't come near the building; McDermott read the letter to ane ; the letter was opened in McDermott's house ; didn't see any nano signed to the letter; didn't look at the letter ; didn't know that the building was ver insured ; I asked the leapt a building could be i,isured for ; they said six cents on the dol- lar ; I valued the machinery at Dr. Hall's re- quest for the first insurance; have not any re- me.nbraaca what valuation I Placed on it ; value tlto buillih:' at about $500; never saw Shand litl after the lata fire. To Mr. Elliot --Didn't value in December for Dr. Hall ; Keen said he had word from. Hall that I was not to be allowed in the shop, and that Dr. Hall had bought the out; after the January fire Keen refused admittance to Mr. McNabb. To Mr. Moserip-Have no 111 will towards• Keen, but have no .reesott to fcel;xfrieudly to )rim ; don't believe that any person not having possession of the key could have set fire to the building ; if Koen hadn't the key that night, I don't believe lie could have set fire to it; rem- ember having a conversation with a matt about Mr. Mosorip's size, in his office in St. Marys; remember telling him that I had a suspicion' Bs to who had attempted to fire the buildin e; Keen is ant the person I mentioned; remember sluing McDermott with a letter for Keen; saw McDermott open this letter and destroy the en. *elope ; Mee Mc1)emi:at Was also present; saw McDermott take the letter ottt of the envelope and read it; it was to this effect: " Enclosed find $30. See that the stock is well insured,' t).nd don't let 1IcN,abbs near the tactors:" Swear positively that ,was the, import of • what 41fDcr- Knott real; there were three tent dollar bills iu the totter; I saw the inonoy ; McDermott said the letter 5x;3 from Hall to Keen; after retldhig away. To Mr. Elliot --Never know Shawl toil be. fore that time to go to look at the shop to see that fell was safe; heard. Shand get out of bed once to look at shop, 40 he sold. To Mr. Mosorip—When Mrs. McAlpine cal- led rue the night of the January fire, I thought it was a sell to get me out of bed to build a tire; saw no light; never thought there was a fire ; stn a heavy sleeper, and slid not miss Keen out of the bed until the morning : heard Howey say Keen had met hint thcni,;ht of the fire going to the factory; I spoke to a man ahem wood on Thursday. To lir, McNabb—A party told me that Keen set the place on fire in January, and I told Mr. itfcAlpine. To the Coroner --When I came down stars Mrs. Mei.lpinn spoke to Inc about the fire, and r I replied that Keen must have douo it., as h+, ltal the key. To Mr. Wanless—Migltt have told Mr. Hayes the morning after tho fire iu January, that the only one who could get into the fac- tory was Been, • because he carried the key ; don't remember that I told McGlaughlau the sante th.iug. To Mr. McNabb—Got $1 from Keen the day after the fire; when he gave nee the $1 lie promised to pay me up like a m ui ; he also promised the same since the fire : also since the examination : by right Keen paid rue all he owes me: the morning I received sttbpcena he promised to pay me up : McAlpine owe ;1101. but Keou is to pay me this. It being 12 o'clock, and the other witnesses having 'scouted' for .tome, the coroner decided to adjourn the inquest until this (Thursday) moruiug, at ten o'clock, in order to secure the atteudauce of Mr. Jones, of 81.Marys. At that hoar the in- quiry will be resu ned in the Commercial hotel Court room Flii.ii I� OR SALE-- .Lit G, Saublo tent. Steam ea 5e acres, 80 acres cleared, 12 efloppe.l, good br iolc h n s t, good stable, web Puce 1.Lcud escelleut, tin lake shore, i• of a milt tom _port matte. where boats run three times a week, ani ,tt of a m 1•s from Grand florid, Convcntentteecooll and cheecties, on go ,d road, Price, inert, term Isasy; SLDitd108 u DJd1.- DiNS, ilreweter p o sr .►/ iftKETS . BALL WHEAT. White, Whe,tt 90 to 0 93 woatt' •... ... 90 to 0 93 SPRING W AT Fite " ... .. ... 0 80 to 0 87 Rud Chaff " .. . ... 0 70 to 0 80 Harley . .. . ....0 40 to t 55 Oats ... ... •.. 0 27 to r• 38 Glover Seel................. ...... ...... ..... 3 40 to 3 70 Peas ... ... ..• ... 050to050 Eggs ... ... ... 0 15 to '1 16 Butter • ... ... . 0 12 to.0 15 ['lour por bbl, ... .. 4 00 to 4 50 Potatoes, per bag ... ... 0 50 to 0 7.5 Apples, per bag ... ,.. ,.. 50 to ) 75 t)rted Apples pr b... ... ... ... 0 06 to 0 07 Bogs, dressed per 100 ... ... a 00 to 6 00 He•tf 400to560 Utiles .. ... ... 500 to 6 00 Sheepskins,each ... ... ... 60 to 1 00 Hay per ton ... ,.. ... 700 to 8 00 Onions per hush ... ... ... 0 50 to 0 755 Lard ,.. 0 018 to 0 09 Wool, per lb ... .. 0 211 to t) 21 Turkeys per lb 0 07 to 0 07 Geese " r,.... ........ 0 05 to 0 05 Ducks, uer usir . ....... .......... .. 020 to 0 23 13ENSALL SUFKIT11. * Wedtowheat............ ....... ..... ......... ....i 83 to 85 ail' wheat. 0 83 to 084 spring wheat.— ...... ..... ................ 0 70 to 0 78 Barley 0 50 to 0 75 I. *ma .. 0 50 to 0 G2 0111; 0 23 to 0 26 Hides....... , .............. .... 5 00 to. r, 60 sheep akins ... . 0 75 to 1 00 Hogs ,325 to 3 50 Butter ......................•.. ,..,.. ,......... 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs 0 it, to 0 15 Wool, ........ ., ... .... 0 22 CO C 24 ST. MARY'S (U89-13151 eegelerly by A.t:albrtiIth,0lerk. Delhi wheat, per bushel........,0 93 to 0 90 Spriti3 whoat •......,..f .....:....... 0 Si to 0 85 11ur1 40 to 0 00 Peas 55 tr, 0 57 01111 t) 28 to 0 24 t?ottitoes por bag-- ........ . ..... •0 8t1 b''0 ee Apttien 0 50 to t) 75 Beef .ser lb 00410000 Mutton ' 1',,ra per ewt ... ,... , 13trt F.ggttert, por dozen Turkeys,,.. Geese' Chtcki air ... 0 40 to 0 5i) ,Chtekets', „ .. .,,0 20 to 0 Sri .8", • . 'I3ideti 10411(5;; •h 00 tn,.g Wood cord Hay ,. 600t 800 W�V 023 tt1 nkl4 d4trepekius 0 50 to 0 76 tiful worlt of 100 Pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and 300 Illu;tra*ions, with Descriptions of the bust Ph wars and Vegetables. and BOW to grow there. All for a Five Cont Stamp. In English or German. The Flower and Vegetable Gnrdeu 17o Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hundred e'tgravings. For 50 cents in paper covers ; 41.00, in elegant cloth. In Gorman or English. Viel:'s Illustrated Monthly Magazine 32 pages, a color- ed Plate in every u'nnhe3 earl mine fine Eo- graviugs. Price 51.21 ayoar;rive copies for $500. Sore:men numbers sent for 10 Ot)ete. Viok's Seeds are the best in the world. Send Five cent Stamp fors& Floral Guido, containing List and Prices, and plenty of information. Address. JA,3IBS VICK, Rochester, N. Y, ▪ XI+;