HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 66
The following extraot from the Spec. -
MN). of 1712 shows that the above ex-
pression its of considerable antiquity,
and oertainly cannot be of Antipodean
origin, The expression is often errou-
conaly used when a. man is reduced to
an extremity, whereas- the propriety of
the maxim is to use it when you would
say there is plenty, but you must make
such a choice as not to hurtanother
who is to Dome after you. Mr. Thos.
'Hobson was a carrier, and being a elan
of great abiii'y and invention, and one
that saw where there alight geed profit
arise, though the duller igen overlooked
it ; this !ngations man was the first in
this island who let out hackney horses.
He lived in Cambridge, and observing
that the scholars rode hard, his man
uer was to keep a large stable of hor-
ses, with boots, briules and whips to
furnish the gentlemen at once, without
going from college tocollege to borrow,
EIS thu have done since the death of
this worthy man. I say Mr, Hobson
kelt a stub's of forty goal cattle, U.
ways ready and fit for travelling; but
when a loan mile for a horse he vas
led inttl the stab!'), where there, etas
greet choice, but he obliged hula to seed oil, and vinegar, thoroughly applied
take the horse that stood next o the
and then rubbed. with 1},tuut L is an t S
stable door, so that every eubtomer cellent furniture pulil h,
To make green gold, melt together
nineteen grains pure gold andfivegratns
rnre silver. The metal thus prox area
ha -4 a beantifel g''een i4tlade.
Equal wfigbts acetate of litne and of
chloride of calcium, dii;sulsed in twic(
their weight of hot water, is a firepoof-
iug mixture for fnbriCo.
An ink composed of copper one part,
dissolved in ten parts nitric acltl, tent
parts water being afterwards added, is
useful for marking on tin or zinc plant
White hoen buttons may be uredo to
imitate mother of pearl by being boiled
in a sntnritted solution of sugar of lead
end then laid in a very dilute hydro-
ch!eric neid.
For silvering metals, 10 parts nih•ate
of silver, 10 parts comm'nl salt, and 80
parts cream of tartar may be nsed.
Moisten the powder with water when
been held to decide as to its disposal.
'Ile Turkish Refuge Fund was saggest-
ed. lent eventually it was resolved to
(devote it to the relief of the distressed
in Dublin,
...,�-...4—_ 4o1, -.
1 litrarbto Works.
It �Anf1'l'TL.DS 'u t. CDS
raduato of Royal College of W, V• Y E E K, E S
CalicooverO'1,ei1bank, and opposite Salnwell
Sweet oil, rubbt d on the skin is saidKINSMAN, DENTIST,�� • ,hrr•:.#.T!y ret;;"
to be a sure antidote for ivy poison. I,ieOutiute of ('TF `:!' ) °
To harden a wooden pullev, boll it the ;)ental
llage of d
for about eight minutes in olive oil. itCou'in,hna.yberu
utlof starch and chl.rride of t,tmsult'da11y
zinc hardens gnicllly, and lasts, as a 71ext door to
A mixture of tallow 8 parte, tar 1
tho Post Oillee. Exeter, Ont.
sc1r 't .
t) 1pe of holes 11 metals for months.
pat applied to the bark while hot; will LEGAL
protect fruit trees against trice. ^-� -' ---.., ("ADDY,
Brine will answt r jut as well as salt l A,.
to Scattier over asparegns bene to keep I'll i ) m = . , r
Z).111li Zi.1Pl.b eZ.A-T1U11.— Ian.
dowel weed., or it'l n fertilizer.
Tin can be I.:moved from copper )er ves- At craw, Sulioitor, &c. office, P0,114011'8 Block
ll Exeter.
Sets Ve'•y thoroughly by i nmt)rsing thee -
obj'solution of blue vitriol. ARDINU HARDING, & WHITE,
ect b in a 1 I3ttrietel+s, catoruuys, Solicitors, • Gele-
A blue which Lcilt le: 1st the action of
water is made by boiling one pound of
bine in two quarts of skit1in d nlillt.
Glyeetine poste for office Lt.o may be
prepared by dissolving 1 oz. g'nln ars bio
and two drachms gtyeelfiie in3 ozs.
bulling wetter.
Etiltal proportions of tnrpenline, lite
Pitmen, I1. R.. kke.
tto1,tt"s-I1(LTnnt'13 B.zocR, \Vetet troot, Ft
14:1 'a.
11.111N :9.1T.Lnnxt;e, 11. W. IIaunx1 a.
was alike well served, ac:ordiug to his
chance, alld evety home ridden vial]
the same justice ; hence it beoarue a
1'reverb, when what ought to bo your
e'eetiuIl \Vas forced upon yon, to say,
llob'u n'ti choice. This memorable
nlan stands area 141 fresco at an inn
(ethich he used) in Skimp street, with
an hnndred pound bag under his arm,
with this inscription upon the said. hag
—" The fruitful mother of an hundred
BRIDAL 1;1•1'140UNIT2E,
To the Press : \Villyou please inform
a +e tders of year valuable paper if it is
customary and proper for the gentle-
men invi-etl to be present at a wedding
to kiss the bride immediately after the
ceremony hue been performed ? I ex-
pect to attend a wedding in a few days
and desire to knoow. DA1tiY.
This depends in a great measure np-
on circumstances, If the bridegroom
is H. big, healthy fellow, or a little fel-
low with big spunk, wo advise yon n',t
to fool around the bride. \Ve don't,
however, say that it isn't customary
and proper to kiss her, but the newly-
-made husband might 3iea:;ree with 'is
on this point. At events,
the briclegroetn ie deaf as well as blind,
it will be safer to either beat or chloro-
form him inscneibie before etttull'tin!d
to give his bran new wife any lip. It
will also be advisable to tir,:t ascertain
ltur sentiments on the sohleot.
Small pox is serionely
crease in Dublin.
Mr. McCarthy .)owning, Member cf
Parliament for the County of Cork, ie
Tele steamer "State of Lonisittne,"
which was stranded in )aoiigh Larne,
reefntly, has gone to pieces.
The sloop "Fairy of Wexford" has
been totally wrecked, cn the Tuecar
rocks, near the lighthouse.
is rumored that Mr. John Rigby
intends to bring an Irish team to New
York to shoot for thePalrna next tall.
Since the Sunday -closing Act calve
into force in Ireland there has been a
diminution in Sunday arrests for
drnnkenneee of 01 per Dent.
At Andlcyle, County Clare, n former
named Frank 11clnery shot at and IIiL
lad his son, whn -was protecting his
mother, nn the 21st ult.
elle a large number of persons were
Flitting nn a 10011 near Ennte, on the
24th n't., the ice gave way, and four
yonTg women were drowned.
Tl:S band of the Royal Irish Can.
stahnlary is abort to visit Scotland by
special permission of the Government,
and give a series of eoncerta. •
The idea of presenting H. R. II. the
Duke of Connaught with a bunting -box
fn11y furnished and reads for occupa-
tion, seems to be growing into general
favor in Ireland.
Tho sanitary condition of the Irish
capital is so bail that it has been com-
mented on from the pulpit. Otte Cath-
olic clergyman declared that the illiter-
ative description of "dirty Dublin."
must be reinforced by a third adjective,
A family consisting of a father and
three children were lately suffocated in
Cork by gas eseaping in a shop below
end penetrating their apartments. The
mother was nearly suffocated oleo, but
wag, R it'h some difficulty, restored to
An announcetnent has been made in
Dublin that no applications from Irish
panels for passages to South Australia
can at present' be entertained 'by the
Colonial Government, because of the
great excess -of applications from Ireland
over those from England and Scotland.
There having been a surpins of £400
of the Dublin Mansion House China
Famine Relief fund, a meeting has
011 the in-
�% M7DIA1'ti1IID,B.A.,
t I r,aa'ristlrs, :t,tturueys•nt-law, Sol.icitnr0
Leta i ctty, Conveyancers. Commissioners MDR.
4.4.1 Note rive Piddle, St, Mavt '4'
Dealer in
Cemetery Work of 141l kinds neatly
ti Doors North el Drew's Ilan, Hain street,
`., ¢ynsy.
areeeeeetelat. e.i :d,aeae
Just Publislm'd, in ti, se11•- t Envelope.
r'F's•••� 1'1't„e t.i' ot+l't•4.
A lecture on the htit u'e,'i aliment Cued Itedi-
ee 1 cure U3 Seminal 44 1. nue s, of e per tib 1 )14141.,
iltuhieed iiy ,Elf -.hoe.., I eyebolt:ivy Eteitisienr,
impotency, ht 1 ieete 1k•e flit awl 1)04 ea intent,.
to marriage ^,ei.orlti''. ill ei 4 1 , phr i s4
ann. rite; ;;tell.: 1 40 1 i Io teal 1 u. 1' ,.let
1 i 140141;;'. L'
J. l'L71.\ 1:11441.1,1,, 1;, 1 ., anther of
the Green Dock, ^ &t'.
The world renowned author in title ndutiral'le
Lecture, elm) :lypre ve4frem Ills own e0perl,.tee
that the awful o nserl'u ttce4 0i S l4 :\hos,• 1110V be
• ef1actunlly lout yea itheut 14(11!'0. , 4 i with
out,bi10:'r"tl, surge.,.] .4pere nil ,t,u11)(ies,it,4,t11-
nii i te, eines, or 811 1)414: 001 0t1lL4 (uta 1110n1e 01
4.(144 tit 01).et.‘ coterie and 4414) tot 1, he w!!h 1) t•a.ry
sittlerer, D.) Liotta l ):]t.it 1 f4 0,11.11 11r01 111,1.y 144
may it ineelLinear] 4,r,it 1tu)caudr.ulicaliv.
I Tt1iti Lecture turn will pi eve •L boob to thousand;
fi 1/1010.a.40,4,
dress, 4)1) 1tt.t.tlt •4(f 414 0441414, 14r 400 postage
lett crr.wFr.7.*.+FPI( 17. ( n.
41 .11u et. Now York.
C. C J-1.4 P] 3, ay.0. noseltIP. P. O, -a, x 34N0.
tp- re'o--tint ton's 13]nek,\Vaterst.,St 11ery's
street, 1 ♦et_v, upstairs, opposite Central
noted. Si is entre-two, on the soUtn-street lead-
ig0 to 13. t'. Church.
i. --e.";• Online; left at Iiline's shoo store will receive
prom 1:t attention. 49-1y.
1i,. IIUTOIIINSON, Member of
the College of Phy,ictans and Surgeons of
Ontario, &c., c'o., 9laiu Street, Exeter.
li the C nunty of Heron. Office, next door to
Cir.I. Car111e s store, Exeter.
e P. 4, Gradbraro VictoriatJn'vorsity' Office
and reeidenee. Dalt. 01011 1.,a11rnt011•, Doter.
C. 1\1 0()11. 1'1, M. I). O. M.
i • Oraduato of OcOi11U1iversity, Aron—trey.]
Oaten anti roe idcnee, Exeter, Ont. 0`11ce ; aura-
e to 111 a. 111 and r to le 0. 1)1
e a "11Tb. J. A.R0LLl1\ 5, M. C. 1. S.
reedy to apply. A good cement for 1./ U., Victoria l$ , Oreditou, Out Ofites hours
chemical and eieettical opportune may rot» n to l4( 4.111.; 1041 p,111.
he prepared bymixi'ig 5 lbs. rt sin, 11b.
wax, 1 lb. red ochre, and 2 oze, plaster
of paris, melting the whole with mode•
rate hent,
Tu solder handily, cot a piece of tin-
foil of the size of the surface to he sol
1 with
1H •nrf)t e 1 1
e the s �
tiered l ; thealit
over tele 1
'4 solution of sae -ammoniac ; place the
tinfoil between the pieces,and apply n
hot iron nntil the tinfoil is melted.
Awnings cite be rendered waterproof
by plunging the fabric iuto a solution
containing 20 per cent. of soap, stud
afterwards into another solution con
twining the same peteetitage of sulphate
or popper. Wault and the opera -tun is
fi i3hed.
A good weIdinig compositor is maple
of borax fused with one -sixteenth its
weight of sal -ammoniac cooled, pnlver-
ieed, and combined with an equal
weight of quicklime. The compound
i9 sprinkled on the red .not iron, and
the latter placed in the fire,
MAHOGANY ST 1ISING,—Wail] the wood
to be stained with dilate citric acid, 10
parts of water to one of acid. Fur
rosewood, glaze the same with carmine
re Munich lake. Asphaltum thinned
with turpentine forms au excellent ma-
hogany coli r for new work.
The German washerwomen use. n
mixtnre of 2 oze. turpentine and 1 oz,
spirits of ammonia, well mixed togeth-
er. This is put into a bucket of warn]
water, in which x lb. of soap has been
dissolved. The clothes are immersed
for twenty-four hours and then washed.
'When it is not convenient to take a
lock apart to fit a new key, the key
blank should be smoked over a onndle,
inserted in the key hole, and. pressed
firmly agninst the opposing warns of
the lock. The indentations in the emelt-
ea portion tuade in the'wards will show
where to file.
In 1878' no less than 81,508 persons
emigrated to the United States.
The Congressional Library contains
852,000volnlnesand 120,000 pamphlets.
.'according to the New York polies
raoortle, 78,441 persons were arrested
(luring 1878.
Ohio owus $1x0,000,000 worth of
live stock, according to the State Audi-
tors report.
Besides supplying their own markets,
the French export. annually 1,000,000.-
000 eggs, valued at $12, 500,000.
The Italian colony in New York city
numbers, 10,000. They have twelve
mutual benefit soeieiies and one 'ilia-
sonic, Lodge.
In 1870 there were in the United
States 18,902,681 acres ander wheat,
while in 1877 the area had increased to
27,108,407 acres.
New Yor has thirteen sagar refineries,
Boston four, Philadelphia three, New
Orleans two, and Baltimore and St.
Louis on each.
C1 LUTZ, M. D.,
I • Olike at his resilouce, Exeter.
yt, IIiVING, 0:12ADUAT1u UNI-
VERITY Trinity College 41err'LerCollego
PevehtilLne Iced snrbeunl Ont., theeliirktolt.
driesnot Oiled the ow prices at which
& T. c' ..° . ` r j t T T
arcoffering their stock of
itxeter & Hensall
which consisfs of all the latest and improved
styles of Kitchen, Cook autl Parlor stovos,Mi1k
o Lus, pans, mut pails of tits most approved
;mate! u, and everything in. the line .; Also, a
oodseleetion of handsome
E1.4.a Com. tl'oup'1ling
as nbuoi, receives overyattentiou, and done
at the lowest figures.
Having opened ont a branch establishment
at EIonmall, nor friends 'n . that :leigllburhood
can be 'supplied. on ti,e shortest notice,
T1AT021Ga G- rful Diao o cry
11 MP irr:1151
An Internal & External
�It curs R'1^urnntisll1 111141 I:etnnl4i11 are a 11
kil altll�,.iiii i••otLliu)•.-• i)t.ny it 4th, nun'
1t is Cho only kumtu remedy for lthuun.atien
`on the American Continent, nt, proved by others.'
, >,e soon 11.,1/411,1111A its 14 0a instant vase to the
Fltnif orinutit0 snflott.r, -"It ig rapiiUv (LLt3urbecl
74(+ilatrutcst•i the veryl'onc out ors the eimull
thin, neutralizing all "Itlleennt ttie Poison" Oil'
.3 '1 h roil d expels from tin
oulating n the blood, and tom] o s 1
strtelnth'•oughthtluatlual�antic�ts. -
- w
iTootlilate, Earache, Headache, 1eurniii
p•it.1ionn atisul, t4praine, Swellings, inlltnumtioe
„;.urns Cuts, 13nusss, Pain i4( Side, Titin i1
.: Bock,;'ain ,n Chest, Pain in s11or1dor, Coughs
Cnitls,l rest kites, O11itd:tins, lliaxr2loum, Uys
outcry, b'n111nter Call4p111int, tic., fie,
: n r i ' x111 true.
It tura tut Inn. t 1 4(1 t 1
1 ) t, 1, 1
tuat ort rte+nn I4( Dui. i14utat:t, f time 1 4'4 ,1;
tt`yourpl'ejudtee 1u•i,(1veIL:L tree ; the. ,uvon
relent 1s small and relief cel taitn.. The great
r'4secret of its suaoest with itl classes is (min;
'',to the fact it is safe and 11.er1nlees, pleasant
,,;t4( take blv s instant 0100,11114 01111 lie apI lief
:fete a wider r1wlgc of ,lieease in every day lifr
greeter 811'1(4.5') than any l,reparatinl
w1iic11 research skillanl "lloiliclLI. sewulleo-
hey} -cat ptoducedl. "" �"`"" `" "
' As 141)1n01N)11'its 1r..at pCWOr over disease
any p.tsen, no matter who it 1)141) be, 1 1(e
.;:orPoor, Old or Young, who is suffering In s
11141,y of tete abate named pein'ul compfeints. +
4s,wi11 cull at the ()Bice in T. room,, idly any 0. ,
'the week, 14111 get practiett proof "Free on'
1 '-angle,," or its ulag10:L power over matt 1111,114
:i: application.
St, i s Testimonials frc.m a11 parts of the Dominion
ere 1 118t4'4t1±.• coming to band, giving; expres
kion to the host grateful gratitude for a. 1
4 litonisbing armee which it has performed, and ,
...'ewe would be pleased to receive tnmtimodial,. 's
4.'fro:n all others who n•10 it snocossrul„ lye
Physicians of the highest rcaphatal.nlity re
VS 7,commontl it ne a most oilect'ull "domestic
l,-runiedy"tor tllo relief of Pain in cases of sna-
'' Carry 1t to your•1lnmesand 1fi.willprove a'=
i blessil! to your family and aificterl friends.
Iii. Driig ists urn at1iiut; euorunlus iluniltitlus of
!`,lt wherever inth'adllead, ,.
4 ......,......+...,..,.r.-,... n,aa,...e.s�e,,.rssvr+aanT........,...... �.+a ••.
!` I el'allaugo the world to pr0dece its 0t110u1. "t
'= The Trade supplied through the who]i'stiii
t Drug and Patt;ut trcoltoine Iiatulas of Mantra
11.• Toroirt0, Hniultt 111 nud Lnndou. .
:'• Price 20 Cents per Bottle!; 1
sold by all Enterprising Druggists.
ept. 19., ly.
I+ 1';131 VARY 20,
P. 111A1T1V .Ei
,4 OVAL1
remove to lits new shop, 111t01y o4)ennit 4 by
Perkins& Co --two doors mirth of l Glitel'e boo':
store, whore you will find t't'crl'tltii)g nuually kept
it n nrst•01nss 11nruess cstt:hlistuuout, w]meI1 ter
quality of material and ely11' of work111ams111p
Vali and 0x0.1ri100 my stook before p111'chasil:it
llacin,^,9uy nmc shop now in re -II 1.11141, I world 111-
101 too pi11 11r that I ate pro p:1n it to do all 1 ;lilt,
,if tai ,4 a :lin 4(1(410ding iseedrille of all hints
t ; t altar^1 Li4htl14'1''.sae' 111 T11 1! 1reilk„r•.
re 'y ere ht1'4 LLtrhuu•a, •114)1 3411 orre.;11,,44.111,4
14,301'0 my can flu 111100'11 011. I11.1r s ghat 1 ltslr-
fcre,au41 haring tender feet tn.:tied In the twist
approved manner, and Satisfaction given,
rgeo oderate.
I have on band au ei"ae of A Mrieult.r.rat Inede
In( 11114 from the 1lasaay 1V.annf1ctnrh,g t'n., l,ew.
ten tlr.I.olnl tuber th•' plaeo•-h'irst shop :vest of tbo
Poet Odle°, lien.all.
,1raerll,t c1.S i:�" ,
F A T•0E Y,
le e031strntly kr].t ran -vete emcee -is of buildir6
materna. Flooring hard et d soft, g'Mould
age &c., solrl ulin:t). Pl:nitog and 'Turning
promptly attlinded to.;
and 4a{;isfl4otiou guerantced. As 1V0 have a.1
Naafi 1L large s' rick of dry lumber, v'•a 18111 sero tsa
satisfying those who may give 4(a a call.
iiliani Titching
Wishes toinform the public that lee lee !natal'
preparedto renal all kinds of
Sewing Machinos, Witt
Clocks, Guns, &c., than any
o.t11er person in the country, a'>
'. L
an ;
•4 Tall L5
t1L charges
he guarantees to give Satisfac-
) 17..1 este M01'0101:1
t . h.:,
l Eli ,myor13
'Iemor•41r.'1(1 1144 ,i'• r lKr .a 1,1 it
t . - t n 14 r-13111,1 1. r. • '
1 1 :4 a 141111' t r.4 ! tine r•':ti ie^}� ,
1 .'. 0141,' 11 '4014.
1 h n tit, :•1,111 -- t ,4 1-;; 1,...1
l,ne it i b; tl.i•,p042411411,pt,L rlitl:,ru.,t
ler t 1
11 cinie;ba, itm.111fetd1talntzieyIneerie.;
t ,r, I c t , L .,u ;T h •a r.3.1,
.led".4875 9 r.. + w 94)111(1111)04', '4;1, @"ra•Ili,s ',
,re o:• ^.k. ,t •:..., au,1 Lnl,lrilc,l (1111 dr.
4d yet, L �4 tn.1, ,In,4C.:r, mi 4111114'' 1, Lave 44;•.11147
• i. s';I ', <.,• )<tlnn'!>tt-bl'r.nll ::puts an l.4(:<• or
r, l4( r 4(. t lu.,Macho or 1 4241 1r• to ill
• i 1211.1 '•t 1.cat el chills ill d (41124111 with hot
la 1. 4 :r 1 trtl ie. i n f 1,-1-n11ue:+.t•rc•• nlnr
11 •rtc. tr 144 n r nt, O. )1,11 ere suiicring boil
.rd., I.'acr, r i Lu.ol„ace,:” In 1111111y (111434 Cl'
i :r< r t woolalnt', r•nlypart•of these symptoms are
1.. 1,hrr 4 .\a n remotetar 1)1 sea cases, Ilr.
M011rai Discovery 19014 no ental, as
ti.cts pl r1,•et ant r llral Ceres.
in t!141 intro et' L'renelltle, Revere Conghty laid the
11 stale':, of Coa.umpit8n, it has 114)01lmhcd rile
.:14111 1)0(114', 1111.1 (l11111e It physlcllmis llroun1111C,'.
the 441(14141 114.411,•111 discovery et the age. 1Vhile
' cute s t hn , c4•e rr :t coughs. it strengthens the system
1-1 puriten thy blued. 8::111 by druggists.
It. 1'. 1 4 Iti'l:, :,i. I).. 1'rnp'r, l'iTortd's Dispensary
::4 hivtULls' Ilulcl, Butllde, :C. Y.
®0 0
No woof taking the laege, repulsive, nauseous pills.
'nmposod of cheep, credo, duel bulky ingredients:
here x2114411 ore scarcely larger then muetnrd seeds
Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is re.
et free while using teem. They operate without tits.
•erintnee to the constitution diet, or occupation.
nl' Jaundice, Headache, Constipation, 1mpir81
%load, t'uh, In the 8ltoloblery, Tlghtevtai of the Cheesyy..
•)tizlnces, boor Eructations from tho Stomach, Bad
fnste in the mouth. Biltona attaels4. Polo 1n re¢ioe
oY Eldnoye, Interns,.' Veva., Bloated feeling about
itomueh, Iltteh of Blood to Hend, take Or. Piercer
eeentmet Purgative Pellets. in explanation of 11134
remedial power of these Purgative Pellets over sc
prat IL variety of diseases, it may bo 51111) that (holt
;tenon noon too mama economy 1s universal, not a
gland or taunte ear -aping their mutative Impress. A3.t
mos not impair elle propertirs 01 these P4:lietC
;'hey tare sugar-coated tuns inclosed lfl gBhlsshottles
their ylrtut's being thereby preserved unimpaired fol
itny length of ;tile, it any climate, so t1,a1 4l/ay tet
always 15'150 Cud reliable. Thiels not the mew wit 11
pills put up in cheap wooden or pasteheard
I4nr all discuses where a Luxotivo. t, terative, m
Purgative, Is htdleated, these little Pellets 19)1 Fytvt
the: most perfect satiathetlon. Boldbydrrtm:ate.
and Invalids''11 Rotel, Buffalo 14 Y. orlti'siJleloemirs
SYMPTOMS-Frompm:it head.
„ 5, aeh1,dlaeh lege falling iutotit •'1tt
L11) semen nes profusewatery, 1140
m110048, purulent,, oal118145, etc
tit others, a dryness, dry, we err, weai:, or )1181144•:'1
eyes stopping up, or of strutett0n, of the nusr.l pus.
saga, ringing in ears clearness, hawking end cough.
Ing to chide the tit rest, ulecra 1049,seab3 from ulcer.'
vollcoaitercd nasultwang. offensive breath, init tor;
or total deprivation of sense or smell and taste, I
zlne>s, mental depression loss of appetite, it 114.:7•
tion, enlarged tonsils, 'tinting cough, etc'. t)n1Y 8
lew of 831194) aymptoms are likely to b i prop"t 1111011
411188 nt one 1111144.
produces radical cures of the worst caws of Catarrh.
no !natter of hew long standing. Thu 11gnL1 remCd3
may he snuffed or better ltp plletl by t111 eau of 1)r
1'ltaen's1 Douche, 'Ella 18 Clic only form of helm.
went yet Invented with which Cloud medicine uta le
(311rr1ud filen) t:r and 11c(l+rexrx APl'ie1CU to 41:
parts or the atrurted nasal passntet, acid tits 1141111'
abets or. cavities commiu11r.1115g 111x141)44 , In white.
sorts and 'leets "0I4lirntll axt4t, and 144.3:1 whirl'.
the catarrhal r ,saher to 1 encratly rocce,;5. ILl 31st
is ph ssault ;nut easily nndcridoott, frfrom,d4rcctf' u•
srr:ul1lanyillg catch Ihstruntcnft. Ih, 441, . (•'.e
00441 Rs tne•dy omen. recent nttaelil er' (aid to flit
/PPad"hr a few ltpplioetl)ttc, IC Is tell 4 ..11-1 plena
,nf to lee, ronl.inhgr hu sttren4,44 can I r(3' 01
,111401.0. Chub ltnmrt 4 e11,1 tlnti,,e, 00,1 bvdim*
tate nr, ....r'iiVlil1111 ct ill1. f}u."c14'), h. Y. ••
m ltt�