HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 4(aunt billed from first pp) Alpine & Keen; lease grown in Jonesoffice ; signed the lease about the first of January ; don't know who is witness to lease ; aduk McAlpine & Keen were both present when lease was signed ; lease for one year, with privilege of three ; don't know when sent was payable; it was$600 a year; can not say whether to be paid monthly or at end of the year ; think in inthly ; no r•en t has been paid yet ; have tried to collect rout; took out a landlord's war - int ; know some of the rent is duo ; it vita at my instance this distress war- rant was issued ; have known 'McAlpine ince last fall, and Keen two years ; 111cA.Ipine is a mechanic ; don't know What partioalar kind ; saw McAlpine when lease was made ; first knew Keen ii St. Mery's ; Keen is a mechanic, a builder, I believe ; worked at it in St. Mary's; have uo t known hint intimate- ly ; do net kunw whether steadily ern- , toyed during two years or not; have elo part or profit in business ; don't Runty who furnished IttuAlpitm & Keen With materiel for carrying on the blvd. Imes ; have known Shand about thirty years ; first him him in Toronto ; have Heel) kith often in St, ltlary'a ; think he liae hear living there about twenty years ; 1 bIziu k he is a gas -fitter ; has no regular employmeut in S. Mary's ; drinks a little at times ; don't know that. he is a na tu of any means ; dida't Pend flim to Exeter ; don't know what otused him to come to Exeter ; didn't e mil Keen to Exeter ; gave Keen a let- ter of inireduction to McAlpine in De- cember; Eeeu wanted to go into the linsiuesa ; he bad no interest in tie,: bueitteres befere the first of Januery ; I i applied tamper to McAlpine for the business and was to get half the profits; rupplied $100 ; uothing stated as to what McAlpine was to supply; don't .v how many men McAlpine ont• ployed ; d net think I got half the pro- fits ; dm% know whether McAlpine was it matt of means or not ; Wei not in Exeter in Jetmary ; first board of the Ere ie Jaututry, on Monday hest ; swear to that positively; don't know wher Shand came here ; swear I didn't send Shand here; gave Shand no letter of i itroduction; swear positively that 1 a:d not snow of the Jauuery firs until ]at Monday ; the piece was insured for $1,750 iu the Oi izens and 51,750 in the Western. I think with N. E. Birtch at S.Moy 8, receiving the Ned Lotion through MoAlpine; saw AIcAlpine in St. Itteky's when I obtained valuatiou ; doe% know the back of Ids calculation ; 1 filled nil the ineuranoe 'application ; eras nit notified by letter of theelann- nry fire ; peid the insurance premium anyself to N. E. Birtch ; never sent money to McAlpine to ray the insur- ance ; never sent taut $80 for any par - robe ; Sent K :en 580 about laat of jam. teary. at K !en's reg east, the request be- i et. by letter, as advance ou good,: be b id delivered there; not likely 1 sent motley wit hon* siguing the letter ; think it ells addressed to Keen, but not cer- tain ; mil Keen in letter to see 1 let istock weir well insured; was not itified by telegraph that either of t uese 1u:1:trances w as not act:opted; never saw or heard' Of such a te:egram ; may have heued sumething of it slime the fire ; never heard from B:rtch that eith ir of therm iiisnrances was not ge- cdpted ; grit policyjof Citizens from Mr. Bartel, ; sent the $30 to Keen in letter by some person who was coinieg; think it wes McDertnett,teiling him to deliver to Keen ; stuff was sent to Mr. Her. Stone, of Si. Mary's, but mine to me ; b Jtsno f itindry or any placef eltstoriog iisstuff ; dou't !mew where aey of tee stuff is ; am Eleratone's family doc• te ; he is ti 11trd ware tnerchaut ; 1: tow of any stuff being removed from 're and stored in St. Alary's ; have no stet ehenee of any Ichel itt St. Mery'e; bon •e, two tote and rectory 1 b for 51,400 ; have copy of applieation at oaiee; veined it io application over $ o00;"ainsured for $35.000. ' • • To Mr. Elliot—Heard of fir‘by tale. gr0 en. Saturday ; did not tell agent :tome fire till &Imlay afternoon ; look. e 1 about, the stre.et fur agent but did n g 1. to his office ; told some nne else of th fire, but cool( nut say who it w ni ; •et tw Mr. Biatelt in his own hone; hal iitecenversatiou with Birtchebont Foley ; Mr. Birtch was agent fdr ttie aunaeies ; don't know whether inert. gege ante discharged or not ; know the preperty tv4s u 'der mortgage ; never a ilted Mr. Joitee whether the mortgage as diseharged or not ; told him about f enr or five tut:tithe ago • to register I please of mertgage ; have not a iced him uleint it, eince ; have other property se se MAry.r ; don't keep the deeds ; v exeminect the deeds of other prore arty, hitt hey° not 1 ioked at thie'deed don't know whether it wits completed or not ; pot information in December as valuation upon Which applieatiou Was b teed, but di,le't melte application nail February; MaAlpine never told ref vette° to fire letviticheen ,vereil in the hailding: no one else told. pre of it timet know It iw),ItIcDorto tea 1* tretataiet teecome to Exater ; I keete thee wanted et tuner; trever. 'melte to. atep,,smett ebent it : don't knew how I ettat. to meet LDria.: ; was not in THE TIMES AleDermott'is house before thie week since the fire ; gave him the letter rot Keou at my office: lie told the lie was corning to Exeter: had seen MaDermot before,but was not Intimately acquaint. ed: told pini deliver it to Keen : receiv. uo acknowledgement from Keen : don't even know whether he has ever got it yet: I thought it would arrive safely ; have spoken to Keen about it slime; he told me he had received the money ; he didn't say what he had done with it; it was an advance on material sent to Duncan Miller: have not received the $80 from Miller : understood from Danced) Millar that the stiff was there; I don't know what Keen would de with the mousy unless furnish material ; the warrant of distress is leaned for 550 for one mouth's rent : the tease coin. inoneed on the 1st of January : war. lAlpme asked me to get him it partner ; rant fur rent was issued this week Me - sent Keen at McAlpine's suegestion : most likely I. recommended Keen : did not provide to a: -sit Keeo : the 580 was the first assistance over I gave Keen : might have lent money to klo- Alpiue, but don't remember : heard from harstone that etnff was delivered there : he told told me stuff was seta from factory here : don't think I asked hitn: uuderstood hem Miller 'that he had received 560 in material from the factory : said nothing about rent to Mc:Myhre when I sent him the money: the stuff at Miller's is worth 500 : he owes me $80 on the same trans tetiou : understood 1ililler bought it and was te pay me $80 on it : dim% know whether that sent to Harstoue was purchesed uot. To Mr, McNabb—Keep bank book in Bank of Meutreal, hi St. Marys insured the building in litth 0 impaniee for three menthe ; insured 1 it that abort term thitikiog I might sell ; base been offered $2,800 for the property from \Vilsou ; tnis at the factory ; dou't kuow where Wilson livee ; Mr. Adams was preseut when th offer was made; no cue ever offered me $21G0 ; know of no stuff Whig taken from the factory to the old foundry ; think Har - stone etores goods there ; told the par- ty who brought it to deliver at the old foundry fur Hale.oue ; &lift know -who tt was ; think ite was a stage dri ver ; Haretoue boaght the stuff; don't know whether he (edema it or not [ can't say wliy I t•o!ct t'ie Ault' to be delivered to Iiarstone ; had 110 cooversatiou with Harstone or anyone else as to why he should send the stuff to the old fauedry ; the stage driver Iidu't tell me that he had been tt Mil- !er's. uor (lid 1 see him there ; tinder. stood McAlpine & Kan had sold stuff to Mr, limestone; e &Li% say why I sent the stage driver to lEarstone with the :tuft ; probably heard from Keen the Elatstoue had pnrcuased the stuff; save put in a turning Lathe, boring tchiee, and, 1 think, 8 or 4 saw, bet caul say when ; coulde't say wbether tt we-, before or after 1 leasad it to Mce Alpine ; don't lino .v how inany s tws were in the factory wheu 1 boueht it ; there were some it it, and 1 have tak- en noue out ; put in theretwe he was tu get them pit in ; 1 ga the etivs, but don't know whether they :owe put in o • n, ; also got the tare. Me lathe, but don't know Whether it sai mit 10 or not ; don't kno v what tehinery was in the place ; have lee tdea how many saws were ie the place wheu buret ; think there ought to have been six or eeven ; have never been there siuce they should h este beep put 11) ; the saws were bought from Abe Jones, no price was fixed et hem, 1 ;vas merely to pay what- wee reale-ma. 1.1e ; he toll me the prices, the lathe Wes to be 540; he has never given UM A hill of the good—.'b the boring machine from • Mathea O'Brien and. {ate hitn 510 for it; the Newt, earst 55 •,ach, tha lathe, $40, belting, 58; dou'L Iceow the total to be paid Jones ; he has no interest ie the property ; tio Due 11)14 Bey interest Mit but myself ; SUP - pose Jones has chaiged• me whit the same ; liti nettling to do with partuer- akal. or McAloine & Keer, 1>etet McDermott sworn—Live in S. nerd run a wood turner ; worked ill the building berried shice the skond Thursday in January,. hasieg beeit employed by McAlpine & Keen ; when E arrived at the •fire Saturday morning rhe fectory was mostly burot. Left • .*bout 6 30 the pretiona evening ; the .lanuery fire .oecurred at. tny Imam ; I believe it wait set afire because 0( 1130 table lege Nitro retu ived from where they had been piled the previous night and placed on the fire ; the table legs wore spoiled ; eller that I wits alwave in d..ead lest may tools should be band, and so took theta away at night ; never did thie Were. . The •stove war about 3 feet from the fi e ; the took' of the riffeir tea me to belieere the fire was not het:ideate). No one in partichlar 0eked the (104 et night ; jetties Lealie and SX illie McNabb wore • the firemen ; wee at both fires tut, soon. es 1 citadel (Irene anti get there ; • den% say 'Altai I ev•ir told env persoo the place would be wined : brought 'a letter from Dr. Hill .to Kean : Ini didirt tell mo there , I believe I said a, word to anyone abont the money in the letter being sent to insure the stock : was constantly em ployed when in the factory: intended moving my family to town next week, as I purposed continuing work in the factory : worked ell day Friday the engine stopped running about 6.15 ; don't know whether there was any fuel to °arty on the work next day or not, To Mr. MoNabb—Have lived iu St. Marys eines: Sep., 1877 ; lived at Avon - ton before that ; lived there a Itttle ov- er a year ; wes foreman of Mr. Intnituie shop; lived in Stratford befere Avon - ton; had ' it power rented in St. Marys, and had a business of my own ; worked a while for Mr. Garner; Npbody tient inc to Exeter; . Mr. Keen hired mo, :sending a little girl to my Manse on Now -year's (ley; I was to be paid $2 it day ; came 011 first Wednesday after New•year ; Howey asked the if Dr. Hall bad gearenteed my wages,. but 1 I never told him he did ; there were five men working in the shop at the time of fire ; when I left didn't notice who looked the door ; wesn't there when it was looked ; rio true in the shop but myself had tools ; no nue told 113,1 who bed key that night ; heard James Leslie say he had key on night uf January fire ; Shand was riot there nt titne of January fire ; det.t't know Shand's duties there; young Leslie showed him how to run engine ; don't know whether he worked all the time or not ; Laslie was learniug to turn than% notice Shand or anyone of the establishment wheu I got to fire ; don't know whether there was fire in stove that night when I loft or not ; don't know who locked door on night of Ja telly fire ; have no idea who had key on night of January fire ; don't remember telling McAlpine that Keen sail the building uould be burued Mat 0 Brian didn't hear of fire till next morning after breakfaat ; all the hauls were itt the same house on night of January Due; ieterided goiug home to pay a eke on Saturday ; told no one intend •(1 to stay there ; dide't tell Elowey so ; never told Howey I wits leaving baceuse building was going to bu bunted down ; think 1 wonld re- membar if 1 tom him ; have been Immo several times ; went hotne near- ly every Saturtlai night ; saw Han ones ; don't remember when I went to [Ir. Hell's °Nee to get the letter ; Mr. "Teen told inn go.for the letter Keen save we a note .to carry to.De. 111i; dote,. remember what •.E relict to him ahout fire ; won't swear that I told him enythiug about January 'fire ; savour that I did or' that I didn't ; have mi couversetiot: with D.'. Hall during ka1 day or two about the fire ; it was lb reference to taking the items of the oriaddnery ; am perfeetty positive that lete Hall and I never rehearsed my evidence : IL few whifl ereea and noel: - yoke,: were retrieved from the f tctory the day b ifore fie, oleo a bundle of oiottaitandles, and two' sets of mutters, lot a whole load : told no one that tly erything was taken away the day be - f we fire : don't know whit value prover y remained in bailding Klett helped D tvis to pat the stuff ou the sleigh : have baell paid alt my wages tat $2,4 : was paid hy Keen the let- ter I brouelit wits delivered to Keen : tin perfectly positive 1 did not open the letter : wasdioine. last Wedttesday night abont 8 o'clock': saw Mr. Gill end Dr. Hell : saw Ilan in his office : saw him at 8 o'clock at night : went to telt him if he was going to Exeter : lever mentioned fire to him : valued neenitiery at $3,875 : arrived at this valuetiee by price lists of -machinery : Oiek the valtettion as fair : think the balding was worth 5400 or $500 : • the -hafting. was not included im my•valua• lion': To Mr. Eiliott--After coming to Exeter I went home Ithnost every Sat. trilay : might have mitered elm Satir- ise,. (Cite witness here displayed such au extraordinarily 'bad t; memory that Mr. Month() asked him if he re. nembered (Jhristmas, and New -sews, which he replied'itreheratfirmative..) there lieve been seven or eight Sun- days since Na" -years, but don't' know low often I went berme Raving Dr.. Hell : don't know whether 1 went once, twice, three or four times a week : re- member going only onee except • on La Seturdty : that was the night of Mr. Brown's 'Meeting match : Keen and Willy McNabb went with me ; MN ibb (tame hotne with' me : was down town : don't know whether the Janurtry• fire had taken place before that tinnier not: didn't speak to anyone about the fire .xcept the men in the shop ; was b iarding et Mr. 11 iwev'e : did t't men- tiou the fire there, but talked. about it : saw Win. MuNiteb a'meit every day : don't reniember telling him that the wurol was ell (teed up, but won:t swear told Keen 01,4 Mr. MoNebie wa not to be allowed teecome.nottealaa building : don't know who told me that MoNahla was not t0. be edeteetlie the shop ; wtet swear that I ail fib)! toll Mrs. McAlpine that Keen was emphaetto biarte the rt ing won't wear t Mrs. ws4. ail)maney in thielettea; saytHowev theti%tialiaved•liisee twits one of whether it was sealed or tk4t : don't , Dr. Hell's tools, and that the building Was going to be burned : will ewear that I never told Homy that Dr. Hall was responsible for my wages : all I told Howey about Stoma was that he drank a little told Keeu who sent the totter, and if Keen says he don't know who sentit lie,I believe,tells an untruthi !thew Miller & Harstone well ; knew goods were going there before they went ; uuderstood they were sold ; won't swear that I dion't say that the stuff was sent away because the builds ing wae going to be burned. To Mr, McNabb—Told .someone on morning of fire something about mak- mg 510 : expected to make it out of whiffietrees that I was turning ; woul swear that I didn't tell someone that we had burned the last stiok of wood, and that 1 hoped the insurance would be obtained ; expected to male 510 for the firm on day offise. To Mr. Moscrip—I intended looming back if I got employment by the year : no persou told me what evideuee to give. To Mr. McNabb—Will swear that I dido't say that I knew the building waa ging to be hunted, and that I would see that the insurance mooey was not Paide; 'lMr. Moaorip—My only reason for supposieg the building world bo bnrued was that it had been fired be- fore. 1.12o Mr. McNabb—Won't swear that didn't say to Hayes on morning of fire, "Well, John, you're tiers to see he fire, after all ;" won't swear that I did not say the same thing ot Cole. Mat. O'Brien sworn—Am a resident of St. Marys, and a mitchiuist by trade. Oi Sunday, ath February, Mr. Kean came to my plane and told me his ma- chines didn't work very well; and wish- ed me to come and fix them ; but did- n't care to leave my business ; came just to oblige Keen, becalm I hate to see it fellow stock, you know ; came on the 10th, atal was to receive 52 a day, bot didu't want to stay long; about 9 o'ehielt, when near the factory, met Shand, who said he was looking about in ease of fire; went to work the next day to fix the band saw ; worked about fuer days altogether ; brought up a lathe and boring machine, but couldn't find out who Wee to pay me ; 1 asked McAlpine, and he said Dr. Hall had agreed to send the articles; be asked Dr. Hall for pay, and he said he had nothiug to do with it ; got the articles I brought up at the obi foundry in St. Marys ; they say the old foundry be- longs to Mr. Jones ; I got all the ma• chiuery there; .got only $1 for my w rk and nothing for bringing up the inachinery; was iu bed at Brown's hotel at the time of the last fire, and heard nothing of it mita after break- fast ; Was in the engine room about 4 Friday aiternoon, and there were only A LW sticks of cordwood lift; intended toting home auywey, because it didn't pity me to key. Ti Mr. MeNabb—Dou't think $2 a day good wages for me, because I am itm baseness ; told McDermott I was ming back, and he said he was going too ; he would say one thing one clay about goiug and the next day quite the contrary ; have lived in St. Mary'e about 15 years ; worked for Haggert, :also for Moore about two years; Bob Herstoue and I Are partners ; we run en implement business ; I am iu will a little, site also n contraotor ; arn in ;several other Mingo, and in fact do aoything to make money; ani also a partner with De. Hall in a patent right for a grate which 1 invented ; wheu 1 came the last time to Exeter I told my pro tner I would be beak in two days; Kan waeu't in the business when I brought up the mitohinery ; Hall did tell me he would be responsible for my pay then; he also said he would to eponsible for the machine I sold him ; sold the machine for $10 ; don't keow who had the key the night of the fire; Shand usually locked up ; think I saw the door shut that eight ; don't know whether young Leslie had the key or not ; saw Dr. Hall in St. Marys on il inday following the fire ; saw hint nt his office, in the afteraoon ; N. E. Birtch 'and. others were present ; saw him also for a few minutes on Snuday, end told him ebout the fire ; told him the place had been fired in January, itnil be said he had beard within of it 1 told no one ou the morning of the lire that I was not working iu the fac- tory by the day ; did hear lots of ru- mors ; heard ,the fire was going to be set ; the stuff sent from the factory the day before it was burnt was taken to Elaretone's more, but as this had changed betide, the new proprietor wouldn't take it, saying be only wanted to keep good rite; don't know who hired tact at all ; went to Hall before I came; one meld "Come," anti the other maid " Go." McAlpine said " Come" and Hall said "Go," and I came ; got all the machinery I .brought at the old foundry,, reported to be ewned by Mr. ,Ionee , told me to get them; askiitt Jones should take them ; be told me to, go 'to the old f iundry and take whatever, they wanted ; [this wile repeated by the witness] ; both Jones and Hall told mo to take the property; Itinem appeared to be the in.ait iuter• FAIllitletItY 27 187J °Med in tile property; thought pine was wanting the machinery, and Hall was getting 11 (03' him from Jones; didn't get paid for bringing the stuff to Exeter; brought no spoke lathe; the Dr, told mo there was a spoke lathe here ; thought from what 1. heard that the place was set on fire ; heard lots Q1 people talk about the first fire ; told the Dr. of this fire and he said iG was in. reared ; the goods sent to Haretene were taken to Jones's old foundry after being refused ; thought Keen was raisiug hard feelings in the factory ; may havo told some One that Keen and Shand were hard cases; did tell some one the morning after the fire that my wages were all right, as Dr. Hall Ives respou- To Mr. Mece—Dr. Hall gave me a letter to give Kean when I brought up the lathe. 8 p. rn. Friday. ;earn a. Keen sworn—I, with AInAlphio, rented the beading factory from 1)r. Hall, the loose being drawn by Jones dt Moscrip, of St. Marys, sometime in the latter part of Decem- ber. The rent was payable tit the end of each , month,if50, or $600 it year. I have known hfeAlpino six a seven weeks, and got acqnaint- ed with -him through Dr. Hall ; rio one scut mo up hero; sent myself ; had no letter of intro- duction from Dr, Hall ; Mat. O'Brieu gave me a letter, but I don't know what it contsined ; don't know who sent it; have known Hall about two years; worked at my trade iu 8. Marys; was a contractor there; worked fur Dr, Hall at differ- ent times; have been back to St Marys three or four tunes since the January fire; brought up my family about the end of ;Tannery; can't. swear that 1 saw Dr. Hall in St. Marys after the January fire, but won't swear I had no conversation with Dr. Hall about that fire • would not he natural for MO tO remember if bad such a conversation; don't know wit 1 time the fire in January was, but think it was about the end of the mouth; went to St. Marys after- wards and have no doubt I saw Dr. Hall; may have seen him in his office or on the street; may have had conversation with him, but can't say ; suppose I informed him of the fire ; have no doubt I did inform him ; no doubt 1 went to St. Mays to inform him of the jannary fire ; don't know whether he said anything when I told him ; swear I can't tell what be said; don't remember that any one was in his office when I told him; had uo insnrance on building or tool; after the January fire applied to Birtch for insurance on the stock, but he refused, and directed me to 'Amble, who also refused, but why I can't say; never applied to O'Byrne McDermott brought me a letter, 'which he said was from Dr. Hall; this was the day ho shut McAlpiue out of the factory; there was no ad- dress on the envelope, and I don't remember whether it was signed or not ; Dr. Hall scut me the Mi in that letter for stuff sent to Duncan Miller; the letter did not say what the money was for ; don't think it was after the receipt of the money that I went to see Dirteh abont in- suring the stock; no oue was present when I opened the letter, Mi I carried it m My poeket an hour or so before opening it ; got the letter at the factory; Leslie and Shand live in tho- house with me; can't say whether the letter was opened before I got it or not ; don't know whe- ther it is destroyed or not ; there was a written agre.naent as to partnership between McAlpine and myself ; Hall had nothing to do with arran- ging our partnership; never saw him here un- til lest Monday; don't thirk I talked to him several times about the fire; I hired MeDev- mott; never told anyone he was sent by Hal; hired Shawl also, and never told anyone that Hall hired hire; wanted him to work, and he was not sent as night watchman; Shand gene- rally went round the factory at nights tel see that everything was all right; Shand took the key Friday night last; ho has had it every night since he came up; he boarded witn me; never enquired who locked the door that night; am proprietor of that business and never made this enquiry; don't know whether the people. believe me or riot; if anyone asked me I should say Shawl locked the door,. bemuse he. had charge of the key; went in bed about 8 o'clock the night before the last fire; first heard of the fire a few minutes before four; dressed as fast, as I could and ran to the fire; Shand and Les- lie were them; the whole thing was falling in; Shand (lid not say anything about how it oc- curred; could get into the factory without the key, could go in by the window, for McAlpine got iu that wayand stoht the books; the boiler was in the end of the building toward street ; the other cud of the buildingfell first; won't swear there was $200 worth of stock left in the building; I sent away a lot of stock the day be- fore the fire by stage to Harstone ; didn't send it to Miller's; think the stage driver would be wrong if be says I sent it to Miller ; don't know - where the stuff is now; hoard. from evidence in previous court that it is in the old. foundry; think Harstoue owns the stuff; looked the fac- tory myself the night before the January fire afteiwards gave' the key to Leslie, who kept it all night; that fire took place about 11 o'clock ;• heard of it the next. morning: McAlpine and McDermott wont out to the first fire ; McAlpine came back about 1 o'clock and told me about' the fire ; don't know that I was called that ught ; neither Leslie nor myself got up; Leslie. went to bed when I did, but he au not get up at all ; Leslie said when Mrs. McAlpine called him the night of the fire:in January last " Oh, that's too old a tale" ; they would wake him up, any time they got their eyes abroad. To Mr, Elliot—Mr. Easton° did not order - any stuff from me; he merely told me he would want something after awhile; I heard after the <N.. stuff was sent that la . refused to take it ; hoard. he refused bemuse invoice was not sent; sup- y posed he owns the stuff beeause I sent it to him; barred McAlpine out bemuse I thought he had robbed me ,eiaangh already ; know the boy hak got in the factory without the key ;* found this out about three weeks ago, when the fire had beau attempted, but didn't take any precaution to close this aperture ; didn't think . 11 was necessary; was afraid the place would be destroyed. Mit yet $.00k no precaution to guava against anyone eutering the building ; Went to St. Mary's the next da:;' ; employed Shand c. cense I thought he was treat' vorthy ; when I• gave him the key I told him to look after the place; the door of My house was left opon, and Shand mild go hi and out whenever he liked; if he was out at any tint° and I asleep by come in without my hearing him; didn't see Shand wino ii thi nigh t of the last fire, nor did I see him go out AMOR Leslie I didn't see coming in, WIWI* it was about nine ts'clock. To Mr. Moserite—Ifie:valite of the goialit sent to Haratont was about $23 or a24; brt'e heard the boys say they could get through the hole et the end ,Of, tbe, building ; the, pia., foundry is a. storehotise tdr MI:atone; know it by win • IN fat., OtOriett going'ii and oitt 80 131)1 1, 11111 nby,seeing his teaperri there ; sant the stuff t • }:4rstane Is/cause I know whet he a Id, ant A 4