HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-13, Page 5'E.BBVAB1 18.1S 70 ,THE TIMJtS STAR GROCERY, EXETER, THORNE & FAHMER, STAR GROCERY, EXETER. Beg to give notice that they have been appointed • SOLE AGENTS FUR FENWICK'S CELEBRATED FLOUR. Everyone that has tried it, pronounces �tthe Oatmeal� 8c�,,t8cet. Tryyl�'enw ck's Celebratn also have a ed Flour. Stock of Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley, , Goods promptly delivered, 0,0:0 --0:0:0 ---- Try our TEA, three lbs. for $ 1,00. Lunn. Mr. James Fahey, the young Miall orator, at present engaged on the staff of the Stratford Herald, lectures ie the shown Hall here on Friday evening, the 21st inst., under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute. Snbject, the " Literary Club." A. rich treat is in store for all those who will invest a quarter. Produce, notwithstanding the indif- ferent !prices, coutiuuee to come In pretty !freely, and the present time is ti'e ice Harvest, and the summer carol wood supply is corning iu. Scores ot /tams are daily piling up the needful to keep the house*ife from sending Johnny to pick up a basket of chips to boil the teakettle during the coming Season. What "jackanapes" contributes to the columns of your local contemporary from Luca u ? Has he a .13iddy or a Mary Jute depending on him 2 If so 1. would advise her to go out to Indiana and sojourn there for six months. Law of divorce very accommodating there, you know. To the Council Board of the Village of Lucan. Gentlemen-Understend- iui, that the most prominent plank in your platform duriug your election canvass, was that you were determined to get rid of the Bonus man, or other- wise Make him earn the bonus, I wish to offer you my services in case a va- cancy occurs. I eau furnish any amount of testimonials, and the follow- ing are some of the qualifications which they guarantee. In any case of bur- glary, felouy or petty larceny, I guar- antee to catch the culprit, with the Stolen goods, but in case I can only make $5 by the prosecution, and that the prisoner gives me $10 to lot him " scoot," go he goes, and I pocket the X. lu a cn.se of cattle stealing, I promise to let down easy, or bear up hard, according to the flnctnations in tate money market, that is, providing a deposit of $300 it; placed in the hands of some of the faithful, oveu supposing I only get six dollars of it in the wind- up. I'll take good care that Constable Gill, of your town, don't intruele upon my domain without frusirating his Clesigns. In a case of life and death, I'll undertake to shoot myself, and then bweat Nouns to another party as the perpetrator of the crimp, if he cannot oommaud money enough to buy me ; and when caue;cience accuses me of doing a'.dtoug to lay fellow -man, I will then go before the proper authority iu the City of London and make a solemn declaration in the presence of the Su- preme Being that the ,lob was put up, that parties helped me to swear who did so falsely, and that I conscientious- ly believe the convict tc be innocent. Sooner than make the members of the Uonucil eat their motion, I will agree to light the lamps, or cause the same to be done. I will further agree not to be contiuual]y, trying the merits of Bob McLean's forty rod and the Queen's taugle leg, to such a degree as to leave the peace of the town to take care of itself. With all these qualifications, gentlemen, you eau have my services for $1 a day and stealiugs, and I won't ask yon to pass motions, and then let them die at their birth. BORAX. Cut this Ont -It May Save Your Life. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle'nf medi- cine that would cure them, Dr. A Boscbee's German Syrup has lately been introduced iu this country from Germany, an its wondrous cures astonish every one whorl trys it. If e�ott doub what we say in print, out this out trand take it to your druggist and geta sample l bottle for 10 cents and try it, or a regular size .for 75 cents. $'50,000.00 At:ruction. To commence on Monday, Dec, 16,1878 W. D. McGloughlin BIRTHS. DAVIa.-In Exeter, on the:5th inst., the wife of Mr. Edwin Davis, of a daughter, 10-1-111.-4 IN MAAD. GAnnr•.rr-Psxnre0•-At the Commeroial Ho- tel, Exeter, on the 10th inst,, by Rev E. J. Robinson, Mr. Thus. Garrett, to Miss Ellen Peurioe, all of McGillivray. DIED. CouooLxN.-In Stephen., on the 7t1i ielst., Mnry, daughter of Mr, Dan. Coughlin, aged 1 y• tr, 1 men' h and 3 days Wi tis. -In. Usborne, on the 10th inst., James 11, sou of Mr. John Willis, aged 8 months and 8 days. • WnLsce .-At Sauble Grange, Hay. 'Township, on the Gth inst., Miss Ann Wilson, aged 54 years. There hallo death! The stars go down To rise upon some fairer shore; And right in Heaven's jeweled crown, They shine for eyeliner°. There is no death 1 An angel form Walks o'er the @arch with silent tread ; He bears the beloved things away, And then we call them" dead." Born into that undying life, They leave us but to come again ; With joy we welcome them the same E.cept in sin and pain. And ever near, as though unseen, The dear immortal spirits tread For all the boundless universe Is life -there is noldeath, SALE REGISTER. Thursday, Feb. 20,1879.-Fnm stock and im- plements, the property of Thos. Pollock, lot 7, con. A, Stephen.: H. Orth. auc. Thursday, Feb. 27. -00e -fourth acre land, house, blacksmith shop, lumber, &c., the property of Thos Friendship, Limerick. Hodgson & Oke, county auctioneers. Saturday. Feb. 22.-11eal estate, household furniture &c the property of Thos. Sande, lot G, con. 2, Stephen, T. Greenway, auc, TIME TABLE, L. H.& B. R Mixed Mail Express 0o1VU Nun7n. 8.05 a. in. 3 35 p. rn. 7.35 p. m. 00I115.000711 Mail 8.49 a. 1n. Mixed 2.50 p. m. Express 8.25 p. 01. OM White wheat Scott ire[ II Ktit: TS PALL WII77AT. SPRING W AT Fife Red Chaff " Bailey ... Oats Clover• Seed...... Paas Eggs Butter Flour per bbl. ... .• Potatoes, per bag ... Apples, per bag Dried Apples pr b... Flogs, dressed per•100 Beef hides Sheepskins, each ... .. Hay per ton Onions per bush ... Lard Wnol,per lb Tttrke ys per lb Geeso ' Ducks, pernair 84 to 0 80 84to080 Exchange Bank of Canada. I BEATTIE & CO.'S HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capital paid 'up, - - $1,000,000 DIRECTORS: M, H. GAULT, President. THOMAS OAVFiRHILL. Vico-President A. W. OGILVIE, M.P.P., - E K. GEFIKNId THOS. TIFFIN, - ALP,X, BUNTIN, JAMES C10ATHI1RN. C. R. MURRAY, Cashier. SEORG1': BURNS - - - Inspector Exeter Branch. (GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAN- SACTED. -- Stoney loaned to fanners on their own notes with pod endorsers. Drafts issued ou New York. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 5 per cent. interest allowed on deposits of ore ollar and upwards. OFFICE HOURS -From 10 to 9 ; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. W.A. HASTINGS, Manager. lSxeter,Aueuet 22nd, 1878. 51-1v. VICK',S FLORAL GUIDE .-A beau- tiful work of 100 Pages, One Colored Flower Plate, aud 900 Illustrations, with Descriptions of the best Plc veers and Vegetables, and how to grow them. All for a Five Cent Stamp. In English or German. The Flower ani. Vegetable Garden, 17e Pages, Six Colored Plates, and men hundred engravings. For 50 cents iu paper covers ; 81.00, in elegant cloth. In German or English. Viok•s Illustrated Monthly Magazine 39 pages, a color- ed Plate 10 every number and many flue En- gravings, Price 81.21 a year ; Five copies for S5 00. Spreiuteu numbers sentforl0 coi ts. Viok's Seeds are the best in the world. Send Five cent Stamp for a Floral Guide, containing List and Prices, and plenty of information. Address. JAMES VIcK, Rochester, N.Y. 075 to 084 070 to 077 040 tot 00 027 to 0 281 3 25 to 3 75 048 toe55 0 15 to 13 10 012 to 015 400 to 450 050 to 075 50 to 1 75 000 to 007 450 to 400 4 00 so 5 00 500 to 5110 25 to 100 700 to 8 00 050 to 075, 0 08 to 0 09 020 to 0211 007 to 007 005 to 005 020 to 025 HE NSALL MARKETS. White wheat ...... ..... 5 83 to 85 ed wh(Mt. 0 83 to 0 84 spring wheat 0 75 to 0 78 Barley 0 50 to 0 75 1'e,ts 0 50 to U 52 Oats 0 23 to 0 20 Hides 5 00 to 5 60 sheep skies ....................................... 0 75 to 1 00 Hogs 325to350 Buttes 0 12 to 0 12 Egg, 0.15. to 015 Wool 0 22 to C 24 ST. MARY'S (R sported regularly by A. Galbraith.Cleek. Delhi wheat, per bushel 0 81 to 0 88 Sprin3 wheat 0 70 to 0 77 Barley 40 to 0 60 Peas 50 to 0 57 0084 0 27 to 0 20 Potatoes per bag 0 70 to 0 80 Apples 0 50 to 0 75 Beef per lb 0 01 to 0 06 Mutton ' 0 05 to 0 07 Pork per cwt 8 00 to 3 65 Eggs, per dozen 0 10 to 4 19 Butter 0 10 to 0 19 Turkeys 0 50 to 1 'l5 Geese 0 35 to 0 50 Ducks pair 0 40 to 0 50 Chickens" 0 '20 to 0 80 Hides 100 lbs 25 00 to 6 40 to 6 00 Wood cord0 Hay 6 00 to 8 00 Wool-. - ............. .....,......... 0 23 to 0231 nheepekins 0 50 to 0 75 Grocerlesd Confectionary of 136 Dundas street, Loddon, will ou the above claire, osier his whole stock, amounting to over Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb Fifty Thousand Donors, at auction, and continue the sale every day at two o'clock in the after- noon and at seven in the evening during the bal- ance of the •lnonth,-frCn1 the 18th to the glut CHOICE TBOACCOS• AND CIGARS of t;eeemoer Tis' is the largest and beat staek,t1pst has ever,, always in stock. boon offered" to the public at their own' prices; ' ' and, as everybody knows, the good are, gt.tl)e, Me.SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. , best n:auufaeturo mill 'evert' ri bI0lo 'Evill tie wtlr- t ranted 8110 same as if bought inrthe ordin,.ry way. l. ._. • 'Phis is a rare,ehenceato ,gel fine gold and silver 1 '- watches, (gdol fi fei¢elry, •clocks; plated Ware and •Sehaol Books, Stationary, i1Stt azittee taut*, 600(10 atVear.ownprices. Perhaps •never ugetitu will such an •pportgiti y occur, Secure i . 'WITH ALL THE LATE ST news' yottrUhristmae and New rOat's prasehtd et this mete: Sava ytlrmonoy fur, this 2uetion�---And' ' M.Liten101,,`y{{ 14�1 s t •,, N.B.-SiiitingAtalbhi •Noedleli ofevery kind..., !''{i' 13 1l',o0.4Q1Jt#i3Lfl1 ••.•. 1 Buudrs street( LonAO A. BOYD. tiXET1+:R KNITTING FACTORY. Tho undersigned would inform the public of Exeter andsurrounLlrne; country that he has re- moved his Knitting Factory to the building one door north of Mr. Richard Davis' Blacksmith shop and that he will keep constantly on hand Gents, Ladies' and Children's Stockings of every descrip- tion. Parties may have their Stockings, Mitts, &C. knit to order o0 the shortest notice, A large sup- ply of Berlin wool of every color on liand.Finger- ing yarn kept in stock. Also 0 large stock of the best Canadian stocking yaru kept constantly on hand. Price for knitting men's socks, 121 cents. ladies' etockings,14 cents, children's 124 cents per uair. W. A. CANFIEt,D Main street, Exeter. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM- PANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPH .i' SFFERY, President, ALEX JOHNSTON, Vic.-Prosident. SAYING'S Q:t NA I3R.1NCII. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS. -THE .L1 Ontario f nan nail Savings Company are prepared to receive deposit; in the sum , f 45 and upwards, at the rate of SIX PER OF NT. per un - num, FOR tixodperiocls, or Five per cent. on de mend. All investments of this company arose - cured by mortgages on Real Estate, which aifor.is to depositors ti,e best possible security for the safety of their depo,its. r'orfurihor norticulars apply by letter, or attbe office of the Cnutnany. Jon. 30-3m. W31. F. BULLFN, Manger, O'BYRYE & Co., In retuining our customers our sincere thanks fur the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three years we have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE REMOVED sILK WAREHOUSE L 0 N 1)0N', You will find the Largest as- sorrtruent of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking under the management of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend ou getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTIE & CO. 140 Dundas St. London Eli icd �aosfita+.� o • Fi w ra y `'1, fr.1 1500 '"w LQj m E -s0 • 2 • T `'� � �r•-J D ai � � g -4E-144 1-'1:2. it 0' ! :121 • ".C81 ti'^- Pc• $ uo 84 .. 'd y. CC.y ° 0 C3 i+ tg ^ ± '4 • vt To our New Store, next door to Samwell & - Pickard's, where we will bo better prepared EST. ]1I .IIY'S LIMEWORKS. than ever to supply the wants of our Customers. ►1, We have added largely to our stook,and our -- prices will be found lower than any House in our drawn lcilns beingnow in fall operation and the Trade, and the quality of the goods equal turuingout daily ei targe quantity of to the best. We would call your particular attention to our stock of Cooking Stoves, which LIME is designed specially for Fanners' use. The that for ail purposes. castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the heat,and the prices Cannot be surpassed in the Domin• and terms of payment will be found very ion. raasouable. Partiesrrorn adieteinoecan aIwaysbef,rrplied either at the kilns or deliverdbyteans atlow est remunerative rates. Ordorsfrom a distance promptly attondedto. Next Door to Samwell & Pickard's, Main street. 11' HITSON & SCLATFIt. O'E"Y'RN'E etc Co,, b1cCL.ELLAVD T3R0THF: RS, ETI Teas! Teas!! Teas!!! --AT- R. & . SPICER'S, Try our 50c. Tea. NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (coy cheap) 11 lbs. splendid coffee sugur for $1.00. choice syrups. Don't forget our 20e. Vinegar, and cheap soap, No trouble to show goods. Ii. & E. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFiC'', Marble Works :0: W. D. WEEKES Dealer in (MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &c. ' Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. 5 Doors North ot Drew's Hall, Main street, • EXETER. Ship Grocery. --:o:-- TEA ! TEA. ! TEA! TRY MY 75 ct. TEA ! TRY MY 50 ot. TEA. ! ! Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS.. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all pacts of the Village, Agent for Great Western Sts'hp Co, New York to Bristol. °APT =EMI'', LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF Royal mail Steamships. The favorite route between Canada and Gaeat Britain. Ir,.rTEIt SERVICE. THE SARDINIAN will sail on Fob 22n ,. SU trtest son passage. For speed, comfort; economy and safety are equal .2 auyother Aclautic Line, and being a Ca..adiaa Lineshoulf' bepatronizod by n.11 Canadians. 1'or particulars as to passage or parties sending ter their f'ie:' ds, apply t0 CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. GRAY'S SPECII'C MEDICINE. The GreatEnglisliTRADE MARK. TRADE MARK, in 1nemeclee,n unfair ,; cure for Semi- nal weakuea., Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all Diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self Abuse, as l loss of Memory, Before Takinc Universalde,Pniu Lissi- After Taking, �tuin the Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age. and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature grave. r -'Fula particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every ono. Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at e1 per package or six packages for 85. or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing TL GRAY 5fET ICINE CO., • WINDSOR, ON'r., CANADA. W'Sold in Rxetorby all druggists, and every- where in Canada saki the United States 'iy whole. solo and retail druggists, HAY PUMP WORKS G. BOLTON, . ,PROPRIETOR;, Haying now greater facilities for inann#aoturipg pumps than any other factory. in the section I aur Vrepared,to tarnish ' pumps and dig wells on the shortest notice, and Warrniitalt work, My pumps ' have taken the FIRST PRIZE:AT HE FALL SHOWS, agatiiat nenirj*' •b6potitors. 1' can recommend {ricin, and sell a9,0hcknpir. any-Seeend rate artitie N: B =-2LtIR" Ct' YE1l OF AIi% I iSr nom MR9, BO.f. 01.• , r : tx. Shop --Ono.quarter wtIo north of Exetfr London Road, Hay 1'. O Ettoter, And. 0t1, 1874. 4.81.