HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 2Tar, TIMES LIFE IN CANADIAN BUSH, An interesting but (to emigraute of the genteel,elass) not very encoaroging hnolr, giving the experience of a lady who a ith her family tried that remote region, has jug been published under the title of "Letters from Muskoka :"— We read that the preface, that the writer, n 110 is An officer's widow, had lived for several ware near Calais, w he u the state of affairs after the French war cotupelled her to seek a new tome. A son in London onve up an excellent tatuation to accompany his mother and nsou-indaw,who held the post of math ernatieal professor at an English school Pratte°, resolved to emigrate, with hie wife and childr ot. "With Glees intentions, W. read up" says the writer, "a few boats on onagration, aud being utu!te ignorant of tho expense of An long a journey, of the hardships of Thieh, and of the abeolnt.e thoessit,y for a stun of money to begin witlowe came ont,htiping,in our in nocence,that strong, hear te, willing heeds, and the pension of an ofileor's widow worad he inex. haustible riches in the wilderness" The ignorance or "innocence" dieplayed \vat portentous (says the reviewer of thetteirk intim peat )r(wt1o'14 summary of its cootente we use). On reaubing Quebec, the writer, with her so n daughter, found themselves at the be- ginning of a very Ping journey utterly without mettle to carry them beyond Ute fit st few stages. A small remittance was half expected, brit the exoectation proved (Ltd( iveand it wasfound neos- nary to pledge a gold watch before they mild quit the tOWil. They then Quebec tor Montrenhand were begniled into Ptillinan's sleeping cars, little im- agining how greatly it would add to the expense of their journey. The set- tlement was reached at last, and the reader is asked o judge of their dimity upon finding, thnt those who had enm, to burden with our presence were, fo he time being,as penniless as nurselves and that, weary and fatigued as we were, the only refreshment iny d 'at child could offer was linseed tea, with• nub sugar or milk, and sour dqughy bread, which 1 couLl not pnren.tde my ((elf to swallow." Here we must took. A, break, to explain that the lady's sob in-law and daughtet who had lived rre- viouslo in France, had preceded her ti Canada, and had earth(' with them a young la(ly, said to be very beantifnl, wti) was engaged to Charles, the origi- nal emigrant. The marriage took placo or her arrival, and the unsatis- factory larder just described belonged to the young couple. Tile nearest stoic at Utttrson, was six miles from the settlers' land, and Wo are told that tiny were in imminent danger cf etarvatin from the had food and the difficulty ot procuring, it. The discomforts of life in the Bash are, no doubt, great, and eocrrding to the writer, settlers ill nits' koka have especial trouble to eoetend with, as the soil is poor and hungry. stud the only reliable crops are oats and potatoes "I hardly dare," says the wt•iter, whose letters are addressed to a dough for in England, "describe, the miserably ohange we foiled in our employments and manner of life when we first rettled •down to hard labor in the Bash, L watt anguish to me to see your Pieter and sister-in-law, so tenderly and deli- ttely brought up, workitig harder by far thou any of our servants in Eng land or France. It is one thing to sit in a pretty drawing room to play, to sing.te study, to embroider, and to en • jyse al and intellectual cony. r e wi h K nateub circle of kiwi friends, and it quite another thing to slave and toil in a log house no better than a Michel, from morning to night at cleaning, washing, bakint g preparing mealfo 1,tingry ,nen. Ic nifesa to my shame that my philosophy entirely gave way, and that fur a long tnne 1 cried eon t.tantly:' The writer adds that her children i•redicted that she wonld Ming on sof' .cul'ig in the brain by her unceasing regrets f.ir th1 peasnd gloomy prog- vest ioations for the future. It it evi- delft that this ledy Iota entered thought. les -ay upon a life for withal she wit,- itofitted. Of oonree it is one thing t tit; in A dratAing,room and another thin to labor in the Bush, but the dif ference is so obsinne, that we read with sm•ptise how unprepared she was for it. ate n'onitirti mom thinkthese emigrati te kid looked forward to a !dement trip, iostead ef to severe mentod labor ;— "lo 0 oning out," shrowrites ngei we heal Monne ni providing any speci- e) outfit, end therefore brought with to; .oely the eirstiuttry wardrobe,' (If g,entsei life. We Henn forma that alt silks, de- tiome shoals, n rtlaft161 it4, ore PrreCt(y 4.0leee here. We, !idles were were thankful to lay aside ont toren 111 Kid beete and delicate slop. atit wrao oer feet awl lege ill/ 0-0 e.:Impletely that they tee stembled 111i1t. p els." 'Pete enrions tootle within with regard (sheered up innneaietely when her ama- in -law brought her his oat as a pres- ent. This lady felt ;too keenly the priva- tions and loneliness of a life to wltich she is unaccustomed ; hard working men anti women, on the contrary, are. not disposedto murmur at labor which ie breed upon theta in the Bnsh, 'The writer allows that unflagging industry insures to such persons o, competence, if not affluence, and she observes that as a body the settlers are 'not only thrifty and kind•nearted, but nlomet universally seem contented with their poeition and prospects." People of the werking-olaes, whose imagination is rarely vivid, and who know nothing of the charms of society, are not likely to be trontsled with the monotonous soli- tude of (ire in the Bush, a life which is especially lonely in winter, when the snow blocks up the familiar tracks through the woods. The writer (If these letters felt this loneliness severe• ly :— “None but those who have experi. enced it can ever Malin the utter weariness and isolation of I3nsh life,the daily recurrence of the same monotofl. one tasks, the want of time for mental oul-ure, the absence of congenial inter- course e ith one's fellow creatures, the many hours of unavoidable solitude. i he dreary, nnbrolten silence of the ins • mouse h neb, tv Lich closes roundthe small eleariege like a belt of iron ; all these things ere long press down the mos buoyant spiritoand snper-indnoe a kind If (hill despair, from which I have suf. Ivrea for month- at a time." Boschee's ratan Syrup can now bo pur chased right at 111)100, it is the most suocessf,.1 preparation over introduced to our people. works like a charm 3.0 all cases of Coutramp tion, Pnenmonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, se- vere Conghs, Croup and all other Throat au Lung DineaSes, No porson has ever maid thit medicine without getting immediate relief, ye there are a great mauy poor. suffering, skein]. oal persons going about our streets with a sin spicious cough, and the voine of consumptim aiming frotn their lungs, that will not try it. If you clie,it is your own faint. asyoa eau go to our druggist and get a Sample Bottle fot cents and try it; three doses will relieve a.y ease. Regular size only 75 cents. CATITIO_N I ! 3ray'sSyruD oRedSioruc.sGurr FOR (loughs, Colds, Oce.sumption, Roarsonesn, 1,03333 VOine, and alt affections of the Throat and Lungs TRADE MARK NOTICE. This is to im tim ate that the words, "Srnue Bien Simms GONE" constitute our Trade Merl abich i; duly soeured according to law both Ottawa and Washington. Any person infriugin the 33011113, 01 imitating the wrapper, which is Ins registered will bo proscuted forthwith, and witl out further notice, N. 11.—Any ono offering for sale; not being th. manufacturer,nn article for °auntie and colds beet Mg the above Trade Mark, id etteully liable witi the ratunfacteror (See Trade Mirk Act of 1838). KERRY WATsw: & co., holosale Druggists, M ratren.l. Solo proprietors of the above Trade Mark. Feb. 33' REMOVAL! REMOVAL! RE MOVAL! Et IL M. 0 VAL RE IZOVAL REMOVAL • P. FRAYNti has remove to his new shrm, lately occupied ln Perkins & en—two :Mors north of J. Grigg's boo' ;tore. where you will find everything use ttny km ir a first-class harness establishment, which fa -nullity of material and slyle of workmanship rs NuT EAS[LY SURPASSED Call and examine nty stook before purchasini elsewhere. PETER Fll ANNE. 11L177 FALL GOODS. 0, A0 1‹.1_01.41,1;1"" has Just 100,1Iva:1 a large stock of iritiches, Clocks, Jletvelir ry, i1,: Sir irig,v, specs acres, Liettaes, anti ri,itari6' Popti books. A largo stock of Fancy Clouds eon stoutly uu hand. TUE 1! A.111, AN D lisl Till it TRADE C. Boiatb.00tt 16.on l'Al Otte An d Mull • 'Peke pleasure ton form the inenbitentrof Exeter add eurronntung count' v, that they have Just eve aci 31 e(l) 03. e.".611etit GR soy tin en t of .e.nerfs, Coatings, rex/int/5 ea., I 4 the 144014t sitylee and patterns, an ct feel tosured rhnt iitbietu atter of mot:ring, they eau suit the mos tlastidlotintasten. DO NOT READ THIS I (t Lying received in lot of new eeltInery, L would inform the (armors of the sur- rounding country that 1 am prepared to mann- fitotaro slt lands of Horne Rakes, Barley Parks, Grain Ur».(110s, Siiait-hs ole, ajixt having seenroll the soriricos of a find -Muse Turner, I till ire ) urod le tio 01? TURNING t Co laces. 1(131 1010134 !Ina sil ropers reveal, wore, iirnhebty, Hymn the ri(1, and ,rj,, le 0,1„ 0. h vo more11 Pro mpotice, ad tor style sed prise , eft copm etition. ogys on hand. ti rst- "adi holt 1 ito 18•11r, 0.11011 (333.433o.; ss sto(.1 Fork and Sn'Inn.:11111,1111Arl, 14.1.04 1 111 %It, floistetd, . onforod it feel ng b3tf 9 sale south of,i'l?,zoter. 4 :7 .11 ig n a and weary, b ,; A. COT TE I.(L, TEW 11 L A OK S. All T H SHOI? ..i:' A.T WIN NW f SEA W. BUCEING liAlitlate of Exeter, 1.1 a acemnienced businessin the ra.'webrinieh at Winolunsert ,..-*".• and is tin- paeed to do all OroceriesBUonleotionary Snicking Tobacco 25 Cents per M kind ofh sok malting work none) shoe- CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS lugspe daily attended bo, Promptness, obespuese enclgood work guareatbeed, A. pall solicited. le-thn W, BUCKINGHAM $50,000.00 always instose. K3"3' SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. At auction. To commence on School Books, Stationery, magazine.. Monday, Dec.10,1878 'WITH ALL THE LATEST news W. 0. McGloughlin N.B.—Sening Nt aolna., Needles °fever), kind. A. 130YD. of 185 Dundas street, London, will on the above date, offer his whole stook, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at auction, and continuo the sale every . day at two o'clock in the after- noon and at seven in the evening during the bra - trace of the mouth,—from the 16th to the sub of 1.racember, Tis is the largest and hest stook that has ever been offered to the publio at their ONO prices; and, as everybody knows, the geode aro of the bent unrauftteture and every article ;will be war- rantod the 511130 09 if bought in the ortlin...ry way. This is a rare chance to get fine gold and silver ;vetches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and fancy goods at your own prices. Perhaps never again will such au eeportunity 00011r. Senn yourChristmae and New Year's presents at this sale. Save your money for this auobion-----and nial'emoney. W. D. MoGLOUGRLIN, Dundas street, London. GRAY'S SPROUT MEDICINE. The GreettEnglish TRADE NIA R tr. TRADE NI A R K.nemeciy,en entail ing cure for Semi- nal Wealtnes;, Sperm ato rrh e n, , Impotency, and all Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Sell Abuse, an loss of Memory, Before- Takni-. °Tundier,errRanini After Taking. Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, and mealy other Diseases that lead to literality or Consumption and a Premature grave. I1u1i particulars in our ptunphlet, which we desire to send free by snail to every 0110. / %mettle Medicine is Realty all dngpistsat sl per package tr six packages for 05, or will be sent hymen on eceipt of the money by addressing Tall) GRAY MEDICINE 00., WINDSOli, ONT., CANADA. La*Sold in Exeter by all druggists, and every- where in Cauttcla end the United States by whole • sale and retail druggists. 'EW BUTCHER SHOP Tlhe undersigned wouldinform the inhabi. tants of Exeter and vicinity that helms )PENED A NEW BUTCHER S1 -10P .raectoor south of his Blacksmithshop andhopes meseme liberal patronage that has bean se corded to him in the IMACKEIMITII AND WAGON brANING tine willbeextended told= in his new branch of tininess, Ris mead wagon willoall at the resi- louts of the village three time s eacl weekend P RESEI MEAT :cu. lands kept consta11t13 on hand at bit to. teller shop. ellecksmithing sad wagon makingcarried at 3.33 ubinil 114 AD its b031L31.e3 R. DAVIS. XTEW MACHINE SHOP. Wililani Eitching Wishes to inform the public that 110 is -bettel Prepared torepais ell kinds of Sewing Machines, Watches jlockS, Gans, &c., thou any .ther person in the country, sk: iis charges are moderate, and ie guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. MILLINERY MISS GARLICK., Has now in stock a complete lino of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of livery Kind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Pitney Goods, Berlin Wools, Honiton Lace, Braids Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, 8330, t*.Jackots oat end made to order. MISS GARLICK, Alain E toter. HAY PUMP WORKS G. MTN, - PROMIETOR. Haying now greater facilities for manufacturing pumps them any other factory in the 0130(1(1111 OM urepared to furuish pinups and dig wells on the shortest notice, and warrant all work. My pumps have taken the FIRST PRIZE AT ME FALL SilOWS FittDIATAItY 27, 187) :REMOVAL.. 1 RAU would remind his numerone • Customers thnt he ben removed to the shop formerly ocetrried by. Mr. Bee 41, where lte will be found ever ro oly to atte to all busluese in the BOOT end S11011 Line, 0. RAU, Creditor), ti,xe. ter N (')l'LlI. FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in gond working order gives every aceornes dan *p tioossible ill gristil.g and littering, Flour and mill food delivered to parties lertwlnd slut? orders before ene o'elock 131 1' Bleb 1,'S Nikons, or O'BY1tN E it CO'S, or 01 13111 80.1110 they W M. IP .N V7 1 C EX ET if; V' 0. AT TUE StandariSashDoorBlincl A T 011 i, is (must antly 13011011 11)11111 an kinds of 1313 11(111131 in ['Aerial, it imam g 1:3l1'(.I 3(11(1 ROft, Skijor Um 131 ngs &o., sold eleoap. Planing Jigging rind Tuning promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACTED F011, and satisfaction entire »teed. As wo have of heed it hire() s' ook of dry lumber, we feet sure on satisfying those who 133 y give 3(33 3! etal. Th)SS BROS. & TAYLOR puNmul PAINTING. J. HITCHING against many emnpetitors. I can recoramenel Is prepared to do all lands of: HousePaiutiDg,P4per-bauging whi , at'ireaseilabl3.p110e1.11115 pnizOttially; ICtraldINC+. Alain stIxeter.. them, and sell to cheap as any second. rate article N.B.—NAIR WORK 03' ALL KINDS DONE %HIS, BOLTON. V11. Shop—One-tiltrotor mils north of Exeter London Road. Hay P. 0 Exeter. Aug. Rib., 1578. NEW BLACKSMITH AND GENERALJOBBINGSHOP,HENALL. -- °— Raving my new shop now in full blast. I would in- form the public that 10111 prepared to do till Muds if Blacksmithing, including ropairing of 3311 11110133 3) Agricultural Machinery, snub as Reapers, Mow, q•n, Threshing Machines, and Horse Shoeing will receive my careful attention. Horses that inter - 0115. having tender feet treated 111 the most approved manner, and satisfaction given, Charges Moderate. I have on bawl all kiods of Agricultural Imple nents from the Massey Manufacturing Co., Now aastle. 1..seRemomber tho place—First shop west of the Post O,itco, Rousall. V.71a. E3.11.113DO. Marble Works. W. D. WEEKES Dealer in SIONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE. PIECES. FURNITURE TUPS. &c. Jemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. Dors North of Drew's Hall, Main street, EmEETER. STHWY'S LIMEWORKS. . ,ill'arn.W21 1111118 bOhignow in full operation and b tuning outrlany n Large enantit3 of LIME that for all praposes !anuot be surpassed in the Dornin• ion. Partiostrom aS lstauoe can cawaynberevplied Mier at the kilns or deliver(' by teems (1) 1,'? THE GREATEST ad remunerative rates. Orders f rom n distanee Tonder of Modern Times lollowaysPills &Ointment Th e Purify Cho Dino d,co ereet dleorderF ,1 the Liver, Stenrach, Milner s ane Powell-, g)333 tre invsluable in all complaints incidental tr em ales. The Ointment is the only reliablerer,-edy for rad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer,, of hon iver long ntanclitig. For 131'enchitin. Diphtherin :olds, out, Rh aernatimu , and all kind ofdtseast, 11 has 110 OCrlit11. REWARE OF New York Counterfeits. Spurious mitations ot "Flolloway's [Pith and Ointment," are morale cthred and sold wider the name of " Prollewn.y & Co ," 1,y Z. F - Curran & Company, Drug - nets, and 0180 by the Metra. ol (1013 Medi- etno openuany of dew York, witl. tn ocriunind trade 11331 11, th Its— — Jph Ilaydoe) ---Agnin one 1080 1)11 moths 01]' of New York,like. o own make 1111(101 rranterfeitsof hit I °way & Co., havi ng for a trad tzhn enxtil itnainecrofofsfoonli tnd &trent; ttoTilessen & Robbins of New York tre agents for the tome. Phone pernons, the better to deceive you, pn- tnuslangly caution tho publicist the small hooka of directions affixed to their niedicinen, WIIICI ire rer.11y thee puriou s imitation P, to 13011'311e o dounterfoits. Treeorttputous Dealers obtain them et yen low pricee 0118 8.11 them to the pubic in Calla ,111. Dly genuine Pith; tind Oilitanents, I most oar e etly and respectfully 311,63301 10 the Olergy, to mothers of famines nod otherlation and the public generally of I Sriti SI) North Ameri- ca, that they may be pleased to denounce nn - sparingly therm frimulc. Purehosers should leek be the label on the pots and lessee. If tho ar.dress 133 nob MS, Oxford Stre •t, London, they nil, tlio dOnnt('rfeitS• pot an ()ilex or the (leneine i1Il1,10311100 nears the Britieb Government stamp, with the Frow.owAes PrzaIs. AXO 1INTMNN1', 3,01111011,'' engraved thereon: l'n 33333 il1.1)0lR the mid re Fla, SEW sl Ord Urn t. T,0138 011 wh era alone they 113 linatuttetursa. Parties who may be defrauded byVentlors ceiling snorter fi "Ifelloways Pills 03,8 Ointment as my genuine wake eb, on cern- mitnienting the particuito to MO, 033 331:11:13' l'e• 3333 nerated,nral their O1O floVer T)11,AS HOLLO WA Y .535 Ox tort at., W.C., London, England tromptly attended t o . W.EfITSON & rHEgl.t:EATCAUSE OF HUMAN KIS- .Just Pub1ih5, in sealed Envelope. e A lacturo on theitsiature, Treatment ,and Radi- :al cure of berninalWeasue 8, or titter, atorbeett, adtaced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Emissiona, innotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments o marriage generally. Consumption Epltspny, no. Fits ; Mental and .1.4tysloal Inottpaelty, &a.— 11: 13013 1'11.T J. CULVER VVI3LL, M. D., author of ho"Greon Book," &c. The ;voila renowned author in this admirable ,ecture, weeny proves trent his awn experience bat the awful consequences of Self -Abuse maybe .ffectutaly removed ,vithout medtelue, tow with ut itangeroue surgical operatione,bougles, instru- eon ts, rings, or cordiels ; pointing out a ntorlo of sire at once certain 3(34(1 01)0011)311, by which every mfferor, no matter whet his condition may bo nay cure hit nself cheaply, privy tiny and radieally, mania Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thoticands. Seat, under gen.', in a plain envelope, to any ad. lresn, on receipt of six 001130, or two postage stamps, Addres •TGE OVLIVPIT.T. 31/1DICAL CO. 41 Ann st, New York, P. 0.13 x THE EXETER PlaningMiil Sash, 1)0011 AND BM PANE?! ALL . KIN DS OF TUR NING N Done toorder. iboniembertheplaeo 03Z (% a .13:CiACIESMITIZING! NEW FIRIC INCRAM'S OLD STAND. e' nine She eit ig, Wagon and Carringe Mka3tg1ilt- 3310111) tlarrows, and Plows. General Blacksmith - nig in all its branches, at the lowest rates, 31101 sat - guaranteed. GINO 115 mud examine our work before tnItline elsewhere. Mc NIILI AN & 2,I;BRIDE, Ring St., Ht Heiman. Tune 20,00. ore Mowers and Reapers. , 4 "- k tC! WE OFFER A TRIAL of oarcelebrated Single Singe Mowers —AND— Reapers n all kindeof Grneaand Grein, and On all con Mons 0) 001131.115. earfnee, AND GUARANTEE, SATISFACTION Olt NO SALE We also oiler a Trin) of onr Wrought 1105 Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COED REAR AND NUWER 1 Tworittonils, . Two Drag -bare, Two Finger•Larc Four Kniven, Forked npii Keyed, tints. to. can be char ged frcm Mccrar 60 Rea,ter AND I lEAPIal TO MOWER Ttyremoyloyfronyboit.., nal 'Nieto Annelid en in tent et.Itin.10. 110)350 P et our 110) (S ne(1 fits) ele our Alachirses before p tirelinsi II eleew herr , la' Send for C•ttn'ognes. TirompsoNA: 31 rad. uriv g 03., Sty:Accra. 33