HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-13, Page 4'ME TIMES Frt`•11RT1eBT 18. 187 IVIoIsoils•• Bank. tegnent lea -k, of employment. The ixaoRponA�reD BY .40T or rAtinlA trsN•t, 1855. money which is paid out. for foreign c"npatst,$,OOt1,000, neon $400,000. manufactured articles leaves the omen - HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. JOHN Monsox, Esq., Preetrlenf. Hon. TuesAS Wouks AN, - Vtce•. res., J CLAXTON, Yioe•Pres Sun Mutu71 Ins Co lion. D L Mao 1,person. Senator, tl, W Shepherd, Pros Ottawa River Navtg Co 33,orat o'Nelson, itL P P, Miles Williams, 1". Worms:li xkN TstoMAs, Esq,, - Ccrsltier. At. BEA'rort, Eno, - - - In Voter - Exeter Lran,c311., HENRY C. BREWER - - MANAGER. LOANS TO FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers ou easy terms, on their uwaa promissory notes with one or more good en- dorsors.. No mortgage required as security, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 5 per cent, Interest allowed on ctoposi.ts. Bold and currency drafts bought and sold. Stor ugExchange bought and sold, Collections made in all parts of the Dominion, and roturus promptly remitted at„lowest rates of exchange. august 15th 1878. 6-m Pe' •eteq Putts, 017111 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1879. ENGLAND AND FREE TRADE: Those gentlemen who vigorously ooutended during the campaign prece- ding the late general election that. En- gland's prosperity was greater under free trade than it had ever been under protection, will no doubt be interested as well as instructed in reading a speech which appears on the third page of this issue. It was delivered by Mr. 0. F. Hare, before the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, in, support of a motion which he iutended to' bring before the Chamber of Commerce of the United Kingdom. The motion was similar in import, though not iu words, to that made in the last Parliament of Canada by Sir John Macdonald. In' support .of his motion D1r. Hare proved by sta- tistics that England's exports were fal- ling off, and her imports' in the same articles increasing vastly. Tire wise- acres. whom party fidelity wedded to free tradeassertedthatasimilar state of affairs in Canada was so beneficial that it should be perpetuated, and that the cliffereuoe between the imports and the ewer value of the exports just meas- ured the profits that accrued to Cauad,i from .this interchange of trade. But the pooily-informed free tied irs of England do not view the difference with the same satisfied air. They re- gard it as, a, loss instead of profit, age- ing that the country increases its debt to that extent, and that the country fails by the same ttmouat iu matting the two ends meet. But this must be illy, for have not the free traders of this Dominion said so ? And who are wiser iu their own conceit than they ? Mr. Hare poiuted ant that the workmen of England were idle because the country was filled with goods man- ufactured in foreign countries by for- eign workmen, while the productions of her own looms, and furnaces, and try and impoverishes it to that extent, the goods wearing out and having to be replaced, and their price again and again drained from;he couutry, instead of remaining in it and stimulating hope enterprise, and going from em- ployer to employed, and backend forth among all classes and conditions of people, and leaviug eomfort and happi- ness in its trail', England is an in- teusely free trade country; it is the birthplace and cradle of free trade, and in that system the people have been taught to place unyielding faith; but the fact that a motion such as that to which we refer could come within two votes of being carried in that hotbed in which free trade is generated, is snfh• chant to prove that a revulsion of feel- ing is Doming over the people concern- ing this all-important quuestion. They have had experience end they find it to have too dearly purchased, and are striving for a change that will place them on an equality with the other nations of the earth iu their trade rela- tions and enable theta to furnish em- ployment to those who are now suffer- ing untold miseries for want of work., DR. S1RANGE has been:eonfr ned in his scat in North 'York. TREASURER WOOD Of the Ontario Gov - eminent has made his budget speech, whieh shows another deficit, this time of $648,000. This is a nice picture for the people to contemplate. WE are not prepared to say;much at present about the paper money m sche a advocated by some politicians. In fact we see so little epondulix, either But there is a stiff lieforfi er in Gotaei ; fall, a Mr. Garrow, who believes that the day of the Local Assembly's influ- ence has gone by. The County Coun- cils and the Dominion Government, he believes, should have the work divided betweeu there, and thitsreduce to a minimum the post of Provincial Gov- ernmeut. The idea is worth a thought, even if it is treasonable. OUR sleepy Clinton contemporary is given neither to joking nor sarcasm, or we might conclude it was having a sarcaetic thrust at Booth Huron's rep- reseutative in the Assembly, when it says his opponent, Dir. G. E. Jackson, will not bear comparison with him ire mental ability. If our confrere has the honor of au acquaintance with the two gentlemen, he cannot but be aware of the fact that in intellect Mr. Jacksot., is to Mr. Bishop is a giant is to a pigmy. Speaking of Mr, Bishop's ult•n- tal capacity is too good 'a joke to be loot. From the comparison Mr. Juek- sou has no need to shrink. In fact, we doubt whether there is a member of the Assembly better posted on Pro vincial politics and the record of the Mowat Governmeut than he. His let- tere to the county papers show him tt• On re•aieetntiling, the opening' servi- oes were conducted by Mr. 'Spnrgoe, The following school visitors wine) ap- pointed : for Exeter, Mr. Wui. Worry ; for Hensel!, Mr, John Parsons ; for Usborne, Dir. Richard Blatchford- An interesting address was delivered` by Rev. Mr. Butcher, on "the relation of the Chureu to the Sabbath School," ire the courl;e of which the rev. gentleman pointed out that the Sabbath School was the nursery for the Church, and that it was necessary for Wnlrch mem- bers to take a deep interest in the Sabbath School, if they desire and. expect it to fulfil the important duties placed upon it ; after which Mr, Spar. god delivered an effective address on "Home helloing." After some fur- ther proceedings, votes of thanks were given by the Conference to the friends who had eutertaiued them, to the re- tiring President, Secretary and the choir, when the benediction was pro. rioenoed and the delegates dispersed, -iatistfiect that the meeting had beou e blessing to all present. Centralia. EURP8ISE AND - PRESENTATION. -- Ori Thursday night last, •lith lust„ about twenty -live of the most irrfinential of our citizens nod •reaideutw of the viola - be a pungent, forcible and sensible its surprised Mr. A. J. [i,Ilil.r by ate writer. It would be heaping ridicule gearing at his residence, backed by au upon Mr. Bishop to ask him to write a uuliwited gnautity of oysters and other letter that would bear the scrutiny of a good things of life, to wish pini fare - six -year old schoolboy. well and God -speed prior to his depart - are for Dianit••ba, whither he goes in a A. REFORM • (9) Government is it, few weeks. A splendid banquet wits power in Ontario. There is nothing 'reblepartaken edf iends,afterwhich tt1 .t 'P e Green- toat they can find to reform, though they used to say that one thousand end one evils Deeded to be remedied. The Assembly, is consegaence of this mar• venous perfection at which the _Province 'ootnplete, comprising fourteen volumes has arrived, sits onlyabout three hours and costing $30. Mr. _r Heins was taken completely by dnrprise and very per day. Let us see : three hours per feelingly replied to the address, and day for six weeks—that is 108 hours in heartily thanked the friends for the which the mighty iutelleot of our rep. beautiful present. Speeches by a num- reseutative labors in the interest of the her i.f these present followed and n '.pleudid time was spent. The follow- ing is a copy of the address : To A. J. Rollins. DEAR FRIEND, --It is with feeling of sincere regret that vve learn you have ,leci.ied shortly to remove from amongst as and have determined to try your fortunes in our North-west Previttce. Arid not wishing yon to•dopart, without otic showing in some slight manner our respect and good feelilig towards yon, have gathered here to -eight to spend a few sceial hours with gnu. and also to request that yon will kindly accept the land and growiug wealthy ou the 1 frotn us a souve,tir.the works of Dickens substance of the people, while •his leer, c''mplete. seed in your prairie home, fortunate and more modest neighbor ,if er the cares and toils of the day, to yea take up each vellum and turn over us pages, may pleasant viscous of old tithes flit across your uientciry, stud may you in imagination be carried back to yea old home and friends in Centralia. We aleo hope that hoyour new honer - you may be beppy and contented, aud prosperous bee 011(1 even your :,cost eanituiue expectations.. Trusting that way was voted into the chair, and Der. W. H. Atictusou read an address and presented Mr. Rollins Itfib beautifully bound copies of Charles D aoiss' works paper or bullion, that We have alinost; country. $800 for this tiiue gives him forgotten what the wrrd means. 1 oue hundred and thirty dollars a week I (not bad pay) ; or $23 a day ; or $7 a►, bond I Now, is there any pereou in Usborue who can conscientiously say that Mr. Bishop, is able to render the country services of such au exii•aorcdl- uary value ? Ho gate as much iu one hour as he should receive iu four days, aud, we venture to say, more than any of his neighbors iu the township vein make this year in a week, even' though they toil. and sweat from t•unrise to suuset of cacti day. Should this kind of things—one rnau living on the fat of IF many more of our .Reform mem- bers are unseated for bribery, we shall soon bear the party crying out for the repeal of the election law, which they will denominate an instrument of op- pression and a shackie.on liberty. See if they don't.. . Teta " wut" of •our friend the London 4.1 ertjser.ls alinoet. as had as his legis' , at d that's saying • a' good citral:.: We would recommend him to heap to .the witticisms he steals and 'passes off as his own. There is more blains in his scissors than in his head -- TEN Ontario accounts are cooked. Is not this shameful work for a Gov- ernment to engage iu ? Dit,.honeet bank clerks do that sort of thing to hide their defalcations. Are we to conclude that there is something wrong in those accounts which the (invert. - went do not want the people to know ? It looks like it. forges were excluded from other noun_ THE cost of bovernmeut, since the tries, unless they paid such a duty that overthrow of Sandfielci Dtacdouald',c they could not compete with their Administration and the accession of ilei; libors. England throws the doors Reformers to power, has increased of her commerce wide open, and invitesl sixty per cent, Was this what Use alt the nations of the broad world to I rank aud file of the party ext acted ? They were promised retrenchment and a decrease in the expenditure. The people turned Sandfieid out on the strength of tlrese promises. They asked for bread and are given a btoue. ask for a' like privilege to bey and sell, the doors of their commerce are found 1 Mn.. Aiu ELL,• the Conservative who closed, and iter productions are rigidly was elected in East Elgin last Septem- excluded, nnless she contributes to the ber, retains Lis seat in spite of the sturdy efforts made in the election court to have his election voided. It is a strange story, but all the purists peti- tioned against are unseated, while very few Conservatives have been forced to step down and out. It is a significant commentary upon the futility of people treachiug what they do not even at- tempt to rractise. THE Huron Prohibitory League met at Clinton on Tue, day to take into consideration the edvitiability of sub - twitting the Canada Temperance Act to the ratepayers of the county at en early day. In view of the number of counties which have repealed the Dun- kin Act, the Canada Temperance Act behind another face, the step would be exceedingly untti•e. Let ns profit by the experience of ethers`;• instetd of insisting on purchasing out' knowledge by auprs fitable experiences of our uwu. Ma. CRowse bays the Conservative enter and buy and sell without let or hindrance, hot when the Uuiou Jack is unfurled to the breeze in the harbors of other nations, and her merchants revenue of and helps to sustain the rival who thus gives a kick for a kiss. As Lite Conservative party in Canada con- tended, so the free traders of free trade England are begiuuing to find out, that thio is not free trade, but the very reverse, a jug-haudled policy, all the Advantages of which areie the handle. The clreapeniug of the prices of all articles o:;usu►ned may be thought to be a cornpensttiou fur the loss of trade, bat uudoubtediy the people of any nation roust, if they wish to preserve the integrity and maintain the prestige of the nation, take into consideration the interests of the producers, the zitauufacturere and their employees, as well as the interests of those who only consume. That fact should. not be. firgotten. Only partizan bigotry Anil lack of patriotism would atloty any per- son of reationing powers to.set it asitia as unworthy of thought. . `Then there party favors the abolition of the .Local i3 the decrease iu the purchasing tower 'Legiiriaittre, Pbdy do - unt,, but they el a country w,kiulr cannot, fail. 13 follow do ta"vor • less ext eusi• e governmental a fulling off in productiou arid the cons maalhir►ery Plat that yelept Iiefoten..1 can do no more thau keep body and soul together by scraping and raking his laud—be longer permitted ? \Yuat bettor is kr. Bishop thau DIr. Anybody else that be should receive $28 a clay ? And he tries to make the people believe he lives only for his couutry. What lofty patriotism, and what unfelterieg and noble devotiou to a country and— $28adayl B. 0. SABBATH SCHOOL CONFER EN C.E. A conference of the B. C. Sabbath Schools comprised in the Elimvilie, Exeter, Mensal] and Centralia circuits:, was held in Elimville ou the 5th Inst, There was a good attendance of dele- gates. `The Confereuee was opened by Rev. Mr. Butcher. Iu a short address i he made many valuable suggestions regarding the working of schools. Mr. Win:Lewis was then elected President, Mr. C. Snell Vice-president, end Mr. Win. Grigg Secretary, with Mr. T. Csnun assistant. An adjournment was then made until 2 o'clock p,tn. Tho opening services of the after- noon sessiou were conducted by Rev. Mr. Davis. The President-elect then gave his address, which wale inteutiy listened to. The discussion relating to the " Discourageulents of teachers, and how to meet them," was opened by T. Werry, jr., who dwelt ou the uecessity of the teacher suli'dnting self,. showing that the more of Christ they possessed the less they would be troubled with self and selfish principles. Rev. Mr. Butcher followed, and poiuted out that the remedy suggested by the previous speaker bad stood the test of 2,000 • years au•d never failed. The discussion was taken part in by a number of dele- gates. The regularity of teachers was the next subject diseusNed, being iuttu- duced by 'Der. Snell, trho deprecated the changing of teachers from one oleos to another. After the disoussiou of the (postion it was rceolvod as the upiuiou of the Conference that the ale ti mate traitresses of Superultendeuts and tetaohet•s ou the lesson 'of the Sab-', bathe:eyns not bet,t:fioial, irtasmueh as I the Leeson was 0f .great impof`tauce, and its rk•view should be only entrusted to those wllo had given it their earileot 77tmouth,andernenau.guaranteed btiagenta ,iutilt frog. SHAW &CO3,Al/gusta, tKaiuo. -study, and could make a hosting iul• Lite t•amo kind Providence who haA watched over you here, will attend and bless you and your household in your every endeavor, in things both tempor- al at;d spiritual. Signed by B. Couon,LIN, beret Kerox, and 14 others. • Christmas Comes but once a year—but some- body's Birthday every day, and a present is al- ways. acceptable. ---:n 0'— Remainder ,OF O:R FANCY GOOD 3 TO BEI SOLD f31-i';AP1 NOW IS TIME TO BUY AT THE Dominion Laboratory, E:,XETEt F ? W BLACKSMITH SHOP AT WIN- CHELSEA. W.33UC];INCl• ,-.- Exeto,, has connnenced bit siiutesittthe .,,R,,^ z) " a�'vebrauo'i atWinoholsoa ,.`'' ` and is pro - pared to do all � ..e,-. , Lind ofbiack smithing work Horse shoo- ingape •iallyattended to, Promptness, cheapness and good work guaranteed, A call solicited. to -Sm W. BUeRLEGHA3t. Fa shinable Dressmaking. Dresses cid and made to order — ]3Y M R S . Cat'. TOSS Nan treat, Exeter, OVER TITE POST OFFICE. CORDWOOD FOR SALE. Three Hundred Corsa ntixecl wood kr sale, in large or small quantities, at 715 cents per cord, on Lot 15, eon. 5, Stephen. Terms cash. Apply on the premises to 3OI:IN MITCHELL, Senior. 4t. Ls,S. CAI1PI3LLL. P1iOVlNCIAL • Land Snrveyev, &c., will l o at the 1.1 yal Hotel, Exeter, on the first •Tuesday, in each mouth. Orders fur worei left with :ter, John apaelu,iau will receive prom ptattontion LAKE, Commissioner, Instil. - A, auto. Land and Loan Agent. Oii)ee— next doornoitit Itnyal Hotel. it :seta. Wilsons Hotel, Hensel t, nervi Monday. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan at 8 per Cent. OPITGAGES BCtUGfl'I'. 1 money loaned on good NOTES, l,OnnLV• • .. CONVEYANCING — Deeds, Mort - The editor of the Brussels paper was - atwaulted one day bat- t week by oue of the village councillors. A destructive the occurred at Wing - barn on Monday iii 'lit last, by which Dir. Griflin lost his buns., out buildings and three herses;.also a number of sheep, cattle and pigs,farm implements wagons, buggies, and a large amount of grain produce. Mr. Griffin, while at temptiug to lead the horses out of the burning building, was knocked down and stepped on by them, and but for his daughter,who rushed into the burn- ing building and pulled out, be would have perished in the flames. Cause of : 3. K I T C N l H d>7 the fire is unknown. • • gages, Wills, &< ,.irawn on reasonable terms .JOHN SUDAN, Has just -commenced business one half mile West of Dashwood, and is prepa'•e1 to clean Cloclts,Watehes and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repairers and Organs and :iielcdiaui' at- tended to. T'nose iu want of his services should Kies hien a pall before goii.g away from ttotme. Chaigee moderate and entire satisfao- tion guarnteetl. PAINT1NCT f P A IN P I N G 1TRAYED—$20 REWARD—From Lot 0, con 8•, t, eGtllivray, ono red and white annoy steer, one rod and white yearling steer, and two red yearling heifers. The above .oward will be paid to any person giving information that will lead to the recovery of the property. • ; ArDitEW ERSKINE, Limn,P 0 • $1200 rroflta on 20 clays investment of$lOO i1 North-west, January 5.1. - 7'roportio6utireturns every 0711(1;0011 Stook Options of x20, - 850, - 8500, Official Reports and circulars /free, A(ldresa, T. Porr,sn W rcaT d: co,.1tankeis, 35 Wan at. N.Y. A DAY to Agent. canvassing for the FIRESIDH VISIT01t. Corns and Out. tet L)ree.' Address P. 0. VIf77i:EitY, A good supply of 1lcmluck Lumber andCedar Is prepared to do all kfnds of; House Painting, Paper -hanging wliite)ning, &e. anreasonable prices and punctually. 1.I{YTCFIIN(i, Main st Exeter. Shingles for Sale FROM 421 TO 81.00 P151t SQUARE, , At G. & J. Brooks' 6awmill TWO MILr:S WEST OF TRIO LONDON ROAD, T'POL' BAY, Aurtusta, htaino. Forts constantly on heed • • iSO nitre and beautiful ohromo ears, with name LI 10c„ postpaid. Geo. r. REED & 00, Nassau, N.s. Z5Lovely onrde, not oaks loots„or 08ohromos 10ets, post paxcl. .7 13, %ivsTtiD, Dr S &Ili N. Y. OOI'auoy Cards, Ohrorno, Snowllako, &o, no 2 atlke with •earn, 10 uta; 1, 1ltivrwlen & Co cession on the nriuda of the children. yE,ssY�7C♦J SOrtodono�y�xy rnof4linesin- At six o'clock the Conference adjot'tru• I wee_ in 300 newspapers for 810. eonS,tnd lOc.. for 100 page naui ,IAot G.1' CSV ' c co, il'l tiitttil'f.tlU, 1ti si,: neo st•, R, Y, l" TUE I ALI,AND W1NT'J UTRAed.rd C. t�"'a'OUt OCItt Cid. $O» . .'r,tlthtiltS and CLOTItll:tttsi, Take pleasyjre to Ir,tnrgi tet a inbabitanteof Exeter add surr0unding .ctiuniry, that they •hit's Asti, opeugdI'O,ut,t ieadellentateortmoilVol• �'N1 to lhy ogtI t s,: fres1 ii ys ate., • ih tliclutosbdlyle. ittdtpptterna,uud feet aibireld. That Int ioui atter tifotothiing, they eau suit 114 iuoatC.istl+liuur t..wtur.