HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 44 • 1sT i21:1'°fl'ITiIlI,T The Molsons Bank. 1i1CQ10,0B4.T1.'0 }1x AeT orrariZa1 31=1:, 18`65, C',apitaf, $2,000,000. hest, $.400,000. READ OFFICE MONTREAL. ;roux IdonsoN, k:sr3, , -- ,prostdrtit. HON t'i10axAe WealtatAN, •- lice•Pres„ T J C'i,Att'r'oN. ``ice -Pres Sunbtuttii1 Ins Co Hen 1) I, glue 1lersua, Senator, it W Shepherd, Pres Ottawa itiver Navlu CO iv..xnt o i�eloon, lfl P P. 'Biles Williams, V. \i“nr.BT;nsTAN Tlrolr,ts, LI'sq., - C'.tshfer. i, li1,A,ToN, Esq„ - I)t vector. Exeter ]3ianrh . )34N1:lY 0. BIEWER - - MANAGE11. LOANS TO FARMEIIS. Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their owl promissory notes with one or more good op, donors. No mortgage required as security, SAVINGS BANNIK D"PA1iTMENT a per cent, Interest allowed on deposit.. Gold and currency drafts bought audsold, Star tagExellangebought and sold, Collections wade in all parts Of the Dominion, and returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of ezahange. Exeter, A” gust 15th 1878, 6-m The voter t hues. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1870. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. The Dominion Parliament opened on Tuuredey cast, with more tbtu the uaunl formality and parade. Her Ex- cellency the Princess Louise witnessed the oremony. Dr. Blanohet, of Levis, was elected Speaker without opposition. Mr. Alackenzie world have proferred Mr. A'tgtin, not because of any epcciti! 'lapis' ca'Ion4 possessed by that gentle - main but because the British practice was t0 ,etuiu the same Speaker, not- withsraudiug chnnge'l of Government. however, the ex -Premier WAS kind cn.>ug11 not to insist Cu Sir John adopt lug tine custom, and the Government we e ills tl: ubt devoutly thankful and breathed mere freely after their escape. The Speech frenl the Throve will be faund in another column. Unlike the Address delivered at the oneuing of the Ontario Legislature,it will bear a careful perusal. A broad, enli;iltened, vigor- ous and progressive policy is fore::had- oxed, which will cause the pulse of the. countly to beat with renewed life, in- fuse flesh vigor into our struggling industries, cause activity to dethrone languor, slope to strangledevpair, strength to overcame weakness, and lift the black chilli of'depression which bee overehad loved the Dominion, to let in the morning sunbeams of returuin prosperity. That groat national un- dertaking, the Pacific Railway, of whish. the Mackenzie .dlniui.,tration displayed such lauientaole lack of practical know - lo ige anti the grossest negligence, and upon wh1Oh millions of dollars have bean criminally wasted, is to be vigor- ously pushed forward to completion without delay. This activity will be in marked and pleasing contrast to the faithless, shifting, do-nothing policy ilureiued with reference to this grand scheme by the late Geverumeut, who a'uu•st (hove the British Columbiana to It rupture of the Union by their iliac - lion, faithlessness and tergiversation. It is to be hoped that the uew condition e,€ thi gs will restore that feeling of t;tlufiieuce between the disaffected Pro - voice and the Government wwliuh is en necessary to the harmonious w'urkl,g of oar scheme of Federation. In other important matters pertain- ing to the increasiug prosperity of the Dutuiuiou, it is gratifying to find that. the new Government have not allnwe 1 the comparatively short time since their retnru to power t0 Maes nation proved, They nave entered iuto ar• raugemeuts .o promote trade with MeV- feral ooniitlies with which we have las yet a very limited intercourse, and to expand that which already f'xiets with other nations. We can, therefore, look forward with oonfidel,ce to the prospe e,1 ef the Dominion regaining the pruu,a ltottiti„u site 0000 held, under. Sit John 1lacdonaltl's guiding hand, among tilt commercial nations of the world. But the parltt•:raph in the Speech ilius' eagerly looked fur and most keen• ly criticised, is that r'efet ring to the National Policy which is soon to be uefdlllcd, From Some strange cause, which might be acconnled for on the hypotheeis that warty prejudice destreye the mental e•lnilibrintn of the avorttgel lefurtnor as we Kee 11i1n in these drge, -, orate days, many people who ought to know better, itave.boetl talking as it they expected Iliat• the full details of the National Policy scllenle would It,•pear in the Sneed 1 f nln the Throne. Tile Opposition er,si, a}'.tii t Lir regard f r flux dealing and honor, have easiduons- ly striven to give calor to this delusion, in order that the people Inight the more easily be incited to discontent when they found their expectations were not realized. And in many in- stances they have succeeded, for time and again have we been told by elle• mies of the N. P. that 18th of Febru- ary would dieoose the scheme in all its, beauty and perfection to the admiring gaze of e. grateful people. A moment's considerationwould have shown the folly of such utterances. The Speech flora the Throne is supposed merely to five a general idea of tlre.nature 01 the legislation to be aecotnpliethed during the session. It gives an indefinite out- line. It never coutlescends to partiou• lars. Trot as matters affecting the tar- iff have an influence on the revenue of the country, .the Finance Minister is the person who doofdes what alters - thane can be made, and lie snakes the announcement of these ohauges in his budget speech. It would, therefore, be just as well for those gentlemen who are finding fault with the para. graph relating to the National Policy to wait until the proper time before they condemn the efforts that the Govern- ment of Sir John Alacdouald is making to alleviate Ilia distress unhappily ex- istiug in the country. THE SALARY GAAP. The conduct of the Ontario Legis- lature in reference to the sessional nl- IOwanOe of the members of the Luca' Legislature is anything but creditable. Every successive pot i ' this connection bears a close analogy to the character of Nr. Mowat—weak, shuffling and in- consistent. They knew that public opinion was decidedly adverse to the increase of the indemnity, and they had plenty of time given thein to reverse their action 1n granting it. But they failed to improve this opportunity, which the Opposition, knowing the in• crease to be in popular disfavor, took advantage of, and introduced a motion asking fur a reduotiou in conformity with the of and vehemently expressed wishes of the people. This motion tilt. Government affected to treat aft a mo- tion of Wa )t of oonfideuee, and their subservient following voted against it to a man -thus expressing the opin- ion that the increase was deserved and justifiable,, that the people who protest- ed against it ;were fonts, and that a reduction to tile- olil figure would be wrong and against public policy. But will it be believed th.at,afraid of meeting au outraged Country and being beaten for their offence, -the Government, after expressly cotnrnauding their support• ers to vote against a motion to reduce the indemnity, have been seized with a death-bed.�r.epentanoe, and in the estimates for- the,year have pleoed the sessional allowance of the members at j10O0, the amount to which the Oppo- sition and the country contended it should be reduced ? Strange, and in- 'eeneistent as it wiay appear with their previous actions, it is it fact. In plae- nig the indemnity at this figure, the Government claim that they intended to do so from the first. Bat this claim will hardly hold good when it is re- membered that, the Government voted and spoke strongly against a motion of a like nature when made Iiy the Oppo- sl'ioii. It is absurd on its face. 'then again, a little cross -firing in the house on Friday between Mr. Wood and i,1r. Meredith fureiebes proof that the Gov. ernment would !lave allowed the ses- sion to pass away without the remot- est reference to the indemnity if the Opposition had net broaelled the sub• feet. Mr. .Mowat had just declared that the Government had intended to reduce the. indeillnity. Mr. Wood etuned that the Government had not decided on taking the step in comas - (pence of the pressure from the Oppo• nit1on ; DIr•. Meredith wished to know whet) the step was dote' inked on ; Mr. Wood replied that be, in proposing the. estimates, [!lade the reduction on his own responsibility and Without 001181111 ing 1110 other members of the Govern- tuent, tlittq liiviug a direct coutradic- 11011 to Mr. Mowat's tissertion that the Government had agreed to reduce the Int enmity; Mr, Meredith Pressed for feil'tiler 1 ,fnrneat on, desiring to know whether cite reduction was 11T11de before or afie the Mouse met, end Mr, Wood reluctantly confessed that he did slot kuo w, if ! tit a !un his w ).1, w ljY-aa he had made the reduction before or after the House met, which is tanta Mount toau admission that they had not intended to make the reduction, but were compelled to do so by the tone of the Opposition in the debate, and the knowledge that they were sustained by the sentiments of the people. Tutt it was a happy epeotaole- .the Premier making a positive assertion, and his colleague giving it a feat contradiction l TIME TABLE, h. Rist B, 1 00180 NO1ITn Mixed , 8,05 a. zit, Mail '3.35 p. 1u. Express ..... 7.35 p. 00180 800V1, 8.49 a, in. Mixed........ 2.50 p. m. Express 8,25 p. 111. SALE BEGIST ER. Thursday, Feb. 20,1879.—FIrm stock and im- plements, the property of nos, Pollock, lot 7, eon. A, Stephen. 13. Orth. apo. Thursday, Fob. 27.—One-fourth acre land, house, blacksmith shop, lumber, &c„ the THO total deficits of Mr. Cartwright property of Thos Friendship, Limerick. Hodgson Oke, comity auctionees.lur during the past three years is $3,358,- Saturday. Feb. 22.--I?,eal estate, household 0110, furnithro &o the property of Thos. Sande, lot (>, cion. 2, Stephen, T. Greenway,680, THE Local Legislature continues its three hours session per day, for want of something to do. Ard the U'borne Agricola who represents South Huron continues, to draw his $7 per hour. Ocrn BEAPOSTE contemporary says it is willing to meet us in discussing the'I question of the Wardenship if we will refraiu from abuse, and endeavor to "refute the reason it gave why Mr. Gibson should be elected in prefereoue to Mr, Hayes." If it is abuse to tell the truth and point out that the dicta- torial spirit manifested by our contem• porary towards the County Council was impertinent, then we must plead guilty. If otherwise, not. As to its "reasons," we were not aware that it bad tulva,lou(1 any, Anises it be "reas- oning" to say that the Warden requires no particular agility ; that he is a niers' figure -!lead ; and that Mr. Gibson would fill the position with special sat• isfaction. If this is "reasoning," it is a kind which DIr. Gibson will hardly appreuutte. especially when coming from a professed flieud, We doubt if he is thankful for having Lis claims urged at the cost of lying under the unfair imputation cast upon his ability Ly the Repositor. l,oUnty Chief Oa'upbell, of the Seaforth Fire Brigade, was recently presented with a golf locket and walking cline. Clinton ladies now ape Princess Louise by carrying small walking canes. Horses are being put'olrased around Clinton for the 11'iauitoba market. The editor of a Goderich paper has been fined $1 and oosts for using ob- scene Language. A hen belouging to Dir. George Evans of Goderich,. brought out trine flue young chickens a short time ago. No defiuite arrangement has as yet been concluded • in reference to the estahliehtnent of salt works in Blyth. 111r. G. Ellott,of Guderich,liad his leg broken one day lest week, by falling on the Steps, while coming out of'the Court House. A Tnrlsu. Constant grinding at the hill of life, perpetual loss of vital force, will drag the strongest loan to the dust ; it is manife$t, therefore, that the system must be kept sup- plied with a due amount of oxydizable phos- phorus, The pleasantest and Most palatable way in which it can` be introduced into the system is ,Wei° use of VICrouxA Hxroruos• rrlrrEs, which is the greatest brain, blood and nerves food in the world. For sale by Dr. G. Lutz, !Exeter. White Scott Wheat F'lifelcay ` 0 78 to 0 84 RadtChaff •„ 0 70 to 0 76 Itar0 4t1 to f 85 u 0 27 to n 28 Clover See.1................................. 'J 25 to 3 75 005015 b0to 111 5510 012 to 015 4 00 to 4 50 0 '0 t0 0 50 to 0 7755 0 06 to 0 07 450 to 500 400 to 500 5 0050 too 6160 00 700 to 8 00 050 to 075 008to000 0 20 to 1121 007 to 007 00 2 002005tot"00 2061 ..'I I/idiETS FALL WHEAT. srnI.NG w AT 86 to 088 ... 87 to 0 88 Peas Ulggs Batter l'1our per bbl. Potatoes, per bag .,. Apples, per hag Dried ,Apples pr b... Flogs, dressed per 100 Beef ... aides 4heepskins, ea0)1 _.. Fitly per ton Onions per bush (surd .. ... ... Wool, per ib Tarkoye per 11) Geese " Ducks, mer uuir 1IE tSALL MLiKIITO. White 'wheat.. 5 83 to 85 eft wheat. 0 83 to 0 spring avbnat n 7r1 to 0 7884 Batley 0 50 to 0 75 Pe is .....................................+. 0 50 to 0 52 r)�tt4 0 211 to 0 20 Hides..,. 5 00 to it 60 sheep skins 0 75 to 1 Ott Frogs ............. 8 25 to 8 50 I3uttn ......................................... 0 12 to 0 12 F'3 q.•.. 015 to 015 Wool,.......• .......: ........ 0 22 to C 24 ST. MARY'S (11Z matted rogal.tt'Jy by A. Gaibrait11,01o''It. Delhi wheat; per bushel.....- 0 00 to 0 03 Spring wheat ..................... ...•0 78 to 0 82 Barlecy ..,. 40 l0 11 00 Puts 55 t,, 0 57 Cut...., ,... 0 28 to 020 Potatoes per bag.....,....... „,.0 75 to 0 80 Apples " 0 80 to 0 75 13eefper lb 0 04 In'0 031 plIutton C 05 to 0 05 P.,ra 1' tt cwt .. 'Eggs f)or tlozslt 0 .. ...... 4 618 t0 to 15o 4 0 90 , Butter 0 10 to 0 12 T'trkeys..• U 50 to 1 25 Geese 0 :81 to 0 50 Ducks pair... e 40 to 0 50 Chtokens" .....................+,. ) 20 to 0 IIB B)dos IOo lbs 5 00 to 0 18) Wood cord , ., 2 40 to $ 00 wv,7: _ Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 1979.—Exchange Hlntel and quarter acre land in the Village of Litnerioh, the propertylof P. Buckley. H. Orth, auc. Norio HEREBY FOi1,i3tD any person to give credit to my wife,S+rrab Ann PomwOrthv, without my written o+dor, as she has left my bod and board without just cause, vrOI, POMWORT'HY, 1'e8, 20, FARid FOB SALE —Lot 8, cont)*'5- sian 2, Bidaul h, containing 100 acres, about 75 acres cleared, balance w(.11 timbered; frame house, frame barn and good large orchard on premises; well watered and writ fenced. Also .544 acres to lease for four years. The stock will also be sold. Te •iris easy, SAMUEL BLACKWELL, Centralia p o I1ARMFOR SALE — CON TAINttNG fifty acres, hobo south half of lot8, cottons. plop .20, Stephen; On the premises there um a good hewn log house, good fl`one stable, 28-10, and a young bearing orchard also goo,] well, bricked, 20 feet deep, with pump ; w,'1'_ fenced ; School ant past-olhou within a few rolls t 8z miles from Perkhln, and en tonin road from Park - 11i11 to GraudBsnd. .Lor Eut•tltlr particulars ap- ply on the premises or by kilter to :DANIEL HANSOM, Harplol p, 0, Fe.), 20, DIt1VATE EDUCATION, -111R. G. KEMP wishes to infer n rho inhabitants of I•'xoter, aril vicinity, that his kister,+LISS 1.114I,18N li,w11P purtroses to (pen a 80111),q ill )iX1 'r1911, for. YOUNG LADIES, in 11 AY nest, g vivg then a thorough education 1:e 1' ngi,sb,1•'relich,Musio, Sm,, Ole. ;hiss Kemp hats hast over 42 years c cperienco lo teaching in S:ho01s private falnilias,d:e, 'terms Oe, by circular, shortly, CAT'ARRU ! CATARRH ! ! USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The enlypositive cure for Catarrh yet discovered, Tat SALT•.• nY C. LUTZ'S CENTR,IL Dltt (x ST.intI'l. NV, L, SMITH, Cede el Agent, Ar,con.s, Ont, 1y-28 Fa shima'ble D'essnaaking. Dresses cax ,azrd made to order 1 11 S . -q t7r.. R ©S S', N11in' tt'eet, Exeter, .OVER '1'IIE POST OFFICE. Christmas Comes but once a year—but some- body's Birthday every day, and a present is al- ways acceptable. — :0 0: mainder OF 0 7 R FANCY GOODS' TO BE SOLD C 1: i IAF! NOW IS TIME TO BUY Al THE Dominion Laboratory, EXETER. NEW I3tjAC K.SMITH AND DENERAL JCR3INGS I.:P,NENA Raving 1n) now 51103) now in full blast, I would form the publtr. that tarn prepared to do all kill of 131:tokatuitbiuu, lnchltulg rul,airing of all kit, of Agriaulteral3it031111ry, snoh as Reapers, Mow, ere, 'threshing Machines, and Norse Shooing will receive illy oarefnl attention. Benne that inter- fere, and haying tender feet treltbc•5 in the moat approved mariner; and satisfaction given, Charcees Moderate, I have on Maud all ki^ds of Agricultural Im3t10 merits fr'um the Massey Manufacturing Co., New castle, 1_41tenuunber tho place—First shop west of the Post O,1tce, linusttll. y YY of /Le S .b,V D O. • AT THE: .tanda,r31Sa hDOQ Blind b 1?A0T0111, is ennatalltly kelt nn Lead, all kinds of 1lnildll,6 material k looring hard , nd soft, Siding 7ienld ugx &e,, sold cheap, Planing Jigging and Turning promptly attezUed to, , BUILDINGS CON'1'11.ACT1 D FOR, and satisfaction guaranteed, As we 11010 f hand a large s• ock of dry Inulbor, we foes sure on aalisfyingthose who may give ns a cn11. 11 'SS BROS. (t TAYLOB,: Groceries d (Jon/ectionary smoking Tobacco 25 Cents par, lb OiiOICE TBOAC00S AND CIGARS always in stock. S " SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationc''.1;v, Magazines 1MII ALL THE LATE ET hews 'CH.—Seving 1Jael„1 Needles OTevery sins. A. BOYD. DO NOT READ THIS 1 awing received a lot of new machinery, I would inform the farmers of t11.` sur- rounding c0uutl;v that 1 ala prepared to manu- facture ell kinds of Horse !takesBarley Forks, Grain Cradles, Sllaitlts, etc, Anil baying secured the services of a first-class Turner, I. am1 prepared to do ALL KENDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy eompetitio,i. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill Half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. PAINTING 1 PAINTING - J. KITCIiIf G• Is prepared to do all kinds of! HousePaiuting, Paper -lit ngin 1Viiiteuing, &e. g at:reasonable prices and punctually. 7. liIT(:.}TIN G-. Main st Exeter. THE FALL AND WLeiTER TRADE 0. Scut .00tt cdc Son TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, - Take pleasure to it form the inhabitants of Rzetir :tdd surrounding country, that they have Joel ope.redout ane.coelleutassortment of Tweeds, Coatings, Testinpsetc., is thebt test styles arid pa tteru;, an,t feel assured thatintueul atter ofalotcing, they can suit the ulestfustidieustastos. Marble Works. :el: W, 0. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &c. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly • executed. Doers north of Drew's Ball, Hato street, EXI1iE:d, . ST. M 1;RY'S LIA'IIWORIS. ourdrawe kilns beingnow in full operation and Writing out daily n.Large quantify of that for all plat/otos cannot be surpassed in the Doraiii- F,] t4 JV.[OV,4.. 1f1t3 1'artiestrom a distance canalwayr•be,-plied CItAU Would remind his numerous . Custo,u,'ra that he htas rotnoved to the shop formerly necu;tied by Mr. Road, where he will bo found ever ro tdy to OW .0 to it11 business in the SOOT and SEOIi Line. 0. RA.U, Crediton. orth FLOUIIS and GRIST MILL, Tieing in gond working artier gives every mewmn d•ttion possible in gristir,g and Souring. i'latii• 'aril 111(1 food delivered to parties leaving their ornery h,efore ono o'clock at,1.'831,LT.'S 13aket'y, 01 140'iJY11N h1 & 00'8, or at mil 55100 day:, TI+ I`>unl 0 ZS to •,,,, v ,1 50'0+75 t.1&'TEdt 1' 0. 0111401.at the kilns or deliverd by teams at law est t'etntiierative rates. Orders from n distance promptly attended to. VkUITSON & SCLATEII, MILLINERY &ilSS GARLICI., Hes now in stool' a complete line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Triinrnings of Livery hind, in Latest Styleand Lowest Prices A fell Stock Of 1 an Goods, Berlin Woolfs, I1„ riitun Luce, Jlraide Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, lite, t:;.a,Jacltots cut end made to order. MISS GARLTOI, M0,11., fit. L•' actC>;r tti W; 1