HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-2-6, Page 2TAE TilaY PEBROAl?Y'(3, 11470, THE CONSCIENTIOUS Ili1SHMAN. "' Fortress Monroe there is a littler. c etturob,conoerning'which the foilowiug;,,, ie told ; While 11 IoClella r ...,t mpaign q):1 the Peninsular was in progre'...:the contra- bands floaked down around a?Qrtresa Monroe by thousands for food and pro- tection. One night a party of them, who had never seen a Catholic church, entered the building,admiliug the altar and etluipments, aud one, more, bold than the rest. put on the priest's robes which were handing in the closet. Ile stood before his fellows to receive their admiration, when there was a sound like t'ae breaking of a window glass, and he fell dead on the floor. The supersitjtious negro, thiulting he lead been striatum down by a bolt from out- raged heaven, left the church in a, tumult, aud when the man was found there in the =ruing with a bullet in his heart, . there was no explanation The loan was buried and the iuoident forgotten. Months afterwards a message came from the fort that.a. soldier lay dying at tete hospital and wanted to see the priest. Tile holy father answered the summons aud'weut to the bedside. of the dying man, who said he carried a great orime on iris soul. which he wanted to coulees. The priest then heard the explanation of the mysteri- ous tradgedy in the church. The soldier said that tie was doily, gurtrd dotty at the fort one night, ad looking into the window of the church, he saw a crowd of uegroes surrounding ane of their number who had saereligously assumed the aacredrobes. • His musket was at his shoulder, and being a true Catholic, he took careful hila and shut the negro through ttie heart. " That wee a terrible crime to perry ou your soul so long," said the priest. " It is au awful thing to kill a fellow being, although, through ignorance, he was smug wrong." It wasn't killing the eager that lay on me sowl, your rivereuoe," stud the s:rldier; "it was so unceremoniously putting a 'bullet through the howly vestments." ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS OF 1879 GCLIPS's. — There will be three eclipses this year, two of the sun aud oue of the lnoon, all invisible in Cana- da slid the Uuited States. (1). An annular eclipse of the sun, January 22, which will be visible in the :South At lantio Ocean, South America, Africa, and part of Asia. (2). An annular eclipse of the sun, July 10th, visible in the South Atlantic Ocean, Af,ica, and part of A:,ia. (3). A. partial eclipse of the moon Decemuer 2801,not visible in America. Morning and evening stars.—Mer. eery will be morning star until March the 4th ; from April 7t;: to June 18th ;• from August 28 to Oetober 5, aud from Dec. 10tH co the end of the year. Venus will be evening star from September the 23rd to the end of the, year. Mars a morning star nutill November 12ih. Jupiter from February 8th to August 31st. Saturn from March 26th to October 5th. Mercury will be an evening star from March 4th to April 17th ; from June 18 to August 23, and from October 5 to Dec. 10. Venus will be morning star until Sept. 23. Mars an evening star from Nay.'12 to the aud of the year, Jupiter until Feb. 8,and from August 31 to the end of the year. • Satnru until Maros 26th, and from Jaly 3rd to the end of tie year. The Four Seasons.—spring begins Marsh 20tH—.rummer begins June 21 - Autumn begins September 28dr— Wiuter begins Deo. 21st. • EXCELLENT INTEREST RULES. The answer in each case being; in Cents, ,separate the two right -hag°. figures of austver to express in dullare and cents. Four per cent.—Multiply the princi- pal by the number of drys to run, separate right-hand figures from the produat, and divide by 9. Five per cent.--it!nitipiy numberf day:+, and divide by 72. Six per cent ----Multi yl bynumber of law ie as follows t t Y i hes Dominion .....•.................: 565,00e' of doss,-ePrtrate right-hand figures l,ucl . $280 Otlb divicle4by 6. Ontario. Ei• ht per cent.—Multiply i bytlutrlber Quebec,. ; .. 405,000, dr y . Nova Sootia...6t.........,..,.: 1•ii o00 Of dttya+,art)a divide by 45. Nine Per taut.—Multiply )1 Trr hnrrrbei New Brunswick ............ 11,000 pt Y i' P ... r. '....,.., 35,0.00 " 't, FEARFUL JOKE. dreadful lloy on Main street ranged a saw -bunk, a jetleelbarrow and a wash. tab at short intervals in front of his father's door, j bcut nine o'clock last Saturday niglt, and then gave the bell a violent jerk, and jelled "fire !" im- mediately plac.ug himself ou the other 'side of the fe e, A prooeseion was lustanily Ilea' 1 formiug all over the house, and th next a otneut the door opened and • e famly willed forth, somewhat sag r1y, into the damn, dart( night` air. A rash was heard. The old man " ras ed" with the saw -bunt for full ten mi utes before he managed to fall over th wheelbarrow, and when he' got throng' with th,t and doubled up in the wast tub, the retainers just carried him in the house iu that use- ful reeeptablot The doctors hav'nt found ant yet which of the six lumps on his face arable eyes, and they could only find Ins mouth by asking him if it hurt hila mush, aud then stooping down' to listenfwhere the \verars came from. He haeh't a piece of skid on hist leg as big as a\twenty-five cent piece aid they had to,buru the saw buck to get. his shirt off it,and the wheelbarrow can't le founcdauywhere, and it is sup- posed to be somewhere inside of the. unfortunate man, The ouly way they can arouse him and bring hila back to life is to statn(i the boy whore he eau hear him trriuble, and place a skate strap iu the i valid's nerveless hands. And the boy, lie stands there waiting for his father's aouvaleseuce, with a anti throbbing pang in hie heart and his atlas under his shirt, feeling that a. great black shadow of woo hangs over his 'future like a pall, and that the budding spring -time or summer, with all its flowers and odor -laden zephyrs will bring no balm to his soul if that atlas slips when the old marl gets well. THE COST OFOVL+'r,NMENT. We in this Dominion are governed by a Governor-General, seven Lieut.. Governors of provinces. and the Lie,it.- Goveruor of the North West Territories •—nine governors in all.. We have 65 Executive Councillors, viz : — Dominion 13 U to tdrio (i Quebec 7 Nova i3outie 0 New Brunswick 8 P. E. Island 6 Manitoba •4 British Oc:luintift 3 North-West Territories 8 Keewatin 6 Total65 We have 660 representatives,the Ex. eoutive Conuclllors inoluded, viz :— Hone of Commons 206 enate 77 Ontario Assembly 88 Qnebeo Assam bly • 65 Quebec Legislative Council 24 Nova Scotia, Assembly 38 Nova Scotia Legislative Compal19 New Brunswick Assembly ° 89 New Brunswick Legislative0ounoil 16 P. E. Island Assembly 28 P.. E. Island Legislative Uouneil7 Manitoba Assembly 28 British Columbia A.seembly 25 Total 060 This is one representative for over 6,- 00n snide, or one for every 600 voters, reckoning every tenth person a voter. in the same proportion, the • United States would have 7,260 and Great Britain, 6,000 -representatives. The British Empire with its 280,000,000 people would have over 46,000. repre- sentatives. The cost of Civil Govern. rnent, i.e.,of the salaries, cnlltingeuciee, &e., of gtrvsrnorb, ministers and depart. mental clerks, is as failure's : Dominion... Ontario • Queb'c. NovaSootia New Bruuseiok Other Provinces ,•....,. $813,000 159,000 165,000 34.000 21,000 32,000 Total $1,224,000 The cost of Legislation, 1. a., indernni- ties to members, salaries of the Speak'= ere, clerks, &lc., is as follows ;— Dominion $590,000 1;x,2,000 Quebec:.. 108,000 Nova Scalia 39,000 New Brunswick 41,000 Other Provinces 50,000 Total $1,016;000 The cost of the A.dministraticn of ,.Jas. o tico, i. e., of maintaining the machiuery or divas. seiparate right-hlind flgute, and (Saler rovluces Ten per Bent. ---Multiply by number Total $1,380,00( of days and divide by36. The est of Education, whish is paid Twelve pertit13p, yel e pest. iii lv by trim. wholly by the P('ovitiees ie as follows: x ,$550,0.00 3oi,udo divider by 4. • t . 1 er delis, separate right -Mind $guess Ontario.. nil '.ivido Ly L. ' Quebec Nova. Scotia ..... ............... 220,000 New Brunswick..( ,. 119,000 Other Pro vins ce.,;:„.,,.,.;,. 82,000 Total $1,832,000 Lastly, the oast of Customs, Excise; Post 011ioe, (overnment railways, &o., being the salaries of Government em- ployes in those branches of the service which belong to the Federal Govern- ment is as follows ; Pedsione and Superannliation 4217,000 Customs ............... 722,000, Excise 211,000 Weights and Measures • 114,000 Post Office 1,705,000 Gov't Raillery') e, Canals, &e2,852.000 Fisheries & Lighthouse Service 567,000 Total $5,885,000 These figures throughout are those for 1877; the latest obtainable. To sum up the totid cost of governmelit; Dominion and Proviuoial—expansive of the amounts spent on Iiumigratinn, Po;ioe, Penitentiaries, Debt Manage. anent and interest, Hospitals and Chatit'es, Indians, Public Works Mnin- teeallce,&C,-•-ie upward of $10.750,000 a year, or over $2.50 per head of the population. In addition to' this toed, moreover, we have to carry our muni- cipal governments, of the cost of which it is impossible to form an estimate. In Ontario alone, there are 39 counties: with county governments, and 4911 townships municipalities, aud 172 in- corporated cities, towns, and villages, each with its little gnvernment, its oflioeholders and paraphernalia. It needs no argument to prove that all this is a tremendous tax upon the energies of the people, nor is it nee( s- cary to go into argurneuts to show that a reduction is desirable. That is self- evident. And wo know of no better time to begirt to out down than the present ; no more appropriate place to begiu than the Local Legislatures, and no better subject on (attach to begin than the indemnity to members and salaries of Minister's.—J1ftoi1. E W BLACKSMITH SHOP Y AT WIN. ., CRLT, ,A„ W. RUCKING RAM. late of Exeter, has cowmoocod bushman the aL•'xebraii z et Winchelsea (and is no.- 1,a••ecltodoalla ..a„ Mindofbleek untbllingwork Norse shoo-. hippo !tally attended to, Promptness, cheapness an(lgood work guaranteed, A call solicited, • xo•sln W, BUCI(INGHAM— ' (. US4'0..718 DIEP.fdItT,IPtPA' 7. 1TO DISCOUNT WILL BE AL Lowed on American Invoices until further notice. J..TOtINSON, l)oo. 4,'78-tf Conimisionor of Coustoms, Fa shi3nab1eDressmarking. Dresses cut and made to order •—= BY 1\ ES. G. ROSS, Main tree(, Exeter, OVE le TIIE POST 0 FFIci lt1, 0) (JIM soLami, Has just oommenood business one half utile West of Doshwuoa, and is prepared to clean Clocks,Watolles and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and vIel(;dianp at- tended a a tG, Time n1 want of his services should give him a call before goil.g away from home. Ohm gas moderate and ontiresatisfac. tion guarnteod„ I► E 32 U V`. RA.0 would remind hie numerous' .. Customers that ho has removed to the ,hop forwerl • ucott iod by Ur. Ito.t,l, whore 113 will be tuiuiU ever toady to etto-:d to all business in the 1300T cud SL'.OJ .Lino. 0. BAIT, Crediton. THE FALLAND W1..t TER TRADE 0. Southoott Som. TAILORS and CLOTIIIEIc8, CA-l.T1C?N T ! ! 'rake pleasure to it form the innubituntFofExeter V i add surrounding country, that they havo just optued out an 0Anelient assortment of ` Tireerls, Cortin,:, Testings ale., 1 in the latest stylus end patterns, end feel assured thatiutnom atter ofctot:ing, they can suit the um etfa stidious tastes. Gray'sSyrui Gf ;RedSpruceGuin. FOR (loughs, Colds, ('o' snnlptinn, flonrseuess,.t,oss of Voice, aud all affections of the Thi oat euaiLuugs, TRADE NARK NOTIu1. This is to lint -mate that the wants, "SvnrT' OP Itnn SPauc1 GUM” con titute our Trade M1lsrk, which is duly secured according to 1,w both c t Ottawa and Washington. Any person infringing the seine, or imitating tho wrapper, widish is also rogistern.t..vih1 be proscuted fur.'thtvislt; (tart with- out further notice, N. B, Any one offering for sale, tot being he )nanufarturer,an article for coughs and colds benri in:; the above Trade Mark, is eu.TuLly Liable with the mauttfaetnrer. ' (Sea Trade Mark Act of 1858). KEIi;RY, WATS ON ee. CO., 5 holosalo Druggists, ltiohtreai. Sole proprietors of the above Tule Mark. Feb. B' pAINTIN G PAINTING .11. HITCHING • Is prepared to do all kfixis of; Hous e Paintin g, Pap rill }' Whitening, &c. • at reasonable prices and punctually. J.1{il'CHIAl(#:'Main st BILW r oLL GOODS.. • A. K.'Li4 has j list received a large stook, of 6i Patches, Clot:k8, Jetvet,tery, tris Strtie rs, Spectacles, Lctltees) • meet Gents' Pocet'Ara oA►B. A. large'etoek, of 'Fancy Cr' odts hon- stautly on liana, • H 'Naxl_it_i:. PORK PACKING :HOOSE 13aving e ssemeneod business fox the, t I andWi rate rT rade y We are .propared t(, pnro1 ase ally tlliarltity of Pork; subject to thefollowing regulations: • We will taal4e off'', twa pounds per lnindrod if, dry, taut thkeopounil if soft. 8houjaor stack, twenty=five cents. 'I€ ;trig 0 of 'the 'brusg gut is left in, 25 cents extra avi1115e'cledneted. • 'N ior'k ail°l ire bought at' anyfikoo t warm S dark Cuttins' si Timid at reasonable rates.' We' rant all Ilogs Chitlings :light through breast; to head, Mid . atns'opened oat to tail G. 86 I TT3 . NEW BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned would inform the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTOLIE± 5.1101' ole'toox south of hisnlachsmitbehnp anclhopes thesame liberal patronage that has bean ac corded to hint Lathe . aLAQAFMITrr AND wAGON ALAI(ING line wfllbeextendodtohim in his new branch of mildness, Ris heat wagon wilieall attlio resi- •lents of the villapethree timesoaol.weekend FRESH NI l:AT all kinds kept constantly ou hand at hie butcher shop, ,, Rleckemithtng awl wagon malcingoarr3od,en as metal in alike bral,tbee • R. DAVIS. TEE GREATEST Wonder of Modern Tittles ongways Fills -&Ointment PhoPills Purifytlre Blood.correctellafsardera of the4,iver, Stonluoh, Kidney's awl33owels,,tnd are invaluable in alI complaints incidental to Fciliaiee. • The Ointment is the only ieliablore Sedy for Rad Dogs, OIcd \Votu,ds, Soros and i3loer, ; of how ever longstanding. Far Bronchitis, Diphtheria• Cold e,:Got3t,Bheuntatisru,and all kind ofdiaoeec it hes no equal. BEArARE OF . Never York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's iPil10 anc Otn,ment aro manufactured and sold iuoder the (mane of " }rollaway 8c• Co.," by J.:s'- Henry,. Curran 84 gists anti also pnldtsib... Medi - NowU..Alodi- Naw York, witl ma,k, thus--••— Joeoplt R-aydoo) ise 3)139800 o1T•'nk .,.• 'own make •undor the name of1lol. loway,&Co. having forp,tratlo mark a Orosent 'Serpent moxossen & Robbins of New work are •agohts for t13., same'. `f)hoep persons, the better. to deceive' you, na- blunhingly cautionthe pub/loin the small books bf directions affixed . to .their ifebidiolnes, which 'idll are rorM1lt9,'llvf,0it.tltirospuriotys imitations, to Beware o • Uuscrppulous Dealers Obtain• them *5 very' low 'irides and sell them to,tho uublo iu Cana 'iia an my genuine PMI's and Oihbmonte. ' C llnostrearnnstly and respectfully apboa,ltrf the; !1. iA blip gener+tlty of British Nhrth Miler -f- oe., that they may be pleased to denounce ,un- spakingly these'frair5s. • Pu 5Lhallors sbouldlooktotile labelonthe pots, and nzo5.' If the audross is not 688, ,pxf rel Stro,.t,7,ondbi,, taey are bho counterfeits, Each" pot anrlbox ofthe (Icnulue3.Xodicbneta boars the,. 13ri d C,over,rmont stamp, with* 'word'. wAX s ?z .r t. AND.UINM heap Lowlen, ougravo,T thereon; 'n the /shags 1lle.act ress, ,es Oleiifd Street, tvoncloli,', ho*e ttionetees 'aro ?rb,ulfaaturud, ;parties lvho may be'tlefrandod byVo,idora selling spurfon8 "llofloways,Tills aud Oiiltmont ea traygereittie '',wake • ah, on corn- mt1nteeting the p+ l•ticu ars tame, be.a.o(ply r'o- rtdtlydratod,anrT t75a1r'fritne 'nevorclivtf go(1.. t Company, Drug. bythe Metro' cine company of nn assumed trade ---Again one. of New Yor:'k,tike• counterfeited his: JEWELRY l JJ W1iLRY 1 i J1 WE,L] Y 1 I Ilas s fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVD1t WATG'xrr,8, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, In all the latest styles,°and at • Prices to suit the Times ----.o.---- CAhL AND EXAMINE !-- Before you buy elsewhere. Special attention Maid to Repair - ' S. E. JONES, THE EXETER • . P1arth gMill Sash, DOOR AND BLIND Eittliill ALL KINDS OF T U R N I lei G Done to order. nenlomber they/see aver Oka ( iXowa.rcc, NEW FIRM, INGRAM'S OLD STAND. Horse Shneing, wagon and. Carriage 1itkzting,T) in - mond Barrows, and Plows. Genera113aloksmittl- ing in all its branches, at the lowest ratoe, and sat - guaranteed. (13 0 us., a call and examine our work before t:,vling elsewhere, MOULT. AN & 1 1I IDIs, King St.,Honeall, Rousall,June Su. 18741. 1,313 Mowers and Reapers. WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Single —4ND owers Single • Reapers n;a1L kinds of Gras's and Grein, end ou ail con itions ofsoiland surface, • AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR i O SALE Wo also oiler a Trial of oar Wrought Iron ,• Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED SEA"ER A O+ JWE ,'. ..,DLachhiessupniled with • • ¶I wo.Pitmane, , JlwoDrag-bere, - Two Finger•bax's. sour T nivee, Forked and I{eyed: :. Self-oilers0` etc., to. 'r a,u kye' moth o hofs of fan, lion auci of )el laches TE1OMAS HOLLOWAY sxme1Jt1 St,,, W.C., London,3tugland can b0,c.ia:ed #rein Moser co. R,eai er AND REAPER '110 MOVIER•, 13yrio>"ao'waref fen,'belts'`a ilinleas ghnnftftoen '' mtllutos'timo. ' Ylease'caal' lit Olil, :worfie and inspee oiir1 106•Phineg,l efo e:pu1(113arsing eleewlieee. Send fo :'Catalogues. TH011'1PSOli& WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stratford.