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The Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 3
F.u.I3sUAB1 4.0 .1870 WARNING TO BLOWERS', );ltlglishrnsatl, stopping at a ooun- on in .011'3 of the Eastern States, i,s continually blowiug about the anpur'il=1'ity et everything in 1);oglaud, rand depreciattug the protluotiens of Arnericd, The lian.11°rd ail may well be snr- niiscdl, did not relish this,ttnd therefore thought of rr plant to get sonar° with the ILngli.'•11 blower, Producing abushel of fine loopy crabs, he poured (11(U1 into the Eng 1iellluiitl'c; bell, and then telling his f;aeet that hie bed was ready he lighted tt 0)1:1(ll0 and escorted hint up•stllirs.-- 1..Upon reitchine. the door the man rn:tn- a: n 1 to nut 011(3 the light'. Of course it c1:Idu'(3 melte iltnrh difference to tit E 10i:411/n1, so he undressed llintse'1f and ,jumpe`iinto bell. Immediately he gave to terrifid yell end cried : Il ''andlord ! handler( I come here t What aro thole in my bed ?' The 10tulillyd who •teat; ottts1(1e the dor r, .1!1(1 Loa (it (110 c))ui11e, cine 113, looked in the heel and coolly said ; 'Them's bed 13n i. Can yon beat them in Etilihl.nd ?" The Englit,llnlliu leftthen. IT Y 1 SN",T IIEJ:t HAW i. T ALL. Clio other afternoon :1 con pie of gen. Cancer' were wall -Aug down Urdu strut, and :a lativ with ono of those pi'c1t.for- wardl brats was walking a fete feet ahead of them. Said one OF the gellte : I:Did you Iver Hee hair put up in that way before ?' 'upon my WONT I never dill. It's euorult to spoil the best hair in the trrc1t..' 'Mud then the color—why It's en- tirely ofr style.' 'Went out Of fashi'rll two.yeers age.' `.l'he huffy ahead looking mad enough to Pat fire -ping. ''And j1l1t third( of charging $7 For a let of heir likc'tltatl' If I had it in lay store I wouldn't get rid of it for five years, unless seine lunatic canto alol.lt;,' '1t can't cost leas tthanthree horiro' worn( each day to Beep the miserable tonsltl out of Cr'dor. The wotll!ttl'i3 h uH- ball(1 that—' .nine then that lady in front turned around. with fire and fury iii her Oyes : zi 3 u io.irable i1t11(pld'N, I'd1roct then you to let my heir alone. If you dare to say another word, I'31 scream `Police' Tied have yon arrested.' Arc soon as the gentletnou recovered breath the Pittston maneicla_inod 'Your Bair, 1madamI your hair 1 'Yes, my hair. Yost. just keep your impudent tongne off rt.' I positively declare neitherof us saw yen or your hair.' 'Then what were you talking about it for. 'Tell(ing abont it. We were not even thinking About it.' Then what were you talking about in that contemptible style ?' W1�' 'hy, madam, I du business in this, town, aid that gentleman deals in hair in Scranton, and we were sonvorysiig nobelit a lot of hair we saw tot,:ether in Philadelphia ilio outer (ley, and on which the dealer tried to cheat him.' 'And is that all ?' 'Upon my honor that is all.' The lady looked a little tnollifiod,but remarked witll,ratller a scornful accent: ''It may be so, but I don't believe a word of it.' And she sailed off with her nose even up in the air, while the two greatly startled gentlemen stepped into the Central for solnething to eteady their nerves. THE TIMES year 1005. The simmer had been an 1 extremely hot one, and in the close dirty streets .of the capital, and the plague ref;ed will. great violence. Poo. . . ple would be attttoked in the morning's' 0 and buried befo.ro.0isht set in. In the year 1702 l\Ir. 1lfnrdoch was made use of l;ria ill lighting hie bootie anal Miles at liedrath, in Cornwall, England, where he then resided. The u;itres at. wlriell he worked being die. tent H01n0 (riles from his hones, he was. in constant practice of fill1tlg a , 1111d(1er (villi ©oat gay, in t11e neck of which he fixed ,a metallic tiibe, ' it.1. a smell orifice, through which the gas ie -11011'; this being ignited served as a a lantern to light his way for the con- siderable clistauc0 lie lied nightly to e antravel.'1'llis mode °f illumination being generale. unknown, it was thought by the common people that magical art tn1•3ne. could pr nluce,euehtireCI, find HISTORICAL ITErIS. The compass teas used in France in 1150. Silk was spun in China. 2000 years and rnor'e before Obri t was bern, Chalons sveie first introduced lute churches by Pope Vilaliuns, in 1780. The great fire of London occurred September 2, 16G6. It destroyed near- ly the whole city. Late discoveries in Niueve11 and Babylon throw the clearest light upon the background of auoient Hebrew His- tory. Albany is the olclest town in the or- iginal thirteen States, baying been Bottled by the Netherlanders in the year 1614. In the first century after Christ,ltbe Britons become quite Romanized, after being conquered by Claudius, adopting even the Renate language, habits and customs. It wire just forty-threeyears after the birth of Christ that the Romansachieved the conquest of Britain. The Emper- or Claudius reigned at the titne, and hie greatest geueral, Plautins, went be- fore hint, doing the fighting, The reign of Sing Alfred is perhaps the most important in English history, from 871. to 901, for in his reign the change from disorder to order °cent red fro1n 11 country overrun with robbers to a realm thoroughly at peace and under wise control.. Tito pestilence known as the Great Plague of London, broke oat in the Wliy are flit peeplt1always ,conlplain. leg ? asks some .ere, 0.1(e) 03)t3-0tlil1H the the popular 1111)03;11 erroneous notions that health is synor,vmotte with fat. i"at 1,10O1,1�e (3O1l1O 1tll1 13NC11,0140 they taro disea$P)l. (Dlee•11'1' 18 3111 -abnormal conk- diti'tn of (11e i;v:;t0n1, in wiled) the Ht(o- oh:elin(l and .,iel3ttiltolls 010uleuts of the flood :Are aesi 1111ated to tho partial ex- clusion of the tnnsel(t-f,1rini11g and brain -producing elements. In proof of this, it is only necessary to aseert the well-known fact that c'xcoseively fat people are never strong, and Holdout d14ti11glliollt'd for 311(31131l powers or aactivity, Besides, they aro the easy Ilrey of acute 1111(1 epi(letniu disease, 1L)ld they are the frequent victims of :tont, heart disease, and apoplrxy. Allan's Anti Fat it; the only known remedy for this disease. It contains n0 acid, is absolutely harm! 1311(1 iii tvarrlalltea to remedy tiro tnoet confirmed case of obesity, or corpulency. Tennyson is writing a poem on the death of Princess Alice. The J3biocbknff lig3,t has just been intr,ldnced into Birmingham, on the .snidest scald yet attempted out. of Pttl is. The unusual sight of a snow -plow has been seen in Oxford street, Loud - (111. It was drawn by six horses, two air alt. Lord W.11ou00 y 1)0 l'r 11:e has • rc- turned 10 per cent. of filo rent to lei tenatlta, except those farming Pasture la13(1S, A vaccum automatic brake lately tested in England will stop in three hundred yards a train ruuuiug at sixty. utiles an hour. The son of King Theodore, of Aby- Haiuia, who WRS talon to England after the fall of Meg -data, is beiug edueattd for the Jlr1'isil mane. .Tlie WTesleyans of England have de- termined to bnild 113 various parts of the country one huudred chapels per year for the next ten years. A snake a yard longi passed through the London post office recently and got loose among the letters, much to the consternation of the clerics. The guardians of Chesterfield. bay- ing discovered that Many outdoor pau- pers feed their dogs from their tables, have resolved to give no relief to any person who keeps o dog. s -+-®-ter BALKY HORSES. TI 81(3 f th P ti Cruelty to Animals put forth the fol- lowing rules for the treatment of balky horses : 1. Pat the horse upon the neck ; ex- amine tiro harness carefully, first on one side and then on the other, epeak- ing"dneouragingly while doing so,then jump into the wagon and give the word go ; generally he will obey. A teamster in Maine save he can start the worst balky horse by taking the horse out of the shafts and making ltim go rotted in a circle iill he is giddy. 1f the first dance of this' sort don't cure him, the second will. a. To clue a balky horse, simply place your hand over the horse's nose and shut off the wind till he wants to go, and there'd him go. 4. The brain of the horse seems to entertain but one idea at a time ; there- fore continued whipping only confirms his stubborn resolve. If you can by any means give hien a new subject to think of, you will generally have no trouble in starting him. A. silnple remedy is to take u. couple of turns of stout twine around the foreleg, just be- low the knee, tight enough for the horse to feel, and tie in a bow -knot.— M the first check he will go dancing off and afterr going a short distance you can get out and remove the string, to prevent injury to the tendon in your future drive, 5. Take the tail of the horse between the hind legs and tie it by a cord to the saddle -girth. Tie a string around the horee'a ear close to his head. 2111444 a, for the wig= and OF T11]( ---- Sewinp. Machine e rrm ;LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OP 1 Silverware; China and Doif ever seen in the West, at o nnEwIE s On1 .. Mr. Drew has just received all excellent -stook° Silver Tea Sutts,13 utter Coolers, Double and Single Pickle Cruets, Crake Baskets, Card deceivers, Co1u- InUl4tu11 Set ts, ete.,of tlao Best Quadruple and'Iriplo Plate, and is ulforiug the sonic ptplices that would ASTONISH YOU FOR CifflAPNESS Ho 111331311331 opened mita new and complete as- sel'3111311t of China, (31ans.. autt St(n1ewares. A largo 33(333331(031 Lam psjust arrived. Call and satisfy yourself 1114 to quality and (.l10lanens. Couto and try our instruments, 'gltlli(t Teaeher still on land, . nervines at lowest 'figures. Speolul'attention called to the Raymond Seveing machine. O)3allt and Pianos uu1iacpasse(( for beauty of (lesion, and quality of tune. E. DI -3F -VV. THE Ami EXETER f wl31,12 r9 0 T11-5 8abscriber begs to ane nonce to the h-31labitants of Exetir and thes.rrou)tding comb- JL try., that he 111tH (1J))138t1 la TIN nuts 81'0Vi7 DEPOT in the store Nearly opposite )11•. G. A. Macod Grocery and Liquor stoma, Main street. Exeter, where he is N.cpaied to 1111 all oral,;, s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves Ab Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical workmen ell the premises. gave -Troughing' done to order, Cnr•riaar. Plating a Sneetalty. Coal oil Chimneys, 118 very hest au(1 nolle Cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always find inn at ray poi:, ready to attend to my own busines and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and cheap antic e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau yon get better value for your Money. The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep shins, E H. SPACTShAN. Exeter P 0, October 151877. JUST RECEIVEDD AT TLE EEE GROC .AND L_JIQ Uoi STORE, GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON; and I3LACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, A LARGE STOCK OF CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE ANI) PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, FL.VF,;MALT, SCOTCH, IIRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOl3ACCOS AND CIGA1IS, Wholesale and Retail. G-. A, GT;.. 1'IIaiij St reet,Exeter. If you would be put in G -DOD HUMOUR CALL AT R A N T O N And get some of the Bargains to be bad in SHAWLS, MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHES, WOOL SQUARES, FANCY HOSIERY, &c. All marked down to prices which will close them out speedily. ---0:0._-- The Tasteful, the Careful, the Discriminatinn, the severest Economizers, all Delight to frequent IL,ANTON BROS. AND WHY? Because they keep the Latest and Most Fashionable Goods and sell. them at prices to suit the times. Call and see. No trouble to show Goods. nA TON 731k0S9 Bee:ett'slllock, opposite Sanwell13 Pickard's, I1xoto1' JOHN SDLDAN) H14s f fist c'o141110210 d business ono half (11110 west of Dashwood, and is prepared to clean Olooks,Watahos told hewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired aunt Organs and 3(3ekatians ai- tentled t?l, '1'u0SO in Warlt of his services should glv3li$rn a callbefore goit.g dray from 11001e. Charges moderate and entirer:attafaea tion gual'1itcecJ. Shingles for Sale 1'11(011:1 TO $1,0e PE13 SQUAIt,1:, At G. & J. Brooks' ' avn-a.ill. TWO 1Iltsl0I WDST 01' '1'110 D01\D ::).i ROAD, D, T'I' 01? HAY, A good sourly of Hemlock Lttnlhe•antiC0Ca1 Posts constantly on hand 1)AINiTINU PATNIING ITC @ q 113 134 prepared to deo all kinds of �Ilousei:'aiutincr, 2t Paper-lianbty0 Whitelaina, (wc. at,rcasonable prices and ilulletnails.- J. KITCHI1ti. Yaizl St. T .;tel'. THE AL11AN1) \VIS; TEIt TRADE C. Eo ,thoot: yCM CAgLOdt4 aatt CL;D'P1ddl:11 , rale pintail -Ire to11foruitheinntaLitunts(.tI: eter add snrrouluting country, t 1lti Haut 1have ju31 all.l,led nut 1(11 u.tas1ll3111 as,urtinel.t 1:1 I'11°setls, Coatitr(is, 1'c'sttitits etc., to the la test styles and pattern s,undfeel Cts+•,•. sn titatintueuiatterofmot :baro, they can 8111 the ntostfu stidiour tastes, KNOW By fl tentig . 1 1 tr sett.: the 1111111111. U.t' tabled 111 the 1 u1vdS^ti (0Mt even n cep ty SELF 1 F$E11•s TI3?;f 69 H 11'' [�a ti FPriet o.11,} .,1. b m 1y rx,l:j- CI 6 arail� on receipt Ed' take. It treats ofExhaustetl-Vitality,Premature 1 .1)11.-, Nervous and l'hyl'ical llailfty, and the o 01,.4 concomitant ills and untold 11(1(1(11(1that 1' su''t therefrom, and contains more t.1.u1,1(1i 1, scr•iptions,rulvon, ofwhich u+a..n:111r } 1.f the book. Tfiis bc•ik ova; writ; ell 1,r• 11 c )n rex. - tensiveand probably the mot 11:11(111 n ,1 tltieuci' in America), to whom wasMin; nE a a old anli. w. gilled medal by the National '(1.l'c..121(4113(20.1,- A Pamphlet, illustrated with the tot ..1.1:-S4 ve1e1 7 3 rtaanti 11 mar- (y veI 02at 'incl beauty— Steel eauty- �'S •` sent r-1Lli to all fiend for it at once. Address PEARODY 1311;0.° ALrC o ns. 77 5,IxsrIr(J11„ 10 4 Dal. fine. St.. 0081011.1.111.:8.. 31 11 si t.)` -. J ALLAN'S ANTI -FAT is. the great remedy for 1 •r• rene}•. It I: purely vegetable and Peru t fir 111:r It acts on the food 111 the stomach previa' t'inn.- version into fat. Taken accolingi 11: 1 ,. will reduce a r,1r perann from 0 to 13 -round. u , In placing this remedy before tne pt r It as i o rive ewe for obesity, we do so knowing its 11(135111 1. cure. av attested by hundreds of tcstimwuat which the following from a lady to Columbus, d :1 Is a sample: "Gcntlemeni—Tont Anti -rat wit:- . ". receivers. I took 13 -according to dtrectinu, ..1 redacell nu' five pounds. 1 was So elated over 3)" r: - snit that 1 immediately sent to AC1tto alAN'., ;tope for the second bottle." Another, a 31'rltine for a patient from Providence, I(. 1 four undoes have reduced her weight fro:: pounds to 111: pounds, and there lea gt nu:,1 In} - tuent in health." A gentleman writing frill, - t. u says: '•Without special change o1• attune:. 1 dIst two bottles of Allan's Antl-Fat reduce. 1 and nu one-quarter pounds." The well-known 1 n - - sale Druggists. a .gists. Stain, DOOLIT'ILlt & 8�11T11 '1' tot Mass., write as follow¢: All in . Jlnilt . reduced a lady in. oourei(y- seven pound, 1 1 :-, • weeks.' A gentleman - St. Louis writ. s: 3. ,.• Atitl-Fat roc ueed me twelve pounds in Ihre, ,; . ,,.:, and 111twet110r 1 have lost twenty -live 11 .In t• c'omnlenolm, its use. " 1Iessrs. P03t-111 L u: Wholesale Druggists, of 13utp.110, N. Y., tt rl11 :- SITU 1'1t01'1(ALTQI13 OF ALLA\'S A ort -1 A•r 1 me11,—T1tefollowin•'report istlontthe la.ipwho 1 AlIa11'3 Ant1-11a1. ret (the Anti -)'at) h,)d the 1 : n d ('hunt, 10ducln•. the fat from two to live puna :1 week WWI I had lost twenty -fit t. pound.. 1 14,,T,• never to regain what I have test.'" Autt-1 tt l • h unexcelled blood-puriflen It promotes '(132.51.l5, curing (Iyyspep8ltt, and is- also a potent remedy (. rheumatism. .Sold by druggists. 1'amphkt 0u 151.:. - ltvsentonrecei11tofstlinlp. IIOTA� IL JILrDIC1.NE CO., P31OI"BS,131t0rhl , Y. Iiy an immense practice at the World s I)I p, n- sary and lilvalid8' Hotel having treated tmun sand rases of mode diseases peculiar to W( 11 3 have been enabled to p(rtLI t :t most potent ;nal Live remedy remedy thr these diseases. ase's. To (lcslgnate tills natural spccltic, I have named it Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescripicii The term, however, Is but a feeble oxpre non of any 1(1)311 appreciation of ins Villas based opal) ,r - iron 11 observation. vation. 1have. While witnessing I i.tst- raw rebut, h1 the Special dl eas, 8 incident to 13-"' ill "mlinnl of woman, 5111).( Id it out ,ts the olbiudc or erownhnr &Coat of m;r. undieul euro r, On Its ail 11 poaitIve Seth, 1(11.1 t ee d sal remedy 11,1 11ll 11 1118, t ca, 11111 nu011(111 will at ids tfmi5:ui'I u:ndr r all tildnuetlunda,1111 i111 13', 1 0311 311111(113ln;an4c my reputation its 11 n44,1(11111 and so10nLQ(111,un t 11(83 11 will not disappoint 1113 11,051 611111(11, da- nt' 111'.. aliiticnt 1111 111hh11 I' i:''rnnini(n 1 11d(311(1 1',iu7r and tell It under A POSITIVE. (1 fl 1;'(TEI uundltinits, SP1' : pnmpbll•t w rapping b1 t)1 .) ,.. Tia 11,11,111g (fru tinning ing those11hcn . in :1111 my Favorite I reserlption 111131 worked turns, n1n,lc,:ullwith (t(-rtulittyrie 1fb11r:, attaine11by Inn) no.11, 10 1 tteolT11wl 100' ), ht 1'i 113ig, 1'a 41111 Monthly 1 dllud vvb•n t, d) moat lw.d1 ceases, Aregubn 11l.., Y11 1a, 1 •,rl,. 11 '- up+n:, or • Failing of Ch1 (1,1n.. Ant(Versirn 1111 3 11(11 crr.lou,Bluing-'111tH Sensations. 111uhnl neat, \ rron 1hpt. snub, Oe1llitt D spun hit ', I'h,t ates'4 \❑ n(Irr( ('W»nl( l ongesti n, in- flammation and Tilverathot,3)11 , l b t n lnlpr (enc:.1 Barrenness,n Sterility, \F, Anil Itenml ,3,1118.. do not 13101 rhi. )awd11 IO.: a4 a i n . ill.' Lit IL admit tis;- fulfills n 1inllilcn(M cr purport. I,h,, V( (lnvt erfb.rt puisne All 111 ihrunit diseases or 11-. ':atn1111system11 (',roan 1twill not II'app(,iu., nosw) 1 It do harm, 1, 1111y ,lit to or e.nn111ion. Those l,hpdt i 0fnrllw lurnntatlntt(-ln (h nb- .1e 38 , ut .11,1;(11 1 in Tap, 1 t lit (1:'1 (om):ON \li\ 1 l li 1e leek nl over Quo 1 Ili 1 ,11. dlsea,8(•a poerdl r In 1", oah•.a Iad. i'1v,» ((. •h Rlhp1(ile -advise 1.1 1,1101 3,1 the Leaua)etnt ni VL' 4m1.n rr(II'lnr. ravatito Premeeltltc(1 .old by prntralaio, 11 P1310 [ t 1) I t } r ut..13 11),,,c,.-,,.,,ry la..l.lt.11l...,'.. .,...