The Exeter Times, 1879-1-30, Page 8trviltr-
SANITALY 80, 1870
GRIGG takes pleasure in annotuneng that,
eircoaraged by the steady hwrease of trade
during the present year, he has merle
arraugetnents to opea for insPeo-
time by the 12th Anstalt larger
aud better variety of hell -
day. goode, than in
previous seasons.
The, Stock will comprise the used euperty of
And a choice selection in
Together with. a large selection of Toys, Toy
'Books, Etc,
The trade supplied at the usual dose rates.
Chrietmes and New rears. Cards. i, . choice de-
signs, end a large variety already reoeleed.
taappliets for S. School (lifts and Christmas
Trees at a liberal discount.
J. flitlUel, Main street, Exeter.
been performed kwo or three moths ago, but
Mrs. Prier had been persuaded by other
sielans that she wasnot allo1 witJ s eancer.
4NUA.111 Tuavo—Wit dittvee often, heard. ,it,
remarked "I have Seen thousaude oJettiarys;
and I never saw one without it theae,",
wo havo not seen one thousand yet, tbut we
recollect 'of several Januarys visaing .awaY
without a thaw, ' 1310 the present, hill in
the weather, twocirding 'to Mr Yen:matt prediee
Roos will, be more extended and og longer tiro
ration than our 'usual mi wintei thaw, The
suow has rapidly disappeared during the last
few days.
•AERESTED.—On Friday last Constable 'dill
arrested jean es 13ellbaok, of the 19th (Jone'ef
Stephen, and brought 'him before .an Exeter
Justice of the Peace, charged by the Canadian
Co.'s Agent with having out down and stripped
the bark off a number ot trees en the Co.'s
laud. Ho was allowed four days to give a note
with good security for a fair valuation of the
thnber or else leave the country. He has not
since been heard of.
Fresh. Beadles at Kemp's groc,ery.
SERVANT GIRL WANTED.—Apply immediate-
ly to Mrs, George Kamp, Exeter.
SPECIAL Seevices.—,& series of special servi-
ices were commenced in. the 13. C. cLureh on
Monday evening. •
COUNTY COUNCIL.— Hurou County Council
mot iu Gocler7ch on. Monday last, and is still
in sessiou.
Coneerr Waimea. — Mr. Thomas Hays,
Reeve ufaleKillop, has been elected Wardell for
Huron County.
Fon Eaesas—Mr., O'neilaud liis family, emu-
laising five persens,:irent the vicinity of Luck -
now, passed through Exeter one day last, week
en route for Solomon City, Kausas.
A Caraa—On Saturday last we were favored
with a call from Mr. S. P. Halls, of Goderich
The duty of teaching the young ideas how to
"shoot" appears to agree with friend Halls.
DAMAGED In: THE WIND. -0.11 Saturday last
the heavy wind which prevailed blew down the
shed at the Presbyterian church, and damag-
ed the carriage show mum in the agricultural
show grounds.
OMITTED. -132 publishing the list of officer'
for the South Huron Agricultural Society, in
our last issue, we omitted the 'natue of the 2nd
Vice-PrLsident, Mr. Hugh Lovu,sr., was ducted
to that Lama.
Pnereitaeonr SERVICES.—Service was held
in the C. M. Oinurel on Tuesday eveuing, and
it was announced that there would be services
to -night an1 to -morrow night, preparatory to
laddig the quarteely meeting next Sabbath.
A ClIANGE.—The St. Mare s Journal came
to liana lase week materially improved in its
"inelce-up." It is now issued in a four-page
form and is printed on a power pies. We
vaish ou i coin the success it deserves.
the Huron CoMity Temperauco Convention
are desirous of holdiug their next meeting in
Exeter. Should. they decide to hold the meet-
ing here we hope tile temperance people will
to all in their power to make it a success.
Axeenica 15reemeen1.—The early:train on the
L., H. Le B. which left here on Saturday morn-
ing eue.d net get any farther north than Wing -
haul junction in consequence of the enow
willedl had aceumulated in the ants ou the W.,
ie. dtudegthe previous night.
Seen linere.--We are pleased to learn that
Mr. John Keddy, who, lately paid a visit to his
brother in Csborne and hits numerous friends
in this vioiuity. has safely arrived at his home
iu Vioria, Britieh Columbia. We have alto
to tender our thauks to Mr. Keddy fur fyles
of peewee published iu the gulden Province.
Preaciresen--Mr. Abel \Valper, of Exeter,
las purchased. Mr. With Flawkshaw'e hotel in
Blytu, possession to be given on the 15th ult.
bnouid our genial Dith friend decide to re-
move to Exeter we are sure he witi rsaeire a
hearty welcome.
Warourrea—Ohildren should not attempt te
get cm eleighe when they are in rapid motion.
A small buy, son of Mr- Wharton Hodgson, on
'night last attempt was made to burn the Exe-
ter bending factory. It pile of turned table -
legs wore iguited and the turning lathe was
nearly deetroyed, The ftre was noticed by
persons living in the eicluity of the faotory,
who forced open a door and extiugnished the
the. It is supposed to have been the work of
au incendiary, but it seems strange that the
fiend attempted his work at so early an hour,
it beiug about half past teu o'clock.
Tunes Yuman Gonne—This work h—;7...refre
us, and those who send five cents to James
Vick, Rochester, for it will not be dis-
appointed. Instead of getting a cheap thing,
as the price would seem to indicate, they will
receive a very handsome work of 100 pages,
ani perhaps 500 illustrations, on the Tory
best calanderecl lever, and as a set-off to the
whole, rut elegautt colored plate, that we ;would
judge, oast twice the price of the book.
Y. P. C. A.—The semi-anuual meeting of
the Bible Christian Y. P. O. Association took
piaci qn Tues. evening in the basement of the
charch. After the programme for the
evening was exhausted the election of officers
fur the current half-year took place with the
following result: President, Rev. J. W. Butch-
er ; Tice-Preeident ; E. Roberts ; Secretary,
Cobbledick ; Editrcse, Miss Jennie Butcher;
Treas., Miss Melts. A progrannne Committee,
was appointed as follows :—Miss Braunci, Miss
Jennie Oke, Miss A. Brown, Messrs Will 3.
Clarke, J. Grigg and 3. Carrick. The Assoc:-
ation will meet at a quarter to 8 o'clock until
further notice.
treated and much more extended then our um -
al Mid.whiter thaw. A portion of February
Mod Meech will give ue a secoed edition of
wiutor with very severe weather and further
thus„pretraeting, the winter
efinaueing alartelaward spring. Spring will set
iii Wet, and is likely to bo eucoeddeil by it
wet stunmer."
- 'Co rt imar.-Air. Win. Balkwil informsus that
eorreet amount of a narrow escape which
lila horses had on the 20tn inst. has never
been publiehed. Mr. Balkwilllaias also pot us
hipossessiou of the following partioulars of the
•oceuronee: Mr.Wm. Balkwill, in company
with Mr. William Sweet, went to draw lee from
lir. Jas. Pickard's inill pond on the 20th inst.
They had not drawn auy for a week, and when
they drove on the ice, they dill not notiee
the opening which had boon midi) by other
teamsters, it being partially covered with
suow, and were somewhat surprised when the
horses plunged into about nine feet of wa,ter.
With the assistance of Messrs. George Weir
and John Manning, who were on the ice at
the time, the horses were soon detatehed from
the sleigh, and drawn out of the water by Mr.
Weir's team.
Liner Benirm.—On Wednesday night of last
week bit J. Boll, baker, who had been up north
• supplying the people with the staff of life, wart
returning home by way of the London Road,
and xylem a short distance south of Rodgerville
the peddling box winch was im the sleigh W,
lipped otT whilepassing over one of those beau -
Wel pitch holes which are so numerous oa the
highway. The animal beiug thee relieved of
its load and its driver, who was left ooiufurtab-
y seated in the seat, made good speed and soon
reached Exeter and turned into the shed at the
Lorne Howie at tli.i north and of the village.
Mr. Bell, after putting his box in safe keeping,
started home on foot, no doubt feeling as bad
as the verdant young inan on Main Street who
on Sunday night got the slip—from the fair
damsel he so much desired to BOO to the gar-
den gate. However, MO Bell arrived home,
but could see nothing of the fleet -footed
equine. • After searching for considerable time
and in numerous places the animal was ulti-
mately found standing shivering in the shed
where she had run, as previously stated.
"The Feeenn or CAN.ADA."--Thie was the
title of a lecture deli-vered by Dr. McLellan in
the school hall on Friday evening. There was
a good attendance, and 'all present appeared
to take a deep interest in the discomse. The
meeting was opened. with Inspector Miller in
the chair. After prayer by the Rev. Mr.
Sedum, the ininntes of the afternoon's session
of the Teachers' lustitute were rend by the
Seeeetary, W. 11. Miller. Mt'. 'Miller then va-
cated the chair, which was taken by Bev. G.
Mitchell, 13. A. When tl:c Doctor was intro-
duced to the audience he was heartily receiv-
ed. Tito speaker commenced his lectrire by
asserting his belief that nations perished as
well as men, but still he was not a believer in
the fate ol nations. lio believed that Canada
*as destined to bo a great nation. He said
that nearly all the great and ilhistriens men
were born in the same degree of halide as that
of Canada. The Doctor's eloquent, logical and
soul -stirring oration no doubt infused into the
teachers present a desire to rise higher in their
profusEon, and a determination to labour more
zealously in the great and responsible work of I Mr. 11Jorritz,. that Samuel rester be
training the young. Daring the coarse of itis ly applauded, The meeting then adjourne I
11. , Clerk for 1879.—Cartied. Moved ty
lecture he referred to the necessity for proper
meet rtt 9 a. m on Saturday. OnSttturday1 Mr. Heyrock. seconded by Mr. Merril z,
Iphysical exercise, and advocated the introdue_ the Institute met at the appointed hour. After that Henry Boller lee Assessor fur 1879.
tion of military drill into the curriculum of 131113'er by Mr. Gregory, Dr. McLellan- resumed —Carried. Moved by Mr. Kalhilieech,
the eubject of algebra. Mr. B. P. Halls, a seconded by Mr. Heyrock, that John
Cluderiele then gave a number of examples Schnell bo Collector for the current
illustrating the "trutuale of forces." Dr. • yeer, provided he 'finish staliaient
security.—Carried. lUoved by Mr,
Kabiliesehseconded by Mr. Morritz„
that Mrs. 'Reinhardt be caretaker of
Hall for the current year.—Carried.
1‘.1.oveil by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr.
4ittlbtliesch, that the salaries of Town,
:ship Officers for the year 1879: be ate
• follows, viz :—Townehip Cletlt, $110 ;
Ctsbor_n_e Treasurer, $80 ; Auditors, earth, $8 ;
Assessor, $75 ; Collector, $70 ;. iial
COUNCIL MEF:TIN %.—Con mil met nn keeper, $8. And that a by-law bo
Monday the 20111 Jan., Awarding to passed. aecordittely —Carried. Moved
notice from the Clerk. Tbe following
gentletnett, having been dult3r elected,
and having made and snbsexibed to the
declarations of qualification and office.
took their seat at the Council Bowel,
viz Leonard lannter, Reeve ;
Mr. James Halls, S.W. Ward ; Mr.
Henery Homey, N. W. Ward ; Mr.
Thomas M. Kay, N.E. SVard, Connell-
iMr. Jonathan Shier was elected
COrsti:noillor for the S.E. Ward, but
owing to bereavement in his family, did
not attend. Moved by J. Halle,
seconded by H. Homey, tbat T.
Kny be Deputy -Reeve for 1879.—
Carried. Moved by T. M. Kay,.
seconded by H. Homey, that the
Clerk's srlary be $180. --Carried.
Moved by H. Horney, seconded by J.
Halls,that Thos. Heywood be Assesnor
at a salary of $65.—Oarried. Moved
by T. Halle, seconded by T. M. Kay,
that tbe Treasurer's salary be $70.—
Carried. Moved by J. Halle, secouded
by'H. Honey, that Thomas ADM be
one of the Auditors for amounts of
1878. --Carried. The Reeve appointed
John McOurdy.of Kirkton as the other.
Moved by '1'. M. Key, seconded by J.
Halle, that Geo. Low receive • $14 tor
his services iis Tp. Librarian for 1878.
—:larded. Moved by T. M. Kay,
eeconded by J. Halls,thet the expenses
incurred itt the late tnuiticiPel election,
emotintiug to $41,75 be pail.—
Carried. Moved by H. Horney,
seconded by T. M. Key, that John
Reedit.% be retnittl.4 $LJ4, &dog an
; • e• •
' • e
N 0 '1 1.1, if 0 13 • L 0 T 1.
1)0E1/EIS ON Tax TRACE.—On Monday last a
spau of donkeys belonging to .Mr. P. O'Brien,
of Hay, were driven into town. As our poet
gazed on the auimals and watched the school
boys piling on the crater, he eloquently broke
forth as follows :
Mak ! hark! the dogs do bark
The clo.dteys have come to town,
And the big chaps getting on play sharp,
And knock the little fellows down,
The donkeys—Ale !—pop! 1 bang !
Wo gave the poet the 15 that night and
paid him up.
A Wimp-2E11.—We have heard anauy au ex-
aggerated story anent the storm which the form-
er part of this month was characterized by,
but the story which an Usburnefarmer relates
as a fact is hard to swallow. He says, a few
days after the storm he, in company with a
neighbor, had occasion to go to Goderieh, and
when driving along at a slow gate, the horse,
which was very gentle, made au unusual Jeep.
After turning around to ascertain the cause of
the jump, they were. surprised to see that
the gentio steed had cleared a pitch -hole in
whieh were a load of wood and a span of
horses. Who can beat this
TEE following paragraph,clipped from an ex-
change,was no doubt written for the purpose of
frightening subscribers who are in arrears for
the paper which conveys to them the 110WP, as
Well as other debts contracted with the pour
printer. And they have reason: to be alarmeu:
"Lives there a man with soul so deed, who
never to himself hath said, I'll pay helmet go
to bed, the debt I Owe the printer ? Yes, there
are some we know full well, who never such it.
tale could tell, but they I fear will go to
Saturday hal his toe badly injured by a sleigh wej. a place where there's no winter !"
vatech he was hanging uu passing over it. A
Daughter of Mr. A. Lewis wad hurt iii a simi- Iturreavar.—Notwitlastancling the bad name
fur way a few days einem an exchauge gives the f 5 t eAds in this locality
(our °atom's conclusion. being formed from
CLANGS ,OF ADVENTISEMENT.—Attentill is reading the account of the numerous runaways
directed to O'Byrne.2 Coraptury's change of ad.
in another column. They are now carrying
.on busiuess in their 116W aud cunauodious
premises, one dour north of the Ezchauge
Bank. They have on kand a largereiteek of ex -
cadent stoves and all kiatis of hardware.
True.—County Judge ItEetelonald, of the
Eastern portion of the Province, is credited
.veith having written acrintinalcasayeceutly,that
there is very ;seldom a case °Lally importance
in whieu toe reporters and press do not do
fully as much as the police officials ia the way
ef ueeoveriug the perpetrate's and briuging
tacin to justice. Whirs met should be remota-
oured by the public.
which have been chronicled ia the TIMES)
they do net feel inclined to forsake their evil
habits. On Monday last Mrs. Mtn, Baker, of
Orediton, in company with another lady, was
driving to Exeter, and when a short distance
smith of the village the horse she was driving
made a sudden leap, and the roads not being
in a very good conditioin the occupants of the
cutter were pitched out, and the horse came
daehing, into Exeter at a break -neck speed.
The aoirnal was caught in the vicinity of the
Leutral Hotel, without auy damage being done
except the breaking of it brace on the critter.
The two !edit% who bad been pitched out were
brought to Exeter in a sleigh which wee pLIA-
Dai.PPOINTED.—WIA.en the thaw commenced silig. Fortunately they were unhurt.
ou Saturday last, we expeeted. au Monday lo
be favored. with en iteus or two anuonneine
teal tieveral stove -pipe hats had been stove in
by the descent of aocumalated allow on the
roofs of the two buildings opposite this office
bat the anticipated avalauches were prevented.
bysne suow being ellovtaleduff.
aStmotem 011111AT1ON.—Dr. Browiling,of Exe
telt, Efibiateu by Dr. larebtatau of Zurich, and
Dr. flornibrook, of Mitchell, eueousefully
Natio a (mincer Iron:tar*. Thom Prior's breast
1. stahy lait. alto upezat*au Aluould &are to 1611.6 vetted a.sair. This term will be pio-
The regular lialfeyearly meeting of the West
Huron Teachers' Institute was hold in the
school house in Rector, on Friday suet Satur-
day Iriet. There was a large attendance of
Teachers present.] although the state of the
wads prevented many/rout the nortbern por-
tion of the district from attending. At ten
&Clock on Friday the chair was taken by In-
spector Miller, President of the Institute, and
the meeting was opened by prayer by Mr. H.
E. Huston. The minutes of the June session
were then read an adopted. The Preeident
afterwards addreseecl the meeting at some
length on matters of geneml interest to the
teaching profession. A Dumber of committees
wore then appointed to conduct the business
part of the Inetitute. Mr. Miller then gave
an interesting account of the proceedings of
the last Provincial Teachers' Association which
met in Toronto last summer, Mr. [1. I.
Straug, B. A. Then took up the subject of an-
alysie and parsing. In the course of his re-
marks he gave a number of explanations ofclif-
ficult extracts which had been headed him by
different teitehees. The meeting then adjourn-
ed till 1.130 p. m. The subject of Canadinu
history was taken up by Miss Spicer when the
institute met iu the afternoon. She read a
short essay, in which she gave a number of
useful hints about teething the subject to be-
giimers,and then took a class and practically il-
lustrated her method of dealing with the stb-
ject. A diecussion then took place, in which
several teachers took part, after which Mr.•
Thomas Gregory. illustrated his method of
teaching geography. The remainder of the af-
ternoon sesssiou was taken Tip by Dr, McLel-
lan, :who dealt with thetAnbjeet of algebra. The
Dr. dealt chiefly with f :caning, which is al-
ways considered a difficult pro t of elementary
algebra. Ho was listened to with close atten-
tion and at the close of his:remarks was hearti-
error in tales.—Oarried. Moved by
T. M. Kay, seconded by a .nati,, that
the Collector be instructed to have ell
the taxes collected by the 20th Fab.—
Carried. Moved by T. M. Key.
seconded by H. Horney, that the town-
ship printing be let by tender, end tlint
the Clerk receive tenders therefor, anti
present to this Gaylen rte next meeting,
—Carried. Movedi)3,- 3. Halltearicond,
ed by H. Homey, that the offer of G.
J. Brooks, for supplying the Connell
with lumber, be accepted ; and that
6000 feet of cedar and 4000 feet of
hemlock be ordered for the use of the
municipality.—Carried. Moved by T.
M. Kay, seconded by J. Hells, and Re-
solved that Mr. J. Shier have the
sympathies of the members end officer
of this Council in his bereavetneute—
Carried. On motion, Council adjourn-
ed till Saturday,the first day of March,
ab 11 o'cloclea.m.N. J. Cleanz, Clerk,
COUNCIL 11F,ETING.—Council tilet,
pursuant to &auto, on Monday, jar,.
20th. The follawing gentleanen, after
making declaration of qualification,
wore drily -sworn in as members of the
new Council for 1879 Buchan-
an, MX., Reeve; John 0. Kalbiliesch.
Deputy -Reeve ; Daniel ilfc-Ooll, Jane)
F. Merrite, and Henry Heyrock, Cone-.
eillors. Minutes of previons meeting;
read and approved. Um -ea by Mr..
bleColl, seconded by Mr. Kelbffieseli.
that kr. Wilson (Fanseille),be appoint-.
ed Auditor foe. 1878. The. :Reeve ale:.
pointed D. S. 'Faust as second Aedit wee,
—Carried. Moved by Mr. efeeell„
secooded by Mr. Morritz, that Mietiopi
Zeller be Treasurer for 1879..—Carried.
Meved by Mr. Ktabfliesch, seccielekby
studies in connexion with oarpublic. schools..
He was gladehat that Inspector Miller was
agitating for the introduction of physical ex-
erciseMcLollan's remarks on reading rind arithmetic,
into the school& The epeaker weal. that
although he was averse to war yet he believed
il was wiser and more honorable for a nation
'to take the battle field than to submit to wrong,
and thefore all true Canadians should be phy-
sically educated so that they would, be able to
guard the interests of their country. He said
he did not altogether believe in the saying that
utile brain made the main" but at all eveuts
there coald be no seritus objections to throw-
ing itt it good•sounci body. Ho detested the
dreams ot society, those who were dreeaning
through life, and contenting themeelver, with
present attainments. The Doctor thought
that such individuals hindered the prosperity
of a nation. The lecture was delivered. in
Denioatheues-like =utter, and, the frequent
humorous exeressicene of the lecturer kept the
juvenile portion of the eudience in good. In.
mor and engaged their undivided attention
during the time he was speaking. At the con-
clusion of the lecture, votes of thanks; wore ten-
dered the chairman and the speaker, and the
meeting ass brought to a termivation by the
benediction being pronouneed. by Bev. J. 'W.
RECEIVED.—We are ill receipt of Veauor's
Almanac for 1879, printed and published by
John Dougall & Son, Montreal. It is very
neatly printed and, contains a lengthy re-
view of the weather of 1878, besides much
valuable information. is Mr. Veunor's predic-
tions for 1879 wo find the following:—"Jeura
:try is likely to ooutiuue severe and give us
more meow, eliortly after whiell 1 !oak for is
lull or bleak in the winter,with singularly open
weather and a rapid inciting of snow—possibly
topher Eacrett, District Secretary of
the United Temperance Association,
bus handed as the following :.--Next
place of meeting of District Lodge
United Temperance Association, will
be held at Atelereon, 8u1 Line,
Blanchard, on Wedoesday, 19th Feb.
at 2 p.m.,e
according too sfiuurue:1
meeting itt Rodgerville, Dec. 11 -
Although some weeks in advauceof the
tutus' time of meeting I consider it best
not to alter the time its 1 think the
roads will be iu better coudition at that
time than to wait until the usual time
in Match. All friends of the tetnper.
twice cause receives a cordial, invitation
to attend. Any of the frietide of tem.
prance having any good suggestions
to effer for the alma° will be thankfully
received by the District Secretary,
Bodge' villa, P,O.
aud an address on "Morals in School" by Rev.
G. A. 'Mitchell, B. A., brought the programme
to a close. After receiving reports of commit-
tees and otb.or =tine business the Instisuto
adjourned to meet next in the Town of Gorierieh.
by Mr. Morritz, seconded by Mr. Hey -
rock, that the Treasurer be a•uthorized
collect all eceounts and, notated hind,
in his possession without
Moved by M. Heyroek, second-
ed by Mr. Morrits, tlutt the Clerk
notify El. Johnson and W. Fee, path -
masters to open the road between Con.
10 and 11, north of Zurieh.—Carried.
, Moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr..
Heyrock, tbnt the snm of $.52.50 ba'
, paid to S. 'Poster, Clerk,being expensee
of municipal elections for 187%—e/tu-
t ried. Moved by Mr. McColl,..seconted
by bIr. Morritz, that the foliovfleg
aceounts be paid, vize—Sam. tlewnibr,
putting in culvert es Con. 2;. $O.225;
Robert Braham, do Hensall, $5.90 ;
Wm. Johnson, 91 loads gravel, 5.46;$
S. Fester, Clerk, yegistering births,
deaths and marriages, $17.50 ; O.
thaetett, repairing culvert on Con. 2,
$11.--C'arrieti. Moved by Mr. Kalb-
•fiieseb, recontled by Mr. Beerroek, *hut
the RUM of $1 be refunded Robert
being error in dog tax.-Cairiede
Movedby Mr- Heyrock, saeonded by
Mr. Kallefliesehr that the Trefoil:1re,
requested to Inintiele setisfaetory seem*
ity end that the mime be approved nit
the next meeting of Connell. --Carried.
Moved by Mr, efeCell,fteeeDded by Mr.
Morritz, that this Council do now ad!
journ, to meet on the 15th day of Feb.
next, when thee pathmateers, pones
keepers end fence viewers will be ap.
pvittAfRe the °tweet year.—Carne
• Simms. Poser.% Clerk*