HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-6, Page 5V1:I;RUAD 1 G, 879 THE TIMES M STAR GROCERY, EXETER. TF[ORNIE &, FARMfR, Beg to give notice: that they have been appointed SOLE AGENTS FOR FENWICK'S CELEBRATED FLOUR, Evergone that has tried it, pronounces it the best in use, They will also have a large Stock of Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley, Corp., Oatmeal, Sae., 8cc. Try Fenwick's Celebrated Flour. STAR GROCERY, EXETER, Goods promptly delivered, o:0:o-----o.o:o THE DURATION OF TSE ASSE11iItiLY. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. DEAR SIR, --In a former letter of mine which you were good enough to pnblieh, I expressed the opinion that the present Legislative Assembly of 1 Ontario would be legally dissolved on ' the 2nd day of February instant, and could not ovist as a legislative body after that tithe. My opinion bas since been corroborated by most of the pro- minent legal members of the Conserva- tive side in the Local Parliament. Mr. Bethune, who is gouorally an excellent authority on all suell subjects, expres- sed an opinion founded on tlio 92nd section of tbo British North American Act, that the Laical House had power to enact a law to extend the duration of that body to an iudefiuite time. The wording of that section 'nearing on the point is as follows :- Seo. 92. " In oath Province the " Legislature may exolasively make laws " in relation to matters owning within " classes of subjects next hereinafter " enumerated, that is to say : " 1. The amendment from time to " time, notwithstanding anything in " this Act, of the Constitution of the " Province, except as regards the office " of Lieutenant -Governor." In the first plane, no amendmeub to the Constitution has been made, so that the law stands precisely as I inti- mated. In the second plaoe the word amend- ment has two different significations-- one an ordinary and the other a legal definition. In common parlance it might moitn adding, changing or omit- ting, but in law;,it means only the cor- rection of a fault., Now we will assume that it was used in the sense of changing, or alteration -what would bo the effect 2 Why, 'the whole British North American Act would be a dead letter ; not only could the duration of the Local House bo extended;but a body of Custom House officers might be established, imposing citifies on goods coming from one Pro - "ince into Mother ; a local postal and militia service instituted ; different weights and measures and a different currency adopted ;-in fact, the whole powers of the Commons of Canada invaded and its laws set at defiance. It would also give power to the present Assembly to further increase their in- demnity to any sum they chose and enjoy it for any time they saw fit. It is quite evident the amendment to the Constitution mentioned in the B. N. A. Act aas not intended to be used in this sense, but merely the correction of errors. Limiting the duration of Par- liament can by no special pleading be construed into a fault, but a valuable i,.lfeguard for the liberties and rights of the people. HURON. certified to by the nearest oolleotor of onstoms or Justioo of the Peace. The oustoms authorities here and at Winni- peg demand an invoice of all goods coming in bond, that they aro the pro- duce or manufacture of Canada. Yours very truly, J. E. PARR. . Emerson, Manitoba, January 27. .s• • A new Methodist church is to be ereoted on the 7th concession of God- erioh Township, near the Orange Hall. One night last week a number of drunken men, the majority of them be- ing known as members of the Melbourne gang, visited the tavern kept by Mr. Thompson in that village, and because he would not allow them to do as they pleased, they set upon and beat him, and smashed his furniture, glassware, &o. Warrants were issued by Squire Peters for the arrest of four of the par- ties, and on Satruday County Constable Pope, of London, took two of them into custody. They were bailed to ap- pear for trial. The constables are in pursuit of the ringleader and his accom- plice, both of whom are well-known in the vicinity as hard oases. CALL at the first Drug Store and procure a bottle of Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum for coughs, colds, &c. We recommend its pur- chase at Drug Stores of respectability, as there is an attempt to place in the hands of the pub- lic an article under a similar name put, up in a similar style, but of a white milky appearance -the gennine being of a dark brownish -red colour. It is a wretched imitation, and should be at once rejecied. WINTER'IN MANITOBA. Editor 1 taus,. DER SIR, -Probably a short sketch of the Manitoba winter weather in your columns might not come amiss to some who intend coming to Manitoba or the Northwest. Since the first of Novem • bar there has not been any weather that could ho called disagreeable. Near- ly all of November was dry and warm ; on the 13th the thermometer raised to 76, while in Ontario, I understand, you had it very disagreeable, with rain and any ama.nnt of mud. The latter part of the month the winter set in with a light frost, and kept getting colder until New Years (32 ° below zero), whiots was about the coldest that wo havi6 had yet. There has not been any raid .or thaw until yesterday, the 26th January, when it turned soft and rained a light shower all day. Now and then we have a light fall of snow, but I don't thick we have an inch to the foot that there is in some parts of Ontario. There is hardly enough to make sleighing. While those storms were raging in Ontario, no doubt many would pay, what kind of weather most there be in Manitoba and the . Northwest, when it is like this here, 'thinking at this time. that it must be a dreadful place, while at the same time it was nice weather. I will not attempt tosay anything about the country, as. I think Mr. Greenway and others have given au indisputable account of it. I will add a few words that, might be of nice to those :who intend bringing `took, fnaohinery, &e:, :into the oiitan. try. ]�art1ied brrndIng such articled would save themselves a great deal of trouble .by ' tusking an inventory or ip7oioe cif 'staid artielee,'.and boyo it Try our TEA, three lbs. for $1,00. Exchange Bank of Canada. MARRIAGES. DonrE-GILrrN.-At Granton, on the 22nd nit., by Rev. Mr. Barltrop, Mr. Adam H. Doupe, of Wiarton, to Miss Eliza Jane Gilpin, of Granton. SALE REGISTER. Monday, February'10.-House, lot and Fur - tare, the property of 0. Sims', Crediton. Oke & Hodgson, Co. Auctioneers. TIMI; TABLE, H B. R • GOING NoBTII, Mixed 8.05 a. m. Mail 3.36 p. m. Express 7.35 p. m. GOING SOUTH, Mail 8.49 a. In. Mixed 2.50 p. an. Express 6.25 p. m. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capital paid zap, DIRECTORS: M. H. GAULT President. THOMAS CAVERHILL, Vice -President A. W. OGILVIE, M.P.Y., E. K. GREENE THOS, TIFFIN, ALEX. I3UNTIN, JAMES ORATHEBN, C. R. MURRAY, - • - Cashier. GEORGE BURNS - Inspootor Exeter Branch. %GENERAL BANEING BUSINESS TRAN- SACTED. Money loaned to farmers on their own notes with good endorsors, Drafts issued on New York. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 5 per cent. interest allowed on deposits of one eller and upwards. OFFICE HOURS -From 10 to 8 ; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. W.A. HASTINGS, Manager. Exeter, August 22nd, 1878. 51-1v. $1,000,000 .nY.:I R 9[ E TS ALL WHEAT. White Wheat ... _. 88 to 0 85 Scott- ._ 85 to 0 86 ernfNG W AT Fife .- Red Chaff " ... Barley w - Oats .-. Clover Soot_..._.. ..... .. Peas ... Eggs ,.. Butter .- Flour per bbl. ._ Potatoes, per bag _. Apples per bag ... Dried Apples pr b... Flogs, dressed per ill Beef -. Hides 8beeper ins ,eaob Hay per ton - Onions per bush ... Lard _. Wool, per lb -. Turkeys per 1b........... Geese ' Ducks, per pair • ... 07580088 .., 070to075 040tof60 027to028 „...._.... ,: .. 3 50 to 490 _. • 048to052 _. ol4toti16 - ... 000to012 •_ .. 400to460 ▪ 075to080 75 to 0 80 ._ _. .. 006 to 0 07 _ -. 3 75 to 4 25 _ „• 500 to 5 50 • ... 500to600 50 to 100 _ ... 700 to 8 00 - _. 0 50 to 0 80 _ ... 005t0007 ... O20to021 ........ ....._.._....... 0 07 to 0 07 OO5to005 ._... 020to025 'VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE .-Abeau- tiful work of 100 Pages, Ono Colored Flower Plato, and 800 Illustrations, with Descriptions of the Bost Flowers and Vegetables, and how to grow them. All for a Five Cent Stamp. In English or German. Tho Flower and Vegetable Garden, 17e Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hundred engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers ; $1.00, in elegant cloth. In Gorman or English. Viol's Illustrated MoathlyMagazine- 82 pagos, a color- ed Plate in every number and many fine En- gravings, Price $125 a year ;Five copies for $600. Specimen numbers sent for 10 cents. Vick's Seeds are the best in the world. Send Five Dont Stamp for a Floral Guido. containing List and Prices, and plenty of information. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N.Y. It HENSALL MAH8ETS. White wheat..._ $ 89 to 8.5 ed wheat 089 to 084 spring wheat 0 75 to 0 78 Barley 0 50 to 0 75 Peas 0 50 to 0 62 Oats 029 to 0 28 Hides 50080560 sheep skins 0 75 to 1 00 Hoge............ 325 tts 350 Butter ............................................ 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs 0 15 to 0 15 Wool 022toC24 ' ST. MARY'S (Reported regularly by A.Gulbralth.Clerk. Delhi wheat, per bushel 0 85 to 0 88 Sprin3 wheat..... 0 70 to 0 77 Barley 40 to 0 60 Oats Peas 60 to 0 57 Potatoes per bag...-. ...........q0 70 to 0 80 0 27 to 0 291 Apples " 0 50 to 0 75 Beof per lb 0 04 to 006 Mutton' C05to007 Pork per cwt 8.60 to 865 Eggs, per dozen 0 10 to 4 19 0 10 to 0 38 Turkeys ................................... 0 60 to 1 25 Geese •0 85 to 0 60 Dunks pair, 0 40 to 050 Chickens" 09/1 to f1 90 Bides 7001be 5 00 to 000 Wood cord. 240 to 800. Hay ..... .....::...............................-000 to 800 Wool 0 23 to 029,1 Mheepakins.................._..._0 50 to 0 75 EXETER KNITTING FACTORY. J The undersigned would inform the public of Exeter and surroundrn4 country that he has re- moved his Knitting Factory to the building one door north of ldr. Richard Davis' Blacksmith shop ahcl thrit he will keep oonstantly on hand. Gents, Ladies' and Children's Stookings.af every descrip- tion. Partios may havo their Stockings, Mitts, &a. knit to order on the shortest notice, A largo sup- ply of Berlin wool of ever! color on hand. Finger - mg yarn kopt in stock. Also a large stock of the best Canadian stocking yarn kept constantly on hand. Price for knittiug men's Books, 12t cents, ladies' stockings, 14 cents, children's 120s cents per pair. W. A. CANFIELD Main street, Exeter. Butter PAINTING R A .INTI N G rrrH0 Ie prepaioa to da -al $fids at lions d Painting, Paper -hanging Hening, at r.i onsblepprieea,atltf p'ottutgNll7K . r J. BITOFILIto. ¥iiA•Ai„� NOTICE. !Teas! Teas!! Teas!!! -AT-- :o o: - All Parties indebted to Dr.Browning will oblige by calling at once and settling their respective accouts without further notice,as circumstances compel him to ask im. mediate payment. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM- PANY, OF LONDON. JOSEPH TF FFERY, President, ALEX. JOHNSTON, Vice -President. SAVINGS BANK BRANCII. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS. THE Ontario Loan and Savings Company are prepared to receive deposits in the sum ;d $5 and upwards, at the rate of SIX PER Cl ANT. per an- num, FOR fixedperiods, or Five per cont. on de mend. All investments of this company are se- cured by mortgages on Real Estate, which affords to depositors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits. For further particulars apply by letter, or at the eines of the Company. Jan. 30-3m. WM. F. BULLEN, Manger. O'BYRNE S Co., In retnrning our customers our sincere thanks for the very liberal support which has been extended to us for the three years we have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE REMOVED To our New Store, next door to Samwell & Pickard's, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our Customers. We have added largely to our stock, and our prices will be found lower than any House in the Trado, and the quality of the goods equal to the best. We would call your particular attention to our -stock of Cooking Stoves, which is designed specially for Farmers' use. The castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the hoat,and the prices and ;terms of payment will be found very reasonable. O'ErYT1E c94 Co,, Next Door to Barnwell & Pickard's, Main street. GRAY'S SPECIF0 MEDICINE. TRADE MARK.Reiuedy,TheGroatEannglisbTRADE unfail MARK _.. .F.; ing euro for Semi- nal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Di Imposeatesenscy, andthatfolan - low as a sequence of Self. Abuse, es lose of Memory, Universal Lassi-0r Taking Before Taliingtnde, Pain In the . Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, an many other Diseases that lead to Insanity � or Consumption and a Premature grave. ra"Fuli particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. 1t"Tho Specific Medicine is soldby all druggists at 331 per package or six packages for $5. or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by n.dciressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., WIND90I1, ONT., CANADA. rH-So1d in lexeterby an druggists, and every- where.in Canada and the United States by whole- sale and retail druggists. HAY PUMP WORKS Exeter, Jan. 22nd, 1879. 0 0 0 fie' Ca i --a r-4 14g4 PeA rimO .4 wozi FFF., cd z o e" ° �'� Q"" m H 5 Aa •'.� y _ a g sirs E°omor°oopmaQo°o dpi= a~ a� ID.S;y o oa am'�•ao„� vimo-waimo5p,1 r~mc°�wUyd:° 04,1 m- b.n q of 2" es 7. 8 r3 Ft g P -re°' - .' e -7 ' m . 1-4 ss4 ib>a 4p PI a c7oo iS pyo m 0 o'C� m w a 'to Ship Grocery. r cr4E. ti7Pi ICER'S, Try our 50c. Tea. NEW FRUITS JUST ARRIVED (very cheap) 11 lbs. splendid coffee sugar for $1.00. Choice syrups. Don't forget our 20o. Vinegar, and cheap amp. No trouble to show goods. tt. & E. SPICER, TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFIC'. Marble Works. TEA I TEA I : - TEA I TRY MY 75 ot. TEA I TRY MY 50 ot. TEA I 1 Every satisfaction. SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDIED PEEL. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS. FLOUR & FEED IN CONNECTION. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. Goods delivered to all parte of the Village: Agent for Great Western Sts'hp Co. Now York to Bristol. C .A.PT 1E1G1412, ST. II kRY'S LIMEWORKS. Q. BOLTON, • PROPRIETOR. Having now greater:Yaotlittes for manufacturing' pumps than any other factory In the section I am prepared to furnish pumps and dig wells on the shortest notice, and warrant all work. My.pitmpw • have taken the FIRST PRIZE AT TIIUi FALL SHOWS' against many competitors. 1 Dari reeonmenrb them, and Sell as cheaplas any second rate. article t. W. 13.14i.&111 Nh1111 OFALL IC'1FNn1511)011B W S.,BOi.TOli- tat, bhop=Ono-snarler mif north of .lettotir London Road. Hay P. O , . 161,440, Aug.soli, 1898: ' tiara. :0: W. D. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES, FURNITURE TOPS, &o. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. 5 Doors North of Drew's�Hall, Main street, ,4�AX.ri.I ��T.6,i. curd`doperation and sningouaiyaLargoquaity LIKE that for all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domain. ion. Rartfeetrom a distance can always berr ♦DD11od either at the kilns or dol.iyord by teams al law est remunerative rates. Orderafrom a &Islaase promptly attended to: WHITSON & SOLATEB. DO NOT READ THIS NEW BLACKSMITH AND GENERAL ,I3ROIINGSROP,RERALL. -0- Having my now shop now in full blast, I would In- form the public that I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith tug, including repairing of till kind. of Agricultural Mnohinery, such as Reapers, Mow, ors, Threshing Machine, and Gorse Shoeing will receive my careful attootion. B orgies that inter- fere, and having tender fent treated in the most approved manner, and satisfaction given. aving received a lot of. new mnehlnery, I Li would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to mann fanture all kinds of 'Verse Balms, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles; Snaiths, ole, and having Secured the services of a 'firet•class Turner, 1• am prepared to do , ALL K1 DS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I'dofy competition.: Always on.hand' a Bret- olass•etoot: of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill hilt s mile snob of Dzsior. 'COTTELL Charges Moderate. I have on hand all kirds of Agricultural Imple ments from the Massey Manufacturing Co., New castle. • r 'Remembor the place -First shop west of the Post Od ice, Hensel]. WVI.'vA•'DO. MILLINERY MISS GARLICK., Ras now in stook a complete line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEAT)I.Ii;RS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, Honiton Lace, Braids Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c. m.Jackets out and made to order. MISS GARLICK, Main St. E toter, _t,xeter N ortY1 FLOUR aD.d GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every accorio dation possible in gristing and flouring. Flour and mill feed delivered to parties laving their orders before ono o'clock at J. BELL'S Isakery, or ;;O'BYRN E & CO'S, or at mil same day„ TERMS c�ASH. --0-- W M. 7 Z. NW I O 1E, EXETER p1 0. Michigan Lands For informati..n concerning the PINE AND FARMIKG LANDS in CENTRAL MICHIGAN, for sale by the Flint and Pero Marquette Railway Company, address WM. L. WEBBER, Land Corn's', EAST SAGINAW, MICH. A. DAY to Agents canvassing for the FIRESIDE VISITOR• Berm and Out- fit Free. Address P. 0. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. 20/1Aare and Beautiful chrome cards, with name 10c., postpaid. Goo. I. REED & CO, Nae4aa. N.T, 25 Styles mootlovoly caids' I ever sold, with name, l0 cue, J B Hosted, Nassau, N Y 25 Chrome Oards, &c,0up[ds, Mottoes, Flowrrs 44 No tnoo stile, with name, lOo Nassau Card Co., Nassau, N Y. 25 Chrome Dards, New. Styles,withnamo, 10 ate id 6PENOEn RG OO., Naesan N, T, 30 Fanny Cards, Chromo, Snowflake, Act, no 2 alike with name, •10 ors, J, MIN1U IIA Go Nassau, N 40^mixed cards, with name, 10 cents Agents ontliat 10 ata L JO NES & Oo Nassau N AT THE Standard Sash Door d Blind FACTOR 't, it constantly kept on hand, all kindle of butid'nS material. Flooring hard and soft, Siding Mee A no am, sold cheap. Tinning :fleeing and Turning t promptly Attended to.t 'i31ILDINGS CONTRACTED FOE, end satisfaction an • nrnnte8.d. AA 'W6 have of hand a large etook•of dry lumber, we teat tars satietving tho.o wuu may S oma ive us a eai1. . ,. BOSS.BROS. 3i TAYLOit