The Exeter Times, 1879-1-30, Page 6CL't11IOUS FACTS. stones lit it. Suddenly he felt that the animal hied everted some moisture lute his eye. There sildtieuly set. in 6 sli ht pain null spasmodic twitching of the slightly ittjrired eye ; but two Ileums after. came jam:plug eight, desire to bite, tt dread of foot, 0011 .infill:, 0on)1ti- petion, ubunlaut urine, great agitation r:nntiiflested themselves,ft,lluwed on the oixth day by siokuess, apathy, and as kiwi of stupor,but with a regular » pulse. Some days later', having ,)scrims 011111 partitively (Filet, the boy left his beet, his eyes aro itijtctect, and skin dry, the pulse free from fever. Ho howls ani, behaves himself like a mittltxlall, sinks into inbecility and slteechlellsness, from which condition he never rallies, There are marine plants which grow ne 3i 0 feet froth the bottom( of the sea. On the r' Besot' bei" estate in Stafford Gtr.; Vt., at pear tree produced two crops 1041 year. 1)iuilg t!le period of 150 years the firt;.t-born of h Mouse of Austria has alweyi been 11 girl,. Corinna hot.T'1 shad, tltet inuoli sought -for fish, lice:, 1,..t a single Year. The; ooteh flee liken ,fall there king het rings. C.> ((fail-fILCltlillg is 80111111 on with oc:11;-('!((tails suec018 ill Cape Colony, when•,• thine are npward8 of 3`?,000 tram' . tie. A 1,• x cant icing a lut cf wootlen- solt•d dales t oro Iately eehurned tear Pililsde aphia, supposed to date baelc to t1<"t (,(lets think t1t y have d1.5'Coverell et; 1: (ee that. horse's existed upon this contieent before its cllseovtlry by Columbus.. (:rent Britain exnetlds 08 tliuch 1 metety upon tobacco auiu1L'ly as for its daily breed ! The Rums is said to be tine of Holland, Geri -ratty, bud the United State. `-('here is what the people sell a frozen welt ;.t the trtvn of Irautlou, \fit., whieh e#fords ice summer 011 winter, ani, has con:innad to d,, :to for twenty years. The Smithsonian llte•titllte 110)1 been present, d with a tussil tooth found 1,900 ft, bel;,w the sut'teeo of the ground at Cite,le'Sttlu, S.C. A fruitful theme fur conjecture. CIR Ui ST 1 'si AL EVIDENCE. Iu the year 3,6110 two men named Pet y tied their ululher It ere leutt ed fur tate ,murder of a nntu who hate never Lie). murdered at all. alt, Han is.'n, L dy Cittupiier.'s sttiward. !inviug deet' colb:ct.iug hi; rentsetudtteely disappear ed. Juno Perry ua:cu ed his mother, hi seen, and his brother of lava,;: rubbtd Mr. Ida., rirou in the previuu, yeas, and of Luting main rubb,d hilt on the night at hem he vSas missed. The (,,other and Riehatd Perry debit all knowledge of the matter ; brit al hast pleaded guilty to the fir,t indict• went under smite tiressnie of pelic%•. The other iudictineut was nut then pluceeded with, ou the potted that th body was not found. 13ut Juhu pet- sisted iu his sturyy, and at the nest ae;tizea they were all tried fur murder. Juhu then retracted his con l'essinrt, and said be must have been mad. Never- theless, they were all condemned.. Some years after 11Ir. I3arriso:u appear- ed alive, and thus accounted for his absence ;— After receiving his routs he hall been set upon by a bung of rufii:tux, - catried to the sea -side, put ou ship- board, and sold as a elave to the Tut ks. Atter his master's death he escaped. and with great difficulty working tak. way, first to Lisbon, and thence tta 1 graph, which the painter had set no Dover, be arrived in England, as (1110 I follows : — " Frew, the oiniple (drunks in the hall - says t,f h,tiOS, lira should iudge the RULES FOR SPOILING A. GUILD. drunkards from Nee, York houses have arrived in I0aa11." ' 1. Begin young ty giving him I Quietly tal:iregenp his revolver, the whatever he a ies for. (clltor strode up stairs. Two sharp 2. Talk freely before the child about repo) is and heavy falls were hoard, and his smartness as iucolnpauatble. the. oaruafi.et relented and t?teeroiatllLly 8. `fell him he is too much for you, remedied tt his ti itt,re :-- that yon can do limiting with him. Crautletr�elt, there are net matey entertainui 1. Have divided eouusels as Lettveell i.uts in this t,t.,wl, now, hut a father ant mother.proof-reader and a cempoeitor are to b.• 5. Let hila learn to regard his hilaieel Le-lalut100v, anti if 5011 "re fur r , that sort of thin„'vu ehouid be pleaded ..L�r as a creature of uulituited potvtr. • 0 a,riCla,ilrl aitd 1sr'i.U111c1LI ; or as al to see you et the funeral.” t lusts ah;ppiu;f itliachltlo. Lee he went down to write tut r,btt• - ii Let ilial( learn (from Itis father's i ary notice, white that eight, through exteapi, j to (,'spire his 'mother. the 00th( and heavy mkt. bar gentle - 7. 1)ii Lint know or cure who his comeeniuu$ ultt.y be. F. Let him read whatever lie like,, O. :int the e1lil,i,whether buy or girl, rove tete streets In tate eveeitigs—a geed eehale l for both sexes, cars, between Wellilrgtr,n and Clara!: co 10 Devote yourself to ins llrtfmoney, streets, London, atm of Ills halide tlS some ((leans was caul ht bets e.eu the buffers, and crushed in ehoel;ieg tnamt er. When the nnfoltiin11te 111,111 discovered that his hand wets firiely wedged between the two care he called out luridly for the engineer to atop the train, but through some cause that was nut accomplished until ho haat been dragged fully a hundred yards. - Au illicit still was captured one day recently in Arthur towuship, near the Meryboro` bnuudry. The capacity of the concern was unusually large, being imitable of manufacturing about misty gallons per day. Three men were caught iu the act of removing the apptiratnea. They were arrested, and the property taken possession of by the officers. Gray, Boyd and Mitchell ale the names of the implicated parties. A CALL UPON AN LDtTOl . "torom the sample teneke in the hall of the hotels, WO 8h001d j11.11:.:0 the drummers fruit New York houses have arrived ill town," VMS the innocent paragraph a Western editor wrote for hispaper, 'S'vben he returned from dinner the :'riunirg office boy aulnonoeli to ilial that four gentlemen wets waiting to ,set him.,((here aro they ?" asked the (lai- d. iver, " Well," said the 1011, "they've betel, sniokirl' in the consosi.ng roomtill t.11e- e tiuposititrs line seaweed all. the type out of their sticks, au' they've sent rue ant el% times for heir, a,a' ,law 01t)y•fe pl:eyili' draw poker aiih the forelnal 1111- tae imposing stt)ne'." " Verya ell," bait, the editor, brio(; lug al.t,g club i11 the corner more .into view, reg 1 aeiug the paper aur t er tt'ii h a bowie knife, and half opening it (l(a)ve, in It inchrepusttd a1 evolver, °' luW '0111 Four gentlemen, in very plain snits, with very large diamond rills and very la ri. ,telt 11 chains, with lockets at the :,tads its bi;; a, dollars, catered. The foremost, laying a carr(, on the desk, in- -crrbeti :- Sneer, Cirtson ,.0 Co., 101)1 herku1au titreet, NOW York, Hardware and Cutlery. In small letters, and Presented by 111 very large orae at ,ted ; ' ,\1•c you the editor? ' 'The juuruslist looked at the party quietly, if calculatiug the cost td u Lutir graavclothe+, and answered 1— " I aril." Rae i, a1 little paragraph about commiec:lal tl'ttveliets," Nerd Mr. Gauge, pulling 0 paper from his pocket, "which and uty ftieuua, who are members of the Tu.npl of Honor, and belong to the Young ',lien's Uhristiau Aasociatitt1] of New Y.,rit, would litre explaiued." The uateet•eab!e lila,(. tonic the paper nueceitiecel'.y, and gaze:, at his para - Geo. 0013011. law -b, ok cooly says, " to the surprise at all the country." teen bought railway tictie,e lt,r Chicago, At an early hour 11'1 \f ,ladny Inch(-' fug the 20th while ',Ur.C !,,irlery i' ttruer,,ut 1, employee of the G. AV. lu ,yvas c 119111 ' retry: nnolirie iti rates that weitlth is a better legetre for yoslr children than principles in the heart and habits in the life ; and let hint leave plenty of looney to spend. 11. Be not with Litre in the hours of recreaton. 1'2. Strain at a goat ani swallow a camel ; chastise st'vea ely for a foible (turf hdlg,, at 0 vt0:a1. 13. Let hint rut) ,about from church to c11tu•ch. Eclectioisfil in religion is the order of the d ty. 14. Whatever burdens of virtuous retluireetlleets you lacy oat his shoulders, touch not one with Hite' of your fingers. Preach g'tld aucl practice irrecleelulible greenbacks. These rules a,e net en' tit d. 'Many patenit have proved idiom, with sub. 51(50tiai' uuifortnity of re:aulIs, if a ~t'tr:itIiful observance of them tl OS not spoil your child, poi wilt at least have t.hee0111fortable.reflectiuu that you have dune what you teeth!. TOAD POt.S(rNt�vrt Irather Lan pay 1r Cut this Out—It May Save Your Life. There is no person living but what siUTers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs. Colds or consumption, yet sumo would dial 1 Il 71 oesitts for a bottle of muff- eme that would euro thein, 1)r. A. Bosoheo's The follo74.1ng tiugtll'18 00C'etlt of 1110H Germt111 Syluphas lately been introclncetl in not[01) of toad ilnisu.ltlm nn rebs (itis country froul(fermany, an its woimlrous /Hunan body is r•.erofted ill filo last calroe it11toor;ah every ono vrluml trys it, It 11amlier 9t' the London C`hrnris't :--A 3'011 climb 11hat the aativ ill 1'>rint, rear this ,rut and tatkr it tq yrstr tlruggittt' ,lad geit(t refit(,,' child of atilt: years old fol lowtal tt 1itIg.0 hnttlo for 10 cants aur, try iti nr a regitbtt .;fzc( teed :3I1•1t Lot tiu111tilel''S 011;}',,-throeviil r for 73 cents. ry C. �� S. G1l)Ill+Y T \,Jnrr1;��-14i`�•:M♦ l -f,.( •1.. alu1� ��'ta.r iV1•A�r..� �/ly`LD SAY TO t,lloso who intend nr(,luns.,ng to 410 so ,from the tnanniaeturor (lily 1(�l1"r wtln hays to soli 11101111 11no t3 sl)ritY Int vo (c ,,root. \Vo ��I tial to giro thn e,tu•clmsers 1)110 11(Iwitt, which cannot tail to 111cct rho views of the ttrangc•rei. Onr expenses art, lois than tt)nao of oily $ } mann '11 etnrers consoq tout' ly we can sod cheaper, .x1 11,11'1.ii-t users 117,- E WOULD e `wv v. tall sl eeiteettentem to our'011(1 rtuluttg depl,rt ij lac a 11.it i x 1 18 more 00111 ky l let( 11:111 1 111,1111 WI ,,tare 11,0100. 0'01.111 11eg t1aS:L;,t1 uta 1!,( let 1 000111,, o11111t•t1 1hl ilult:ra i l every %moral 10tjtt1i(it.4 at the lov est 111111., atm( now Iloarh c u ltro11(1(110011 1.1 e0111 1,00 11t j1111;011 to l:t second, to um t1 111 the provinces • Emblems of all the Different oolot los. 1878) FALL (1878 r1. L:":L.1_ii OLD RE LI ABLT: TIO V SJ_1� At all times, 'tmtparticularly at it (period, when Tradt, is universally depressed and money scarce, it if; in the interest of every buyer to parchose where he (Ian ger, them riche he wants( at the Lowest ratto. In calling your attention to my present stock, i Flo so with (Ivo.), contiil 01100; it being mere carefully assorted and seloeted titan that of any previous season. O In the Dry Goods Pvely department is replete tvitll the most seasonable and fashionable fabric's, mal'ked a prices which should onnuualid the attemtiol of the very oro, est buyers. .1'.1:114 0l11)klitel1t llbOT1iINii still has 14IIi. 5V, IVES at it,.hcad In Millinery lindertila ru•1..n' ementof (Miss 3leGloghlon,we eau suit the most fastidious. Cur stocit of Crroce.ies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware the of tile-lal•go-st and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will ee014111; their - bee tiuturests by examining my stock before going elsewtlere. JAMES PICIJA.I.D Esi 0 AG &: N Y Tiii G GMAT ENGLISH li OOD 9 ( "5 11 ranks above all others in the untrket as a Fattener and Ialprover of the condition 01 L , of Stock. w o ITINCREASES THE QUANTITY OFMIIILKATEACH MILKING 20 Per Ot. iizi and hill't•oees the gilaltty. Calves will thrive on one-third less mill(, while the x rd rate at which llors111, cattle, Sheep. and Bogs will put o11 flesh g OW mid., its WO, is marvellous. Ay - NEARLY ALL THE PRIZE TAKING STOoK AT THE PROVINCIAL EX HiBITION FED ON at 1. II 0 II LI7L{.QT'S FOOD. 0 No Farmer Should. do Without it. Put up ill boxes at 5Oe., $1 00, $3.00. $5.00, $10.00• Do Tininion .X .�a ad3teS.i+raa Edea :If1r . Exeter. ra^CEL L''ND BROTHERS, r.ew's Block. .i s^Sl<r.:2.."'M..anrol:,:1t1 t;a.:t.Y.w""& "gid N EW Wt. ,A T O J. show this week 1w o MANTLES, TRIMMED HATS, MINK. FURS. BUFFALO ROBES, BLANKETS, A.-3-. VERY LOW PRICES. —n:o-- STOCK WELL J'ANt'A. x 30, 1870 Ship Grocery, TEA. TELA r T11Y MY 75 et. TEA ! TRY MY 1() et, Tiff,]. ! t Every s(tti,f ((tear,). SUOA11S, COFFEES, RAISIN'S, CU.U'IixN 1';l, PRUNES, CCANDrlill? I'EEI.. OYSTERS. GRANGES. LEMONS. FLOW, ,i: ft'i8781) 1.14 at.r.1/41:1'11.3N. 3 TOBACCOES', CHOICE CIGARS. - Goods delivered to 1111 puts of We Village, Agent for Great Wester'? Sts'nip Cc, New York to Bristol, CAPS.1t.Sal1 VGl.To q LIVERPOOL, LONDONDLl RRY3 GLASLTOW ALLAN LINE OF n odea/ tali Steamships. Tia, fltvorit° route between Canada and Groat Britain. t$' 1.3' T ",,,,'3S 5 E 311 it 3 i iE THE PEPt,UVIAN will ssit 011 r obrintrt 8111.011 ,rte1t sea lntssage.vbr ht ,( :1111100(; eeetenie at t1 safety are equal to ,tuy(11'01 ici'L11t1,' 1,1;1,1, an,t britt; a (111..arli(n 1,11., 'io 111' be patronised by all n(141,411 1118. t or purtt,ul'ls115 10 1).1 -1411.140 1-444rtieS sending. for their'ie ul1;,n111'lyto (1AP'11. G. Ki 1:1P, Exeter. yyMIL:L I E R1Y miss GARLICK, H... 111 stock a complete lino of C t SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATtileatle FLOWERS, tete Trimmings of Every find, tl. ilultcst Stylett1.111 L)meiit Prices A eel Stock afw.--y Goods, !3erlan 1Vac,ls Ilnl+itl'n Lace, ]3railist Patterns, Cardboards (Mottoes, Sic, r „7acketscut nn.imita. to miter. MISS G -A tT ION, \fu:91 St. Motor, NE W B L A C K S l l l i' II AND dElliERALJ311uji13 SHIP,'� ,a4 'flaying 1111 n(tv snap 1,.oty in 0411 Lisa, I would 11.-• Corm t:10 pu1,l1+ ('1 : 1 1 can 11 1 "rtlt to do all kind.; to 111a•ke,r1,11(1,0 11( 11,10(g i n :Liritt of 1lllkinds, .,f :L 1 L t 11tuc111 ?t 0'1ti1v4ry, s ,cit as 11 Il10ls, Mow, .era, L' Ira 11114.-4 100 f1 1.111 '',13.i11 lug milt: (3oeir,• mi , 111.0',11 at iA.0tht(. ill rv..5 ,Lm inter-. ere. (1111 furring r n 1 feet t, t rtted 111 tam' inost altl0'ove,l lulu (1, tit •r tti.Pact 1,11 givt n• Charges �r' t &dd oderate. >s I have on hien(, all 01'•,1' of .10ricnitnn.l I1npl moats from talc asc,, v 111: 411,t.ctttl•u1„ Co., :rust' 0t15l 0e . 1-4,,,4•91,31-11,1 1,1 4,1 (ha } 1-t c- 1 u. t: hop cleat of the l'ost wa Y! tu'�i IA°C. VY C. <1. 0 M 0 z lJl F-1 , + mss, t..1 m-) 4104 ASSORTED1l[;�lt1V:>`LI They sell ac Close prices for cash or on short time only. All accounts due twit wailed on lst January, est April, lst July, and 1st October. INTEREST ,CIIA 1tG,:.I) ON ALL UNPAID AFTER THESE DATES racrctt's Block; opposite Satnwell t�11 Piekard's, flxott;t' 2 REMOVAL! REMOVAL! .RE11:IUVA—it EEVOVALI REMOVAL! P. Pi1AYNEi 'ins rornhdo to his ,noir shop; lately (wearied, by ?arkius tG Ce—two doors north of 3, Grimes book, ,tore, where you will ii,td uverytlting usually 1u' 11 It: u, iirst-C11, aha111ei15 e2trthlish141(Inf.-w11ic11f61'.. t%t(lity of material and slyle of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED lr;. 'alt and 011,11)0c'my stook before purchasing,. o'sowlierc. rr'7� Ph1T .rt FE, N.N.N.