HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-6, Page 6c
(oo1+t1'INI!ID k'iWOki LAST WEEK.)
It appeared that the (murso of
their true love, liatl,•at first, met with
au obstacle in the shapo of \Vinnio's
1 rnedietely to obey that mysterious sum
eapoilutg my window to its widest, I
lot myself drop gently' iuto the garden,
Weaved the low statue wall, trod sot off
across the moor.
As 1 proceeded I looked sharply til,
father --a wet nenea tgoneeel. demote in the right and .left, strained icy eyed
the village—who set"11is face against down the road before me, and now and
the match ; but, thanks to \\'1nuie's then paused -and tnrusd, half expecting
view": anteing, ho hate scan 'cants t to nee Wynne bellied toe ; but to the
1011311,' aud, more aver, had 'come right and left, before alid bellied, in all
clown' with something handsome to• the extent of the moonlit moor there
wards fiuuishiug the little cottage on was no human being to be seen,
the moor, alters they were to begin The strangeness, the ueaccOuntable-
mordent in conjectures, prepared inl-
their married life, All this, aud more,
ny friend poured out with a beaming
taco, standing in the garden, under Iny
window. I congratulated him heartily
and watched him with something like
eery, as he went buoyantly 011 his way
Mess of this sudden disappearance im
pressed rue mune the longer 1 thought of
The man could not melt into the air,
or sink lute the ground ; • there was no
place where he could hide—how theu.
aeries the dewy moorland, full of would he have vanished so utterly ?
health, hope and happiness, and wail lead he slipped ronni to tlio back of
lost to my sight in the golden mists of the h()use while I was looking across
1111 nee..
The misty horning turned out to be
ad sultry day. I sat at iny desk, till ev-
ening„, writing as if for a wager ; and
work and weather combined having
given ole a racking headache, I took a
strong green tea before going to bed,
about ten o'clock,
the moor P or was --I stopped abruptly
as the thanght struck me—was the
whole thing a dream ?
The idea seemed probable. 1 had
gone to bed after a hard (lay's work, on
a supper of strong green tae ; I bad
sat at the window in a half-duziug
condition, thinking of the poiutslnau
As a natural c.lnsequeuee, I could anti—yes. that was it. I remember
not sleep ; and, after tossing for an !low, that there was something strange
hoar or so in restless misery, I rose, in the man's appoarenee; his face
dressed myself, lighted a cigar, and sat looked uutauuliar, unreal, as well -
et lay window, which, though the room known flaees do sclnetimes in troubled
Wee on the second floor, WM not above
eight feet from the e ground,
The yellow harvest moon hung like
a great silver lamp in the broad bare
expanse of purple dark night shy,
flooding with light the modulating
sweep of nioorlaud. The air was so
clear, the moon so bright, that the dial -
taut lines of rails and the white gates
dreams, and ins voiee, though close to
rte had o)
hollow, distant(
sound, as if
it carne from afar -away. :.Yes, I had
simply dreamt it all, and the best thing
I could do Wit to go piety back to
bed, and in future take more exercise
and abj tare green tea.
The cooling train was now only a
few miles distant, rushing across the
of the !eve! crossing were as distinctly mor like a fiery meteor, with its throe
Neale as et Illl/l-day ; and es I sat at bluo':l-red lamps and its long train of
the window sill, pailing my cigar, and lighted ori idows. No doubt I thought
listening to the silent harmonies of the Wynne had just turned out to set the
luo:)ulit landscape, my tllonghts re- !hints+, lli.4 last Task fur the slight ; if I
v1•h•ted to my friend, the paiutsman. walked slowly back, he would probably
What was he doing at that moment, I overtake nue before 1 reached the
wondered—dozing ill his lonely Tittle lege.
cetera or wide awake and thinking of Dub at that very moment, as 1 was
V int,ie ? I glanced at my watch ; it aletut to turn back, I saw him stand-
_, f I cboo.�e i in t o coal )ei'a •
was just 12 7 t o t the a r h 1 1 e me, where, a
laid-11ielit 'constitutional' across the second t:efol'e, there bad only been
moor, 1 should come upon him just age elepty air -
be was setting the points for the 12 15 Ile did ant speak ; but his eyes held
express. Should I go ? No, I decid- mine spell -bound, v;irli a gaze of en -
ed I wonlll eta, as it alight ineapani- treaty, so agonized, of command, BO
tate ole for work to -morrow. I wd!lld nrgent, that if Made my heart staud
smoke colt this cigar and theu tutnble still.
iota bed again. As I looked at him he lifted his
1 t)uua(t atl:ay for a few momenta baud and pointed, tiled time in an on -
longer, my eyes dwelling with a sort of polite direction, and stralnitlg lay eyes
f.tneiu,atiou on the distant white gate into the distance, eolning down the in -
aria the slliuing rails, when snddeu1y lame line, the other midnight train,
there stole over lee en unaccountable which Massed the express just beforo
and very uncomfortable sensation. I .the level crossing. IIs then extended.
felt as it some one were looking at me his brand towards lee in a gesture of
fixedly. Meetiauieally I withdrew my warning or menace, and was gone—
eyes from the distance to the fore. :tone utterly, as if he had cover, beep
grenlyd, and then started so violently there.
that 1 nearly fell from my seat. For a moment supernat.nra! fear
In the garden, close under the win- nnra.iyzetl ole, mind and bode; then,
dew,?ust where he had stood that in n, flash, my f:;cnttiee returned to rue,
mottling—was Evan Wyune. and I 11ud'rstOod it all.
Ile stood motionless, looping at me Evan Wpune was Icing dead at the
ilitently ; waiting, as it appeared, tor'
lne to address hien. Tileappeared,
tested full upon his face, which wad
only la few feet from mine, aud nettle
]lie Blear, salon -nue complexion look a of the wheel».
dull, leaden put1or. 1'ur a lnouneut 1 I caught my breath wiih a ease: and
was too startled to utter a w ord, aua "an as I never ran before or ever since.
could o:lty gii i tat him at; fixedly as ue The nearest trail), the express, was
at 111 ; t1leU, as he was butt bllent, 1 (partible tearing over the 1110nt' to the
tlilt,lur. loft ; I cnnlll hoar, throu'4h the resin
•N'il,tt's the matter, \\',ynne ? What hie in hnv e(trs, the pant in i; nt the en -
du yell e, ant ? gine, ar'd the dul), notified thllmler of
Witeutlt remeeing Ilia eyes from. my the wheels, but 1 Iooked at nothing but
fee,: 1i•� emoted tu:vanl8 tue distant the whine grates before ole, betwoeu
true a rails, and Haiti. in a tulle wniuh which and mvee]f lacy a long, horrible
tete a snitC1, riug of /entreaty .ur • caul- stretch of road.
5bonld.1 aver cover it 1n time 2
'Sot rile point's f.,r the • 112:15 ex- C)•1 --on I ran • in Ibis mail root
yeses 1 again•tf stein), and at length the gate
1 dta^e1 at hien blankly. wee reached. I saw at a glauee tilat
' t1 ;1st did you gay ?' 1 eked thoneh Wynne t t t 1' t 1 1 1
I ha•i it td Moulin 1t plainly euunSti.
le eS aptly the serine: tune ue repot/tad
OX.to it lila .,ache Worth;
level -crossing, and two trains, with
their f 1 acing;, freight of !nonan lives,
were rushing down upon each other
nearer to deeiruelion with every turn
, o +11 no a 115 i)05 , all( (a1:s 1-
thrnu7..11, arrusa the rails to the paints
of the Curren line.
(Creat Heaver) 1 •I had fornetten
•:i•:. me p.lietd lel• the 12.15 ex- which lever to. use ! A. m053.e1)t before
Itrees le a.;(1 tileu r'etr'eated 1.3003isaril a I allot, it as well as the pointsnlan
fetV et,el)a toward the gate. himself ; it 01" to sn.Ve 311y still 1 could
tri 1. Pail Sat 1.)opiiig 111 111111 Out of not r"coileet which of- these • shirting
• :-t :leo,(: men. hdwilderin'.3n1, the pall.- hall •IION it wee, Aud the train War
ed ; ih, ale net speak again, hat slid: rearing down ltpen me ; the ground
those human lives, (gent with its I (all:,
ou circles of loves, hopes, memories
joys, soxrotva--••?inked with other gold.
en eirclea in that ever.lengtheuitig
chain of humanity which rendes from
earth' to heaven as I thought of thein
all ---fathers, mothers, lovers, little
children—goutg ole their way cafe and,
unconscious, and J'omelnbel•ea what
might have' been, I fell on Any Imam
under the stars, and thanked God from
my soul, while the tears poured down
hay eheells like rain. . •
Then I rose and looked rotund.
There stood the little cabin, in its tiny
little plot of garden its Actor, as nsnial
operl. I felt a, ,siludderieg reluctai:ce.
to enter; but, putting • a strong cone'
straint upon myself, grossed the linos'
and approaebed the door.
A lamp belated eu the little table,
and there, with Ins back to me, sat,
Evan Wynne. A book was open be-
fore him, and he seethed to have fallen
asleep over it, for his head was lying'
on his 'folded arms. • 1311t before 1
tonclaed Minn, before I raised bis bend,
and turned his calm, dead .face to the
light, 11iuew he slept 'the sleep that
knows no waking.'
Yee, be svgs dead—strneh down by
heart disease in the prime of his tasty
than hood.
His body was not yet cold; probab-
ly life had .not loft it more than quar-
ter of an tlour or twenty minutes ; per-
haps bis spirit was summoned only a
few minutes before it first appeared to
There was nn ingnest, at which I
was the only witness. The evidence 1
gave amounted„011ie to the feet • thttt,
calling at the pniettnan's cabin. in the
course of a uig;bt walk, I lead found its
inmate dead. N9 accident having oe-
cnrved nn the line, it was taken for
granted that he had lived long emougll
to set the poi!) tot for the 12.15 express.
Het the belief tats uuoontredieted,
and until this day have never told the
story of my "Desperate Run.”
(co icLunisD.)
The particular Idea of smoothing.
iron known gutting tailors as a "goose"
came near upsetting tllo reason of a
bright young clerk and the proprietor
of Chicago tailoring establishineut one
day this week.
The manager wanted two of the in-
struments mentioned, trod so 'told the
clerk ; out eftor the letter had sat for
»Onto time Writing o)1 the order, he
looked up in a bewildered way nu.1
asked :
" What do you call the plural of a
goose ?"
"'Why, geese is the plural of goose,"
geld tele manager.
"Well. yon wouldn't have me write
an order for two tail(,r's geese would
"That doesll' sound hardly sensible
inthis •o ,
Its t1f1P • )
v sic u, replied the proprie-
tor; but bow wou'd is do to say 'two
;miler's. gooses ?'
The boy tnroed to the, dictionary,
and shaking his head. renlat•ked: .
',Webster doesn't give any snob 1.ln-
ral as that to goose, at,d 1• ain't goiug.
The eltitaatinll was growing dartger-
nus, W11011 the cleric soddenly set to
writing, wit.11 the exclil.ulatiou :
"Now, I'll fix it,"
And the outer, %tllieb he banded to
'be bead of the 11006( to sign, did fix
!t f.)r it read
Messrs.- Brown ar Co., hardware
dealers, Fifth avenue : Please send file
N(1. 1 tailor's goose, sulci—by the
Eternal—send lee another just like
.lilt further than this, the question
of what is the pineal of tailur'ii r;oolte
has not yet been settled in (bis 'towel
or any other that we know of. •
IsTenr' Life Warn 1 t Cents G "u$O1Cx TBOACCOS AND
f ickness prevails everywhere, and every. arraysin»tock.
AIIDINtx IUA1IJ.)T1 i 1, lr \Vlii'1'111,,
I3artsbors, Attorneys, Solicitors, Culu-
siol,(Wfl B. IL, tris, •
t lt'1' rule-11th11'Ox's 11 no Cit, S\'at03 brae t, St
Ion N 1'I,IIAtU)INa, 11). tr. HAhBTa'O. ILA .14.Wn1aYI
'111r 11TaDIARM1D,13.A.,
IR;tttltt,'t.'l:llt,;1O't'Altlt, t1ONYEY, CEiIt•
l 1+iSta11S. JONES & MOSCitI1'
tr• 13nrristora, .Atti>rnny8-at-Itlw, Soliuitc1•s
G III t t r , ('onvoyancars, C:onlrut,s(ouors in1311,
a 1,l t t orbs Pal>lto, SL, klarv's
W.G. iIOSC1ter.
u; 1''rott--lLuttan'a liln(tk,\Vutorst.,8c Mary's
. i -.wee ll dwr Proprietor. Titin Motel has
been newly tormented :Intl lifted no in ltrsa t Ines
style, Largo and (Orly, nteut Show )0 t,,, for
Colemereial Travelh'rs; best ofli3.i0r and vi'lars
at the liar. Attentive Hustlers u1wav on 11111(1,
ill 'll -3m. WILLIAM B.A1il;ll,
L`I IiANGEI). IIAN])S.--Tlie •noder:•.
»ig)te(tlttal'izu' Tented tilt Ilnffar1i,Ilo118a,0011-
trialht, for a toner, it Wi11 ho fon to I. a it-st-class ho-
tol, with every lwooluunedation'for the travelling
nubile, Convenient to the Station, (ootiLitiuos
and eignrs at the btu', Attentive llostiors.
11)31 v.
1) RIND 01? \VALES 11OT1i L,
max C(11'. es, SWARMS having purchased
tho above hotel, and fitted it throttt.hout, now of.
fora first -(.ass accommodation to travelers, (toed
liquor and oigars at the bar. (3 owl stabling and
attentive hos (ler on hand, livery attention paid
to ghosts.
ME/H0f 1
1 \R, CO\VIt:N. O.t''l' IClg — MAIN
Street, )lxt't:r, np-stairs, opposite Central
Hotel. Side entrance, ou the sotto—street lead-
igu to 13. C. Church.
1.:•'Or(lurs lift at I{lino's shoo store will receive
prolnnt attoution. 40-1y.
the College of Physicians and Surge0usei
Ontario, ,Zc., tC c.. 111ttiu Stroot, Exeter.
��t .11YND3\IAN.—COI1ONLI!
t110 Conuty 0f linr.,m 3'f3lco, next deet- to
A11'. i. Curling's store, l;xoter.
JW. BROWNING M. U., C. 31.
. P, 8, Graduate VictnriaUn'rorslty' Office
andresddouce. Dot pion Laboratuty,'llxotor.
J C. 11I OOl1 E . 1I . D. 0. 14 T.
.1_1:0 Graduate of .,lc(3ill University, a:entreal
Othceland residence , Exeter, Ont. (Vice 1 ours—
nto10aa, in and 7toPin.10
T ' R. J. A. ROLLI1rS, 11 I. Oe P. S.
O., Victoria S'. Crediton, O.$t Oillco hue) 3
r1e;BRIL rtY c, V370
P. FRAYay ti
has romol'n to his nolo shop, lately occupied by
Perkins tt (30—two doors north of d, t ring's book
store, whore you will fuel everything tl iulili'k0t,t
Ira Ors -Volans harness ootablishulout, 'n'1tia), for
quality of material autt slylu of workutanithip
Cult (111(1 examine my stock before purchasing
,rustPubitahed, in a scaled 3;1n'o1o)lo.
Price Fix cn11t»,
Alerture on the Nature, T'entaaout ,n11'Radi-
cal intro tlf'$eininit1WOILIuu> s of Spot:- ater••hlr-a,
iutluce,l by.si•lf-.Apure, Invulu:ltury Emissions,
Inliroteucy, Nery0ltc 1)81511tc, aud Ilnpot1iltleltts
to tmarrilai;0 gOuto•adli , ('ou»'00pti lir. 1 ilio poy,.
vual•13s Alen111111(1 Pill'»l('83 Itluaptleity,
33Y it(111i•:1tT J. CC1'LV1ai+N1+1LL,:U.1)., author of
the"Oleel, IMilk,".fie.
Tito .e•0; til t anointed autllnt in 'alis admirable
l,tv,tnl'o, clearly proves'iru,u 111s n,rn t>xi1orien00•
that the an h11 euns(gnoucos of a4,1f-.11»21er may ho
ofeetually removed ,citle1nt 1(18(1(eilln, 103(1 w1'k
outtluuhoruns103 icalnln'11(ious,1'3l(dr .i.ustll1-
nlenta;..inr3',3rotn',li'+ls: pailitin; 0113h uw(lo of
(intent ouco cel tcitt and effectual; by which every
Snirorer, no matter 81(3 3'111s condition may bp
tn14v earn himself olutaplr,privsrely au(1 rarlirally,
1 Chis 1 (.'tore rtillprove a boon to thousands
tat t3 t(1U(1Slt 1't1H.
sent, tattier goal, in a plain ouvolope, to any ad -
dross, On receipt of six cents, or two postage
3d( ren
TFIi7 Otriitenf I. 1>11•i'IOAL CO.
42 t1 uu st.New York.
P. C. 11 > x 47:60
ri a
00081101 eit'.et the ow 1!r1Ces nt width
.s & T. EISSZ T
areoffering their stocl. of
q� y LtI 1M. D.,
iJ • gill^.o tat his ru,idenc(i, iixetcr.
Exeter & Hensall
wh:R1aITY TrrnhtyCallege \tat •h(•1•CO3tlege which some f(1 of all the latest and improved
Puvsicians aud surgeon: Ont.. 11.00 liirktou• styles of Kitchen. Cook and Parlor 8t01'tr3,Milk
c ins, 1)11n», and pilin» of the 111ost approved
paattten, and everything in the line ; Also, a
cud selection of httn(taoltle
,t4 n cul, receives evoryatteution, and done
at the lowest figures.
Having opened onto. brunch ,sstabii.=illnellt
at Hon:tail, our friont!r t-1 that zeiglhburlt•rutl
can bo stlt)Ulicil ou t+,.- di101'Le1tL notice,
S. CA311?1;:1i;1.1L, PI:IOVtNCIAL
L� o Laud Surveyor, Ani,;, will le at tlw
li y.t] Inured, Exeter, on the first Tnrs,1r I• in each
Month. Orders f04' work left with Mr, Jaron
Swat ]meow win receive prompt attnnti nu.
t}A1i1t, Commisei0ner, Ini;nr-
£ L.• nice. Lame. awl. Loon agent. Office—
next .tnor torah ltova/ Hotel, u set.1. Wilsons
Hotel.1lennui t, tvcl•v:ttonda'}.
1)li1VATi;1('UN DS to loon at 8 per
A. (lent.
( rIU11TGAGE S BOUGH''.. .
\Ioneyloaned on goo(1l;0T18,
CONVEYANCIN(7 —.Deeds, Mort-
(; tens, Wills, &(,drawn on reasonable terms
'ASUN & HUDSON Ilene/ill, Out
Iireand LifeInsur1nc, 'n(1« cuvrttlComla1,(sei011
(dents, L�lsurlm1ce two-thirds cbea3>01 that, or-
dinary cost, Also money to hall on roasonai ie
terms. Proltlpt attention to orders per Snail
,r othel•lrise. I' .82 1 and Villu.ge prol'erty for
8-118 or to lease, \1Au A012 ( 500,3 business s'lu.ltds
.111,1113111 1 ctis.i 1121118511.
1031:11I3.$0X, 30S5.1'3313(1n1t 3],
• 0te nigsi0uer Conveyancer
William I- itching
'\Vlsllei.tuiiforu the public that ho ia•'bettol
prepared tuxahah tail keen.of
Sewing Machines, \Vatches
Clocks, G-ruis, (kc., than any
rtlicr person in the country, as
his charges are moderate, and
he guarantees to give Satisfac-
G)i°peer!esr GLonteotrof7au.
Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib
body complains of „some disease (la ing their'
life. When sick, the olj a:t is to not well : now
to say that n0 person n3 this worbi that is suf-
eriug with ))ytpepsia, Dicer (10hnlrlaint and,
its effcts, such aH Indigestion, (lostivt les;,
; ick Headache, Sour St r (1.leli Iieart Born,
Palpitation of the Heart, Ir%pr (s. ell Spirits,
E•y(;i, iLtrll 0lJ Thula, h1•ge:rt, itll!>loruu, shank under mw feet —the art' v."....ed. Bilionorletea, etc., can tak.'. (x(3 '3's AUto1•d'h•
c)tuul tutted Ills to u )e ' land 11le warn. I'nh2 ysla without gating' relief aud' cure. • If
S, Ae t shod there, fixed rand frazelil, you doubt this: go to your Urn;;•,+est and fret a
lag nand gaga, poiuteu 1owarnt the rail- for n third tirne the _Apparition lippe.a,r- Semple Bottle form cents and tly it. Iia1n-
'Way . 10 ole; • ler size 75 cents. Two. (la3;31 will roliave you,
eletelninicaily followii•g with my eyes It groat close to me ; painted to one
the dir,.0t1.)U of 111+ 11.1,401, 1 1uu110,1 of the levers, and Watt gn!'e again 1
a1C1 Odd the le ear to 111.3 hilt, a.htl saW, oe:yr;d tho oneindi0ete(l. and pnehe31, it
far. (ear 51L ((urea Li,hy' red spark's -613e d,,,vn, 8111 hold it, joist a the first
1(ahnee of Lots apl)ro.11ding trawl. wheels of the , entitle teetehed the
a ueu 1. heated, b, w.( Wynne was points where the rails branched off,
bulge. (Julie wuere 2 :Datum nit %teas Thera was a jerk, a shock, then the
the brtrrau lilt!(: garden, awittl /tot la train wetted smoothly •nrri'lnulfife
f -drub or bu-11 11igo euough to conceal ; (terve, :and, cite a shrill scream of tri-
p (11}60'8 lie are ; bcyuud was the uu• nln11h; rushed nr, its way.
.,ueed road, setu(ti•ig utter, 51)0 brood, 1101 just thele to enlarge file peinto
11 tee moue, retell lighted by` tee brilliat*L,',t ..,in when the other trein naassd.
Ll'1033. N; t a Uv1og (ire4L11,'6 ;Wee 4.4 i 1leattering a lbw trainH )larks behind
t; of1 d
sight, • int;. then there 'ryas silence ttntin, ori'
I eat fur a nlonleut likl3 ole stunned,the lonely line and moonlit moor. -
tb(n, udder the l•timu1ue of tL' sutlleleee ; Y 0151)11 a memot3t like ane. ea ft
&ciao, Wheel, quLEikeued Iny pnlbee lau(l dl'P(an3, then, •as 1' looked to richt hull
Het (1, 1 ll o'" uuilt'otibiltg, I threw enrag feet, After tine red lainds'of the,fteet db*.
,t1 jy teen' emir ,ciLU„ut waltatiil; uuothet' appearing tr nes, a 1 ,thought of all
Andrew Jackauu said that 'Napoleon stood
the man of his time, and that it would be five
hund.ted years before the earth produced bis
equal. It will also be five linadrecl years he -
fore the earth will predaoe a linitnont equal to
f-agyard'o Yellow Oil, For burns, brnitea,
wounds &e., it 011(1ot be rivalled. In rhen-
Schon' Bool18; Stationery; Magazines
WITH ALL THE 1,.4TErST 13011531
Y.B.-Sewing atactt11.t 1408e11es ofaVery
$50,000,00 .
At -auction, To catnulenee on '
Afot1Ci'ct,ya DC -3o 16, 11378'
@!' . '.•0. McGioughtin
within!, neuralgia, spinal complaints, 0,1„c., it of 1 h 1'lnnt4a.s street, London, will on the n1.)ovc
1 ditto, .osier bis whole stock, nntotulting to 0var
prrvow a messenger of messy. per sale by all `<'ifty.whousn.nd Dollars, at suction, tend continue
dealers, the snip every day al two o'eloak in the after-
unr.n atulat seven In the evening during the ine-
NatioualPi11s verify : the vary :fountain of un30 of :the month,—from tile lettere) to tho'Stst
!ifs. • Of'.ecember •
Tis ist li and t
ire largest a rest sten.. t}rat hrlHotsor
A LADY, i•11t11^_r Inclined to flirt, says most been offered to the public at their own prices;.
men a'a like a oold,very easily caatight,bltt vett' and es everybody knows, the goods aro of the
hard to 't rill of. It Is the oaafact matter ; ft best manufacture and oyory rarticio wtlI_ by tva1•s
rant0tt alto tone as if 113) �htA11 i13( *r(littt..t<y nay,
t'le. Weil to get rid' ore bold, , I..si•) IHAeY,111D'3 'rhiA is a rake chance to n5' nue gnarl and silver
1, iwro ur f.tLNAsl, the groat, Canadian remedy t0aresees,1ni1 jewelry, (docks, 3111ed ware and
for colds, eeag1is, hoars31(lasIll 0i101111A810 nakny tg$Auaiyourwnp toyooonla;p(4:v
all'ditseasesof t1w throat awl longs. For Sale„ yoarUhri t)nas and Ne ]friar's prononts.at this
byall,3,akirs, sale: 'yew.your;nlorio for,1hls,apotiotlS ttOft
,!`(,everishtu*0 in children is curn,l by prep• tnayo hlrou0j'. tiV halo(3X1ox1(•l itfI3
roan's Worm pOWder8. ne teetsstreet, Londb •.
Wonderful Discovery,
rilikESS iritLIR7
An Internal & Exceriialll
It cur's It'iontn'tisnl and 'Neuralgia tlrrh_
py Tnett.e--.
Rlllli141 1> llil- i �t lTlt 1 •-">2t. t1} it�R bn ( bel •
1 t 1» tl(c ,lulu -omen lun•'dy '�iL<::iuiati n;?^
3(II the A2neri an Continent, proved by others,"
soonits apt+ll ld it gites instant ease to thea
utlfnrtuli'itn ttife3er', *"1`tiprr4lii li iit,sulb>(l,
ne1,enitiatcrtt flit. cirri 1 0110 enters the eirc 1154
pry true neutralizing ,a11 lthl ln.µtie Polson 0111'3
rcnlating in the blood, awe ,xpehl+ it ftt.LltIll 1,''
system tit^oust the natural outlets.
,Tontll'elte, Earache, Headache, N eralia.3
'anioutuatisnl npraire Sweili ^,H. I»fiamsl ti,n ,
'Burn» Cuts,' I3r use s Pain in Skin, aeon in
Back, Pain in (11est,i'ainiln.bo 1,'er, Coughs,'
CrLb-,I rest Bites, (?1111('l,ius, Diarrhoua, l)ys
(rntery Stunner Complaint, &0 Co
it will mire. the most agonising pair, inter,,
na1of ext ,1 1 111 one, in;tonto time. I +xket3:
} (lir prej:iilict (tniY give 2t u trial al tlir"'•'lug i st i*
inert is small (31111130105 clot/lily The grocq
. secret of its 330000»» with 0.11(148es is owing
' to the fact it is safe and h.4tauloss, pleas', nt
3 to take, gives instant ease, and aan he applied 1
to la widerrange cif (11083(80 111. every (ley Bic1.
r -with greater. 33n8(0811 thatt any prcpuration'
''w111011 research: skill and"Medical rlotence
has at 1•C(IttC y.
Asa 1 ,poo o ' disease
f Its great Power over 11. 'rase
,ant' 311'1'0011 • no mutter who it Maybe, 1 lrli,:"
, orPoOr,(13(1 or Young, w130 is suffering (3,0-
11of the above mined pni21011 awe f boots ti
will call at the Wilco.. in T. r,>nto, anydl.y of
'.rtlio wook, 1vi11 get practit all proof "Free oft'
charge " of its magical power over Lain to ono
1 {aw,e...�+.we.4,em..n. 14.14.13144..),(.14.144.
Testi+nnni"1s frrrnall parts of tit D:vntmun
area ustalgtly 00111(104 t(* )und, '1ving (213133.18'
ion to tho most grateful. gratitude for 11•0•'3
0/11211311:g 4ittroa which it her, performed, and
W0 would bo 1,,Ioaaod to receive teetiul(rniltis
fro'nil others who n io it stone:441111 1y. . Ai
4• l hyetalites of the highoa . r.!spootability re
colnrnet>ti It its a- most iaff06311131 "id ',Westin, •
remedy" for the relief of Palin in oases of end.
Oeairy it to rynor 11010021, alis' it will prove ti
blossulgta you fanning atcl afflicted friends, ,?
Ilrugl,3•ta yeti 9±>lilug onoa;mota gnahtltloa oi.
itty' coverer inti dditeed, 1
""I cl a11a lf�o the= world to protrims Its n' err ,
I The Trade supplied :. tiLou lih� �o 11-eisen ii
1)rugnn(3,3'rytent slodioiue goop00 of fkfoutro=
ell, 102'01111011i-t-nflttiva 7l�on�'
Pace 25 Ce4ts� `er: Pohle !
t1cr'id'by all En •
�*pt. 19.1y."
chit ,