HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-13, Page 83 THE MES HOLIDAY NOTICE J. GRIGG'r takes pleasure it1'au'no iucing that, encouraged by the steady increase of trade during the present year, lie has made • . arrangements to open for inspec- tion, by the 12th inst•.a.larger and better variety of holi- day goods, than in previous seasons, The Stock will comprise the usual supply of ENGLISH ANNUALS, ashort time ago, gave his name as Thomas And a choice eeleotiou in Fullington, of Vermont, but Constable (till izin- BO?CESforme us that he has singe ascertained that his real name is Bailey; and that he belongs to a gang of blacklegs at Ingersoll, The Inger- soll authorities want Mr. Bailey as soon as he has served his term in the Goderich jail Bost:ie.—On Saturday evening last Mr. Guy Together with a large selection of Toys, Toy Park, assisted by a man Froin London, gave an Bocka, Etc; exhibition of his skill in boxing in Drew's Tho trade supplied at the usual close ratan. Hall and the ease with which he could defend Christmas and New fears Cards in choice. de- signs, and a large variety already received. himself and tip his opponents astonished his Supplies for S. School Gifts and Ohristmas audlouee. Several of the town people also Trees ata liberal discount. took occasion to display their science, the J. (It G& Main street, Exeter. bouts between the boys eepootally oausin; con- siderable merriment. Mr. Park expressed his intention of opening a school to teach the science in Exeter. finite a number of pupils have been secured. When the editor of the Clinton New Era and other "bummers" come to town after this to kick up a noise, they had better look out for a warm reception, THEFT. -0n Monday night last Dr. Hutch- inson, of Exeter, was out at Elimville attend- ing a patient, and while in the house some person or persons took a very large buffalo robe and a good bl.tnket from his cutter, which he had left standing in a yard. . The thief dropped tho whip and. a parcel of instruments near the cutter. The robe and blanket cost $22. The doctor thinks the winter is not ov- er yet, and will no doubt endeavor to reclaim the stolen goods, and we hope the thief will be found. and punished. ' NAUROW Escare.—Mr. John Drew was driv- ing his span of spirited horses up Main Street on Monday evening, whew the noise of the school children on their way from school frightened them and they dashed off at arapid pace, turning the corner. at the market with great velocity, throwing Mr. Drew and a boy out of the sleigh. Mr..D,..held on to the lines with one hand, while with,.the other he pre- vented the sleigh iroironsfalling on him, and in this dangerous position Wee dragged a consid- erable distance, before he managed to get the headstrong animals stopped. Mr. Drew was somewhat injured, but .not so seriously as he would have been had he •.pat had the presence of mind to bold the sleigi .froni falling on him. SENT UP.—In, April last A man named Sulli- van purchased goods from Mr.. Lewis Simon, a Dashwood merchant, anct•\y;as, give credit on the strength, that fie (Sull,van). owned a farm in the Township 4. Stephen.. Simon found out afterward that his debtcir •did net possess. a foot of land in. Stephen,,,,bitt I}verl. in .Dun- witch Township, County pidgin. On Thurs- day last Oonstable GIII,.of. Exeter, arrested him and brpught.ilim to Exeter, where he was FooLIsH.-J. D., of the London Free Press tried before Thomas Gidiey, Esq., J. P., ou a is foolish to think because he is an evil -Dewar himself and has had many unpleasant ex- periences with the P. M. of London, every oth- er person should Lave a dislike for law. Moiud that, now. SKATING RINK: Those persons who some time ago were anxious to have a skating rink in the village, may now enjoy a good skate by attending the rink which has been opened on Mr. Pickard's pond. The young mea who cleaned the ice and keep it clear have no light task to perform. HURON green SALE—The second althea -A MURDEROUS ASSAULT. laletof the Boron. Live Stock •Asseeiat on. was ' hold in Exeter ,yesterday. The attemiaaoa of , ' ';. ' visitors leas very large, but the mmnbei' of en• G' o taE, •MAT nuxunNa. 'mem vete* Gramma tries tvas smaller than. expeeted, The pr;ee fa—uxlrtAtce ISTO iris OWN tigvsx. - offered were low, and not much stook changed ' 11t1oTURES A MWS SKULL W3T'u' anUton, AND TamNO a$ swain= JOUR* ri x To eonsnxCH, hands until the evening. Messrs. \Yhartun ADM mes Oke officiated as auotioneere, Assists]) NAME.—The person who was sent to Goderioli jail for three months for early- ing firearms, and to•awnit •hit; trial for theft , WRI 1'IbNG DI,Si.{S,S'1?ATUARY,1tA8E S TO!LLii I' SETTS, Mt11l0000 BOUND POETS, 'GIFT CUPS, CARD CASES, CARL) RECEIVERS, EVENING FANS, INK STANDS, Eto, LOCAL NEWS. THURSDAY, FEI3RUARY 18,1870. PUnoisAssD.—Mr. A. Wolper, of Exeter„has purchased Mr. Praug's Hotel, Zurich,. A Jon= LOAD.—On Thursday night last a load of young people from Exeter went to Hensall to assist in a temperance entertain- ment. They returned at an early hour•—in the morning. FARu CasxoE.--'Ir. Amos Fanson of Us borne, has exchanged town property in Exeter for a farm of 70 acres near Zurich.. The farm is valued at $4,000. Mr. Fanson intends moving on the farm in the wing, Holism's . FOOT HURT.—On Monday last a fine young horse belonging to Mr. James Westeott, of Osborne, had its leg badly out by coming in contact with a plow share while be- ing led through the barn. BRoke Jail.—Constable Gill received a tele- gram on Tuesday morning, stating that Bailey alias Thomas Fullington, who was sent to Goderich jail for carrying firearms, had by some means escaped from his jail. S. S. Sermon.—On •abbath Morning next Bev. J. W. Butcher, of Exeter, will preach a Sabbath -school sermon in the Providence B. C. Church. A collection iu aid of the funds of the school will he taken up. Poor CUT.—On Thursday last Mr. B. Lex - ton, of Exeter, cut his foot very severely while chopping in McGillivray. The gash was stitched by Dr. Hutchinson. Mr. Luxton will not be able to do any work for five or six weeks. ANOTHxtRRUN.—A horse belonging to Mr. SV. Balser, of Crediton, which ran away with Mrs. Bauer while coining to Exeter one day last week, repeated the freak yesterday, upsetting Mrs. Baker about a mile south of the village. 1 he runaway animal was stopped near the Mansion House. One of the shafts of the cutter was smashed. . CAPSIZED.—i;psets aro very numerous nowa- days. On Thursday night last as a sleigh load. of jolly young folks were on their way to Hensall, they met a nutter coming Porth, which was capsized • by turning out too far. The occupant of the conveyance were not much the worse for their upset. CHEAP PnoNTrvct.—Times are very hard and in order that pt sting may below in proportion with everything else, we have decided to re - dace our printing to each low prices that no oth- er office in the county can touch them. If yon want printing cheap call and ascertain our prices before going elsewhere. Tho will as- tonish yoa. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. — The Secretary of the Mechanics' Institute, Mr. Charles Senior, I•egnests us to state that a meeting of tl ae Di- rectors was held on Tuesday evening. at which it was decided to collect all the subscriptions Pickard, for brooms, cue., $4.71; John Banton, at once, and purchase books. A room in Mr, for stove polish, postage and stationery, $1.87; Senior's building has bleu secured, where the D. Spicer, for painting blackboards, $4.50 ;W. library will be kept. A fund of about $2o0 will l'oinworthy, for cutting wood, $16 ; J. Brawn, be raised, and this will entitle the Matilde to for chair, 50 cents ; Moved and resolved that a grant of $400 from. the Government. It is Jr. Willis be instructed to purchase 20 cords iutonded to establish a reading room iu connex- wood on as favorable terms as possible, for the ion as eoou as possible. use of the school. Adjournment. J. BANTON, gee, charge of obtaining goods under, false pre- tences. Tho evidence given against the pris- oner was sufficiently strong.to warrant his be- ing sent to Goderich to a}gait his trial, which was done. Constable Gild took the prisoner to the county tuwu.on Saturday. ELECTION.—Harmony, Lodge, .I. 0. G. T., met in their loflge room in Fansou's Block on Wednesday evening, 5th inst., when the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing term :— P. W. C. T., W. O. T • W. V. T. W S, Bro. G. H. Bissett. W. A. S...Sis. L. Smele. W. M ..Bro. J. Fairbairn. W. A. M •Sis. D. Marshall. W. T 'Bro. A. Hicks. W. F. S........... ” . J. N. Howard. It. H. 5 ,..Sis. M..Palmer. S. Balsdon. " M. Latta. 0. G Bro. W. Fanson. " Jas. Down. Bro. B. Pickard. " W. Harding. .Sis. E. Hicks. • L. H. S.... 1. G W. C Two months age llfr. George May, .who has been a resident of the town fat' auuutber of years, • andis woll•ltnown throughout the surrounding neighborhood, was sent up to Goderich jail for indulging in 11 favorite amusement of boating his wife, term expired on 11Ion- diy last, and he started fur home. Arriving at Hensel' by a trai n the early part of the day, it occurred to that ho ought to make a gall and see his friends in'that village, with whom, despite his many faults, he was popu- lar• and always welo a on account of his live- lyand versatile manners. As usually happens when George falls it the company of congeni- al and convivial spirits, be got somewhat the worse for liquor. ten in this state he is generally of a quarrelsome disposition. He left Hensall for Exeter, and arrived hero late in the evening. H repaired at, once to his residt.neo and demanded admittance, His wife and family hadtired to. rest, and either did not hear him at.first or, knowing that he was intoxicated, didof ogle to comply with his noisy demand. o gain au entrance he began. smashing t windows of his house, when Mrs. May commenced crying for help. Three persons, 'Messrs. John Taylor, Francis Howard and John ' e, .hearing the . disturb- ance, ran to the resole. By this time Mr. May had got into the back part of the house and was battering ay at the inside door. This he soon succeeded in having opened. A light was protlooed when George threw the :amp, upon the floor, smashing it to atoms. Then seizing a hes piece of iron, he rushed at the intruders an t, uck Mr. Taylor a ter- rible blow on the lift d t of the head, imme- diately beside the a inflicting a deep and dangerous wound. Constable Gill, hearing of the disturbance repaired to the spot, and ar- rested May, whom lodged in the lock-up for the night. In morning he went to the lockup to 500 how eprtsoner fared. May asked for a drink, which Mr. Gill procured for him. He then ask to be allowed to warm himself by the stow which the constable re- fused to grout him, hen the prisoner flung the cup with terrificforce in the constable's face, who throw hi upon the floor, and in the scuffle that ens had his fingers bitten and torn by the. teeth the infuriated madman. For this , latter offense May was .cited before Thos. Gidley, Esq J. P,, and on the evidence of Constable G was Bente/teed to two months in Gode jail. Mr. ,.Taylor .also laid an:informatio malicious assault before the same magistrate,and on this charge May was also tried at the same time. SCHOOL Boson.= -The dtxeter School Board suet in the Secretary's office on Tuesday even- ing at 7:30 o'clock, all the members being present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Moved by Mr. Wilds, soc- deep that a portion of the brain could be seen. ended by Mr. Verity, that Mr. Jas. Pickard be The oute%.well of the brain was badly frac- chairman —Carried. Moved by W. Grigg, tured,andthe Dr. ran his probe about an inch seconded by W. H. Verity, that. John Bauton be Secretary-Treas.-Carried. Moved and re- and a half into the spongy substance between solved that the following accounts be paid : J. the lining and the wall. The wound was of a is Hie arta ni him clot eau stn nna Ito frit ere ter He tea retired u T he mm ars 1.'uk sou to away ede oor heavy and ft s ey pair he the th whi ed e, tr m nod of ens ., J Gill rich n of ne The evidenca of Taylor, Fuke and. Howard went to lshow that they ware all attracted to May's house by' the cries of help that issued therefrom. They found him wrecking his property, and quietly endeavored to •pacify him. May wanted to know }who they were, and on ascertaining their names, he shook hands with Fuke. Then some one inside handed a light to him in the back room, which he held a minute in his hand while he looked at his visitors. Then he dashed the lamp on the floor; in a rage, and ordered the three to leave the house. To this they replied that teey would go if he would promise to be quiet, when May, seizing a piece of iron about eight inches in length, rushed at hisdisturbers, and swinging it in the air, brought it down upon Taylor's head with all his power, saying "Take that G—d d --n yon," or words to that of feet. The tnree then retired. Taylor secured tho services of Dr. Hutchinson, who dressed the }wound. Dr. Hutchinson testified that the wound of Taylor was inflicted in a very sensitive part of the head. The out on his brow was about two inches and a half in length, extending FEBRUARY 18, 1370 • I ANKRUPT - SALE ,., , jANOTHEII JOB LO`T} I N• AND C O M I N G IN SOTJTHOOTT'S BLOCI , EXETER, Osborne INSURANCE MEETING.—Tile third an- nual meeting of the members of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company was lir•ld at Farquhar, on Monday, the 3,d inst. At the hpur appointed for opening the meeting, some difficulty existed airing to the want of proper aeoo►nmOilation for the great turn -out. Thu large hall in IYti'. Gnrdiner's cheese faotnry. .was tried, but it would not holt. them ; a stam- 1 ede was then trade for the cheese room, into which the throng' eagerly pressed. The business was comrneueed by the President; R. Gardiner, Esq., taking Vie chair. The Secretary, Mr. N. J. Clark, red the nriuutes of the last annual Meeting`, also the minutes of the • Directors' Meeting during the year, and the general report of the company. ' It wat •thew• moved by T. M. Kay, seconded by J. Cameron, That the rt'port'be adopted. -•-Carried. The financial report of 'the Treasurer and Auditor's Abstract nils then read, when it was moved by 'John 'Hunter, second- ed by Wm. Werry,';That the Auditors' report be received:; Curried. The transversely towards the temple. The skull was fractured, and the oyo bulged out about the eighth of an inch. The wonnd was so Prosideut then 'delivered his annual ing also appointed Mr, James Gillespie as auditor an behalf of the members The moetir: g, whi'eli was very orderly throtighout, returned a vote of thank to the Directors for the excellent way in which they transacted the business .of the year, and then quietly* withdrew. At a meeting of Directors held after the annual meeting, Itubert Gardiner, Esq., Reeve of kirbbert,was re-elected President, and Alexander Danohn, Esq., of Usborne, Vice -President. The President appointed D. Millar as andi- . tor. The meeting then adjourned till firstMonday in March, at 2 o'clock p. in. N. J, CLARE, Secretary. SCBooL STA;rDiao.—The following is the standing obtained by the pnpils of school section No. 6, Usborne, for the month of January. The report is based on. proficiency, regular attendance, and good conduct : Sixth form—let, S. Veal ; 2nd, W. Young ;• 3rd; J. Johns. Fifth. form—lat, W. Powell ; 2nd: E. Cont: ; Srd, M. Hunter; 4th, T. Halts. Fourth form—plat, E. Clarke ; 2nd, M. White; 3rd, R. Coates ; 4th, S. And. address, reviewing' the onward prop- rew. Senior Third -1st, E. Taylrr ress of the' Compafiy from infancy to the pree,ent time. lie went an to show that during the two'first".years we en- joyed unexceptidntil:lY good succese, bei during the past' yeieri it must fie con• fessed our prosrperty bad taken a change, no feweY {hod' fuer fires hap- peniug to the mernbees bf the company. This ha regretted very -much, but still he was in no wpy''discoura;;ed, for he very dangerous nature, and Mr. Taylor may be thankful that he was not killed on, the spot. Whlie the preliminary examination was in progress, the prisoner, who sat in the court room with manacles on his wrists, , slid not seem to be mucic affected by the terrible posi- tion in which his ungovernable temper and RUNAWAY.—As Bev. J. W. Botcher and his A Doexon or SozeNcL.—A good many curl- whiskey had placed him, but chatted and daughter were driving up the Loudon Road, ous people in town want to know what the ad- a ghed with acgntintaa.ocs. He was sent to about a quarter of a mile south of the corpora- dition of the letters L. D. S. to a gentleman's j .i1 to await his trial before the first comet of tion on Friday evening their cutter was unset name ill a literary programme signifies. Sore of competent jurisdiction, and was taken and the horse started home leaving them be -to Goderich by Constable :,Gill, this being the people think it is intended to show that the fourth time that he has boon confined within hind. • The animal came home and ran into the stable, the door of which was open. Thegentleman is a Licensed. Dental Surgeon. the wane of that, institution in the last . two runner of tho outter was broken by coming in coutaet- with the door -casings of the stable door. Fortunately '•lir. and Miss Butcher were not hurt, no gentleman in Exeter would do .anything COMETS.—We are to -have a comet show, be- so distasteful, and especially on a church pro - This is an erroneous idea. It stands for years. Itis to be hoped that he will be pun - LoarnedDoctor of Seiences. We would not be iahe 1 sever fly :o • the des artily blow he gave Mr. Taylor, Such a man is not safe at large, mean enough to inainnate that it is intended and Exe er will be well rid of his presence. as an advertisement `'for. any one's business ; The nature of Ms. Taylor's wound is such that he is not suffering from great %costo ase. The flow of blood was not exhaustive, but he will be incapacitated frown work for some titne. When taken prisouor May nanaged to conceal, a knife in hie clothes and in the night time cut and destroyed the mattresses on his bed, ,_.• —4. CALL at the first Drug Store and p•ooure a bottle of Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce G'tm for coughs, colds, ..tic. We recommend, its pur- chase at Drug. Stores of respectability, as there is AU attempt to place in the hands of the pub- lic an article under a similar mine, put tip'in a similar style, but of a white milky appearance 2nd, E, Thompson; 8rd, 1i'i.Tbomp- son ; 4th, T. Johns; Gth, G. Miller; 6th, J. Powell. Jnnior.'Third—let, M. Routly; 2nd, F. Newcombe; Mrd, H. Andrew ; Jtb, A. Canine ; 5th, J. Bondy ;,bait, W. Andrew... • BAD, VERY.—An.. evil-minded eorret= poudent in •Ueborne sends us the fol- lowieg very wicked paragraph :—A few days ago,e while Senator Brown was Well knew, from perstanttl aegnaintanoe seated in his office he had occasion to with a large majority of she members, remove his hat, whiele was a new sill; that they will look `•;'only on the bright side of the picture and hone for better Success. He risked' them to meet all contingencies like inen. Out of the four fires that happened this year, one was of such a nature that the Directors could not grapple with it. Ile referred to Mr. Pridham's less:be steam thresh- er. Mr. Pridham had just insured in our company, and had not got his poli• ay when the accident happened, to that he could not be said to be posted in the conditions thereof. ' We had the advice of our solicitor, to the effect ' that we were not legally bound to honor Mr. Pridham's loss. The Directors, there- fore, thought it their wisest course to refer the settlement thereof to the members at this meeting, and in now bringing up the stibjeot for discussion, he hoped that each one present would act as if it were his own ease. A voice—If we are not legally bound why did you not die•mir+e the claim at first 2 The President—I think this meting will agree with me when I' say that if we are not legally bound we are most certainly morally bound to honor Mr. Pridham's loss; (cries of hear, bear !) and although we do not say that we can make on assessment and compel ginning this month if the reckoners are not mistaken,. They tell us that Brorsou's comet is to put in its appearance, to observers of tele- scopes at least, about the last of February. ludeed, it is asserted that astronomers in the southern part of the earth may see it earlier. Its periods are supposed to be five and a half year#. Its' stamping ground is within the planetary system and its perhelion (nenreat'to the sniff point is within the earth's orbit, Iy upon whore this distinguished • degree bf ---the genttite° being of a dark brownish -real o and its aphelion beyond Japite1's bit. 1 Learned Doctor of Scieuces was first'confer- coloor•, Is it a wretched imitation, and should sunt year resulted in the return of the PpringApril.and May it Wi l be easily obsor#ed! red. • be at ones rejected... • old Board by acclamation.. The meet - gramme, and people generally have too much good taste to offensively obtrude their business upon the publie through the medium of the Church. We are all the more certain that it is not intended' as an advertisement, from the fact that no others of the gentlemen on the pro- gramme indicated in any way to the business they are engaged in.. We congratulate Exeter upon having within its limits the gentleman one, and he •eareleesly threw it upon - the sofa. A. few .'minutes after ex - Premier Mackenzie Doming in, sat down upon and ernshed the hat fearfnlly. " Blast it," roared Brown, " I could has telt ye it wad nae fit aiore ye tried it on." Crediton. BUSINESS.—An immense amount of teaming has been done in the (lest month ; and large quantities of wood, . lumber, brinks, &e.,. are daily moving. Considering the hard times, business men here have no special cense of complaint. Mr. Parsons intends• hold- ing au auction sale of goods the urea- ' eut week. ACCIDENT. --On Friday evening last, an Miss Nellie 'l revethick; in company with smite other young ladies, was going up street and passing one of those Ibeautiful elevated platforms for which our sidewalks are famous, she acciden- tally slipped and fell, fracturing her leg. She was carried home and surgi, • cal aid procured, when the broken limb was dressed, and she is now doing its well as possible under the circum- stances. Her . young friends sympts- the members to reapoud to it, yet there thize with her in her misfortune. are many ways that we can take, nal ya'Eixi.—The•cougregation of the B. as a corporate body, but`as friends and; O. Church here have purchased a ., sympathizers, and it is to be hoped splendid new organ tor the Church from that before the meeting closes some E. Drew, Exeter. They have now good:..; ; action may be taken which may prove n;usic in connexiou with the services. satisfactory to all. concerned. - . —The irediton Literary Society's. Mr. Alexander Donnan, Vice-Presi• weekly meetings are becoming popular, dent, also addressed the meeting, and and entertaining. asked them to give Mr. Pridham some — The special services in the Oer- tangible evidence of their sympathy. ,man church here have concluded, It • After considerable discussion on this large number having joined the church. subject, it was moved by Robert Mor- PxasoNAL.—Mr. T. Coughlin, M. P., ris, seconded by Thos. Worry, That left this week for Ottawa, to take part when the company make their next in the interesting proceedings c.f see. assessment, the Secretary be instructed simnel work. to make au additional and distinct as, aesacnent,•snfff'cient to cover Mr. Prid• ham's claims, and let those of the Brumfield members who are willinn, respond to —.— the same, and the Stun tins collected IionSX CirrURED.—Ono day last week be handed over to Mr. Pridham as a a valuable horse was stolen from Mr. freewill of}eting from those who nifty Dude]. Ross, l3racefield. It waif cafe= contribute thereto: --Carried unaoi-' lured a day or two nfterwardd in a stable nicest in Zurich, and a young' man arrested The election of Directors for the en- charged with the theft. He was tried before a J...P., andsent to Goderich to stand his trial.'