HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-13, Page 66mine TEM TIMES '1'1L)TiUAIdI' 18 1370 A N tRRATIV +' OF SOME OF .TUE llmilmN t'S`I?DiEALINGbI OF JOSEP1:I. HAYDOCKe Fallowing are some of the extraots from the sworn evidenee given iu the Supretne Court of New York in an ass - tion of Thomas Holloway against Ben- j aurin Stephens and Joseph Mee/dock "To Joseph Ilay(loek, on the 11th of June, 1802, a power of attorney was given,. constituting him my agent in New Yurk, and by a written engage- ment made at the same tithe he was re. strieted from selliug or advertising my medicines (Holloway's Pill and Oint• inent) other thau in the Ullited States, or engaging iu any business that would oiilflict with imine. Ile, in March, 1365, violated his engagement, by inanufaoturing and selling at 48, Fn1- tun Street, New York, Maggiel'a Pills and ointment,' 'medicines of his 'own, welch he strongly roo.'lntneuded from itis Own place of business as being su- perior • to my medicines, and at this fag opinion without date : "And 1 place be passed moat of his time. On further report that in my opinion from the 25th of July, 1865, Iltytlook, her. the testunony and proofs e,ubrnitted to lug rials his arrangements to leave me herein, Joseph Iiaydook has the elle in two months, entered into a eon- prior title to the medicines and trade trace without aria authority with 13en- t.uarlc desotibed 111 the complaint herein, jstiuiiu Stephens to advertise my Pills and the right to nianufauture and sell a•1d Ointtnent for two years in every the salve, and that he is the owner paper in Spaulali America,Af(txico and thereof. Penn° T. I%uUGLEs, Referee N. Cuba, to the amount of $200,000 iu Y, Supreme Court," gold each year. Oa the 21st of Au- My name is not mentioned in his gn t, the month following, he made a oi)iuinn, Mr. Ruggles has no doubt second contract • with Stephens, that been deceived by some fraudulent state - the slid advertising should extend to wrut. Ile purely was not asked to say M;l+e,, years instead of two yours, and that ley name and trade mark sere for $200,000 in gold yearly, making the property of. Haydock l In 1871 I elle liable for $600,000 in gold! kiay- finally closed up my business in the deck, by'virtue of my power of atter- United States, and since then I have nee', having settled platters sufficiently had no agent there. Haydock's busi- advantageous to himself by his deo,. uses with lee ceased on October 4th, lugs with Stephens, leaves my service 1865, when he resigned the agency, but nu the 4th of October following, but not until he bad involved nes in a ]iii. makes no communication to me re- ration of nine year's duration at an ex• spPctirg the said contracts• pense of over $100,000. My trade On the 12th of Sept., 1805, he writes marks are registered at Ottawa, and to hue as follows:—"You say you have they are now being registered at aceep,ced !my resignation, this is all Washington. I earuestly solicit the right. I amvery well satisfied to go public to denounce the spurious inedi- awnv, else if it were not I would have cines of Haydock, which, under the resigtel my position." name of Holloway's Pills and Oint N) doubt, as he explains it, he was ,rent, lie is endeavoring to foist on the well satisfied to go. He had made public of British North America. I contracts for $1600,000, in gold, from shall deem myself greatly obliged to which he expected to reap a rich hare- easy friend who may be pleased to af- eQt, and his friend Stephens had el- ford me any information affecting my ready commenced to advertise his Mib• interest, and which will be treated as giel's Pills and O.ntment. Stephens, etrietly private and confidential. My shortly after this commenced proceed medicines are only manufactured at in'ge age hist me f,r svuhe little adver- 533, Oxford street, Loudon. The tieing he did under these cootractss. British Government stamp bearing my My attorneys then took action to Qat name is affixed to every pot and box, needs these frandulent contracts, but without which none are genuine. 5 ephena managed to get a reference of (Signed) Twines I omsower, tete case to a Mr. Freeman Lithian, 533, Oxford street, London, Janu- who on the 27th of August, 1869. at'y', 1870. awarded Wm the monstrous sum of ABSURDITIES OF YE OLDEN :1171,737.48. This preposterous sum TIMES. was allowed principally for less of n -- p irtioli only of the profit that Steph• In looking over a fyle of old news- ene said he would h the made had tete ]Sancta several funny things are noti o.,utraete heeu carried out. In till- calls iu strikingi comparison with the state of flings I decided in March' may things are done now-a•da(s. lu 1877, to send my brother-in-law, Mr. rhe issue of the Drily Post. Loudon George Martin, to New York. It was (Eng.) July 7th, 1728, there appears, by his iuJe.fatigablo exertions,: aided tete foil ,wing challenge,whiah indieatee by his attorneys, Messrs. Gray anti .lie solid way ye old time ladies had of Devonport, that Judges Davis and -fettling their little disputes : Denials, in November, 1873, set aside CHALLENGE.—E. Elizabeth Hikineon, the unjust finding and award of Mr. f Clarlsellwell, laving had some words Freeman Fithian, and ordered a new with Hannah Ilyfield, and requiring t.,•ial to review the whole case. Final- ,atisfactiou, do write Ther to meet me ly, ,)u the 4ti1 of J.autlary, 1875, fibs upon the stage, and box re for three erne, which (eenpied the c urt foureniheas, each women holding half a clays, was heard before Judge Fen orown in each hand, and the first wo- Brunt. A portion of the Judge's find- man that drops the money to lose the lege is as follows : ba 1.. "In October, 1836, the plaintiff corn- Which was answered thus : ]nenced this actin to have the con- tracts de:'lared null and void. The Plaintiff had no kuowledge of the con- tracts until about November, 1865. teed on the 80th of November, 1865. through hes then manager, Davie P, iugle, the plaintiff notified Stephens that he would not recognize the said contracts. Stephens nnctoubteely knew that Holloway's advertising, outside the United States said British Pt'ovinces was done through the London House. 1t was the policy of tete pl:niutiff to proven', as fel' as possible, any trade atlrlinSliig up between ttee agency of New York and any portion of Amerien oetside the Ustited States unit the Brit i4h Protiuce , and to confiue snots bneinees to the Lond in House. In tree determinations of the gnestinr s in• volved in this •action, it seems to me that uo wetelit should be attached to the evidenee of Heyd .ok, because the i.,cts developed upon this trial cleatly indicate that he is either a knave or an i li lt, aiid whatever be toe feat. his evidence is equtatly unreliable. The L'istiutiff, Iioltuwiay, must, have jud;f- P>nont declaring the oontracte of the 25th of July and 21st of Augnst, 1865, t ' hare her') made by Haydock with. out authority, and are therefore void. Signed, H, (3. VAN Bnu tT. Iiaydocic at hla trial admitted he had no authority wh'itsnever to make the :aid snntraets of July 25th, and Ailgnst 21, 1835, : Haydock, tntobnta' charge nY fucking alagiztel'a Pills seed Ointment teethe time he way acting as my agent, mikes the followi(ig roust County of New York, being duly sworn makes oath as follows :—(That he pos- sessed, for a terra of years, a general Power of attorney from one Tbonies Holloway, of London, England, for the management of T. Holloway's business at 80, Maiden Lane, in the City of New York, which original power lie, still possebsee, although the power to act under it is since revoked. Joseph Had oklpositively alleges that he nev- er knew, or was informed at any time 1 ow to make the medicines of Thomas Iiolloway, and that he never made or attemi ted to make them. JOSEPH HAvvocic. Sworn to before ale this 4th day of December, 1860. Jails K. A(BS1AR, Notary Public, Haydock now, after a lapse of thir- teen years since he 'was my agent, ar- rogates to himself the use of niy name to bis.pills and ointment, and publish- es a copy of a power of attorney, an - tinned iu 1865, and for some frauds• lent purpose also publishes tho follow - `ANWF,R. — I, Hannah livfield, of Row M. CUELD 41. .61101,M CHIMNEY. Yesterday as a aoigizen of Wt od card avenue was helping a tinalnitll to ele- vate a smoke jack to the roof dale Or dition ou the windy side of the house, ]reparatory to hoisting jt atop Of a enloltey chimney, an old' man with a ragged bundle tinder his iyrm came along, halted, and soon beoalile deeply interested • "That chimney smokes, don't it ?" he finally inquired, "It's the worst one in the town," re- plied the citizen. ' ',And you wants to stop the ntiie shoe, eb ?" "Yes, I do," "Anel you think that smoke jack will doitr "I hope so." "Will, now, I kin stop that ernoking in ten minits, and I won't hurt the alrimbly nor put up any smokeeja'oks," continued the old Inas, as he laid down his bundle. "If yon do it I'll give you $5," re- joined' the citizen, who • disliked the idea of disfiguring his ahimuey with the clumsy jack, 'Kin I have the kitchen for five min. rtes 2" asked the man. "Yes," The cook was instructed to vacate and the old man took possession. Re- moving the top of the stove he poured in enough water to put out every spark of the fire, Then going out he called to the citizens on the roof: "Has elle stopped smoking ?" "Well, I don't see any smoke at all." war+ the reply ; "what have yon done ?" While he was coaling down the iad- der the old man made off, eating a pie he had taken from the oven. The lase half of Rho had to bolt down while on tele run, but at no time in the moo did the citizen, tinsmith, or servant girl get within twenty rods of hila. BUSHRANGINGI f AUSTRALIA. A gentleman Ilas favored us with the follyeing extract from a latter from his son iu Melbourne.—"A great deal of excitement has been caused throughout the colony by the appearance of bush- rangers, who have already shot four pclicemen. Sonia time ago a warrant was issued for the apprehension of two brothers(Kelly:by n)une),end formonthe they have been living iu the hush and the police have been unable to trace theta. Last week the younger brattier Keliy was arrested iu a house in Maus - field. Ile offered no resistance when the warrant was handed hila, but beg - gets before being taken to the lock-up to be allowed to eat some supper. The LEGAL llDiiN(if ] AIt.DIN CI, (ic Wl1ITE, 1 I ' 13aif.sters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Coru- slouers, B, It., &o. t)Mk ('17—HUTTON'e DIAoir, 'Wates trees, St Un ry't, hilus 18.11Aunn o," 1-W.IiA111)INo. II.A,I1.Yi'13IT3' W 'MoDIABMI1.), B.A., 11A ttltIST'E11,NOT'AIIY, CONVEYIt ClsJI atGt.:.s I,tICAN,ONT. ESS1I4, JONES 4; MUSOBTl1 8 h Burristors, Attornoys•at-law, Solicitors t'onnervy, Conveyancers, Commissioners 1n13'tt. a ,,1 Notaries Publie, St, Mralv's 0,S.JON1'1S, \V.(. \t0SCRII'. 0"119%I5-Ilntton'a music,\\'att•l:et„St Alary'. HOTELS NTRAL 'HOTEL, OfEi)ITON e..) -Win. Baker proprietor. This Hotel les been newly furnished. and fitted. up in first-class style. Largo nu(1 convenient Show 'Rooms for Commercial Travellers; bent of liquors and (mare at the Bar. Attentive hustlers always on baud. d1 -81n. \V1LLIAM BAKER, `IFiANGi D IIANI)S,--The under. signedhe vine rented the 1)ufferin Ttouse,Con- bralla,for a tenet, it will hefonucl la i1-st-class ho- tel, with every aoocenmo,bttion for the travelling public, Convoniontto the Station, OoodLiquos and (dors at the Lar, Attentive hustlers. int tv, ]INCE OF \VALES I1OTEL.. CI,IN CON. G. S\VAIM'S leaving pnrchnsed the above hotel, and fitted 1t throughout, now of- fers first -mass accommodation to trareletl•tt, (loud liquor fwd cigars at the bar. (loud stabling anis attentive hostler ou hand, livery attention paid to guests. ItlEDICI1 1 \R. COVEN. OFFICE — MAIN Straet, l,xoter, np•atails, opposite Control t — Hotel. Sitio entrance, on the south atrett lead- ign to B. (1. Chiroh. a- Orders loft at Elillo's shoo store will receive prompt attention. 40.11•. DR. IIUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physinians and Surgeons of Ontario, fie., ileo., Alain Street, Exeter. DR. HYN1)MAN.—CORONER FOB the County of Huron. Mee, next door tt. gr. I. Carling's store, Exeter. • e) W. DROWNING M. D., 0. N. • P. 8, Graduate Viotoriatn'.versity' Office and residence). Don:. cion habnratary, Exeter. 0. MOO1till, M.D. 0. M. IJ • Graduate of McGill University, Montreal Ofhce and residence, ]Exeter, Ont. O:lico 1 ours— StolOa.mand 7tolOn.m DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. from 0 to 10 a. tn. ; 3 to 0 p. m. 0., Victoria St. Crediton, Ont °Mee hours kLUTZ, M. D., j • (Mee at his rosidenee, Exeter. �)R. IRVING, (311A.DUATi� GNI. VERSITY Trinity C'1lege .NIember College Cuvsioiaus and surgeons Ont., ,iliceliirktou. NEW MACHINE SITUP. William, I' itching Wishes to inform the public bust be is••bettel' prepared torepair all kinds of Sewing Midlines, Watollos officer consented, and while standing Clocks, Glens, t5'6o., than any guard over hire, the elder Kelly rushed Other person in the countr'y, as into the room and shot the officer dead. his charges are modem - bp and of c curse, such an affair as this eansed considerable excitement. The K'>llys he guarantees to give Satisfac- then made off. Mansfield is only n t10u• small village away in the bush. and 1 loubt very nluch if they had more than two policemen in the place. However, the next day a party of four mounted policemen set off in pursuit. Last Fri• lay they lead camped for the night,arid t Ie following morning two of then] left. t la camp to endeavor• to find the mur- darers. During their absence, while t to others in camp were cooking some breakfast, they were euddeuly requested to 'Bail up, and throw up your bands 1' The two officers were faced by four armed leen, and they themselves had their guns iu their cases. One of the officers put his hand on his case, and was immeliately shot dead ; the other held up his bands. Belly then address - New -gate Market, hearing of the reso- ed him, and asked when the other two uteness of Elizabeth Hi'Jlcinson, will tot fail,God willing, to give more blows than words, desiring home blows and from her no favors ; she may expect a ;once thumping.' were likely to return. The officer beg- ged Kelly not to shoot any more of them, and said he would ask his broth- er officers to surreude Shortly after the two absentees arrived, and put up Hire is' a precious bit of legislation their h')rses at a short distance from enacted by King George's men in the i the camp. Doming nearer, on foot. year of Grace 1770, and which we con- the then prisoner told them they had menti to our modern legislators : 'That all women of whatever age, rank, 1 r'ofession or degree, whether virgins, maids or widows, that shall from and after such act, impose upon, seduce, and betray into matrimony any .f Iii; Majesty's subjects by the scents, paints, cosmetics, artificial teeth, fain hair, hoops, high -heeled shoes or huh ttered hips, shalt iucnr the penalty of he law now in force against the witch- craft and like misdemeanors, and that the marriage, upon conviction, shall stand null and void.' We should like to kuow if this law 'las ever been repealed. was felt for their officer in their pos- The Hon. George Browu, the Hon. I seamier), and news has just come to Alex'tnder Mackenzie and the Hon. town that his dead body has been Adam Crooks were. in Hamilton ou found. This makes four polieenheu Tuesday of last week, preseinebly for they have shot. Tho one who escaped the purpose of raising funds to estab. said it was Kelly': intention ei her 'to lish it Reform Club at Torontn. They eboot or rdast.jhe let of them' (Kelly's no doubt made a big push,althnuuh<it• remark). 'Tho other .mein with the has not transpired yet how much they Kelly's are known to the pollee, and it sueeeedsd iu collecting. In the mean ie believed that a large gang of these time a very important quNstisin had to bushrangers live in the country round be postponed because 141r. Crooks was about Mansfield, which is a dense not in his place to answer it. We scrub, and very difineult to penetrate. may just inform Mr. Crooks that the The Government haus issued a reward iit>lmrtitnt affidavit ; Province is paying Mtn for other Work of $200 for eaoh'of the murderers,dead r'J „merit f tyc)ngk, o)” the Ci'y and than going oe politicks' ,errandi., or alit f?.: better surrender, as they were Bur- r )ended by four armed men. 'One of them pulled out his revolver and made for a tree, but was shot in doing so ; the other gave in. It seems that then the oflioer first taken prisoner tock his opportunity and mounted his horse, which was close at hand, and rode off. The escape seems to have been lniracu• Ions ; several shots were fired after him but n'>ue hit him. After riding for acme hears he reached a telegraph station and gave information. No time has been lost, and mennted po- lice have been seut in a strung fora to scour the country. 11luah smuttily Mi1iigan Lands For inforluati..n concerning the PINE AND FARMING LANDS in CENTRAL aIICIIIGAN, for sale by the Flint mud Pure Marquette Railway Company, address VAI. L. WEI31iEI1, Lend Com'r, EAST SAGINA\V, i%1ICH, 7 A DAY to Agents cauv.tsaing for the I'T1113SIDE VISITOR i`erin-, and Out- fit Free. Address P. 0. VI('KERY, Augusta, Maine. Z® mare and Beautiful chrome cards, with name 10e., postpaid. Goo. I. REED cC 00, Nas t nt, N.Y. ICStyles most lovely ends' I ever sold, with 6,1‘,7 name, 10 ets, J B Rusted, Nassau, N Y Z.Jchromo Cards, &c,Cupids, Mottoes, Flowers No two alike, with name, lac Nassau Card Co., Nassau, N Y. 25 5EmCEon carCdse,., NNoawssaSutcNl,Y,,withnamo, 10 cts 30 Fancy Cards, Chrome, Snowflake, tt;c, no 3 alike with name, 10 ets, J, MTxi:.Lrn & Co :Nassau, N Y Groceries! Confectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS ' always instock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.B.—Sewing Machin, Noodles ofevery Kind, A. BOYD. $50,000.00 At auction. To commence on Monday, Dec. 16,1878 W. D. McGloughlin IIEMOVAL! REMOVAL IIEMOVAL! REMO VALI REMOVAL! ItED10VAL! '. FRAYN•r>;. Itas remove to his now shop, lately orcnpled by Perkins tC Co—two doors north of .1, (1rigt('s book store, where you wtllftnd everything usually kelt it a tlrat•elassharness establishment, which for quality of material and style of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED ! Call and oxalllillo my stook before purchasing elsewhere. of 130 Dundas Street, London, will on the above. date, offer his whole stock, amounting .to over Fifby'rhousa,ld Dollars, at auction, and continue tho gale, overt day at ;two o'clock iu the after- noon and at seven in the evening during the bat- once of the rnouth,—from the lath to the Slat of Uocember, Tis is the largest and best stook that has ever been offered to the rubles at their own prices; aid, as everybody )inns, the goods are of the best ennm facture and every article will bo wax• ranted the same as if bought in the ordln..r' way. This is a rare chanes to get 8ne gold and savor watches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and Edney goods at your own prisms. Perhaps never again will such an opportunity occur, Secure YulltO•hrietm,as and:;! New 'Endes presents at this sale. 'Save your money for this an.etion--aud f mat' money. W. D Dundas street, Lando PETER PRA.' NE. `'1!'1H1 GREAT,(AIJSE 01? IITJhIAN MiS- y L1Z1. ▪ Jnst Published, In a sealed Envelope. • Price six cents. • A lecture on the Nature, Treatment atment atol Real, cal euro of lend itch \Vt: tene s, or Ayer a'' r •ho•:t, induced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Ea. ,scion., Impotency, Nervuils Debility, and .lnit,e.liwent . to marriage geucrall?• G0usuulpti.m Epiupsv, nut, Fibs ; 1leusa1mid 1';tyska] thea 'acti t', Il\ harp 1,315T J. ('t:LV1113, WELL, M. 0., author of that 01's eel hook; ' &e. the ca.ld ,snow u,•d altthrir in this admirable ,acture, nearly pro ves holo 11 is • OW11 experience that the awful nalsequouees c f S•'lf-abuse way bo efrcotnnlly rcul01'.11 cithunt uu(baiuo,alio with out flange ;•o 00 aitrgioal „ llerattons, 1)0051ea. lust! 11- mentc,: iu, s or col'disl : poiuthu^, out a Mode of (ltre.at unci certain and eifentual, by which eVal•y sufferer, no matter what his oouditiou may be may care ]liwaol f eheapl r, ]tri vatcly and ru.tivally. en this Lecture will prove boon to thousands ltl•d thousands. Sent, under soul, in slants envelope, to nny a(1 - dress, on roeoillt of six cents, or two postage stamps. cadres• TUE CtItWRr,L IIE1'T('AT. (C. 4] Ann st. New York. P. 0. B.) s 4180 does not effect the ow prices at which It. & T. BISSETT areoffering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES. Etc., at Exeter & Hensall which e'nsists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen. Cook and Parlor stoves,ilfilk stns, pans, and pails of tae most approved patter n, and everything in the line ; Also, s oodselectior of handsome Cave troll ili]1t; to usual, receives everyattontion, and done at the lowest figures. Having opened out a branch antablisbnlent at Hensel', our friends '-. •that anigIlborh;3o,1 can be supplied en tun shortest notice. a t ,rant...,,c+•......„.: .: Wonderful Discovery. MPaESS ELIE . T•!E FRIEND EF Pit NI END. An Internal & Externals ,‘,., E REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND, It cures Itileutnntisln and Noural'is and 1.7.1=17.) tin i•ts :tntly,—' Deny ft wise c u IL is the only known reins7a37711== on the American (lnntinent,provedby others.” As sono as applied itgivoaiin taauut ease to the iudortiulihtesiifIerer, Itis rapidly absorbed, ponotrates to tees viirybone, enters the circuit tion, ueutraliziug all "Rllomatic Poison" sir misting in the blood, and expels it from the system tht•ough the natural outlets... IT CURES iToothlolee, Taracho, Headache, Neuralhl Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, iufamation, Burns Cuts Bruises Pain iu Side, Pain in dliack,'Pain fn Choas,l'ainin shoulder, Coughs, Colds,l'rost Bites, Chilblains, Diarrhoea, Dys- ir ontory, Summer Complaint, !Secs., &c. It will cure the most agonizing pain, inter nal or externa] in one one instant of tirne. V nrltot your prejudice ail give ht a trial ; too eu vuat anent is small and relief en fain. The great acoret of its success with all (fosses is owing to the fact it is, safe and harmless, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and can bo applied to a wider range of disease in every day life, 'with greater 'success than any preparation which researeh skill and "Medical Science" • has vet rnduoed. .rr......� Asa pro0 o its great power over disease any person no matter who it may he, Rich, or"Poor, Old or Young, who is suffering from ` any of the above named pain'ul complaints will call at the Office in Toronto, auv day oI ;.,the week, will get practical ,roof "Free of • ,e2 arge,"icu power oveY'liain 00 one appliccatn01on.its meg Testimonials from allparts of the Dominion aro c nsta- 'tiy Doming to band, giving expres- ion to tho most grateful gratitude for as- tonishing cures which it has performed, and WO wunkt be pleased to receive testimonials from all othora who use it aucoosefully. Plrysioiang of the igilost rcepeotability ro commend it as a host effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in oases of sud- den emergency , Carry it to your homes, and it will prove a bleesingtcyou family and affiioteclfriends. 'D`rtiggiats Tiro gelling enormous quantities oft ' it wherever iutrndns.od.. "Mal ngn !be �v �rld th precinncte its noel. The Trade s11pplied thrbltggh the Wholesale Drug and Patent Medicine Houses of Montre- al, lt Toronto, Hamilton and London. ,.., t++.r.,..+ ».,..,......+i. Prue 25 Centsp �er Dottie ! Sold by all :EnterprisingDruggists. Sept. 19.11y.