The Exeter Times, 1879-2-6, Page 44 THE TIMES The Molsons Bank. dYQ4AP011AT1CD B AQT OP PARLIAMENT, 1855,.. Capital,, $2,000,000. _ heft, $400,000, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, Jour; kWLsox, ETA., .. . - - Bresident, How. Txouaa WORKMAN, Vioe•.Fres,, 'i' .1 CLASTQN, 'Woo -Pres Sun Mutual Ins Co lieu D L Macpherson, Senator, R W Shepherd, Pres Ottawa River NTavig Cq Herat o Nelson, M P P, Miles Wil ams, P. WoL$AAsTAN Tuomas, Esq., - Cashier. M. HBATON, EBQ., - - . . . . rn vector. Exeter Frarxca. HENRY 0, BREWER • • MANAGER, LOANS TO FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their o;c , promissory notes with one or more good en- dorsera. No mortgage required as seourity. SAVINGS BANK DFTABTMPNT 5 par cont, interest allowed on deposits, Gold and currency drafts bought:and sold. tor noE=hang ebought and sold, Collections made in all parts of tho Dominion, an 1 returns promptly remitted at ,lowest rates of exchange. Exeter, August 15th 1878. e•nl fipart NNW he refeij 'inngs. TIIUItSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1879. THE SALARY GRAB. Our formerly jovial, but latterly ex- ceedingly sour -tempered friend, Mr. Bishop, a gentleman whom the gods smiled upon four years ago, and per. rnitted to be elected to represent South Huron in the Local Legislature, has been making a speech upon the Salary Grab. In doing so he has gone out of Lie well -beaten and familiar track, which lies in the direction of education ; but it is not to this departure from a duty that requlres all his time to do it justice that we wish to draw atten- tior, but to a few of his remarks made in his impotent and lam defence of himself and the Mowat Ministry in the matter of that infamous transaction which is known to the righteously in- diguaut and greatly overburdened tax - 1 ayers of Ontario as the " Salary.Grab." LIr. Bishop is reported to have said that the ones of the blame lay upon the shoulders of some of the leading members of the Opposition ; and fur• thermore, that, coached by a higher authority outside the House, the Oppo- sition had demeaned themselves by makiug a motion which the Govern- meut had intended to introduce some time during the session. If Mr. Bishop Icuuws so much about that grab as he preteuds to know, and no doubt he is frilly cognizant of all the circumstances couuected with the shady affair, he is fully aware ot the fact that the proposal for the iucrease first emanated from the Government side of the House, and that the Government were just as allx- itus as any one of the signers of that notorious document, the round robin, that the prayer of the petition should be granted. Why ? it may be asked. For this reason, that the Government themselves were not above outraging public decency and plundering the tax- payers of the Province, and this petition from the members gave then the op- l+ortuuity of filching from the public chest without having their actions too closely scrutinized by the members of the House. But they kept their own counsel at first, deeiriug that all res- ponsibility should be assumed by the members, and, with the object of com- lrsaaiug the ends they had in view, at the inception, as honesty and faithful- ness to their trust would have prompt- ed thein to do to the end of the chap- ter, they frowned upon the scheme and declared they could not briug them- selves to sanction it under any eiroum- stauces. These custodians of the pub- lic funds were too true to the iuterestd of the country to permit a robbery of which they were to receive no benefit. It was finally suggested as a compro- mise by one who had been taken into the coiltideuce of the Government, that the ordinary Miuistere should also re- ceive as a sop thrown to Cerberus this $1800 indemnity and the Premier $1,000 as an increase to their salaries., This prupoeal acted like magic on the stubborn 1linisery, and their tong to• wards the " gr'abbeih" underwent a change no less complete than remarka- ble. Tlie iu'opoeal was accepted, ash] haritorly reigned Caine more in the Council chambers of the country. The Government, however, and especially 1Lt. 1lowat, true to their inetittet, did net intendto allr'w the golden upper - Wilily to pass unimproved. They ,did ot prepoee to. 'accept the additional FgBfatly 6, 1370 pittance the members were willing to allow them, and accordingly they di. reeled that $6,600 for the Premier, $4,500 for the other Ministers, and $800 aeasional allowance for the mem. hers should be placed in the eupple• meitary estimates. This was a genu- ine surprise to the members of the House, and a 'violation of the grabbing compact, bat they had begun the plun- dering and could not kick against this disgraceful act when the Government beat them at a game of their own ohoosing ; and though some of them grumbled at the sharp trick played by Mr. Mowat and his colleagues, they had not the courage to bring the ques- tion to a vote, and thus was consum- mated the most barefaced piece of public plundering even perpetrated in the country, in which our honorable member participated, and by the eon. quenoes of which he shamelessly boasts his willinguees to abide Now, we would ask the high-minded gentleman who bas the honor to repre- sent this riding, was the Opposition responsible for that act on the part of the Ministers ? Their ease stands thus : a number of the members peti- tioned the Government for an inoreaee in the iudemnity ; the Government give them no encouragement until they are included in the steal vat a certain increased rate (this to mark the dis- tinction between Ministers and private members rather than as an infallible sign of superior ability) ; the Govern- ment are admitted to the plot, and then do—what ? Make their own salaries much larger than was agreed between them and the originators of the grab, but leave the indemnity of the mem- bers as agreed upon. If the Govern- ment or any member of the Assembly for them, even the brilliant genius who sheds unfading lustre upon South Huron, can show that the Opposition did this naughty piece of work whereby the Government were enabledeto line their pockets, well, they are entitled to their salaries for their cleverness. We fancy. that no excuses or explanations which they can make will avail to cleanse their besmirched reputations. The fact that they increases their sal- aries and draw their pay quarterly in advance with;rnarvellous regularity is evidence against thein of too damning a character to admit of any doubt as to their guilt. With referenoe to the silly twaddle that the Mowat Government Intended to introduce a measure cutting down the salaries all round, and that in view of this intention, the Opposition were guilty of au unmanly action iu moving for a reduction, we have only this to say. What is the object of having n Speech from the Throue ? What is it supposed:to imitate ? Is not the Gov- ernment legislation of the session al ways foreshadowed therein ? Are not all important Government measures particularly alluded to ? And is not this reduction considered by the people as the most important reform that could be inaugurated ? Certainly,from the Governor's address, and from no ether ducuhnont, must the,people gather the intentions of the vetn- went. That lays down the Govern- ment programme for the session ; any thing outside of it is legitimate ground for private members to range. But the Speech may be read from the first inane seutence to the last, and not the remotest reference., disguised or undis- guised, will be found to any measure of the nature indicated, It is alt very well fur the Government and their supporters to net up a howl of anger when they pinched, but all their howl- ing and all their declarations that they intended to reduce the 1.ndemuity, will not convince the people that they do not care more for squeezing the goose that lays the golden egg than for the interests of the Proviuee, or in any way mitigate the severity of the een- teuce that will be passed upon them when they appeal to the people to pass judgment upon their sine, upon the detestable " grab," and upon their wretched misgovernment, wild extrava- gance and reckless prodigality with the substance of the country. We hope for the credit of South Iluron that Mr. Bishop will never again make himself ridiculous by uttering snob outlandish rubbish. THE VACANT SENATORBHIP. The Government seem to be very dilatory in the mattes of appointing a Senator to emceed, the late lamented Senator Macdonaldin the repreeenta. tion of the Tecumseh Division. We have before' urged the claims of Mr. Isaac Carling,, cf this town, upon the consideration . of the. Gaveretneui, and war alyaiu advert' to the•subjeot for the purpose of .renewing our; plea on his behalf, We do not know What 'Mr.,. Ci>,rlinithinke•of the mattii, ire docot even know whether he would be willing to wept the honor,, but we do know that he above all othersrie entitled to it; There is Come talkofthe elevation of Hon. Ieaao Buchanan, of Hamilton;. but while we have gentlemen in the District who are capable of filling the position and posseseing claims as strong as other men, they should not be passed over for outsiders. Mr. Carling has been a resident of the Teoumeeh Division for a great number of years, has been identified with its progress since a great portion of it was a wild- erness, and represented this riding in the first Parliament of the Provincial. Legislature ; so that if any one has prior claims to the honor of represent- ing the .Division in the Senate it is he, and upon him we hope to see the honor conferred. WE would suggest the first of April as an appropriate day for Mr. Mowat to hold the Ontario elections. MR, PATRIcx HUGHES, the Reformer who practised " Dome along Johnism" in a style that Maddiver himself would have envied, :and managed to defeat Mr. Plumb in Niagara, has been un- seated and disqualified. Every dog has his day, but Pat's was a very short one. Ma. BISHOP, our talented representa- tive, broke down utterly when attempt - i ig in his speech at Hensel', to defend his participation in the salary grab. No wonder. Conscience and cowards. After the elections he'll be like's Grand- father's Clock"—stop short, never to go again. THE Mitchell Recorder has a very correct estimate of the Globe's reputa- tion for veracity. Its quotations from the Ottawa correspondence of the lead- ing journalistic opponent of the N. P. are prefaced by the pregnant proviso : " If the Ottawa correspondent oan be depended on." " This in the house of its friends." IT is a most remarkable fact that every Socialist, Nihilist, Revolutionist, Evolutionist and Atheist is rt Liberal or Reformer or Radical, whichever of those synonymous terms is the most aeoeptablo. Every social and political evil which afflicts the Universe is the offspring of so-called Liberal teachings. Mn. Basra*, threatens to batter away at the Education question in the Local House. He is said to contemplate the malting of a motiou to have Euclid studied a little less and geometry a little more in the public school. This, he believes, would obviate the necessity of crossing the dreaded pons assinorunt. Mr. Crooks has kindly promised to give the suggestion his earliest considera- tion, and Mr. 13. rejoices at having ac- complished sornethiug for the $3,000 and niileage be has drawn during the past four years for twenty-four weeks of mental labor. Baronet papers throughout the coun- try are showing a praiseworthy spirit of enterprise in publishing the chauges which the manufacturers demand shall he made in the tariff for their benefit. It might, however, be advisable to accept these lists cube grand Balis, as Reform papers are never at a loss for facts" upon which to fouud grievan- ces. It appears a little strange, to say the least, that the newspapers opposing the Government should have been fav- ored avored with Government:inforfnation in preference to the papers which are friendly to the Administration. A LUGUBRIOUS wail ascends from the St. Marys profs over the deolining prosperity of the Stone Town, and the serious loss ite trade has sustained during the past year. While admitting that Exeter has absorbed a large pro• portion of the leakage, onr ovutempor- ary tries to console itself by fondly hugging the delusive idea that the retrogression is caused by the market fees imposed by the town and the toll- gate rates collected by the adjoining Township oI Blanslhard. If our friends in St. Marys were courageous enough to face faots, they would discover what the farmers know, that the lose to their trade is attributable almost ‘entirely to the establishment of a market in Exe- ter, where the farmers for matey miles around, who formerlymade St. Mary's their market town, find a more eonven, lent, place to dispose of their produce andat remunerative priest'. . We feel Berry for old age decrepit and 'Mcrae fore sincerely pity Bit. Marys in Iter infirmity. JUDGING trona a few remarks made in his last issue anent the Vardenship, aur esteemed l3eaforth contemporary ie displeased beoauee a majority of the members of the County Counoil should have had the bad taste to think that Mr. Hayes, Reeve of MoI£illop, would make a better Warden than Mr. Gib. son, Reeve of Wroxeter. In effect, the Council are told that they bad no busi- ness to choose Mr. Hayes before Mr, Gibson, We have a shrewd suspici>n that the real pause of our contempor- ary's " kicking" eie to be found in the fact that Mr. Hayes is a Conservative, while his ausncoessful opponent is a Reformer (?) and a brother of •Mr. Thomas Gibson the member for East Huron in the Local. With its nenal Pooksniffian tactics our contemporary endeavors to conceal the motive which prompted his interference, and advan- ces the plea of long services, cryo., on behalf of Mr. Gibson. But this is a trifle too diaphanous to be aooepted. The boot pinolies because' Mr. Bayes is a Conservative ; fors;the Expositor feels constrained to oonfess that the new Warden will discharge the duties of the position with credit and honor. In view of this confession the protest of our contemporary is officiously inter• meddling and uuoalled for, and an impertinent intimation to the Council that they eauuot manage their own affairs. When the Council desire the advice or sanction of our contemporary in regard to matters which concern themselves alone, and with which they are quite competent to deal, they will no doubt appeal to His High and Mighty Insolence; but, until then, he would do just as well not to interfere in matters that, outside of their politi- cal results, do not affect him in the slightest degree. General News. The Czar's physician, it la said, has recommended the burning of all the villages where the plligns has broken out, together with the furniture, and the removal of the inhabitants to more healthy districts, 'The English Government are consid- ering the steps to be taken in the mat- ter of the cattle which has broken out among Anierioau cattle. healers gen- erally seem to think ;that there is no cause for alarm. , A few days ago, Mr,.W. W. Paine, of Glencoe, was shot at while returnine with his hearse from a funeral in the vicinity of Newbury.. Eleven shots were fired at him, he says, one bullet passing close to his ear, and another broke one of the panes of glass in the hearse, 13etween two and three o'olook ong morning lately an enormous meteorite fell in Michigan. It is said to hale been like an immense ball of fire. The darkness was made light as uoondny, and a terrible explosion followed its appearance—or disappearance, no one seems to know which. A night watch- man in Traverse City saw it explode, and says that it flew int() minute pieces like star dust. The one thiug that all agree upon is the explosion. This was beard with - equal clearness and with like effect thirteen utiles south of Tra- verse City and twelve miles east. The effect was of an earthquake shook. The houses were shaken, windows smashed, and dishes rattled •upon the shelves. A swaying motion seemed to be given to the buildings as an upheaval and set- tling back. Several days ago it. was reported that an oyster schooner Adamautine, bound from Potomac River to Balti- more, had been lost in the bay. Her owner, Mr. Thomas Moore, received information that the schooner had been found sunk in the bay, between Kedge's Straits and Smith's Island. Her cap- tain, Horace Baker,' of Philadelphia, was tonna lashed to the top -mast, and the bodies of nine Men, oomposing her brew, were found lashed to the deck, which was several feet under water. The names of the crew could .not be learned. The inhabitants of Smith's Island saw the wreak on the morning of January 22, but owing to the rough weather were unable. to get out to it, although the captain. Was seen signal- titrq from the toy -utast whore he paw la41)cd. L) st S. CAMPBELL, PROVINCIAL • Land Surveyor, &o,, will Le at the 11 •yal Hotel, Ere tor, on the first Tuesday in earth mouth. Orders for work left with Mr. Jobb dpaokman will reeciveprompt attontion. LAKE, Qoan issioner, Itlenr. � • once, Land and Loan Agent. Officio— next floor north Royal Hotel, tl xotor. vVilioni Rotel, Heneart, every Monday, 13RIVA.T.6 FUNDS to loan at- 8 pepi ,L • Cent. , lY1OBTGAtIttS f3f►'CJGI>'C. Money loaned on good•NOTEB, CION;TEY'ANCI;!1( —e,Deedri, Mort. V Cayei, wine, dot, drawn en reasohsbl, torn. oOBDWQOD FOR SALE. Three Hundred Cords mixed wood for sale, in large or small quantitios, at 75 cents per cord, on Lot 15, eon. 6, Stephen. Terms dash. Apply on the premiees to JOHN MITOHELL, Se FETTER TPAN BPER Co (sucoeseors to G.13. Smith) ?dr. Duncan Henderson (of the wholesale tum of 0. 13, Smith and Henderson, Toronto) is now in the European markets buying our retail spring stock for St. Marys as well as aur wholesale stook for Torolto. Our wholesale firm is soMiug us goods now at loss than manufacturers' Priem because they are masiuv a grand wholesale sweeping clearing sale before stocktaking. . and therefore our ousto iors gat their goods the same us if they wore buying direct from a wholesale house, A large shipment of goods to hand this week, NowFrosh Goods arriyiug almost every day, a living stream pouring in and pouring out. all the time. Goods retailed at wholesale prices Lock at them, see them and handle them. . Tho prise tolls and ovary customer is not afraid to toll the prion, We ars dototminod to sell! sella sell!!! It must be done and It will ho done, Soe our Canadian Tweeds at 85, 40 and 45o and one that is chomp a') 75a. at SO0,por yard which kills an opposition,. Twilled Gray Flannels for 15e. Plaid, Factory Flannels for 17o. per yard lase than the maker's price. Nice plain and fancy Dress Goods from 8, 30, i31 and ISe. up. Nothing to beat them in tho market. All wool heavy French Otwhmoros and Morinoos, splendid value, for 75c,, now 50a. Winooys at prides that astonish ovary one who sees them. A 820. Wincey for 15e., and all the way down from that to So. per yard, equally chew Mantle and Millinery Department running in full blast and doing splendid, Mantles and Jackets in stock from 75c. up to; 08. Such value has never boon offered in this market. See theca. A Nice Fur Muff, Silk Lined, for el, r HITE & C 0.9 successors to Q.B. Smith. St. Ii tart's. EATTI £ 'S sILE 'WA RM-10USE LONDOI':, . You will,fiud the Largest as- sorrtment of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking under the management of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting th© latest and most Fashionable Stylus of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No-' tire. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. EATTIE 140 flundas St, London LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF Royal mail Steamships. The favorite route between Canada and Great Britain. FrIrrTESd SF.D3t^1ZE. THE PERUVIAN will sail on Feb. 15th. Shortest sea passage. For speed, comfort; economy and safety aro equal 2 any other Atlantic Line, and being a Canadian Line,shoule bo patronized by all Canadians. For particulars as to passage or parties sending 'tor their friends, apply to. CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. Fa shionable Dressmaking. Dresses cut and made to order , —DY— NE S XMRS. G. ROSS, Main treat, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFFICE. 'JOHN HOLDAO, Ras just commenced business one halt mile West of Dashwood, and is prepa•ed to oleate Cloaks, W atohee and Sewing Maobinee, Um- brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at- tended to. Those in want of bii services • alionld give him a call before goif.g away from home. Charges moderate and entirssatlstec. tion guarnloed. THE FALLANI) WINTliat TRADE ei. IScruthoott dtc TAILORN and CLOTHIL1c$,' Vika to form the innr►bitantsoI it;etre add inrronnding country that they have. jars (Timed out en exoehentaisor mentor T+,eeeda, Coatings, Venting, oto., in Ilia isbest stsler andpatterae,iad tial *mama that intntlin altar di ofotrlfng„finer eau fats um atoittaittdidclatsitei.