HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 7ItIUABY 20, 1879 esroan.-eete4teeraM1.RJ1.eea Y:l"Ieetee OANAUTAN, Rev. . til ilfoDern,ott, of West Pue. 1111411, 11 resigned his pastorate, A Belleville (Out.) I1111u late beef) ar- re.sted: ail Detr111) fur 13(:Cttl'ing the ruin of a yoiuJg lady of that city. The vsoak un the Lachine Camel is progee;sitg rapidly, and will be ready 101 ts'lalllu about the first of March, Toe 1111111(.,11 C,r1111F: 'urvatt�iY01�3d(rCltltlo 11 11 as giotuinate L1'. liiug Dodds as their candidate for the 1 Leal Legislature. 1\1r, W. A. 1\1oCulla 11118 been nervi 'tutted by the Ooneervatives of 1'ue1 118 their eamli111Lte for that 1'ieiiug fur the Ontario Legislature. \u explosion took place at the 'Wel. lilugton Oil Company's Refinery it1 Guelph a few clays itgo, wlliuli did co11- eiderable damage. A \V1'it Of insolvency,, 111 the illstal)Ce -ea Hart & Spiers, Guelph, has beau i.; - `tatted rigid/1st the estate of S. 0. iletufi- r, of Fergus. Tho horses about Belleville, acanrd• ing to the Latr:2le:ge cr, aro tort ibly u,o.l up just now with a ctieclt$o eilutlar to the ('scratched." The general feeling in the Maritime Provlt,cee is Kahl t o be that the deli"), e111L1o11i of thio Dominion Board of '11rade were 11nfav'urable to their inter- ests. It is statad that the Ilan. Isaac Buchanan, of Hamilton, ha8 basil ap• pointed DCilaiuiuu Arbitrator, with 1;41,QOO 1L year salary uxulneive of traav- elliug expelieee. '•Cite only objection so far urged to the Immo and designed to apply to the Pr'iueees Louise, "Vicereine," is that it looks like the name of a plow patty:t tat. ue. A new mineral, discovered along the loath shore of Lake Superior, has beau 1lallled"iiiiutiiite, after Ur. T. S. 1112111, of i\luutteal. It 0uu111ius large nroportlulll of silver owl arsJ:)ie, mixed milli iron, zinc, cabala and sulphur. 11r. John 11a,lkett, of Medford, was married about a yiu.r ago. About a month ago d aatll claimed ilius fur ite 0011. .Ili; life acts iusui:ecl, and when the itlsuraoce utlleer4 08020 to pay the iusurauee to hie wife they fouud she Was also dead. Only 11 few days iutor- voued between their deaths. Consump- tion is said to have b+lei the cause. During last se.ts0u Messrs, Gurney ltueselt & Oo. shipped stone thirty of then "harvest Qneeu•' reapers to ..„:ilauito'ue as samples of thole t�ork,aud tllu result is that they uow Have an or- der for eighty 1n110h1U05 for the same Province. Au address signed by the inhabitants cif 1loncton, N. B., ut all political per - ilea, 1egrettiug the removal uf 11Ir•. tBry gee from the ]natinageu eut of the intcreoluuial was pieeeuted to that geutletuuo 1 0u the 000.14 1)a of ilia de. part Ore. The parties wlio succeeded in passing ,counterfeit tills ou the B bilk of Com- merce iu Berlin and Guelph, and were lot apprehend, d there, have been, it is std, tieing the saute buiitloes in the (!lieges iuid tosvils along the shore of Lake Lt ie. Lille of this ',Auk ouollt to lie carefully sceutiuizltd, 'Lev. De, Cochrane, of Urantford, has for the pit t\vo a:0ut11s been suLt'ering 1 everely f1utn 1 o:,gastion of the lunge. ,old has been coil!. elled to caneel alt public a;)poiut neuts. He is 13OW € Ii,,atly better, however, acid w3 hope .0%)00 to herr that he ants .regained his, 'wonted strength and vigor. The naw iron bridge spanning the :Grand River at D.' ,ntf •rd is fall up. proaa111iug oaiupletiou. It i4 an impos• fug etrneture, and' will be ttie 'flees) iron bridge ill O•tuade, alien completed. A grand 0)101111 g14 expected when the 1\1oigiiis of Lynne and PLinoesss Louie( v eft that city. The Toronto .io2e,•fruna says that 11Ir. Alexander A.Itierluu, of G,telph, walk- ed from Turunto to Cluelpi, in twelve flours, the ditau,ee being 49 miles. Mr. Anderson walked 00 CLueeu Street until 11e 111 lived at the junction, and then took the track and finisheiJ Sia lengthy stretch. This may be 0111- e;iclered au extraordinary feet of pedes- trianism, u ben it.ie -remembered that a 1//1i1ih•uad track ie urost dillioult ground y 1 get over. i it r• John 1) tbinson, a dry goods clerk, well-Luowe in Guelph, left there rattier uuceierlloniotl'sly a few days ago, and his serrowll g creditors could find 110'1.wfort until the following Satur- etay mo1•niul;. Some uf thein received a note dated at Oiuciuuari, in which .he stated that be wunld •bo ill n position to pay all his iudebtettuees in a month or tat). The sixteenth annual' report of the directors of the Western Oamidae Loan and Savings Campaiiy is )01)re us. The statement shows that the sales of the c lmpIPy's sterling• b'. olds in Great' Britain 'luring the year amount to $109,509, 1111111 exceeds b5 a Marg; amount those disposed of 111 l,r'evion4 years. This of itself is an exceedingly healthy exhibit, 'Che reserve fund has beets illorteaeed to $300,000, the stun of $44,600 having been added from t11) profits of the'past year. According to the settler's Act for Ala:iitobu a1td the North West T:rriior- A5(4t. ice, the Government allowed 130 'acres of land to all persons assisting in the loetlti)al of emigrants 011 the public) do- toaliA. The conbe(lnenee was that the ttiSSIStOrd" Ca1113 very nearly olltiltltu- bet•iug the settlers, weed heiug all epeeu• leturetliey got hold of We host Linde to the dotriruout of the ectunl suttlere and the o nugtry. The Government 11tts now clecitted to v.ithllraw this privilege, and this 1iotlun as ill wee' tiro hearty ap- ot: I' aril nce •est 'd ith l\Ilauituba 12 1111 i 1 4 . Soule day's Ago on a freight trait ar- riving in If wail ton one of the 111811es. tllur(foro our mutt to tots got their goc its toe Mame 111011) (11211ged Patio 2 was found lying 011 as if aha} were 1,1111110 Oi.root from 0 whop s ak' 11tJIING, .1 1(11.1.114 s1,1�,ulealt (1 (1)))'1 -to 1111101 t'1ls 1.011 02 a 0111' will 1116 1,IoaU tiled 611001. ace+li, 3)'W1'r(.sll (111)Qr, tarrivi•!th lshuoet ,)vorp Clefs bl'01oed. It 0110 thought that lie tt1iiy, o'tivlieestrola,u pouring in and pouring out. .all the ti:nc, (luo:ls at ,thu"talo prices 11911 bi en Struck when )1a,,sulg under n i,e,ult 11))11.111111 91311)11,1;;;I:'1'1111:1'11 11111111,3 thin.. Tkr( 111110;13, but it \\as 1180011,11.111(:d that 61;11 t:tul»'1t41. \1'i;tit,�l;)4•t000(tlt,lt( '111lse111`. 111 when bet weee 1)ltllda8 aIId il.lasnl;tors settee 3111111 the d,to 42110 It wil ho 0111'. 1doe ru• av u.,ls (1 311, 40 1111 l;1.. 11143 curie three 111111 threw several large 4101108 at Uuttcls11(,h(1)11)0)ut11 ILl,, at 112 Ne13'a1d«l i(1114hl14111 bitn, 0/10 of which 6))0011 Milli 011(1 t;l'1,1s111,iu, tallll((ltlrxy 1Laiuxl 111, 111,9 1'111id. 1+913 )1118 T'l:tllul.ly fur lx, lair ,891)1 iota thou tlu+ knocked 111Il. down. The 111011 lie says. 111)')11 urs price. Niro plait. land 311 y 1.re,s lk,od( T.Ei i TI VIE E. 0>r: (s0ceellsors to 0, l3. Sniitll) Mr. Duncan 1tenderson 1of the wholo4421() firm of u• 11, 81111111 Mit t lt011d0lst 11; 1'ui luted i1; 0011' is ilio 1.aropnall markets but i,${ our retail 611111:; stock for St. mays as wen as a111 W11o1::sale atoCr for Toronto, our wholes.ulu Jiro is seadlu44 1114 goods 110,42 at loss wpm mama teturcete 1 -Leos twoauso tltuv itrl, 11111aa11,1 14 grand tchlLsaio sweeping cleari014 12113 before stoektakiog and t fruoi 4 le, 1'lu Inht 1,1 ) 1' _ N 1)11 ug to 11 111111(41( ,tl,l,cared to be ultder the iuilnc:',lce of 1.t tit lu l t 1 t r i Thie IiDt1Ul'. 111ie 1T1l1tIC!1' l4 114 FE1ilUai3 011l' mid shoal:l he loo110±1 i11to, ' 'When 1.t dancing party in Belleville 2108 st'pl(talt:in„ recently. the ladies as 418011l 1i1';44 ai (111411. ether "good alight.". A. geutleutett l�t'esout ubeerved that 11'•1 sh0u111 Lt treated alike, when one of 1.1 e ladies in q 103iieli laughingly replied that he ehould help hitnecalf, The gt'l,- tletrttu did 511 1', the surprise of uric lady and her friends, The hady'e; beats took' tett) action 114 all insult to 11('r, and thrashed the ao.lur,lus youth. Au are thou of twat)) l,,tlothiel, end the valiant defeudec 'of 9.011194 wit" fi el $2.0 tied 104)4. Bat 0.01181t.f ail his ,irl wont back 011 hi a ter 11 iiit;iug her tittle be - ton) the public in e11411 a ti1L111101 118 lie' had done. PLAGU 3 A',.UNatiT TELL; IIOGS. A peculiar and fetal disease lea• broken oat in the hog -hells ill the vi- ciui.y of Montreal. .C1., 10 far as yet 130)19211, has 211,vaye boon ati .audt:O oitlt fatal results. .11"1. st1}e1c breeder in Man treat has lc s1. 50 hugs f o n thi scourge, mai has receuty lcilied twout42 more to keep them from clyiug. lathe! dealers Have also lost 11gm11ore of hogs from the saute cause. The symptom, of the disease are : L•JSS ut appetite, slosvuess in luotiuu, intense thirst• lameness and weeping eye,, ending in a feat/ days 111 blindueee. The marks of the dieetaae are first observed in t111• mouth and feet. tluimals afl`licteo with. launstiese caused by the complaint, ou being stilled i0 a week, are found 1,1 have red streaks esteu,ling from the hoofs to the kidaevs. The pigs affect- ed are troubled w.tl1 all uu0uulfortable thirst, and drink 11ut11'they� are inflated to excess. Their feet swell greatly un- til the claws 0'0110 off. The duration of 1110 complaint frein the Ora 1,ttacli )111th death is from a few days to a week. Oorn-f„ d hogs bfo01itt from the \Vest, and ofrored for stile in this cit}. have been found to have traced of the disease. CURIOUS FACTS. France used war balloons in 171)4. Glue, distill td in water, is uo,cd alt Ft 0,1100 a8 a fei'tilIzor fur delicate p11111t8. The Mongolian steppes produce a grass which l,tt0.•i1011tes 01113na14 focd:n, upon it. F,•oga will move about i11 a lively manner and for a oousidcl•aLbie length of time, alter being deprived of their brains. • It is beiieved that the unicorn men- tioned in our version of the SCripturee i3.nothiug more LUT less Ilea the rti noceruS. They have in the Natural History Poems in • Loddon ten cgi; of the :Great Auk, a bird of the diver tribe, bat which has long sinus been extinct. Fifteen hundred 91106 of the site of l.'itteburg were once sold for ,idle. Nanhat was onc0 sulci for a pair . of buckskin breeches. A single pound of flax thread intend- ed for the finest 1'rench lace, is valued at $ti00, and the. length of the thread 1s about x'20 miles. The devoid worn by G0ueg'al Jackson at the battle of,New Orleaua is deposit. ed in the national arohivee at Washing. ton. It i8 broken ill two llavtllll the middle of the blade. At• ' Terre Llante, Ind., a rose gerani. , alai has been successfully grafted x\1111 sL y1L))Ulllett, eut.0ug, auTCI. the fol'r11e1' bears to full-blown flower of the latter 1L very sing11.ar' arca ilstatl00, t3pider bites often prove fatal. A child died recently' 111 (Jilyciunali from this Cause. The iuluiediatu applioatiuu of ammonia ie u cure or rather a pre.: veuative of any Serious poisoning. It has beeu citiculated that if all the -.-_--- brick, .stone and rnaaoury hl G : eat 6,ti T. 1Itt'S. LI1tIi±;WOBI S. Britain )vete leathered together, they 0 wouhl'uot furni-di material enough for 1h wort: such as the wall. uf Chita. D-H�"•t Cwr, at the first Drug Store and procure a bottle of Gray's Syrup of heti Spruce Gum for 1)1' lu 1(1.111(11 i wnt, .it 111're' and' yte1•inaos, sp11 )140 i value, for 7Fie., 1142•3,)13. Wirleoys at prices that 114100islt (v(ry ono 42411.1 styes tlroul. 1 •4320. 01111:'13 tut sc., tou1 1111 2111 tray duavrlfrom that to 1, per yard, ec(u;ill) (13119)11, Mau 1lo,atd 14111120,ry I31 ])10') ))tart vowing 01 fail 111,4st r 14'1 doing splondit 51.11111.:» awl 1aa 1 lit 111 iit'1c'.t 11:1)11 73'1. up to• 1(i sad). 2 (11,14 14)41 waver boon oCloyed in this 1111Lrl.•,t• Soo them. .111a,C 1 ur Muir, Silk 1,iued, for rs1, buet/u6Dur., to (I,1;, Lulilh. Si. Ma -vs. MISS G•AZILICK, 1Iµ14 now in stock a uualplete lino of SPRING I :I A T S, L' O N N LaT S, FEATHERS, I'LO1VEItS, and Trimmings of Every 1:in,l, in Latest Style and Lowest t .l'rlces A full Stack. of Filmy (010 314, Berlin 'Wools, Iloilitun Lace, Braids Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &e,. d «=_jackets cart a ud macro to order. MISS GAii? 1ICK, 5111211 s1. 11 inter. H it1 11146.410.70rti 0 4 urniture in -s 0 �M gClg 414 t' gat c. C B. GIDLEY a �.' 1 4' .' -0 x J 4:411 Ft: �h 1)'"a G dLUas .1:.'.5,--8E,7 ;a 5.au• -� �'.3 C F'`. 5 _ e S 14 d coughs, colds, ere. We reconfirmed its pur. c`nis1 al Drug Stores of respectability, as there LI au attempt to plaec in the liauiis et the pub- lie an 821181e under a similar name, lett tip i11 12 similar style, but of n white milky appearance ---the genuine being of a dark' brownish -rod eolo'tr. Isis a wrotallodimitation, and should' be M Duce rejected. • 1'1- r\t„ 1" I N. G S.• 'A • f YSTK. A M -S7ST E ..P I K, .D 1Yi11 r)f€!11 for 11)911 or 10 Days 1)4111wnce of their hall and '\i'illtt r Goods at Cost so as is 111,,10f room .for their spring Stook. All goods \v(1 )1111111 uti,'r 1211) hew goods bought for this ;ou(ut1'1'.1141(1 at lower 11'3(os, LAl1I1 "12A.7c,"T1 E5, at rest, 111 Al 1' CLt1111i S, artcia!tt 1T1?N'S and BOYS. Oi 1s.tC1)A11, 141 co,t M 1 iv (.SETS and INICITS, at cost. FUR CAP'S. at (1111). CLOCi)S and 51... ,11E 1, at [AAA, .41410 1. fu111i;1s0411142'11t ul ((.11111101 1)11,5' GOODS, BOOTS ,and SHOES, IL\.TF3 CAPS, CHINA TEA SET:) 11n11 CROOKXV. which will be offered at bottom prices 42141 0140 i;111d to Kay- uta• Stuck is not large but fully assorted in all linos. Although this has Leon 0 vary hard season 1211 are happy to say out' 1111)4341 of (1014;; b114,11r3s 11as 110011 ap- preciated. by the public its 1111r sales fur past year has fair exceeded our expectations. Thank 1111 customers and patrons for past favors and still i3::,licit your patronage, curd:ar:8 Mins 1402110 00)8 in full operation and turnillgautdaily a large quantity of S 1MWELL PICKA D. 0 Exeter,. Ont, anr, 7 0218,42't.,,9,prrt'�:`"i C �2 ti 1" AUIt1 AI lilt has on 11ai1 at 131 n1 ill as large and its handsome a e.toek of b I L'NI'1'i?11., its 021.21 be fu1t21(i i:1 any 04t101,11'h(uunt alt Huron,all of sshiela Le IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP i UNDERTAKING IN ALL iTS BRANCHES I Having llrccu11 0. a 11Andseeeto hoarse. he is prepared to attend to L1NIIEILF.1 Es.;(.x, On fhe Most Rcasonntals Terms, In 10111,1'-11)1 with the Undertaking rtakin Business, Le uses tete Anti Septic Fluid, which preserves ho hotly all !l .,,trays an offensive udw'), 212111(111411(11111411(12111431421 arising from 41Cae10ociias. A call r,apuctfully solicited. ice• woe-.ram.�'a:3v a'mw. 1878) FALL (1873 TETE OLD 11_ t LIABLE HO L SE At alltimes, sad particalaily at a, period when Trad5- is universally depressed and money ;came. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the al tick has \,11.16 11 tile soave ll rate. In calif 111 your attention to niv present stock,1 do so with every 13001:.1 • once; it bsiug inure earefully assorted and selected than that of any previoubsoasun. In the Dry Goods Ever;: department is replete n'i'11 the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, ma)100(I a prices 1v11iol should command the attention •oX the very cl0: e1't buyers. THE O] DE .14 :D CLOTB..IN.a stili has 1111). W, IVES at it_Lead In Millinery Underthe ma--ag»lnentof Miss McCrloglllon, we can snit the most fastidious. Our stack cf &roce,les, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and heavy Hardware •(114 of tile largest and best .1s orted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult 1Lela bu4ti1t01ests by ux.1tnining ut..t.• stock befol'e going ulsuwaere.T /y clAME5 PICJ' A.liD CODE IOH FOU ND1,Y Tiloanders, Engineer's and 11.\' achinists. f11,1NUFACTU1t111%S of ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND I-IEA..DING i\I3t�liliv'l lid .lfid.11illg Purifiers of improved kinds. i\ TricU.itur a Impler-nents COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &o. Iran and. 131--z..-; CL -b t,ino`i' to"order For sale cheap -Second hand Boilers and Llrgires Stave and ,' Shingle, 91111 Heading 1lactliuery. Repairs on :Biters, Engines, dills, &o., promptlyattouded to. GIDERICI FOUNDRY and. MAITUFACTURINcT CO. CGDE i IC I, Ont. ALLA NATIONAL i ; taCY 11,111ng trivalphed at the polls, 1 C ABG Is prepared to give all his customers the her. oats )that will accrue from its adoption, and Las on 14x11.1 a large stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Viines anct Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a which will bo sold at prices unheard of Ruder Zee() Trade.; The farmers of the surroulldiisg country will find it to their ad- -vantage to sell their prodace without fraying market fees, on the Exeter market,w=hien is second to node in the west, and then call at the store era the subscriber and argams ii, r .,.bin�-1 , t to be had in 0verooaa„ �'1la,rY.l,loths 'Broad -cloth LI El I Secure 'Immense that for all purposes cannot bo surpassed in the Domin- ion. PartieBProln a distance earl ilwaybo•• •rltiocl either at the kilns or detivord by teams at low est remunerative rates, Orders from o distance prowptly attuudl)L1t6, WHITSON & SCLATEll. Doe skills, Silks, Wlnceys, Delaiues, and everything nce(Led in the Dry Goods line, The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited. No trot/hi; to show goods ISAAC C A11L1NG