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The Exeter Times, 1879-2-20, Page 1
raagaiaimmlaaacmurar ll, Exeter, Ontaro, Thursday, February 20, 1879. No. 28 terPOUTA.NT NOTIUL+`Si 10 V IIODGSON, & J. OKE, 00. . Auctioneers. Salus prowin it n ttouut tl. to. 1J :Pa ...0 s ,.0 .,,ti. ..,t bine l;ir. •, J. CLARK, Agent for the Us. • borne and l ib bort :Tattled Fire Insurance Company, 1Losidencn—Fnrtlutrar, Orders by mall promptly attended bo. S. CAMP13LLL. PROVINCIAL Laud Surveyor, at o., will Lo at the It y tl riot•.1, t xoter, cm the first Tuesday in aaclt mouth. 0) dors fur work loft with Mr, John Spackman willreceiveproruptattention . LAKE. Commissioner, fnsnr- �.e anco. Loud and Loan Anent, Office— next door north Royal hotel, Ill xatn, Wilsons Hotel. Hunan't, ^very Arouday. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan at 8 per cont. .UIITGAGES I3OUGTIT. i tdouey loaned on good NOTES, riONVI+EY:.N(JING — I)eeda, Mort- i,aea: Villa- Cc,•lreere raaxottabletartns (`tU13DW0UFUR SALE. 'vv Throe Hundred Cords nixed wood for sale, in large or small quantities, at 75 cents per cord, on Lot lo, con. a Steph.u. 'Venus hash. Apply on the premiscxi to JOHN MITOHi4LL, &'uior. 4t, DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP The tlo-partnership between the undersigned as Merchants h.re, undo, tho nears, style tonal 8711 of" Harwood & Tlotui.,g,' •ru.s this clay dis- solved by mutual consent. 11. HARRWOOD. A. H. FLEMING. Hensen, Heron Co., Nov. 13, 1878. AT' NTIUN — TAKE NOTO1i tha" she appointment of Messrs. Mason & )i .lmnn,Hens..il. us agents r;,at'tile Mutual Price In science C`o,upan y of the Con1I%v of Wellington:, is thin .L.ay CanC3110d,1411d Mr. JOHN TtYN1)JlAV will jointure act as agent for Exeter mud vigrnity. lay o del, CHARLES n:tV DSON, Guelph, December 4th, 1813. 1541. S�.-3. :els PROPERTY LIST. I.LIOUSE TO RENT. Known as the Rudgervillo hotel,Tramediate aos;ession, Apply to J P M s1iSH:\y.L, Bretz, L1OR SAGE I1ti WINCHET,SEA— House and Lot. Good stand for a shoema- ker, A corner lot. L`orparticulars, apply by letter or personally cu HARRY 13130 \VN,W'ittcheleoaP.0 HOUSE TO LET en the 3rd Con- cnssiou, Stephou, containing 1 rooms and gno.i cellar, gond well ou the premises, with or witLoutgarden. For term apply to WILL Ulf BARER, 2nd Con,, Stephen, Centralia, 1 .u, VILLAG and TOWNSHIP PROP - IOW FOR SAL''.—Two lots in Cr0Aiton,on ono of which is a new t,ri•)k store, good well and new stable. Well fenced. also 25 acres bush laud, part of lot 21, con. 6. Stephen, ou Exeter side - road, 3j/ toile, west of Exeter. For terms apply to JACOB H+ism, Crediton. P O. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN CJNDITON.—A good frame bonne and atabi°, also a good well on the premises. The aoove property is for sale or to rent. Also 25 acres oflned, •111 bash, being mostly black ash, on the Exeter side road, 32. miles west of ,;xet,r,hi the f+,wuship of Stephen, lot 20, concession 6, For particulars' apply to BERNARD FOIST,.Croditocl Ib 0, OOD FARM FOR SALE. Po bo sold by private contraet, Lot, No.10, Oen. 15, liibbtu;t, County of Perth, MO nares. about 80 acres cleared. Possession when required. For lmrticu1ars apply to Mr. 13, V. ELoIG „Soliettor, &e., Exeter, or to Mrs, LUST .11, Lot 5, Con.,3, Osborn PROPERTY FOR:. SALE. — THE subscriber offers for sale two holaoes and two lots. one situated on Heron street, east, in the vil- lage of Exeter, and the other on Simone street, Both houses are nearly new, and one rents for Aix and the other for seven dollars a Mouth, They will be fold together, or separate, and on moder- Ate terns, For pa ticuhrs, apply to T, J, WILSON gensull, or to the Tinny office. 1ARM FOR SALE,=-1•HE SUB- J..:ecriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13- Con.14., Townhill of Osborne County of Heron 80 acres clott-ed, the rernainde good bush, well touted, and in a good state of cultivation; under, &rained, good orchard, splendid well of water, frame barn 86x80, log stable 24x36, Log houso, and conveuio'rt to school and throe churches. For uttherparticulars apply to �V VI fiRTANS, ISirkion, P.O.,or MR.13. V. E LLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O. HOTEL FOR SALE, That large frame Hotel known as' THE BRIT - PHI HOTEL." in CLINTON. with largo frame stables :attached, situated on lots 360, 861,167 and :368, in the town of Clinton, containing ono sere more or less. The hotel has a license and is now es . doing* first-class business, This affords a eplon- ,did'opportunity for, any ono desiring to go Into .the hotel business, as tate terms are vory liberal. A ergo .11 payment down, and ten or twelve years 3orb,thance, For further particulars apply. to f3, l3YLNE, Excitor. valuator for Doruiuinn Loan ,• oo;Lety, 9TOC3K ESTRAY. S'I'RAY.tI) from L.it 32, Lake Road Inst, Tp Hay, about Past October,' 8 steers, ono coming three, rod, with bell,. and 2 yearlings, one all rod, and another redand white. Also ono o+ cow. A liberal reward will be given for re. Overy. J6311N J. TAYLOR, 'l3rowster,:Y.O. QTRAY ttAli.--Oatne on the precis - k es of the sttbsoriber, Lot 7, Clint. 4, Uaberno, lou or about the Tat Dec,, n ram two or three yonrs old, The owner isregnestod 80 prove property, I,sy expenses and take it away. 'li}'CHARD RUNFiH Q" A.Y D— $20 ItC1VARD-•-Freit i , l Lot 0, con 8, :luffillivr.ay, alto red em.1 while;. intitey steer, one nut and w)rjto yoarltnq steer, re arm two red yearling hoifura. rite abovo .ow aro. will bo rad to any por,om giving. Inforrnatlojn,, that lead to t to reenv3ry ot Viett�ropirtr. 4,r, Ll5W ERSE [NE, Lieury P DOMINION PARLIAZENT, Ottawa, Feb. 14. The Mouse was formally opened this afternoon at 8 o'ol"ok. All day the Ptttliament buil;liugehtave been oro\vded. A, 12 o'clock the oorridore leading to the Satiate Chamber were completely filled by au auxioue crowd, determined to be witnesses of the imprereeive•oere molly. So dense was the throng the • it wee impossible fur soy cue wishing to go to any other part of the Building to plass throtlgu. Shortly .lifter one o'olooh the doors were opeue'cl, and the came the rush, of course. Thegatlerie of the Senate °blu il"er were almost iul mediately filled. It was first come first served so far its the tickets went, and as there wore far more distributed then there should have been, the ao• aommodtation wag of the moel nneotn- f stable. vie SPEECH F110313 THE THRONE - 11 s Ottawa, ]'eb. 13:' To the. Honorable Gentleman of the Senate, and fjentlun„auof the House of Commons; In meeting the Parliament of Canada for the first time, I desire to express the gratilietktiou' I felt at having been selected by Her Majesty for the high and important eine() I now fill, and to assure you of the great satisfaction with which I now seek your aid and oo•oper. ation iu acknowledging, with profound gratitude, the reception which has been aceordt.d to lnyeelf as Her Majesty' representative. 1 am alto commanded by the Queen to convey, through you, to the"people of Canada her thank.; for the loyal, generous and kindly manner in which they have welcomed her daugh- ter The contribution of Canadian pro- d not s and inantifao t res to the great National Exhibition tat Paris, last year, attracted touch attent#on, and, it is bp. !laved, will have to beaefieial effect.. the trade of the Dominion with Europe. I congratulate' you. on the success which roust in no tanirtll • degree be at. tribntabte to the kind and unceasing exertions of His Royal Highness the Prince of Waists as Preeident of the Britian ,Section. The report of the Canadian Cominiseiouere will be laid before you when received - I aurpleased to inform yon that the amount awarded fur the fishery claims under the.Waehington Treaty has been paid by the Ueitect States, and that EIer Mlajesty's Government has arrang- ed with Canada and Newfoturdlaud for their respective shares of the award. The pepers on the subject shall be sub- mitted to you. The important and rapidly increasing trade betweeu Canada and England iu live cattle has been seriously threatened by the appearance in various parts of the United States of pleuro•pnenmonitt. In order to prevent the contagion from spreading to Canada, and the conse- quent interruption of the trade, I have caused au order to be issued, under the A. timal Contagious Diseases Act of 1869, prohibiting the importation or introduction Into the Dominiun of American cattle for a short period. It is hoped that, the disease willrbe ex- tinguished in the United States, and the necessity for continuing the prohib- ition removed. Your attention will be invtt. d to an amendment of Lite Act I have just referred to. My Government has commenced negotiations, with Her Majesty's sane- tioti, for the development of the trade of Canada with France and Spain, and with respective colonies. . I hope t.o b able to lay before you the result of these negotiations during the present session. It ite the pnrpose of my Government o press forth a most vigorous protium - ion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, nal to meet the reasonable expectations f British Columbia. In carrying out his intention, due regard must be had o the financial positionof the country. Communication by rail has-been ef- eoted between Manitoba and the United tater system of railways, by the juno- ton at Si.' Vincent of the. Pembina ranch of our railway with the St. an) and Pacific Railway, That .por- ion of the main line which extonde •orn English River toKeewatin, is now eing placed under eontraot, and will nereetioally be. ptlslIed to completion; r order to secure as rapilly ns possible he connection between Lake Superior nd the great Northwest. N O S P t ft b e it a A. Bill for the amendment and: cen• solidation of the Acte relating to stamps shall be submitted for your attention, as. well ae a measure amending the.1aot lilting to weights and measn.res. ,The ;leer ilnittl census intii+1 be talon), 1881. I think it expedient uloid a measurefor the purpose should be peev- ed during the prevent session,. in order to give ample time for the preparation of alt the preliminary arrangements, and to ensure the census being taken its accurately and inexpensively as pos- sible. Iu connection with this subject it rutty be well to consider the propriety of providing some meatus for the collec- tion and collation of vital, criminal an, general statistics. A Bill will be laid before yon for the rearrangement of some of the Depart. meats of the Government, and also measures relating to the aurvey and management of the Dominion lanais, the Mounted :Police, and to the Post Office Department, and alio for the amendment in some parttoulare of the laws relating to the Indiaue. A. nletteure will also be submitted to you for vestiug in Her Majesty, for the Use of the Dominion, certain Ordnance and Admiralty lands iu the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunewick. Gentlemen of the House of Commons:— The estimates for the ensuing year will be laid before you at au early day. They have been prepared with as great to economy as is compatible with re- gard the efficiency of the public service.. I regret that the receipts in the 'I'reas- nry, from ordivary sources, continue to be inadequate to meet the charges :against the cousolidated reveune. You will agree with mein the opinion that it is not desirable that our finances should remain in thin condition. By the application of the strictest e enemy to the public expenditure, and by the readjustment of tariff with the view of increasing the revenue, and at the same time of developing and encouraging the various industries of Canada, you will, I trust, be enabled to rest. re the equili- brium between the revenue and expert. cliture, and to aid in removing the corn• iuercial and financial depression which unhappily continues to exist. I have directed that the public ac - 0(413)4 of tile past financial year shall be laid before you. Hon. Gentleman of the Senate, and Gortleman of too House of Commons :— Parliament has recognized the im- portance of providing for the safe de- posit of the surplus earnings of the people by arranging for their being placed with the Guverutnent at a fair rate of interest. It may be welt for you to consider how far is is practicable to give a like security and encouragement to per sons who may desire by an insur- ance upon their lives to make provision for those dependent upon them. Your best attention will, I doubt not, be given to the important alibi: ate I have alluded to, and to the general in- terests of the country. After the reading of the speech from the Throne the members returned to their places in the Commons Chamber. Sir John Macdonald moved, second- ed by Hun. Mr, Masson, for leave to bring iu a bill respecting the adminis- tration of oaths of uffloe. Carried. The Speaker road certificates concern- ing the elections in East Hastings and Kamunraske. Ho also presented the report of the librarian of the library iu the House of Commons. The Speaker reported that, while in the Senate chamber, he had made the usual claims for privileges on behaf of the Members of the House of Commons, which His Eacellenoy, through Mr. Wilmot, Speaker of the Senate, sigui• fled his pleasurer to grant.. Sir John moved, seconded by Mr Laugevin, that the consideration of the Speech from the Throne be taken up on Monday next. Carried. Sir John moved, seconded by the Hon. J. II. Pope, that the u null stand- ing committees be appoiuted, fur the session. Carried. On motion of Sir John, the IIouse adjourned till 8 o'clock on Monday. Three hundred and seventy employ• ees of the Aberdeen Jute Works have struck agaiust tho 5 per cent. redue. tion. Advices nt Capetown report that subs quently to the Zlilu disaster, the forces uuder Dsrtnell and Lonsdale had a victorious engagement with the enemy' at Roolte's drift. Peareon's oolufain is safely estiiblished at Ji. kaye. No hostile Zulus ore iii Natal. A telegram from Washington says the board of yellow fever atilt experts are unanimous in the opinion"that the United 'States rnedioel officers of health should be stationed at Liverpool land at some pointin the Mediterranetan., Twelve tttnlisitnd dollars • per year slrytrtd tyittiutrlin two such medical of „ .fleets abroad. ..• ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Perth Items. TIDED PABLrA3xENT-1roliaTH SESSION. Toronto, February 1r. ---After - rou- tine, in reply to. Mr. Bit l ter, who asked whether it is the inteutltm of the (.*ov ernment to introduce, during the Pres• eat Hessian, a measure following the ex ample of Englsud for the. purpose ot assuming the entire management and eentrol, of the common jails 'of tate Province, as reoontmeonded by the I11- spector of Aslutns and Prisons in his report of last year. The Attnruey-General said it was not the intention of the Government to do so. Mr. Meredith moved the second read- irlg of the hilt to amend the ] L'.uiuip•al Act. He said. the pnrpose of the bill was to relieve the Goverutnent from difficulty and to prevent Iuspeotore and Commissioners of Liceuees holding seats in muuicipal eonneils. lie pointed out that several oases had oeourrod— for example, iu Etat Middlesex. Both- well, Keret, Edwardsburg and Welling- ton. The Atterney-General, while he saw no fault in the present system, had no objections to the bill passing. Dlr. Creighton thought the bill was necessary,. Mr. Scott said the bill no doubt re- flected the original intention ot the (iravernmeut at the time of its passage. The bill was, after. some further re• marks, read a second time. After, recess rue House went into committee of supply. • On the item $131, 850 for legislation, Mr. Scott took exception to the sum of $1,500 far the Sneaker's eatery, as in the estimates. Clue, thousand dol- lars was, he considered, quite euongh. Mr. Creighton objected to 1,000 be- ing applied to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. • Mr. Morris said that as a new mem• ber he could speak 'irrespective of what 'had oppeared upon the fluor of the Chamber before the past few years, and he could speak impartially. Whatever :night be sail, this was certain, when the session suet the Government had no intention of redaciug the indemuity. That temente was forced on it bay the Opposition. Mr. Mowat,foilowod,and implied that the Government would have reduced the iudemuitp. The (louse adjonrned at 11:10. Toronto, Feb. 18.—Mr. Fraser—Bill to amend the Railway Act. The hon. gentleman explained taut the purpose of the Act was to remove the possibility of conflict arising between lines under the control of the Dominion and the Proviuce, especially as regarded cross- ings. Mr. Waterworth—Bill to amend the Agricultural and Arts Act. The following bills were read the third tilos and passed :-- Reepecting th©Yorkville Proof Line Company. To consolidate the debt of Middlesex. On motion to read a second time the bill respecting Public), Separate and High Schools, Mr. Crooks eulogized the educational system of the country, and especially referred to the good exhibits made at Philadelphia and Paris. Hav- iug noticed at some length the advau• taxes arising from the prevailing sys- tem of education in the Province, the hon. member# poiuted out that under our present system 81 per tout. of the population were in the third class, whish gave a good'elernentary education. This was at itself a good shot. He pro- posed to place a check upon Sehoul Boards, exoollent as they were, and give due power to municipal authorities. It VMS absolutely necessary that eco- nomy should be instituted and an un- due expenditure should be avoided. Without this our system would break down. He pointed out taint the fullest liberty of a)usoience Was permitted, al- though scholars in the Public Schools lacked the elements of a religious educa- tions. Having alluded to Separate Seboo's, the hon. member said the bill proposed to make tate the Separate Schools run more easily, and to treat them as a component Hart of the Pub- lic Schottle, Ile wits iu favor of a uni- form system of 00001 rating, and a better aystetn of the custody of the school fluids. Ir von are suffering with a cold, do not fail t0 try HAOYAnb's PEOTnnAL BALsAat ; it is daily relieving its hundreds throughout ono 'Dominion, It is olet4gattt nod palatable. For MI6 by Dr•. 0. Lutz, i!;xcter. 4X1_1 4,11/1,11)41.: 1', 0,,, Timone (tele A Sabbath School 0 mvention wee helm on Thursday at tett. Mary's. It is probable the Scott Act will be submitted in the county' of Perth he - fore tong. o During the past year there were 266 prisoners oo:limited to the amity jail, and the cost of maintaining the jail for the same time was $2,686. Dominion News. The first party of the season left To- ronto for Manitoba on 'Weil'esdity of test week. The final result of the three days pol- ling for the 'epee! of the Dunkin Act in. Northumberland and 1)urhatn is a majority in fever of the repeal of 1,046. Between 12 acrd 1 o'clock on Satur- day morning last, a deltrllctive fire brake out at the carter of Bing and Niagara streets, Toronto, completely demolishing a row of six two-story brick-frun ted houses. Some interesting evidence was given on Saturday at the the trial of Annie Parker, of Shediao mystery fame, for perjury. The case is concluded, but no decision has yet been given by the Magistrate. Otre of the largest pieces of gold ever found in British Columbia was discov- ered lately at Defoe Oreek, Ctassair. alt weighed twenty-ti.lree ounces and was valued at $412.50. Mathew Heasley, of Stratford, was badly hurt at Acton a few days since. He was digging a well for the Grand Trunk, when a bucket fell on him from a height or thirty feet, striking him on the head. His recovery is a mat- ter of doubt. The large flouring mill at Amherst- burg, known as McLeod's Mill, was burned to the ground ou Thursday evening last, and the tannery owned by J. Kolfage, rnerehant,of the same place, caught fire from the burning building ar,d was totally destroyed. The total number of prisoners com- mitted to Welland gaol during the year which ended September 30th,1878, was 556, and the cost of maintaining the eaot- for the same term was $5,272.28. 1'or Lincoln gaol, same year, the mins- ber of prisoners committed was 181, and the expense, 8,871. Mr. Robert Feusorn, of Allanpark, Bentiuck, recently shot a fine speci- men of the bald-headed eagh . It nal exhibited in Durham,and measured six feet eight incites from tip to tip of wings. Mr. Young, of Glenelg, has succeeded in capturing a very large grey owl, metasuriug nearly six feet from tip to tip of wings. Thursday night last, while Mr. Alex. Duffiu, of the second cuncessicn of Ni- souri, was returning from London. two men asked for a ride. Mr. Dnftin, complied with their request, and pro• ceeded to converse with them in a friendly manner. One of the men caught Duffin by the throat, whilst the other rifled his pockets. Fortunately, however, Mr. Duffin had only the price of a load of wood from town, and his loss was small. Peter Jallignn, arrested f tr stealing $4.000 from the Washington Post Of- fice. pleaded guilty at Montreal it fete days since, and asked for the leniency of the Judge on account of his previous goad ionduct, stating that he stale the money while under the influence of li- quor. He was ooinmitted to the peni- tentiary for five yesrs. He has a wife and four c ildreu io Wathiugton. While some few of the Halifax medi- cal men are of the opinion that the un- usual prevalence of colds in that city this winter originated in something like Cyprus lever, while the great majority of the doctors there believe there le no silo!, a thing itt liis county as Cyprus fever. The latter is a malari 1 fever. It below; to the country in which it or- iginates, and is nut contagious as are ordinary (everts. The dwelling house of Mr. Jolla Learn, jun., sitnated ou the 10th eon - cession -nf S'tuth Dorchester, took fire on Tuesday last, and was turned to the gronn;l. The wife of Mir. Learn wee o'tufined to her bed at the time of the fire with a severe attaok of long disease. When the neighbors reached the burn- ing building hare. Learn had not yet been teemed, and it was only with great. difficulty that several of them managed to get into the house, roll her top iu the bed clothes, and Carry her in- to a place of safety. It it feared that the fright and expasnre to the cold will }'Q3t11it fittttOy• f