HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-6, Page 8• 8 THE TIMES FEBRUARY 6, 1879 HOLIDAY NOTICE J. GRIGG takee 'demure in announcing that, encouraged by the steady luarease of trade ' during the preeeut year, he has made arrangements to open far Iwo, dun, by the 12th inst..a larger titul better variety of holi- day geode, than in previous 8(08801X8, • The Stook will comprise the ustiai supply of ENGLISH ANNUALS, • " And a choice selection in ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS,STATUARY,VASES TOILET SETTS, MOROCCO BOUND POETS, GIFT CUPS, CARD CASES, CARD DECEIVERS, EVENING FANS, INK STANDS, Eta Together with a large selection of Toys, Toy Books, Etc. • The trade supplied at the usual close rates. Christmas and New Years Garde in, choice de- signs, and a large variety already received. Supplies for S. School Gifts and Christmas Trees at a liberal discount. S. ta1tIGG..11talu street, Exeter. LOCAII NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1879. Eroox SALE.—Ou the 12th hest the Huron Live Stock Association will hold. their annual 8 de in Exeter. The sale will be continued the fallowing day if enough stook is offered. PASSED.—Mr. Thomas M. White, of this of- fice, passed the first Intermediate examination th'. the Ontario Law Society at Osgood() Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday of last week. To PREACM—Roy. Mr. Leith, of Loudon, wal wencli in the Exeter Methodist church next Sabbath, morning and evening, in the ab - bane° of the pastor who goes to Loudon East ti preach educational sermons. Y. M. L. C. A.—The regular monthly meet- iag of the Young Men's Conservative Associa- a .ion will be held in Drew's Hall to -night, Taursday. Business of importance will be brought before the Association, aud it is de- s ruble that there should bo a good attendance. Eencren.—We notice in the list of the names of those who wore elected. Director e of tie Huron & Middlesex .Insurance Company a a meeting which was held in Loudon on Tuesday of last week, the names eof two of our e:tizens, Messrs. James Pickard. and George Sernwell, ap; ear. Tax *.* Gnocear.—Those who buy their tieur at the Star Grocery are not pestered with a soohling wife. Fenwick's celebrated floar, for sale af Thorne & Farmer's, is unsurpassed. Tueir store is also replete with a choice stock of fresh groceries and the best brands of liqu- ors. Read their advertisement and then give them a call. Naw lint-RING-MU—Mr. B. 'Welsh, who has rung the town boll ever sines it was purchased, has retired from the position, and Mr. S. Ford new palls the string which guages the workiug hours of the mechanics and laborers of the tiwn. We hope "Uncle Sam" will keep as good time as his predecessor. SVAIIRINO EXIIIBITION.—Guy Park and Dick Perkins, two of the best scienced boxers and searrers of the present day, will give au enter • t dement in Drew's Hall oa Saturday evening. T.iey will also be assisted by .several scieuced men from London. All who delight in this menl,y art of self-defence should attend. Fier =tiler particulars see posters. A NEW ASSESSOB.—We believe that not the Last important appointment made by the new Council is that of Mr. John Macdounel to the a tsessorship. Mr. Macdounel has an intimate 1 iowledge of the town and of the value of different kinds of property, and is, moreover, taorough iu the performance of any work he undertakes, so that there is every probability teat an equitable assessment will be made. Sento us ACCIDIMT.—A lad about ten years of age, named Teder, was severely injured o i Mondaeewhile playing in the school yard. It a .pears the boys were kicking foot ball and this little fellow unfortunately got knocked down and trampled on. When bo was picked up it was found that he was severely injured, and after being taken horueit was seen that his oilier bone was broken and his shoulder dis- located. The little sufferer's wounds were prop- erly attended to by a surgeon, and he is pro - g -tasking as favorably as could be expected un- der the eireamstauces. WANTED A MONTEL-1 man entered the e .te room, where the Magistrate's Court was ie session on Friday eveuing, and very uncore- inouionsly strode up before Squire Gulley and /lotted to he sent up to the building in the To .vn of Goderich where they give free boa d t a certain class of people, Constable Gill gave the gentleman a couple of nights' lodging in the look -up, and he left town on Sunday morn- eg. Ho gave his name as William White a td professed to be a miller by trade. Be had been wandering about town for a week and got aid from several parties hi the shape of ineney, which, from his appearance, ono would sippose was speut iti purchasing liquor. Dons TSB PALST2IS LIVE os AM e --There are many things (bine which people consider away, but we consider a man is possessed of au unlimited amount of brass who, not being a subscriber to the paper, can quite coolly walk iato a printing office and with an air of importance alk for a copy of the last issue to scud to Ids sou or other relatives at a (totemic, wed then when the printer has searched over the papers in the office, mid found the one desired, take • it and make his exit witn- out even so much as thanking the typo for his trouble. What would a merchant think of a person who would go into Ids store and order u bill of goodeaud takeithetn away without saw tug anything about the pay. There are persons who are. too, penterions to subscribe for a Pal= who Openge taut local jeuruAl An send to their friends. However, we feel thankful ;that they do not ask us to. 'myth° postage Tms Wicaenen.—During the first four days of last week_ there ' was a thaw, and people thought the . sleighing .wenicteutirely (Thw- pear before the ngin .wind, which prevalled, Wo noticed several lwagens. and, carriages on the roatle:., Wednesday .and .. Thursday, Qu Friday thoweacher .was somewhat °older, .and a light. ehower lei the"heautiful" fell and fresh- eneit up the .sleighing te little. Saturday was a lopetition of the .!peovionsday, except that more snow fell. • On Saturday evening the storm increased iu fury, and for a titne was so severe that it was almost impossible to travel north, On Sunday and Monday the weath- er was moderately cold, but on Tuesday the rays of Old Sol caused the mow to disappear very rapidly, end the sleighing on Main street became vex" thin, and had it not been for the timely snow fall an-Tnesday evening Wagons would have had to bo utilized, - This morning, (Wednesday) the snow is still gently descend- ing, and the prospects of having good sleigh- ing during the remainder of the mouth are .not at all gloomy. Strocerreo Meecre—A shooting match was held at the Lorne House, Exeter, ou Wedues • lay of last week. The m arksmen shot ate ten glass balls eaeh, at a distance of eighteen yds. There were five prizes offered for competition: 1st prize, e8 ; 2nd, $6 ; 8rd, e5 ; 4111;03 $2, There were eight "shootists" who com- peted. The following is the score : S, Fairbairn, Heusall. 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-8 P. Curtin, Stephen, 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1-8 J. Casey, Exeter, 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1-7 T. Bissett, Exeter, 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-5 A. O'Dwier, 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 101 1 000 0 1 0-4 R. BissettExeter, A. Sheritt, Heusall, " 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0-4 It will be seen by the above score that S. Fairbairn and P. Curtin were a tie ; and in ar- dor to decide -which should bo awarded the 1st prize they shot off at three balls each, at n dis- tame of 21 yards,'when Fairbairn missed the first, broke the second aud. missed the last ; and Curtinbroke his three, winning the first prize. Fairbairn was awarded the 2nd, Casey, 3n1; T.Rissett, '4th; A. Sheritt, 5th. After the match a number of those who delighted in tripping the light fantastic toe, repaired to the hall where excellent music was provided. 1 A ' HANDSOME Boon.—The new Masonic lodge room in Mr. Samwell's new block is one of the handsomest and most complete to be found in auy part of the Province, and re- flects credit upon,Lebation Forest Lodge. The ante -room is hrunisemely carpeted and its ap- pointments as well as those of the rooms for the conferring of the higher degrees, are most thorough. The lbdge room is very large and handsomely deceitated, all the handsome fur- niture bearing the badge of Masonry. The Work on the ceiling', 'executed by Mr. Darl- iag, is strikingly handsome, creditable alike to the designer and the workinan. The patterns of the carpet is in SC1118TOS, like -the most of Masons, each block bearing the inevitable t square and compass. Altogether the room is worth seeing, and should be, as it doubtless is, the pride of every member of the fraternity. Tho overseeing of the work, we believe devolv- ed upon the W. M., R. &Mon, and Bre L. Thorne, and right well have they performed their duty. The communiciation of the lodge was held in the new lodge room on Mon- day evening last, and there was a very large attendance of members and visitors, who all expressed themselves as highly delighted with the change. UNRULY EQOXNES.—On Thursday last as Miss Case was driving home from a funeral the horse which she was driving became rest- ive and ran away, upsettiug the cutter. No injury was sustained: by the driver, but the horse's leg was out, though not very deeply. —On Saturday almost every horse in town appeared to be frantic. Mr. Hastings, of the Exchange Bank, in company with Mr. B. S. O'Neil, was out for a drive, and when passing a team a short distance north of the village the cutter was upset, and Mr. Hastings, to prevent being hurt released his hold on the linea, and die animal came dashing down street. When passing a load of wood the cutter stuck against it, breakiug the shafts A team belong. ing to Mr. Pront, which were tied. at Barnwell &i Pickard's store became frightened at the passing runaway horse, broke loose, and start- ed down town at a break -neck speed, causing considerable excitement among the numerous horses which were in town. When near lthe Commercial Hotel they turned off the road and dashed against a cutter which was being driven by Mr. Hannah* of Stephen, upsetting it, and injuring Mr. Hannah considerably, and causing hie horse to run away. It ran against Mr. Heevkshaw's pump, which checked it in its mad career. —While writing the above a horse came trotting up street with an empty cutter. It was caught opposite the Commercial Hotel, without any damage being done. TrritE8 MONTII8 FOB °AIMING A R8VOLVSL —On Friday evening last a tall strapping big follow, apparently about 23 years of age, while passing Mr. John Treble's boot and shoe store, stole a pair of felt boots which was hanging in front of the building. Mr. Crunnican saw tbe MAD committing the theft, and immediately notified Mr. Treble that the boots had been stolen. When Mr. Treble came to the door Master Alf. Iland,an employee in the estabtish- meut, who had also soon the man take the boots, pointed; out the thief, who was going north, and Messrs. Treble and John South. dolt started iu pursuit of him. They chased hint north to the street at Samwell 4.t Tick- , erd's store, thence east to the next street, then turnedz.p.rth; when" the.thief d'ot.iioferi40:d zt his pursuers that they gave Ld lopeolOf: (Welling hiM4 and returned to ,Mr. Treble Ai shop• The, thief was Seen no More until SeutheettandTreblei.saw ancicaptured him bn Plizehoth Street, A short distance; ,sceith, Coustable•Gill's residence. • Whezn hold of him ho resisted, and aftVr they sue-. cceded in getting him clown, he strank twice ,at Mr, Tre,ble. Censtable,Gill wasOhen who, when he arrived put the handcuffs 'cin tbe-prieener, and Sontlieott toeldrom his band a five -shooter, every chamber. of whieli WOB loaded.- The prisoner was then. taken, to the • look -up, and afterwards,.; tried before Squire Gidley on the charge of • theft. ..Afterebeing sonloueod to go to Goderich to awaithis . he was charged by Constable Gill with having a revolver onlis person. The prisoner plead - cd guilty, aud was seuteuoed to three mouths. imprisonment in the Goderich Jail, where he was taken ou Satnyilay morning by- Constable Gill. .Tho man at first refused to give his name, on account, he said, of his parents, but finally he said his name was ThomasFulling. ton, and that his father lived iu Vermont,. 8. When he aa searched, a number of differ- ent sized keys wore found in his pockets.' • Village Council.' ' The Connell mot Pursuant to adjournment at the Market House, Exeter, 3rd Febe1876. All the members present. The minutes of the previonS meeting wore rend and confirmed. • • . Mr, Gill reported respecting nuisance on the premises of.Mr. J. Bowden, hatcher, aud asked direction of the Connell. The Constable to give further notice to dis- continue, and if persisted in afterwards to en- force the law respecting the same. • A conemmileetion from Mrs. Cram stating that she could not pay her taxes was road. Moved by J. Picleard,secoaded by J. Sanders, that an order be granteO for the amount of Mrs. Cann's taxes.—Carried. A communication from A. Holland, declining. to accept 41.25 per day for services as Road In- spector was reed. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by E. Drew, that the matter be laid over until next meeting of Council, Moved in amendment by J. Sanders, second- ed by R. Bissett, that Samuel Littlejohn be Road Inspector in place of A. Holland, whose resiguation is hereby accepted .—Motion car- ried. Moved by R. .Bissett, seconded by J. San - dors, that John Macdounel bo assessor for 1879.—Carried. Moved by E. Drew, seconded by J. Pickard, that the assessor be paid a salary of e45 per annum. Moved in amendment by R.Biseett, secoaded by J. Sanders, that the assessor's salary be $50 per annum.—Amendment carried. Mr. John Kilpatrick asked the Council for remuneration for plantine shade trees on' the street. Action deferred for the present. Moved by E Drew, seconded by R. Bissett, that orders be granted for the payment of the following accounts : R. Welsh, e3.50, for lighting fires and ring- ing bell to let February, 1879 ; J. Pickard, 11.03, for rent of engine house, lumber, and charitioa ; C. Senior, 58.60, for services as Deputy -Returning Officer, stationery, &c.; E. H. Spackman, 65 cents, for oil -can and oil.— Card. d, Mrs. Corbet asked relief from the Council, stating that she was in destitute circumstances and iu consequence of old age, was not able to earn a livelihood. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by E. Drew, that Mrs. Corbet be granted 50 cents per week until further orders.—Carried. Moved by J. Piakard, seconded by J. :San- ders, that Mr. Ford be:appointed to ring the bell at No. 2 engine house and light fires, and that ne bo paid $40 per annum for so doing.— Carried. By-law No. 1,1879, to 'appoint certain of. flcers and fix salaries for 1879, having been read a first time, was read a second and third time and finally passed on motion of S. Plac- ard, seconded by E. Drew. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by E. Drew, that this Council adjourn until 'call .of the Beeve.—Carried. M. Elesurr. Clerk. otephen. FARMS TRADED. -111r. Wm. Hooper, of Stephen, and James Snell, of Bid- dnleh, have traded farms, Mr. Hooper reoeiving $500 by the exchange. Mr. Hooper's farm was lot 12 in the first aonceseion of Stephen, and Mr. Einfill's lot 6 in the first concession of Bid- dulph. Courrom—The Stephen Council met at the Town Hall, Orediton, on the 8rd inst. All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutee of the former meeting read and signed. Tenders for printing were handed in, and T. M. While's tender was foetid to be the lowest. Moved by W. Baker, seconded by J. Ryan, That his tender be accepted.-0s,rried. The pathmest- ern and fenoeviewers to be appointed at the March meeting. The following orders were 'granted :—Ilfeesre. White & Sons, printing, $16 ; W. McDougall, $2 ; Trustees S. S. No. 10, for use of 4oho31 house for elections, $5 ; oleo for damege to school house, $2; Mr. Nav. ille, error in assessment. $2.08 ; A. Clark, making culvert, $2; Limerick school section, $26.14 ; H. Shelton, for ballot box, $2.50; Molsons Bank, for redeeming note, $2,000 ; W. Dearing, drafting plank and covering culvert, *2. "BANKRUPT k..9 AL r..4 • . A 1\.71t ,- • ••••••,..., • JOB LOT VOI11•11•••••••1:11011 =I N. A. ND COMIN G= IN SOUTHCOTT'S BLOCK, EXETER, KIRKTON. A concert was held in the Aericul. 4ial Hall of this place, on Wednesday, January 29, for the benefit of the Pres- byterian Chard. The weathor was very fine and the hall was well Robert Porter, Esq.., filled the chair, and added much. -to the enjoyment of the evening by bis pleasatit manner and humorous remarks. The music was Jernished• by Misses MJNeil, Inch and IlIcKeniie, and Messrs. McNeil, Harrison and Hodge, of l‘litcheil, Mes- srs. McOlelland..and Culling, of Exeter, Mr. Brown, df Downie. and Mr. Mc- Kay, of St. Marys. Miss A. 'McNeil gave eeveral.songe, among them being " I .cmunot sing the old songs" and Aunie's• Tryst;" which were highly appreciated by the audience, her fine voice doing them ample justice Tho Misset Inch in their duetrs made some good:singing. Tbe younger one prom- ises to make a ,splendid alto singer, as her Voice is unusually strong for one eo young. Mise McKenzie presided at the organ; and gave geed assistance to the singers by her wetry perfect accempani- rnente:. ..MessrsealoNeil, Harrison and Hodge:sang soine,comic songs iu first- class Style. Mr. Collins rendered the "Captive Knight" and the " Leap for Life" ie leis -inimitable style, and,: as usual, was loudly encored. Mr. Mc- Clelland, by request .et. the Committee, sang the "Malo Leaf," which was well received ;,by the audience, who showed their patriotism and good taste by ineb•ling oiren encore, to which Mr. Mc. in his cordial manner responded. Mr. Brown's Scolch songs were done 'brown," apd took immensely with the audience. Prof. McKay, of St. Mary's, gave two songs. His character eong seemed to give entire satisfaction. Tho concert closed by singing the National Anthem, when the performers were provided with refreshments at Dr. Irving's and Mr. Dawson's. All ap- peared to be highly pleased with the concert. The proceeds are intended to be applied to the purchase of a chando lier for the ohuroh. • 840 4 Varna. CouNry L. O. L. URETING.—The an- nual Comity meeting of the Loyal Orange Association was hold at this place on Tuesday last. There were about one hundred present. It was de- cided to have the next County proces- sion iu Goderioh, and hold the next annual meeting in Exeter The fol- lowing are the names of the officers for the ensuing year C. M., Bro. A. C. Simmins D. C. M., 41 John Scarlet Chap., " John Stephen Sec., " James MoMath Treas.. " J. Joslin D. of 0., " — Sturdy Leoturer " J. S. MoMath • HAYES'S TITLE. However varied may bo the opinions °Cumming. validity of Hayes's title to the Presidency. there is not a question in the minds either Democrats or Be- publioana upon one important point, viz: the nnquestionable right of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicues to the title of ibe Standard Remedies of the age. Listen to the voice of she eovereign people. NEW ORLEANS, Juno 10th, 1878. Dr. R. V. Prows, Buffalo, N. Y,: Dear Sir—Your Pleasant Purgative Pellets seem to be particularly adapted to the want e (if the people in this warm olimate,where bilious affections are par. tioularly prevalent. I regard them as the beet oathartio 1 have ever trled, Yours truly. JOHN 0. HENDERSON, BOSTON, Mao:, May 14th, 1878. Dr. R. V. Prom, Buffet°, N. Y. Dear Sir—Your eolaori. Medical Dls. eovery has eared -my boy of a Fever Sere of two genre' .sanding. Please Omni our gratitude: lours 1111ly.12 HE$RXWHILG •• Bayfield. . Fisamnes.—The far-famed &bodes of Lake Huron are now yielding their abundant harvest. It hes been very difficult to get on the ice on account of its roughness, bot the late thaw has made it somewhat smoother. SOMER.—A very successful soiree was held iu St. Andrew's Church in tide town on Thursday evening last. Addresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. Patterson, Lanly and Brovr- ley. Nutwithstanding the disagreeable state of the roads, there was a very guod attendance, and all appeared to be well pleased with the procoedings. It was in aid of the general funds of the church. bounty. , The Presbyprians of Clinton are oonternplating building a new chureh there The death of Mr. Maurice O'Brien, one of the oldest settlors of '17dokor- innith, is announced. Soaforth Presbyterian church' has. decided to give a call to Itev. A. D'. Macdonnell, of Elora; they offer $1,- 2611 and a free manse. Dar. Calvin Campbell, of the 2nd (' concession of Tuckersmith, has flowers (hi his garden which are in full bloom. They are as fresh and green as if grown in the month of May. The members of the Canada Metho- distChurch at Varna held their annual • tea-meetiug yesteiday. The 'proceeds are to be applied to the Sabbath-101pol fan,Dtptity Sheriff Gibbons, of Gnder- ich, who has for some time past beet confined to his bed by:hemorrhage of the lungs, is now entirely recovered. Mr. D. Dobspn, of Grey, recently. welshed a yoke of cattle on the scales at Brussels, winch brought down the Reales at two tons and seventy pounds. The congregations of the two Pres- byterian churches in Brassels have: passed a resolution in favor of nnion. The matter is to be brought before the next session of the Presbytery. W. Kew, baggage and freight master at Clinton, bas been promoted to the position of station agent at White- church, on the Southern extension. The number of births, marriageti and deaths registered in Goderich Township for the year 1878 is ma fol- lows : Births, 724 marriages, 15 ; ' Deaths, 26. The second fancy these carnival of the Dominion Skating Rink, Seafolth,, was held on Weduesday night of last There is some talk of a Poultry As. sedation being formed in this county for the purpose of holding an annual show for the exhibition of poultry, and to encourage the breeding of a superi- or class of poultry. The new Presbyterian °Imre& at En- mondville, was opened on &Imlay, the 26th ult. The old chureh, aft twenty-eight years of service, has bee closed, the farewell services being very affecting. The annual dinner nnder the au- spices of the Morris Branch Agrionl, timid Society was held at Mr. Wm. flawkshaw's hotel, Blyth last evenine. One day Iasi week, es No. 6 mixed train on the L. Id. & B. R, was near- ing the north switch at Myth, a oar of cedar was discovered to be on fire. The train hands ran the oar on the siding and crienched the flames as soon as possible, bnb not until about half the cedar was consumed. Elias (levier, of Blyth, met with at accident the other day. While' °hopping, the handle of his axe partly broke, whioh, not being pereeived by him, he attempted to give another blovtwhen, as he held it high atom his head, the are parted from the handle and fell with force, edge fowl - most, upon his head, cutting it anus - what severely, though nog 6046014. • ••• . • • f L