HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 1Vol. VI. Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, February 27, 1879. No. 29 IMPORTANT NOTICES. Y t T �EIODGSON, & J. OliE, CO. Ir `I Auottoucore. Szles prouipcly attended bo, Days of sales arranged at this odioo, IV J. ()LARK, Agent for the Us - .1,11 • borne and lribbert Mutual Fire Insuranee tl Company, 1testlenoe -- Farquuar. Orders by snail promptly atre).dod to. t ��S. CA:ll.t'1ii4LL, i'i. OV.(NCIAL b • :Laid iurvoyer, &o., will l.o at the a It ya1 Hotel, 11xete�r,on the ilr>;tTuesday in ouch " t mouth. 01 dere for work left tritli 111'..lohn e Speakman will receive prompt at tontioit. LAKE, Oonlmiseioner, Insnr- t A-• ante. Laud aha Loan Agent, Ofrlee-- next door noitlt iioynl Hotel, L xetrl. Wilsons u Motel, Remelt, ',very Monday. , t 1()RIV&TL+ FUNDS to loan at 8 per it 1 cent, �UI1'1'GA(il+]t5' B(1UC'rIl''1'. g \i mey lautuud mi good NOTI+:S, n ,CON VEYANCING — Deeds, Mort- CONNine, sir ,,lrawn ern roavouahle farm s i � CORDWOOD FOR SALT;. c Three Hundred Cords mixed wood for sale, C in large or smntt quantities., at 75 o alt, per cord, 011 Lot 15, Sou. 5, Stephku. 'Cerins Dash, Appy' on tho prelulses to JOHN MITUHELL, I Senior. 4t. 1) SSO.LU TION of PA11TNEl'tSH1P 1 Tito t!o.nartnerahip between the undersignea t as Merchants hero, under the name, style and f ii m of " Harwood tv Flumi..g," was this slay die-' t solved 1) mutual e",u>aen,t. H. n:iuWOOD. A. H.FLEMING. Henwall, Heron Co., Nov. 18, 1878. i ATPEY.TION — TAKE NOTOL ; thee she appointment of Messrs. Mason C 1 Hodson .Hesse11. as ngeuts of the muttud Fre In. teirance t:ual}ntuy of the Comity of WVe111n011., is t thio day c:vncaied,an;t 11r. JOHN HYN a �l A:. will 1 iufutare Set as agent for Exeter and vicinity. By orae,, 1 CHA1tt.ES D.VIT)SON, Guelph, Desemhtrr 4t�n, 187:1. 16 tf. Sac.-T:Sae 1 PROPERTY LIST. i HOUSE TO RENT. lasowtl as the Rodgerville hotel, Immediate t dosseevion, Apply to JP M5,RSHALL. Exet�r, 1 UR BALE IN WINCHELSEA— t L Hoose and Lot. Good stand for a ahoema. t ker, A o )riser lot, Forppartieulars, apply by letter or personally to HAltltY BROWN, Wincheisua1'.o i T�"UU E TtO LET on the 3rd Con- -a- cession, Stephen, oentainiug d looms and you I cellar, good well ou the premis,o. with or t vibLout garden. For terms apply to WILLIAM BAITER, Sad Con., Stephen, Centralia, I'.v, 'VILLAGE and TOWNSHIPPROP- V ENTYFO1i S,LN .—Two lots in Crertito n,on one of which is anew brick store, good well and now stable. Well fenced. Also 25 acres bush land, part of lot 21, oou. 6. Stephen, on Exeter side. road, Si milts, west of Exeter. For terms apply IN) JAoon RAIST creditou. P 0 , HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN CREI)ITON.--A. good frame house and ettablo,also a good well on. the promises. The u.tuve property is for sale or to rent. Also 25 acres of lama, ,11 bash being mostly black ash, on the Exeter side road 3t miles west of Rxober, in the township of Stephen. lot 20, concession i;, For particulars' apply to BERNARD J• OIS L, Credited 1t. o, GOOD FARM FOR SALE. —:0:— To be sold by private contract, Lot, No.10, Con, 15, Hihbeat, County of Perth, 100 aures, about 80 acres cleared. Possession whou required. For 3e.tth:niers apply to hir.13, V. ELLIOT, Solicitor, &c., Exeter, or to Airs, LIIXTJN, Lot 5,'Con, -8, 'Osborne PROPhRTY FOR SALE. — THE subscriber offers for sale two houses and two lots. one situated on Huron etreot, east, in the vil- lage of Exeter, and the other on Simeoe street, Both houses are nearly new, and one (rents for six and the other for seven dollars a month, They will bo Hold together, or separate, and on moder- ate terms, For pa tienlars, applytoT,J, WILSON Heiman, or to the TYZEe Whoa. UB- �A.R1vI FOR SALE.—'1•HE SUB- I scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 - J..' Con. 14, Township of Osborne County of Huron' 80 acres cleared, the remands good bush, well fenced, and in a good *tato of cultivation; under, drainer), gond orchard, splendid wolf of water. ,frame barn 30x60, jog stable 24x86, log houso, and Convenient to school ,old three churches. For uraherpartieulars apply to ,VM' BRYANS, Kirkton, P.O., or MR. B. V. ELLIOT. Attorney, Exeter P.O. 1Tj°TEL FOR SALE. e''' .A--L ` Thatiarge fratno Hotel known as' THE BRIT - IRA frosnere" iu CLINTON. with largo flame stables attaohorl, situated on byte 360, 861, 307 and 368. in the town of Clinton, containing' one acre More or less. The hotel has a license and is now doing a Snit -obis!: This affords a splen- did opportunity for any one desiring so go wife the hotel business, as the terms are very liberal. A tun "11 payment down, and ton or twelve years ler balance. For farther particulars apply to B. (?'i3YRNE, Exeter. valuator for uominion Loan S clety, • • STOOK ESTRAY. le Li1r1It&YieD Crosti Lot 82, Lake Hood .Ti)tat, Tp Hay, about lot October, 8 •teors, one co-ning three, real, with bell, and 2 yearlings, 0µe all red, and another red and white. Also ono et cow. A lih.nral reerar,l will be given fop re. .ovory... 30:114 J. TAYLOR, Brewster, P.O. TRAY RAM,--eCitens 0711170 premia- ►.J'oe of the subscriber, Lot 7, Cott. 4, Usherne, on or about thr. 1st Dec., a ram two or three years old. The owner is rogneetotl to prove property, jut y tfxpe used dual take ir'away. MCRAE)) ntreorali. • Q"f~ 'L''ItAYlt:f)-- $20 RE WARD --=Froin. . Lot 0,, oat) 8, ffutlilltvray, one rod tail while trolley steer" bne red rtntl white yearling steer, tit,trd bwo,.rod•yearling heifers. The above .eward '1U he paid to any person giving information [list will lead to tho.roeovery of the property. Ai D1t W 1if$3;IN1S. enrv` PO 4'' THE RENDING FACTORY EIRE. QUEST BEFORE DR. HYNDMAN, CORONER, —SOME UGLY FACTS DISCLOSED. the door ; the shop was locked about 7 o'clock ; Keen was Ioarding with me then; Keen went to St. Marys next day without goiuft to the factory to see what damage was done. The turner and I followed him the next day ; Koen and 1 worked for about a week and titers he lucked sue out. Ha wouldn't let sue sell anything ; he said that Dr. Hall bad ordered him to lock me out ; Keen then threatened to kick use out ; I wrote to -:)r. hall, got no answer ; I asked him iu lay letter why Keel had that me out ; 1 felt alartnod after the fir,it are lest we should be burned out. The night of the second fire Keen carne into toy house after 9 o'clock ; 11e had beau out sums sell per ; don't knew at here he stayed: the fire was seen about 11 o'clock I believe the fire was set : t•he party setting it must have got in by the door, and Keen had the key ; there were not two keys : McDermott read -a letter to ole in'St. Mary 9, iu whioh $30 was in- closed : it was for Ke 71 : it tultt him to get the stook well insured, stud net let llcNabb's come near the factory. !firs. MoAll'ine, wife of A. McAlpine, sworn Iu the evening of the' January lire Keeu went out just after telt, and came home about 10 o'clock : about 11 o'clock I noticed the fire : saw it was the bending factory: called to Keen that the Sending factory yes on fire I heard Keen to leJae:rlio,who was sleep- ing with him, that the faatory Was uu fire : in tee rooming Leslie said me and the turner mud his wife that he believed that Keen did it as lee had the key in his pocket : McDermott telt] me I had better go clow!, and watch the shop that evening as Dr. Hall hired Keen to set the factory ou fire Mc- Dermott wanted my hnrbaud to give up as he [vas sure it would b3 burned: seta it would be u lucky thing fur the iuenrance company that he was there as he sold keep theta ant of every coin, of insurance : Home heard Been say it would be burned : Keen told my ltns- band he was going to see about the in- surance as they might as well have $1,000 as not. Wm. Howey, sworn'—'When '.1lcDer- wit came here he wanted to board with me for a week or so : said he would outs be here that long : eight or ten days after he told me he didn't think Imuch of the business and said he thought Keen was a tool of Dr. Hall's; .said he lied not knnwn Keen before Christmas : when he was hired, Dr. Hall promised to see him paid : McDer- mtt said he could not stay long away from his own bnsinesa ; he told me Ile had a letter to Keen with money 10 it, as he could see through it : understand that he opened it, and it wits to the of - feet, " enclose you $3f1: be sure to have your *tock well insured :" Dr• Hall seemed to be responsible for the turner's wages : he toolt his tools home nearly every night after the second fire; Mrs. MoDermit wrote him to have nothing to do with Keen : MoDerwit said the business wasn't pitying,, and if it was going to be burnt it would be done soon. John Hayes, eworn—Wheu I got down there MoDermit said„'" Well,Jitn, here to see the fire after all :" be said As stated in our isilne of last week, ie establishment in Exeter known as he +� McNabb bending factory" was urned down between the hours of one nd four ou Saturday morning, 15th Ps"bt nary haat. Certain euspioious oir- urhetances which occurred prior to nd during the progress Of the fire led n the belief that it was the work of an )c-crndiary,itl fiot,of some one connected Vi the business of the factory, and in uorfrd 1008'with these ailspicions, which t•ew firmer as the rum"rr; increased, a nmernusly-signed requisition was pre euted to the Reeve, playing for an Ilve+tigntlun. A jury of eeveutaeu Was einpallneled 071 Tuesday, the 18th, ompoeed of the following gentlemen : . Mace (forema„), Thos. Fitton, W. H. Verity, John Rautan, D. Wanless, J. McLaughlin, R. Welsh, R. S1'Id,)n, Carling, J. P. Clarke. A. Holland, J. Farmer, W. Howard, G. i\[utth.rt, D. trunSRy, 1V. Simpson, C. Durward ; It at 10 o'cleek a.m., before Dr. pelmet), coroner, in the school hall, !ley began the investigation, with a V to finding ont "u'hn dune it," am t is put by the 1lrs. Pertingiou who art'sidca over the destinies of a classical taper In town, with that sublime in- lifforsnce to the eamiaow st rules of inglish grammar which proclaims the )edautic ignoramne. D. 1Vataless, sworn—On Saturday horning was wolto up by the ery of fire; coked out saw it WRB the faotory ; when Igot therethebnildiug was all in flt'mei; i1 was impossible to save the building nlieu I arrived ; there was no oue Imre. Jas. McNebb sworn. —Sat urday m wru- ng at half past 8 o'clock I saw a light trough the window ; saw it was the actory ; it appeared to have been fired n five places, when I went down I saw the man who Raid he had been sent 1 there as a night-watchman ; several thers were there ; Friday they were [[airing away everything of value, except the machinery ; Saturday morning Ale - emit told me that he and the spoke turner had taken away their tools Fri- day night and arranged not to work any more there ; I was former proprie- tor ; it passed ont of my halide into Mr. Hall's ; it was sold for $1400—house, I tots, shop and machinery ; they 11ad it insured for $3,500 ; saw several loads of stuff going away through the week ; was a fire in the furnace Friday night ; burned their wood out that afrernnon, and shut down between 5 nd 6 o'clock; late one night about two weeks ago saw a great light; it was a fire under the lathe bench ; found the windows fastened and the doors locked ; a pile of table legs had been built up over a lot of shavings and to shovnlful'of molls from the furnace put on them ; Kean had charge of the place and bad the key ; he was the last man that left it: was no fire in the stove ; the building and machinery were worth • about $2,000; watchman gener- aily went (around every night with a lantern, and I watched him ; saw him Ile had intended going away on Arlon. about 10 o'clock the night of the fire ; Ile came here a few days after the other fire. B. O'Byrne sworn,—Was told by Mr. McAlpine in January that he had filled an application for from $5,000 to 6,000 insurance ; Wm. Howey wanted to know of me in what company woe it insured ; His father was auxions to aro certain the name of the company and said "If it is not burned tonight, it will be before Sun'lay;" this was Fri dayevening; did not ask why he thought o ; .I sold the machinery for Mr, Cam- eron, of Galt ; the bill E'er machinery and extras tall up to $1,206. A. McAlpine Sworn --I worked the factory from September to Jaunaly, on eharee with Dr. Hall, bat it was not running often ; be furnished the money. A fire occurred in January, I went into day and not corning back : the day be- fore they had shipped $80 worth of stuff, find the 'day before that $80 worth : heard McDerruit say before that that he expected it would be burned : Jas. Leslie said the doors Karl been all fastened on the night of the January fire and Keen had the key : was impoeible to have gut in by the windows within t leaving n -arks on the dustaround wiudoes: whoever went iu had the key. Tho',.JIoCallum,sworn —0 n Saturday rnorning John Kilpatrick woke me up, and I saw the factory Was ou fire : h,td expected it : I told several teat I fear ed they meant to burn it,ad I eould 800 nu way they were going to make mon- ey out Of it otherwise: was watching from my !rouse every t.,igllt, aud. 00 the night of the tire 1 looked out ate Otto partnership with Keen ou let Jan.— o'etuek 1111(1 saw it light in the factory: to bed about 10 o'oleck that night, but 1 iu two or three minutes after bein- can't say when Shand came to bed; 11e was iu bed when Been called out that the factory was ou fire, • John A. Kenn, sworn—First came to 'Exeter to live in the beginning of Jan- uary 1aet, having formed a co -partner- ship with MoAlpiue ; O'Brien gave me a letter from Dr. Hall to bring up to McAlpine, but do not knew what the letter was about ; never ivaw'ed site stock, and so far as I know there is no insurance on it ; Mr. Birtoh, the agent, told ole the building and machinery were insured, but I don't kuow for H(liat amount; hired Shand to work at the factory and not as night watchman ; Dr. Hell did not hire hila, nor has he got to pay him ; it is my opinion that the fere that occurred in January was sot on purpose, but don't know who did it ; don't know whether the fire on Saturday morning was an accident or Dot. James Leslie re-called—Says t' night of the fire in Jatinary had the key of the factory; if I said before that [i,eeu had the key 111111 night, it was a mistake. John Bayes re-called—On the morn• ing after the fire in January, James Leslie, the last witneee, told me, when I Salted lriw, that Keen had the key 'hat night. 071 Thursday evening,at five o'clock, the investigation WWI 00111innetl In the hours room of.Iltawkshltw'e Commercial Hotel, 11r. Elliott, appearing for the John McNabb sworn—Reside in St. town, and Mr. Most -rip, of Jones & Thomas ; am a wood -turner and bend - awakened ; ran to Mr. Cole's, rapped at the door, and. thou rau to within three rods of it ; couldn't tell in what part of the building the fire had start- ed ; thought it was very strange that Keen and shawl dit not melte any at- tenant to save the stuff. which [night have been saved ; thought when the proprietors of the hlsiuess did not tat- tt apt to save anything, I wouldn't make any dxertiou ; never heard Howey (D1cAlpine's brother-in-law) sry anything about his pay. To Mr. McNabb—Shand, Keen and the other men stood together; Heard Keen say that'lis ktlew nothing ,about it nntil 1lrs. Keen awoke him, and told him there was eimethiug cracking in tho stove ; Keen told young Leslie that be hall lost $700 by the fire ; didn't see Keen or Sh'tnd at the Janu- ary fire ; the roof of boiler room was Dot burned off the building until after the roof of Main building had felleu ; the boiler house was not as much on fire as the factory when I saw it ; at the tithe the flames were coming out of the tracks ou both sides and end of factory. (In his own statement.)—McAlpine told me that the table -legit had been piled abort three feet froto where the fire was, 80 that they trust have been moved and set on fire. To 1Ir. Clarke, a juror—The parti- tion between boiler house and building was brick. i<ioecrip, to look after the interests of one of the witnesses, Dr. Hall. 0.1 the opening:of the enquiry Mr. Mas- ai!) took esceptit'n to the questions put by Dir, Elliott touching the fire in January, and the Coroner, Dr. liyndmrttl, adjourned the iuvedtigaticn until 10 a. m. next day ; when Dlr. G. eieNtabb, of Gibbons & McNabb, Lon- don; appeared on -behalf of tho Insur- ance Companies. Messrs. Jones a d er . have been tlt.tle ahem five menthe ; know Leslie by sight ; was part proprie- tor of the factory before 9:1 April ; fac- tory was built by fatner and myself; the building cost $500; was finished in November, 1877 ; the land cast $200, I believe ; there ie one-third of an acre ; the cost of the building, lots, and house was $2,948 ; bought eugine November, 1877 ;the engine was injured by fire to the extent of $200 ; the cost of building Pringle, Iuspectors for the Citizeus and occupied by Mr. Cole, was $700 or 800. Western Insurance Companies, were To Mr. D'ioscrip—This $2,948 did also present. The Cormier announced lnot include the bnildirg and laud oc- that ha had decided to overrule Mr, itioecrip's objection, and proceeded to cake the evidence. Wm. Greht.m swore—Am a weaver by trade; Sat. morning wits awakened by the cry of 'lire ;" Raw bending fac- tory on fire ; wakened Cole ; gut there with Wanless ; flumes were not yet through roof, fire being all over second storey ; saw a .wan looking outof Wind - Dr. Hell sent him np,1 valued the stock it must have been there of io (,ule s at $800, and he was to put in that much, $100 each month, he kept the ifev. He .raid $100 of the $800 and ileum), and Cole says there was no light in his House: am positive about the tight : it appeared to be a lamp.' atme8 Leslie, of • xeter, sworn—The Ie copied by Mr Cole,or the laud on which the factory stood, which cost $200 ; took valuation to St. Marys onoe,whioh may have amounted to over $4,000, for purpose of making la loan ; would not swear it wad not $5,000; valuation was not aceeltted. To Mr. McNabb—Got $2,000 in money and machinery from Mr. Jones ; the property was mortgaged for $2,000 at)r't3 house, who aimed me to awaken and sold for $1,400 under this mort- Keen ; replied it was no use, as I gone. thought they knew of it ; looked toward J. J.*Hali,%i. D. sworn—Was owner Keen's house, and saw a woman in of the pima) tin int ; had itinsured ; came ''' night-clothes !oohing out of the window. To Coroner.—Put out fire in same; building about two weeks before; broke.. in the door; building was full of smoko ; Threw water on fire and put it mut ; the fire was in a pile of table legs about three feet from stove, with track of shavings between fire and stove, but no fire among them; When I spoke to McAlpine afterwards ttbont the fire he said there were too many windows for the fire to make much headway with- out being seen ; this was about the end of Jos:nary. . To Mr. McNabb—Have been in fae• tory fregnently ; stove was in south- paid $1,400 to Mr. Jones for it; paid east corner, next wood ; engine was on Iit iu cash, not by cheques, within it rnnnth after stale, not drawing the money from the bank, haying taken in the amount at different tunes ; aerie not say how long I had it beforepaying it ; keep n bank occouut ; got the money from notes and a000nuts due; might be week., or months colleting it, bot did not place any of it la the bank; kept the money ruder look and key,; maybe was cold ; the roof fell in at a crash at 'some in his pocket ; cannot tell where 1 0000 ; 9itw at the fire Messrs. Wanless, Uole, McNabb, Shand, Keen, and Me- Derinot, who came after I did ; raw the Reeve, Mr. Terry, Mr. MaLeughliu, 1 any of the $1,400 wag entered:in this hook ;1 lend money, anti some of 'this money might have been let,[ out ; have not book with me in which IY enter the money received ; lend out over. $10,000 . a year ; didn't make any, entry of the money rec''iverl,which I. paid D[r. ones, paid Mr.Jvtlee $1.40 flay alter le; I'tohs ita thebalance ill ot,e lump1 1 nlu(1 Mr. Jones, but could not state the day; couldn't arty what batik the bine were on ;, don't tett Meet whether 1 drew any of the money from .tlie bank to pay Jones ; have receipt froth Mr. Jetties arlderstand the property hits been. deeded, b 1t don't know ; told !lir. Jones to get deed And rrgi.,ter it.; was hot aux- into possession in fill of last year ; rented it let of January to McAlpine &Kean ; nay.e not the lease with me ; leased it for $000 a year; was not aware that any attempts had been made t•) burn the building previous to the one which burnt it dnwn, until tionday last; insurance effected 1st week in 'February; own building, ma- chinery and hand ; first heard of the fire on Saturday last. To Mr. 1rieNabb—Purchased the property at auetion,iluder mortgage, C. S. Jones, I think, but not sure, being the solicitor; no solicitor at the sale ; east side; there was a partition ran- ning north and south between the Stove and engine, which is nearer the north than south side ; the fire driving the engine is outside the main buildin ; the fire was not near the bailer, lent about three feet from stove ; there were shavings between fire and stove ; no fire in sh.tvings ; the stove at the time got my of the money ; keep no casts book Or ledger ; enter money received in a book, at !oast some of it ; not likely •-;\ir. McCallum, Mr. Hayes, ; did not see McAlpine there ; saw James Leslie -smelled liquor on Shanii'3 breath. To Mr. latliot—The men stood there a long time without attempting to save hubs and savedfew lob ; theya tallVthillp, ,Ipoltes ; nothing mote Wa3 done to - save property by any person belonging to the establieh'negtt while I was tla.ere; said he wouldn't pay the rent. Onr J L 1' L T1 saw iitloMpine at January fire ; he was partnership was to be fat' one year, with night of the January fire was in bell going hitt) building its I wag leaving ; tter of introduction from Ur. !"Tall,. balling me and •saytug the factory was leo Mr. Dioacrlp—Work in �Vtlnieas' le telling ire he wanted to go into.part- on fire; asked Kean what time it WAR, woollen factory, bout thir)•y roils from nerallip with me. At tho 2nd fire the whet) he lighted a match and looked at bending factory, board at McNabb's, n turned table legs were moved' to where the fire was . about 8 feet from where o'elook, nod 'that they wanted toe to they had been piled; I bad , helped to get up ; 1 didn't rise ; the night Elle pile them up in the evening ; the man hntldieg., wits • burned I. Was 'b.nsrdiug who fired it' meet•' hive got out Ittrough t Beau's and slept with Shand; went privilege of three. Keen brought a with .Keen, and halted Mrs. McAlpine also saw Wtn Hoteey his wt►tch.; he replied that •it was 11' short distance from factory ; earl phut). ly see building from sleeping ro„tn ; iota 151)out it; pt►id the money. in Spar- first knew of alio sire by.being called t)y ,tember, was told by Jones. the deed gr. McNabb ; fi..•t thought it, was the wag eoniplotetl , the li ussn ' is to both . woollen factory ; was ottt of the house (t:outinued on fourth page)