The Exeter Times, 1879-1-30, Page 44 elemee. THE TIMES The Molsons Bank. INCOUPOriATED .BY ACT OP PATiLtAxmi-r, 1855. capeat, $2,000,000. let, $400,000, HAD OFFICE MONTREAL. 3�U N MOT.tiON, Rost, 'novas WonastAN, • • l'ier.Pres., q' r01.8,VCON, Viee•Pros Hun Mutull Ins Co Hon C 1.• Macpherson. Senator, W sillephe NI, Pres Ottawa laver Navlg Co Rarat o N'elson, 31 P P, AMOR _F.. WerarsueirsS tV402.1.1S, Ceishicr. AL ElEarox, StiQ„ - • - Inspector. xe ter Draricth. C, BREWER • • kfANALIEll, LOANS TO rAmoms, Menioy tschaneed to farmers on easy terms, on their ow promissory notes with OU *r ifloe good en- dersers, No mortgage required as security. SAYINGS 33ANK DR•PAItTAIEN1' 5 per vent, Intsrsst allowed on, deposits, Gold and currency drafts bonght audsold. S tor he Exchange bougut and sold, (1e-01.s:does made in all parts of the Dominion. end rehires promptly remitted at lowest rates of 1,1 xe ter, Au gust 13 th 1878. wunsimarmannuan....me 1•03011111111116 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Notiee—J. W. Browning, M, D. jewelry—S. E. Jones, lisrdware—O'Bryne & Co. Gray's Specific Medicine, Executor's Notice—I. Whitlock & D..Logg. Lem and. Savings Oumpany—W. F. Butler. Dry Goods—Beaton Bros, Vicks Floral Guide. Bankrupt Sale—R. A. Leggett. 'he ffetrit THURSDAY, JANUARY 80, 1879 I WILL CHASTISE YOU WITH SCORPIONS." Such is, ii effect, the auswer of the Muwat Cabinet and its supporters to the earnest cry and prayer of the people of Ontario, that economy should be used in expenditure and not as a theme fur declamation that an riuwies step recently taken by all should bo by the u tiversal desire gracefully retraced by ILL. The debate and division on Mr. Parkhill's amendment reveal a strange view of theresponsibilities of repren- tatives entertained by Minieterialists. Thoy would not accede to the very reasonable propisition that the iudem- nity to members and Minietere, should, iu the altered condition of the country, he reduced, bemuse this proposition ematatted from an Opposition member. 1)u tite people ef this province care from 'whom good measures emanate 2All they ask is to be prudently governed. If Ministers chose to regard this aneudinent as a want of confidence motiou,the deed was of their own doing, for by uniting with the Opposition the queetiou uf confident:a would never have been raised and they woeld have given both a bilbstalltiia proof of the sin- eJtety of their professions of econorne end their sympathy with the prevailin iiletress in the laud. Bat as yell might se expect figs from thorns or scopes from brambles as economy from men whose record is 80 alarming izi its extravegatice, aud whose hetes for office uud the sweets they so skilfully extract from it is strikingly illustrated by the voruloue and persistent whim of the daughter of the horse-leech—give, give. The Minister of Public Works, Mr. Irtieer, inaugurated the stubborn re- eistauee to a necessary reform and not nuiniudful of the value ef dramatic; effect posed as a sick statestnan a la Mr. 131ake, of T. es water. What apity that his brilliant imagination, which Las supplied, him with se many facts, did not suggest the propriety of his iudiatine the fatuous Chatham, and appearing in Lis place in the house swathed in flituuels aud supported by friends, so that he could have shown Luw fiercely b urus the fire of putt Let ism ia tale eoui of a Zi al say grabber." After ?Ir. Fraeer, amuse, the deluge, tee sluice -gates of miuieterial twaddle V, ere opened and Ontario was imbinerg- e iu an ice-cold efluud of humbug and 11 e•iuutloiug. And yet this painful iu• hitelou is net unaccumpauied by seine vouhit touches uf limner, the antics of into bc J1uiug to be regarded by their e, eletiemeitte as panting patrons, and 1.1. oiiiigiog firmly to the filthy lucre, are indeed amusing. Mr. Bethune utte of the ablest of Mr. Ifuwat's ettoportere exhibit., a drollery that were it not sad uutild be cluiigblful Lis auxiety the: Lit. l‘lei'nereuu's pamphlet should earefitlly exeenitted, Had his readiness Lu bdliovu tdia e diutu 11, lentil teitlfe lioieli1114 fit lb ; his williuguees to 881 Ve subsequent pairing off with au Oppusitiouiet Lilac Lid neurite might ilia appear in the cats ea.,. 4111.1 111E3 " I will" and "1 won't," " 1 Call" and "1 caul," remind us of that childish sport, see -saw, vulgarly known as " teeter." - Now it is " Up she rises," tho tt it is " Down she goes," btu upon the whole he manifests a decided partiality for " up she rises." But if speeoh be silver,and ()Hence golden then may South Raton be proud of their, inember, Mr. Bishop, who, in Indian phraseology may be described as the ohief of the silent mouth, Not a sound was heard, no defence, lame and impo- tent as it ixtust be, was offered for his oonduct, but moohanioally and as un. sento,tive's duty are not far astray. But has Air, Bishop done the bidding of his ocustitueuts in joining Ow other "salary.grabbers" and secretly, with closed doors, taking from his roaster's pocket an increase of wages 2 Perhaps be will de the people's bidding when they by their votes at the approaching election imperatively tell him to re. main at home. Judge Galt has decided that Ii1 J. W. Glen was not guilty of any practices at the South Ontario He therefore retains his seat, petitioner pays all costs, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A TJOTION SALE. -1N AOCOBD. truce with the will 0. tho late Robert ton. at)!',?uriegn.:1111)boyf AZtit."'.9j2tIg g 1, "'Zi:101% til st0peee.011 SATURDAY, ARY 1 1870 : Two Stoves, 1 Cupboard, 1 Clod:, 1 Brass Ks Me, 1 Wheel-barroW, 1 large Looleng.glass, and emu - ems other household effects, TERMS CASH, Sale at 8 °Wooly. ISAA 0 WRIT LOCK, DAVID LOGG, Exeoutora. oTANtm.r,T 30, 1879 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE .—A beau- eIt.e-tert • Wel worli of 100 Pages. Ono Colored Flower Plate, and 500 Ilinstratious, with Descriptions of ths boat Mt wars and Ve et or German The Mole tr. Vegetable klarden, election, g lth. In German or English. le Britain. Ate g ables, andhow to grow /-% • ri a "Thou"itioyal 177811 (nearnships. them. All for a Five Cent SWIM, Ie corrupt rib PROS, Colored P "' ""`. 1"""?' The itivorit t'Canadaau t e route ue even All TAM getrillgS. For 00 cents in paper omers ,v t; I Illusgted kt loo tidy Magazine • 32 pa WS IL color. and the resestingly as a pawn upon the chess- board be was mustered and moved Death of Judge iirough, of Huron, among the nags, voting against the Judge Brough, who since November, best interests of his constituents of every shade of politics. The defonoe of Mr.Biebop's votes and parliamentary career has been left to others, and his ideas of a representative's duty seem to be embodied in those lines, a little chauged, by his countryman Robert Burns : " But bring. a Scotsman from his hill, " Clap in Ins fist s al na• y bill "Say, such is Mr. kfowat's will "Ana there's the foe (Tories, of oourso) "He has nao thocht but how to kill "Twit at a blow," And snob is the man whom the Minis- terialists in their pride of power have chosen again to be their candidate at the approaching elections, and it is not for us to object, Still our friends and neighbors iu the riding know that many in their own ranks are dissatis- fied with the choice on the score of aptitude and ability.and let them never forget that the offspring of tyranny is relation. For oursole'es if we are to be 1860, until the summer of 1877, had held the position of Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, died at his residence Goderich a few days sinoe. He was born in the County of Carlow, Ireland, iu the year 1818, and was the youngest son.of Constan- tine Brough, Depnty-Lieutenant for that County, aud Justice of the Peace. AG au early age lie entered Trinity College, Dublin, and upon completiJu of his studies there,canee out to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to join his uncle the late Gen. Brough, R.I., then connnaudant of the garrison at Halifax. After a short sojourn there he resolved to enter the legal profession. He came to To- ronto, and entered the office of Messrs. Hegermau & Draper, then practisiti2 in partnership. Ile was called to the Bar in 1840, and shortly afterwards became partner of Mr. Draper, with whom he continued to practice until the elevation of that gentleman to the Bench. D ing this period Mr. Brough was engaged in many of the leading cases of the day, and was employed iu beaten we desire only an heuest, manly several coulidential matters by the conteet. And if defeat shall bo ours Goveaument,among others the negotia- wo could Wish that the conqueror would be such an one as South Huron need not blush fur ; we would like to know that intellect had something to .do. with our overthrow, and that we have not been routed by sheer brute force. No amount of (nibbling and sophistry will drive from the minds of the electors lima of a settlement with the authori- ties of the State of thew York of certain differences oceasioned by the disturb- aucee on the Niagara frontier. Upon the establishment of the Court of Probate fur Upper Canada, be was appointed Judge and continued to hold the office until the abolition of the Court and the distribution of its func- tions among the various County Sum. of this riding that Mr. Bishop has voted ,„ato Courts. In 1859 he was appointed to enriehhienself out of the public fuude, while many men as good as he, malty men abler than he are barely able to keep the wolf from their door. Brit when the polling day comes—let it be early, let it be late—the electors, by fug ielirmity of health obliged Mut. at the inajority which they will oast fur Mr. Jackson, will tell Mr. Bishop thail lengtli to abandon that peeition in the sunnier of 1877. The disease, which the puppet of a party cannot be the Uninitiated fatally 011 the 21st inst. was people's friend. one of long standiog, involving the brunt and spine] cord. At a meeting OUPt "TALENTED" 111E11.BER. of the Bar and County Officials of the County of Herat, held in the office of Queen'tt Counsel, but finding that failing health required him to seek some less activ4 occupation than his practice at the Bar, he applied for, and obtained iu November, 1806, the office of Judge of the Comity Court of the County of Burou. Oonetently inereas- Mr. A. Bishop, South Huron's rep- resentative, in his wandering remarks at Hensall on the 17th iust. said that he had only two years schooling, and that during that time he stood at the hoed of his class. If Mr. Bishop made these remarks fur the inforination of the eleeturs, they were quite uncalled for, as the fact that his education is limited is patent to every one who knows that sueli a person exists. But Mr. Bishop forgot to tell the people that there were only two pupils hi the class which lie stood at the head of in his school days. However, if Mr. Biehop has beeu a bright youth,he has not shown an apti- tude fur acquiriug knowledge during his parliameutary career. He has not profited by listening to the learned and eloquent speeches which haveheen de- livered iu '030 House in bis presence. A Filmic mau elionld be a man of veracity, yet we find many who have not much regard fur the truth. Even South Hurous'e representative in the L cal.has made a statement which is difficult to reeoucile. He says that lie did not vote on the motion with refer- ence to the reduction of members, std. ;tries, but paired off with a weinber of the Oppositiuti, which unmated to the -taut as attain his vote egaiust the re- duction. But iu lookinir over the Globe ut the 22 inliuet., we find our taleutott member's name appears in the list of those who voted ageiest Mr, tuneudinent. Who is fight ? the Deputy Clerk of the Grown, on Wednesday, a resolution of regret was unanimouely carried. Fairfield. DEBATING CLU13.—A. debating society was organized at Redger's Seined House on the 28rd filet., with a good membership. The association, if pro- perly conducted, will prove very beneficial to the young members. ' Crediton. VERDICT.—Lt the ingnest held to necertain the cause of death of the man George Gamer, who committed suicide at this place last week, the following verdict was returned :—We, the jury empanneled in the house of Adam Gnieer, brother of the deceased, ou Lot 12, on the 7th Concession in the town- ship of Seepheu, on the cause of death of one George Guizer, believe that the slid George Giiizer came to his death by his own hand, by euttiug his throat w.td a razor, caused by weakness of spirits, or a fit of iuenuity. ed Plate m every imudime and 111,01f RUC 14. gravings, Price $1.29 a year ;Five 00piPR tor $5 00. Spronuen nmuhers Relit for 10 coi,M. Vick's Seeds aro the best in the world. &MCI INTO Cant Stamp for a Floral Guide, containing List and Prices, and plenty of information, Address. a'AM188 VIcK, Rochester, N. Y. Opposite Central Hotel. ..X.ETER KNITTING FACTORY. 4 The midersigned would inform the publics of Exeter and RC rro1jUdrii4 country that he has re- moved bis Knitting Factory to tho building one door north of Mr. Richard Davis' Blacksmith shop alid that he will keep constantly on hand Gents, Ladies' and Children's Stockings of every descrip- tion. Parties may have their Stockings, Mitts. (to. knit to order on the shortest notice, A large sup- ply of 13orliu wool of every color on hand.Einger- Mg yarn kept in stock. Also a large stook of the best Canadian stookIng yarn kept constantly ou hand. Price for knitting nion's 800118, 121 cents, stockings, 14 cents, children's 124 cents per W. A. CANF1E Main street, :Exeter. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COM- ' PANY, OF LONDON. roaupg .T ?FFERY, President -. ALEX OIVSTON, Vi-c•Presidont. SAYINGS BAINIE BRANCH. N'OTIOE TO DEPOSITORS.— THE Ontario Lome and Ravings Cronpuov are prepared to receive deposits he the gum a $5 and upwards, et the rate of SIX PER O1"NT. per an- num, FOR fixed periwig, or Five per eent. on de mend. All investments of this e.ompanv aro se- emed by mortgages ou Real Estate, which affor,114 to depositors the best possible security for the safety ref their deposits. Por further nartioulars apply by letter, or at the office of the Cournany. Jan. 80-3n'. WM. F. BULLER, Monger. GRAYS SPECIFC MEDICINE. The Greatlinglish TRADE MARK TRADE MA R Ke IiitlegMuutsit.ov,fiouri 1.8118211.111. nal Weetkoes,, Impotency, ana all Sperinato rrli e , Diseases that fol.- OA Pell AL,11S0, low 11.S sequeuce 011 less of Memory, • Before 'Universal Lassi- Thlung'tude,Pain in tho ttfter Taking, Bn.ck, Dimness of Vision, Premature tee age, and many other Diseases that least to Insanity or Consumption anel a Premature grave. Purticitlara 10 our munphlet, which wd desire to send free by mail to every one. t..,•rsThe Specific Medicine is soldby all druggists at Alper package or six packages for$5. or will be sent hymen on receipt of the 30007by addressing TUE GBAY i EDIMNE -WI:SI/SOIL Orr., CANTADA. L'ees-Sold in Exeter ley all druggists, and every- where in LIttnada 111.10 the United States ')y• whele• sale 0,01eretail elm:gists. iv 5 YBYRICE ti& Co., In roto 11111g 0111' customers our sincere thanks fur the very liberal support Which has been extended to us for the three years we have been in Business, in Exeter, we beg to advise you that we HAVE REMOVED To our New Store, next door to Samwell & Pickard's, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our Customers. We have added. largely to tmr stock, and our prices will be found lower than any House in the Trade. and the quality of the goods equal to the hest. We would call your particular attention to our stock of Gooldng Stoves, which is designed specially for Farmers' use. The castings are extra heavy, which prevents cracking or twisting by the heat.and the prices and terms of payment will be found very reasonable. 0'23.7.11NE Next Door to &unwed & Pickard's, Main street. JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! —:o:- Ivain st. B toter. JEWELRY!!! 71111 s .12 r 1 LE THE PERUVIAN will sail on Febrnary 8th. 80 netest WI. passage.For speed, eomfort; econmuyand safety ere eat 0 al to aoy other 1Lilitctic MOO, and being 0 On. itellan Line eilionlc' bol)101'01.11Z0fi by all Car' alends. Fur partfeulars as to passage or. pirates sending 'for their fde ds, 4)j1Y bo CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. NEW BLACKSMITH AND GENERAL JOBBINGSHOPMENALL. —0— Raving my new shop now in full blast, I would In- form the 1)00111 that I am prepared to do all kinds of Blackmailing, ineluding repairing of all kinds of Agrieulturm Machinery, such as _Reapers, Mow, ors, 'Threshing Machines, and Horse Shoeing will receive my careful attention. Bursas that inter - fore, and having tender feet treated iu the moat approved manner, and satisfaction given. Charges Moderate. I have on baud all hi -cis o Agrienithral Imple meats from tho 1asscy Manufacturing Co., Now castle. 11.-"Itenneenber the place—First shop west of the Putt Omeo, Renewal. W3WLSANIDO. HAY PUMP WORKS G. MTH, - PROPRIETOR. Raving now greater facilities for manufacturing pumps than any other factory in 10. 81(1011 I aux prepared to fornish pumps and dig wells on the shortest autism, 0110 warrant all work. My pumps have taken the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PALI SHOWS against many competitors. I can recommend them, and sell as cheap as any second rate article eN.B.—ITAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE DIRS. BOLTON. r. Shop—One-griarter mile north of Exeter London Road. Ray P. 0 Exeter. Aug. Rth, 1878. arble irks. -- W. D. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PTECES. FURNITURE T01'8, &e. Cemetery Work of all lauds neatly executed. 5 Doers North of Drew's Mil, Main street, EZZETE1.. MILLINERY MISS GARLICK, Bus 1.1UNV in stock it complete line of SPRING- HA.TS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Rind, in Latest Style aticl Lowest Prices A full Stock of Famey Cowls, Berlin Woole, lioniton Lace, Braids Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c, m„,Tackets cat aucl made to order. MISS GARLICK, S. E. JONES Has 5fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, In all tho latest styles, and at A meetiug of the ratepayers of Blyth Was held iu the Temperance Hall, on Prices to suit the Times the 27th inst., to take into considera- tion the advisability of granting a bonus to Messrs. Grey, Young & Spar - Rog, of Seaferth, to establish Fait works there. 1dr. Grey Witel present and addressed the meeting, after which a resolution was passed unanithously, requesting the Council to/ass a by-law for that purpose. Prof. Geo. J. Abbott, for some time American Consul, Godericit, who had beeu ill for several nwittlie, died on the 21st lust. Ile was held in the highest eeteent 'by all 'who had the honor of his • eoqu tuttatice. •iiis culture end refine - merit did great credit to Alia Ainericiu "There ate two pertyta in every civi. Cussulsm stuff. lized c)n11i1uhlut. Tile otte beiievee A few deem sitice Rov. Mr. Caswell, that the representative whichtlisy el- of Leudesboro, met, Wall it Imitifilt, tint and send down to manage their at though nut seriuns accident, lie had etre is their eervant, and Loii.L do thou, Well attending a tea meeting at Walton, and, startine fur houte, had jut got eidding." The above is the utterence I into, tinecatter when the horsey wheeled of our "learried" friend, 1‘-l" 1)1"1"1?- I and threw him out, Vallieg on his We agree siLft Maud Aeon, that the 1 sun he sprained it so severely fis t4 paltry whe.liaa that idea of a rui..e, disable Lieu fui a leo daye. -.0: - AILL AND EXAMINE! Before you buy elsewhere. Special attention paid to Repair- ing. S. E. JONES, FLOUR and. GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every sworn o dation possible in gristibg and flouring. Fleur and inill food delivered to parties leaviug their orders before e ne o'clock at .T, E,LT eOell Bakery, el u1'1.1 YRS 11 & CO'b, or 011tail same day T (-L' ee, tee e. I 0 DO NOT READ THIS. _Toying received a lot of new ntachinery, Li would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding couctry that I am prepared to manu- facture till kinds of Horse Rakes'Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc,. and having secured the services of a first-elass Turner, I am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING ou the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hantl a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a utile south ofExoter. A. COTTELL. AT THE StanclariSashDoor ,Blind • FACTORY, is °oust ntly kept on band, aEkft,dp of buildin5 material. 3 louring bard and soft, Siding Mould ags 6:0„ sold cheap. Planing:Owing and Turning promptly atteneed to. BUILDINGS CON'I'RACTED FOR, and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have of baud it large week ofdry lumber, we feel sure on salisfyiog those wbu may give us call. 14 t88:131t08. & TAYLOR ST. 11 1.1.1Y'S LI31141 WORKS. ourilrawn kilos being now 111 11,11 operation and turning out flatly a large glum ti 01 that for all purposes • cannot be tiurpassed in the liomir • either at the Minn tleiiverel by tomns taker Partiesfrom n, istatme can a I way s yplie,t est remunerative rettoq. Ordersfroni e dIsb../.04 pr,Juiptly attendeteto, . 11'11.1L3(itt & SCL • ' ese 11.. 4it 1 pt