HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 2oereseeeeseetreeeeeleereeesegrereereeee
WIT AND III."11101.
Piro feionds.—partners.
Now plant bulbs thermeneetebnr
litm to take a men dewn—eEmploy
• Fhort hand reporter.
itunixr dottier fila last week • not pay hie board bills,
Yom gunman bei the joneney
of life, don't tale the train from the
wrong deop-owe.
The man who wills his body to n
medietti college for the boulit of seionee
gives himself dew:tawny.
subdueda men by cutting his
hair. li:lost women do it by pulling
tho man's hair out by -the roots.
"What are the .chnrelees doing for
itizinanitv.?" asked Brother Tahnoge.
Ftlnlly lie don't know ; they're getting
up faire.
A lientuckien was recently .gored to
tlea,th by n. ball. We know of s-everal
editors who are gored ncatrly to death
wry oily with 1),
"See how I ride over the raging
mane 1" mini:nod a man who we,s
over hii horse's head into a ditch on
the other side of the fence.
A. Boeton leen who bought one
ilinusand Pavane, cigars,' on being.
pelted what they were for, replied that
they wore tickets to a course of lectures
to be given by his wife.
14 the moktioup of a modern email
1.ny there is al together too inneli weistle
for the amonnt of by. It is most too
miteir like rising i two -quart funnel in
three mince
The -gime-, of loirglare who work for
strein hours to hammer a safe to pieces
teecnre fourteen cents, know how a
country minister feels after a donation
- How fo stnmp it. An orator who
wee. in greet demand in political Cam-
paigns, being .aeked by an admirer the
t4;ilret of bis suceess, replied : "When
1 have faets,I give 'em facte; but when
letroo't, I yell and saw the air."
-M3- Roo, wonldst have notoriety ?
Pit b) WI thou an almanac. Woul (let
have great knowledge? Learn whet
Others forget. 11'o:11(1st-have wealth ?
ither beceme an undertaker, a plum-
ber er no Indian agent.
Lea-writ:a is es..potting lager to Ger-
rnAny. After that elmost itnythitig,
mey be expected. Does the gentlethan
• nreeides over the place which Bob
Ingereell says doSert't exist want to
boy some brimstone?
A weak old baby, if it lives to grow
r may be a weak old men.-- [Ex.
.A.na fl Child wiiicii 11115 alreitay Urea a
inentli. if left out on A. sian Walk 1,true
enoneh at tbi time of year, Will again
torn into a wee cold baby.
Tete Rev. Dr. Tucker says that the
nntivee of Africa prefer ram to eenni•
Considering the very ineffici-
ent eller:later of some of the mission-
eries sent to Afrieleis is no wonder that
e savotees prefer their rum to their
There would be a eliange.—"Are yon
rneaged 2 said A gentleman to a ladv at
- et the bell at Hensali the other night.
'I watelint if that PeteJolinston thioles
I'm geire, to Mt here and sopieeze the
freckle:I-face!' \Vilkins girl's hand all
the evening hell be mistaken, solitaire
er no solitaire !" The gentleman ex -
1'1:. ''i anti went out to get air.
Farmer Miles bonglit a grana nieno
et. enetien cheap for his (-keel:ter Pris-
cilla. The town, nerhaet, wonderea
ere !boy yore going to pnt so large
eo, ie.:tie:merit in so small a house.
Penner NI. ent aWay the lower part of
the pertition betweeu the parlor and
pentry, ran tbrone-li tho lone end ef
the piene info the pqn.try, and
yr.v Mts ot the ker.leiai•cl anti plat nti ye -
le Mies' 'Who will care for mother
w9' while thealT woman retie Mit
leell-rents. on the other end in the
Aennin„etinetoseeten—The other lily
%,e ki on, ;vs1 5V11110 env stoppoit for
n Loy she did eat . readily find nReel,
the cer being e,eWiliel Anti the nils
.A. ilia,who we riding en the
eletf 'Inn put his head into the door and
: "I 101'0 ! SOMA o' roe mon
permitted to mako only a fixed number
of morrotgea, but everywhere they
i were burdened with imposts of varitme
lkinds*in addition to tho general taxa-
tien—eartly of on iniquitously °Hens-
ive character. Tins, for instance, un-
der Frederick William 1. tho Jews in
!Berlin were obliged to buy the wild
!Ware killed in the great royal hunts,
land; under roderick the Great every
Jew on hie marriage was obliged to
purchase, at a fixed price, porcelain
out ef the newly eetablislied royal pot.
celniu mannfaetery and,
11191'00,Ver, not according to iris own
choieb, bat according. to the liking of
the establishment, which naturally itt
this way got rid of unsalable goods, So
Moses Mendelssohn, who at that time
was already generally known and re-
spected, was obliged to take twenty
massive porcelain apes of life size, of
which a few remain in tho family. Al.
the only means of. living whh
the Jews possessed was retail trade,
and even this only with restrictions ;
thus, they were not permitted to deal
in groceries, because the trade was a
Monopoly ; all that remained was the
trade in old clothes and drapery and
money, that is', the sinealled usury.
Helen Reid Campbell 'ilea at Bridge-
ton on the O.:5111 alt., nt the age of 102
• '• • V"'"'
• rrr,ro-.Tr.v
sessee tho most virtue, though tho 1 NF, W' 1) LA (1K 2 M1 T 11 1411 0 1.1
1 1 IN-
loayes are good till they dry, NYI1011 they 1 ete eee'•elen. , on ei.el,:e.
'IV neteeetea
lose their etrongtb. The root . is beet ! ete.eel, tl a N ‘,,,,,,t eoinnimee.1.
W11011 it is groon. The person wh(Cvebratie`
will nee it freely ju.st before bvinning
to speak,will not be troubled enth hoares-
11055. t.
TIM VIOToRIA 1InoMt'iTrniis OnlpilliiiennY
a nem food ;.•restaming the vital force, and re-
invigorating. all Om itmettonal.processes et life,
it should bo used pro -0104y in evety ease of
WO of .110rVOW4 foree or genoriddebility, from
whatever cense. It if!, also!' •otni= of the most
powerful tomes and blood-gonerators known.
por bottle..
Himont; in diet :bring no diseaso-tA'ational
Pills drive it . • • ,
lir Ilia storm of adversity Whistles brain('
you, whistle' as bravely yourself: rerhaos the
two whistles may make melody. If you feel
ao indispositiom. to exertion, weaknerves, pain
in the back, te., or are al:dicta,: with any af-
fection of the secretory organs, use VurroaLi
throne' and 1.7va. Vast. It improves the digest-
ive powers and strongtlums the woanut.,ci and
(10h.nita.i. organs. Fur sale by all dealers.' 1
Ile.fc(1)),(rrtill,c(14 so good to idIl worms iu children- m.
Frocanan's Worm powders.
Andrew Jackson sd
aid that :Napoleon stood
1110 105.11 of his tinto, 1011 thathfi
it would e ve
hrindaed '(l1.15 before the earth produced. his
('110111.('110111. 11 will also be live hundred yoai•s
fore the earth will produce a liniment (spud to
FlagyariPs Vor brui,os.
wounds &0., it cannot bo rivalled. In rhea-
matisin, neuralgia. spinal complaints, etc., it
prates a inessongor of mercy. .For Kilo by all
National' rills Purify the Very fountain of
Taborlnelinoll to flirt, says most
flinni aro like a cold, very b
Itfetny of the public roads of Orkney easily caright,ut dara to got rid. 1.t. it; tau) casio4 matter in
have been roudered impassable b. 111(3
deer) snow. • 13.iT.5AM, i110.groat Canadian remedy
the world to get rid of a cold. 1150 lik.ev.kan's
The Glasgow nagdalene Institution
liaa OX,t01111t.ld tb11stuice to upwards of
3,0b0 young womee.
A subscription list has been opmed
in Bombay for the relief of the eliate-
holders of the Oity of' Glasgow Bank.
A series of spscial sermons are being
aelivered to the students of Edinbuh
University on the evidences of Christi-
The shipbuilding Dullsat Dtunbart-
on have intimated a reduction of seven
and a -half pr cent. ou the wages of
the workmen.
The North British Railway Uompany
now charge only a penny per mile for
all third-class tickets between stations
on their railway.
Professor Jackson, for many years
amanneneis to Dugal 1 Stewart, end
late Professor of Ecelesia,stical Hist r
in Glasgow University, died reeeutly at
St. Andrews.
The Tullibreli cullers aro in theasoondant,
ascendant, and there is great glee in
the ancient village, they Lavin won
the "Rollie -medal" from the Allon,l
Talienary, Aire, Dollar And the Till-
rho severity of the weather and the
universal depression of trade appear to
have had a slight effect on the g5ca
people of. Inveruees, who think that it
k "not good to be alone." WC Sun-
day lately nu less than fifteen eenpleg
were proclaimed in the Established
Churches, aid on the Sauday folio xing
;is many as nineteen,
The intensiiv of the r scent frust era
enow storms 111 Scotland has not boon
equellea for many years. On the Lev-
en, in Prfeenire, iast week, a pair of ra•
voriee swans were tonntl frozen to bath
in it milldam 10 the parish of i11
Seel' an ocenrrenee has never before
been known iu that part of the coun-
! A public mentis hn
tv 1pen field i
-Whitlow in combative:(6o') of the Af-
einvi war, at whieli Mr. J. G. Hamilton
Dalziel said the Cont,ervailve party had
:dile:NI themselves to he blincifelihd
and led into a pe'iey wlich had neither
meidenen, lastice, foresight, nor stabil-
ity, which was dishonorable to the
eountry, and in direct contrast to its
old traditions.
A. roving man in Greenock of the,
mime of Kid, who wits blind from his I
infaney, the model Of a (11 -
grin ship of alma five feet 1:001, plank -
ea from the keel, with earringes fur theguris,
gme, and every neon:is:Ire-material and
nemarelling of n ship of that rate, with-
out any assist:m:1e oil:Om-tee or other
instrinnent than a small knife and
ior colds, coughs, hoarseness, 1(101 (('111115 and
all diseases of tlio throat and lungs. For vale
1.1v nil deniers.
Feverishness in children is cured. by Free -
11111,11‘5 1),,WderN,
_ eeereee=,
Isrour Life iYortli 10 Cents
' S!ekness .provails everywhere, 511:1511:1 every-
body complains of 8,4110 disease during their
life, yawl sick, the object is to get toll; now
to say teat no persoa iu this world that is Mit-
ering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and,
its effects, such 101COStiVell0N8,
Sink bleadaelw, Suur Stomach, Heart Earn,
Palpitation of the Heart, Depres•ed Spirits,
Biliousness, 0111 take • (41013:.T'S AUGUST
17-1-4nrrili without gutting relief and cure. If
you doubt this, go to your Druggist find get a
Sample Bottle for 11) COMA and try it. Elva.-
kr size 7.3 cents. Two doses will roliove you.
. .
Yr 480N & I Lt. D SON, Ilene:Ill, Out
Fire 1118,Lusuue..
ramauentral Owntuttcsjon
kgents slow:cat•xo-thirds. cheapor than
eat 1. Also toonny to 10411 on 1a11som...1110
s. rm
opt ,ictntiou to orders per mail
•o• rin and Villa* property for
4(110ale or to Mogi+, Also Ati11. e good business stands
and 1 esid, aces in n
Hasen. •
:Ants 1115(0,Jostfen tern('mg,
11..)10..nksionor On Live mprIPV
pa. ey,1 1,• do ,
811 , itioa fIlir
soothing witch. ' ' orto
11,51 work gattrinittioa, A call 411M toil.
1:1:0 11, Iii,C.KINClIA;10.
C US TO .11:41 .01113'.4 Z1 T.7,7 1.
lowed 'oil American Invoices until further
JiniNcnIN, •
;nor of constants,
:it i."AL () V A. 1..a.
fi it \ 11 11'!) 11111 remind his 111115 ('10118
• cuome,,re test he i1tl. milove,l to the
Awl; for,lwrlY even. nog where he
41111 115 ('1 1110 over r,oir t., a tte .t1 to all bosinom,
in the 11Llt.;1' ;tint 8110.1 Lino.
iteinq in good working order giros "rerY avv1.11110
1105:iltio itt grhitisn and. 11.;;;Atoz, 1.'1, or
;tag mill i.•0,1 .1eli10ron .011
1.1n1e011,411%, ,.314` oelo..t.k. t11 • (30110'. taliory,:1
(PliY.11N 0 o Ct/S, or .51 nul 113111,, (by:
W 'Sa 'c.77
PlailillqUiD Sash,
ijiit A_D
Fr • PA
T i
Doue to order.
Dv? Ocs) llowarip,d
rrthe undersigned wouldinforin the inliabi-
1. tants of Exeter and vicinity that hellos
0110 lonx smith of to c'iiirtincsniithshop anfulopes
thesuane liberal parrousKe that has been so
corned to him in the .
cfray sSvtz rof 11,?, a SDruceCTura
lino win I. now trVallei/ ot
1111:illivf19, 11g(a) Willetal at the resi-
Fon - deiris of the village three timeh cuel weekancl
cOuglis, Colds, Co, miptine, flour s.fiess, fors et
Voice, and all aileotlons di: Throat anctIain•
-s see j -j . e.t rr
'1.1 kitats -kort conste lit 1 on nand tit his
'NUDE MAI11( NOTInE. butcher shop,
is 11 lIn1111.inte that 1101 wnr,15.4, "SYDATP Or'
-LIN) Sinnrcr. einv:titnte onr List: Mark.
winen 1, Only accoraing l, law both, zit
Otrawa/mut AIiyapP415011 fringing
tisauel,or 15:11 1(51 tao w'•1,p'14.14,
reel 1.r11 will be pro2eatetithwitha11,11vltii.
on 1-
caning 8,1. sale, eat, 7,:i.qg the
14111 t,tneer.,t1i 111! 1.1' 101 011=119 41(111
ing tee Trade eV,trk, is 5.01011311(51115 with
111.,10:1001t,;o10, 1. •
18e1 Trade 71 1111 Ant of 1818).
liEhRY -wiTs0Y. & ( O.
w boieeth.nrugelats.lt
Sell Proprietors of the abav 0 Tra.11 Mtrk.
Vol), a;
nig cloonithing and wagrui tkingcarried or
as ucanti iu al) its 1,1 el.( 11 1
TELE CI I tf-fl,.k.'t FIST
'Wonder of Modern Times
• bas just rofeivoi 1, largo stock of T-Ton7)f° $ 6,9rlintrnent
r•ralrimv 417 loam .1111
(.W.- rp,r, II -to- 4" Cld _
frac stri-ours..sppeititeges, ff,efito es)
and Goals' POcgq Boor.:8.
A large stook of Fancy Ce'uocls con-
stantly an hand,
1(011 this ledy a seat. She's got on cot-
1?”1 S'•(),Aings' old her slimmer bat ,nnil
is n'mest froze to doeth !" The man'
t 1 the trntli end the lady eermeea 0,
E•ott, lett the glare brstowed on her
o v pat 1tiziiig friends world have turned
-out) re' S,..50.
- —
Io the middle of the last century we
fled the .J.441'8 in Germany in the most
ni)Przts•40a condition ; if it was no lon•
ger lawful to slay and plonaer them
neejo n'tit rle; g1sriitti, yot tliey were on
he other band snolected "by grate and
jesibis" In every cone dvehle reetrie-
; ni I rao .1 every calling in life wets
cet off f •nin them ; in ninny tnwns
they were forbidden to dwell at till, in
others tney Were permitted tn dwell
only in limited immbers ; even et the
present ti iy the question of the Jewish
verters is not everywhere settled. In
one plene they were forbidden to live in
corner It nisee, in another they were
A inijtle and P111,011111 remedy for
ay-pepsia is to 111)141111(1 frim drinlwig
imino(mody hi foie and during meals, te
and f,,1 an r after wera.
A vapor may easity be prepared
at home. Place a pail of lint Ivo ter
ender 5 cane- bol tomed chair, or, if yen
have not one. put n narrow piece of
hoard across thP pnil; 011 thie the Intl -
(Ant shriek( sit for half tin lour, covered
by a blanket reaelling to the floor, so
e to keep in the Men 01. •
Thie Rival New Yorker gives the
followiog en 5 cough remedy 1 One
onnee of eleeampane root ; one onnce
of wild cherry bark; nne onnee of vim.
fray root ; one ottuee of hoerhonnd.
B al well iu two (parts of water ; and
one ponnd of brown sugar ; strain mod
Add one, pint of the best epirits. Take
hqlf ft wino glees three times a cley,
horseradish will tiff trd instAritaneous
relief in the most obstinate eases of
hoareenees. The root, of course, i)os.
Having commenced business for the
Fail an dWi nte r T itde
We are prooared pnrchaso any • quantity of
Pork, snbject to the following rogrdations
We will take off two 'pounds per hundred if
dry, and throe pound If soft. Shoal:der stuck,.
twenty -live cants. If any of the bung gut.is
loft in, 25 'cents extra will be deducted. •
No pork will be bight at any pripe.lf
SAUS .01Pli
• ----AN D
Pork Cuttings
on hand at reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cuttings right through
breast to Load, and Heron opened out to tail.
ThoPills Ptuify the Illowl,norreci nIl li +orders
of ft.° Liver. Stomach, If.hine 5 11114 jloweleouni
ti'.' iLIVOlitible in all c011111litints incidental to
'1' .
lregg, Ala
W01.111119, $01T,9 11.115 VIVO*: , of how
ever longstanding. For tironchitis,
0ad H., (.101.1t,R'Imtia.titiu:, and all kind onlisoase
.it has 110 0C111.4.
2:13wARE OF
ITOW York Counterfeits.
Spurious imitations ot "Tit -towel's • tPills
1.1,11,11:1101/thifitunitioufill.,,0" 0 ferpm,,,iiiiiton„iftifit.c&t,u(porl,,ffibt)d. as,A.V1.
Hoary, Curran etc 41111 Company, Drug -
13(515, amund.
'1115503111)51(31 Of
by tl.a Mula o
N,'\ Y0r11, 111111:15 5115
i1:i18,111110et trade
Inseph fittydoelono
1)1155(8 off of Now York,lilte•
W140 i
Own make (11151411 entiotorteiteof his
loway 00tio.,,lnLvine for 11, brae( 1111111(1 (15111111(3
.1.1111 serpent ; :NroKosseil 00 1iObbj of New York
110 ligonts for the Su MO.
PIP:8 persons. the 'bettor to deceive you, me-
hInshin gly od.trtion the p.0,110111 the small books
of directions nillxen to their meAleines, which
arc 'madly titoopariOtta imitationa, to Beware
TToserupnions Peelers obtain them st vary
low prices and sill thorn to the im hi c la Cana
da as my gsnuine Pias anl cit, boon ts.
I most earnestly find respectfully mimes 1 to the
Olorgy, to mothers et families n.ncl other 101105
't•llet the Pfiblie generally of tiritishNortl, m orl-
CIL that 111031 15131 be 11105505 to de/lot:mac un-
sparingly these fiinfis.
Parehasers 8110111d look to 0: 41 label on the Pots
and boxes... If the ncitiress 19 110b 51311. Oxford
Stro ;t,London, briny are the counterfo,its, E
oot dbOX, of the (lumina Aletlicipes, hears the
321b1.911 rrOVOrninellt stomp, witm tho W03;118
11.1T.a.rAn.V£1 PiOtIs ANO' 010'17141190, London,"
origrayotl ther00111 V11 tll 0 lahotli the achlroPot,
081 tl,cf ortl Street. f,ornioh,whore alone they are
01 cant fatiirod. Parties who may be defrauded
3)31 Vo selling tpurior s "TV:Mown:es rills and
Ointment 08 0131 genuine make-. Rh, et 00711.
typiale,;ting the narticulerf; tO (le, be amply 110'
ml ecrated,and their r onle never divui4ed.
TROMAS nori.bowAY
033) theA it.,1 W:0„ London, aglaud
ThAmi.r.vs,,y 20, 1370
NT11.1.1., HOTEL, (IRE 1' 'ON
) vita, Ita)ior prorrietar, T1:1; 11,
ti: 1y turaitilwel viol 11 t‘eil 111 iu
karao and eomeniont Shta It,nt,
Con' n101.,..ita1 raN,on.s;1,1 si 31i3:ory eh!: r,
:1 the 1151, At to111,1V1,,13.06t101.$ (11) vs op hpliAL
11 91 01(1 1.111,1,1_12.1
("111 A.1",1 II AN Del, ---Th 0 11 oder
1.0. MITorin
trot hi, 8, a tem, it wifi befoul:Ala 11-stwiess ho -
tut, W1i11 1,0ory 10001111110,1111,4,41 for the 11 veiling
clonvenitial: Om Station.. 13(1,1 1dt1uo:
eigarN et the har..1.t 1111(11': 1(15115(4
1112 tv
1)1tINCh Ob \VL14 I 0
.1. 11110 rt;N, Cr, Fl WA 110parobasett
the ahoy,. h(e), 114+1 11t titroagllollt.1101r Of.
fors (11 aeooramodati,m 1.,1trare1eve, Maid
liquor an11 elan ra n t the liar, ood sto t 1(11 and
attentive st r on Intact, 1190131 tten i1,111paid
to guests.
Smoking Tobacco 25 °ants poi' Ib
atacays instock.
School Books, Stationery, Mmgazincs
N.B.—Flowing 'Meet:ff.. Needles ofevery 'dna.
renelVed 1 114 or DON' illat.:1)111er3'.
, biriliVrN of Om stir,-
romiding c‘)n,,14\ tine ::11) prep:mod to mann-
fact are iitl ichils of 1 I,,ese I btle •s, 1 tarlor.
orlas, ram 14101,,e• 5, mot. locvnig
seen r,s1 I be s.,..rviocf of it al:it-class '11111101,
ant prepared to ,1•1
ALL E.1.,N 1)S.1 (11 T UltNING
on the shortest notice, and 1(1' style and prief,
I defy csaitpetit t,11
.51}1S3 stock of Fork finel tsltuvl1 1111110.1os. Mill
hall a ndle south of Exeter.
1 • ...
13 V4,
NEW 'Pilaf, INVit.t.M'S OLD STAND -
Norse inrleing, 'WI -Igen rola arria.ge 111 11(111:111..
mond 1:arrows, and 1'l vas, (knervi BPI ,k.Fpijt.:k.,
11134 it) race,, and sat -
coutrallto.011. (111 41 118 1 0011 and ..,..513/111,115 11111'
work befere elsowlon.0,
7I 0111 AN 00 11.31 IL1DI, Iiing 131., 11( 1141411!
11: 1141:11(1111 '211. 1878..
Mowers and Reaper.
or ounialebratt
n all kinasof Grassi -inn i3r1; in, rola on all cos
Pawls of soiland sal:taco,
(Vo also offer a TAO 08 4:1? Wrought bon
TWO .131.11,
i3MISION'S covrimmutru
traohiLessupulied with
Two Drag -bars,
Two Finger.bars.
Four Knives,
Forked niol .1iloyed.
Self -oilers,
etc., lc,
can be chanFced from Mcwer
6o Reaper
13yre01ovalof fourholte, ti.5 OItllOsS shanattoon
minutes' titup.
Please 'eall at oar works end here°
our 'Machines before purchasing:
el sovvb ere .
Send for OattOognee.
Manufacturing Co., StrlafGra,i