The Exeter Times, 1879-2-6, Page 3t 1 VelDieUABY 6, 1?379 THE lIUBBER.STAUP FIEND. / was bitting comfortably in the parlor ,enjovitae it fragrant Havana. My wife lind gone out for the day, Rua therefore 1 was mijoyiteg the aforesaid prescribed luxury. I iota just brought myself te believe that the Silver bill was fl titiemeial svouess„ awl Ws just about to tide Talmage's views of Hell and Ohicago, when I hear a timid. tap Many of our prominent street corners at the door. Thinking it was one of are only stare ways. ' • my wife's latly friends terve to make .ft call 1 answered with all possible haste. It was not one of my wiles lady friends. It' was a tall, ang"I" man 01' abmIt boon following the sea for year. WIT AND HU11.011. dropper--Satart. A drunken aborigine is a native in— gin. • Coffee is goode It's no.tea, bat ib's Ill0B. Song of the dry.good olerk-"S wing- ing in delaine." Brevity may be the soul of wit, but poetry is the sotel of Whittier. Theletter D is truly "an old salt— forty summers, and more winters. He was attired in a tight fitting cutaway, out attheelbows. He wore a thirteen - century has of hat class onmmouly known as a " stove.sipe." • His pants 4, were very muchly 'bellied at the bottoms, and were mnoli too short for lam—disclosing- very advautageously 1, to view a No. 12 gaiter. His poet was buttoned np to the chin.; leaving a casual ole:erver very muph in doubt as to whether he had on collar --or a shirt, for that matter. Ho was daubed from head to out with bright carmine ink. " Good morning, sir 1" he said, in silvery ttmus. [It was five o'clock iu the afternoon. j Nine tiny 1" What fruit do you resemble while ridiog cola jackass? A. pear. Six. iuto four yon can't, is what the vendor of shoes said to the fashionable lady. .A Northwestern Iowa newspaper re. maated that is we unlooked for. Oerbaioly ''took its name from Alinib the first inan who built a house. ' reoeitive, wait ; comparative, waiter ; superlative, get it yourself. A. lady jolting about her nose said"1 had nothing to do iu shapingit. It was a birthday present." • Benjamin married Ann. She was - benefited and he was animated.— [Bat '' Good iifternoon, sir!" I answered it str Dos rts that the parson dune the job and toot Ben.—Ooare. Purses are worn much lighter this year than for eoine setteons Striped stockitigs do not come as high et a fiat 1 as last season—in price we mean. A. mar calls a pulpy after him by whistling, bat a girl hits ouly to wink at 01 e. A little girl with alis inumps said her headache had slipped dowa iuto her nook. What is the difference between a tramp and a hoe 2 One longs to eat in forbidding tones. " I have a seieutifie invention here that I would like to show you'—tfuue bling in his pockets.] " Don't want to see it 1" He milled fione one pook piece of something covered with the Name brilliant color that bedecked hie pereon. From auother he palled a Hal, Land strap. '13eidainin Franlcliu may have had 1:is kite; Dams Green may have had ts tlyiug inachiue ; George Waubiug. ton may have had his little hatchet— but the man who invented this had his Ana the other eats too long. hides Patent :Electric Unconibustive Orieutel Rubber Lan 1 -Stamp.' Por what does it profit a man if he Theu he began. Ile stamped it on win twenty small bets and loose one :the new wall paper ; on one of toe copies of Hogarth which had cost me .$27.20, (itud I got it cheap,) complete - ay milling ode of the Hudibras plates. " Nice things for marking hooks 1 Marks lioneu hotter thee anything ever ;before in..ventedr Then he stamped it on my shirt- front. Ho stamped the family Bible from beginning to end. Stamped it ou elbe framed copy of my marriage certi- ficate. :Stamped it on severed oii. great one ? What is that which brings acold,curee a cold, and pays the doctor's bill 2 A draft. Isn't it (leper how all the smoke in a stove will find its way to one little crack and come out ? As he tipped his glass he remarked, "How's this for rye ?"—the glass con- tained five fingers of rye. A Biddeford man by the name of emintings. Thou he paused at the Shad has just failed. His liabilities window curtains. • " Tidelt vou'd like one ?" Dy this time I had worked myself Around to the canner where stood my Ib W9.9 said of a miser that he died double.beereled 1.1 Ot-c,01D in great want—of mouey. elot unloaded shire) the- riots. Now :Richard was himself aeain ! I painted A refined gentle:nen—one who gets the gun square iutisface. fined for a second offenco. " No, sir." 'There is one pain of which everybody "It is also good for marking all dtinds. makes light—a window pane. .of entlery, guus,'and all implements of. Shouldn't " Bachelor's Haile" be warfare." boilt without eves? Answer he prieta). Then he stamped it on the barrel of 117e presume that all the Smith Oaroliea people, who have pains go te Aiken. The mouth—an instrument for rend- ering ideas audible, and of rendering victuals i n visible. A new Ringer jest atinnunced is kir. Fieh, or as he will 'be billed, •Signor Fiehi. Ile is probably a bass. A very small bey wants to know if: orauges cost four cense a piece, how inuoh a whole one would cest. . are said to be mere Shad -owes. The toper's sentiment—early to rise taketh the cobweb ont of my eyes. 'the gun ; or. But it is needless to go further, &night one" Since that time our hunt door has leen loOked, and visitors are seen see:thug ii aud out of the back -door. "DON'T DITe'., OFF INIOREN. 'YOU The janitor we as proud as a boy with a new pair of red. mitteas. Sonne kind soul in Hartford. Gonna had for- warded the dub. a jaw -bone of a shark As the day brenles every twentv-frill as a retie to hang on the walls, and be hours, Why don't we see some of ,the fragments lying around loose ? :Noe cervis," was posted nu n cherch door at Boston. by the sexton, daring the absence of the pastor. The terrible goat prefer shnw bills to. any other food.; that ie why lie is sometimes called the bill-ey goat. •• Olive Logan save that man existed: more than 600,000 years ago. • She, used to go to school with hirn. • If the Governor General of Canndii• wale wily single the Oittradian girls. would soon be maidens all for Lorne. An Englishman named Patton has written a book en music. It will be called " Patton on Airs," p.roblibly. scientific man has clieeovered kerchunk in de read.. It applies to de blue stnekings contain poieen. Penple young man on a salary. of `.$13 a week ca,nnot be oe careful what they cat who am courtin' a gal who kin use tip !IOW adlys. .$2 It day an' not half try. It applies fastened it op between the tear -trap :mid the coffee mill and pleeed, under its .sharp teeth the legend, " Don't bite off' more'n you kin cliaw." " Gemleit," Nnid Brother Gairdner,as he pointed, to .tho legend. " the Ian. ;midge of dat enotto atu nut elegaut, but de words .convey a heap of solid cowmen sense, an' we dean' hey to .go down ober forteen feet to Bi' de moral. De man who bites off rnere'n be hiu chew is gwine to get hisself in an em- harrasein' sityouttehun. • De motto aoen' apply apply altogeder to de eatin' .of ni t en' titters. It means dat de pusso who wants to fling on all gorge usness has got to have de bricks right own in hie pockets or fall clown, to ft nano who finds lie can sell ont a ward canons atid.deliber de wotes in a .collar box. It applies to de rr.en who buys up delegates -an'• depends ou de honest voters to push him .threw. It applies to de:chap smile :along de aveuew wid de .ideieti in•hie-heitcl dat all eneiriess would suddenly stop in case death took him away. .• : 4*,6 4 Tilt VIOTORIA. HYPOSPIITTES 19 a nerve food Orestering the vital toree, and re- 44 Him would 'no endtibe in Latin Don't despise a printer because lie wears n. ragged cardigan. Ile wiry do it for effect, and an increase of •salary. There ie no'mietalring.a rend gentle. 'When he approaches •ft 1.11,0 lunch table livalwilys wants a mtplrin an a 011ftiv. • The great talker 'cannot be emmree sed. • D,0bus BMW knnwknows in it mien ie and then hies to tell what other people know. invigorating1111 the funetiehal ptodetetde of life. It should be use11 pom5b1t1. ev,ef y ,co.4e„ of, 'loss of nervous force or general debility, from whatever cause. It is also ono of the intrst, powerfnl tonics Al,nd Wpod-oneritiors known, per bottle, " • Ennons in diet, being oti"disease—Natienal plira.4 the act of.kierling tws girls at Once 2 Why, it would be oplural huge yam, ydriet'' We were inn 'II amused at hearing gentleman remark (ince that be was a driveit • bile/1010r as •was his father beforehith. 72ER T.IMIJS •CA •2114;x4rah for the 'igra. "*Or THE Piano and Sewino. Machine ow 111. rp, at/MI.& riirn • ,94,14,1 "veNte,-*...74,seFee ,rer,i4e4.-ee 00 •'Shingles for Sale FE011 $1 TO $1.00 P.G.11 SQUABE, •At G. 84 3. 13rboks' MHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF J. Silverware, China and Deli over soon. in. Niresb, at • En EaLEVIIS STORM Arr. Draw tuts just recolved ao (=orient stook!? Silver Tea, iietts,lantter Coolers,Buubleanariiuglo Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Pani Receivers, C mullion Setts, etc.,of thet'13 oat Q imam plc. and 'rriple Plato, midis offering the same a ilarices that would ASTONISH YOU I'Oft. CHEAPNESS 1{o utas Just opened out a new and complete as- sortniont of China, Glass and Htonewaros. A largo steak of Lam ps just arrival. Call and satisfy yourself as to Quality and Glicanoss, Como and l'try onr instruments. Music 'Poacher stIll on , Services at coven, figure. Special .utten tiou called to the Raymond Sewing Machine, Organs and Pianos unsurpassed fur beauty of design, and quality of tone, E. DREW. Tim e e • THE EXETER 13 ST 0 E or THF, 8abscribor begs to announce to the khabitants of Exeter and the enrrounding Doua- try, that he has oprned a TIN and $ WYE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Groeury and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p,epal cat to fill all orde.s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and matin up by 'practical workmen on the premises. :;tere-Troughing done to order, Carriage Plating a Specialty Coal oil Chimneys, by 'Very hest and none cheaper. 0 intending purchasers will always: find me at my pos1, ready to attend to my own business ind prepared at all taunts to treat castomers courteously and supply them with a good and uncap artic e. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get Wain: value for your money. ' The vary highest price iu Cash paid far Hides and Sheep skins, E H. SPACEMAN. Exeter P 0, actol.,er 15 1877, JUST REcEIVED AT THE EXETER G A CERY AND LIQUOR STORE, GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLA.OK TEAS, RAISINS, curaums, • PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, IA LARGE STOCK OF CANED Frturr, SARDINES, LOB STIf RS, SAILION, BITTED: SATTCE AND PICKLES. DPANDIF.s. GINS. WINFIS AND arrarps, BTE,IMALT, SOOTCII, 'BIM AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. MA OTT, Main Street,Exeter. ----If you would be put in G-OOD HUMOUR CALL AT RANTON B And get some of the Bargains to be had in SIIANVLS, •• MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHES, WOOL SQUARES, FANCY HOSIERY, • 0 &e. . • All marked down -to prices which will close qiem otit speedily. The Tasteful, the Careful, ihe Discriminatino;, the Severest Economisers, all. Delight to frequent RA.NTON BROS. AN,DWHY ? Because they keep the Latest 'and Most Fashionable Goods and sell them at prices to .suit the titnes. Call and see. No trouble to show Goods. liAlITOVi altos, •Eacrett'sineek, oi)pesite ,S.ItesiVell & Pielzard's, Exetor TWO 4,1XliES WEST ol' TKO LONDON Pt0A1), TT 0L HA.Y, A good supply of Hemlock Lumber antlCeder Po stseuustantlY Laud W-4 X-11 E'41 hong over entitled T LFPrice only $1. nt gyunia ,SE,12-PRESEL 1 111 N 111 receInt of 11. it treats of Exhausted Prontatun.:"ii Nervous and Phya,,eal Dainty, and the milks) concomitant ins n1 untold that 3,4011 therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre- ueriptionsi any one of which is worth tim lance of the hook. This he al: was written be the must ex. toast re and probably the Intact shilfici oactition er in America, lowborn was awarded a gni a anal riled medal by the Nat ional Medical As,nchriion. A. Pamphlet, illustrated with the 'very finest Steel Engrarings-rt MST - HEAL vel of art and beauty - sent TREE to (1111. Send for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDI CAL ri INSTITUTE, ]11c 4 Bal. • Y SELF 4.. St., Boston. MASS, it 31 110: 1103011211 en 4.< 4.1 IOC!: ,t1,•,,' 3 • 111lg,01 4, 1r 113 t'i,. t.3 .101.,:<. 1 mole. KT .1".r.<1t'100. )1< 1 3 13 th< ti• cu,,te-i. 1:•, •• 11.,11 ev,.. 1. ,•.4,7,1 • bc,.. r r 110,10. (13w,, 1 4; 1 • 1 1,113,e.1 1 y this 1,dr 1.1 td, c.nct itvi.,,.rt i,tg 11..• 11 11.,1,..t.1.Hv , 1, 1.i.mir Ps 1.otency In cariwr 1:12‘74 C.:rhattcig.o, kkre 4rrarallun t.,,,ret< and Swel1:t10, 1,:te00400 :Wire or Tuve 2,11 .1.-111er .2 Wends4 lf y.,., 1,1 (201, tirow,y <,.1..11ri00)< • 3, 1.1,1,. < r :11.4 r c it 001)11. f,1'l002t 1. 11i(1cr bad 3000 (11 1101Ik 2:.1c rnal 1. It tr ch11,.... 1: ..That. <1 1.111< 1<<<<. r3o<4.1y efts... in, 2u1,,e :<.•, I3(y0 1.11,111 Tere!<1 1....ee. olll0ousner..." In 103,002 (2111 • L11, r 11 oaq.lnlat " t ,ty part (11,:ceS:.I1.1tl101, '113 ri, n a v. .311'1.Ir 111 ,."tell etlb,,S, 1)r. int (:. 1 len .111,11,a1 Itiwovvry 1303 31', cquul, as it t fAN•tg (.1.1.1 (11 1031 11 tho l'itrt! 12 IlroLtakItIN klovcro Coughn, tho• 110113 110.1 ConnunVion, 41 La.:, 1..41:1111(111 the u1li1<1 1.111: y, rsel en<iarnt i' ((0)21111 t the <.2 11,. 1.1:e. 11 1(13t r 11 • ;,•1•11,131 t'otigh•<. i rtr..11.1th< Ili the 21'1 puriVen the blond. 2 11 1 0. V. i'21111 1, 1 1 111.'1\ Nvi.i.v.r5 Dkipcnsary ((('1111:1,..1, Y. SIZE cc 0PEL1 E So. 000 'Z- ell Yr, 1150 of tad ng the I a alte,:epuI ici-rfre,InEauGac: cltlisIDIlls, rented:al 1 on er of titcsa.r.114.'12.t'ile ilert,,I4P'01r1-rt .t0111311),, ,<1 cf clicap, ern 1c, and intlIty 1.11gre,11, nts. re.. ,. 1111, 1 4 1 ro searenlylarger than ninnturdgattla Letnu, entirols, vegetable...no particular care fare. in:krc I vim !Ai tog them. They operate nitliont 3138. ivroan.•<, 1 1 the constitation, diet, or oecunatinn .3 minalce, Ileadacho, CoostiliatiOn, Xinpuet / Elena, 1 ala In the Shoulders,. Tlithincss of the chest riza:ses, Sour EructniiOns front the Stomach, Bad Taste la the 'South, raloue e!tnehn. PC1/1 111 reglor of lildneye, Internal Fever, Dictated feeihsg 'Zoo, ittomm•It, nosh et' Blood to Mad, take /h.. Pierce,' Pleasant 1..nrgative Pellets. In cxplanaticn of tin gr. at UV:11'114v of dIsrases, it my lie so 14 that thrh atqlon upon the animal economy 1. unlvcrsrl, 1.01, c gland er Coen) emeapIna thole sanative trunreets. A4 1:44.8 1(51 Lutstir the VeollettleS of these M.11. 1:, 'They are Eagar-coated an11. inclosed in glass b.ttios their virtues 1 ,elig thereby 1411'5011'1111 0103111411n ,1 2.1 ally lin.r.th of time, in any elinatte, so that llivy 112 alway2 23 .11 aria ratable. '111(8(4 tot 111,. easy v..11L 1.1111 put up lu cheap wooden or Intateh,kar.1 box‘s For an 111514311) where a Laxative. Altera:To, t.1 Purgative, is indicated, thesellttle l'ellotH tval Om the most porfeet sat ISatetion. bold by drugg5t1. 11. V. Ping PE, M. 1)., Paorzt,_1,'oritra Dispensary and Invalids' lietel, Buffalo, N. Y. (,) exlirToits.-"Froniunt head. \ achn, discharge fall lariat t,..roat bir sometimes Droftte wittery, 1 114 mettles, purulent, mon, ivo, in others, a. dryness dry, watery, Weak, 11' Iona get eyes, stoppitur hp, dr obstruction, of lin 1i: sageh, 31(13310(2 131 ears, deatues3, hawking Wel eo(5 log to (guar the throat, ule era t Ions, 00(21,1 (1011 2(1( 1113 voile (11 1(011! nasal twang', offensive !weal [ma 111 or total th,privationef sewn of smell and tut", 113. zings& mental depression, loss 01' appetite, 11 tion, ('(111111(2511 ton)ils, tickling (moth, (1. oic 3 31(180 litvoaftotlnhAod time. syiriptonis are likely to Lc preby,..in 1123 BR. SAGE'S CATARRH REILA31r produces rancid cures of the worst eases of Catarrh no matter of 1101V long stanliter. The liquid Wal(d) 111a3 $111111101, or Witter n111)110 hy 1(1(3 1125 tof 3)r I'lmtett'S Doarbe. This is the only form ()I' insttlt• meta yet 'Invented with illdd inediento can 11 earric,1 nitat ttc and 1,1t1trACTLY AM -Up to ar parts or13,1 all'eeted nay passages, and the ('1(31(14 hers 01' CA 1 I man ',',oilming herewith, in whiel sores and ttioerd 'onttently xlot, ntel fimn whit 1 'the ento rrtial nActiarge yoner,11.17 r)r011I4:1. UK 1$ 1)1(11$11,11t and oasily aniterstood frddi 1111.04t110111 Itee0111_111131Y1111t 01104 hr.trannent. ('.11 1414 '11' 14101 ilomotly f:111.01; recent atttarks of "cold In the y 1,,,‘'',aprtliontions. Is ('.41El 1 pa le.. ‘1)3 1t, t.tattaining; no strong ..r 1,511 I:1 • •1.11 1,1 r.,.14<in3, ta lt..tnenly an 1 rtonria<+anid 133. drain nIstn. 11. l'I140,14 NI. 33,, Pr,...er, 1'1 .51.49, 111,14,nry iota Dello] fl