HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 5,.tey,t1:`31 t -ABI 'THE 'TIMES GROCERY EXETER. It. TITO RN6s..R1/1T-4'1i J 5 STAR GROCERY EXETER. Beg to give notice that they have been appointed SOLE AGENTS FOR. FEN WIC K.'S CELEBRATED FLOUR. Everyone that has tried it, pronounces it the best in use, They will also have a large Stook of Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley, Corn, Oatmeal, 6cc., ctc. Try Fenw ck's Celebrated_ Flour. Goads promptly de lvered, 0:0:0- 0:0:0 Try our TEA, three lbs. for $1,00. Destructive Fire in London. The first large fire that bas visited Loudon for upwards of six years occur- s- red ou Thursday miming last, where - :by the maenificunt new brewery build. In of Mr.e.Oarling & Co., together with alliont three-fourths of its con tents,were tea need to ruins, Tne fire conuneuced at about four o'clock in tne malting de. partmeut, the melt in the dryiug kiln igniting and heating the iron doors and frame work so as to set fire to the wood- work adjaceet. The alarm was quickly yiven,land the fire brigade were speedily on hem!. Aleautizue the engine,which Monday's meeting, which resolved to continue the strike. Meantime work is being resurued along the whole line of dooks. The sailors coutioue to hold out. A despatch from Ceara, Brazil, gives ghastly details cif a famine and pesti. Isom. Half a million of people have been swept away ; Ceara is depopulet- ed ; starving peasants are eatiug their own ohildreu ; unburied bodies are de- voured by wild animals ; and: small pox and black plague are adding their horrors to drought and famine. Recently a large current f watt) penetrated the coal pits of Dux iu Bo always kept on the premise.s, wits hettna. It ie now reported thet, one o bronght into use. On the arrival ef the mineral springs t Teplitz is gi edit the firemen four lines of hose were at- ally diminishing. Great alarm is flit taol:ad to the new hydrants on the cor- lest all the springs of this noted water - Dere of the brewery equare, and thns ins place should be °mime:tot-I with the jive streema %vete available. The util- ity of the weter.works, which have just been completed at a cost of $325,000, een1,1 not have received a better teat. After playing for a while with five boiler near Beverly on Saturday, killin r f waters winch have found their way through H. Beene into the coed pits. L. U. MoCormiok,a small steamer on the Muskitigurn River, exploded her Exchange Bank of Canada BEATTIE HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capital paid up, - - $1,000,000 DIREOTORS ; BCH. GAULT, President. THOMAS OAVERRILL, Vice -President A. W. OGILVIE, Iff.P.P., - E K, GREENE THOS. TIFFIN, - ALEX, BUNTIN, JAMES GRATHERN, 0. R. MURRAY, Cashier, GEORGE BURNS - - Inspector Exeter Branch. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAIL. SACTED. Money loaned to ferment on their own notes with good endorsers. Drafts issued oil New York. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 8 par cent interest allowed on deposits of etc eller and upwards. 0 EP ICE HOURS -From 10 to 8; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. W.A. HASTINGS, Manager. t Exeter, Aneust 2ftul, 1878, 51-1v. Vtliill°fiS FLORAL GUIDE.- k benn- C;vork of 100 Pages, Otte Colored Flower e Plate, and 300 llindtralione, with Descriptions of 6 the best Flc were v.;(.1 V?Fetnblee, and how to grow thm.eAll for tle• t or German. Tite Fivowe'rnitlitte84totriglett';Ibt.O Garden, 170 Pages, Six Colored Plates, and ninny hundred e.ipavings. For 00 cents in paper covers ; 51.00, in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick's Illustrated Moathly Magazine 32 pages, a. anlor- ed Plate in every reim't•te ani mote fine F,11- gravings, Price $1.21 ft Year ;Vivo comics for $5 00. Specimen numbers sent fer10 ont•ts. Vielc'e Seeds are the beet in the world. Send Five cent Stamp for a Floral Guide, containing List and Prices, and plenty of inform., &tn. Address. JMi8S VIoK, Itnnlanster, T. 170,XlaltR KN1 C'PING- FAC/TOltY. 1 The undersigned would inform the public of Exeter and all rroundrat, country that he has re- moved his Knitting Factory to the hnilditig one door north of Mr. Richard Davis' Blacksmith shop and that he will keep coti5tnntly on hand Gee ts, Ladies' and Children's Stockings of every deseriP- tion. Parties ratty have their itncitings,'Nfitts, tee. knit to order on the shortest notice, A large sim- ply of Berne wool of ever, color on hand...Finger- ing yarn kmt in stook. Also a large stock of the best Canadian stocking yarn kept constantly on hand. Price for knitting men's alas, 12i (untie. etockings, 14 cents, children's lei cents per mar. W. A. O. N P118 LI) Main street, Exeter. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM., PANY, ON LONDON. ' streams the firemen relaxed their work, the firemen, seriously smiling the cap. thinking they had conquered the flames, tein, two of the crew, and three passen- as indeed it seemed they had. Some gene The boat was sunk. limey or forty men were in the bhod- Later telegrams report that the Zulns iu g below, aud the firemen were thtuk. have been repulsed from the fort on the ing of packing up and going home, Lower Gagels. The ollicere who es - when till et once an explosion Was caped from the disaster speak highly of beard, and the onlookers saw the slate the conduct of all engaged, and of the roof ii the tenttre of the hnilding raise courage of the natite contingent, thus like a huge wave, and. with a crashing, disposing of the reports of mutiny and erntichieg •roar, as though the budding massacre of the officers by the nativefr. was &mg rent by an eartlignake, ool- The London Standard publishes a levee. Those outside imagined from despatch, dated Mariteburg, January the bhoeli, that the whole hui:ding was 25th, statine that shortly after the °nin- on the eve of falling, the massive walls atonement of hostilities Lord Chehns• of brick and stone being jarred and ford and Col. Pearson successfully en - shaken. For some time the fete of the gaged the enemy. Ne.tr the plate men inside on the first floor was a nava- where Cheltnsford bad been fighting he lery the cause of intense anxiety, Left six companies which Darutord Iva): but they were soon found not to have to join with natives. Fifteen thousand esbeen ijured. The effect ef the explos- Zulus attacked the united heroes on the fen, which was caueed, it is surmised 22nd tilt. The fire .from the British by the iiroilion of the malt dust, was to ) caused immetue hevoc, but they rush - renew the fire on a titoee extensive ed forward with indonii•abie pluck, and eCalo thou before. A. few minutes after the great numerical 'superiority vf the the roof had fallen flames were noticed Zulus secured them ft, eon) Dike victory. The six companies were totally de- stroyed aud Durusford's natives utter- ly routed. The victorious Zolns at- • &take(' a small fore ) in the vicinity of Rooke's Drift the same day, but were. repelled, 100 men keeping off over 4,000 Zulus. They fought from five &deck in the evening to daylight, when the main columa arrived. The British lest thirteen men, five of which were massacred in the hospital. Messrs. Millburn, Bentley te Pearson, -Sire, I feel it nay duty to inform you that last spfing I lost my hearing with one ear, and this fain ley and malt, all of which became food lost the hearing of the other also, so that I was fer the flames or is so damaged by fire afraid I would never be able to hoer again. I and smoke as to be unfit for any use tried everything to bring back my hearing that whatever. The stock of hops wag 1:0:r. jiasetorithmi talientpoe,ybumt intoanutdo i411 'ilaTiTf tit:3 tially saved ; the stook of bottles was YELLOW one so ',rubbed a little on the outside saved almost entire; the safe was turned of my ears two or three times Relay, and every out of doers early. The boiler, engine night and morning. I wet some wool with the and machinery situated in the lower otilmaeuil toutitoian uzwecaurs,a twieur ocnoeuirebk:st part of the buildnig, are all preserved still rale) on the oril when the weather is cold, iu tol trebly good shape ; they cost and 1 keep wool also in my ears. I write this $59000. The stook of barrels and ale to you that you might know the worth of your is nearly all destroyed ; the waiehnuse Yellow Oil. Yours, truly, rhurs ti 1.g Out in different ,direetions, and 'soon united in a general conflagration, which ate up the °entente of the build- ing with astonishing rapidity, and against which the firemen, were .to a large extent powerless, seeing that the, tire was raging hhind imniense•walle. of brick, and was not very accessible , from below. The interior was sup - potted to be as nearly as possible fire. proof, and yet the progress of the flames after once gaining headway was some. elilng marvellous. There were in stock .some 80,000 or 40.000 bushels of bar - JOHN CLAM. and cellar ou the north side containing For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter. a poi Mon of it escaped destruction. The entire 1o� so far as can be at present ascertained will not fall short of $250,• 000 oa which are insurances in vary iug bums of about $75,000. The firm will at once recommence operations at. the old brewely on Waterloo street. There were over one huudred men em- elleyed in the establishment. General News. 'Lord Beaconsfield is ill again, I Cattle dissase is spreadiug iu Eng. laud. Elliott has beaten Higgins in a beat race for the chautptouship of Groat Britain. Cardival Manning is in Rome, and has been cougratnlated by the Pope on the spread of Cetholiolom in Great Britain. The report that the native forces in Zulu, who were abisting.the British had killed their oilieers, i uutrue, on the contrary, they feught bravely. The pleuro-pneumooia is spreading among the cattle in Norte and East Yorkelairo, About G,000 weavers are out of em- ploymen‘at Aiueolesfield on account of dip esAiou in trade. A 'Victoria dispatch says Her Ma- jesty' bteunier Osprey, lour guns, is inking coal aNd aLunlunition,under erdere for Sake, iii response to the ap- peal of the citizens there. The strike has practically collapsed. 9ely etroui, three thousand atteuded JOSEPH .TRFFERY, President. ALEX JOHNSTON,'kc-Presidont. SAYINGS BANK BRANCH. ATOTICE TO DEPOSITORS. - THE .1.11 Ontario roan an t Saving; Company are prepared to receive deposits in the sum $5 and upwards, at the rate .of SIX PER OFNT. per an-. num, FOR fixed periods, or Five per cent. on do mend. Ail investments of this company are se- cured hy mortgages on Real ItIstate,whieh afford to depositors the best 'possible security for the safety of their deposits. ,'or further uarticulars apply by letter, or at the office of the Ctimuany. Jan. 80-81n. Wb.1. F. SULLEN, Manger. 013YRNE & Cool In returning onr customers our sincere thanks for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three years We Have been in Busineas, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we , HAVE REMOVED To our New Store, next door to Samwell $1200 er, COZS sILE WA Ulan St LON You will find the Largest as- iorrtment of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Eid Gloves, Lace, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking tinier the manar;ement of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend ou getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up ou the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTIE 140 Dundas Ft. London M 0 0 se. 0 yes, Pi a 0, profiti on 20 days I-event/tent o Pickard's; where we will be better prepared in North-Weet, January 33. t ft00 than ever to eimply the wants of our Cii,tomers. Proportional retras every Tokniin Stock ‘4D5r6ions yfilcilnepo-rts a'rtl'circtilars in e, A ddrees, We have added largely to our stock, and our (.2.! prices will be found lower than any House iti T. Poesrun WIGHT & co.. Bankets, 35 Wall st. N.Y. the Trade, and the quality of the goods equal to the best. We would cell your maim -liar 7 A DAY to Agents cauvaesing for the FIRESIDE VISITOR Corm- and Out - attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, which fit Free. Address P. 0. TIPEERY, is designed specially for Farmers' use. The Augusta, Maine. castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the heat,and the prices Teas! Teas!! Teas ! ! ! --AT- R. n. SPXCICR'S, Try our 50c. Tea. NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (reiy dim) 11lbs. splendid coffee sugar for $100. Choice syrups, Don't forget our 20c. 'Vinegar, and cheap soap. No trouble to show goods. .11. & E. SPJCER, TWO'DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE. Ship Grocery. -- TEA. I T4) E. I TEA. T1-tY MY 75 ct. TEA ! TRY MY 50 ct. TEA.! Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, CU.RRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS. TOBA.CCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all pl.rts of the Village. _o_ Agent for Great Wester'? Ste hp Co. New York to Bristol, CAPT EMP, LIVERPOOL, LON DONDLBRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF •)•41---"/-. •••• 4."'-'1g'•"*t^‘04.:14. , Am-;--- Royal mai/ Steamships. The favorite route,between Canada and Great Britain. it" 1 .1` T E It S E 121^ 1 C, E . THE SARDINIAN will sail ou Feb.22111. Shsrtest sea passage, For speod, comfort; economy aud safety are equal ayntne- kolu,utio Liam, and being a Ca..adian Lino,shoule be patronized by all Canadians. For particulars tie to passage or parties sending ler their f-ic ds, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter,-• GRAY'S SPECIFC MEDICINE. The GreatEnglish TRADE Prs t PC. TRADE MAR Clout ody,tin ing cure for Semi- nal weaknes Spermato rrh e , Impotnncy, and all Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self abuse, as ‘Ve. ^ loss of Memory, Before Takingeoes, 'Universal Lust -After Taking, Pain in the Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age,. and or 20 nue and Beautiful chronic) cart.s, with name -many other Diseases that lead to insanity Consumption and a Premature grave.LFufl MMtSIAGE is a solemn thing -e choice for and terms of payment will be found very Iove y car, no- aA 10c., postpaid. Geo. L Items & on, 20185511.partiEltlars in our pamphlet, which we desire te eciflo Mots. Venddi ef rine ibsysnio yt. v(?rrnYg°1nIlis e life; be careful in fue choosing. Ami be care- reasonable. 25 1 d I 10 atm or 18 chromoe Jse, per plekage ful in post-paid. J. li, HOSTe.n. Nastaa, N Y. choosing a remedy for female corn- or six packages tor $5. or will be sent by mail ou plaints. Be snre to ask your elea'er for Vic- c?,4 0 C• 9 30 Fancy Cards, Chromn, Snowflitko, &C, no 2 receipt of the ut TIE; it; VIIVPIVIDETCIVE CO Wrenson, Osre, 04.11ADA .Sold in Exeter by all drugaists, and even -- whore in Canada .ind the United States by whore. sale and retail druggists. TORIA Baum and Uvi. Misr. It is now extens- alike with name. 10 eta, J, Co Next Door to Samwell dr. Pickard's, Main street. Nassau, N ively prescribed by all respectable physicians. Bright's disease of tho kidney, diabetes, etc , may be overcome by the Buchu if taken in time. For sale by Dr. C. Lutz, Exeter. --- Beschee's iierman Syrup cau now bo pm - chased right at home, it is the most successful preparation ever introduced to our people. It works like a charm iu all cases of Cousump- tion, Pnermionia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, se- vere Coughs, Croup and. all other Throat and Lung Diseases, No person has ever wed this medicine without gel tiug immediate relief, yet there are a great many poor, Whiling, skepti- cal persons going about onr streets with a su- spicious cough, and the voice of consumption coming from their lungs, that will But try it. If you die,it is yoitr own fault, ashen 050 go to your druggist and get a Sample Bottle fel 10 cents and try it ; three doses will relieve any case. Regular size only 75 cents. JOHN SUDAN, Has just commenced business one half mile West of Dashwood, and is prepared to elean Clocks,Watches and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs iid MeledianS at- tended to. 'Nose 10 waut of his services should* giv him a call brforegekg away from home. •Ohatges moderate and on bresalufao- tiou gns,rn tend. Shingles for Sate FRO NI $1 TO 51.50 PE311 SQUARE, rr. bt1717e. month, and t)tr n en ROA go 4 ranteed to agents JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! JEWELRY!!! ,40 1 outfit fru. Slimy d4 co, Angusta., Maine. s. J 0 1\-1 S Has a fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, In all the latest styles, and at Prices to suit the Times W. D. McGloughlin ADVERTISEMEMT°4t.gfies.1 week in 300 uewspapers for $10. Send 10e. for 1141 page pamphlet, 0 .P.ROWELL & co. 10 Sgruoe st., N. Y. TEW LACKSMITH SHOP J. AT WIN - N. BUCKING Exeter, 11 a s int inessiu the at Winchelsen, pa -ed to dealt -... kind ofh ack smithiugivork - Horse shoe- ingspe luny attended to, Promptness, cheapness and gond work guarauteed, A call solicited. 15-3m W. BM:HINGHAM. CHELSEA. H 1111.1ate of commenced 111..'vehranc't and is tro- $50,000.00 At auction. To eotrilnenee on Monday, Deo. 1.6, 1878 --CALL AND EXAMINE 1- . Before yon buy eltiewhere. Sfieciatatten:ion Jaid to Repair At G. & 3. Brooks' ;awmill g.' WO MILER WEST OF THE LONI/ON • ROAD, 'I"P ON' HA S. jONESI i. A good supply of ITeniftwk ',rant ernattuodsr Opposite Central Hotel. Posta eoestantly ou Laud 0130 Pundits al reet, London, will 011 the above date, offer his whole stook, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at emotion, and. continuo Alio sale every dtt,y at two o'cloolt in the after- noon and at keVett in the evening during the hal. once of the inonth,-front the 16th to the Mod of lenoember, le the largest and hest stock :that has ever boon offered to the imbue tit theft own pylons; and. aA everybody knows, tho foe& Are of thn best marinfe,cturc and Crirore article will be war- ranted tile same (18 11 Intuaht intim ordin ..ry way, This ie i rem chtnce to get fine gol i and silver watches, gold jewelry, cloeits, plated ware end fn ncy geods at votir own prices,: Pei -naps unvor again will suet] o pportunity oecur. Seeure peneOhristentn and New Tettr's .prenents at this sale. Satt -) your mom* for tins auction- -and Ithikomoticy. W. 1). MtelL017(11iLIN. a undue street, f,ondou, NEW MA.CIIINIL SHOP. William Eitching to inform the public that he itp.ttetteF prepared to renal' all kinds of Sewing Machines, WatChes Clocks, Guns, &o., than any other person in the country,.as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- • tion. HAY PUMP WORKS G. OMNI, • PRO?RIETOR. Roving now greater facilities for reanufe.ctnring pumps than any other factory in the section 1 azu prepared to furnish p emps and dig well,' on the shortest notion, and warrentall work, itty pumps have taken the FIRST PRIZE AT TDB FALL SHOWS many onniPetitors. 1 can reecmanend 11102(1, 015 (1.21118 ch3Ap 511 afty second rate article N, 13-FtttB WOIOX OF ALL KINDS DONE • )1,110, BOLTON. . • Shop-One-rptexter mile north of Faxter London Road. Ray P. 0 g kJ tor. ds.fah, i3ISt 4,14,