The Exeter Times, 1879-1-30, Page 1Vol. ill. Exeter, Ontario, Thur day, January 30, 1879. No. 25 helPO UM.NT NOTICES. HODGSON, &OKEI CU, + A.uotioneere, Salee promptly attended to. Days of sales urrnugod at Ulla 0114 to. OTIOE.--Raving rented fr(tinj,Dr, .41--1 Cowen the sandpit (;down las R. Pinoi�mbo's 1 am prepared to supply sand for all buildingI, ltnri>tt4$tss gas chomp as anyone. Any person. franc;( taking laud without lay cuthority after this date will be dealt with according to law. Tt1f)iM1AS 1)EAltIN(i, Exeter, 0at.2.kth0.678, ? 11. CADDY, 3ARISTEi & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, etc, Office, Ftt,nson's Block Exeter, NOTICE. AU persons having a.coauts against the lata Mrs. stout, Logg, o(;ttte township of Stephan, is iv - quested to present the same to either Isaac Whit- lock orIr id a oAU'by the 30t t inst. ISAVi1L'LUt11... t Exoeuters. 1./ V10 LUGO., neatest eau. 15, 1870 Fort, SALE. • Therou, h bred MI ported Dace Bursa, "• GALT 1J8POItT.EI1," Chesnut Stallion, B years, by Colossus, dant by x.oxin„k,n, Well b_okal to harness,, would bo valuable in the stud, ' Galt IDeportee" porter. :mantes ell the turf are too well ,known to need mention here, he being 0. wluuor at all distances, A.PDiy to DA. IllJTUHINSO.4, Exeter. 1s,,0LUTi0N 01 PARTNERSHIP Who ('3e-t,artuership between the undersigned tits Merchants here, nude) the name, style and than of" Harwood et Flotni.,g," was this dray dis- )s 1ved by mutual consent. 11, IT 11tWOW). A. IT. FLEMIN a. Acusall, Huron Co„ Nov.13, 1878. 7.'TENTION TAKE NOTCE • thn' the appointment of Messrs. Mason & liudson,Hens:,11, as agents of the 1Mutti ai Erie In. s.lrane-e Company of the Comity of W611ingto:+, is tui.) day caneelled,andlir JO1LN 1LYN1).+tAN will. iufuture.act as agent for Exeter and vicinity. fly order , CHARLES 1t AVIDAON, Guelph, Ileeom'ter 4th, 1870. 15.tf. Si,-rP:oas PROPERTY LIST. EIOUSE TO BENT. .rices( as the Rodgorville hotel, Immediate dossesslof, Apply to J1' 8I&1tSIiALL. Exeter, 1.t011 SALE IN WINCHELSEA— IIouse and Lot. Good stand for a, shoema- ker, A corner lot. Forparuholtlars, apply hy letter or personally to HARRY 1311011'N,Wiucholsual'.0 T_ICUSE LT e rd e scion, Stephen,TOE contaoninithng 93roernsCon- and gram cellar, good well ou the premises, with or without garden. For terra, artily to • WILLIAM BARED, gad Cou., Stspliou, Coutralia, "VILLAGE and TOWNSHIP PROP - V )1IsTYFOP, SAL i'.—Two lots inCrorlitou,on one of whieh is avow brick store, good well and new stable. Well fenced. Also 25 acres bash Jami, part of lot 21, oon.G. Stepuou, on Exeter side. road, 8.1 miles west of Exeter. For terms apply to Jec,,n 1I•tXsT, (rodlton. P 0 �qpNr OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN 1L� ('111;DITON.—A. good frame house and stablo, also a good wall on the premises. The aJoyaJ property is ftr saleor to rent. Also 25 acres of lamb, 111 bust'being mostly black ash, on the Exeter side road, ee miles west of I.xet,r, iu the township of Stephen, lot 20, - concession 0, Per pnrticlffurs' apply to BED:NAD1)POTS P, Credited P. 0, �: GOOD FARM FOR SALE. --:0•— :ro he solctby private contract, Lot, No.10, Oen. 15, F_ibbe.t, County of Perth, 100 aures, abont 80 acres cleared. Possessiou when required. For particulars apply to 31r,13, V. ELLIO T, Solicitor, &c., Exeter, or to Mrs, Liill:T.1N, Lot5,;Con, 3, Usborno PROPERTY FOR SALE. TIIE subscriber offers for sale two houses and two lots. one situated on Enron street, east, in tho vil- lage of Exeter, and the other on Simcoe street, Both houses are nearly new, and one rents for six and the other for seven dollars a month, They will be sold together, or separate, and on moder- ate terms, For pa ticulars, i WILSON Bengali, or to the lnrncs office. I`l �Rlt FOR SALE. ----THE SUB - scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 - (Ion. 1.k, 3-(Ion.1.k, Township of Usborne County of Imran 90 mous clow od, the romaine good bush, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation' under, drained, good orchard, splendid well of water. frame barn 30x60, log stable 2.1x86, log• house, and couvonie'tt to school rants three churches. For ur.thorparticulars apply to • N'i,I. BItYANS, liirki.on, P.O., or ME. B. V. ELL/OT, Attorney, Exeter P.O. j1OTEL roil, SALE. That largo frame Betel known as' TEP BRIT• I8B HOTEL," in CLINTON, with largo frame stables attached, situated on lots 850, 861, 867 and 868, in the town of Clinton, containing one acre more or less. The hotel has a license and is now doing a flrst.class businoas. Ibis affords a .04100- did opportunity 'for •any one desiring to go Into the hotel business as tl,e terms aro very liberal. A min ill payment down, and ten or twelve years for balance. Tor further particulars apply toll. O'i3YT1NE, Exeter. valuator for Ilominlon Loan ;Society, DENTAL. Hl R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,A1,1t.C.D.fd. raduato of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. ()Bice Dues O'Neil bank. and opposite Sinuwclf Plekarda.' H. KINSMAN, PEN Lieentlnte of the. Ditto' tz.: Cglletgo , t On. hatic;inryae , •consult d.any ,day. Office-- x,oxt door to *he ?oat Otico, Exeter, Ont. J,arw , ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Toronto, Jan, 27, --The Speaker' took the cleair et 8.10 p.m. After routine business, the following bins were iotroduced:--- To incorporate the Ontario Poultry O. ; the Andrew Mercer .ltefol.'nlatory fur Fallen Women ; to extend the pow- er of the Toronto Gan Co. l<Ir. Sinclair rose to a question of order. Ile denied the statement that the .lhri;l made, Chat lie had signed the indemnity round robin. Mr. Striker alio denied that he sign• ed it, and thought, in order to set tine gnestinn at rest, the Government ought to publish the original round robin. Mr, Meredith asked whether the at- tention of the Government has been celled to the Rist that Mr. Thomas Boon, License inspector for East 1eent, has been elected peeve of the town of Bothwell ? Whether itis intended to permit 1tr. Boon to retain the position of License Inspector while lie holds the office of Reeve ? Iron. lir. hardy said that he had not had his attention directed to the matter, but he would snake enquiries and bring down the ioformaticin. Mr. Boniter moved for an order of the House for copies of all reports of Inspectors of Colonization roads to the Crowe Lands Department for the last three years. Carried. The Rouge then adjourned at 3.25. Torolhto,Jannary 28th.—TheSpeakor tout; the chair rat 8 rim. After routine bnsineee, a nnmher of bills were read a first tinee,among them were :— lir. McOraney—To legalize a certain lhy•law of the Township of Str(athroy. 111r.Crooks—To extenclythe boltudary lines of the Town of Ingersoll. Mr. Tooley—To oonsolidate the debt of the Comity of Middlesex, Mr. llereditll—To mond the Act respecting the Queeltston and Grimsby roadh lIr. Springer—To incorporate the Waterloo, Wellington a`v Georgian Bay Railway Company. Mr. Wilson—To amend the nets re- bating to the Brantford, Norfolk and [Port Burwell Railway Company. ifi'. Meredith—To incorporate the Brantford Street Railway Company. Mr, Meredith—Act antlhnriziig the sale of certain iencit3 in London East, known as the Methodist Cemetery. 1'Ir. Merrick—To incorporate Loyal Orange Associations of Outario East and Ontario West.. Mr. Hardy presented the eleventh anneal report of the inspectors of asylums and prisons ; eJlso, report of the School of Practical Science; 81so, report of the depository branch of the Educational Department; else,bnrser's statements of cash receipts and expen- ditures of UE per Canada College for 1878, and of the University for the same year. HIon. Mr. Cranks introduced a bill amending the Educe lion A.ct, remedy- ing some of the minor defects in the bill and extending the franohise,•in the election of School Trustees. Mr. Flesher moved fur an order of the House for a statement showing in detail the total amount received by the License Commissioner of Cardwell, for tavern and shop licenses, and fines for infringement of the i,,iceneo Law during 1878; also to show in detail all pay- ments nut of the 'License Fund of Cardwell since the first of May, 1878, the person or pesons to whom, and the authority nu which such payments were made and the amount, and the balance on hand on the first day of January last. Perth Items. The piens of Mr. Il;. E. Myers, n Detroit architect, have been accepted for the new Presbyterian Church, in St. Mary's. It is to cost in the neigh- bo'rhood of $9,000. James McGormrtn, of Mornington, was going home the other day,and was driving a caw before his team. When he reached the L. & H. crossing, near Millbank, the train was too quick for him, and caught the one and horses,. killing all three. McGerman was for- tunately not hurt hinlaelf, . There is likely to be a lawsuit, no Itis Raid the loot motive didn't sound Its whistle. Thnmae Gray, of Mitchell, constable, was tried before Mr. 0' ian)tine,Stratford, Police Alegietrate, on Thursday, for letting a party named Iteefe, whorl be was taking to Stratford jun, slip pet of hie bands. He woe fined $100 and bound over to appear when wanted' for eentetme, Thi. will 'tench, him too ex- erpjee shore Wire in the futures, Dominion &we. The •Ontario Poultry Association's show will b'e held totGuelph on the 25th of February, The caro' of the lion, George Irvine against the lifhterve,: to recover $25,000 damages for libel, }'s proceeding in the Enquete Court at Montreal. An American named H. C. Couch dropped dead from heart disease, on the corner of Richmond and King streets, London otl Saturdaynight last, He had been an ingiate of the Hospital. Mrs. J. C. Snyder, who died in Waterloo the other day, had seven children, 67 grandchildren, and 151 great grandchildren. Duriug the res' nt snow bloollade all trains were snow •l up an the narrow- allege arrow- 1 upward of t e road,roia:ete t e d c 1a at L r, p 6 three weeks. The St. Lawrence Hall, Caonuna, has been bought. ,t a Sheriff's sale by Itlessre. O'Brien and Samuel Waddell for $9,050. A woman named Hudson was on Saturday afternoon last found dead in her house in London Beet, having been suffocated while in a fit brought on by body terribly bruised. excessive drinking. An unusual incident happened on The total extension of railways in the Toronto branch of the G.W.R. on Saturday afternoon. While the train Abort rine o'clock p.m„ the 27th The Popo has; received threatening inst., a fire was discovered broalciug out letters from Socialists. in the back kitchen of a stone dwelling Smallpox and drought are causing on John street, Napanee, occupied by great destitution in Brazil. There Croo. Laidley and owned by Allen were 473 deaths from small -pox in Patton, Newburgh. The contents of twenty days. the building, couaistiug of household The Pope, it is rumored, intends to effects, were mostly saved ; insured for chalhgo his representatives at London, $850 in the Isolated Risk Insurauo9 Vienna, Lisbon, and Madrid, Company. The building was insured Grand Duchess Anastasia, daughter in the Western,for $500. Probable of Grand Duke Michael, has bee marri- Theaorigaunof the f flrehnot nearly its value, ed to Prince Frederick of Mecklenburg known. Schwerin, Russia. Janes Daniels, a respectable farmer The steamer Quebec,of the Dominion from Pike Creek, received injuries, Line, is now twenty-one days out from which may prove fatal,frotn a runaway Liverpool for Halifax lead has not yet team in Windsor, on Friday. A pair arrived. of gray horses, which had been left Au unconfirmed report states that n111140110(1 in the stable yal'd of the the epidemic appeared in Or, near McLaughlin House, broke away, and Moscow, and calls attention to the in turning up McDougall street, the filthy cnudition of the workmen and pole of the sleigh to which they were peasants. attached struck Daniels. He was St. Petersburg pauera discussing the thrown down and dragged a consider- (Measures adopted abroad in view of the able distance under the feet of the epidemic in Astrachan, approve the animals. Daniels was insensible when proposal of appoiutinganInternational plotted up, and Dr. Webber, who took Medical Commission, declaring the hien iu eharge. found his skull fractured, question concerns humanity at large. his left shoulder dislocated, and his A number of persons are now ill with Ontario tat year was 186 miles, and the total mileage of the Province is now 8,534 miles, including 340 miles of the Canadian Pacific Railway at present under construction. Including the recent acquisition by the settlement of the boundary ques- tion, the total area of the Province of Outario is naw 221,000 sgnare miles ; the extreale length is 1,070 miles, and the greatest width 400 miles, with a coast line of 310 miles. Prof. Bell was last summer instruct- ed by the Dominion Government to examine the valley of the Nelson River, and it is Paid he n itI report in favor of the construction of a railway from Hudson's Bay to Lake Winnipeg. On•Saturday morning lest the house, and buildings belonging to lir. Thos. Keays, on the 5tli •collcessiun of Lon- don Township, Awes totally destroyed by lire, snppnto have been caused £arrangements will bo made, by which by an incendiary. Assistance being at railway and steamboat lines will under- hand a.large quantity offuruitnre was saved. leaving Toronto at 8.10 p.m. was about midway between Oakville and Bronte, a gentleman had occasion to leave a passenger car for the purpose of going into the smolciug car to have a " whiff of the weed." The wind was blowing pretty high, and as }wreathed. the platform of the oar, a sudden gust swept him off. The train was running at a speed of about twenty miles an. hour at the time ; but it was speedily brought to a standstill, and the stray passeuger recovered. He had alighted in a huge snow drift, and escaped without any injury. It is stated that the Government in- tends to recall nearly all the emigratiun agents of the Dominion in Great' Britain and Ireland, and in future rely in a great measure upon printing and advertising for the bringing of emi- grants to this country ; also that On Friday last a man who works at Mr. Garner's a'shery, Thameeford, was arrested for breaking into Mr, E. Hun- ter's horse, Dorchester, on the previn09 day, an stealing some clothing which was afterward9 found in his bedroom. He was committed fur trial. An altercation took place on Monday last between William Hearns and a man named Walter Dennis, of Nepanee concerning it binge. Dennis attemtnd to stab Hearne with a knife, and in fending off the blow Henxns received a severe wound, taking effect on his hand. The cnlpi'it escaped, taking the horse (vita him. A new and splendid ear is beiug bni.lt by the Montreal, Ottawa and Western Railway for t re use of His Excellency the Governor-General and of excitement by loud cries (,f " fire" Princess Louise. The car will shortly and •J murder" emanating from one of be ready for servico,and will cost about the back streets. On repairing thither $8,000. they found a ruffian named Gillen A fire broke out in the Queen's Calhoun attempting to rape Mrs. Pool. Hotel, Barrie, on Monday lest, and It appears that he first assaulted, with after half an honr's bard work it was intone to cotumit, a Mrs. McQuarry, completely subdued, but not before and that Mrs. Pool came to her assist- considerabie damage had been done to ante. He then left Mrs,peQuarry, the building and furniture. The fire who fled, and turned upon ivies. Pool, originated in the cellar, and is Paid to who was on the point of being over - have been caused by the explosion of a powered when desistance arrived. The hand -limp. crowd was greatly excited,and Calhoun A young man named ItXarshell, who had a narrow escape from being lynch- resides on a farm about three miles ed on the spot. Calhoun was arrested from Galt, was at Clenmorris on Sat- by the constable, and will be brought urdaylaet, helping to reprtir a milldam, to London, the. magistrates being and while returning home at night in absent attending the County Contd. A some manner lost his way, and reenaie- ed ort all Saturday night. He was found on Sunday morning by people coining to church, but wee en badly frozen that he died early last 14:Concley night. take a good deal of the work now per- formed by the agents. The English hies Stock Journal, and the Farmers' Advocate; of London, Ont., besides other English and Canadian journals, have called attention to the alleged existence of rinderpest in the United States. As this disease is con- tagions, and is the common rinderpest. or pleuro-precnionia, the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa lilts sent an export to examine into the condition of the United States cattle at the point of export and in the neighborhood of in- fected localitieswho will repprt as speedily as possible to his superiors, who will at once take the most effective steps to prevent any injury being done. to Canada. It is said there is uo sign in Canada of the disease. ()n Monday evening; last,the villagers of ;Inca Craig were thrown into a state One clay last eveek 1\Ir. Semis, of Clarke, Derham Co., allowed a Berk• shire boar to go loose 111 the yard where, having been only a few minutes, he et. tacked a valuable horse, ant%. with his tnsks cut the corde of the horse's leg 110 1111 to render the 1>taree completely nse1'esa, end? then injnrid,twoothers in e similar way, anis dad not do thomi so much injury„ Some cattle were also attioke(t anal more or lees injured. After snnie tr••aathle the vioiona enimal was eaptnre(3 and deprival of hie Woke. •leerni,ers and °there nwflrna this ,(flees Qt;-fi o$er01 wild, t00 Welt 14 take 1a;l pistils:; man named Stuto has also heon arrest. ed :for interferir'g with the onnetnhle in the discharge of this duty. Calhoun, it is said, was miler the infinenoe of liquor, He resicles at Carlisle, ohne(( three miles from Ailsa Craig, And does not bear a very good uharecter. General News. • The. Spanish Government bas order- ed a man•of-war to Seen Domingo to derraandan apology from the authori- ties there for an iesttlt to the bpanisb Mews has been xeeeivnd from q.ntlt Africa that the Ii'ingt of Zunit has re• fumed all Itritieh demands, Very severe weather has been: exnetr. ionosd 1n.• (Yr'at. B;ritftlo, rtaa(t France dead st tixo Qas,l 14004., the epidemic. The population in other villages are attacked. One death and two new eases are reported at Tearitsin. The Commission is appointed to pre- vent its spread by ruads or railways. The town of Tearitsiu is surrounded by military pickets, and a quarantine established on both sides of the Volga. Capt. Adams, of the ship R.alcton, reports, January 10th, 50 miles west of the Fastnot, BAN a vessel on fire, and hastened to assist. He found it steamer alongside, bus could see no one on the wreck. He eugnired, " Can I be of any use ?" and was roughly an- swered, "Keep on your course, or yea will have to " Capt. Adams sailed on, and Was subsequently overtaken by the steamer and ordered not to mention what he had seen, for if he did lie would have to look outfor himself on his next voyage. Lie steamer had %bout 150 men aboard, epaarently English. A. British gunboat left Cork on Saturday last to seek intelligence concerning the alleged pin) tical steamer. The gunboat overhauled many ves- sels, but learned nothing. Sitting Bull's Band. Col. Wood's official report says the Sioux runners who reached Fort Ben- ton, Jan. 10th, to ask terms for Sitting Bull, stated that Sittine Bull at a re- cent Indian Council declared it wish for peace. It was then decided to send runners to different agencies to liner- tain the terms on which they might re- turn. Rumors report game scarce across the border. A Wap'lhin'' on special to the Tribune says —ti ng Bull's band of 15,000, It is repo ted, wishes the Government. to make peace and feed then(. Tina presents a puzzling problem. If the present orders, that they be (rotten prie- oners, prevail, provision for feediute must be made, but the Government has 00 funds for that purpose. If they are quartered with other indians they will eat then ant. If they are not cared for they wilt be sure to steal from tho settlers. The Department of the Interior ]sag received information to confirm the report that Sitting Boll hascrossed the liue, and that there is apt to be a bre,' gathering of hostile Indiana in hies vicinity, Immediate hostilities not feared. News from Fort Lincoln says that (he runners from Sitting Brill arrived at Standing Rook Agency, bringing a distinct proposition from the Chief to return and surrender his guns and ponies. He says his people are hungry and cold and this spirit broken. A very socoessrul soiree came eff m Brncefeld on Monday evening hast, The diffeaent ministers who spoke seemed to entertain their listeners nlosr, splendidly at d the evening watt enjoyed by all. We regret to learn that the hest'v draught foal, eight months old, the property of Mr, Hugh Love, sr., of Hills green, died on Monday of lswt week. This At oras from Mr. Love's imported mare, and was it prrrtionlat�lti• fine find promisin>r animal.. He world trot have taken ($700 for it, It hail been aiding for anent a week. A past rnnrteoa e:Xam1:rtation revealed the fact llttt:,hoaniwital hradeliad from a peenliar kind of iirftanera atiottb of the bowels.