HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-13, Page 7�',;I31tL'AR� 13,1870 SCOTTISH NEWS. Glasgow.—The Glasgow ooaohmak- ers have resolved to aecept a reduction 7i per cent,—Stewart & 1:Iighet, build- ers, Larbton, have been exarnuled iu bankruptcy.—The City flow( mills at Port Dundee, of the insolvent firm of Hay, Sun Co., have been exposed for sale at £80,000.—Harry Howard, a man who is said to have oparatt d sue- cessfully asaaforgor in Edinburgh and Glasgow, hay been apprehended in London.—It is reported that Mr Lewis Potter., one of the imprisoned dir'ect'ors of the City of Glasgow 13auk, has taken the necessary steps for "running his letters".—John Stewart, the sole part- ner of the firm of W. a. Lorrain & Gil- lespie, merchants, has been examined in •bankruptcy. The liabilities aro ov- er £138,000, and assets x1,379.—Tore - are 8,052 persons ou the relief roll in l Glasgow, and these have 15,84.8 de - ponds, making in all a grand total of 22,9110 luau, women and children, hi receipt of relief,—It ha(;been intimated by the liquidators of the City uf Glas- gow Bank that all contributors who him:failed to pay the first lnetaIn eut. of the $500 call, payable on the 28rd ult., most do so without delay, outer. wise judicial proceedings will be insti- tuted after the 17th fust L.arruuc.—A soup kitchen has Leen opened iu Biggar,—There are indica- tions of an improvement in the copal trade of the County, many of the pits being well supplied with orders. --Two hen named William Wright and John Welsh were preeipitated to the bottom of the shaft at Brownieside (lallury, Airdrie,ou the 9th inst.. and killed through the aooidoutal npyettiug of the cargo in which they were desoeudiug to their work. 1'vts ri iitaw.—A plebasite of the me n- bers of Sir iUiehael street U, P. congre- gation, Greenock, has just beau taken on the question of introduoiug iuitrn• mental music iuro the church, and the majority decided against the proposal for an organ. AYR,—Tile price of gas has been re TILE TIMES dustriee and commerce of the Levant ; but we should add that the juxtaposi- tion of asphalt in. great gnantities, fur- nishes the elements of a nurture of lig- nite and asphaltum in the form of brieke, which is equal in heating ca. parity to the richest bituminous coal, while its Dost on the ground is only x(2.50 a ton. It is known that similar bricks, made up of coal dust and bit- uminous debris from gas works, are much sought after by French railways, slime, besides their heating power they kroatly froilitate stowage,owing to their regular shape, Of course the bitumen of lower Palestine has been knowu from immortal times and was used to impar solidity to the structures of unbaked clay iu Assyria and Egypt ; but it may be said that the discovery of the sub- terranean combustible has lifted once for all the curse which has so long rested upon Sodom and Gomorrah,an will transform the wasted shores of tb Dead Sea into a focus of iudustry;,and a magaziue of wealth. 7 Bir,,TTEll TfiAI� E1111 White Ca., (successors to G. 13, Smith) Mr, Duncan Henderson (of the wholesale firm of (4.13. smith and Henderson, Toronto) is now in the European markets beyiag our retail spring stack for St. Marys as well as our wholesale stook for Toronto. Our wholesale first is Beading{, us goods now at less than manufacturer's' prices because they are making a grand wholesale sweeping clearing sale before stocktaking. and therefore our canto 'fors got their gee ds tbo acme as if they were buying diroot from a wholesale house. A large shipment of goods to hand this woek, Newl'rosir tloads arriYiug aluu,st every t day, a livtn. stream pouring in and pouring ant, don tae time, (roods retailed at wholnaalo prteos Look at them, see thorn and handle thorn, Tho price tolls and every cnstomor 1s nob afraid to tall the price. iVe aro ctotothninetito solll sall II sell Irl • It m b d 11 ill l l 6 our Oamtdian 7 woods t 9, 0 a tit t' h p `75 5U 1 y a HOW TILE Y. LIVE, On a stipend of sixty or eighty cents a day, the Swiss workman not only sop. por's himself, but also pays hones rent, raises a fatuity of three or four children, send them to school from the age of eight to fifteen, cud, perhaps, lays up something fur a rainy day. To be able to do this, however, he must use econo- my. He cannot have heat three times a d ty, or spend much of this earning in saloons, fortunately for bis health and to the welfare of hie fauiily, Hie ttvo truing rooms serve as a kitchen, bed. room, sitting-rootn and parlor. His breakfast will eousiat of some subsitute fur coffee, a soup, and plenty of bread ; his dinner of a soup, the meat from which this is tirade, potatoes and bread with,perhaps it measure of rin. ordinaire, ust a ono anc t w ie d one,bee a 5 4 nd 450 and ane a is c oa a, c, ato, Fot ar which Kills all (c ��zposrt ou i.wtll S pray l I['aetory Flauhiels for pray per yard lase than the maker, s price. lzico plain and fancy 1)rnss Goo(ls loraand 0, up. Nothing to boat Munn in tho'market, All wool heavy Frena Cashmeres and Moriuoes,.splendid value, for 730„ now 500. Wiuoeys at prices that astonish every one who segs thorn. A 24o• Winooy tar 15e., aria all the way down from that to 50. per yard, equally cheap Mantle anal Millinery Department running in full blast rnet doing splendid Mantles and Jaelrets in stook from 75o. up td :F0. Such value has never been offered in this market, sue them. A Nice Fur Muff, silk Iniad, for $1, WHIFE & Go., successor, to G.B. Smith. St. Marys. p i . " e ra F annals fon: 150. Platd, �1f 8 30, or beer. His supper is a repetition of rile breakfta: t,ithe ouffeee being omitted and its place taken by wine. It is sur- prising what au atnutrit of bread is eaten by the poorer class in Europe. to Germany it is a bleak or rye bread ; dnced in Irvine 5t1. per 1,000 cubic, ul witzeriaud it is a veru heavy wheat feat.—Mr. T. Finalyson Laidlaw, sop. ! bread that is nearly black. This breed of Mr. Laidlaw,of the Clydesdale Bank, is baked in immense loaves and sold by Stewarton, has been admitted as a law weight. A good quality costs five cents, agent.—The masons belouging to the' a pound. Women are the principal union in Ayr, have resolved to resist a vendors of this importaut article of reduction in their wages from lid. to diet. 7,1 per hour.—On the 4th iestaut au Area ort coulee to us to the effect old reeidenter,nlamed John Potter, aged 68 years, fell dead in a close leading to that the local elections for the his abode in Kyle St., Ayr. Province will take plane iu April. They should take place iu April, but whether ARGYLL.—A soup kitchen is open in Dunoun.—Lochfyne is frozen over, and traffic is suspended.--Iu the Argyll iawl Bute Lunatic Asylum there sire 210 patients from this county.—Dur- ing the recent heavy gale at Camble- town, a number of the fishing ozaft was sunk, and others stranded.— It is stated that the Duke of Argyll'e "History of the Eastern Question" has been delayed by the outbreak of the Afghan war, and that His Grace con- templates writing a special chapter on this new and important phase of the 1!jasteru Question. KIrtovoBRIGIit.—The congregation of the Kireitdbright Parish Church have elected as their minister the Rev. A. D. Campbell, St Gaorge's Parish, Pais- ley.—Ib is stated that Randolph Stew- art will offer himself as a candidate in the Conservative interest, to the con- stituency of the Stewartry. SaLKIRK.—In Galashiels there were 488 births last year, 110 marriages, and 261 deaths. 11-444-4 PROMISED REVIVAL OF SODOM AND GO:+MOERAH. they wilt or not depends entirely upou Mr. Mowat. If he is of the opinion that an April eleetiou will give him an- other lease of salary, we will have an April election. If not, not. They say that theUnited Statss See retary of the navy was recently inspect- ing a war -ship at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, arid it was thought proper to show him the depth of the vessel by removing nue of the hatches ; when, to the astonuishmeut of all present, he exclaimed, "Why, the old thing is hot- low 1" Itis reported that French capitalists have secured a grant for a railway line from Jaffe to the iuterior of Palestine, whiclh will open up the Jordan valley and the whole region north of the Suez canal. In certain eontingeucies this read might become of great military neefuluess, but it appears further that the productive resources of the country are considerable, and what is more sur- prising that the Dead Sea itself can be burned to commercial account. Chief o,tihese at present ate the stores of oat- .. (ural coinietaestibles for which that region ie .rooted. Hitherto the train obstacle to the development of steam traffic in the Levant lams been the total absence of combustible materiel. Not only Egypt but the shores of Syria and the Red Sea ate completely stripped of wood, and .the Boal- imported from the went commands a price ranging from $10 ( to $24 it ton. Now the masses of'aspb- 1 nit continually thrown up by the Dead Sea attest the presence of vast subter- femmn layers of fossil vegetable mat- ter, and these signs were not long over- looked by the euterprising men attracted to the Suez beetle opening of the canal and the movement c•f commerce in tit -t directiioii. Recently nninorous sound-, inf have beau made between Jafftt and the beard Sea,' which, so far, have not disclosed any deposits of coal proper, but have lad bare iuexhausibie, beds of lignite, ' 0.r itself this stare of lignite is likely to prove au int stitnablo gain to the in - 1'27, lis Nth' b t 'l r h o hih THE VICTORIA. HYrosrirr2Es is emphatically a nerve food; restoring the vital force, and re- invigorating all the functional processes of life. It should be used promptly in every' case of loss of nervous force or general debility, from' whatever cause. It is also one of the most powerful tonics and blood -generators known. 41 per bottle. Ennons in diet bring on disease -National Pills drive it IF the storm of adversity whistles around you, whistle as bravely yourself : Perhaps the two whistles may make melody. If you feel an inclisposition to exertion, weak nerves, pain in the back, eta., or are afflicted with any af- fection of the secretory organs, use VroronIA Bucrru and Uva Unsr. It improves the digest- ive powers and strengthens the weakened and debilitated organs. For sale by all dealers. 61 per bottle. Nornr.ra so good to killwormsin children as Freeman's Worm powders. MILLINERY mI S S GARLICK, Has now in stock a complete line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATEIERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of livery Kind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, Iioniton Lace, Braids Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &e, Y'•.d-Jaokets out and made to order. MISS GARLICK, Grain St. F,.ceter. Andrew Jackson said that Napoleon stood the man of his time, and that it would be five hundred years before the earth produced bis equal. It will also be five hundred years be- fore the earth will produce a liniment equal Le Hagyard's Yellow Oil. For bums, bruises, wounds &e., it cannot bo rivalled. In rheu- matism, neuralgia, spinal complaints, ate., it proves a messenger of mercy. For sale by all dealers. f, National Pills nuriiy the very fountain of lite. A LAMP, rather inclined to flirt, says most men are like a cold,very easily caught,but very hard to ge; rid of. It is the easiest matter in the world to get rid of a cold. UDR HAorAnn's PEoroiun Bataan, the great Canadian remedy for oolcls, coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. For sale by all dealers. • Feverishness in children is cured by Free- man's worm Fpow(lers. NEW BLACKSMITH AND GENERAL JJ3BiP1G$rnJP,HENAtL. _e Having my new shop now in full blast, I would in- form the public that I am prepared to do all kinds ofAiaotcsutithing+ 1uolottug repairing of all 'kinds of Agricultural Slaoliinory, suchh as Rompers, hfow• ers, Thrashing Machines, and Ef..orso Shoeing will reeoive my careful attention. Horses that inter- fere, and having tender toot treated in the most approved manner, and satisfaction given. es Moderate. e.ad x have on band all ki""da of Agricnitaral Impie mats from the Massey tlanutaeturing Co., New mottle. r s"'ltomtFmber the place—First shop west of tire' Post ()ace, Kensall. YV thYbu S111.111)0, d./'a,/t 0 t0 H H H l ' cd Ira CI -i-i► 0 WHEN YOU WANT CLEA RING CALF, BEFORE TAKING STOCK SAMWELL & FICgARD Will offerfor cash or 10 Days the balance of their Fall and Winter Goods at Cost so as to make room for their Spring Stock. All goods wo shall offer are new goods bought for this Season's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost. MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, at cost. MINK SETS and MUFFS, at cost. FUR CAPS, at cost. CLOUDS and SCARFS, at cost. Also a full assortment of general DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SI•IOES, HATS CAPS, CHINA .TEA SETS and CROCKERY which will be offered at bottom prices wo are glad to say our stock is not large but fully assorted in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we are happy to say our mode of doing business has been ap- pro( i ated by the public as aur sales for past year has far II` clod our expectations. Thankall customers 511(1 patrons C. & S. GIDLEY AGO mw,; >,m:110! +. .',O dE,n?+p tL�i:4!:!! a?.0tsz da • cv �~dgymd,dymmaa'i67 �ai r h6 h>kSbwoVApCQ� c'2 for past favors and still solicit your patronage, 11 111 1111f SAMWELL (-C PICKA.RD, I. Exeter, Ont, Furniture and. Und.ertakin . FAIIt]3AIIIN has ou hand at Henson as large — � and as handsome a stock of FURNITURE as can be .._. found in any establishment in Huron, all 01 which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP UNDERTAKING IN ALL iTS BRANCHES Having procured a handsome hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most Reasonable Terms. In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti -Septic Fluid, which pre.serves the body and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. .1 call respectfully solicited, 1878) PALL (1878 THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE At all limes, stud particalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he oan get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stook, I do so with every con once; it being moreearefully assorteu and selected than that of any previous season: 0 In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, markedr a prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. TRE MAUI) CLOTHIN kstill has MR. W. IVES at itehead In Millinery Underthe management of Miss MoGloghlon, we oan suit the most fastidious. Our stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their bestinterests by examining my stook before going elsewhere. JAi'iES PICJ A.RD A_T TI1ii Standar, Sash Door BSind FACTORY, [soon sin ntivkept .anband,allkinds ofbuilcttne material, 1F'loorllng hard end soft, Siding Mould age (&o.; sold chow. Planing jigging and Turning •' promptly attended to i• BUILDINGS CONTRACTED FOR, grid satisfactiohi guaranteed, As we have of land a largo s; ock of dry Mintier, we Poet sure lin jnfinfying those who may siva use call, ROSS 331.OS. do TAYLOR rte+ GODERICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. • MANUFACTURERS O1' ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW MILLS STAVE AND HEADING M 3CHINERY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agric ui ura Implern ents COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &c. Iron and Brass Casting's to'order .For sale cheap-Seoond hand Boilers and Eugires Steve and. Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, Mills, &c., promptlyattended to; GODZRICH FOUNDRY and MANUFACT'URINtx co. GOD RICH. Ont. THE NATIONAL POLICY Raving triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING Is prepared to give all his customers the beroflts ;that will accrue from its adoption, and has an hanti alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold t� Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmdrs of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter rnarket,wbich is second to none in the roost, and. then ogall at the store of the subscriber and Secure Immense Bargains- there argains..there to: be had in Overcoming, l+1111.t;loths, Broad-ctloth Doe skims, Silks, Wiuoeys, Delaines, and everytIt ug needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Cowpleto.inspection invited. No trouble to show ,00hs ISAAC CATLING