HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-1-23, Page 2pealt:er the 'ad - emarks by Ir. M. 0. , Meredith. rivilege of the be speech, he it to have taken antage of springing a dense motion upon the regard to the indem- ers, he did not cnusider t was too much. He was d to defend the present he Ministers. her condemned the member or sneering nt Senator Me- eneuptliht, which contained conn»n.uding the most serious ion of the members. The pin- pointed nut the growing extrava- ee et' the Government, which, if not eoked, wnutd in a few years lead to ireet taxation. He approved of the amendment, which did not censure the nets of the Government, but only os- • pressed the opinion that the espendi- tnr.e of the onuntry should be kept nithin the revenue—a most proper Ton TIMES Ministerial speakers in this debate._ He thought school Inspectors had too much power, and often demanded the erection of new school houses.' which were not re suite. This was looked. nlou as tyrrallical end unjust. I3t was favorable to a reform in the jury system. He intended supporting the amendment to the amendtneut, It had been contended that this motion wits mere Clap trap,. but he heard Mr. Parkhill again premising his constitu- ents to bring in an amendment. While so many uufortnnate classes bad in- stitutes erected for them, he regretted no provision was made for the idiotic, bat he hoped tlutt this would be rein• e.(lied before long.. Hon. Mr. Crooks begged to remind the hon. gentlelllnu that there w as nn idiotic Asylum in Orillia which con- tained some two hundred inmates. 11Ir. Parr said that ;a 11'lat;ietrate was badly needed in tho village of Shel- bourne, %lid that he bed been urged to bring it before the attention of the tit- arn.ey-General.. GRAY'S sYfu P ,N RED SPRUCE CU IV1. Trade Mark Registered. PRICE e6 CEATS. very ono has hoard of the wonderful effects of the Spruces and the Pines in cases of Lung Ptsoaso, The Boy. Mr, Murray in his book on the Aaitondaolts, lately published, relates the ease cf a consumptive young man who was mod by athroe inonths' camping out among the pines. In France the physicians regularly send theta consumptive patientsto the pine woods, an 1 order thein to drink it tea made from thea race tops. (ln&i's SYRUP is a sotez.tifio combination of the gum which ele- udes from the Red Spruce tree. in this. preparation the gum never separates, and all its anti-sparmodic ex- pooto•+ant, t o , 10 and balsamic properties aro p Ifor Ooughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Throat Affootious, tic., it sots like a charm. Wonderful Discovery. filur_kass IdE FRIEND OF MANKIND. PI 1NTA8MS OF'1.711 I BRAIN t. • i. onggestinn, and not to be construed in- The ancients believed that nt the to a vote of want of confidence. With point where man's mile and power over reference to the amendment to the the forces of the world ended, their Amendment, he believed. it was the destiny began; if a ship was wrecic- llorest convietinn of the members or . d at sea,or if a cot -tatty wasdeva..tat d both s des of the Honse that there was by an epidelute, ee such oaiastrophes amnceesi.ty for the most rigid economy, were clearly not brought about bf and we omnddnot better begin than nt man's wishes or desires, they thought onr own PalarieR. With reference to that they could only be caused be some the :1Iinieters' ealarieo, he curl not tnystelioes,superhnlnait power n bo thiol: they had deserved their increase, ttrr(ldle•l with, and ruled over human Peeing the amount of time they spend affairs. We c:uutot certrtiiily t e a»1 - in electioneering. while taking all prised that such should have tle(•n the pride in our educational institutions, views and opinions of persons who were : he thought that the expenses were lgl: rant of the foot that a storm 01., tan heavy and bnrdensome. Tho change epideithe is but anaatural effect -naturalresult- '. of text -books had canse(1 a great, deal ing il(ln-naturalcoulees, and that 1te of csnense where perhaps it could bo "ccnrreuce is govtrni:d by ltwa a1 cer- lengt borne.tain otn:l,ns iuvetritbie as that of iJr•tvitb- lien. Mr. Crooks snirt that the tirtn. Iu a coualry whore there were change of test books was not arbitrary, supposed to be gale of the sea and gods The nhange was or tionad with the of the woods, rulers of the mild and school trustees, deities of the river, there manifestly Mr. Flesher said that the Depart- was but little room in which moo's free • Trent may not be directly respnnsible 'till could assert itself. But now, .iuet' foe the change of text -books, but the we know that welsave, in truth, only evil existed. to contend with natural forces, and Mi. Sinclair congratulated the Hon, those, too, of a cfnstent and nuiform Mr. Cameron on his elevation to thecharacter, we to, by studying their Bench, and felt sure he wo11d honor- laws, render th snb�ervient to oar nilly diecherge the Judge's duties. He wishes, and tun them became our then „want +titrongh the speed,, alt- ministers, instead. n tillowing them to • to„g'ttLe., of the, several clauses. He die be our niahtes's. The eIectri.3 cnrrent,' . ' not `think the present indemnity to which, in the forst of lightning, was members nr the :salaries of Ministers once the fiery sword of angry deity, were to large, and he condemned file has now became the willing messenger amendment introduced by the.Oppesi- of man, and earri�s his commands tin, Bnt under the ebnugwd circum- the uttertnost parts of the earth. '1'111114stances he was not unfavorable to a lone of the most marvelous and fearful rednctiol of the indemnity. He eon- !instrument:s of Destiny, as it appeared demned the amendment because at the time of the increase, it was pledged that it would' not be need in a political sense.'• bIr. Meredith—It is not being need so now. Mr. Sinclair could :.not understand hnw the Oppo-ition conld vote against what they had, in common with the Government, neniroVer1 of. 111r. Clarke (Norfolk) held that any amendment to the address was defactn a vnte of want of cnnti(lence. He said if hr• conld eo demean himself as to smirch his' fair fame by voting for the amendment, he would pray that his friends night whip him naked round the world. (Langliter.) It being six o'clock, the House rose. After recess, Mr. Clarke resumed. He renal n let- ter frntn Mr. Meredith which stated:— "I think $600 enough, but I will nol stand in the way of an increase if the inajnrity of the members Consider it necessary; but tinder no circumstances, whether the preposition be acted upon er not, should it be used onteitle for po- litical purposes, Mr. Lauder takes the same view." Mr. Meredith—Here, here. i1'tr. Clarke—Notwithstanding that' Lauder agreed in tisi4 view, we found him using this matter for poliical pnr- prises. If the Oppnsttion thonght the indemnity t•)o large let thele restore it, a,,d, following the 8ori1)10ral plan, le' thein restore it four -fold. Mr. Clarke neft', in pursue' ee of hie uratic em r rtbuet,(t Mr. Bethune for tetvinir said to the ioliabitaut, of Nome a"tl Athens some twenty contraries ego, as in these hatter days lost much of its terrible character ; anti, to the great dlsgnst of .Jupiter and other lords of Olympu+, little Mr. Dillettaute at his euieutifio seances can give yon. as mach lightning es you wish. The fancy stud irna)inn- ,ion are inure paean.' and less subject to the dictates of reason, in the night then they are, in 'the day titee; the land ofdarkness may bo considered as their properand iisturai babitut ; and like the bats, they aro most busy when the sun has left is. Ignorance is a land of dni'hi ess, and when mortal:, had not the remotest idea of what was the cause or nature of ibil eclipse,, and when they knew le514 t111L11 nothing" about electr•icty, it is hardly .a matter to be wondered at that, iso knowledge hell onlittod.to furei,b the universe for them wit L• facts and realirien, they Al- lowed imagivation to supply the ,defici- envy with the first fieti•)us and fancies that presented themselves. The world was to them a tabula rasa, and they wrote upon it whatever they thought it, Besides these two ennses of fatalism-- unmely, the existence of evil and the tracts:end, nt ],ower and vastne ss of the u,.,iverseas compared with man—there is a third to which we may here refer, and that i' the existence, or seeming exi-tence, in the world of what we are pleased to call " chance." Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as "chance" --for nothing taken place without there being some cerise of its ocenrrailce, although 111 intiily oases that, as far as be could see, Senator that o,4nse Inn, ,nwitlg to Its remoteness; McPherson's fignees were correct, and and lei ;stenos,+, be concealed from our that ne'wae favorable to a reduction of view. Nevartheless,tyhenever an event the iuderrluity. He chitrneterized Ilius as happens of the cause of which they are a tritUtner woo set his Haile to (Rotch entirely ignuraut, men aro wont to arrsuwe that it has come to pass with. out being caused at all, or, Its they term it, by "charwee,"—Exchange. •.e.4 every spiny and balmy breeze, even if t (mine from the Opeusitic)t . Mr.,Rues approved of the oourse per - ailed by the IMioniter of Education. He rekerred to Senator McPherson's lsYonr Life Worth 10 Centel pamphlet, and characterized kiln as a Sickness prevails everywhere, end every- uLykJiiciriteJ, bectLttye he pr, -tended to be; body complains of some disease during their -a unpartial iritic, whereas. he was a t life. When sick, the obloet is to get well ; now tt1C,r ut pnt'tilt [I. [Ie weer(' be glad to l to say that no•peieon •intlais world that is snf- xee thhe jury system amplified anti inn eying with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and, ]troved, so'"I" in 1+5)1111 it1 trials Lt its effects, such as Indigistion, Costiveness, i Siek Headache, Sour Stotnach, Heart 13urn, Palpitation of the Heart,' liepres •ed Spirits, Biliousness, eta., can tale Gx:nros1's Aoous'r itnnwait without getting 'elief and cure. If you doubt this, go to yo Druggist end get 14 wenld be impossible to select a jury of ire noliticat stripe, its cern be twee at eti . Darr dorreeat441 the t?'crstp0llintA t3etnple Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Beim- - • had beau displayed by the I;La;'rime 75 cents. TWO ruses will relieve you. LAn Internal & External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. tt me a tunl nhetism snot Natualgia ane :etas 241 ,lltl 1 -et tntl ••R 1.r, • ,+ ,.It istiie only known remedy for h OO relaui nn the Auieriean Continent, proved by others. 1a conn n o a4pplic cl it elves. ruat;4llt care to the '�i^unforluuti.tt sufferer, It is rapidly absorbed, Vtrenetilrtc.a tiltlir veaybone enters the circuli Mien, neutralizing all "ltheniatic Poisou"olr ketileting iuthc+blood, rind exTcols b from the ystom through the natural outlets. IT CURES s-,jTooth+elle, Earache, Headache, 'So'malia r it.lnnmatism, Sprairs, Swellings, Tum flantloi imine, (hits, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in ,luck, Pain In Chess, Pain in shoulder, Coughs, - 'ol ts,Frost Bites, Cht101:4ilis, Mar hoes, Dys- entery, Summer Complaint, Sc., tttc. It will cure themut agonizing linin; inter nal or bxtal'Ilal, in ono inscu vat ++i'time. 1'o"tt your prejudice anlgietitstiol; une invent went is small and relief ca tido. The great .,,urot of its success with all elapses is owing to the fact it is safe and harmless, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and can be applied to a aider range of disease r11 every day life.' with greater success than any preparation \stiicii research skill and "Medical Soienon". • has yet produced. - • lie a proof :if its groat power Over disease Inv person no matter who it :may be,Rich, ar Poor, Old or Young, who is suffering from my of the above named pr.in'ul eompbrints,. will call at the Office in Toronto, auv clay of w .�.' i cti the eek ~gill get j practicaca proof proof "Filen nt, charge, O1 itsmagicalpoweroverparuinvue apphaation._ _- __ • Testimonials from allparts of tee Dominion fro o nsta •tly coming to band, giving oxpres- -ion to the. most grateful gratitude for as- tonishing cures which it has performed, and we would be pleased to receive testimonials,' tro-n all others who 040 it snra^nnelnlly. Physiciansof the highest respuota,.uity re' a is commend it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sod - :.ion emergoiiccrt, Carry it to yrrir homes, and it'will prove a blessing to your family and afflicted friends. Druggists aro selling enormous quantities 01.11 it weerever introchtcod. .,.. the cold t 5irod,.. II chalieinge trio world to produce 11's equal. Tho Trade sappliod through the who all Drug find Patent i.tedioine Houses of Ilontro- it, 'Toronto, Hamilton and London Brice 25 Cents per Bottle ! .' Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. HAY PUMP WORKS G. BJL.TON, • PR0?RIETOii. Having now grouter facilities for manufacturing onions than any other factory in the 500119111 am prepared to furnish pumps and dig wells on the shortest notion, and warrant all work. My pumps have taken the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PALL SHOWS against many competitors. I can recommend thorn, and sell as cheap as a ly second rate article N. $,-FAIR WORK OF ALL BINDS DONE MRS. SOLTOh. to Shop--Hnn-q'tartar mile north of Exeter London Road. Hay P. 0 Exeter. Ltig. Sth, 1974. 6-,n. DO NOT,READ THIS. `- aving receibed a lot of new mach:nery, I Lee would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country. that I am prepared to. manu- facture till kinds ;of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Swaths, etc, and having secured the services of a first -Class Turner, I am prepared- to do. ALL KINDS OF TURNING nn the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Alwn.,ys on hand a first- class stock of Pori: and Shovel handles. Mill half a anile south of Exeter. A. COT'TELL: NE 1.V BLACKSMITH AND • GENERAL JOS BINGSROP,HENALL. —0 -- Having my new shop now in full blast, I world in- form toe public. that I ata prepared to do all hinds, of Bhaoksutibbing, Including repairing of all kinds of Agrioaltnral Machinery, such as Reapers, Mow. era, 'I nroshing Machines, and Horse Shoeing will receive my careful ntteution. Horses that inter- fere, and having tender feet treated In the most approved manner, and satisfaction given. Charges Moderate I leave on hand all 1ci^ds of Agricultural Maple moots from the Massey ttanuracturing Co., New emote. I S II01 ember the plane—rust shop west of the a vp•v„ave, .a+-�ue+�w+aq,�� A �+� W .NNi• siM,YV nor C. S. GIDLEY 'tfndertnk€'s ? ; anl.cl 1��', �>�nii✓Z�Ir( 1' OULD SAY TO those who intend purohnsing to do so from the ,manufacturer. The dealer who buys to Rolf again inttst neoessarily have a profit. We claim to give the purchasers the benefit, which 'oaunot fall to meet the views of the (bangers. Our ospenaes aro loss than those of pity nvnrn'acturors oonseq'+ent- ly we can sell cheaper. SANL'A7.7 0, 1879 a. .1M2an•rtf1c,:r .re xs r WOULD V V call specialattention .: to our audortaking depart inerit,ivhich is ntore corn .let e than aver, a5 WO hale driedoto eveTh+r, gal ire:5 w dos001811ign,e nt, f. h• it caskets shrouds;4nd every 1 uuexal requisite at t•L e ^ t lou est prices, Our new hA I'learso is pronounced 1,y �•' 7 competent Judges to' la second. to noro in tie /merinos Emblems of all the Different Societies. 1878) (1878 THE OLD RELIABLE I-IOLTSE At all times, andpat:tioalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purohase where he can get the altiele he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stook, Ido so with every conficl once; it being inoreoarefully assorted and selected than that of any previous•soason. >a 0 In the Dry Goods Evetydepartment is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked' a prices which should ommfland the attention of the very closest buyers. TIAL O1U)E1ttiD CLOTHIN:z still has hill. Iv. IVES at it..head • In Millinery Underthe me,:agement of 1liss 9ioGloghlon, we can snit the most fastidious. Our stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and hest a+sorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their best interests by examining my stook before going elsewhere. JAMES PIC KARD SOLE AGENCY, THIS GREAT ENGLISH FOOD ranks above all others in the market as a Fattener and Inprover of the condition of Stook. IT INCREASES THE QUANTITY OFMILKAT EACH MILKING 20 Per Ct. and improves the gnnlity. Calves will thrive on one-third less milk, while the rate at which Horses, Cattle, Sheep. and Bogs will put on flesh under its use, is marvellous. NEARLY ALL THE PRIZE TAKING' STOcK AT THE PROVINCIAL EX- HiBiTION FED ON TFIOBLEY'S FOOD. No Farmer Should. do Without it. Put up in boxes at. 50c., $1 00, $3.00.' $5.00, $10.00. D minion LaboratoryExeter. ANT N show this week NEiV MANTLES, TRIMMED HATS, MINK FURS. BUFFALO ROBES, /BLANKETS, AT VERY LC W PRICE S. --0:0-- STOCK WELL ASSORTED They sell at Close prices far cash or on short time only. All accounts duo and. mailed on 1st January, 1st April, lst July, and 1st October. INTEREST CHARGED ON ALL UNPAID AFTER THESE DATES 11.&.1\TTON ;BROS, Eucrett's Block, opposite Samwell a'lf. Pickar d's, Exeter sP I ;CIA LTHIswF:1i(THIS. AT S AMVMWEL L 8c P ICKARD BLACK CASHMERES New makes, COLORED CASHMERES New shades, FRENCH TWILL DRY GOODS Choice goods. MILLINERY & MAN TLE S. The choicest goods ever shown by 115 CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER by first-class workmen, and a fit guaranteed. Also a fine assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING CONSTANTLY On HAND. CARPETS IN NEW PATTERNS. A first-elnao asanrtmoe+t of New °rooeries nn hand, In- epeetion invited, Remember the niece. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, in