HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 88 HOLIDAY NOTICE '1'1TIMETIMESJ. G11IG(G taken 1leasure iu. htnuouuoirhg that, eueotlraged by the steady iuerease of trade during the present year, he has Inane errangettients to open fur inspec- tion, by the 12th inst..a larger and better variety of holi- day goods, than iu previous seaeous, rhe Sleek win comprise the ttsitat stgipty of ENGLISH ANNUALS; And a chaise selection in ',ALBUMS, \VO1tK BOXES, • • Win VINCI(D ,SKS, sTAPCiAllY,VASES TOILE' I.' SET PS, M )11000() BOUND POETS, GIFT CUPS. CARD GASES, CARD 1t1,C'LIV QRS, EVENING FANS, INK STANDS, Etc. Together with a large selection of Toys, Toy Books, Etc. The trade supplied at the Ransil close rates, tife•iettitits and New Year* Cards ht choice de- sign.*, and a Iar;M variety already received. Supplies for S. Scheel Gifts and Christmas Trees ata liberal discount. J. Glt1140, ]Iain street, Exeter. LOCAL NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1879. AssIzEs.--Thu Court of Assizoa will cath. nteuoe at Goderieh on the 14th phox., when George May will be tried, and we hope ho may be sentenced to severe punishment. RevIVAL SenvICES. — Protracted meetings are still being carried ou iu the Bible Christian ehnroh, wi.h good results. Gort(T 1).tv: The Division Court was hell in Drew's Hail ou Monday, His Honor Judge Torus preaitliug. An unusually large num- ber of oases were disposed of. OMITTED.—The name of Mr. John Gould, of Exeter, who was appointed at B. 0 Sabbath - school Conference held at Elimville on the 5th inst., to visit the schools iu the Centralia circuit, was accidentally omitted from our re- port last week. PASSED DowN.--A number of ;farmers and their families from the neighborhood of Brus- sels came down the L., H. Ss B. Railway ou .Monday morning en route to Reuses, where they intend settling. Two of the families wore named °lennau and Leitch. SABBATII-BILL•'AKINrr.—Some boys indulged in the pleasant pastiine of skating on Sunday last. In future when they visit the rink ou the Sabbath theyhnay expect to have Constable Gill as a spectator for a short time, and per- haps they may be interviewed before Squire Gidiey or some other J. P. Tam Puzelr. Ou Sabbath next the pulpit in the Methodist church will be templed by Rev. Mr. Walsh, of Centralia,. Services at the usual hours. Rev. Mr. Mitchell, B. A. goes to Oeutralia to preach educational sermons in accordance with the arrangements made at the last district meeting. REFUSED TO G0.—A horse which With its mate was being driven up Mein street on Mon- day morniug, dropped down on the road and lay perfectly still for a short time. The driver detaohed the other animal from the sleigh and raised the fallen horse up on its limbs again when it went off apparently as well as if noth- ing unusual had happened. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY.—The 141h of Febru- ary is past and some are no doubt feeling bad because they did not get a valentine, others are not satisfied with the ones they received, while some neither sent nor received nay. We are included in the latter class. There is not much sport in sending valentines these hard times, when the sender has to pay the postage. In this business we consider it more blessed to receive than to give. EDUCATIONAL SERMONS..— The educational sermons 1u couneeiou with the Exeter Metho- diet church which were to have been preached next Sabbath have been postponed for a weeek, and will be preached by Rev. Mr. Dixon, of Loudon. Collectione iu aid of the educational fund will be taken up at each service. On the following Monday evening the annual pub - lie educational meeting will be held iu the church. Addresses will be delivered by Revs. Messrs. Dixon and Walsh. Meetings of this uharaeter should be largely attended. 1N TRoatnLE.—Two young gentlemen who reside in Exeter are ardent lovers of the Terpsi- chorean art, and in order to indulge iu the'r fa- vorite amusement they went to Hensall to at- tend the quadrille assembly in that little town. Iast Thursday evening. After the party had broken tip these two genlomer started hon e at an early hour. They had not gone far before both were sound asleep, and when they awoke their horse was was off the road, the nutter bottom side up, with one of the boys under- neath. The other was several yards behind hunting for his cap and wondering if there had been an earthquake. After they had got everything in ship shape they started oft .again and reached home about—well before (daylight. THE STOCK SALE.–Last w•oetc we were not in a position to publish the names of the owners of the stook which was sold nor the names of the buyers, as we went to press before the sale was .eoucluded. Several animals changed hands at fair prices. Among these were a yearling bull, the property of Mr. A. Elcoat, of Tuokerstnitlh, whish was purchased by bur. John Barbour, of Wawanosh, for $150; a yearling entire colt, the property of Mr. Jewell, of Mitchell, purchased by Mr. John Ketohen, of Stanley for $101 ; a ,young stallion, the property of Mr. James Mallard purohased by Mr, Ohas. Mason for f114ti ; also eeverul very fine sheep and T3erk- slhire pigs, the property of Mr. Humphrey ftdtiell, which were pitrchased by several differ- mat parties. A §era. --A, few:days ago a friend of ours was leisurely walking up Main Street when a sleigh tttrrictl oat of thu lahie south of the Royal lIotel. 'filo Lazy pedestrian threw hint• self into the sleigh, whish stopped at. the hotel. The driver jumped mit and threw the lines to the person whe was trying tosponge a ride, tine before going into the inn retlnosted htui to 'Watch the team till lie damn out. Before the owner of filo horses returned another person who was going noitli boarded the sleigh al o. The tlionglht that they were lucky aweigh to secure O'ride 0!ettcll a cold day caused them tai wait patiently for the return of the man, who remained in the hotel long enough to have faineteeu tlrinitt, allowiug coueiderablo time to eiatrte between ettoli. Finally the teamster °ailment, jumped into the conveyance, seized hold of the rihbous Raul to the sorrow and ut- ter disgust of the two passengers started off in the opl osire direction. They managed to get off the sleigh without falling, and emoted a feeble smole at !how nicely they were fooled, as they wended their way homeward. Feminists:,.—The following is the pro- grams fur the yoang ladio'e social in. the 0. M. Church to -morrow evening: Chairman's A lttres.,liev. G. A. Mitoheill,li. A. Chorus the Choir. l.teeitation "Tho Haven".. • .32r, WG uenway. tiong eCur (Good 011. Friends" 1liss Latta. grading "The Bel s" Rev. G. A Schram Song "When Abe Mists lutvn Cleared Away" Mr. (loo. Southcott. Healing "Brides of Enderby" Rave Be'W. Walsh. Snug... "Angels et or Bright do Fair" Miss M. Verity. Recitation "the Annuity" Mr. Jas. Gi•assick. Song "Friars of Orders Grey" Mr. J. N. Hooper. "The Ohl Arm Chair" Beading elle Old Family Bible" Mr. . 0. Brewer. Wm, PnsAen.-Tho Rev. T. W. Magaby, rector of Luau, will (D. V.) preach next Sun- day, morning and evening, in Christ Church, Exeter. FUNERAL SE'.tJeoet.—Tile funeral sermon of the late Miss Auu Wilson was preached in the Methodist church on Sunday by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, B. A. • CROWDED Our.—Winchelsea correspondence unavoidably left over till next week. THE EXETER BENDING FACTORY BURNS!). THE BUILDING SUPPOSED TO BE INSURED OVER ITS VALUE.=TRI; FIRE SUPPOSED TO B.LVE DEER CAUiOD BY INCENDIARISJI.—AN INVESrI GATIPN OF TETE AFFAIR IN PROGRESS. On Saturday morning last the building known as McNabb's bonding fsgtory with all its oouteuts was Destroyed by fire. The old beudiug factory, whish was owned by Mr. Jas. McNabb, was burned two years ago last sum- mer, after which the building referred to was built on the site of the old factory by Mr. Mc- Nabb, who serried ma the business until April last, when,• owing to the loss sustained by the burning of the old factory, ho became insolvent. The factory was sold last summer under,a mortgage held by Mr. 0. S. Jones, of St. Marys, Dr; Halls, of the same place being the purohaser. Tho building lay Idle until last fall, when Mr, A. McAlpine of Exeter, commenced business in it—whether for himself or someone else the people generally couhl not understand. Early in the fall an attempt was made to burg it. No clue could be found as to who the indentliary was, but it was then and is now the general opinion that it was fired by some person interested 111 or connected with the business. In January last a man named Keene, of St. Marys, eutered•iuto a partuer. ship with McAlpine iu the business, and shortly after being admitted as a member of the firm a second attempt was mado to burn thebailaing, which almost proved successful a turning lathe being burned and the build- ing somewhat damaged. Had it not been di - covered and extinguished when it was by per- sons living near the factory the building Icould not possibly have been saved. The anxiety manifested by Mr. Keene on the occasion of this fire shows that he must have had a large amount of money invested in the business. When he Was awakenedand informed that the factory was on fire ho got up—in abont an hour, when the fire had been put out. A short time after the second attempt to 1 burn the building McAlpine and Keene dis- t agreed and each succeeding day they had a 1 quarrel, until about a week or so ago it culminated iu McAlpine being refused admit- tance to the shop. It ie said McAlpiene went to Uncle Satin's domains, and Keene conducted the business himself. Ou Saturday morning last Roast four o'clock the factory was discov- ered by Mr. McNabb and others to be on fire and to be too far gone to be saved. Resono fire engine came to the scene but the roofhad fallen, and any efforts to extinguish the flames would have been useless. Mr. Keene and his employees were also on the spot and worked vigorously to save a pile of spoke timber which was piled outside the bnilding. Each mag took one of these heavy pieces of timber (ebont two feet long and two inches in diameter) car- ried it away, laid it gently on the wound and then returned for another. This was repeated several times, the few bystanders encouraging them at every lift by shouting a& lustily as they could have done et a barn -raising, The building and machinery were in ruins before day -break. A man named Shand, of 8t. Marys, who has been employed -in the factory for a short time, was accustomed to go to the shop once or twice during the night to see that everything was safe. lie says the wont to the shop about eleven o'clock an thenight previous to the fire and saw that there was no fire in any of the stoves, and then locked the door and wont 'to Keene'a house where he was boarding. l.ueicily ►hearlyall the innuutaetured all owners ofygratel pits for till gravel county. " - goods wore shipped previous to the fire. The building and the machinery were insured for $31500, wliioh is Bald by competent ,judges of suoh property to bo $1.000 more than the real vale°. Tlib people of the town having a suspicion that certain parties were implicated til the burning of the building, asked fol an investigation tobe mode into the afiair, and in aeourdtlnce with their request a jury waa eta• panelled and several witnesses examined on Tuesday before Coroner 1 yndtnau in the solmol hall. The jury adjotuiled to meet to• d.ty when other witnesses will be examined. Wo withhold the evidence giveu•onTuesday un• til next week, when we will publish both day& proeaedin; e, in aecordance with the 'wishes of the authorities. 2tay.. IxsVnl WT Rlr:axrrla, — The annual meeting of the Members of Ray Par- tners' Mutual Fire Insurance Cotripatiy was h h1 in the town hall, Zurich, on the 3rd inst. Henry Boller, Esq., was elected chairman, pro fent ; 'Elugh Love, Sr. Esq., WAS eleete(1 Secretary, pro tem. The following. teport of the Di• roc -does and auditors was nninlcusly received and adopted S The Dire(:ta.rs in presenting this Report have mach pietism's in again ttottgrattllating the (1onlpany on its increasing proeperity. The (1 t npauy only sustained two small I'.siee by fire during, the year, amount- ing in the aggregate to $106, and by lightuiug alnnunting to $8.67, which have been paid since the close of the year. Since the Company was orgau- ized, whish is overy four years, mils one assessment ou the premium notes was required and made, b ing a little lugs than $4 on h $2,000 insnrauce. Mlles the iteeesrment was made 231 new members hire been added. Amount of premium notes in force, $17,168,77. Amount of property insured, $776,750 worth. The liabilities of the Company :<re $50, tliongh there have been left iu the treasury $28.67 to be deducted therefrom, leaving the liabilities $21.33. \Wilt. Wilson, Esq., ].aondon Road. mid Samuel Firstar, Beg., Township Clerk, have been the auditors who certified that they have compared the books acid vouchers and found them correct. The election of Directors having been next in order, the voting beiug by ballot, re- sulted iu elie election of the following gentlemen : John B. Geiger, W. Lewis, H. V. Dirstein; Henry Boller, Hugh Love, Sr, Sept. Elogerth, Thomas Yearly, Peter Douglas and Robert An- derson. At a subsequent meeting 01 the Directors, Mr. Ji.hu B. Geiger was re•elec'ted President, and Mr. W. Lewis was re elected Vice•PreBlrlent, and Mr. H. V. Diretein, was re=elected Mana- ger. (mural. MI.ETI;NG..—Cori nOil mat pur- suant to adjournment in the 'town Hall, Zurich, au Saturday, February 15. All the mclmbers present. The Reeve in the chair. Former meeting read one approved. Moved awl seconded that the following persons be app:tinted Pathmasters, Pound•keepere and fence viewers for 1879, viz :—Pathmaeters— 'Phomas Ching, \•V. l3awden, B. Oeie, J. White, W. Moir, 3, Gilcliritht,,13.14Mu- vfordie, W. Slater, S. Thomson, R. Carlisle, 1'V. Buthannan, P. Mann, A. Ingram, J. Northcott, C. Aldworth, H. Dick. jr„G. O'Brieu,F. Datees,U.ltLtck, J. Luker, C.;Fellick, C. Snutherby, W. Ooldwoll, W. McSherry 0. Bahian, D. Stelok, H. Smith. J. derrot, J, McAl- lister, S. Oarsliele,D. Wildfoug, H.Gtti, 5. Mttrtia, A. Hey, W. Schwalm. H. Willert, J. Dinsmore, D. Saxe,D.Leber- Gtood, J. Salhluchter, H. Otto, F. Sch- euttler, 0, F. Wagner, J. Itoedding, C. Buechlin, H. Gies, A Douglas, 3. Mul• drew,A. Buunett,tx. Wierner, W. Wing, J. W. Baker,3. Volller,J. t;atolc,A. Sch- roeder, A. Walper, J. Scbroeider, J. Shurnachor, C. Eichler, D. 13. Gttig r, A. Hurt hymns, Oesch, J. Dinsmore, A. Contine, W. Broderick, D. Spencer, J. Nichol, W. Broderick, J. Hartman, D. Summit, A. Sipped, W. Turnbull,G. Petty, D. McGregor. Pound-keepers— J. White, R. Broderick, J. Prang, J. Gould. A. Bennett, M. Rife, H. Orth, it. Kaercher, D. Spencer, C. Purdy, B. Case. Fence-viewers—J. Loedmltn,R. Ferguson, A. Geiger, M. &etcher, C. E .o ett, W. Moir, J. Petty, .1. Decker, W. Fee, H. Boller, H. Dietz. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by F. Morritz, that the collector be required to return the Collector's Roll on or before the 10th day of March next.—Carried. Moved and carried by the same, that Jaynes and William Laminie be allowed to perform their eta'ute labor ou side road opposite lots 10 and 11. --Carried. Moved by 3, Ifaibfliesch,seconded byF. Morrity, that the Clerk be authorized to receive tenders for the necessary printing required for the municipality of 1L'iy, to be presented at the next mee:iug of Commit. The loweet tender not necessarily accepted.—Carried.-- Moved and 'seconded by the same, that all Pathtnaster'e shall be responsible for Township property under their charge. —Carried. Moved by D. McColl, sec- onl(e. by F. Morritz, that no member of tine council be allowed to make a grant of lnonoy to a Pathmaster, nr any other person for the purpose of gravelling parti0it8 of road, but the members of the Conned shall. build and repair bridles and ctillverte, in the Hetet t oral divicions.an.d the Council will play • t ¢}�At, ((�� �,a••jj IN SOT.311H0OTT'S BLOCK, EXETE1 ' A LABCFE LOT OF BOOTS AND ;ROES JUST RECEIVED. VERY CHEAP. A REALLY 300D ARTICLE EVERY DAY. • SPLENDID VALUE ALSO4,NPIVIIMPOIVOMMINIIICOPIIMOMMIP Dry Goods, groceries, Clotting, Hats and Caps, This stook r hist, be sola riga sow!] to SIGN OF THE ICED FLAG: out; to rniike room. for lir arrive. SING OF THE. RED FLAG. drawn by etatuto labor, the same to be oe*•tifietl to by the P.1tht.haetere.-Car- tied. Moved and seconded by the same that every member of this council, in ordering luruber for bridges, culverts, eta., shall make out a complete bill, stating the nulnberaf feet of plank,and retain tt true copy of said bill, and that this. Council shall give no person an reeler on the Tr'easuter for the payment of lumber, unless the !till presented corresponds with the copy of' said bill in the possession of member ordering such !dumber. The following acuotuits were passed, viz :—L. `YWalper,831ottds Rif gravel, $4.45 ; White & Sans. adver% tiling Court of Revision, $1.75, Mrs. Murray, 100 loads gravel, 5$5.—Car• vied. Connell adjourned to meet on Saturday,Apri3 5th. S. Posses. Clerk. Granton. RETIvtL..—revival services are beim{ held iu the E. M. Church at this place, and gond is the remit. SuooEsson.—Mr. Lewis, of 51. Paul, is spoken of as Mr. Acheson's successor to the G. T. R. ageuoy !Jere. Leman-el.—Rev. J. W. Elliott, Grand Division' lecturer, spoke. ou "Temper. tame” in Crown Division hall last eveu- iug. FIRE.—The dwelling house of Dr. Woodgate Narrowly escaped destrnetiun by fire on the 8th inst., owing to a de- fective Hue. r2tmely assistance saved the bniltlin,g. A PIONEER, Gnxtt.—Mi-. Dermis Heen- an died recently itt his reeideuoe, on the 1C,tlh coneessinn of Biddulph, at the s4vtutce(r age`of 87 years. Mr. Heenan settled his Diddnlph forty years ago, when it was then an ttlm•tst unbroken wilderness: An imtueuee conootrrse of friends followed pie remains to St. Pat rick's cemetry, where he was interred. lir. Heenau was much respected in this cotninnnitl. Snoorlizo.—A. few days since, glass ball match took place between the Ailed Craig and Granton Gun Clubs. which resulted itt a victory for the former. -- On Tuesday last the return match was played itt Granton between the two clubs, which resulted in favor of Ailsa Craig. The match proper was at ten balls each. A sweepstake match for a handsome silver cup was also arranged for, the score of the first match to ba added to the eonre of au additional five belle, the highest score to take the cup. Rodgerville. On Thursday last Mr. J. Ross gold his farm, consisting of fifty acres. to Mr. Thomas Case, for the stun of three thousand three boudred (tollare cash. This is considered it high prise by those iwho 'are aware of the state of disorder iu which the farm is at present. Seatorth. FIRE. --About Awe o'clock on Tnes- da,y morning last a fire broke out in a frame store on Alain street, occupied and owned by Mrs. Markey as grocery and dwelling. This and an adjoining frame building, awned and occupied by John Crawford its dwelling, and Miss Campbell, dressmaker, were completely destroyed. Loos about $1,000; partly insured. Clinton. R. M. RAOEY s EKABLISt3MENT.—The residents of Clinton and the farmer of the snrrounding country should take a look through Mr. R. M. Raoey.'s hard• ware rooms. He has On 1Jathd one of the largest stncks of goods in Weetere Ontario. He. is doing both a wholesale aiid retail business, his travellers call. ing at all the towns in this part of the cnnntry, including Stratford, Guelph, W1terlan,f<3erlin, Goderieh, Exeter. He is a most energetic bttei cess roan, and any orders sent tohim will be filled with unfailing promptuesa.. His assist- ant, Mr. E Doherty, is Filson fhrst•olttas roan, and cannot fail 'to o•ive satisfae-. tion to all who linty do hnsirlese. with •.titin house.. We bespeak for Mr. Racey and hie repeeeentativee tt favorable re. betYtionanteing the, business `Ineu of the BETHESDA. .,1.11,.,.1,.,.,..,..1 The special services whittle have been oondnoted iu the Bible, Cbrietiau Cbnrelt during the past five weeks, were con• eluded on Friday last. A nttttiber of oonvertrt.hitve resulted froth the nieet- iugs. These were received into church fellu7�twship on Sunday last, by the liev. 5 1. Allies, Profeas•I a Salter, a nlusioian frotn Clinton,. aeeistod the church chair hod Sunday evet.inp. He itteucle forming a clunes here in a sheet time, McGillivreg: EARLY LAisB —Mr. Win. Danes eey, of the 11th cyst:session McGillivray, was somewhat [surprised on going out to the barn last Saturday afternoon to find that a healthy lamb had made its ap- pearance since the morning. It ap- peared to enjoy the cold, wintry air of Ontario, and Was none the worse of exposure when discovered. ROBBERY.—On Sun clay,ntgllt,. the Oth Inst., the house of Mrs. Fogarty, 4th concession of McGillivray, was visited by a conple of neaekei$ burglars, who attempted an e7 tradlee at the 111101hen (floor, which they found sc eeourely fast• eyed •that they commenced smashing it in with an axe. Mee. r:.garty, watch- ing her opportunity, seized the head of the axe and drew it in. and immediate- ly through the aperture fired a revolv- er, the Haller from which tools effect in the thigh of one of the robi,ers-'Lute villains ran for their lives, but the brave wnman,being alone, was unable to. .pro- secute a chase. Next tr;orning blond was Wand on the Snow outside, 'anti traces of the same WP1'e aiseernible for nearly half '1 mile. About three weeks aixo this seine widow was robbed of $250. She is reported to have eonsitl-, erable tiealth from time to time in her poessession. Mrs. Fogarty having a strung sn:tpicion of two certain par- ties, proceeded to Lncan add appealed for aid to a magistrate there, who told her she bid Netter give Everetts $50 an he would hunt the 01160 up for her. Branefield. PRESENTATION.— Oa the evetti'ng of the 5th inbt. about Ninety persone, be- ing part of the congregation of Rev. Mr. Ross, of this village, met at the: Presbyterian manse, when a table was prepared by Mrs. Ross which showed that she was well skilled in the culi- nary art. After the guests had all doge ample justice to the. excellent viands Mr. Rosa was • made the recipient of a complimentary address, to which he made a suitable reply, after which he was presented by Mr. Welkerq with' a handsome cutter, robes and !Armies. Mrs. Mustard also presented a purse coutainiig $20 and Mrs. Scott present- ed Mrs. Ross with a beautiful fur cap. After Mr. and Mrs. Boss had tbankial the company for their kindness, the party separated, every one being high. ly pleased with the happy evening they had spent with their pastor. Mr. Peter McConachi, of S•eaforth got several of bis fingers cut oh,wbile working with the saw in Mr. 'Jonas - berry's sew mill, on Friday lad. Mr. Barwick. au old residelt4t of Win- throp, was buried on Friday last, after four years' illness with the wantful dis- ease, oonsnmptinn. A school teacher in Wnwanosh, was fined $•L, and costs $14.80 for unueoes- eerily and cruelly beating a son of Mr. James Johnston, of that township. On Saturday. the 8th inst., there were confined In the Godoriol jail 22 prisoners, viz ; 18 males, and four fe- males. Of these 8 are awaiting trial, 7 are committed es vagrants, 2 are ius wane, the remaining 7 aro in for various. petty, offences. On the 18th of this mouth last year there were 26 in jail; the largest number at one tine, during the year. In the fall of 1855, at the opening of the Ascizes,,were 28 portions confined in the jail, of these 5 were sent to Iiingcton for terms ranging frntn 2 to 7 years. •Burt this was when the Couittirp l.1 EIut'ol) ah4Erno() watt; . .