HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-1-23, Page 5ttA1 UA1tY 23, 1870 Till' TIMES T1IORNE.& 'FAMEER. Tilolt: RMEI.. Try the. STAR 'GROCERY for Teas, Coffees,�,Currants, Sugars, &� General Groceries. Just recoiv�ed a large consignment New Raisins & C�.r� g gnment of fine Wines & Liquors, Viz,, Champagne Clar • et, Old Port, Sherry Cognac, Brandy,Rum,Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Canadian Whiskey,&c. A full and general stock of Flour & Feed always OD hand. Red Sign, Main Street, Exeter Red Sign, Main Street, Exeter South Huron Agr;cultural Society. The annual meeting of the members of the South Huron Agricultural Socie- ty wat, hold at Shaffer's Hotel, Kippen, nu Wednesday, the 15tli lust. There was nob a very large attendance. The report of the Directors showed the af. fairs of the Society to be in a good condition. The reports from the vari- ous branch societies were read and adopted. .!'rnrn these reports we glean the following ieterestiug particulars rIlheWTackersnil.h Branch commenced the year with a balance of $320.04 iu the Treasury. It received from mem- bers' sub;criptiona, $333; admission tees to eellii)ition, $447.65 ; Legislat•ive grant, $93.56 ; other eouroes, $70, making tlu total receipts for the year, $1,264 85. There was paid nut iii prizes $1,022.90 ; on building fund ao• count, $128 ; and in other expenses, $202,65, malting a total expenditure fir the year of $1,553.55. The Steph- au and Ueborne Branch commenced the year with a -balance of $2I8.62 in the Treasu^y. It received from mem- bers' enb,seriptions, $3G0; admission foes at exhibition, .$536.68 ; Legisin,tive grant, $140; other sources, $49. ma,k- iug the total receipts for the year, ,$1,- pO4.30. Tiaere wag paid out for prizes, 105; to County Society in aid of fall chow, $650 ; on grounds and buildings, $62.37 ; other working expenses, $129.- 20, malting the total expenditure $946,- 57, leaving the handsome btilanee of $357.73 in the hands of the Treasurer. The Stanley Branch commenced the year with a balance of $3 62 in the treasury ; received on account of mem- bers' s:tbscriptions, $170.50 admission fees to exhibition $49.50 ; Legislative grant, $76.93 ; other sources, $3, mak- „ ing the total receipts for the year $303.- 55, Paid out in prizes, $222.25 ; in grounds and buildings, $18.87 ; in other expenses, $63 90, making a to- tal expenditure of $305.02. The fol- lowing officers and Directors were ap- . pninted'for the ensuing year : Dr. Cole. ware SRaforth, President; J,as. Pick- ard, Eseter,Vice-President, Director -se-William Bell and Geo. Sproat, Took• 'rsmith ; L. Hunter, Uebnrne ; Jttmes Cite, Exeter; William Lewis, Stephen; Win. Wilson, Hay ; Thomas Simpson, Stanley : M. Y. McLean, Seaforth. Auditors.—Geo. Jackson, Egmondville, and Wharton Hodgson, Exeter. A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks was t, nderded Mr. Wm. 13011, the re- tiring Pttesident, for his able .services in the interest of the Society during Ins tenor of office. At a meeting of the Directors subse- quently held, Mr. Samuel Smillie hav- ing aying declined to act as Secretary for an- other term Mr. G. E. Creeewell, the former Treasurer, was appointed Sec- retary and Treasurer at a salary of $60 per annnm. A vote of thanks was un- animously passed in favor of fir. Smil- lie, the retiring Secretary, for his valuable services in the past, after which the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the President. South Huron. The above is a Riding constituted for the Legislative Assembly and laid out with an eve to Grit interest. It will be remembered that Mr. M, C, Cameron Made an attempt to have the township of Tnekersmith attached to it for the Upper House, but through the interfereeoe of the Senate his little game was spoiled. Be !ten in that, Huron:,Presbytery. ''he regular meeting of the Presbtery of Huron met at :Clinton on the 14th inst.,there being a very large attendance of ministers and elders. The Rev. John Ferguson was appointed Modera- tor for the ensuing six months. A call from Kirkton and Thames Road, to the Bev, C. Fletcher, was sustained. A call from Egmondville, to .the Rev. Ur. McCoy, was sustained, and his ordina- tion to bake place on the 3rd of Feb. next. Rev. Mr. Stewart to preach, I Rev. Mr. Cameron to address the minister, Rev. Mr. Musgrave to address 1 .the people. Mr. Ferguson' reported That he organized a station at Garde. Mr, McCrae, of Grand Bend, resigned his charge on the ground of ill -health: A remit from the General Assembly, on Ike division of ':he Presbytery, was taken up, discussed, and agreed to,— that part of this Presbytery with part of I3►uae form a neitr. Presbytery. Mr. McQnarrie and Mr. Cameron, spoke on behalf of the College Fund, and Mr. Ferguson on behalf of the Home Mission plod, advising 'mere liberal oontribu. W p t; to the same,. Members • appointed 4 attend epthe 'neral Assert-bly, at taws RAV.tf.a uarrie, •. Wilkin!, 'ergun„ lki0Xiean, l.riictiard, Pr. Ural and Atree 4i1; ,Eidere;,MatIu'Aon,Shaw, ;AUL i jckson,Sttaa- t,,Kerna3hwn,, *AO, ' he next ,I,0n ..of. Pr Ivill,;lis,•held in f nton on' *le' 4 ird, 'tip d& &► :of , a'ta a,; the 18th,. •,, A. TIME TABLE, L. H.dt B. R GOING xu}trx Mixed 8,05 a. re. Mail 3.35 p. m. Express 7.35 p. m. DOING SOUTH Mail. 8.49 a. m. Mixed 2,50 p. In. Express 8.25 p. m, Jrbit RKF,TS FALL WHEAT. Mr. Mowat eeeeyed to make up for n, White wheat ... and brought in bis redistribution bill , Scutt o hereby he oat ved out three ridings in Fife Huron. Still, in the face of all his piotegoe Mr. 13ishnp escaped defeat at the hands of Mr. George Case, by a comparatively small majority, and that without very efpi,,ient orgauiz`.ttinn. so that there is good hope of South Huron falling into litre next election and re- turning an opponent of the Mowat Government. Mr. Bishop, who has been cnnspicnons in the House for the past six years, by his name appearing merely among the yeas and nays, and nothing more. is again a candidate in the Grit interest, and is opposed by Mr. George Jackson, of Egmondville. So far as these gentlemen are concerned. Mr. Jackson is in every way the snperi„r. He is a sterling business man of long standing in the ridiug,and has by his energy and superior ability established far himself a business career of which he has gond reason to feel proud. While lie .has succeeded in bnsiuess he has done so without oppressing any person ; be has also won for himself the esteem of all Glasses, so that he will make a mare useful man in the Legislature of his country than 11r. Bishop. Li fact., it is a pity that there are not more business meu of Mr. Jackson's stamp in Parliament..: The electors of South Huron l_ehould bear this fict in mind and give it a calm consideration, and . when the proper time 'arrives make a loitig. •pull and a strong pull, and place . 14In.: Jackson triumphantly atithe:;het d'ofthe •poll:=- Mitchcll' Advocate. A seneational correkpnnrlent at Rome says the Jesuits:serrt•the :Pope a. kind of ultimatum, pointing;;ont the' evils resulting from their exclusion from the government of the Church. The Pope continues firm,and many of his friends fear the consequences. •An.unfounderl report that the'Pope bad -been poisoned awakened painful appreliensiona. sPaI14G w AT 83 to 0 S5 ... 81 to 0 86 ... 076to082 iced Chaff f' ... ... 0 70 to 0 75 Barley ,., 0 40 tot 62 Oats. ... 0 '27 to r 28 Clover Seed 8 00 to 350 Peas .., ... ... ... 0 48 to '1 53 luggs 0 14 to tl 16 Batter ... ... ... 0 00 to 0 12 Flour per bbl. ... 4 50 to 4 50 Potatoes, per bag •.. 0 75 to 0 80 Apples per bag ... 75 to 5 80 Dried Applespr b... ... ... ... 0 00 to 0 07 Hogs, dressed per 100 ... ... 3 25 to 3 80 Beef ... ,.. 5 00 to 5 50 elides ,.. 5 00 to 0 00 Sheepskins, eaoh ,.. ,,, ... ... 25 to 0 75 Hay per ton - ... 700 to 8 00 Onions per bush ,.. .., 0 50 to 0 80 bard .,, .,. 0 05 to 0 07 Wool,per lb ,.. 0 20 to 0 21 Turkeys per lb 0 07 to 0 07 Geese 0 05 to 0 05 Dunks, per pair 0 20 to 0 25 II/MALL MARR:DTs, White wheat $ 83 to 8S ed wheat. 0 88 to 084 spring wheat . 0 75 to 0 78 Barley 0 50 to 0 75 Peas 0 50 to 0 52 Oats 0 23 to 0 •26 Hides 5030o560 sheep skins. ............ . ...... .... .............. 0 75 to 1 00 Flogs 3 25 t0 3 50 Button 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs 0 15 to 0 15 Wool.: ...... ....... ........... ................ 0 22 to C °4 ST. MARY'S , :tau tried rognl-trly by A.. Galbraith,C1o's, Delhi wheat, per bushel . 0 35 to 0 00 SprinO wheat ..• ................................. 0 70 to 0 75 13arley ... 0 40 to 0 ((0 Peas .. , 0 5(1 tV. 0 55 Oat-, . 0 23 to 0 30 Potatoes per bag....... .............. .. ....... 0 70 0., 0 80 Apples ' 0 50 t0 0 80 Beef per lb 0 04 to 0 03 Mutton" ........... ....... ..,•......,......,,C 05 to 0 00 Porte per cwt ... :..- .... ,.. •.•,3 :i0 to 3 65 Eggs, per dozen • • 0 15 to 0 10 Butter , 0 10 to 0 13 Turkeys 0 50 to 1 25 Geese 0 35 to 0 45 Ducks pair,......: ..,.. .... , . . .. . ' .. , . : . O 40 to 0 50 Chickens” ................. 0 '20 to 0 30 Hides 1001bs 5 00 to 6 00 Wood cord 0 40 to. 3 00 Hay ............:......:.............. 6 00 to $ 00 Wool b 2, - vr-A sheepskins Between 10 and 11 .'cr,.o, tiny night the barn of Thomas Robiesmi situated ebout three miles . from Park- hill;• was destroyed by fire, together with its contents. It contained 19,4 year's crop, and is lightly insured.. The fire MIR the work of au incendiary as he alas tracked in the snow to Park- hill. MVIcCLELLAN D BROTH ERS, Drew's Block. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE .-DEPOT 0 THS 1 ebsoriber begs to announce to the it•hlsbitantri of Meier .and the snrrouuding ooun- try, that he has opened a TIN and S l'OVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery aud Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epared to fill all orde, s for Cook, Parlor and . Other Stoves At Manufacturers :Prices.' tinware, cl eaper:than the cheapest.; and made up by practieQl • workmen on the: premises.: Ears-Trougliiag liens to order, Carriage Plating at, , neeialty Coal ell Chimneys, bo ,. rery best and none (Aim r.:.: • 0 Intending p,arohasers will, always find me sttny pos;, ready attend to nisi own buaanesa and preparte4 at all ,tiames toArent .enstorners.o teingty. and supply them *idiot good, and cheap artio o. .Depend upoaa it,that,nowhere can you get better value for goer mnr4ev ;t o J. .L9 VWI'y� il�a s> .pl' c0iu di:1sIT•p9'id 1t l' `ides,tind''�-S�'leep t3kl�gS. /` /j� .!. y..��., ,:. •tix'e�i1!E'.trlt�t0',1'.PIVMI,S�1f�.,.IJehVVI 00t on .1. ' 1 ,�v •.f!il�f '1 ,.w •Y.1''ltt' r . .Y t>�n,>ra wllr4ft itid lett Uty,kficik wtlhte, 4th •' t ,� °it" r E H. SPAC MAN. , tt� *b.,:ne+t't, Exeter P 0, botOwirtsr'i8W7.'. �,•i CLEARING SALE BEFORE TAKIG STOCK SAMWELL & PICKARD Will offer for cash or 10 Days the balance of their Fall and winter Goods at Cost so as to make room for their Spring Stock, All goods we shall offer are now goods bought for this Season's Trade at lower prices, LADIES' MANTLES, at cost. HEAVY MANTLE CLOTHES, at cost. MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, at cost. MIME SETS aud MUFFS, at cost. FUR CAPS, at oust, CLOUDS and SCARES,, at Dost. Also a full assortment of general DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS CAPS, CHINA TEA SETS and CROCKERY which will be offered at bottom prices we are glad to say our stock is not large but fully assorted in all lines. Although this has been a very hard season we are happy to say our mode of doing business has been ap- preciated by the public as our sales for past year has far exceeded our expectations. Thank all customers and patrons for past favors and still solicit your patronage. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, MOW THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC ' CARLING Is prepared to give all hie customers too bereftts that will accrue from its adoption,and has on hand a largo stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines auc Liquuors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store,l\Iain Street, Exeter, which will be sold at Wlijcli will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find 3,t to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market. fees, on the Exeter market,which is second • to none in the west, and then call `at the store of the subscriber and . Secure Immense Bargaii m there to - be had in Overcoating Fllll.t loths, Broad, -cloth Doe skins,,Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everytuin ; . needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery. Departlnent very Complete. An inspection invited. No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING Furniture and Undertaking. S. FAIRBAIRN has on band at Hensall as large and as handsome a stook of FURNITURE as earl be found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP I UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Having prooured a handsome hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most'Reasonable Terms, In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti -Septic Fluid, which preserves the body and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A call respectfully solicited. S. FAIl1.BAIRN. • JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND . LIQUOR STORE, A. LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON ' and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, FELINES, DRIED APPLEt3, 3 GANED.FRUIT, SARDINES, LUBSTZES, iSAT4110N, BITTER SAUCE A' 1' ptCtir,ra.TZrAtifT^9, I tNS, N1 ,1' sdot �ui I1:MIS'FI ANI-170MM0N WKI HHISES,',f'q 3,t� ,l Whalt:'sl�ati' and Befall. ..:t.• wits 1 .b.. 5: 21t1 SYEUP9, RYE, MA T, ,0 AND CIGARS, 4 hoduStrea ,: kat Cr